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ENGLISH GUIDE STUDENT NAME: ____________________________________________ I. 1.


Answer questions according to the pictures

Who discovered America? soccer world cup 2010

Who liberated Colombia?

Who painted Mona Lisa? Who won

2. Listen and practice the conversation. Jh Jhon: o n: Jane: Ja Hi Jane, Do you know n who took my dog? e: I dont know, maybe its Jh sleeping o No, its not I looked for it n: everywhere Ja Oh sorry, I remembered n David took it for a walk e: Im losing my mind, I asked him that favor yesterday! I think youre out of this world! About the conversation a. Whos the dogs owner? _______________________________________________________. b. Is the dog in Johns house? _____________________________________________________. c. Who took the dog? ___________________________________________________________. d. What does Jane think about Jhon? _______________________________________________. e. What do you think about Jhon? _________________________________________________. 3. Grammar structure: Passive Voice Use of Passive Passive voice is used when the focus is on the action. It is not important or not known, however, who or what is performing the action. Example: My bike was stolen. In the example above, the focus is on the fact that my bike was stolen. I do not know, however, who did it. Sometimes a statement in passive is more polite than active voice, as the following example shows: Example: A mistake was made. In this case, I focus on the fact that a mistake was made, but I do not blame anyone (e.g. You have made a mistake.)

Form of Passive: Subject + finite form of to be + Past Participle. Example:

A letter was written.
When rewriting active sentences in passive voice, note the following: the object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence the finite form of the verb is changed (to be + past participle)

the subject of the active sentence becomes the object of the passive sentence (or is dropped)

Examples of Passive
Simple Present Active: Passive: Simple Past Active: Passive: Present Perfect Active: Passive: Future I Active: Passive: Hilfsverben Active: Passive:

Rita A letter Rita A letter Rita A letter Rita A letter Rita A letter

writes is written wrote was written has written has been written will write will be written can write can be written

a letter by Rita. a letter. by Rita. a letter. by Rita. a letter. by Rita. a letter. by Rita.

Exercise on Passive Voice

Rewrite the sentences in simple present passive voice. He opens the door. the door is opened by him They wear blue shoes. - _______________________ We set the table. - ______________________ She pays a lot of money. - ____________________ I draw a picture. - _______________________ They don't help you. - _______________________ He doesn't open the book. - ____________________ You do not write the letter. - ____________________


a. I know there is only one freedom: thinking freedom Antoine de Saint-Exupery Antoine de saint-Exupery said that he knew there was only one freedom: thinking freedom b. Freedom is lost when you start to fear. Felipe Gonzlez __________________________________________________________________ ______ c. freedom consists in recognizing limits. Jiddu Krishnamurti ______________________________________________________________________ _____ d. I will die free because I have lived alone. Erasmo de Rotterdam ______________________________________________________________________ _____ e. Freedom is a chimera without democracy Octavio Paz 2. Grammar structure Reported speech VOZ DIRECTA E INDIRECTA 1) You can say what anybody say in direct form: "Women are safer because they're more cautious", said the inspector.

What have they said? 1. Do you know who said that?

2) You can say what anybody say in indirect form: The inspector thinks that the sex of the driver was irrelevant. He believes that the load you carry in your car makes a difference. The last two sentences are examples about reported speech (indirect). The communicator verb (thinks, believes) is followed by relative prononun that and a clause. Sometimes relative prononun that could be missed, especially in informal speech. When we change directs speech to indirects, its necessary to do some adjustments: CHANGES IN PUNCTUATION The quotes (" ") are only used to mark the beginning and the end of direct speech: DIRECT STATEMENT inverted commas "They are slower", she added. REPORTED STATEMENT no inverted commas This report shows that a risk of death at the wheel is high. CHANGES IN PRONONUNS First and second personal prononun change to third person: DIRECT STATEMENT personal pronoun "I"

"I drive a van and women are terrible", said Ian Lewis. REPORTED STATEMENT personal pronoun "he" lan Lewis said that he drove a van and that women were terrible.

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Change to reported speech (direct or indirect ) I live in New York. 6) We often meet friends in London at the weekend. He works in a bank. Julie doesnt like going out much. 7) David doesnt have any children. 8) I dont go to the gym very often. I dont have a computer. 9) Lucy owns three flats in the city. They never arrive on time. 10) I never get up early on Sundays

3. Lets practice


1. Complete the idea. What will you do? a. If you get a college scholarship, _____________________________________ b. If you lose ninth grade, _____________________________________ c. If a relative dies, _____________________________________ d. If a classmate becomes mad, _____________________________________ 2. Listen and practice the conversation. Jane: If I have time on Saturday, Ill visit my parents.

John: If you visit them, theyll be very happy. Jane: Ill bring some groceries if I visit them. John: If you go to their house, theyll make a big dinner you. Jane: If I dont have time this Saturday, Ill go there next weekend. John: Theyll be glad whenever you can visit them. About the conversation What will happen if Jane visits her parents on Saturday? If Jane visits her parents What about if she doesnt go there this Saturday?


3. Grammar structure: First conditional Introduction The first conditional (also called conditional type 1) is a structure used for talking about possibilities in the present or in the future. This page will explain how the first conditional is formed, and when to use it. 1. The structure of a first conditional sentence A first conditional sentence consists of two clauses, an "if" clause and a main clause: if clause If you study hard, main clause you will pass the test.

If the "if" clause comes first, a comma is usually used. If the "if" clause comes second, there is no need for a comma: main clause You will pass the test if clause if you study hard.

We use different verb forms in each part of a first conditional: main clause You will pass the test if clause if you study hard.

2. Using the first conditional The first conditional is used to talk about things which are possible in the present or the future things which may happen: Example If it's sunny, we'll go to the park. Paula will be sad if Juan leaves. 4. Lets practice
Choose the correct form of each verb to complete each sentence. If a deer ________ into your If we don't protect the garden, it ________ all your elephant, it ________ extinct. A. ? will become plants. A. ? gets / will eat B. ? becomes B. ? will get / eats If I ________ some eggs, You'll pay higher insurance how many ________? A. ? will cook / do you eat if you ________ a sports car. A. ? buy B. ? cook / will you eat ? will buy She ________ completely different if she cuts her hair. A. ? looks B. ? will look B. You won't pass the course if you ________. A. ? won't study B. ? don't study

Explanation Maybe it will be sunny that's possible. Maybe Juan will leave that's possible.

You ________ heart disease if you eat too much meat. A. ? will get B.

? get If you don't put so much sugar in your coffee, you ________ so much weight! A. ? won't put on B. ? don't put on

If you ________ an apple every day, you'll be very healthy. A. ? eat B.

? will eat You ________ better if you turn on the lamp. A. ? are able to see B. see ? will be able to


Have you ever fought in the school? Have you ever traveled by plane? Have you ever lost a relative? _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

2. Grammar structure: Present perfect with adverbs Explain what for you use the present perfect tense ADVERBS OF TIME It is common to use the present perfect to with some adverbs of time or time adverbials. Look at which ones you can use:

all my life / for two hours since 1945 / so far for over 40 years

already / just / yet

lately / recently


/ never

3. Lets practice Complete with appropriate adverb. a. The Just government Still ___ hasnt said Yet anything Already

b. Have you seen the movie Titanic ___? Just Still Yet Already c. I cant decide. I ___ havent made a decision Just

Still Yet Already d. Daphne ___ hasnt bought the tickets Just Still Yet Already

V. YOU SHOULD BE MORE RESPONSIBLE! 1. Give advices to a friend who has these problems Example: you should study more!

___________________ ___________________



2. Grammar structure: Should and Shouldn't - Use

We use should and shouldn't to give advice or to talk about what we think is right or wrong. You should means something like I think it is a good idea for you to do i You shouldn't means something like I think it is a bad idea for you to do it. Should is used to express the opinion of a speaker and often follows I think or I don't think.

You look tired. I think you should take a few days off. should to talk to her boss. Alice works very long hours. She


have an English test tomorrow. shouldn't worry if I were you. You have worked really hard. never have enough money. don't think you should go out so much.

Should - Quick Grammar Note To give advice to someone you can also say: I should do it if I were you. I shouldn't be so rude, if I wer you. When you regret not doing something in the past, you can say: I shouldn't have spoken to him like that. I should have apologized earlier Should or Shouldn't - Practice Exercise. Chose should or shouldn't. 1. I don't think you_________ smoke so much. 2. You_________ exercise more. 3. I think you_________ try to speak to her. 4. You are overweight. You_________ go on a diet. 5. Where_________ we park our car? 6. You_________ never speak to your mother like this.

7. The kids_________ spend so much time in front of the TV. 8. _________ I tell her the truth or should I say nothing?

9. I think we_________ reserve our holiday in advance. 10.You _________ be so selfish

3. Read the story and give some advices

Im 14 years-old right now, so you can only imagine how young I was when I started drinking alcohol and using drugs. I was 8 years-old when I had my first drink with my dad. He was going to jail the next day and thought it would be one last hoorah to get me drunk. From that point until I was 12, my drug of choice was alcohol. I had a certain negative perception of drug addicts, and therefore had no interest in doing drugs. What changed? Well, I met an older guya druggie, who asked me if I wanted to get high one day. So I did. We hung out regularly, and as youd expect, my drug use became more frequent. Pot replaced alcohol as my drug of choice. At the time, I was visiting a lot of chat rooms, meeting druggie guys, and they would IM me asking if I drank or got high. I didnt think too much about giving them my cell phone number. We would end up meeting to drink, get high or mess around with prescription drugs. When I wasnt hanging out in chat rooms, I was posting stuff to my MySpace profile. I lied about my age and posted pretty seductive pictures to attract guys. Most were between 16-25 yearsold. Of course, I attracted the druggie types because my profile page was filled with talk about smoking and drinking. I dug the attention and acceptance! But the drugs really took a toll. I was rushed to the hospital three times for drug and alcohol abuse. I couldnt stop, though. I would skip school for fear of missing out on something. I equated fun with drugs, and drugs with meeting people. And I loved meeting new people! I started buying drugs online and would have them delivered to my home mailbox. In 2005, I switched schools and heard about a Web site from other students where drug users posted messages talking big about getting high the night before. I got on the site, lied about my age again and began making drug deals online. Because my mom was working all the time and my dad was out of the picture, it was pretty easy to get away with a lot of the stuff. It wasnt until I refused to go to school that my mom put me in treatment. Im 7 months into it and glad to be recovering. If I had anything to share with parents, especially if they are divorced or separated, it would be this. Be on the same page about your kid, even if you hate each other. I used my parents against each other all the time, making it easier for me to get in trouble. Check in with your kid often, and sneak around if you suspect something. Learn how to check a computer history log. If my mom knew how to do that, she would have discovered my problem a lot earlier. Fact is, I never erased it. And think to yourself, something is up, if you keep seeing blank screens every time you walk by your kids computer or get a lot of nothing type responses when you ask what are you up to? *As told to by Cheyenne

_______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _________________________________

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