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An Exercise in Aggressive, Non-Partisan Political Activism January 27, 2013 Volume 3, Number 10

Civil Discourse Here in the Old Pueblo? In theory, the U.S. Constitution established Courts as an independent branch of government in order to protect the rights of We the People from intrusion by the other two branches of government. And the press, in their capacity as the fourth estate, was expected to publish the truth and keep everybody honest. Thats the way America is supposed to work, in theory. However; for more than six years now, this reporter has warned that things work a little bit differently here, in what the Local Media likes to refer to as the Old Pueblo. Here, the Local Government is protected by the Local Media. Here the Tucson City Court, along with the Tucson Police Department, is just another enforcement branch, and pampered creature, of Local Government. This is especially true when it comes to the nasty task of suspending constitutional rights to protect Tucson City Officials from the harsh light of public scrutiny, consequent to their decades old policy of Cronyism and Open Border Policy. On January 22, 2013, I wrote an article which exposed the Tucson City Courts arrogant assertion that, unlike the U.S. Supreme Court, where the powers of the Court are far more restricted, Tucsons exalted judges had miraculous powers and the unbridled authority to issue unconstitutional Condition of Release Orders to suspend a

political activists period of time.

First Amendment Rights for an indeterminate

In State v Warden, the case now up for Appellate review, the rights were suspended for a period of more than nine months, until I told them to shove it and went out and spoke anyway, inspiring my arrest and the case at bar. Now, however, after having spent more than four years swimming in the gutter with the sewer rats, the time has finally come for the city of Tucson to submit to lawful review, and to make the argument in front of a Pima County Superior Court Judge, mano-a-mano. In other words: the time has come to put up or shut up. Im ready. Evidentially the State doesnt feel man enough for the task. Instead, Presiding Tucson Municipal Court Judge Riojas, working in concert with the State, has stacked the deck and put his thumb on the scales of justice by the astonishing device of withholding official documents from this Appellant, so the State could waltz into Superior Court and claim: The appeal should be stricken because the Appellant hasnt made sufficient reference to the record. Dont believe me? Then read my Appellant Memorandum to Superior Court. Then read the States Response. Now read my Reply Brief, submitted on February 25, 2013. Now, heres something for the public, and especially you lawyers: Doesnt this sound worthy of a skit by Abbot and Costello, the Marx Brothers, the Three Stooges, etc? But its not. It happened to me, in Tucson City Court, unreported by the local media, paid for with your tax dollars. And, this isnt the first time Judge Riojas put his thumb on the scales of justice in favor of the State.

In 2006-2007 he appointed, over and over again, the same judge, a dim-witted old hick, Eugene Hays, (aka the Town Drunk), to preside over case after consecutive case, every one arising out of my lawful political conduct. And Judge Riojas did so in a manner so offensive to any notion of ordered justice that finally, his own judges revolted. By Order of the Court, THEY removed Hays, because it appeared that Eugene Hays had become my very own, personal judge. The removal of a Tucson City Court Judge for CAUSE, something Judge Riojas himself told me never before had occurred in the history of the Tucson City Court, was an insult so grave that it led to the resignation of Judge Hays some six months later. Again, an event unreported by the media. Moreover; local attorneys have informed me the larger issue of Judges fixing cases happens frequently, down in the dirt, and the muck and the mire of Tucson City Court, where the judges must (occasionally) put their thumbs on the scales of justice, stack the deck, and otherwise disobey the Rules of Criminal Procedure in their never ending mission to protect the public from the scourge of petty crime and dangerous personages such as Traffic Scofflaws, Parking Offenders, Drunks, Two Penny Whores, an occasional political activist who challenges the rectitude of local government, etc., The Courts are Supposed to Be an Independent Branch of Government? The Media is Supposed to be a Watchdog of the Public Interest? Hardly, especially here in the Old Pueblo, when it comes to Tucson City Officials misappropriating 200 million in the Rio Nuevo Debacle, and the Tucson City Court, where Judges and City Attorneys routinely lie, cheat, steal, hide documents, etc., and otherwise work in concert with government officials to steal YOUR tax dollars and violate YOUR rights. Hopefully, the Pima County Superior Court is still independent. At least it was the last time I was there, on March 29, 2012, in Warden v Rathbun Realty, Inc., the Honorable Steven Villarreal presiding, when, after sage judicial guidance, my victory and a judgment in my

favor for some $112,000, and change, the local media refused to publish the facts. Warn the People to Watch out for Rathbun Realty, I told the media. Theyre Crooks, I said. But the media STILL cashed advertising checks from Rathbun Realty, Inc. and STILL remained silent. Four months later, Rathbun Reality principals George and Betty Glover, Ripped-Off more than 1.8 million dollars from the pockets of unwarned, and unsuspecting clients. The Court really is an independent branch of government? The Media really is a watchdog for the public interest? Now Folks, You Know Better. You Know How Things REALLY WORK, Here in the Old Pueblo. Roy Warden

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