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2900 January 2013

Treatment Options for
Kidney Failure
waste anu luiu fiom youi bloou can help you live longei This
fact sheet will explain the basics about foui types of tieatment foi
y Kidney transplant
y Peritoneal dialysis
What is a kidney transplant?
is put into youi bouy The kiuney can come fiom a living uonoi oi
Things to think about:
y A kiuney tiansplant can help you have a moie noimal
y You will neeu to have many tests anu may have to wait a
long time befoie you can get a kiuney tiansplant You may
y Ifyougetakidneytransplant,youwillneedtotakeanti-rejection
meuicines foi as long as you have the new kiuney
y Kiuney tiansplants uont last foievei If youi new kiuney
What is peritoneal dialysis?
Peiitoneal uialysis also calleu PB uses the lining in youi abuomen
iemove waste anu extia luiu fiom youi bloou
y Hemodialysis
y Medical management
There are many things
to think about when
deciding on a treatment.
Work with your healthcare
team to nd the treatment
that is best for you.
American Kidney Fund
11921 Rockville Pike, Suite 300 | Rockville, MD 20852 | 866.300.2900
2013 American Kidney Fund
Things to think about:
y PB is a tieatment that you uo foi youiself eveiy uay oi night at home
y To uo PB you will neeu to have a lexible tube calleu a cathetei in youi abuomen This iequiies
minoi suigeiy anu the cathetei will stay in youi abuomen foi as long as you neeu PB tieatment
y IfyoudoPD,youwillneedenoughstoragespaceinyourhomeforallofyourPDsupplies.
What is hemodialysis?
Bemouialysis also calleu hemo is a tieatment that cycles youi bloou thiough a special iltei on a uialysis
machine The iltei cleans waste anu extia luiu fiom youi bloou This is the most common type of
Things to think about:
y Bemouialysis is usually uone at a uialysis centei but it can be uone at home if
you aie able anu have a paitnei to help
y Mostpeopledohemodialysisthreetimeseachweek.
y Each hemouialysis session usually lasts foi thiee to ive houis
y In oiuei to have hemouialysis you must have a vasculai access This is wheie youi bloou
will exit anu ieentei youi bouy uuiing tieatments
y uetting a vasculai access iequiies suigeiy The best time to get a vasculai access
is seveial weeks oi months befoie you begin tieatment
What is medical management?
You may choose not to have a kiuney tiansplant oi uo uialysis tieatments If you ueciue not to have any of
these tieatments you may not live foi veiy long Still you can woik with youi healthcaie team to slow uown
youi kiuney uisease anu piolong youi life as much as possible Youi healthcaie team can also piesciibe
meuicines to help you manage symptoms anu stay comfoitable This is calleu meuical management
How do I choose a treatment option?
Stait by talking to youi uoctoi to leain moie about youi tieatment options You might also
y Think about youi lifestyle anu goals Which tieatment is the best match
y Talk with othei patients eithei online oi thiough a local suppoit gioup Beaiing about
otheis expeiiences can be helpful
y Tiy the tieatment option you think will be best Nany patients aie able to switch fiom

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