7 Deadly Sins and Virtues of Safety Training PDF

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Safety Training's 7 Deadly Sins (and 7 Simple Virtues)

Thursday, November 04, 2010 3:00 AM by Chris Kilbourne Category: Training

Strong motivation for and skillful delivery of safety training make the difference between high-quality results and so-so or oh-no! outcomes.
Employees won't work safely if your training manifests these 7 deadly sins: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Trainees dont know what they're supposed to learn in training sessions. They don't understand how what they're learning is connected to their job. They don't think the training is important or affects them personally. Trainees don't care about improving safety performance. They think management doesn't care about safety. They aren't given time to ask questions and practice new skills. Learning and retention of information isn't properly evaluated and monitored.

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Think you have no time to train? Think again. BLR's 7-Minute Safety Trainer helps you fulfill key OSHA-required training tasks in as little as 7 minutes. Try it at no cost and see!

7 Safety Training Virtues

Employees will work safely if your training promotes these 7 simple virtues: 1. Each training session has specific objectives so that trainees know exactly what they are expected to learn. 2. Trainees understand why they are being trainedin other words, the practical application, how the training content is related to their job. 3. Trainees realize how the training session affects them personallyfor example, making them safer, protecting their health, and allowing them to go home every day in one piece. 4. Trainees are motivated to care about safety and strive to improve safety performance because of a workplace culture that makes safety a priority. 5. Trainees know management cares about workplace safety because they hear it repeatedly and see it in action every day. 6. Training sessions are interactive, giving employees the opportunity to grasp information, practice skills, and ask any questions they have about the training material. 7. Training is always evaluated by a written appraisal or practical application, and supervisors follow up on the job to make sure employees are using what they learned in training to perform their work more safely.

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Safety Daily Advisor : Safety Training's 7 Deadly Sins (and 7 Simple Virtues)

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10/19/2010 Chemical Safety How to Calculate PELs for Air Contaminants

For example, among other materials, Safety Audit Checklists provides you with a sample safety training planning grid and a sample safety training planning calendar that you can copy and use as is or customize for your training programs. In addition, you get a training needs assessment checklist and a training planning checklist. All told, this best-selling program provides you with more than 300 separate safety checklists keyed to three

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Make as many copies as you need for all your supervisors and managers, and distribute. What's more, the entire program is updated annually. And the cost averages only about $1 per checklist. If this method of ensuring a safer, more OSHA-compliant workplace interests you, we'll be happy to make Safety Audit Checklists available for a no-cost, no-obligation, 30-day evaluation in your office. Just let us know, and we'll be pleased to arrange it.

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