Atmospheric Issues

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Atmospheric Issues

Global Warming

Carol Alioto
Our Earth as we know it is in trouble, and in order to save are planet and preserve it for future
generations we must find a solution and begin to apply it to our daily living as soon as possible.
Climate models show that our atmospheric temperatures will increase as high as 1.5 and 4.5 C by
the year 2100, we can’t just sit by and hope this situation will rectify itself. The global
temperature increase since the last ice age, which was 10,000 years ago, has been around
5C.Temperatures and precipitation patterns in the high latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere are
now becoming more tropical. There is no longer any difference between daytime and nighttime
temperatures; rain seems to be more often and usually in very intense bursts. There is a wide gap
in what we really understand about Global warming, this is why it is important that education is
taught to every age appropriate individual, no one is too young to start learning. Schools as
young as elementary kindergarten students are learning the aspects of recycling. If they can learn
it so can we. It has to become a way of everyday life for it to be really affective.

What will happen to our planet if this continues? All that we are so use to will be gone,
the sun’s rays will be too hot for us to enjoy being out in. Our seasons will no longer be the same
as they were before. Our climate is nearing a dangerous tipping. Elements of a “perfect storm”, a
global cataclysm, are assembled. (Multinational Monitor, 2008) Global warming causes the
climate to reach points that creates rapid changes. Global warming creates what is called “sea ice
melt”, this exposes a darker ocean that absorbs more sunlight, which melts the ice. This will soon
result in anice-free Arctic in the summer months. In addition to this situation there are also the
Mountain glaciers that are the source of fresh water for millions of people. These glaciersbecause
of the global warming are now receding; they will soon disappear leaving their rivers as trickles
in the late summer and fall. Our animals are already under a lot of stress from the climate
change. Polar and alpine species are being literally being pushed off the planet. Some animals try
to migrate, but as some are extinguished their independencies can cause ecosystem collapse.
Extinctions of over half the planet have occurred when the earth warmed as much as expected if
the greenhouse gases continue to increase. Our beautiful coral reefs are being affected for several
reasons , including the warming of the ocean, but also because of ocean acidification, this is a
direct effect of added carbon dioxide. As the ocean becomes more acid, life dependent on
carbonate shells and skeletons becomes threatened of being dissolved and disappearing.

Weather has a profound effect on human health and well being. As our average
temperatures slowly rise in the upcoming decades, the effects of a warmer climate may begin to
take toil. For those who cannot afford air conditioning, or already have physical problems are
going to be affected in a harsh way. Humans are a part of the environment; we are a
communicating animal that needs to eat both meat and vegetation so we must be able to grow
these. If the climate isn’t appropriate for us to grow the nourishment that we need then we will
perish. Our health is threatened by climate change. We have malaria, asthma, encephalitis,
tuberculosis, and many others are expected to become more common on account of global
In preventing some of the challenges of Global warming there are things we all can do,
the first one is to purchase a fuel efficient car or better yet choose to car pool with a friend or
walk if it isn’t too far. Most cities have excellent bus transportation that is very affordable and
also saves on the expense on gas. We must do our best to change the way we power our global
economy. Inside your home you can clean your air conditioner, use energy efficient light bulbs
and make sure you turn them off when not in use. Purchase a solar heated system to heat your
water. Make a difference by getting involved in your community, see if there is a group of global
warming supporters that you can become a part in. With everyone pitching in we can make a

Some have been looking in to what they call quick-fixes, although these seem to be
problematic at times. Research reveals that “natural” disasters sometimes are nothing but
manifestations of broader and more basic problems and that is such cases mitigation efforts can
either worsen the effects of disasters when they occur or merely postpone them. (Environment,
2009) One example is the 250-year old history of efforts that were tried in an attempt to tame the
Rhine by straightening its channel, draining the wetlands, and diking and developing its
floodplain provides a similar example of one shorter solution to another, which only led to the
problem becoming worse than it was before. This being said a quick fix solution is not going to
solve this problem.

Our tax money is being spent everywhere but where we really need it the most. Lobbyists
go around in high priced shoes help congress in deciding where the money should be spent. We
must send a message to Washington; our planet is in serious trouble if we as Americans don’t
speak up now. Let’s preserve our planet for our children and our grandchildren, but don’t make
this another excuse to raise taxes so they can spend it on themselves. (Multinational Monitor,

We need to take action at every level to reduce, to avoid, and understand the risks brought
on by global warming. Our cities can look into greenhouse gas inventories; and many are
actively pursuing programs, education, advertisement and policies that will help in greenhouse
gas emission reductions. We can move from using fossil fuels to clean energy, it won’t be
something that is accomplished over night but in time it can approve our environment by giving
us cleaner air. There are some that are trying to block are efforts to transition to using renewable
energy in the future. They don’t want to move ahead, they would rather spread doubt about
global warming that it isn’t really happing.
By putting a carbon tax on coal, oil and gas at the first point of sale entry it can help to
wean us off of fossil fuel addition. The marketplace, not the politicians will be in charge of
making investment decisions. The tax would then be returned to the public to be deposited
monthly to an individual’s bank account. In demanding for low-carbon, high –efficiency
products it will help in making our products more competitive on the international markets.

We must find new and more efficient approaches for guiding and managing a policy of
ecosystems services toward sustainability. Longer term goals are needed for understanding the
insights of the dynamic interplay that it will take to place across temporal and spatial scales in
socioecological systems. Changes are needed in order to save are planet we need to stand
against all the obstacles that are in the way, the ones that are focused on short term profits who
hold authority in Washington. There may not be much of a window for when it may be too late,
let’s not wait until then.
We must end our addiction to foreign oil, for it undermines our national security and
ruins our environment. It also cripples our economy and strains the budget of hard working
families all across the United States. We should reduce emissions of carbon dioxide and other
greenhouse gases. To achieve this we must transform the way we power our global economy,
doing away with the century’s legacy of unrestrained fossil fuel use and its associated emissions
in pursuit of more efficient and renewable sources of energy. Such a change will require society
to engage in a concerted effort, and to seek out opportunities and design actions to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions.

Global warming is a problem that requires immediate action, but sadly it lags as a policy
priority. The issue rate near the bottom of priorities list for both Democrats and independents and
is the lowest priority for Republicans. It is our responsibility to address this as aissue that is of
utmost importance for our well being now and for the future of our country. We have a right to
clean air and a healthy environment to live and raise our families in. We need to brainstorm and
launch actions that will spread the word and communities, schools, families, and youth about
exploring job and educational opportunities in Eco Design.

Within the next five years we will engage Green technologies, and all areas pertaining to
all forms of sustainability, peace, and justice, education, energy production and conservation, city
planning , architecture , research on and technologies that mimic materials and processes in
nature. All age groups can be involved that are close to attending college, trade schools, and
seeking employment. These young adults can connect with the colleges, universities, programs,
small businesses and farms that can work at educating them to assist and support with this new
global citizenry.

This is a great way to meet individual needs as well; it will create jobs that will provide
for financial security. With all the knowledge we can gain on the Global warming issue, and
there is a vast world of it, the one thing we do know is that there is an urgency, this needs to get
stared right away we have no time to put it off. If we don’t get at it right now we may not have a
chance to turn this around, so then are efforts will just be useless.

A Last Chance to Avert Disaster,(2008,November)Multinational Monitor.
Retrieved,January31,2009,From Academic Search complete database
Pew Research Center Publications (Retrieved, January 31,
k Fixes For The Enviroment,48(10),20-27,Retrived,January 31,2009,From Academic Search
Complete database
Wikipedia (retrieved, January 28,2009)http://en.Wiki/Talk:Alternative_Energy

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