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Elmer Drama/English Foundation Stage Learning Objectives: To learn how to use your body to create a still shape (still

l image) To learn how to use mime. To learn how to respond to a Teacher In Role. To learn/revise the names of colours. Activity including differentiation for SEN and EAL Warm up games: Pass the funny face Pass the Invisible Ball; hot, cold, heavy, light etc A basket of animals; mime taking out an animal and passing it around. Chn then come and take out an animal. Teacher takes out the last animal which is an elephant. Read the opening 2 pages from the story of Elmer; demonstrate to the children how they can mime being an elephant; how would the elephant walk? Narrate that the elephants in this story like to do things together. Tell the children that as I am Elmer, the eldest elephant in the herd, they must copy all the things that I do. Chn copy elephant movements done by the T in R as Elmer. Reread the part of the text which says; Elephant young, elephant old, elephants tall etc. Play music and chn move to the music like an elephant walking. When the music stops the elephants must freeze. Then call out an elephant description and the chn mime doing this. Read the rest of the story. Key Vocabulary names for the different colours mime drama Assessment

Elmer Drama/English Foundation Stage Tell the chn that I am going to pretend to be Elmer, and that they should watch me as I move around the room. Teacher in Role as Elmer moves around the room looking very sad (shuffling slowly, head bowed) Out of role ask the chn how they think Elmer is feeling. If you could speak to Elmer what would you ask him? Share ideas about questions to ask him. How should we speak to somebody who is feeling sad? Chn then hot seat T in R as Elmer, who tells them that he is sad because very soon it will be Elmer day. Do they know what happens on Elmer day? Well, a new elephant called Emily has joined their herd and she wants to paint her skin on Elmer day but she doesnt know how to it. Can they help Elmer, help the new elephant? In role, show them a template of an Elmer outline and different coloured pens. Ask them if they can keep a secret, tell them that he often gets mixed up with colours. Chn help Elmer name the different colours. Elmer thanks them for their help and asks them if they will colour in the outline to give the new elephant ideas. Children then independently colour in an Elmer template. Adult support given to those children learning the names of colours. Plenary; Children show Elmer their designs and Elmer shows them that he has learnt the names of the different colours.

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