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at the New Jersey Institute of Technology Stanley Gawlik, President –

Elizabeth Lee, Vice President –
Michael Gonzalez, NCC –
Ruby Rogers, Secretary –
Patrick McGrail, Treasurer –
Christopher Ojeda, Public Relations Officer –
Karen Quackenbush, Advisor -

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Residence Hall Association Minutes – November 10, 2008th, 2008
I. Introduction
i. Called to order at 11:43
II. Approve Minutes
i. Minutes approved
III. Reports
i. President
a. E-board meeting
1. Agenda was made, thank you letters for donations for the Halloween Bash
2. Senate rep could not make it to RHA meeting – had emergency Senate meeting
b. Meeting with Fischbach
1. $6,000/yer spent to replace stolen/bent items
2. Respect is the main issue, might prevent backpacks in GDS.
3. Flyers will be hung up at 10 PM tonight
c. Meeting with SAC
1. SAC is on the same level as RHA on the anti-backpack campaign.
ii. Vice President
iii. National Communication Coordinator
a. CAACURH update – this weekend
1. Will bring back, pictures, and videos – will show roll call video at next meeting or meeting
iv. Treasurer
a. Budget – no changes
b. Midnight Madness – big success, gave away lots of prizes, official debriefing will take place on
v. Public Relations Officer
a. Cabinet Meeting
1. Advisor letter – tips of suggestions for advising
2. Noble November – Senate – donate food  food shelter, club that raised the most wins $100.
a. Set up box in Reslife office
b. Townhall Meeting this Wednesday
1. music, microphones, tell friends
vi. Senate – not present.
vii. Hall Council Representatives
a. Redwood – programming meeting tonight, successful booth at Midnight Madness
b. Cypress – got new equipment 2 weeks ago
c. Laurel – Hall Council meeting next Wed., Arabian Nights – success.
d. Oak
viii. RA Representatives
a. Redwood – meeting next week
b. Cypress – building wide food drive
a. Drop off in office
b. Still Devils v. Penguins tickets available  $15
c.Latin music tonight on 6th floor lounge
c. Laurel – Monopoly game tonight
d. Oak
ix. Clubs
a. BGA
1. Bring a can DDR next Wed. 2:30 – 6, bring 1$ or a can - $25 for most cans brought in
2. Reapplication proposal for BGA next week.
b. NRHH – application deadlines – interested, see Munish – due Nov. 23rd 9PM
x. Committees
a. Programming – meeting last Thursday ran by Jaime – Halloween Bash review
b. Food – more membership needed, turn over leadership of committee to Ken.
c. Fundraising
d. Green Team – no meeting
IV. Old Business
V. New Business
i. Senate weekend programs - RHA feedback *5 min discussion
a. Program – Friday, Saturday, Sunday
b. Eric – include Thursday
c. Matan – have archery
d. Mike A. – maybe not a lot of turnout, people present on weekends, reclusive.
e. Karen – list of what Senate does – compare, collaborate – buses, transport  movies, malls,
skating, snowmaking machine (sledding?)
f. Ken – instead of one weekend, small events in Residence Halls run by an RA
g. Treasurer – point is to get people out of halls, more benefit in one large event vs. 4 small events.
h. *extend discussion by 3 min.
i. Doug – dances
j. Jackie – votes for RAs in the whole staff/hall do events in halls instead of one RA.
ii. Senate weekend – need people to come together and work program, sign up sheet passed around.
iii. Midnight Breakfast – RHA gets to decide, GDS opens for anyone w/student ID *5min discussion
a. Matan – Wednesday, because reading days run into weekend – max people?
b. Jimmy – Thursday, because get people in between days.
iv. Student Appreciation Day coming up.
VI. Open Floor and Services Issues
i. Jimmy – mangled silverware has nothing to do with backpacks
a. Fischbach – taking away backpacks because of 2L bottles/ containers
ii. Matan – no onion rings
iii. Difference between stolen food vs. taking food?
iv. Karen – soda issue resolved?  resolved.
v. No salt and pepper.
vi. Felipe – no ice after 7PM
vii. Matan – why coffee only in the morning?
VII. Kudos and Shout Outs
i. NCC – new binder
ii. Matan  PRO, just because
iii. Karen – for being Karen
iv. Everyone who helped with Midnight Madness
v. Laurel Staff – specifying that Monopoly game is played with Deluxe Edition
vi. Ken – ticketing system
VIII. Announcements
i. President: GDS flyers will be hung up at 10 PM tonight
ii. RHA website ticket – devised by Ken.
a. Recommend – log onto RHA website, easy, useful
b. Can Fischbach be emailed every time there is a ticket? – possibility
c. Use forum if we still want to keep it – future RHAs can see our discussions
IX. Adjournment

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