North Tonawanda NY Evening News 1939 Jul-Dec - Grayscale - 0348

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AUGUST 11, 193

T.mawand*THE ITYsWIrtG NEWSNorth TwMwaafcs

lie Hearing Called on %ara River Improvement

have been received here folic hearing will be held ay, September 6, at 9 a. e United States postofflce room 410, o n a review of m the Black Rock chanTonawanda harbor In the river. terested parties are invlt! present or to be repreat the above time and articularly navigation inarid the officials of any mty, town, or local assowhose interests may be . T h e y will be given an nity to submit Information a, especially upon the e x irovement desired, its adty, the interests that will eflted thereby, and the oat traffic affected, includtatement ot the amount of affic now using the waterhe number of boats that use any desired mooring and any additional prostraffic and boats seeking g facilities; also as to what g facilities now exist or t constructed, and to what local interests will cooperbearing the expense of the 1 improvement, idditlon, information is deis to the difficulties and dexpe.ienced in navigating the it waterways and channels, congestion in present mooring areas, and also as to whether or not there art any existing bridges affected by the project, the estimated amount required for altering or rebuilding them, and whether or not such coet will be assumed by local interests as a matter of local cooperation. Oral statements will be heard, but for accuracy of record, all i m portant facts and arguments should be submitted in writing, in quadruplicate, as the record of hearing will be forwarded for consideration by the War Department. The committee on rivers and harbors of the House of Representatives adopted a resolution July 11, requesting t h e survey, with a view to determining If It is advisable to widen the river channel south of Ferry street, Buffalo, or any part thereof, and to deepen the portion of the channel so widened, as necessary to provide mooring facilities for small craft.

Hospital Board Reviews Estimates of X-ray Cost

Estimates of the coet of x - r a y ' equipment were r e v i e w e d yeeterday and expense vouchers eipproved at the meeting of the D e Graff Memorial Hospital board. 1 The meeting w a s attended by LeOrand S. DeOraff, Edward W. Messing and Mayor M y l e s W. Joyce. Grace Eaton, superintendent of the hospital, was no* present.

Say Several Committeemen Oppose Joyce Endorsement

Asserted That He Appointed Republicans Since He Was Elected Mayor in 1937, and in 1936 Displayed Landoa Banner in Presidential Campaign
There may be fireworks at the i It is planned, Mr. Jeaella said, meeting tonight of the Democratic to place in circulation here ptt> city committee in North Tona Uons of candidates, which the wanda, if an effort is made to Democratic party has endorsed endorse Mayor M y l e s W. Joyce for county offices, Including thos for renominatlon. of District Attorney Joseph A m It was learned today that s e v - brusko and Dr. Gem Jaeger tor eral committeemen are opposed coroner. to endorsement o n the grounds that Joyce favored Republicans with A.F.L. VERDICT appointments, since he was elected in 1937, and because he disContinued from page 1 played a Landon banner in the and shift their scenery, manipu1936 presidential campaign. late the lights and cameras and The committee is to meet in the perform other technical duties. headquarters of Niagara River Want* AFA Turned Out Post, Veterans of Foreign Wars. Chairman Walter Jesella said the The AAAA kicked out one of meeting is open only to members its subsidiary unions, the Ameriof the city committee. can Federation of Actors, composed mostly of night club and vaudeville performers, because of the waywardness of some of its offi. . . P A S T OF DUNN Continued from page 1 cers, and the IATSE adopted and chartered it. The A A A A demands with their parents consent. He that the IATSE turn the AFA out had said he w a s hunting talent again and says that if it doesn't It for a new m o v i e project and will be proof that the IATSE is wanted to have them photograph- trying to recruit and dominate the acting side of the business ed at Palm Beach. Whole airplane and train ear As police reports and inquiries conaccumulated from many cities, it loads of artistic celebrities was learned that Cochran, under verged here yesterday for the fight one of hsi m a n y aliases, had been but after presenting their arguarrested for rape at Cojumbi ments in secret AFL sessions y e s terday most of them evacuated Pa., as long ago as March, 1926. Cochran said his father's name! last night, some back to the spotwas Goddard; his mother's Ash- lights, others to the cozier N e w well, and that he had adopted his York night clubs


H. R. Eklns, IT. P. Bureau Manager, Expelled from Italy

ROME (UP) H. R. Ekins. Rome bureau manager of the There w i l l be no gate admission United Press, w a s expelled from either f6r the children. Midway Italy today by order of Premier will be free as air and they are New Excitement In Louisiana Benito Mussolini. Invited to make the moet of It. Quiz After Apparent Suicide Ekins and his wife, who came Such attractions as appeal to the BATON ROUGE, La. ( U P ) to Rome only a month ago, left children w i l l also bo o p e n at the New excitement spread through on the Paris Express at 12:30 p.m As one of the ten most active 1 minimum price of admission, and the scandal-ridden State Univeraccompanied by two plainclothesstocks on the N e w York Stock adults who come with their off- sity today as more investigators men who rode to the border in LUCKY TO BE ALIVE Exchange for the last t w o d a y s , | s P r l n 8 w 1 1 1 f l n d Plenty to amuse moved in to examine the affairs of IOOSEVELT DRIVE the coach behind them. Lucky to be alive, William J. Marine Midland Corporation's B n d entertain them. They can take George C. Heidelberg, rtUnucd t.oin page 1 national The United Press bureau which Desert, professional parachute common stock advanced fraction- advantage of the merchants' c o u - youth administrator ot the school, was locked by police when they step-father's name, Cochran. Polm H. King, D., Utah. jumper, is shown as he e s ally this week on buying said to pons that have been distributed who was found fatally shot last order on ere are millions of men and served the expulsion | Child with 'Exterior ice reports of him Included: to the merchants and can be o b - night apparently a suicide. caped death by electrocution be prompted by a continued imn in this country w h 6 still be- Ekins yesterday still was closed Philadelphiahe was sentenced H e a r t ' I s S t i l l A l i v e tained from them. Tho holders of at a power sub-station near Heidelberg's wife had been secprovement in the corporation's net in the principles of Jeffer- at 1 p.m. but it w a s believed that reformatory In these coupons will be on a par retary to Mr. James Monroe Smith to Huntingdon Santa Ana, Cal. Desert made MANILA (UP) The rnfant earnings. The stock rose from reopened [ackson, Cleveland and Wll- the offices would be with the children as far as t h e who was prealdent of the Uni- 1926 for rape; later paroled; joina Jump at an air show, but a Maria (Mary Heart) Rafael c o n $4.75 a share o n Monday to $5.25 nd w h o will not follow any after Ekins had crossed the froncheapness is concerned, so ask versity until two months ago when ed the army, deserted at Presidio, wind carried him over the tinued today to make history for a share at the close of the market your merchant for them and u s e itic, socialistic schemes fabrl- tier. Calif, and w a s captured In K a n power station. He guided his medical science which w a s p o w Maeanwhile, the United Press Wednesday. Yesterday, it closed them to y o u r advantage, especial- he was Jailed and indicted on 41 sas. by some who claim to beState police asked Florida erless to aid her She is 'chute between a small hole their regular at 5, On Tuesday and Wednes- ly tonight when there will b e counts of embezzlement. to the party but who never staff maintained authorities for his fingerprints to M. in the wires and slipped With her every brenth adding day, 15,000 shares of Marine Mid- special s h o w s in the Follies, t h e now secretary to Dr. Paul members of it, and some of shifts. ascertain if he is Thomas C. GodHerbert. Dr. S m i t h s successor. through safely. to the amazement of the doctors Although no official reason ior i w e r e found in other politiland were traded on the exchange. French Casino, the Froak show dard, suspected as the slayer last Heidelberg w a s found shot in who hovered around her hospital the expulsion order w a s given by larties." Trading activity in the stock and elsewhere. the head at his home and died December of Margaret Martin at crib, a movie camera lens w a s the government, it w a s believed Snile aod Bride May Visit has no especial significance, it i. Josiah W. Bailey, D., N. C , Gruberg has brought a greatly three hours later. He was middle Kingston. She was lured from focused on her heart, whi/h close to the has voted against the admin- to have been caused by a London Niagara Falls on Honeymoon was said in quarters bank holding augmented carnival to the city nssed. a former railroad employe home with the offer of a job and thumped weakly but steadily b e management of the tlon on almost every issue, dispatch which the United Press this year and it is the best of h i s Not touched b y scandal he had was found in the woods, raped neath its glass covering on h e r CHICAGO (UP)Frederick B. corporation, except that it reflects long career as a caterer to t h e at his North Carolina home: circulated this week quoting privnot appeared before either the and murdered. chest. M l , it wouldn't be the first ate sources in England that Mus- Snite, Jr., and his bride of a day a steady gain in earnings, not only more popular amusement world. federal or state grand jury inImpersonated Federal Agent The resultant film was to be he bolted N o comment, solini had suffered a heart at- played hide and seek with n e w s - for the June quarter, but for t h e j T h e s h ' o w ; w i l l p l a y t h e N e w Y o r k vestigating numerous politicians. DenverHe had been arrested donated to medical science, a c tack. papermen today to keep secret month of July. Earnings of t h e j S t a t e F a i r a t Syracuse in a couple n't say anything now." last June charged with imperson- cording to Dr. Guillermo D e l their plans for a honeymoon in h i s . corporation rose to 17 cents a o { w e e k g n a d t h o g e w h o visit the ing shows and oxhlbts that are ating a federal treasury agent and Castillo, who delivered Maria, for Warden Refuses Comment Behind* F. D. R. Third Term "-conditioned; share for the June quarter com-j C B r n ical tonight and tomorrow the attraction at New York State's given a year's suspended sentence I study in the hope that some ttsburgh (UP)Officials of On Reported Hunger-Strike trailer which carries his iron lung. pared with 12 1-2 cents a share w m have the opportunity of s e e - biggest outdoor event. Two sisters, Genevieve and Jesse; technique could be devised to Young Democrats convention Snlte, 29, an infantile paralysis for the first quarter and this hasi KINGSTON, Ont. ( U P ) - WarBlake, 23 and 19 years old, Said correct Buch future abnormalities. entrated today on uniting the victim who has lived in the iron, been the first marked upturn in den R. W. Allan refused to comthey had m e t him In Reno, a c The problems posed by the y behind the principles of the ment today on reports 200 con- l u n g since he was stricken three' earnings at mid-year since 1937. companied h i m to Denver where baby's continued life and the Deal if not behind a third g o r n e 0 I the buying of the victs at Kingston penitentiary sta- years ago in China, was married) he promised them jobs. Thurman possibility of a.i unprecprlcnt^d i for President Roosevelt. yesterday at the home of his s\xx]t n a s been attributed to inged a short lived hunger strike on Hall, the girls said, was with them. operation to place her eNtenor his w a s seen In the opening wealthy father, Frederick B. Snite vestment trusts, reported to be Wednesday. Cochran, then using the name heart in the trior;.1 cavity where *ch of Pitt Maner, president of According to the report the con- Sr.. in suburban River Forest. His showing n e w interest in bank considered by some as a resist- Sutherland, had met Hall in Reno. it belongs, had divided the mediYoung Democrats of Amerivicts, mostly e m p l o y e d in the pris- bride was Teresa Larkin, 25. for- stocks. In this category, Marine ance point and its penetration From Denver. Cochran took Gene- cal colony here. Some believed m the keynote speech ot Sen. on shops, w e n t on the hunger merly of Dayton, O., an attractive Midland is said to have been therefore would mean further vieve Blake to Montana in Hall's she might live until H M i r ' - '1 ude Pepper of Florida, and in strike in protest against general brunette and college chum of his especially favored because, as a technique could be selling. There still are many bears automobile but was arrested and operative letter of President Roosevelt conditions. For a time prison of- sister, Mary Loretta. He may take listed security it is acceptable as who would hold this theory, al- reutrned to Denver on the imper- evolved; others suggested nr, imManer which w a s read to the ficials feared the strike would his bride to Niagara Falls. collateral for brokers' loans. though admitting the list is e n - sonation charge. Then, put on pro- mediate "life or death" rperaventlon last night. spread to the other 500 inmates, Snite hopes some day for a titled to a technical recovery If bation, he w o r k e d as a radio script tlon. NEW YORK (UP)Wall Street r. Roosevelt's letter was the it was said, but a warning read by complete recovery. During the Niagara Hudson Net Income had anticipated direct threats in the European political situation writer and frequented matrimonst sensational of the three pro- the warden threatening corporal takes a less ominous tendency in ial agencies. first two years of his illness he | F w J u n e 3 0 Q u a r t e r G a i n s keeping compapy mcements and drew the most punishment ended it. the speech by Albert Forster, the next few days. was forced to remain in the lung with many girls. entlon. He informed Maner that which NEW YORK (UP)Niagara nazi leader in* Danzig, all the time but during the past San FranciscoAs Thomas C. would bolt the Democratic party to Spending Hudson P o w e r Corporation re- might prove highly injurious Post Office Inspectors year he has been able to spend Ashwell, he w a s program director 1940 if it nominated a constrmarkets. Instead the market a n ported here that consolidated net Market men are counseling Atlantic City, N. J. Probe Money's Disappearance several hours outside, using in- income for tho quarter ended June alysts classified the- speech as against paying too much atten- for a San Francisco radio station tive for president. stead a 20-pound respirator which 3en, Pepper asked a third term, L r K t t BWs^SSt NEW YORK (UP)Postoffice 30 was $1,534,414, compared with negative and said t h e decline y e s - tion to forecasts of a decline in from 1933 to 1936. He was described a s ' " l i k a b l e . " He authored not for Mr. Roosevelt then inspectors today w e r e investigat- fits about his chest. He is even $1,415,422 in the corresponding terday based on fears of a strong- business activity at, a result of several radio skits. He married Mr. Roosevelt's ideasfor the ing the reported disappearance of able to breathe for several min- period last year. er speech was groundless. smaller spending by the governinto a prominent family, later w Deal." about $6,000 In currency consigned utes without mechanical assistResistance For the 12 months ended June ment. One of them comments on abandoned the wife and two chilManer's speech seemed to be by the Cobleskill, N. Y. bank to ance The market yesterday broke the subject as follows! 30, net Income w a s $7,621,892, dren and w e n t to Cincinnati where e dove-tailing one. He said he the Federal R e s e r v e bank of N e w against $7,405,710 in the preceding through the 1938 level in the in"Most of the curtailment will 9.S20 StocV Companies irned "our Democratic leader- York. 12-month period. Operating rev- dustrial average. That had been make itself felt, if at all, in the he said he had a radio job. The J33-34 South 7*rr,e.*!tew Avm, wife divorced him. ip of whatever kind and kidney The money w a s reported miss- Chartered in ' Months enues for t h e quartor were $20,Atlantic City, N. t. early months* of 1940 rather than at if now the Democratic party ing In: f Tuesday, a \* J J. TV ran, MiamiIn 1936 he directed a ALBANY (UP)Stock compan- 580,925, compared with $19,683,in the early fall of 1939 when NEW YORK STOCK i PERSON m i its back upon the N e w Deal inspector in charge here, has a s WPA theatre project here as ies totalling 9,820 were chartered 177 for the 1938 period. For the EXCHANGE QUOTATIONS smaller WPA expenditures should Thomas Cochran Ashwell, and id all its works, it will soon psy signed several investigators to the 12 months ended June 30, operin the first seven months of 1939, be the chief retarding" influence. Submitted B y ie cost that all men withe ut im- case. failed to pay a bill for $115.85 for an increase of 390 over the same ating revenues totaled $83,579,971, The 1939-1940 federal budget still OOODBODY * CO Jination or perspective psy for According to reports r e v i v e d period Inst year. Secretary of State against $894,645,650 in the prevcostumes from H. A. Dixon Last is larger than the President asked ie privilege of having their way here the m o n e y disappear ,-d e n Member* Wednesday President Roosevelt Michael Walsh announced today. ious year. to i this world." NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE for m his January message route from the postoffice to t h e signed a bill reimbursing Dixon. Last month's total, however, was rearmament railway station for shipment here. 46 below the figure for July 1938 "THE N E W S " FOR LOCAL NEWS NEW YORK CURB EXCHANGE Congress; and the program compensates to a conClarence R. Grain?, Manager It was placed n a mail pouch siderable degree for smaller e x ... F.B.I. LISTS which was put aboard a train at Telephone 2165 penditures in other directions. Continued from page 1 Cobleskill but w h e n the pouch w a s HIGH LOW L A S T Continued evidence of a conservaopened on the train, accoriin^ to Friday, August 11, 1939 rulsa, Okla. Cole, serving 50 tive trend in popular opinion and the r*ports, the money w a i m i s s Amer. Rad. 10 7-8 10 3-4 'ears for kidnaping, and Roe, 10 3-4 congressional attitudes should ing. Am. Smelt. 43 1-2 43 1-4 erving 99 years for bank robbery, 43 1-4 bring money out of the storm Am. Tele. 164 3-4 163 l e a p e d from Alcatraz federal 163 cellars to an important extent, A. TURCHIARE1XI, Prop. Atl. Refln. 19 5-8 19 5-8 19 5-8 srison Dec. 16, 1937. especially if things begin to look WILL ASK FOR Beth. Steel 60 385 OLIVER ST. PHONE 1569 Buchalter No. 4 58 1-2 58 1-2 better in Europe. The fundamen<^on!nned from age 1 Ches & O. 33 3-4 No. 4.Buchalter, one-time $1,3 2 1 - 4 32 1-4 tal economic adjustment to changChrysler C. 79 7-8 78 racket leader, ac- velt recalled that before the L u s 78 ed social and business conditions Cons. Edis. 32 3-8 cused by D e w e y of directing the itania was torpedoed and sunk, 31 5-8 3 1 5 - 8 now has been in progress for Cont. Can 38 1-2 slaying of five former associates Secretary of State, William J e n 38 1-8 ten years, and w e probably have 36 Cur. Wright 5 in the two years he has been a nings Bryan begged President than this 4 7-8 made more progress 4 7-8 Spring ^ss jsjgp Du Pont fugitive . Woodrow Wilson to warn A m e r generation 159 1-2 157 3-4 157 3-4 problem - conscious Firestone NO. 5.Joseph Paul Cretser, a icans to k e e p off foreign flag ships. at19 5-8 19 5-8 19 5-8 realizes. We think defeatist man of 20 aliases, described as No such warning- was issued, h e Gen. Elec. 35 7-8 35 1-4 35 1-2 titudes are likely to wane as the "most dangerous" bank robber of recalled, and that issue w a s a f a c Gen. Mot. 47 5-8 45 5-8 45 5-8 political outlook improves" the Pacific Coast. Although 29, tor in Bryan's subsequent resig34 Grant. W.T. 34 1-8 34 he has a 12-year criminal record nation. Kennecott 34 5-8 33 3-4 33 3-4 Stocks Advance Fractions The President, Mr. Roosevelt starting in Colorado Springs, Colo. Kresge, S.S. 25 3-8 25 1-8 25 1-4 To More Than a Point He robbed the American National said, has plenty of authority to Loew'-, Tnc 42 3-4 42 1-2 42 1-2 Trust and Savlrjgs Association m warn citizens t o stay off foreign NEW YORK (UP)(Noon Re5 1-8 5 Mar. Mid. 51-8 flag ships in t i m e of acute danger. Los Angeles, March 2, 1938. port)Stocks advanced fractions Nat Dairy 17 1-4 16 7-8 17 No. 8.Walter Davis, 21-year- And the government is not going to more than a point at a mod14 N. Y. Cent. 14 1-2 14 old negro wanted for the murder to war with a nation whose s u b erately active opening today, turnPenn. R. R. 17 1-2 16 1-2 16 1-2 of Patrolman W. M. Mclntyre of marines sink a foreign flag ship Rem-Rand 113-4 11 1-2 1 1 3 - 4 ed quiet and held most of the carrying some of Its' citizens if the Southern Railway Police hi gains up to noon. Rep. Steel 16 3-4 16 1-8 16 1-8 those citizens are aboard in d i s Virginia in June, 193V The recovery w a s based on the Socony-Va. 111-8 10 7-8 11 regard of warnings to stay off, Robbed Detroit B*nk 2 8 1 - 2 mildness of th* speech by Albert S C. Edison 28 5-8 28 3-8 Forster, Danzig Nazi leader, yesWo. 7.Charles Monazym, of he said. Frr*h Drensed Std. Oil N.J. 40 3-8 39 5-8 40 1-8 Still Fr C*eh-Crry Plan* terday. Syrian descent, w h o robbed a 27 5-8 27 5-8 T e x . Gulf S 28 Chrysler touched 79 7-8; AmerDetroit bank of $84,740 last June Mr. Roosevelt was asked w h e t h 76 1-4 7 6 1 - 4 Union Carb. 78 lb er the neutrality program he e n ican Telephone 164 3-4 up 1 t-4; 8 U. S. Rub. 42 3-4 41 5-8 4 1 5 - 8 AT ottentr and eat less is a got <1 late, it la a good practice to keep a visages in the hypothetical p o s Du Pont 159 1-2 up 1 7-8; U. S. No. 8 ^ - J o h n L e w i s Carry, 3236 36 Van Raaltc 36 maxim for battling the heat, quart or two on hand in your refrigGypsum 85 1-4 up 1 3-4; Westyear-old bank robber indicted in sibility of a special congressional Erery afternoon make a practice ot erator. The childrea lor* It and so West. Union 25 3-4 24 7-8 24 7-8 Inghouse Electric 104 up 1 7-8; 1936 for robbing the First Bank session would include r e c o m m e n - serving delicious, refreshing Iced Woolworth 47 7-8 47 3-8 47 3-8 Johns Manville 70 1-4 up 1 1-4; will the grownups. dstlon for a cash-and-carry plan. of Whitman, Neb. chocolate with tasty sandwiches. Armour's Star Melt t square* of msweetoaed NEW YORK CURB E X C H A N G E and Safeway Stores 44 7-8 up 1 Such a plan w o u l d permit United No. 9.Albert Leonard PegThis will gire you food ralue which 27 3 - 4 27 7-8 1-8. Am. Cy 'B' 38 States industries to furnish m a t - you need In spite of the soaring ther- chocolate In a double holler. Add rwn of Knoxvllle, Tenn., eight 37 5-8 37 5-8 11. Am. G & E 38 U. S. Steel touched 49 1-4 up aliases, wanted in Ontario, Can- erial and arms to nations w h i c h mometer and wilt make you willing gradually 1 cup ot boiling water and 18 % cup ot granulated sugar. Stir con- Bell A'craft 18 1-4 18 could pay for them in cash and to forego a heavy meal later. 1 and then eased to 48 3-8 Rethada, for kidnaping John S. La5 3-8 5 3-8 lehem eased to 59 1-8 up 1-8 net stantly while tho mixture holla for Cities Serv. 5 3-8 transport t h e m in their own ahips Batt in 1934. Cot ths bread paper thin, In fancy I minutes. Add to this t eups of " DO pf " 53 1 -2 53 1-4 S3 1-4 after touching 60. or ships of third parties. shapes, and make a filling of cottage No. 10.-RaJph Beckman, said 91-2 9 1-2 9S-4 Coppers held gains ranging to He replied that he still stands cheesa to which has been added scalded milk. Lot H cook tor IS to El B & S *o be the nation's largest dealer 31 1-8 31 1-8 nearly a point. Motors were, steady 32 s chopped green pepper ant! salon, M minute*. Beat well with an egg Gulf Oil bi narcotics, working in midwest- firmly for t h e objectives of beater. CaUl and tarer with 2 tap. Niag Hud 7 1-4 to firm and the utilities 7 1-4 7 1-4 made *rn cities including Chicago ard rsfh-and-carry plan, but that it alt snd pepper Use your favorite cocoa recips or, of vanilla. Serve in tsll glasses with Std Oil n 23 1-4 23 1-4 23 1-4iimall advance*. Rati* made fracTerre Haute, Ind. S c o r e s of a uncertain whether Regulation \ W, IWI IV4 I l- t m l gain*

Dr. John C. Kinily, secretary of Low Admissions to Prevail with No Gate Charge for the Twin Cities Academy of M e d icine, said the estimated o n x-ray Children equipment were submitted to the board by the academy. ApproxiMax Gruberg, director of the mately four companies submitted World's Exposition Shows, now costs. exhibiting at the Canal Fill, la and The purchase of a modernized always will b e welcomed b y the x-ray unlit has been favored and kids of the community, as on each war urged by the T w i n Cities Saturday afternoon he exhibits., no Academy of Medicine in their matter where it may be, he e s recommendations for the improve- tablishes a rule with all the ridthe ment of the hospital, submitted ing device operators that to the board some' f e w months smallest price made famous by the late Mr. Woolworth will prevail Ego. While the other recommenda- on all the rides during Saturday tions listed are dependent upon afternoon, n o matter w h a t they physical expansion of the hospital, charge at t h e regular night perit is understood that the x-ray formances. S o there will doubtequipment could be Installed in less be a big influx of the younger generation to the Gruberg carnithe present institution. val tomorrow afternoon.

Much Buying in Marine Midland

CO-ED COIFFURESomething new in coiffures for the college oo-ed this fall la e x hibited by Ann Rutherford, screen player, above. The sides are swept up and caught with a velvet b o w on top of the head with the hack a cascade of finger curls. Parted at the side, the hair la turned Into a soft rail off the right temple.


Forster Speech Not Injurious to Mart





Specials This Week I
ft ft

Roast Lamb


9< IO<

Pork Loin * 1 5 *










I7< 2 lb* 79t

Untitled Document

Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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