Busitema Satellite Vol 1 Issue 3

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political issue

Monday, 20 march 2012


Busitema satellite
Namasagali campus

Chief Editor: +256-714-778-566

Vol.1 issue 3

Associate Editor:+256-779--324-219

Bagdad accounts committee

Coach gets first win

News bites

Hiv testing Toilet paper on notice board

The nobles

His incumbent rcc and the champion of challenges as he akways tell

His the current finance though he gunning for an

samuel snr 15%

candidate 0%

She is probably the first woman to show interest in vying for the biggest office in the land. Her

natukunda rossette 20%

muliro francis 30%

muyagwa frank 35%



Your life and

Rcc trail

His the cgrc member who held money but cant be held accountable because of his impeccably clean image. Munyagwa is that type of political who will

Women's day blows

Busitema satellite vol1, issue 3

Drunkards prayer

Political issue

Monday, 20 march 2012

His the current finance though he gunning for an even bigger role in the next cgrc. Having seen the current system fail before his own eyes especially in the way money is channelled from the top brass in the guild to the local representatives. A lot has happened where money has been disbursed to the campus but his office has been framed as the one which took the money. Rcc will be slightly easy and even change may be realised having worked closely with the incumbent, i dont see him repeating the same dictatorial and secretive style show caused by the current rcc. His man who deliver on his promise and is not new to competitive politics. Last election he moved toe to toe with Sekajugo John for the finance office hence dont expect words to fail him on the campaign day.
His the cgrc member who held money but cant be held accountable because of his impeccably clean image. Munyagwa is that type of political who will never change to satisfy the whim of a higher force unless that change is on principle. The type to press hard till the very last day when he cant push no more. His decision to stay in multi-purpose was beleaguered by many second yrs at the time they were scrambling and partitioning Bagdad. He chose to stay and guide the young to the promised land of campus life.

His biggest strength is his organisational skills having initiated ERESA as an association of students east of the nile only to be failed by cheap politics of Okitui and high levels of ignorance excercised by members of ERESA about how an association is run. The following semester he initiated NECI alongside the likes of magezi and papa and so far the association is going places. Last year they pushed the sensitisation to Butaleja and this semester they were radio spreading the gossipke of developing with the nation. Apart from that he possesses the ability for one on one political campaign and his faithfuls should try and forget the smear campaign waged on him because of the office he held.

During the time of the mama generator strike, he sat on that pressure pot as he pushed the administration to the wall. His pain was for the suffering students who had to suffer darkness despite the presence of a generator. When all leaders hid behind the rules and bureaucracy, he kept pushing for change and not rebellion. His rise to politics can be compared to the story of angel Gabrielle and Mary. This was when he was appointed the deputy rcc ahead of hot favourites Natukunda Rosette and Nakyanzi Debora. His only previous brush with politics was on matters of principle when feeding allawonce was deducted by 20000 by the administration. Here he was very vocal even doing the math on the black with the mama dean. As a member of the cgrc he has kept his cool and refused to cross the line and rebel against the Rcc despite several scenarios when mutiny and coup dtat was the best option.

Busitema satellite vol1, issue 3

political issue

Monday, 20 march 2012

His incumbent rcc and the champion of challenges as he akways telling members. His goal for a return to office is to do good on the many promises that lay in wait at his desk. These promises were not a campaign strategy for the next election but he was failed by the whole system. His term being the very first in the newly decentralised multi campus system of administration. He was always going to face problems at implementation especially given the fact that the campus didnt have a bank account of its own. Some of the promises still laying back are the guild tree project, duo decoder, the guild office among several pressing issues. populary deemed fit for the deputy rcc role than all the other posts. The passlines for her deputy post was her fighting spirit showcased against despots like munyuli, the campus administration and was at the fore front of namasagali's first sit down strike over the generator issue. Last semester along side Hazra, winnie, and judith waged the mama generator strike that saw the rcc get emShe is probably the first woman to show barrassed beinterest in vying for the biggest office in fore his boss the land. Her inception into competitive the guild politics has been a slow and steady proc- president and ess. Having started at the primaries by nearly sufsimply voicing her opinions on issues. She fered a vote is stepping up her act and this time voic- of no confiing the need for the political wind to dence from swing to the female side of the gender his own cgrc divide. Last year she pulled out she was members.
Busitema satellite vol1, issue 3

Political issue

Monday, 20 march 2012

candidate 0% acheda amos 18%

ahabwe raymond 27%

bwire mozes 25%

mabirizi julius 30%

welfare secretary
tusiime cathy 17%

guma adrabo 24%

c a n di d okurut emma 31%

mpand e mahad 28%

Busitema satellite vol1, issue 3

political issue

Monday, 20 march 2012

Busitema satellite vol1, issue 3

political issue

Monday, 20 march 2012

Rcc in hot soup

As the guild president stood with a couple of students in his hastily organised interactive meeting, everything went bizarre as students fired him questions ranging from delayed airtime allowance, freshers ball, mishandled elections organised by the speaker,. However one person stood out, hostel chairperson questioned the president about the delayed allowance and his mode of communication with the rcc. He answered regardless the fact that he communicates with the rcc, he expects the rcc to give feedback to his fellow leaders. To which the hostel chairperson refuted with anger and emotion that such has never happened at any one point. The guild president in response lost words an answer good enough to the hostel chairperson. Cons to Wilson these are the leaders we need who call a spade a spade and not a big spoon

Toilet paper finds way onto notice board

a trend has developed where over excited journalists are pinning up hand written bulletins by the minute on any wall close to them. To make matters worse they use paper fit to be toilet paper or mandazi wrappers in the process making the notice

Allowances triple the inflation

rate at namasagali as a certain fresher took a bath for the first time in a month and broke his timetable of spraying deodorant even after sweating on the pitch when news trickled in that allowances had been deposited. Another prominent campus politician skipped lectures just to go and check whether money had been deposited in Kamuli

Rcc summon satellite snoops

Mid-morning set in as the rcc summons satellite members. He rcc speech was saying some were biased in their analysis especially okitwi. He complained that he was going past ethical boundaries by breaking true news at the wrong time. But was reminded that we the satellite announce to the public impartial news and they in turn make their judgement.

Girls sweat samona

Prof Math concept and mr suna caused commotion among year two. According to our snoop and onlooker, the so called prof invited all yr1 students for around table test ohh ba in what. . And his disciples know better. In surprise all the choppers turned up. In the process all chairs were smuggled from yr2 to yr1. And the showy yr2 had to pant

Busitema ranked number two in Uganda and 100

looking for seats as kakugs was busy with his usual In Africa stories and kb. As sunna bounced back with his bu More compensation have been met than allowusual tests two yr2 gals were made to sweat of the ances The common room staff to draft own constitusamona in their tion on how to earn income like hostel members hair after they to create a fund were put to Human rights society to teach busitema unitask what they versity students law affairs after teaching were discussing Cultural gala delayed due to financial conduring the test. straints
Busitema satellite vol1, issue 3

political issue

Monday, 20 march 2012

Delayed allowances

retary then read some sketchy minutes from the previous meetings. Mama dean then stood and gave a soothing speech but the most conscious was an assurance that members had properly documented all their claims backed by proper documentation. She even gave a step by step procedure of how to write claims and requisitions especially the need to append signatures and receipts of anything bought. She even hinted that each campus would have a warden to handle all the piling claims.

Akategeka then AA then produced a pile of documents showing the previous government having a sum of 11million. He further Musisi drew up a quick fire agenda to turn what turned into a crowd of debtors and dis- went on to hint that the external auditor had already written to the Gp requesting for the gruntled leaders. books of accounts since his term was in its The agenda drew several amendments from evening days. honourables with the election of EC being pushed from number 2 to number 7. This was There was embarrasment in the taxi after professional guidance from a member transporting honourables of administration who proclaimed that you to vote in EC. The hon. in cant have reactions before matters arising. qtn showed high levels of He asked arising from what. Oriada the outuncultured embarrassing going Gp even took a nap after couldnt handle her post of gender and the steam from house and mas soothed by culture. She kept pollutmama deans motherly speech that poured waing the hons ears with ter on a congregation steaming with fire. claims that they ate her This was after she moved about soliciting for 10k. She frantically was words to pour in the ears of the honourables seen making calls to her that were blocked by frustration of unpaid partner in crime at main campus pouring mud allawonces. But she risked her own skin after on the names of her honourable colleagues. she comented that 'members didnt move into What made most fan is why she was always leadership to get allawonce but to serve' on the defensive when members said she too which saw many hands pierce guidance, point had got 50k excluding transport from of enquiry, point of segregation from the Masindi just to vote. Members even dedihonourables. cated the song aniyakola sente by philly After adoption of the motion moved by hon. bongole lutaya with the lyric olimutufu Lwetutte samuel it was accdpted without ob- okunonya sente specifically describing the jection. honourable. Matters were later put to rest when the hon got something to eat consisting Kickstarting the meeting was the speaker who presented the much sought after leader- of takeaway pilawo and some stale milk that made her quiet and even starting like the ship training certificates from tlt. The secbeautiful girl she is.
Busitema satellite vol1, issue 3

Political issue

Monday, 20 march 2012

Availability vs capability
With the cgrc languishing in its evening years am fearing unsuspecting politicians who are hoping for a chance at paid politics to watch of their finances and set their houses in order. First and foremost the elections take place at short notice the constitution states two weeks after voting in the ec That means all politicians should prepare and arm themselves with passport two photographs since its one of the basic requirements for a chance at election. Then last year we had an election where the hot favourite to rcc Raymond failed to show up since had no money. And since every post comes with nomination fees, politicians should be planning with having inflation in mind meaning adding 50 for all post just to be well prepared. For example the gp paid up 200k should be dishing out a minimum of 250k, rcc paid upto 150k last time so you should plan for 200k The academic secretary forked out 80k but will probably cross the 100k ceiling. The other posts ranging from disability to sports secretary should pay out 50k and probably will be adjusted to 80k minimum. The common room and faculty representative staff still have a question so i suggest you dont sign up for them. So dont say i didnt warn you or you will get stuck in the same situation that the current staffs are facing. So you may be capable but if you not available on that day for ever hold your peace.

Raymond; from politician to joker

his emphatic rise proclaims the kiganda saying akera mukidara siye mogole. This was a man who had all the makings of a man worth the title honourable thanks for his ability to own his own against the campus administration especially over the Bagdad issue. His ability to conjure up manifestos was poetic, the dress code impeccable though with blemishes but with a god given ear for the crying masses. Today he looks a skeleton image of his former glory and swell. having lost the first ballot cast elections in Namasagali by a single vote to okitui for rcc thanks to his carelessness in our maiden semester everything was set for him to pull off a strong finish in the first multi campus election only for him to pull off the mother of all dis appointments disorganising himself to the fullest by first leading a failed boycott of the elections the followed it up with a flood of excuses to cover his inability to pay up the registration fees demanded by the EC. Despite the fact that he was the first to hoist a campaign poster on the muddy walls of Namasagali. Making many believe him being more of a joker than a politician come this year his taken up the same character but this time in the arms of love and seclude. He walks around with an image of a failed dreamer who promised much but delivered nothing. Guess his profile reads he came Failed to see and never even ever looked like conquering.

Ec millions worth of allowances excites namsagali

despite the announcement that every post will carry an nomination of a couple of thousand shillings has not deterred the broke people to sign up their names. This came in the wake of the speakers short notice visit to the campus which so he bombard by a barrage of questions at why they are paying the money and further more to the guild account run by the most corrupt people in the land. Those desperate for the position were seen scrambling for the forms and pulling away the cgrc members with promises of heaven on earth if they voted them in.

Hiv tests break up families

their was a cold war when the vct people visited campus leaving many families on the brink of collapse as members feared to disclose their status to each other. Others opted to resign love and start attending church like they used to. The excitement was furthered when members learnt that female condoms had been left behind. All boys were seen scrambling to learn the magic of

how such a big thing can fit on their gals and better still on their missiles

Busitema satellite vol1, issue 3

political issue

Monday, 20 march 2012

ahead and tore down the articles .This leaves lingering questions as to why he over reacted, went too emotional and personal with the satellite crew members. According to our snoops and on lookers in Baghdad the head of concerned students confronted him (the speaker) and brought him before the readers and the press to defend his actions. This is what he had to say. That the satellite was bias and so was pinning him without prove, but when press the satellite presented the requisition that was prepared he said, That they (RCC and speaker) did not prepare any budget but just received a presidential phone call directive to organise the general assembly. But we still ask, what is the constitutional role of the speaker? = (presiding over the campus general assembly and any other duty assigned to him by the CGRC not issues concerning finances of CGRC). It was quite shocking when satellite unearthed that a huge sum of 0.8m was reHe also said the money was wired into the leased by the finance department to ensure basket account of the RCC for two purposes. that the general assembly is successively car- 1. That 0.35million was meant for campus ried out in Namasagali campus. But controgeneral assembly ,but scribes still wonder versy (debate) still surrounds the the organi- whether the items purchased were really sation of the general assembly. worthy that value?(more clarity is still The inside story. needed here (RCC) said one guild member) According to our reliable sources the RCC to- 2. That 0.45million was meant to pay the algether with the speaker vigorously engaged lowances of the CGRC.But when the firein the drafting of the budget for items such brand and out spoken Asasira Joseph as refreshment, lunch, campus dance and allowances for the CGRC members. when the (Academic secretary) was consulted whether what the speaker said was authentic this he satellite contacted same CGRC members refuted there and then, saying the money who have preferred anonymity due to the sensitivity of the matter, they said such mon- they got was the previous allowances and not ies were not given to them instead they got allowance for general assembly as stipulated the previous allowance they were meant to in the requisition.(The furious Baghdad acget .our snoops also discovered that the ficounts committee asked the RCC who is yet nance secretary of all members was not involved in the budgeting process and so he is to provide his said of the story to clarify on as green as any other commoner. But when this matter also to do so)since we couldnt we first broke the story with the headline ban- reach him on one on one the satellite tried ner WHO POCKETED MONEY MEANT TO OR- reaching him on phone but it was showing GANISE CAMPUS GENERAL ASSEMBLY IN busy since he was in for a meeting in arapai BAGHDAD NOTICE BOARD, The speaker did not perceive the whole story well and he went

Somebody should clear the dust about the 0.8 million meant for campus general assembly last semester.

Busitema satellite vol1, issue 3


Political issue

Monday, 20 march 2012

RULES AND PROCEDURES OF AN ORGANISED DEBATE The house shall be referred as the- august house The august house shall consist of; The chair known as the right Honorable speaker. He is law and final. The general secretary: To jot down the views of the debaters any other relevant information The chief whip: To keep order in the house. The timekeepers: To strictly keep time. The ushers: To welcome the guests who are the audience. There shall be only two points i.e. point of information and point of order. The house shall consist of; The principle debaters-i.e. the opposers and the proposers. The opposers-those disagreeing with the motion So when the concerned student gave room for questions, this what they asked the flamboyThe proposers-those agreeing with the motion ant speaker. The audience-whom chance shall be Which month were the allowances meant granted to participate if time allows. for? The principle debaters must be smartly Answer: I dont know dressed-i.e. well combed hair, polished Who signed the requisition? shoes etc. Answer: RCC The principal debaters shall not present What is contained in the general and how do their views as points but as views while other campuses organise their?-pending on the floor. Time allocation The main principle speakers shall each be allowed to exhaust their views for 10 minutes at time. Main principle speakers-ones who opens up the debate. Usually one from each side at time. The manor principle speakers shall each be allocated 5 minutes. Manor principle speakers-ones who come thereafter the main principle speakers. Cc: chair. Cc: Editor Politics and administration (0781874270/0kitwi.charles@gmail.com/ facebook) How did you (speaker) get the money? Answer: thru RCC. Did finance know of all these developments? Answer: I dont know Below is the copy of the requisition that was prepared and forwarded to the minister of finance without the knowledge of the campus finance secretary (Namasagali campus). RCC what is your side??????????????????????????????????? Since you are back Cc: Editor Politics and administration (0781874270/okitwi.charles@gmail.com/ facebook)

Busitema satellite vol1, issue 3


political issue

Monday, 20 march 2012

The cgrc 2011/2012

will go down in history as a learning curve and not a campus representative council. Its a group of people who stepped into office in a chaotic way and lived to this spirit till the very last day.they spent more time pointing fingers at each other.The cgrc show cased the highest levels of ignorance of their duties in office. The arguments were childish attacks on each other member forgetting their duties and instead getting stuck in picking out articles in the constitution that justify their stand. Its so embarrassing if a welfare secretary clashes with his rcc over a paltry 200,000. Issues of the constitution affairs were supposed to be streamlined by the justice and constitutional affairs secretary who also shunned her duty and only added her arguments when the house was debating about the delayed allowances. And then the academic secretary flies around urging for accountability as though thats what is needed. Were they blinded by the small pieces on their plates that they forgot the whole meal in the kitchen. If the cgrc too had a justice and gender secretary what was role because these matters called for her involvement. No wonder this cgrc leaves with nothing to show not even a pen will be passed onto the next group and I hope the no kisanja spirit that saw the previous set of leaders in poor head to the dust bins is brought back for they were an embarrassment to the setup.

Things we shouldn't hear

in people's manifestos that we organised a successful campus general assembly and we planning on an even bigger one this year, that the new building which is a lecture block was sponsored by you, that the new tv was on bought your account, that dstv was always subscribed and that you planning on getting a duo decoder, that the campus will get a new means of transport because even the one you got right now is ram shackled and super old, the internet no longer a selling point, we wont leave multi point because they now have small rooms made out of bed sheets and even the vc didn't come to commission them, the gals will get anew hostel and that you bring warid network on campus

Fatima: who is a politician Gloria: someone who talks when others are not interested fatuma: then who is a voter Gloria: someone who pretends to be following up something the politician is trying to direct yet they are not following fatuma: candidate gloria: eh! Thats someone who asks a question and answers them himself Fatima: electoral commission officer Gloria: thats someone who tries to pretend that they cant be bribed

Coffee spirit as tomato sauce

On womens day Bagdad caught fire when an upcoming politician and seasoned church preacher added coffee spirit as tomato sauce for his food. When asked why he did this, he said he wanted to show a difference between womens day and that coffee sprit makes a good diet and his dieing to do it again.

Busitema satellite vol1, issue 3


Political issue

Monday, 20 march 2012

Bus arrives for recycling

The scorching sun replaced the floods

Before and after

The long awaited bus or coaster that by road standards looks fit for recycling finally made it past the procurement process and into the campus. It looks like the administrators were taking notes from Mr ki-

fumba's ecology lectures and they implement the 3R's of reuse, recycle but opted for the latter when they sent the campus fit for recycling. Driven into the campus on Friday it was taken to Namasagali tc for a spin and admiration by the locals who were left with disconnected jaws and their clothes drenched in saliva as they sung praise for the university new acquisition. Many were even heard scheduling burial trips only to be told that its university property. Sorry people the university will get you a wheel barrow and don't forget to invite us for your parties please because its university policy not we the students.

that nearly swept away the bridge in Namasagali. The soil is all cracked dotted with the burnt out bushes and shrubs as people are burning everything to even mango trees to get charcoal. What used to flood into gum boots now been replaced by dust that floods the students shoes as they trek from Bagdad to their lectures. Those worst hit are those who trek back to Bagdad to eat their cp as they reach their destination since they reach drenched in sweat. On return they head back for lectures feeling more hungry than they left since they burn all the calories got from cp trekking the dusty road to Bagdad that was once flooded with water.

Busitema satellite vol1, issue 3


political issue

Monday, 20 march 2012

LEADERS WHO DO book of ours.


It has become a nodding disease among leaders in Uganda and Namasagali in particular that when the press swings into action to dig out the gist of matter leaders begin to think the media is fighting personal wars. Reliable sources were shocked to hear the RCC say that some people within the satellite were breaching the media constitutional rules. Now Mr. RCC may you in your capacity show us in the satellite the constitution of Busitema satellite? .Then help us and quote for us such articles in this imaginary mighty

to see such anti-social behaviour come to an I as the editor poliend.

tics and administration shall not be intimidated in any way possible with mere words from leaders who do not consult, conquer and communicate to their votes what is happening in the university and in Namasagali in particular. I shall vigorously continue to exercise my duty of breaking the truth from all angles. Be it from students or guild leaders.

Leaders must be held accountable for their words, movements and actions by the student fraternity and this can be made possible through the speedy work of the satellite. We as the satellite have a mandatory role and right to inform our readers ON all issues happening around them. Then for responsibility and openness you the leader explains to us and the students at all cost.

The editor politics and administration would I shall exercise my encourage the students duty with partiality to bring forward their and integrity what- articles to satellite on any burning issue ever the cost and around you be it on whatever the effect. This thing of biasness corruption,freshers ball saga, forthcoming thinking is what has cost us serious division elections etc etc. between the first year Cc: editor politics and administration students and second (0781874270/ year students we as the satellite would love okitwi.charles@gmail.co m/facebook).

Busitema satellite vol1, issue 3


Political issue

Monday, 20 march 2012

This Breakfast and lunch and supper man nawe salako

Am Idle and disorderly

Ladies needed for the vip section

Welcome mama nurse

Those Chapattis were 2k each for general assembly

I hate women's day

Some one call the police

Busitema satellite vol1, issue 3


political issue

Monday, 20 march 2012

What's heavy inside there???

Kati why has this truck collapsed

How much are tshirts on market day

Even the cgrc has no money for allowance I Wish women's day meant men also wash plates

Me don't have money for nurses kidanzi

Next training is to reduce those bellies full of cage food

I am looking displaced

Busitema satellite vol1, issue 3


Political issue

Monday, 20 march 2012

bagdad accounts commitee

as the clock counts down on the cgrc's term in office, more and more leaders being put to the wire to explain how moneys entered their offices and left without following official documented procedure. The committee moderated by magezi has a panel of the most interrogative honourable. The members comprise of Okitui who is in charge of classified info, John a former finance official in govts gone by, mabirizi julius represent the satellite and a bunch of ex officials who chip in with pin point and interesting questions.. First to be quizzed was the speaker who was put to task how he 800k meant to organise the campus assembly was spent yet all students got was a chapati,a soda and a cake yet the assembly was meant to be covered with full lunch budget. And the right honourable didnt disappoint by saying they bought chapatis

of up to 2k a piece because there was no time to budget since they hadnt got the money yet. He also was put to task by jose at whether he knew his functions and roles on the campus assembly which led to serious consultation from the constitution. A star he is kept leaving many questions up to the rcc to answer and even refused to die a martyr when he shared a confidential document he had been sitting on for quite a while in which the finance secretary in secrecy wrote a requisition claim demanding to be paid 8+ million for office material that the sitting cgrc had spent on during their regime. Some of the items were the pink files each cgrc mem-

time meant for class coordinators The welfare secretary to explain the tv money as well as the freshers ball The deputy rcc to explain where the accountability for freshers ball is The hostel chairpersons both male and female at where the paraffin they get every week hs spent and whether its given to their lovers or not The disability at where he put allowance meant for combs and hair cuts The transport secretary at why the satellite never been printed and why the editorial members dont have their ids yet The secretary non-resident to explain where he got America from the sports secretary at what ber got from. happened to the allowances of The house was then adstudents at ndejje, arapai, journed to a future date with the sports jerseys and allowthe plan being ances for the teams both gals Inviting the finance secreand boys and why he cant tary to explain what he name his first eleven after all planned to do with the 8milthis time in charge, does he lion whose requisition was need a sack like villas boas even written in dark Lastly the rcc to explain why The academic to explain why he never calls for cgrc meetnamasagali little faculty alings yet the constitution lowance and better still it stipulates monthly, the decomes later than for all cam- layed allowances. puses and where he put air-

Busitema satellite vol1, issue 3


political issue

Monday, 20 march 2012

A joke gone bad

I to used Hate when am in class trying to add sense to my useless head of mine and take that as an opportunity to turn me into some kind of mtn or airtel mast to transmit their chits/sms to and from. These ranged from love massages to chucking smses with crude language with people referring to their once darling lovers to dogs kind of sentiments. It even became worse when people made me pass chits in class to the girl of my dreams and i didnt care what you were telling her i was freaking jealousy. So one day the guy i fear who i thought was chasing my future mate asked me to pass a chit to some langi chick that we all knew was a mawire even though she was bright and a good discussant. So this guy kept tearing pages and writing chits to this. To make matters worse the lecturer kept looking at me with those i know you doing something wrong eyes. This didnt make matters any better for me the innocent party. So i guiltily opened the chi this guy had written lets do it again in broken english. Looked at him once and said i wanna do this pakalast and since my newest network is orange trying to expand and look busy in class since the lecturer was overdosing me on sleeping pills mashed in greedy eyes. So that day to keep the chits moving i would open and reedit them to give a new twist in the kb. Since the gal wasnt answering, i sent another from the same guy lets do it and get into your pants. Within minutes the gal sent back a chit reading do you know whom you talking to? I edited to read at my place this time. After the lecture the boy coincidentally told the gal lets go to your place to which the gal swung the hardest slap she could master with all her might. The impact on the boys jaw sounded so loud everything around the lecture block came to a standstill. As we watched in dismay she slapped the hell out of the boy while accompanying it with tough words in her native Lou language. Iming i cal igwoko pe ilol wia literally meaning you like a dog dont disturb me peter: Okello is spreading propaganda about me john: no! That isn't true, Okello is an acholi not a muganda

In life their two things

either a commoner or a politician If you a commoner you are safe, If you a politician their two things involved You either stand for an election or not If you dont stand you are safe, if you stand if you do their two things involved Either complains that nomination fees are too high or low if you dont pay you are safe but if you pay their two things involved Either you have too much wolokoso to convince the voters or you dont have and if you dont have it their two things involved Either plays clean or dirty politics, if you play clean you safe if you play dirty politics their two things involved Either buys the voters through bribes or doesnt and if you dont buy votes your safe, but if you buy their two things involved You either buy votes of the right people or the wrong ones. If you buy the right ones you are safe but the wrong people their two things involved Either win by nook or crook or lose. If you win by crook or nook you are safe, you lose there is one thing involved Committing suicide on a tomato plant using a wet toilet paper. You

Moral of the story know the right people whose votes

you can buy

Busitema satellite vol1, issue 3


Political issue

Monday, 20 march 2012

Cgrc review

booty but please talk sense thats beyond your glasses instead of flirting with every A number of members are gearing fo new dude roles as guild leaders but most will need Hostels male why you wear your trouser to clean their corruption tainted images from the back and make your katafali starting from the very top. look like dabo Ds and hostel not about The rcc needs a total make over espeswitching on and off of solar as well as demanding for your allowance, we need the vc to come commission our cho's speaker we sorry for the unfortunate occurrence of losing your shoe sole that made you get that walking style but how come you got nothing after kuferarin us during bye election where did that money go Sports secretary we know you smile the best but what happened to the player allowances in arapai and why did you lend your organisational skills to your boss Hostel female did you lose weight because of the hostel duties of swindling parafin or because you were keeping a campus figure to please some ones eyes Secretary non-resident tumanyi those things happen but where the hell did you get the capital fo that kabusiness cially here and there yet there is nothing to show for his stay at the helm of namasagali here and there. The job will have to be availed to him too so he know his specific role in the cgrc. The welfare man too must understand we need a duo decoder not an explanation of how the constitution do's and donts and that in meeting its not about screaming but making points The academic secretary should understand that a budget is not an academic report so he should adjust accordingly because we the course coordinators need that airtime too. Justice and gender we know you the most
Busitema satellite vol1, issue 3


political issue

Monday, 20 march 2012

account for since always claimed you never received any money even tho we know otherwise Deputy rcc we all know you buzira during the freshers ball storm but where did all that money go because sincerely acheda didnt get that piece of chicken you promised Disability we shall continue this debate once you tell us where you are disabled Secretary how do you manage to write yet you blind or is it a miracle from above

Busitema satellite vol1, issue 3


Political issue

Monday, 20 march 2012

Over nite for politicians Bible teaching on

With the dry climate and weather has triggered the need for a higher power to and as the adage goes/ where there is a will there is a way. This has perfectly to Namasagali fledglings are


'Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom he has chosen as fast turning to the holy grail to see them through their mounthis heritage . . . (33:12) ing problems
like hiding form their discussants in Bagdad, struggling to get girlfriends if you cant afford a cool laptop complemented by a cooler bicycle or some heavenly facing sharp shooter for shoes. The trend has been pioneered by the like of mr. Bagdad in the company of other serial believers who on Friday night can be seen trekking to the holy place to meet blessings from their maker. Even the politicians have not been left behind on the overnight trend and hoped onto the band wagon thanks to the fact that the elections are seemingly drawing closer and so is the demand for a Jesus clean image demanded for by the electorate who wont think twice to bundle you out in a blinker of an eye. Those in public offices like church committees have also taken the opportunity to clean their images to wipe themselves of Saturdays transgression with the daughters of eve. Others seek the almighty to guide them along the temptation filled road they will be trekking come Saturday night.

'No one can serve two masters, either he will hate the one and leave the other or he will be devoted to the other one despise the other for you cant serve God and money. . (mathew 6:24) My people are destroyed because of lack of knowledge, i reject you from being a present to me and since you have forgotten the law of your God, i also will forget your children (hosea 4:6) You shall not take vengenence or bear a grudge against the sons of your own people that shall love your neighbour as yourself. I am your lord leviticus 19:18


Defines politics as the taking care of the affairs of the people and is an obligation upon all people. Here some quotes from Quran that can work as a set of guidelines for the incoming cgrc members

'and dont follow blindly any information of which you have no direct knowledge using you faculties of perception and conception, you must verify it for yourself for in the court of your lord you will be held accountable for your hearing and faculty of reasoning . . (17:36)
the court in this instance I the electorate who

'And rule between them by that which Allah are willing to stand by you in that long queue just revealed to you, and dont follow their vain deto see you through for your actions today will be sire away from the truth which came to you... held accountable at the end when you are handing (al-maidah verse 48)
the moment you abide to serve in the name of the constitution and the students you are held responsible by what rolled off your tongue and so should be prepared to tell the voters what they necessarily need to hear but what they deserve. over those offices you entering today.

'Oh mankind there has come to you from your guardian lord and exhalation a prescription for the minds a guidance and beneficence for those who believe... (10:57)
the electorate believe in what you promise them

'O you who believe obey Allah and obey the in your manifesto as a calling from a higher aumessenger and those in authority from amongst thority so dont let them down. you. . (al-nisa'a verse 59)
never quote your leaders in non-official forums and duplicate what you think as official

Busitema satellite vol1, issue 3


political issue

Monday, 20 march 2012

My dream cgrc
is that kind to make namasagali start living the dream since the captain of the last ship drowned his own ship on dry land befo even goin to sea rcc is sempala becaure of his walkin style it becomes better when he got gumboots on and his an all rounder just spot him one day runnin down that winger in number 7 deputy is hazra not because she brown and pretends she also know how to argue. Bt because is a buve bulaya aka korea if the gp fails to send that money we can send her so she flirt him into sense secretary would have been eseeti but he is so global so whe localise it to mpomwenda vero because damm this gal likes to write even takes the pastor's sermon as minutes becnz where two or three are its a meeting welfare would be deno who wants to miss the katemba and drama his big brother showed us imagine a candidate who can pretend to be taxi conductor if that what it means to get students welfare on track transport and pub-

licity is butaleja mainly becoz he speak many languages and knows mob history finance and projects benjamin man if the guild those funds all needs is the guild account number and everythng will be sorted and how about signature forgin as a guild project justice and gender fatuma this gals reps the line equality for all. For details on her profile ask acheda disability otinga his tha only one whose chest burns and he has no waist line thats why his trouser stand any where sports is adrabo emma because this guy leaves and puffs sport. He got the physic to scare eden not to mess with players allawances period academic secretary is namirimu olivia becoz we need some one who is focused, serious and likes discussions hostels bagdad would be ogugu becoy he never hangs at the gals cage, likes prayin and even goes for overnite hostels multip is elungat jurt to give the opportunity to

learn to keep his account very far from sharp boys hostel gals would be robinna not because got a guy who is crazy over her in bagdad but for her humility and un attached non resident movin internet because he wont make a family out their to embaras us wild cards

acheda fo academic secretary i neva seen him early for lectures esther fo gendar and culture typical mangeni peter because i have never seem him on a football pitch but how bout a chance for chess

lukman for welfare becoz the only time the generatnr will be on is durin match time becoz the other time he be in bagdad chillin just to see another stri

Busitema satellite vol1, issue 3


Political issue

Monday, 20 march 2012

As imagined earlier in life, surviving plans among scholars keep changing as one moves from one stage to another. As communicated, in this article we shall explore in details how campus galz earn a living Campus galz campus galz campus galz They teach mathematics using all symbols They teach subtraction of pocket money from guyz pockets, not by robbing, stealing, or grabbing, but just sweat talking I LUV U SWEET HEART , scoping guyz pieces. Campus galz

also means increased LEAKAGES. In all the same life carefulness saves your leakages CAMPUS GIRLS They do not like to be called girls,but only LADIES ,should you call one lady you are the best friend at the time. When one does not have money, that causes loss of appetite. But should you sponsor her for ameal she leaves nothing with a lot of pollution this leaves guys wonder.

When she wants to talj to you she beeps, I wonder they generally rarely call.should you call one she puts you on conference and they They speak endlessly .Tjis too worries the afteach ad- fected party so much. dition of problems Beyond this about campus girls, I shal not reaveal because they may be offended the to guyz, they also include division of guyz more. minds, in fact sincerely speaking, guyz even forget that where they come from, their CHAPTER TWO clans are as poor as supply. HOW DO CAMPUS BOYS SAVE? They are as expensive as aggregate demand; no one has and shall ever attain their riches. CAMPUS BOYS! They dont want to be called boys but only gentle men even when one is not fitting.Ladies feel their beloved one belittled when called a boy. Should you call him boy when the babe is near ,receiving a slap from the babe is absolutely hopeful Campus boys rarely sleep and babes often wonder about this.But what causes amusement about these boys is the way they save, Listen

They also lecture multiplication of trouble because if you are not careful, they are so tempting since should you happen to visit their place of residence, they can easily make you spend more than one month with them which

Busitema satellite vol1, issue 3


political issue

Monday, 20 march 2012

but when a babe sponsors he crushes it all When a campus guy claimes he doest borand nearly asks for more. This worries babes row wait at the point of intersection of rain and washing bed sheets .In reality, to fit in so much. When a babe asks for an outing, he proposes society at campus if you cannot buy please to have it at the river bank,I dont know what dont fail to borrow. The author narrates to you a story of what happened when rain inthey always go to do but all the same,at the river side nothing much is sold such as chips , tercepted some guys programme. chicken,coke. A PERSON YOU MAY KNOW Dont first wonder about this it is one way of This guy could not borrow, when he could see another borrowing, he would call the latter SAVING the way he imagines, but one day very early in Campus boys the morning nature showed signs of shining They are graduates in thinking, should a babe he was tempted to wash bed sheets with a lot visit him where he puts up,he does not buy a of WOLOKOSO claiming his assumed nachair they claim its expensive. ture of looking wordy brave ,would make him They lay their beds well, WHY? America on planet campus. After washing all the bed sheets blanket ,jacket and all his beLaying abed well is cheaper than buying a longings he left for an unknown mission .while chair ,this too saves expenditure there it started raining cats and dogs where At campus a guy without a babe makes noise he was he could not help coming and he could should he get one that is the end of it all. not call anybody because there was no netA guy without money is always in the liwork. As if they had had their meeting with brary ,babes wonder whether they underrain which looked as if it had not ended wel stand what they are ever reading! l ,rain showered his clothes beyond imaginaA guy who has missed a meal visits the ladies tion hostels. Might this be another way of saving Snoops reveal that when he saw it beginning you will help to investigate about this it seri- to rain he hurriedly left the babe in absolute ously pains those who are visited. situations and the babe got bothered and cursed herself not to ever come back to him Campus boys snoops secretly reveal. A guy with little money either hurries to the He found the clothes more wet than when hotel or goes late dont wonder why ,it is a way of saving. When he goes early or late he they were being washed, he couldnt also avoid missing his meals .imagine. is in position to ask for KIKOMANDO/ BALUGU/ENDAGU. The guy started panting like a resting dog, kneeling humbly like a born again Christian in Should he meet babes at the food joint he front of a pastor in a born again church ,what first looks around at what they are eating he couldnt say was LOOK AT ME OH GOD and then asks for what is not there for example At Namasagali, macaroni is America in ,But really looked one who was praying. Uganda it is what he asks for. This is another Everybody looked at him, he could not way of SAVING. help himself begging. Beyond this I am sorry I cant explore much about boys. CHAPTER THREE WASHING BEDSHEETS

Beyond this stay waiting from our nearby observer.

Story by KUZAIFFA pic right

Busitema satellite vol1, issue 3


Political issue

Monday, 20 march 2012

The golden olden days; floored at own party

friends and also these missis were mostly from university and certain institutes of higher learnin ro gals wanted to gain the ego of talking to the then campusers exchange contacts and jazz their friends back in the hostels later that evening. At the end of the day one could cleary understand and group classes of gals according to their motive7 for attending church. Those who went to have fun looking at the guys, dancing at the music playem, making friends, the screaming on top of their voices and moving up and down all in the name of having fun. Those who went to pray could talk of how the songs that moved them, how they were blessed by the word, scripures whose meaning was known before. Saturdays were the most interesting, they were if one of of those gents school was

its a number but growing big day after day. They were the day7 which became months and now becoming years since one wished to fly out of high school but hey! They were school days which bring back memories and those very baaaad days which tarnish the memories. To know that was a cool day screaming could be the order of the day, clean corridors, hostels, classes, main hall blah blah ' mean clean everything. Excitment beaming on every gals face, just a glance on one could show moving up and down all dressed up to kill in their sunday best was always a sunday, there was a mission team coming to fellowship with the gals brought excitment because of the cools guys who would come along the band. I mean piano, guitar and all those things, making new
Busitema satellite vol1, issue 3


political issue

Monday, 20 march 2012

dday started with bits of excitement which elevated as the musician came right through

fighting and dieing to hold and talk to himg mean while miss Flo is at the crowded door way hopefully anticipating with alot of faith believing and patiently waithng for the dude tn come out for a talk or something like that. After a long struggle he comes out and all eyes turn on miss Flo and thd dude but he instead ignores her.He rushes to his beamer. In tryin to grab his hand miss Flo obeys the gravity law at an angle 180 down the ground in the next half a second she is what a blast the rest of the time what you may know is that wasnt a cool day for her instead bad day. Indeed bad days tarnish memorier but one has to always laugh the off. That was the in my lovely school wanyange gals but this is me now here. . .till then The writer in pictures toady vero VMAS

the gate down the main hall, gals screaming at whatever the dude says and that continued till the end of the shnw where the guests were escorted to the gate. Acceptance is not always approval, gals took their time, you know 'looking great' to be accepted but at the end of the day not approved, it reminds me of a scenario where a known musician was to come and one miss Flo claimr to know this guy, so she promotes the show selling tickets making arrangements. Everythin for the show to be great. On d-day the long awaited dude comes miss Flo at the entrance ushering gals in telling them how great the show is to be tellin friends how she's to benefit from the show. At the door way she was ushering more gals and blocking those who always peep through the window till the show comes to a halt. Interestingly as the dude comes out gals keep
Busitema satellite vol1, issue 3


Political issue

Monday, 20 march 2012

womens day blows

the time check was 4am when a bunch of campus students were slowly but steadily taking their sleepy drank heads back to their hands were ambushed and thoroughly beaten by jealousy local dudes who were high on weed. The group comprising party animals were trekking from unique pub after pataking of womens day/campus nite dance organised to celebrate girl power the namasagali way. At the bar their swag had sprayed they had worked on all the gals at the bar to the extent were beggin the campusers to escort them home just to feel the magic of sleeping with a campusers. This didnt go down well with the local dudes who instead plotted revenge and ambushed the swaggerific campusers. The group consisted of four dudes who were escorting the gals along the budumbura route from tc and was led by xxx who got his tipsy head punched out at the junction as you move from tc to Bagdad. This incident made the group split up with yyy moving towards pastors home while zzz sprinted back to the bar to call the bar owned xyz. The bar owner xyz then picked up an enkoni after hearing the screams from zzz that xxx was lieing dead on the ground after getting punched by his assailants. On getting his senses back, xxx sprinted to the namasagali police to pick a bunch of officers to arrest the night goons. Xyz on arrival hit one of the assailants with his enkoni on the head after he got him trying to rape one of the girls. Moral of the story is dont walk around alone along the lonely paths of namasagali because death is lurking in those bushes and poverty is itching every ones pocket. This because xxx had 50000 but woke up with nothing in his pockets. Based on true story.

What type of boys gossip?


Busitema satellite vol1, issue 3

Gossip in my understanding is persistent talking mostly on the negative aspects of something or over exaherating the aspects of some people. This is a culture of mostly women or high school girls. Afew boys have also been incorporated into this tradition or culture of women as this constitution freely allows equal rights boys who are eager to get a lover spend their leisurd time gossiping. If a boy is jealous of a friends relationship the end result is gossip. Boys who have many sisters who are deep rooted in this culture of gossip automatically develop this evil culture. over social boys also spend alot of time gossiping cause they at times lack jazz. Talkative boys they spend less time mum. If a boy is bored he might be tempted to gossip. Last category are those who find themselves in this conversation of involve themselves without actually knowing the topic. By mukhone

Drunkards prayer
Our breweries who are at portbell thy bell come thy will be alone in beer stories in namasagali as it is alone in Unique pub forgive us non drinkers forbid us from drinking mineral water but deliver us to the nearest GESA fill our glasses with booze forever and ever Amen by Eseeti isaac


political issue

Monday, 20 march 2012

Bwire favorite movies nigerian qoute. What a person needs is not money but the idea for which he is to use the money crush. Omotola jekeinde nigerian actress gals. Ladies are the litmus test for the degree of responsibility of a man pla

'i signed for months i dont know' when asked about alllowance 'i can say a chapatii was 2k' when asked about general assembly accountability 'man eateth where he worketh' at naboth 'how you count two without counting one' about pending cases of money swindking in cgrc 'so you querrellin . . . . .so the question' at Jose 'am not going to teach that person because am that person' about whether he will stand for speaker agin 'waliwo agana sente' about people who say his corrupt 'you cant prepare a budget before you get the money' about general assembly money type of galfrend he wants is the party type future dream: MP Busia municipality destination: Barbados idol: Martin luther king jr 5 words: brown gentle humorous affectionately responsible

Favorite sport swimming upcoming campaigns wants to be the speaker favorite car hummer song mulungi: cris evans clothes indian suits on love: love is a curse from God gadget: ipod
Busitema satellite vol1, issue 3


Political issue

Monday, 20 march 2012

Union boss flees with few shillings

The games union boss has fled his course. Sources spill that having created complex issues around him; he opted for suicide and quit the university. He is reported to have run off with amount of moneys amounting to a tune of 800k from the games union basket of account. According to the guild president when Drama ensued during the game between college and uniquizzed about the whereabouts of this honversity when a boy lost his walkin style after starin at a ourable his quoted to have said this, campus babes well shaped behind. Havin stood behind The fellow was meant to organise a tourney the gal for a longtime, the boy couldnt contain the to take place at Ndejje University but erection no more and when it was time to walk on, he greed couldnt allow him this. So he decided to jog with the coins meant to facilitate adjusted and started to walk like he was limping. football, wood ball netball and basketball Thanks to the magic of ebintu gallant lovers of busitema university. The fallen boss was so stressed that he Man u 0-0 arsenal could not contain the stress and hence deMan u and arsenal may be worlds apart in the epl but there is little to separate their fans down here playing cided to flee. Comments to emanating from on namasagali grass. The match played over two legs at the local resident sports seem to prove the guild presidents allegations as spot on as he old namasagali and with extra time inclusive ended in a even mentions that the boss biggest has stalement with neither team failing to get the better been love for money and pretty ladies willing of the other. to serve him ebintu. Atyenero the fallen Having played out a goalless first leg, the second leg boss in question couldnt be reached for his was thought to be the title but arsene wenger's resiltake on the above allegations despite sevient students held on. eral attempts from our staff. The well facilated game kicked off with djourou muliro in an attacking position alongside ramsey dean in midfield and the setup was summed by chamack raymond in THE COLLEGE STUDENTS WERE LEFT IN the holding position. BEWILDERMENT ON WHAT AHELL WAS These met stubborn resistance from fergies fledglings TAKING PLACE IN THE PITCH:FOR THEY captained by otinga evra, kiyemba berbatov who put DID NOT KNOW THAT CAMPUSERS WERE together better passes with their mouths than their legs. The competition was stiff despite the notable WELCOMING WOMENS DAYS IN absence of Em're song who was on private leave and STYLE:THE HEADTEACHER WAS ALSO our dear rcc who was on issues of signing for extra alPUZZLED WHEN HE SAW LADIES BACK lowances. TYING GENTS READY FOR THE Having dragged on for 180 mins with no clear winner MATCH:WHAT ASOCIALISATION INNOthe game rolled into extra time. The first of its kind in VATION THE HEADTEACHER EXnamasagali since the floods that whipped the paint off CLAIMED..MOST IMPORTANTLY GUTTO namasagali college buildings. AND OGUGU WERE THE GOAL KEEPERS OF Still the goals failed to flow as arsenal fans under the muyaye guardianship failed to show case the kawowo THE DAY,CATHY AND WINNY WERE ON thats kept them in mid table mediocrity in the epl and DEFENCE LINE,MIDFIELD HAD JUthe man u fans were no better off despite having the DITH;ACANIT;HILDMAN;STRIKING LINE bulk of the first team eleven hence showing that namaHAD HAZRA;:::::::::::::::WHAT ATEAM sagali problems run skin deep.
KEEP UP:::::::::::::::ANALYSIS.

Busitema satellite vol1, issue 3


political issue

Monday, 20 march 2012

Statistics show the that a team dominated by the 2nd year has been futile and obuto solomon failed to score in any of the games he has played. This big contrast to the several hat tricks he scored when versing the second yrs. Its even more annoying given the fact that many times the second year break up their own practice schedule and when late they show no sense of urgency especially muzungu. Another issue is the fact that after 2yrs the coach still cant even name his first team eleven yet has the gats to prepare matches for his second team with the gals team. Lastly why does the coach organise surprise friendly games yet its a period when they havent trained as if he cant schedule these matches yet we play against the same opponents week in week out. Namasagali boys are walking away from the team they have sweated for a really long time. We have failed to win a game despite playing an average of a game a weekend. Against even the weakest opponents. Its made even worse because some of teams comprise mainly of college cooks, farmers but we fail to even get a decent save out of their goalkeeper. What happens to all the tactics dished out at the start of the games? Is it a case of slow learners or basically people who dont seem to learn anything? Namasagali campus once again succumbed to its usual loses in the game they love the most but have failed to master how to win a game. Having started with a ram shackled goalie and having been pegged a goal down everything looked flourish when snr goalie was introduced at half time. To the dismay of many faithfuls when he conceded at his first touch of the ball. Making many believe that we had the goalie but his mind was in the cage where he had left his wife. For he was missing those soft caresses and massages on his belly. This soft goal from a looped shot that many fans were the same

Namasagali boys are walking away from the team they have sweated for a really long time. We have failed to win a game despite playing an average of a game a weekend. Against even the weakest opponents. Its made even worse because some of teams comprise mainly of college cooks, farmers but we fail to even get a decent save out of the goalkeeper.

medicine that fans were conjuring up for his opposite number. And if you thought that goal was a wake up then you got him wrong. He once again spilled a soft shot from obuto solomon. This has led many to believe his best place is retirement and next to his mukazi eating that soft food. He has conceded a goal for every appearance and the number is staggering huge number of goals more than the life span of namasagali existence

a goal down everything looked to flourish when at half time our snr goalie was introduced. To the dismay of many fathfuls he conceded at his first touch making many believe we had the goalie bit his mind was elsewhere in the cage where he had left his goodies. For he was missing the soft caresses and massage on his belly . This soft goal form a looped shot that fans were the same medicine that fans were conjuring up for his opposite number. And if you thought that goal was a wake up call then you got him wrong. He once again spilled a soft shot from obuto solomon. This led many to believe his best place right next to his love . He has concede a goal for every appearance made and besides the total number far outstrips the number of games played for the old university and the new one.

Busitema satellite vol1, issue 3


political issue

Monday, 20 march 2012

Yr 2 dump football to the dogs

Disorganisation of year 2 killing the football game in namasagali.

Girls 1-3 boys

The coach registed his first win in womens day win. Womens day game the pips of namasagali were treated to. The gals dressed in their pretty all kits took on the half boys of namasagali in a highly anticipated

idle ogugu pato. Gutto then let obuto shot pass through her legs. This how the game remained until john scoqed an offside goal. Mab julius was then warned he would miss women day treat if he didnt adjust accordingly. Half time saw a change in tactics with guuo movin to mid field and debora moving to goal. Kasule then scored the equaliser through a penalty. The boys subed in coach and butaleja with with hands but maybe they were better off with hands untied. Davies then chipped a cheeky pass to jose who scored with the easiest with shiela like shot. Julius then corrected his initial shot which had hit the post for goal number 3 hazra pulle off some sleek movies that left butaleja staggering for balance. Just before sheila pulled off a tantalising messi like run gunning for the boys goal after fair play from jose.

Game of the month

With the rising poverty levels and the fact that the guild is not paying the cgrc members their allowances, they have connived with the sports secretary common to organise fenne eating competition as shown in the picture above and practice for competitors is done any time from lunch, break fast or even supper boys are seen buying fenne to practice.

Snr goalie opts for marriage

womens day game. The galant aware of their numbers but not their positions had the fist bite of the cherry when pin point shot was saved by am

as namasagali succumbed ro its usual loss in the game against the college cooks having started with a stand in goal keeper and getting pegged

Busitema satellite vol1, issue 3

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