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Cheat Sheet for PFC/PowerBuilder Help

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Welcome to the Cheat Sheet for PFC/PowerBuilder Help..........Error: Reference source not found INTRO AND TOUR.......................................................................................................ERROR: REFERENCE SOURCE NOT FOUND ONLINE HELP AND DOCUMENTATION (THE 1ST PLACE TO LOOK!)...................................ERROR: REFERENCE SOURCE NOT FOUND POWERBUILDER USER GROUP MEETINGS.....................................................................ERROR: REFERENCE SOURCE NOT FOUND SYBASE CONFERENCES...............................................................................................ERROR: REFERENCE SOURCE NOT FOUND PFC/POWERBUILDER/THEORY TRAINING CLASSES............................................................................................................15 EXPERT HELP - NEWSGROUPS ON THE SYBASE NEWS SERVER........................................ERROR: REFERENCE SOURCE NOT FOUND EXPERT HELP SYBASE SUPPORT SEARCH.......................................................................................................................18 EXPERT HELP SYBASE DEVELOPER NETWORK................................................................................................................18 EXPERT HELP PBDJ DEVLEOPER FORUM.....................................................................................................................18 EXPERT HELP POWERBUILDER/SYBASE NEWSLETTERS....................................................................................................18 EXPERT HELP - COMPUSERVE.........................................................................................................................................18 EXPERT HELP - PFC GUIDE...........................................................................................................................................19 PFC/PB FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQS)..........................................................................................................20 PFC MAIL LIST - PFCSIG...........................................................................................ERROR: REFERENCE SOURCE NOT FOUND PFC MAIL LIST - PFC-USERS......................................................................................ERROR: REFERENCE SOURCE NOT FOUND PFC MAIL LIST - PBPFC................................................................................................................................................25 PB MAIL LIST - PB-L..............................................................................................ERROR: REFERENCE SOURCE NOT FOUND PB MAIL LIST - PBHELP..............................................................................................................................................27 PB UNMODERATED NEWSGROUP................................................................................ERROR: REFERENCE SOURCE NOT FOUND POWERBUILDER-RELATED MAGAZINES.........................................................................ERROR: REFERENCE SOURCE NOT FOUND PFC/POWERBUILDER BEST BOOKS.............................................................................ERROR: REFERENCE SOURCE NOT FOUND PFC/POWERBUILDER TOP TOOLS...................................................................................................................................33 PFC/POWERBUILDER WEB SURFIN..............................................................................................................................38 CONTACTING THE PFC DEVELOPMENT TEAM AND SYBASE.............................................ERROR: REFERENCE SOURCE NOT FOUND HOW TO STUDY FOR THE SYBASE CERTIFIED POWERBUILDER DEVELOPER (CPD) TESTS. .ERROR: REFERENCE SOURCE NOT FOUND I WOULD LIKE TO LEARN PFC. WHERE DO I START?"......................................................................................................58 MORE INFORMATION AT THE WEB SITE.......................................................................................................................64 YOUR COMMENTS AND INPUT ARE WELCOME!..................................................................................................................64

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Cheat Sheet for PFC/PowerBuilder Help

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Welcome to the Cheat Sheet for PFC/PowerBuilder Help

Intro and Tour
There are a variety of different avenues for seeking "Help" for your PFC and PowerBuilder questions. Some avenues are just for looking around to see what is new and some ways allow you to "bounce ideas" off of other people and other ways allow you to find a specific answer to your particular question, either by a Sybase expert, or by a PowerBuilder peer, or even simply all by yourself! ... Pick the ways that are right for you! Note: If you are just getting started with the PFC, you may want to go first to the section (at the end) on "I would like to learn PFC. Where Do I start?" The following pages are designed to be like a "Cheat Sheet" for remembering where to go to get some "Help". Wise programmers don't know it all, but they know HOW to find any answer they want or need. The truth is out there - the web is powerful. Learn how to work the web. For if I give you a fish, that will feed you for one day. But if I teach you how to fish, that will feed you forever. Not only will the "Cheat Sheet" teach you how to go fish the web, but it will also serve as a powerful tool for you, so that answers will always be at your fingertips. By the way, over the years, I have had some people ask me, Sharon, why do you call your site a Cheat Sheet? Well, dont worry, it has nothing to do with cheating <g>. A "Cheat Sheet" is simply a nick-name for like a Quick Reference Think of it as a summarized, organized set of those all-important Post-It Notes that you have. So now, lets get started by going on a brief tour of all of your available options for getting Help

THE FIRST PLACE TO LOOK Boring, boring, boring... but oh so true, your answers are many times right here in front of you! So, first and foremost, always keep in mind to check the online help and documentation first! Many questions can be answered by doing that alone. This category includes the help files (PB, PFC & SQLAnywhere), the online reference books and the infobases. Your Best Friends pbhlp70.hlp, pbpfc70.hlp pbhlp60.hlp, pbpfc60.hlp pbhlp050.hlp, pbpfc050.hlp, dbeng50w.hlp (make these super easy to access on your PC) (in titlebar as Online Doc - 7.0,6.0,5.0) (in titlebar as Bug?) (in titlebar as SEARCHSybase)

Online, free, up-to-date Books Online, free, up-to-date Infobase Online, free, Sybase Support Search

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Cheat Sheet for PFC/PowerBuilder Help


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The PowerBuilder User Group meetings and the Sybase Conferences are excellent means to learning bunches and bunches of things in a short amount of time. I highly recommend taking advantage of these for keeping up with technology and for learning about the ins and outs of others experiences. Many times lasting "contact" relationships are formed at these gatherings as well. And, of course, it goes without saying that all PFC Training classes are invaluable. Even classes in PowerBuilder and theory are very beneficial. There are several options for training available: Sybases classes, self-study materials and tour classes. All are excellent. Steve Benfields classes are more fast-paced and "advanced" level classes, and I highly recommend them! Although Benfield has moved on, you can still enjoy the content of his classes past from his cool CDs. For more information on training, please see:

EXPERT HELP The next available resource for Help are the Sybase Newsgroups, hosted by the TeamSybase Gurus. The TeamSybase gurus do a wonderful job of answering your questions quickly, succinctly and correctly Visit the Sybase News Server at: (in titlebar as PFC?) (in titlebar as PB?) Complete list: Another highly recommended avenue is the PFC Guide WEB site by TeamSybase member Boris Gasin at: Boris Gasin[TeamPS]s PFC Guide site (Has it all!): (in titlebar as PFCGuide) A new avenue is the SDN (Sybase Developer Network) web site by Sybase at: And yet another avenue is the PBDJ Developer Forum web site by the Power Team at:

POWERBUILDER/SYBASE NEWSLETTERS Subscribe to one or more of these PowerBuilder/Sybase Newsletters, and keep current effortlessly... Sybase Developer Network at justPBinfo at The Instant Sybase News Service at Michael Brown's Pure Power at

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Cheat Sheet for PFC/PowerBuilder Help

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GET THE FAQS (FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS) Boris Gasin's PFC Guide has a well-organized and extremely helpful set of PFC FAQs at: (in titlebar as FAQs - PFCGuide) And the PFC Guide also has a handy list of the PFC Faxbacks from Sybase at: (in titlebar as PFCFaxbacks) The Sybase PowerBuilder Faxbacks are well organized and easy to search at: (in titlebar as PBFaxbacks) There are also regular PowerBuilder FAQs at:

PFC/PB-RELATED MAIL LISTS AND NEWSGROUPS The next available resource category are the PowerBuilder-related mail lists. Searching the archives of these mail lists are very helpful (and totally free!). You may also subscribe to the mail lists. At the following site, there is a handy little Subscribe and unsubscribe to these mail lists: (in titlebar as MailList - Subscribe) In a nutshell, these are some favorites: "PFC - RRSI" (PRO: Has searchable archives, PRO: Is PFC-specific) "PowerBuilder" (CON: Huge load, PRO/CON: Broad categories, PRO: Monitored by Sybase) "PBHelp" (PRO/CON: Broad categories) "SQL Anywhere" Of course, you can get totally inundated with email subscribing to one or more mail list, so you may wish to consult the E-Control Tips at . Here you will find such tips as using the digest option, using e-mail filters, setting up a separate pop e-mail account, checking/searching the archives, or possibly opting for newsgroups instead. Here are some of the searchable archives of the mail lists/newsgroups... (in titlebar as MailList - Search) using keywords +comp.soft-sys.powerbuilder +PFC

In addition, there is a PBHelp mail list (with a digest option) at: And here is the name of the PowerBuilder unmoderated newsgroup: news:comp.soft-sys.powerbuilder

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Cheat Sheet for PFC/PowerBuilder Help

POWERBUILDER-RELATED MAGAZINES Another useful resource are the PowerBuilder-related magazines and publishings.

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Don't miss Boris Gasin's "PFC Place" in PowerTimes (an International electronic magazine) See for details and free downloads. Also, don't miss John Olson at the "PFC Corner" in PowerBuilder Developers Journal (available online also at ). Sybase has two quarterly magazines that are both free as well as online: Sybase Magazine at and Powerline Quarterly at The PowerBuilder Advisor (available online also at OpenDocument ) is fairly inexpensive and provides a lot of interesting and useful information, including some excellent articles on the PFC. Unfortunately, PB Advisor is no longer available. However, back issues are, and a wonderful, HyperText-searchable CD containing all 1996 issues is available. A webzine PowerBuilder & Java Journal On-Line is both free and online, check out the PFC-related articles in here at .

PFC/POWERBUILDER BEST BOOKS Here are two PFC books that every PFC developer simply must have! Check them out... Title: Powerbuilder Foundation Class Library Professional Reference (Team Powersoft Series) Click here: Sneak Peeks: Authors: Howard Block, Millard Brown, William Green, Boris Gasin, Andy Tauber Contributions by: Steve Benfield, Kent Marsh and William Rompala. Title: PFC Programmer's Reference Manual Click here: Sneak Peeks: Author: Richard Brooks; Appendices by: Sharon Weinstrom Buntz, Jason Cohen, Glenn G. Dmello, Ken Howe, Greg Schultz, Brian Suter Other primo picks include: 1. Steve Benfield's CDs and 200+ page resource manuals 2. Bernhard Metzger's PB Slick Tricks - The Book 3. The latest Secrets of the PowerBuilder Masters 6. 0 book 4. A PFC Tutorial book 5. A wonderful book on OO Design and Development 6. The first book ever on taking the CPD tests

PFC/POWERBUILDER TOP TOOLS See what the experts deem as the top tools for the PFC!...

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Cheat Sheet for PFC/PowerBuilder Help

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WEB SURFING FAVORITES And here are some more WEB surfing favorites (in titlebar as SURF) Many times you may be able to efficiently go directly to your answer by properly searching WEB sites. Boris Gasin[TeamPS]s PFC Guide site (Has It All!) Rik Brooks' Dojo ~ Lots! Comprehensive, Funny Bob Kawasaki's PB Developer's Web Ring Ken Howe, Brian Suter & Navdeep Chadha's Tips&Software Bill Green[TeamPS] SBA & Business Object Papers/Books Jon Credit[TeamPS] Papers (Containers & SBA) and More Eric Aling[TeamPS] Tips, Links, References, etc. Breck Carter[TeamPS] Tips, Articles and Reference Larry Cermak[TeamPS] Tips & Techniques Woodger Computing, Inc.'s PFC Intro & Tips justPBinfo David Levines .PBL PowerBuilder Links and More Eric Egnet's PowerScape Hundreds of PB-Related Links Michael Harmons Links & PB-L Mail List Info PurePower's PB Tips, Articles, Links and Jobs Ted Coombs' PowerBuilder Interactive, Variety of Topics PowerBuilder Developers Journal (Magazine)

CONTACTING THE PFC DEVELOPMENT TEAM AND SYBASE... Furthermore, you may wish to contact the PFC Development Team (for advice, suggestions or requests)... (This page is always available in titlebar as Contacting... Sybase.) Plus, check out all the things on the WEB that Sybase has to offer, such as their online infobases, faxbacks and release updates. Also, you may wish to consult your Sybase representatives, especially your training representatives, online or via phone, fax, etc

STUDYING FOR THE CPD TESTS And, finally, I have included some information on Preparing for the CPD Tests. I believe that you can learn a whole lot by preparing and taking these tests. Just be aware that they are not for the sensitive nor the egotistical nor the faint-hearted! They can be very humbling and very frustrating. But, in the end, I think that you will find that you have learned a whole, whole lot!

Well, there you have it everything youll ever need to know is out there Have fun, and here come the Cheat Sheets for HelpSharon Weinstrom Buntz

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Cheat Sheet for PFC/PowerBuilder Help

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Online Help and Documentation (The 1st Place to Look!)

I know, you're thinking, oh how boring and drab... But the truth is, many answers can simply be found right

there in front of you... And then you can save your really good questions for all the other sophisticated ways to find answers! Give good ol' online help a try next time!

Your PB/PFC Best Friends PowerBuilder Help: PowerBuilder Foundation Class (PFC) Help: Sybase SQL Anywhere Manual Help: Online, free, up-to-date Books: Online, free, up-to-date Infobase: Online, free, Sybase Support Search: pbhlp70.hlp, pbhlp60.hlp, pbhlp050.hlp (make these super easy to access on your PC) pbpfc70.hlp, pbpfc60.hlp, pbpfc050.hlp (make these super easy to access on your PC) dbeng50w.hlp (make this super easy to access on your PC) (in titlebar as Online Doc - 7.0,6.0,5.0) (in titlebar as Bug?) (in titlebar as SEARCHSybase)

First off, make it super easy for you to access the Help files... Create shortcuts in your Start Menu and on your Desktop To do so, simply drag the .HLP from Explorer/Find to your Start button or Desktop Add the .HLP files to your MS Office Shortcut Bar Customize your PowerBuilder Toolbar to include PFC Help To do so, specify: winhlp32 <path>pbpfc70.hlp (for example) Always keep in mind that whenever you are in PB script, and if you place your cursor somewhere on a PFC function or event name, you can press Shift-F1 to go directly to the PFC help for that particular PFC function or event. Of course this also works on native PB also. Tip (per Steve Benfield & Boris Gasin): You can also hook-in other Help files to work with Shift-F1. You might want to do this if you have any additional 3rd-party object Help or some internal corporate layer object Help. Simply add the proper :Link xx.hlp and :include xx.cnt lines to your pbhlp##.cnt file, following examples in there. Also, to get to the PFC Help from the regular PowerBuilder Help. (Of course Shift-F1 works.) But, in addition, you can go to the Contents tab of the regular PowerBuilder Help. Then, double-click on the book that says PowerBuilder Foundation Class Library (PFC). That will open up to show other categories like User Objects, Windows, etc. From there, I am sure you can figure it out.
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Cheat Sheet for PFC/PowerBuilder Help

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In addition, don't forget about your courseware material (from your training classes) and the "Online Books for PowerBuilder". BTW, a complete hardcopy set of these books can be purchased from Sybase for $95, plus shipping and handling. Makes it very easy to thumb through and take home. Also check out the Online Books at ( ) It's available from the WEB, free, no CD required, always up-to-date, fast access! And, for the tricky problems, specific questions or suspect bugs, remember to query the Sybase Infobases. You have (a static) copy of these infobases on your CDs that were included with your licensed copy of PowerBuilder But visit the WEB for the most up-to-date Infobase material at . You can also easily search the Infobases online at . And, last but not least, don't be afraid to look at the PFC code itself! All of the source code is right there at your fingertips. Plus, the PFC code is a fine example of how to code, written by the finest programming minds to be found... And so getting to know it helps your programming skills as well. Also, the more you know about what's under the covers, the deeper your understanding will grow.

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Cheat Sheet for PFC/PowerBuilder Help

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PowerBuilder User Group Meetings

PowerTimes ( offers a special PowerBuilder User Group rate. Ask the sponsors of your PBUG to sponsor the entire PBUG membership to receive PowerTimes. Everybody wins... The sponsors get great recognition from PowerTimes ads and grateful PBUG members, The members get the pleasure of a free subscription to a wonderful magazine, and The PBUG gets recognition as well!

International Sybase User Group Sybase Events User Groups - United States User Groups International Swiss PowerBuilder User Group New Jersey PowerBuilder User Group http://www.dynamictechgroup

As a convenience for fellow Texans... Sybase User Group of Texas Info: San Antonio PowerBuilder User Group Meetings Freq: 3rd Thursday of odd-numbered months (Not very regular though) Contact: Richard Carrier, , (830) 980-7824 Sybase Rep: Paul Garrison, , (972) 687-6514 Where: Wyndham Hotel (now Omni Hotel)

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Central Texas PowerBuilder User Group Meetings (in Austin) Freq: 3rd Wednesday of odd-numbered months, 3:00pm Contact: (This PBUG has been inactive for a while) The officers for 1998 were: President: Greg Field, Vice President: Debbie Klinksiek from Austin Software Foundry, Secretary: Mike Horton, Info: Where: Varies Travis Building, 17th & Congress, Downtown Austin, Room 1-100 Catapult Systems, 3001 Bee Cave Road, Austin Houston PowerBuilder User Group Meetings Note: The Houston PowerBuilder User Group has merged with the Sybase Users' Group of Texas For info: Dallas/Fort Worth PowerBuilder User Group Meetings Info:

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Sybase Conferences


Highly recommended! You can absorb more information than you can imagine at one of these. And its fun, too. Mark your calendars for < Sybase TechWave 2000 > ! Meet your PB friends and have fun in Orlando... The Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin Orlando (Lake Buena Vista), Florida July 29 - August 3, 2000 For details as they develop, see When: July 29 August 3, 2000 Where: The Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin - Orlando, Florida Cost: About $995 to $1,295 (Register early for discounts) Benefits include: Keynote presentations Interactive Special Interest Group meetings, sponsored by ISUG Personal help from Sybase engineers in the customer resource center and exhibit hall featuring solutions and technologies from Sybase partners Significant discounts on Sybase products and services Unlimited networking opportunities Welcome Reception on Sunday night Special Event on Wednesday Continental breakfast and lunch, Monday through Thursday ISUG Discount: See for more info on the International Sybase User Group (ISUG) If you are an ISUG member, you get an additional $75 discount If you aren't an ISUG member yet, you can join ISUG for free when you register!
When registering, there is a box to check to join for free. (The $75 conference discount is used to pay your membership.)

Attend the Swiss PowerBuilder User Group Conference 99! Check out the impressive line-up of speakers like John Olson, T. Carson Hager, Mark Pfeifer, Bob Hendry just to to name a few! Have fun in Switzerland and Learn a lot, too! Details available at This one has already passed, but look forward to next year's!

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If you missed TechWave '99 in Orlando, here's what you missed... Conference '99 photos, TeamSybase & PFCer Edition Conference '99 photos, PFC Poster Signing Conference '99 photos, Personal Edition Also, if you missed TechWave '99... You can view the slides and the audio/video clips online... To view the recorded Webcast of the keynote presentation The eleven Sybase press releases that were launched in sync with the opening of the TechWave conference Main TechWave '99 Page: Master Presentations: (logon ID and password protected*) AD262 - Programming with the PowerBuilder Foundation Class (PFC) (logon ID and password protected*) *Note: Unfortunately, you need a logon ID and password to download the presentations. I asked if it is okay for me to publish one here, but unfortunately the request was declined. Perhaps in the near future they may open them up to the public.

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Cheat Sheet for PFC/PowerBuilder Help

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If you missed Powersoft Conference '98 in LA, here's what you missed... Conference '98 photos, TeamSybase & PFCer Edition Conference '98 photos, Personal Edition Also, if you missed Powersoft Conference '98, don't worry... You can view the slides and the audio/video clips online... Web Cast of opening session keynote by Sybase Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Mitchell Kertzman: Also check out some live PBDJ audios recorded live at the conference! (Such as Steve Benfield and David Shiver Debate!) Master for PM (afternoon) presentations: PM319 - Using PowerDesigner to Jump-Start PowerBuilder PFC Projects PM320 - Using the PFC 6.0 LUW Service PM321 - Using the PFC 6.0 TreeView Control PM322 - Increasing Distributed PowerBuilder Speed with ORB-Type PFC Services PM602 - Beginning with the PFC PM603 - Rearchitecting a "Legacy" PowerBuilder Application to Use the PFC PM605 - Case Study: Extending the PFC Security Module PM606 - Stored Procedures, Databases, and the PFC

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If you missed Powersoft Conference '97 in Nashville, here's what you missed... Conference '97 photos, TeamSybase Edition Conference '97 photos, Personal Edition Also, if you missed Powersoft Conference '97, don't worry... You can view the slides and the video clip online... Master for PM (afternoon) presentations: PM 40 - New Features in the PFC Library (PFC 6.0) - by PFC Development Teamsters - Mark Overbey and Claudio Quant PM 41 - Techniques and Design Strategies to Use on the PFC Library - by Howard Block, administrator of pfcsig PM 77 - Customizing the PFC Library - by Earl Clark, Powersoft PM 76 - PowerBuilder Foundation Class Library - by PFC Dev Team Mbr Brian Grimm, & Jackie Green, PS Tech Support Also, the cute Web Cast of the opening session can be viewed at Lastly, for a raw index of all the .zip files check

For more info from the PFC Guide... The Local, Mini Conferences are the next best thing. They are usually only a day or so, cost around $100 to $300. They are usually presented by other companies.

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Cheat Sheet for PFC/PowerBuilder Help PFC/PowerBuilder/Theory Training Classes

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Steve Benfield teaches like no other... Missed his cool seminars? Don't miss these hot CDs and accompanying 200+ page resource manuals! More info at If you are just getting started with the PFC, I strongly recommend using the PFC CD (plus 200+ page resource manual) to learn PFC. There is also an advanced CD on Business Logic for all you seasoned programmers.

Steve Benfield's Tour Classes Check out Steve Benfield's CDs! Developower's Year 2000 Live Training Are You Prepared for Y2K? Take the QUIZ! Sybase Training classes and self-study materials Applied Software PowerBuilder Online Classes

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Expert Help - NewsGroups on the Sybase News Server

NewsGroups at Sybase News Server: The Sybase News Server is hosted by the TeamSybase Gurus. The TeamSybase gurus do a wonderful job of answering your questions quickly, succinctly and correctly. (PB & PFC Newsgroups, moderated)

Complete list: To Search Archives from the PFC Guide's Newsgroup Search: Try out the PFC Guide's Newsgroup Search at: To Search Archives from Deja: Goto Deja at: and search for the name of the newsgroup, adding any other desired keywords as well. For example: powersoft.public.powerbuilder.pfc security powersoft.public.* security sybase.public.* transaction Newsgroup Setup Faxbacks: 47611 - Configuring your Newsreader for Powersoft Newsgroups 47612 - Available Sybase and Powersoft Newsgroups 47613 - NNTP Newsgroups at Sybase, Inc. 47614 - How to Best Utilize Powersoft Newsgroup Services

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Cheat Sheet for PFC/PowerBuilder Help

News Server IP address:

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Breck Carter's Tip 87: Getting Started With Powersoft and Sybase News Groups: Also, be sure to follow some rules of Netiquette: Firewall restrictions? If your company has a firewall against all NNTP newsgroups, ask your network administrator to please open it up for just the Sybase server. Usually, there is no problem doing so. If however your company will not allow it, try out Dynamic Technology Group's ( ) web-based news reader which enables you to post and read messages to/from at . Note: You've wondered forever what these TeamSybase gurus are actually like in person, and now, finally, in addition to checking out their web sites ( ), you can see them, too! ( )

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Expert Help Sybase Support Search

Sybase Support Search: To easily find related Technical documents, Product Manual information and Solved Cases, search Sybase Support at:

Expert Help Sybase Developer Network

SDN (Sybase Developer Network): To stay up-to-date, be sure to visit the Sybase Developer Network often at:

Expert Help PBDJ Devleoper Forum

PBDJ Developer Forum: Expert help from the "Power Team" at

Expert Help PowerBuilder/Sybase Newsletters

PowerBuilder/Sybase Newsletters: Sybase Developer Network JustPBinfo The Instant Sybase News Service Michael Brown's Pure Power (Archives also)

Expert Help - Compuserve

In Compuserve: GO POWERSOFT ~or~ GO PBFORUM This PowerBuilder Forum used to be hosted by the TeamSybase people. However, they moved to the Sybase newsgroups (above). Since then, another group has taken over the Compuserve forum. So it is still active and available if you wish to use it as well. You can also access the PBForum via the web at Please note however that you still must be a Compuserve member to visit this site.

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Cheat Sheet for PFC/PowerBuilder Help Expert Help - PFC Guide

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Must See!!
TeamSybase Member, Boris Gasins PFC Guide web site: Highlights: This WEB site was created by TeamSybase member Boris Gasin, a highly respected authority on the PFC.

This site contains a potpourri of many helpful things dealing specifically with the PFC. For example... PFC Service FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions), including... PFC Theory... Very helpful PFC Links General descriptions of PFC services Answers to common questions for different PFC services Solutions to several problems using PFC services PFC in general, How to get started PFC Extension Strategies Sybase PFC-related faxbacks Upcoming PFC functionality PFC-mailing list subscriptions & archives PFC related articles PFC product reviews (coming soon) A PFC Extension Layer Most recent copy of this document PFC-related events, upgrade schedules, and product releases A number of PFC extensions and new services (See site for contest, too!)

A PFC Webzine Downloads News EXTENSIONS

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PFC/PB Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

PFC Guide FAQs ~ Must see! PFC Faxbacks from Sybase ~ Handy! PowerBuilder Faxbacks - Easy to Search! PowerBuilder FAQs by Craig Wagner (from mail lists PB-L & comp.soft-sys.powerbuilder) nts

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PFC Mail List - pfcsig

Description: This is IIGGs "Majordomo" mailing list manager. This mail list is intended for PFC-specific questions and topics. IIGG, Inc. (Impact Innovations Government Group, Inc.) at ...part of IIG, Inc. (Impact Innovations Group, Inc.) ...formerly known as Per-Se Technologies ...formerly known as BSG-Columbia, Inc. ...formerly known as Rapid System Solutions, Inc. (RSSI) List Administrator: Originally, this mail list was started by Howard Block Mike Fitzsimmons at or mailto:Michael.Fitzsimmons/ Send an email addressed to: containing the following text in the message area: subscribe pfcsig or unsubscribe pfcsig (please see additional notes below) Be prepared for lots of emails though! Check out the E-Control Tips at Also, be sure to follow some rules of Netiquette1 - Netiquette2 - To subscribe/unsubscribe easily: To send an email to group: Note: Some mail lists take a while for turnaround. Oftentimes you and others may not see your message for up to three hours or so. This is normal. Note: Do not be alarmed if you get a handful of returned e-mail messages. These are caused by individual e-mail addresses which are subscribed, but are no longer valid or working addresses. When you see these, rest assured that your actual e-mail probably did successfully make it to the mail listand the server is in the process of distributing the message to everyone. Tag auto-appended to bottom of all messages:


Where you can Search archives: To subscribe/unsubscribe:

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Cheat Sheet for PFC/PowerBuilder Help

Commands and Syntax: Notes on Command Syntax

Working Document

In the descriptions below, items contained in []'s are optional. When providing the item, do not include the []'s around it. Commands should be sent in the body of an email message to . Commands in the "Subject:" line NOT processed. If you have any questions or problems, please contact , or try Mike Fitzsimmons at Michael.Fitzsimmons/ . Commands and Syntax subscribe <list> [<address>] Subscribe yourself (or <address> if specified) to the named <list> Examples: To: From: Subject: whatever ~ Can't wait to join up! Please approve me pronto!! Body of msg: subscribe pfcsig or Body of msg: subscribe pfcsig unsubscribe <list> [<address>] Unsubscribe yourself (or <address> if specified) from named <list> Examples: To: From: Subject: whatever ~ Help! Get me out of here!! I want out!!! Body of msg: unsubscribe pfcsig or Body of msg: unsubscribe pfcsig or Body of msg: unsubscribe * or Body of msg: unsubscribe * Note on last two: This will remove you (or <address>) from all lists. This may not work if you have subscribed using multiple addresses. get <list> <filename> Get a file related to <list> index <list> Return an index of files you can "get" for <list> which [<address>] Find out which lists you (or <address> if spec) are on who <list> Find out who is on the named <list>
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info <list> Retrieve general introductory information for the named <list> lists Show the lists served by this Majordomo server help Retrieve a message (similar to here) which lists all of the list server commands Example: To: From: Subject: whatever Body of msg: help

end Stop processing commands (useful if your mailer adds a signature)

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PFC Mail List - pfc-users

Sorry, but this mail list has been discontinued... Please see pfcsig instead.


This was Greenbrier & Russel's "Majordomo" mailing list. This list was originally founded by Brent Chapman. This mail list was intended for PFC-specific questions and topics. Bob Bowman at none Send an email addressed to: containing the following text in the message area: subscribe pfc-users or unsubscribe pfc-users (It's nice to know that Bob Bowman at
will unsubscribe you manually if you have trouble doing so.)

List Administrator: Where you can Search archives: To subscribe/unsubscribe:

Be prepared for lots of emails though! Check out the E-Control Tips at To subscribe/unsubscribe easily: To send an email to group:

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Cheat Sheet for PFC/PowerBuilder Help

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PFC Mail List - pbpfc

Sorry, but this mail list has been discontinued... Please see pfcsig instead.


This was DelWare Consulting Groups mailing list. This was an open, unmoderated discussion mailing list dealing with PFC questions relating to all versions of PowerBuilder. This mail list was intended for PFC or PB questions and topics. DelWare Consulting Group at John De Lello at none Send an email addressed to: containing the following text in the message area: subscribe pbpfc <FirstName> <LastName> or unsubscribe pbpfc Be prepared for lots of emails though! Check out the E-Control Tips at Also, be sure to follow some rules of Netiquette1 - Netiquette2 -

Sponsor: List Administrator: Where you can Search archives: To subscribe/unsubscribe:

To subscribe/unsubscribe easily: To send an email to group: Tag auto-appended to bottom of all messages:
=========================================================== This List brought to you by DelWare Consulting Group. Visit our site today! Please, no employment posts! To unsubscribe send mail to UNSUBSCRIBE PBPFC FirstName LastName

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PB Mail List - PB-L

Description: This is Michael Harmon's PowerBuilder mailing list. This mail list is intended for a variety of general PowerBuilder questions and topics. (maintained by Craig Wagner) Send an email addressed to: LISTSERV@PLEARN.EDU.PL containing the following text in the message area: subscribe pb-l <FirstName> <LastName> Be prepared for lots of emails though! Check out the E-Control Tips at Also, be sure to follow some rules of Netiquette1 - Netiquette2 - To subscribe/unsubscribe easily: To send an email to group: PB-L@PLEARN.EDU.PL

To learn more about this one: Where you can Search archives: To check this list's FAQ: To subscribe/unsubscribe:

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PB Mail List - PBHelp

Description: This is Gary Knuckles' PowerBuilder Help mailing list with Digest option. This mail list is intended for discussions of any PB related topic including PFC, beginners to advanced welcome. Visit the BudgetWare site at Note that this mail list has a Digest option - so you can just get a summary of posts daily... Otherwise... Be prepared for lots of emails though! Check out the E-Control Tips at Also, be sure to follow some rules of Netiquette1 - Netiquette2 - To send an email to group:

To learn more about this one: Where you can Search archives: To subscribe/unsubscribe easily:

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PB Unmoderated NewsGroup
Description: This newsgroup is for general PowerBuilder questions. This newsgroup is unmoderated. Note that you may also easily search for some general PFC-related topics here. news:comp.soft-sys.powerbuilder

Name: Example of where you can Search archives: using keywords

+comp.soft-sys.powerbuilder +PFC To check this list's FAQ: Search Tips: (maintained by Craig Wagner) Submit either a Deja or an AltaVista search using keywords: comp.soft-sys.powerbuilder AND PFC +comp.soft-sys.powerbuilder +PFC AND tells the search engine that both keywords must be found + does the same and %2 translates to a +

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PowerBuilder-Related Magazines

PowerTimes ( offers a special PowerBuilder User Group rate. Ask the sponsors of your PBUG to sponsor the entire PBUG membership to receive PowerTimes. Everybody wins... The sponsors get great recognition from PowerTimes ads and grateful PBUG members, The members get the pleasure of a free subscription to a wonderful magazine, and The PBUG gets recognition as well! PowerTimes, electronic copy (Adobe Acrobat 3.0 format), Don't miss Boris Gasin's "PFC Place" (a continuing series on the PFC), International PB magazine, A long-time favorite of mine, $45.00 / 6-issues, mailto:"Rolf Andr Klaedtke" , mailto:"Mark Lansing" , Download a free copy from here PowerBuilder Developers Journal (PBDJ), online too, Don't miss John Olson at the "PFC Corner" (a continuing series on the PFC), A very popular and well-known PB magazine, $14.00 / issue, $149 / year(12-issues), SYS-CON Publications, Inc., 39 E. Central Avenue, Pearl River, NY 10965-9813, (800) 513-7111, (914) 735-1900, Powerline Quarterly, free and online!, Subscription Department (Direct Marketing), 561 Virginia Road, Concord, MA 01742-2732, (800) 395-3525, Sybase Magazine, free and online too, A quarterly hardcopy and online magazine from Sybase, , . Now defunct magazines... PowerBuilder Advisor, online too, $7.99 / issue, $39 / 6-issues, P.O. Box 469016, Escondido, CA 92046-9763, [Sorry, but unfortunately this magazine is no longer publishing new issues. Back issues are still available. Some articles are still available online . And there is a very handy "1996 PowerBuilder Advisor CD Rom" available at . This CD Rom contains the entire year of issues and source code from the Companion Resource Disks. The prices are as follows: U.S. $49, California $52.80, Canadian $59, International $59] ... In memory of this wonderful magazine... Click here to meet the PFC Creators PowerStudio Developer's Journal, Tips and techniques for PowerStudio (PB, PFC, PowerJ, etc), Domestic: $17.00 / issue, $159 / year(12-issues), Outside US: $19.00 / issue, $179 / year(12-issues), Ziff-Davis The Cobb Group, 9420 Bunsen Parkway, Suite 300, Louisville, KY 40220, (800) 223-8720, (502) 493-3300, or , Download a free copy from here ... Unfortunately, this journal (which was just trying to get off the ground) is being cancelled because of low subscriptions. PowerBuilder & Java Journal On-Line, free and online!, Online Webzine,

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PFC/PowerBuilder Best Books

Jaguar Development With Powerbuilder 7, by Michael Barlotta, List: $44.95, Published by Manning, ISBN # 1884777864 To Order: Rave Review at by Boris Gasin... "Boy, was I pleasantly surprised!"

Powerbuilder Foundation Class Library Professional Reference (Team Powersoft Series), by Howard Block, Millard Brown III, Boris Gasin, William Green, Andy Tauber, Foreword by Alex Whitney, Contributions by Steve Benfield, Kent Marsh and William Rompala, Accompanied by CD-Rom (with PFC 6.0 chapter, samples, tutorial & Cornerstone info), List: $49.95, Published by Computing McGraw-Hill, ISBN # 0079132677 ~ Every PFCer Must Have One! To Order: Book Previews at: Book 6.0 Previews: Review of book...PBDJ Magazine, PFC Corner article by John Olson, October 1997 - Volume: 4 Issue: 10, p. 36

PFC Programmers Reference Manual, by Richard Brooks; Appendices by Sharon Weinstrom Buntz, Jason Cohen, Glenn G. Dmello, Ken Howe, Greg Schultz, Brian Suter, List: $37.95, Published by Manning, ISBN # 1884777554 ~ Every PFCer Must Have One!

To Order: Book Previews at: (Events) Book 6.0 Previews: Previews also at:
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PowerBuilder 6.0 - Secrets of the PowerBuilder Masters CD, Continuing the PowerBuilder Tradition of the best handbook for learning the "Secrets of the Top PowerBuilder Masters", Cover Price: $59.99 (Order Direct at $39.99), Published by SYS-CON This well-known and respected book has taken a new approach with this new release... First of all, it is on CD-ROM, in Adobe's PDF format. Also, it now specifically shows you the exciting new aspects of PB 6.0 without all the extra fluff about things you already know... Includes some comprehensive, detailed PFC 6.0 chapters... Authors include Boris Gasin, John Olson, Sharon Buntz and more... To Order:

Since this version doesn't carry forward all the previous version material, take advantage of SYS-CON's special combo offers to get a copy of PowerBuilder 5.0 - Secrets of the PowerBuilder Masters too.

PowerBuilder 5.0 - Secrets of the PowerBuilder Masters, edited by Michael MacDonald (contains more than 40 revealing articles by top world known PowerBuilder Masters), Cover Price: $69.95 (Order Direct at $59.95), Published by SYS-CON, ISBN # 1886141010

To Order:

Take advantage of SYS-CON's special combo offers!

Programming with the PFC 7.0, a hands on PFC tutorial, by Bob Hendry, List: $33.95, Published by Envision Software Systems, ISBN # 0966634918 This book is a hands-on PFC tutorial written in plain English with examples of how to implement the PFC into an application. It has over 230 pages of code examples, explanations, and easy to follow labs. An exceptional value for the student who can't attend the class, but wants to own the course material. (Available for PFC 6.0 also) ~ Learn PFC 7.0 with this hands on PFC tutorial! To Order:

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PowerBuilder Slick Tricks - The Book, by Bernhard Metzger, List: $39.95, Published by Envision Software Systems, ISBN # 0966634950 All your favorite Slick Tricks - all rolled into a new handy book... All organized and indexed!

To Order:

Powerbuilder 5 : Object-Oriented Design and Development (Workstation), by William Green, Millard Brown, List: $49.95, Published by Computing McGraw-Hill, Publication date: November 1996, ISBN # 0070244693

To Order:

PowerBuilder Essentials -A Guide to the CPD, Written By: James Clifford, Ralph DiVito, Eric Pearson & Kent Marsh, Edited By: Michael MacDonald, Cover Price: $59.95 (Order Direct at $44.95), (Includes 2 Disks and a CD-ROM with UNLIMITIED, FREE future updates), Published by SYS-CON, ISBN # 1886141096 This book from SYS-CON walks the PowerBuilder developer, new and experienced alike through all the essential concepts of developing client/server applications with PowerBuilder 5.0 with a focus to prepare PowerBuilder developers to prepare for the CPD exam. To Order: (complete with CD and diskettes with practice exams) Take advantage of SYS-CON's special combo offers!

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PFC/PowerBuilder Top Tools

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Y2K Tools Browsers and Compare Utilities PFC Class Libraries Build/Regeneration/Deployment Tools Design/PFC Application Generator Tools Debugging Tools Documentation Tools Suite of Tools Misc Tools Database Tools Conversion Tools Language Translation Tools

1. Y2K Tools Be sure to check out the PFC/PB Y2K FAQs at Y2K Code Analysis, That's just ONE of the many amazing things that this slick product has to offer. Download a free trial copy today! PB Code Analyzer . Also check out their Y2K page at . PB/2000, Worried about The Year to come? Check out this PowerBuilder Year 2000 analysis software today! John Olson rates it the most sophisticated tool for PB Y2K preparation [PBDJ Feb,1999]. Work smarter, not harder . Year 2000 Live Training, Check out Developower's Year 2000 live training at ... Are You Prepared for Y2K? Take the QUIZ! Migration Assistant, free, Dont forget about this super-search tool that you already have at your fingertips. (Included with PowerBuilder 6.0) If you are not willing to spend any extra money, at least take a few hours to scan your application with the Migration Assistant. As John Olson says, Those few hours might open your eyes to problems you didnt think you had.

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2. Browsers and Compare Utilities PBDelta, only $47 (Desktop), $580 (Site License), Recommeded by the experts such as Cecil O'Brien Owens, Jr. to compare your PB PBLs as well as your individual PB objects... This one's a real time saver... I personally think that it is the coolest comparison program that I have ever seen or ever imagined!! Download it for a free trial from Ken Howe's site at . PB Code Analyzer, You simply MUST check out this slick tool! . PBBrowser, only $29 (Desktop), $49 (Enterprise), Recommended by the experts! Yes, TeamSybase members such as Steve Benfield and Boris Gasin are adamant fans of this here little jewel of a Shareware tool by Mike Niemann. This tool is an enhanced PB IDE (Development environment for looking at your PowerBuilder objects). Cecil O'Brien Owens, Jr. also says that anyone using the PFC should not be caught without it... Those gurus are right, too. With PBBrowser you can see it all, all at the same time, it's wonderful! Download it for a free trial from .

3. PFC Class Libraries Enterprise Application Framework (EAF), free, compliments of Dynamic Data Solutions. Be sure to check out this new PB-based Framework for EAS applications... designed and written by the architects of the PFC! Rivertons HOW OpenFrame, PFC-compatible Framework and tool for EAS applications, (617) 588-0500, , . jecFrame, PFC-based Framework for distributed applications , . PFCPlus, free, compliments of Greenbrier & Russel . Although this PFC-based class library was discontinued since 6.0, you are still welcome to download the 5.0 version for free from . Then pick and choose from it. Cornerstone, Truly the Leader of the Pack in PFC-based class libraries, by Spectrum (formerly named Financial Dynamics) and CCS Consulting, is a popular one that was developed in full compliance with PFC's architecture and design philosophy. It is great and wonderful and has already been proven extremely successful in many PFC projects, (800) 486-5201 ext 6508, and . PFCTool, A PFC-based class library from PowerCerv, (813) 226-2600, , . PowerClass, A PFC-based class library from ServerLogic, (425) 803-0378, , . FrameBuilder Class (FBC), A PFC-based class library from TIKAL Software Industries Ltd, +972-3-6488618, , .

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** Editorial about PFC by CODE PFC Vendors ** "Do you use PFC or CornerStone? Will you continue to use it?" Survey says!

4. Build/Regeneration/Deployment Tools AppCentral, Develop and distribute powerful PFC based applications in record time with this PFC Development Environment and Delivery System, . PowerGen, Take control of your Builds with this ingenious tool, Regenerate right and Say good-bye to GPFs... No PowerBuilder programmer should be without it, recommended by TeamSybase gurus such as Jon Credit, by E. Crane Computing, (603) 746-6208, .

5. Design/PFC Application Generator Tools Riverton "HOW" object design tool, Learning edition packaged with PowerBuilder 6.0, HOW is "the first practical, approachable, foundation-class based object design and component assembly environment for N-tier PowerBuilder business application development". From first-hand experience, Cecil O'Brien Owens, Jr. says HOW "is the most fantastic product to come down the pipe since PB itself", Steve Benfield also embraces this product (see his review in April 1997's PBDJ), (617) 588-0500, . PowerDesigners AppModeler 6.0, from Sybase, . Object Composer, Get a quick headstart on the PFC with this PFC Application Generator, (888) BUS-SOFT, , .

6. Debugging Tools PB Spy, A built-in debugger for your PowerBuilder application which offers a set of services for you to diagnose your PFC-based application and pinpoint bugs quickly, SoftApproach Corporation, (800) 268-9898, , .

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7. Documentation Tools

Working Document

PBDoc, only $49.95, Template-based documentation tool for PowerBuilder applications, PBDoc reads the source code of your application (where programmers are most likely to keep doc up-to-date), then using a fullycustomizable template, it automatically generates a ready-to-use, state-of-the-art HTML file, (navigate to "Software"), . Casual Writer, only US$65 (Shareware), HKD500.00, Generates easy-to-read charts, graphical diagrams and system documentaion from your PowerBuilder libraries, , . PowerDoc, Documentation tool used by Steve Benfield in his excellent training materials, Catapult Systems, (800) 581-7354, , . CorDoc, Development and documentation (enhanced PB IDE) tool recommended by TeamSybase Jon Credit, Corsoft Corporation, $399, (800) 3CORSOFt, , .

8. Suite of Tools ObjectSmith, Another set of tools recommended by the TeamSybase gurus such as Larry Cermak, (see article in recent PB Advisor for details), helpful tools by Greenbrier & Russel, (800) 453-0347, , .

9 Misc Tools PBPaste, Try this little jewel of a PBPasting tool! Download a trial copy at the PBDR site at . SmartPaste, Savvy PowerBuilders, Try out this nifty PowerPasting tool and work smarter not harder! Download a free copy at the ROMU Softare site at . Bitmap Client, Shareware, Ever wanted to spice up your application's MDI frame? Not so easy in PowerBuilder, is it? ... Well, Bitmap Client allows you to easily do this!, Check out this Shareware product as well as other free products at The CATsoft Site at (navigate to Products).

10. Database Tools

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CAST SQL-Builder, Stored Procedure and Trigger development and debugging workbench, for Sybase, Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server, catering to PowerBuilder and Visual Basic applications. CAST SQL-Builder allows you to step through stored procedures and triggers, set breakpoints, view/change the contents of all parms/variables, do adhoc queries against tables and temp tables during the execution of the proc, and so much more. Download a free evaluation of CAST Workbench from . Compuware's XPEDITER/SQL, Stored Procedure development and debugging workbenches, a set of three products to help Oracle, Sybase and Microsoft SQL Server programmers, . SQL Navigator, by Quest Software, for Oracle, . SQL Programmer, . Platinum Technology, . PL/SQL Developer, by Allround Automations, Download a free 30-day trial at .

11. Conversion Tools PowerMorph, 100% automated conversion tool which provides a rapid, economical and risk-free conversion solution from Oracle SQL*Forms 3.0 to PowerBuilder, developed by MetaMorph Technologies in conjunction with Sybase, +44 (0) 1628 28550, Fax: +44 (0) 1628 28999, , .

12. Language Translation Tools Translation Toolkit for PowerBuilder Enterprise, Easily Translate your PFC to other languages, Includes localized versions of the PFC in Danish, Dutch, French, Italian, Norwegian, Spanish, and Swedish, Available on 5.0.03 CD or the Infobase, ... More info here: here: here: and here: PM 58 Using the Translation Toolkit for PowerBuilder

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PFC/PowerBuilder WEB Surfin

Where to go to get your PFC Answers A Site Summary

Think like the programmer that you are... Learn to search, and you can find WHATEVER you are looking for! ...

Search the PFC Sybase Newsgroup (in titlebar as PFC?) To Search Archives: Try PFC Guide's Newsgroup Search at: -or- Go to Deja at: and search for the name of the newsgroup, adding any other desired keywords as well. For example: powersoft.public.powerbuilder.pfc security powersoft.public.* security sybase.public.* transaction nts using keywords +comp.soft-sys.powerbuilder +PFC pg=q&what=news&what=news&kl=XX&q=%2Bcomp.softsys.powerbuilder+%2BPFC

Search the PFC Guide Search the archives of pfcsig Mail List (in titlebar as Mail List - Search) Search all of Sybase's Info (in titlebar as SEARCHSybase) Browse Handy List of PFC Sybase Faxbacks (in titlebar as PFCFaxbacks) Search the Sybase Faxbacks (in titlebar as PBFaxbacks) Search Sybase's Infobase for reported bugs (in titlebar as Bug?) Search the PBDJ Forum Search the comp.soft-sys.powerbuilder NewsGroup (for PFC topics)

Search the PFC Cheat Sheet PFC Guide Boris Gasin[TeamPS] (Dynamic Technology Groups) PFC Guide PowerBuilder Developer's Web Ring Bob Kawasaki's PB Developer's Web Ring

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Sybase Please see the Sybase Contacts Cheat Sheet page for lots of details Search Mail Lists Searchable archives of Sybase Newsgroups! To Search Archives:

Working Document

Try PFC Guide's Newsgroup Search at: -or- Check out Sybase's Super Tech Search at: -or- Go to Deja at: and search for the name of the newsgroup, adding any other desired keywords as well. For example: powersoft.public.powerbuilder.pfc security powersoft.public.* security sybase.public.* transaction using keywords +comp.soft-sys.powerbuilder +PFC pg=q&what=news&what=news&kl=XX&q=%2Bcomp.softsys.powerbuilder+%2BPFC

Searchable archives of pfcsig Mail List Searchable archives of PB-L Mail List Searchable archives of PBHelp Mail List Search the comp.soft-sys.powerbuilder NewsGroup (for PFC topics)

Search/Browse PB-L & comp.soft-sys.powerbuilder FAQ Subscribe/Unsubscribe Mail Lists Handy Subscribe/Unsubscribe PB Mail Lists Search Engines Altavista Search Engine Deja Search Engine

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[TeamPS] Web Sites Official TeamSybase Web Site Boris Gasin[TeamPS] (Dynamic Technology Groups) PFC Guide Bill Green[TeamPS] SBA & Business Object Papers/Books Jon Credit[TeamPS] Papers (Containers & SBA) and More Eric Aling[TeamPS] Tips, Links, References, etc. Breck Carter[TeamPS] Tips, Articles and Reference Larry Cermak[TeamPS] Tips & Techniques Useful PB Sites Bob Kawasaki's PB Web Ring Rik Brooks' Dojo ~ Lots! Comprehensive, Funny Ken Howe, Brian Suter & Navdeep Chadha's Tips & Software Woodger Computing, Inc.'s PFC Intro & Tips justPBinfo David Levines .PBL PowerBuilder Links and More Alexis' Ark ~ Alexix Leon Eric Egnet's PowerScape Hundreds of PB-Related Links Michael Harmons Links & PB-L Mail List Info PurePower's PB Tips, Articles, Links and Jobs Ted Coombs' PowerBuilder Interactive, Variety of Topics Bob Kawasaki's PowerBuilder Links Genesis's PFC Extensions, Tips, Overview, Faxbacks PowerBuilder Online Classes CentraSoft's "PowerBuilder Hot Spots on the Net" Shine Technologies Developers Sandpit C.K. Hung's PowerBuilder Tips, Freeware and Shareware Jiggy's PowerWeb PB Newbie Cary's PowerBuilder Tips Marty's Elements of PB Don Salomon's PowerBuilder API Site WINUSER.H Online PFC Help from Ascension Labs PB Products plus Lots of PB Tips (including Y2K) PB Resource Tips from DVL Software PowerBuilder Developer's Network

Working Document +/headers/headers/WINUSER.H

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Top Training, Classlibs & Tools Steve Benfield, Top Training Greenbrier & Russel- PFCPlus (free) and ObjectSmith PBBrowser (Handy tool for working with your PFC objs) PBDelta (Handy PBL/object comparison tool) Object Composer (Headstart on PFC) PowerDoc CorDoc PowerGen (Take control of your Builds) Riverton "HOW" object design tool The CATsoft Site (Place a picture in your MDI frame) Applied Software PowerBuilder Online Classes CPD practice exams PB/PFC Wizzards! I won $600 here... So can YOU... Win up to $1,000! List me as your referral & then I'll win $100 if you win! Thanks! PB E-Certifications Online Compete for highest score & display their official logo when you pass CertifyOnline - CPD Online Courseware CentraSoft's CPD Buster 5.0 PowerPrep by D.O.C. Software PowerScore by PowerConcepts Applied Software - CPD Online Class SYS-CON Pubs SYS-CON Publications (PBDJ, books, etc.) SYS-CON PowerBuilder Developers Journal (Magazine) SYS-CON PBDJ Magazine - Digital! SYS-CON Publications Books SYS-CON Radio PowerTimes Pubs PowerTimes - International PowerBuilder Journal Other (defunct) Online Pubs PowerBuilder & Java Journal On-Line Webzine PowerBuilder Advisor (Magazine) Powerline Quarterly

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PowerBuilder Jobs PurePower's PowerBuilder Jobs PowerBuilder Jobs Wanted and Jobs Offered PowerBuilder Jobs via MIS Sciences Corp Texas Computer Jobs More Texas Computer Jobs More PowerBuilder Jobs ...etc...

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Contacting the PFC Development Team and Sybase

PFC Development Team There used to be a specific hotline email address to reach the PFC Development Team ( However, it is no longer in operation. Instead, it currently replies the following

Meet the PFC Creators at Effective immediately, this emailbox ( is no longer being monitored. For your convenience, you may use the following resources for your PFC questions: 1) Newsgroup: Share information about PFC with other PowerBuilder/PFC users. 2) Electronic Case Management (ECM): Submit Bugs and Enhancement Requests via the Web 3) Technical Support 1-800-8SYBASE Get your PFC questions answered by Sybase Technical Support Engineers. Use your existing Support Plan or initiate a pay-as-you-go issue.

What's in the latest PFC release?

PFC 7.0 is the most current - PFC 6.0: PFC 6.0 Conf '97 Slides: All of the PFC Release notes and an Upgrade Checklist is at:

How do I upgrade from one PFC release to the next?

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New Releases

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Free downloads and patches are available here: (select "PowerBuilder" and "Software Distribution" from DropDowns) or simply goto My Support: Free + Awarded "one of the year's 10 best support sites of 1999" EAS 3.0.1 Maintenance Release: PB 7.0.1 Maintenance Release: (subset of EAS 3.0.1) (select "PowerBuilder" and "Software Distribution" from DropDowns) or simply goto PB/PFC 7.0 Pre-Maintenance Release: PB/PFC 7.0: PB 7.0 Release Press Release:,109 9,19300,00.html Press Release: Nice List of What's New: Download: Official PFC Y2K Fixes for 5.0.04 and 6.5.1: (select "PowerBuilder" and "Software Distribution" from DropDowns) or simply goto PB/PFC 6.5.1 (Also see "Official PFC Y2K Fixes for 5.0.04 and 6.5.1" above): (select "PowerBuilder" and "Software Distribution" from DropDowns) or simply goto PB/PFC 6.5 (previously called 6.0.01): (select "PowerBuilder" and "Software Distribution" from DropDowns) or simply goto PB 5.0.04 EBF#3 (Also see "Official PFC Y2K Fixes for 5.0.04 and 6.5.1" above): (select "PowerBuilder" and "Software Distribution" from DropDowns) or simply goto

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PB/PFC 5.0.04 (Also see "PB 5.0.04 EBF#3" and "Official PFC Y2K Fixes for 5.0.04 and 6.5.1" above): PB/PFC 5.0.03: FTP Site URL: On FTP client, Sever: Enter user name Anonymous, and enter your email address as the password To view the recorded Webcast of the keynote presentation The eleven Sybase press releases that were launched in sync with the opening of the TechWave conference Main TechWave '99 Page: Master Presentations: (logon ID and password protected*) AD262 - Programming with the PowerBuilder Foundation Class (PFC) (logon ID and password protected*) *Note: Unfortunately, you need a logon ID and password to download the presentations. I asked if it is okay for me to publish one here, but unfortunately the request was declined. Perhaps in the near future they may open them up to the public.

Conference 99 Slides

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Conference '98 Slides

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Master for PM (afternoon) presentations: PM319 - Using PowerDesigner to Jump-Start PowerBuilder PFC Projects PM320 - Using the PFC 6.0 LUW Service PM321 - Using the PFC 6.0 TreeView Control PM322 - Increasing Distributed PowerBuilder Speed with ORB-Type PFC Services PM602 - Beginning with the PFC PM603 - Rearchitecting a "Legacy" PowerBuilder Application to Use the PFC PM605 - Case Study: Extending the PFC Security Module PM606 - Stored Procedures, Databases, and the PFC Web Cast of opening session keynote by Sybase Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Mitchell Kertzman: Also check out some live PBDJ audios recorded live at the conference!

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Conference '97 Slides Master for PM (afternoon) presentations:

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PM 40 - New Features in the PFC Library (PFC 6.0) - by PFC Development Teamsters - Mark Overbey and Claudio Quant PM 41 - Techniques and Design Strategies to Use on the PFC Library by Howard Block, administrator of pfcsig PM 77 - Customizing the PFC Library - by Earl Clark, Powersoft PM 76 - PowerBuilder Foundation Class Library - by PFC Dev Team Mbr Brian Grimm, & Jackie Green, PS Tech Support Also, the cute Web Cast of the opening session can be viewed at Lastly, for a raw index of all the .zip files check

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Feedback using WebExpress ...Report bugs... Submit Your Enhancement Requests...

Working Document Example of reporting a PFC Enhancement Request (compliments of Boris Gasin)... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Type "ENH-EP" as the Old Support ID on the WebExpress Logon page. Select the appropriate location from the Location field. Click Go. Select the 'Submit New Issue' option. Click Next. Choose the Product Family (Powerbuilder) and product (Advanced Developers Toolkit) In the [TITLE] field type "ENHANCEMENT REQUEST". In the [DESCRIPTION] field describe the requested enhancement in detail.

Tips for Getting your Bug Fixed PowerBuilder WEB Site Sybase WEB Site Visual Basic versus PowerBuilder\ALL+Technical+Doc uments/BD98A8EECFD11208882564BA006538F5?OpenDocument

What criteria should development shops use in choosing between Visual Basic and PowerBuilder?... An independent consultant reports study's findings

All the Tech Info you could ever want! PFC Faxbacks from Sybase ~ Handy List! PowerBuilder Faxbacks - Easy to Search! PowerBuilder Online Documentation Internal Online Infobase ...Latest bug reports and work arounds... ...See if your issue has already been reported or solved... Also see Tech Support's "Pay As You Go" program below;pt=group-pb Also try searching Sybase Support at:

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Sybase Technical Support Sybase Technical Support's "Pay As You Go" program - Pay per issue, no charge if bug Customer Relations FaxLine Service ("FaxBacks") (800) 937-7693 (508) 287-1950

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(800) 925-0072, (508) 287-1900 (888) SYBS-FAX - U.S. & Canada (888) 792-7329 (508) 266-1600 Outside U.S. & Canada Check out:

FaxLine Service ("FaxBacks") International Training/Consulting Installation/Registration

UK: (+44) 1494 555 522 UK: (+44) 1628 597 312 (508) 287-1700 (508) 287-1750

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How to Study for the Sybase Certified PowerBuilder Developer (CPD) Tests
REMINDER: Be sure to enter your data at the Sybase Certification Management System. Otherwise, your name will not show up in the CPD Directory! PB7 Beta exams available now - Hurry and get a a $25 coupon! PB7 Sybase Samples available now (PB6 ones coming soon) CPD article by Bob Hendry in the August PBDJ magazine CertifyOnline - CPD Online Courseware

TIP: These make great, free practice tests! free PB and PFC tests PB/PFC Wizzards! I won $600 here... So can YOU... Win up to $1,000! List me as your referral & then I'll win $100 if you win! Thanks! Coming Soon... A PFC Contest! free PB E-Certification Online Compete for highest score & Earn an official e-cert logo

Good News... The CPD Program [now under Sybase Certified Professional (SCP) Program] is under new management Currently, they are in the process of rethinking the entire certification program needs... They are dedicated to making it work for you. Stay tuned for updates on changes as they happen!

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Excellent changes! Merris increased the maximum Migration test retake times (from 2 times max) to 4 times max! In addition, she has changed any retake waiting period (from 90 days) to only 30 days. (This applies to the Professional Test's old waiting period of 6 months as well.) PB7 Sybase Samples available now at rtification/sample.html (PB6 ones coming soon) Other notes of interest...

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Remember the tricky checkbox questions? Merris has changed the test-writing guidelines (for all future tests) so that it will specify how many boxes to check. Prior to 6.0, there were two Associate tests (Fundamentals and Advanced Concepts) that you had to pass before you obtained the CPD Associate title. With 6.0, you only have to pass one test. There will not be a CPD 6.0 Professional (Application) Test. The 6.0 application test got caught in the middle of the turnover. In addition, the prerelease version was too similar to the 5.0 test. Therefore, Sybase recommends that you basically take the 5.0 Pro test and then the 6.0 Pro Migration test to become a 6.0 Professional. To clarify, there are "Certification Paths" clearly defined at . For examples, please see chart on the following pages. Currently, they cannot tell us the correct answers to a test because there is a limited set of questions. (There are only 2 sets of questions.) Merris is taking this into consideration for future tests, so that possibly future tests will have a bigger pool of questions. Merris will seek feedback from TeamSybase and Certified PowerBuilder Instructors in order to judge the tests... These are two solid control groups that should be a good indicator. My personal hopes are that passing scores could perhaps be swayed from this. We want the tests to be tough, but not so tough that the authorities cannot pass them. There are new logos now (see below). Because it is costly to do a massive mailing, the logos are available only by request. Contact . Also, don't be alarmed if she asks for proof of your certification. Unfortunately, the historical data is in limbo for a little while because the data is being converted to this new sytem... Avalable now!... Sybase Certification Management System - This function will allow you to track your certification progress, update your personal data, and view your personal history for certification exams. Note that the program is now managed by a totally new group of people, in a whole new era of programming. The new people are on the opposite coast of the US (in CA vs. MA)... And most of the new people work for (and have always worked for) Sybase, not Powersoft. In addition, PowerBuilder is more of a mature product now, and a PowerBuilder programmer's responsibilities are growing. So keeping these things in mind, there could be drastic changes now. And I feel confident that they will all be good.

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Official Study Guides and Info There is a lot of info from Sybase Learning Center on preparing for the CPD Tests at:

Working Document and ...(Be sure to download & print the Study Guide from here) or by calling U.S.A. (800) 8-SYBASE [which is (800) 879-2273], option 2 From the web you can download some very detailed study guides for the CPD Tests. Currently there are not many sample questions (Associate), nor any sample applications (Professional), but they are working on it. On that same web page, it also mentions some more avenues. For example, I believe that there are bundled packages for preparing for the CPD, some Computer-based training products, and even some web-based training classes.

Notes: The CPD program in now under the umbrella of the Sybase Certified Professional Program. So now technically, the program name and the titles have the word 'Sybase' in front of them. However, the old terminologies still apply. Here is a table to help clarify... Certified PowerBuilder Developer Program CPD (now under SCP) CPDA (still valid abbrev) CPDP (still valid abbrev) The new SCP Program logo looks like this And the new PowerBuilder Developer logos look like the picture to the right, except for these minor changes: Along the bottom, rather than saying "Professional Program", it says only either "Associate" or "Professional". Also, there is an added slim rectangle across the center that says "PowerBuilder Developer". Note: To request printer quality logos for your business cards, please contact Sybase Certified Professional Program - PowerBuilder Developer SCP-CPD Sybase Certified PowerBuilder Developer Associate Sybase Certified PowerBuilder Developer Professional

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Notes (continued):

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Prior to 6.0, there were two Associate tests (Fundamentals and Advanced Concepts) that you had to pass before you obtained the CPD Associate title. With 6.0, you only have to pass one test. There will not be a CPD 6.0 Professional (Application) Test. The 6.0 application test got caught in the middle of the turnover. In addition, the pre-release version was too similar to the 5.0 test. Therefore, Sybase recommends that you basically take the 5.0 Pro test and then the 6.0 Pro Migration test to become a 6.0 Professional. To clarify, there are "Certification Paths" clearly defined at . For example: If you are... Uncertified CPDA4/5 CPDA6 CPDP4/5 then take these to become a CPDP6 CPDA6, CPDP5 CPDP5, CPDP6Mig CPDP5 CPDP6Mig

The term 'Migration Test' is equivalent to the previous 'Maintenance Test' term. They switched over to this new terminology to be consistent with the Sybase Certified Professional program. You now have a choice of taking the test through Virtual University Enterprises (VUE) or Sylvan Prometric. It is the exact same test either way you take it. They are still working on the new and improved sample tests and study guides. Because of the turnover of the program to a new department, there have been delays. But they are working on it. The PB7 Sybase Samples are available now at (PB6 ones coming soon).

CPD Book There is a very helpful book entitled PowerBuilder Essentials - A Guide to the CPD. This book even has some sample CPD Professional application tests to use to practice... ~ comes complete with a CD-Rom and two diskettes containing partial practice tests (PowerPrep Lite and PowerScore Lite)

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Are There Some Other Study Tools? - CPD Associate Level

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There are a plethora of third party CPD (Associate) practice exams... with downloadable demos too... CertifyOnline - CPD Online Courseware CentraSoft's CPD Buster 5.0 PowerScore 5.0 by PowerConcepts PowerPrep 5.0 & 6.0 by D.O.C. Software CPD Online Class - by Applied Software

There are lots of ads in the PBDJ and PB Advisor magazines as well, for example PowerQuiz & PowerCD... The way that I word using any of these tools to study, is just that - They are "tools to use to study with", not actual test questions, not necessarily similar questions... but they will "get you warmed up" and help you explore different topics and tidbits. These tests should augment the PS study guide and help build up your confidence and make for some interesting chit chat in the breakroom <s>. Soon there will be official Sybase sample tests and enhanced study guidelines. Alleluia! The PB7 Sybase Samples are available now at (PB6 ones coming soon). If you like "cute" and "entertaining", there are some cool CBT programs (altho' pricy) available, too. You can learn bunches from just checking out the demos. One demo that I liked was "Making the Most of PowerBuilder 5.0" by CBT Systems Ltd. Order a demo from

Are There Some Other Study Tools? - CPD Professional Level CPD Pro 4.0 The aforementioned CPD book titled PowerBuilder Essentials - A Guide to the CPD contains some sample CPD Professional application tests that are very similar to the 4.0 actual tests... - PowerBuilder Essentials - A Guide to the CPD Has three sample application tests that are excellent for preparing for a CPD Pro 4.0 application test One chapter outlines the specifications for the three sample tests and also gives you some pointers on how to interpret the specifications And the next chapter details the possible solutions to the three sample tests, including pointers and advice for achieving the optimal solutions The three solution PBLs come with the book's diskette also

CPD Pro 5.0 - Other than the official Study Guide (see above), I am not aware of any other preparation tools for the 5.0 test. Please see my personal advice and recommendations below. CPD Pro 6.0 - There will not be a 6.0 Pro test. Instead, Sybase recommends that you basically take the 5.0 Pro test and then take the 6.0 Pro Migration test. Please see for your personal Certification Path (depending on what certification level you are already at).

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Sharon's Personal Advice on Studying for the CPD Associate Tests My recommendation is to learn as much as you possibly can by using PowerBuilder's online Help and online documentation. Be sure to read and study thoroughly the section of PowerBuilder's Help that talks about "What's new in PowerBuilder" for the particular release. Not only for the maintenance exams, but the regular ones as well.

Working Document

And, of course, if you are a PB newbie... Be sure to attend the recommended Sybase training classes. Although they are not prerequisites for the CPD, such courses as the FastTrack will start you well on your way for the first test. But attending the class is not enough though... Afterwards, you need to go home and STUDY the class materials thoroughly! Do the labs and exercise questions. Plus practice on an application that you build from scratch - Pick an application that you can actually use yourself - like an Address and Label System. Also be sure to play with all of the examples that come with PB.

Sharon's Personal Advice on Studying for the CPD Professional Tests CPD Pro 4.0 - Please see study tools above; That should get you there easily. CPD Pro 5.0 - The CPD Pro 5.0 test is also an application test, like the 4.0 one. However, for the 5.0 test, you do not begin from scratch when writing your application. Instead, there is a PBL which includes an existing application. This application is built on a very small class library set of objects (only a handful, don't worry). Then, there are specifications given for how you must enhance the existing application. To prepare, my recommendation would be to build a small application (like the 4.0 practice apps above) to warm up for it. In your practice application, also try out some of the newer features that are mentioned in the official Study Guide, such as Tabs, ListViews, TreeViews, RTFs, OCXs, DataStore caching, etc. Also, when you start the actual test, do not panic when you read all of the enhancements that you will be needing to make to the application. You will have three full hours, and it is plenty of time for you to complete it. The specifications walk you step by step through each enhancement that you need to make. So just take it one step at a time. For the little ones that you feel "stuck" on, just skip them, and come back to them later... Good Luck and Have fun! CPD Pro 6.0 - There will not be a 6.0 Pro test. Instead, Sybase recommends that you basically take the 5.0 Pro test and then take the 6.0 Pro Migration test. Please see for your personal Certification Path (depending on what certification level you are already at).

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Sharon's Personal Advice on Taking the CPD Associate/Professional Tests

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I will warn you not to "overanalyze" your answers. For in my opinion, to the intelligent, analytical minds, the questions can many times seem tricky ~ obscure ~ irrelevant ~&/or~ subjective!! Watch out for those possible-multi-answer questions (checkboxes) that tempt you in to checking a box that sounds like it could possibly be true ~ although you have never even heard of it... They'll get ya if you're not careful. And if you check one checkbox wrong, you miss the whole question. So forewarned is forearmed, okay? Good news! Merris has changed their use of checkbox questions so that in all future tests it will say how many checkboxes you should check. Thank you, Merris! Now here's the most important advice that I have for all of you CPD seekers out there... Don't feel bad if it takes a couple of tries, even for each step of the way... For everyone I have ever known (myself included) took more than one try on most every PB test they took!! Don't bet your self image on whether you pass or fail or whether it's going to get any easier... Just go with the flow and turn it into as fun of an experience as you can. Okay? ... Here is my most favorite CPD motivational advice... I forgot where I saw this. Some book or motivational infommercial. One thing shared by all the successful people is not that they never fail, but how quickly they recover from failure and make another attempt. In fact, here is a another little tip... If you don't swing it the first time... *Immediately afterwards*, go to a quiet place, alone, grab a beer or beverage of your choice and jot down every piece of any Associate question (or Professional application specification) that you can remember... Use this as your study guide for round two! Now, if you miss the CPD Professional Test by only a few points, make sure that you schedule a followup phone meeting with the grader (phone number found on your letter) to discuss what points were deducted. After your phone meeting, if you still feel that your solution was valid, then be sure to write a formal letter to the CPD Review Committee. I wish I had actually done that... I drafted two or three, but I gave up too soon....because I felt beaten from the phone interviews and debates. Please do not let that happen to you, and I personally will feel that the world is a better place. Sharon's Personal Advice on Coping And if you get flustered from "failing", well, just come back here or to your CPD Studying Advice favorite bookmark ( ) and do some venting... Write me a little note, and I will comfort you even 8-) ... Or practice whining like, for instance, say, "Gee, wish someone would make them more realistic and not so harsh, but maybe it is just a sign of the times. I personally wish that they would just double the price and be better at helping us to be able to get it the first time! Sure would be more positive ~ more encouraging ~ more humane ~&~ less frustrating..." Or, heck, maybe even try some constructive criticism feedback directed at the Sybase people that can do something about it! ( ) Sam Lakkundi at , Brant Stevens at or Rosalyn Sarmiento at appreciate your constructive feedback. They will actually listen and try to improve things for you and the next person. And, when you step up to the CPD Professional level of testing fun... Let this first phrase be your mantra and the second phrase simply make yourself laugh at yourself 8-) Sharon's Personal CPD Humor!
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Here's a note that I wrote the night (early morn aft) of the same day that I finally passed the CPD Pro 5.0 Maintenance Test... It's called "Zen and the Art of CPD Maintenance - We're having fun NOW!" May it help you on your CPD path... ~sb

Sharon's Politically Correct Footnote But, now in Sybase's defense though... What I have learned, and come to realize and accept, is that Sybase strives to keep up the value of the CPD title. And as a side effect, the title becomes harder to achieve. See, I actually like the fact that it is hard enough to make it actually mean something... But my main concern has always been that there was not much that a person could do to prepare for the tests... because there were no sample tests that really paralleled them, and the study guide was broad and vague, and well, who has the time to sit and memorize the entire PowerBuilder Online Help file and Online Documentation? ... However, now that I see that Sybase has made a major commitment to remedy these problems, I personally feel much, much more relieved. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh.......

And, in closing, please bear in mind, one thing is for sure You

will learn *a lot* from your CPD Test experience!

Good Luck! 8-) ~Sharon CPD-P

~~ Special thanks to Vaidyanathan Sriram for his inspiration for this little write-up! ... And thanks to Jesse Morales, Daniel Fox, Mark Guo, Pat Catanzaro, Ken Yates, Bob Fields,Cindy Houck, Ian Ross, Sumit Basu, Dean Ames, Sheldon Shulman and Cecil O'Brien Owens, Jr.'s inspiration to keep it updated and helpful. ~~ Special thanks to Boris Gasin, Judy Cote, Michael Campbell, Greg Nieman, Kent Marsh, Todd DeRosa, Larry Cermak (and several other TeamPSers) as well as my incredibly patient husband, John, for helping me thru my personal CPD drama!

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I would like to learn PFC. Where Do I start?"

If you are just getting started with the PFC, I strongly recommend using this PFC CD (plus 200+ page resource manual) to learn PFC. More info at

To get started with the PFC, first get familiar with "What is the PFC?" at: and

Then, peruse through the Potpourri of "PFC Services" that are available to the PFC programmer at:

There are some helpful PFC slides (for Newbies to Experts alike) from Powersoft Conference '98/ '97 at: '98 - PM602 - Beginning with the PFC: '97 - PM 76 - PowerBuilder Foundation Class Library - by PFC Dev Team Mbr Brian Grimm, & Jackie Green, PS Tech Support: '97 - PM 41 - Techniques and Design Strategies to Use on the PFC Library - by Howard Block, administrator of pfcsig: '97 - PM 40 - New Features in the PFC Library (PFC 6.0) - by PFC Development Teamsters - Mark Overbey and Claudio Quant: '97 - PM 77 - Customizing the PFC Library - by Earl Clark, Powersoft: '98 - PM603 - Rearchitecting a "Legacy" PowerBuilder Application to Use the PFC: '98 - PM320 - Using the PFC 6.0 LUW Service: '98 - PM321 - Using the PFC 6.0 TreeView Control:
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'98 - PM322 - Increasing Distributed PowerBuilder Speed with ORB-Type PFC Services: '98 - PM605 - Case Study: Extending the PFC Security Module: '98 - PM606 - Stored Procedures, Databases, and the PFC: '99 - AD262 - Programming with the PowerBuilder Foundation Class (PFC) (logon ID & password)

Next, it is helpful to read through the PFC User's Guide Book that comes with PowerBuilder. (They come on the CD. Or, you can order hardcopies, an entire set for only $95. Or, you may access them via the web.) There you will find a PFC Overview, a Tutorial (with step-by-step instructions to guide you through the basics of creating a new PFC app), and some very detailed descriptions of the services and concepts. PFC User's Guide;cs=default;ts=default PFC Object Reference;cs=default;ts=default

The PFC also comes with a few Example PFC Applications that you can play with and look through. In PowerBuilder 6.0, there are lots of examples, something for every service. Also, be sure to look at the "Quick Start" PFC application.

The PFC Online Help is very good... Do not underestimate the power of the PFC Online Help... So whenever you are in the script and you are wondering about a particular PFC function/event, all you have to do is position your cursor on the function name/event and press shift-F1 and voila! the PFC Help will describe it. Get familiar with using the PFC Help... You will use it a lot!

A checklist of the "Steps to create a new PFC application" is at:

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Interested in a product to jumpstart your PFC project? HOW and Object Composer are products worth considering. HOW will be packaged with PowerBuilder 6.0. HOW helps you to design your application and then generate PFC code from your design. HOW is a two way street. You can create code from your design, *and* you can produce the design from your code (reverse engineering). (See for details.) Object Composer will create your PFC application, based on your input into a "wizard" interface. This is a one way street, generate the PFC code and that's it. The objects that are generated also include some commented out code to help you add your code. (See for details.)

After you have learned about all that the PFC has to offer, but before you dive right into coding your application, decide whether or not your project needs or would benefit from buying a 3rd party class library product to extend the PFC. There are several out there, for example... Cornerstone ( ) PFCTool ( ) PowerClass ( ) FrameBuilder Class ( ) There is also a free PFC class library called PFCPlus, compliments of Greenbrier & Russel . Although this class library was discontinued since 6.0, you are still welcome to download the 5.0 version for free from . Many programmers have simply picked and chosen services from PFCPlus, rather than using it as a whole. Keep in mind that many successful projects have been built using the PFC alone, so a 3rd party tool is not absolutely necessary.

In addition, there are also some PFC class libraries designed for distributed and web (EA Server) applications. For example... Enterprise Application Framework (EAF) ( free ) Rivertons HOW OpenFrame ( ) jecFrame ( )

For more information, please see "PFC Class Libraries" at the "Top Tools" CheatSheet at Class Libraries .

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The PFC Guide web site answers the question "I would like to learn PFC. Where Do I start?" at: Notes: At the above site, Boris Gasin will tell you about white paper to read on Service Based Architecture by Bill Green... It is very deep though, so don't worry, just make it through the first Chapter or so to begin with... (You know how smart them TeamSybase gurus are.) ... Also, so that you know what to concentrate on, Boris will tell you which PFC topics to get real familiar with first off Also notice that there are links to some of his listed key topics in the PFC Guide's FAQ. Hey, bookmark >> <<right away......Or simply memorize "pfcguide"!

The PFC Guide has everything and anything you'll ever need to know about the PFC right there, all organized and at your fingertips! ... For instance, get to know the PFC services (what do they do, common questions about each) at: And breeze through all the Sybase PFC-related Faxbacks at:

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And, Yes! There are some fantastic PFC books... This first book is a great way to learn PFC, tutorial style... Programming with the PFC, available in 6.0 and 7.0 versions To order: or , navigate to "PFC Tutorial"

And these two are "Must Haves" for any PFCer... Powerbuilder Foundation Class Library Professional Reference (Team Powersoft Series) To order: Authors: Howard Block, Millard Brown, Boris Gasin, William Green, Andy Tauber Contributions by: Steve Benfield, Kent Marsh and William Rompala

PFC Programmer's Reference Manual To order: Author: Richard Brooks Appendices by: Sharon Weinstrom Buntz, Jason Cohen, Glenn G. Dmello, Ken Howe, Greg Schultz, Brian Suter

And be sure to check out the excellent PFC articles in PB magazines such as PowerTimes , PowerBuilder Developers Journal and back issues of PowerBuilder Advisor . Many are also available online, and they contain current, practical, helpful and yes interesting PFC info... Don't miss Boris Gasin's "PFC Place" in the International electronic magazine called PowerTimes. Also, don't miss John Olson at the "PFC Corner" in the PowerBuilder Developers Journal.

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Also, it is really worth it to go to a PFC training class. The Sybase ones are very good ( ), and there are some excellent advanced PFC classes available as well... For example, inspiring seminars and CDs by Steve Benfield... See:

Last but not least, don't be afraid to look at the PFC code itself! All of the source code is right there at your fingertips. Plus, the PFC code is a fine example of how to code, written by the finest programming minds to be found... And so getting to know it helps your programming skills as well. Also, the more you know about what's under the covers, the deeper your understanding will grow.

And, don't worry, if you have any questions along the way... ...the PFC mail lists are just a search... ...or an e-mail... .............away!

Happy PFCing! Sharon Weinstrom Buntz

~~ Special thanks to Sean Henriques for his inspiration for this little write-up... And thanks to Yannick Lockhead and Brian Grimm for their inspiration to keep it fresh and updated.

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More Information at the WEB site

There you have it. Those are the main PFC Cheat Sheet pages. Of course all of these are available online and up-to-date at . There is even more there at the online site. For instance, PFC/PB Y2K FAQ at PFC Upgrade Check List at and a lot of other related information that is just too massive and too volatile to include in document format.

Your Comments and Input are Welcome!

I value your comments and input. So please feel free to e-mail me anytime at with any of your ideas or feedback or even just to say hi <s> Another alternative is to sign the PFC Cheat Sheets Guest Book at I look forward to hearing from you. Thank You! ~Sharon

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