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Effective Date : 01/02/2012 Procedure #: IR.GN.01 Issue: 3 Revision: 0 Page 2 of 153 Approved by: Managing Director

STATEMENT OF POLICY, PHILOSOPHY AND PRINCIPLES...............................................6
1. 2. 3. COMPANY SAFETY POLICY.....................................................................................................6 GENERAL PHILOSOPHY OF THE SYSTEM SAFETY RULES...............................................6 ESSENTIAL PRINCIPLES OF THE SYSTEM SAFETY RULES ..............................................7 .

GENERAL PROVISIONS..............................................................................................................9
1- 2- 3- 4- 5- APPLICATION OF RULES..........................................................................................................9 GENERAL SAFETY.....................................................................................................................9 SYSTEM SAFETY RULES, INSTRUCTIONS AND PROCEDURES........................................ 0 1 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS......................................................................................................... 0 1 OBJECTIONS FOR SAFETY REASONS................................................................................... 0 1

DEFINITIONS ...........................................................................................................................11 THE BASIC SYSTEM SAFETY RULES....................................................................................19

1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- SAFETY PRECAUTIONS WHEN APPROACHING EXPOSED CONDUCTORS AND INSULATORS.............................................................................................................................. 9 1 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS FOR WORK ON OR NEAR TO HIGH VOLTAGE EQUIPMENT23 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS FOR WORK ON OR NEAR TO LOW VOLTAGE EQUIPMENT. 6 2 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS FOR WORK ON OR NEAR TO MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT... 8 2 BOUNDARY IDENTIFICATION OF SAFE WORKING AREAS.............................................. 9 2 WORK AND DEMARCATION IN SUBSTATIONS................................................................... 0 3 IDENTIFICATION OF EQUIPMENT........................................................................................ 2 3 OPERATION OF EQUIPMENT.................................................................................................. 2 3

SAFETY DOCUMENT PROCEDURES.....................................................................................33

1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- GENERAL.................................................................................................................................... 3 3 APPLICATION............................................................................................................................ 3 3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS - PERMIT TO WORK...................................................................... 3 3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS - PERMIT TO WORK (Mechanical)................................................ 4 3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS - PERMIT TO WORK (Low Voltage).............................................. 5 3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS SANCTION FOR TEST................................................................. 6 3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS LIMITED ACCESS PERMIT........................................................ 7 3

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8- 9- 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19-

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PREPARATION, ISSUE AND RECEIPT OF SAFETY DOCUMENTS (From Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Personto Competent Person)........................................................... 8 3 CLEARANCE OF SAFETY DOCUMENTS................................................................................ 9 3 CANCELLATION OF SAFETY DOCUMENTS......................................................................... 1 4 RETURN TO OPERATIONAL SERVICE.................................................................................. 1 4 PREPARATION, ISSUE AND RECEIPT OF SAFETY DOCUMENTS (From Senior Authorized Personto Himself)...................................................................................................... 2 4 CLEARANCE OF SAFETY DOCUMENTS................................................................................ 3 4 CANCELLATION OF SAFETY DOCUMENTS......................................................................... 4 4 RETURN TO OPERATIONAL SERVICE.................................................................................. 4 4 PROCEDURE FOR THE USE OF THE RECORD OF INTER-SYSTEM SAFETY PRECAUTIONS (RISSP)............................................................................................................. 5 4 SAFETY CLEARANCE DE-CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE (Announcement of Application of SSR).............................................................................................................................................. 7 4 CATEGORIES OF AUTHORISATION...................................................................................... 8 4 . 4 CATEGORIES OF APPOINTMENT .......................................................................................... 8

APPENDICES ...........................................................................................................................51 APPENDIX 1 APPENDIX 2 APPENDIX 3 APPENDIX 4 APPENDIX 5 APPENDIX 6 APPENDIX 7 APPENDIX 8 APPENDIX 9 EARTHING ELECTRICAL POWERDISTRIBUTION EQUIPMENT.........51 OPERATIONAL AND SAFETY SWITCHING..............................................60 SULPHUR HEXAFLUORIDE (SF6) SWITCHGEAR....................................66 METALCLAD SWITCHGEAR.......................................................................70 LIVE WASHING PROCEDURES for HV INSULATION..............................76 OVERHEAD LINES.........................................................................................82 UNDERGROUND CABLES.............................................................................85 SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT.....................88 PROVISIONS FOR PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL ENVIRONMENTS.......93

APPENDIX 10 OPERATIONAL AREAS ACCESS & WORKING ARRANGEMENTS.....99 APPENDIX 11 Procedure for Approval of Authorized, Competent & Control Persons and Contractor's Competent & HSE Staff.............................................................105 APPENDIX 12 SUBSTATION BATTERIES...........................................................................113 APPENDIX 13 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT...................................................116 APPENDIX 14 LOCKOUT/TAGOUT PROCEDURE............................................................120
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APPENDIX 15 STANDBY GENERATORS PROCEDURE ...................................................123 . APPENDIX 16 AUTOMATICALLY AND/OR REMOTELY CONTROLLED EQUIPMENT... .........................................................................................................................125 APPENDIX 17 ADD/REMOVE EQUIPMENT FROM THE SYSTEM (COMMISSION PHASE)............................................................................................................128 APPENDIX 18 PUBLIC WORK NEAR OHL.........................................................................131 APPENDIX 19 LABORATORY SAFETY RULES.................................................................133 APPENDIX 20 MOBILE ELEVATED WORK PLATFORMS (MEWP) AND LADDERS...140 Forms List .........................................................................................................................151 DEMARCATION AND APPROACH TO HIGH VOLTAGE EQUIPMENT ADDENDUM A .. .........................................................................................................................152

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Issue / REV. #





New issue

New Issue after full changes to integrate with Other companies (TRANSCO & AADC) After changes in Authorization categories and add Senior Authorized Person





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The Company accepts and recognizes its legal and moral responsibilities for ensuring the safe design, operation and maintenance of equipment and for the provision of safe methods of work and healthy working conditions for all employees, visitors, consultants and contractors to its premises. These responsibilities are important and rank equally with all other main aims and objectives of the Company. The successful execution of this Policy relies on all employees complying with safety requirements relevant to their responsibilities and discharging their personal duties in a conscientious manner.


The Companys electrical and mechanical items of equipment are inter-connected to form electromechanical systems. These systems contain some inherent dangers, but are carefully designed so that when operated normally they are safe and all hazards are under control. When work is to be carried out on, or near to, these interconnected systems, System Safety Rules need to be specified to achieve safety from the inherent system dangers. These System Safety Rules are based on a philosophy that persons must be protected from the inherent system dangers, which is achieved by making those persons safe from the system. The inherent dangers are those arising from a system. The Rules define procedures and responsibilities for achieving personal safety from the inherent system dangers. They may be briefly summarized as follows o Positive equipment identification and releasing the equipment concerned from operational service for the planned work o Establishing safe and controlled conditions for the work. This may be achieved by either limiting the scope of the work, or providing isolation from a system. Approved specialized procedures must be adopted when work has to be done on equipment that must remain energized o Formally authorizing the start of both planned and emergency work

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o Receiving the formal authority to start work, undertaking the work, supervising safety throughout the work and clearing the authority when the work is either completed or terminated o Canceling the authority on completion of the work o Restoring the system to normal operational service. Further dangers can arise from the environment in which persons undertake work. The way in which these dangers are managed is specified in the System Safety Rules.


The following principles have been adopted in formulating the System Safety Rules: o The System Safety Rules are directly concerned with achieving safety for persons o When work is to be carried out on equipment, the primary means of achieving safety is always by securing isolation. Where practicable, the isolating devices shall be immobilized and locked in the isolated position. In the case of high voltage equipment, earthing must always follow, and the earthing devices locked where practicable. In the case of mechanical equipment draining, venting, purging and the release of stored energy, where appropriate, must follow the isolation o Approved specialized procedures are required for work where isolation is not reasonably practicable, or where normal isolation procedures cannot be applied o Persons are formally appointed as Competent, Authorized or Control Persons to carry out defined duties o Rigorous application of the System Safety Rules ensures that safety is maintained across all internal and external boundaries and interfaces o The achievement of safety from the system will involve the functions of operational control, making safe and restoration of equipment and the actual planned work. These functions cover different responsibilities, which are treated separately in the System Safety Rules. The System Safety Rules do not preclude one person from performing more than one function, but not at the same time. o The ADWEA/ADDC HSE procedures and guidelines shall be reviewed, understood and implemented by all staff working under the SSR.
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o Regular training in the understanding and application of SSR shall be given to all concerned staff at regular time intervals.

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1.1 The System Safety Rules must always be applied when working on or near to items of Equipment which are part of a System. 1.2 The System Safety Rules must always be applied when access is gained or required to a Prohibited Area and/or a Restricted Area. 1.3 Equipment shall be added to and removed from a System only in accordance with an Approved procedure. This procedure should also specify when these System Safety Rules begin to apply or cease to apply.

2.1 In addition to the requirements for establishing Safety from the System specified in these System Safety Rules, General Safety must be established and maintained at all times. 2.2 General Safety must be established before any work starts. The Senior Authorized Person / Authorized Person issuing the safety document is responsible for identifying and prescribing General Safety at the workplace. The Senior Authorized Person / Competent Person is responsible for implementing General Safety. 2.3 During the progress of the work the Senior Authorized Person / Competent Person in charge of the Working Party must ensure that all members of the Working Party maintain adequate standards of General Safety. In addition, he shall ensure that other work areas are not adversely affected by their activities. The Senior Authorized Person / Competent Person must be available all the time at the workplace. In case he has to leave for any reason, work shall be stopped and he must withdraw the Working Party out of the workplace until he returns and ensures that General Safety is still maintained in all working areas. If the work cannot be stopped for special reasons, the Safety Document can be transferred to another Senior Authorized Person / Competent Person having the same level of authority, by following the Transfer of Safety Document procedure

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3.1 These System Safety Rules and the requirements of any supporting documents are mandatory. In addition, System Safety Rules issued by other recognized authorities, where there is interaction, must also be considered as mandatory. 3.2 At Locations where an interconnection between ADDC and another company or authority exists special attention should be paid to the application of different System Safety Rules. The relevant Connection Use of System and Interface Agreement should identify the boundaries and must specifically state the applicability of the different System Safety Rules. In all cases where cross boundary safety precautions are necessary to achieve safety from the system and General Safety in accordance with the applicable System Safety Rules, the specified Record of InterSystem Safety Precautions (RISSP) procedure must be followed. 3.3 In all cases where cross boundary safety precautions are necessary to achieve safe working in accordance with the applicable System Safety Rules, the specified Record of Inter-System Safety Precautions (RISSP) procedure must be followed. 3.4 The applicable Company/ADWEA HSE/Operational procedure shall be understood followed and implemented. 3.5 Regular training in the understanding and application of SSR shall be given to all concerned staff at regular time intervals.

4.1 Work on or near to a System to which these System Safety Rules cannot be applied, or for special reasons should not be applied, must be considered in advance, then confirmed and carried out in accordance with an Approved written procedure. This is intended to replace the System Safety Rules with an alternative arrangement, which will ensure that all risks are effectively controlled to a standard comparable with the System Safety Rules.


5.1 Any person who has objections on a safety basis related to the application of the System Safety Rules shall explain their reasons to the supervisor giving the instructions. These objections must always be resolved satisfactorily before any work can proceed.

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Authorization Officer (HSEQ Dept Manager) A senior member of staff nominated by ADDC Senor Management HSEQ Department Manager to be an Authorization Officer, who will then be responsible for the monitoring the implementation of SSR and ensuring that the appointed personnel have required qualification and experiences and received appropriate training and pass any necessary practical testing.

Approved Sanctioned for use in writing by an appropriate officer of the Company. Caution Notice A notice of an Approved type, conveying a warning against interference with Isolated equipment. These notices are attached at all Points of Isolation. Circuit Identification Colors or symbols used to identity overhead line circuits and other Equipment.

Combustible Substance capable of igniting and burning readily. Company ADDC - The Abu Dhabi Distribution Company, an autonomous company forming part of the Abu Dhabi Water and Electricity Authority.

Confined Space A space large enough for a person to bodily enter and perform assigned work, has limited or restricted means of entry and exits, and is not designed for continuous employee occupancy. Connection and Interface Agreement A document (agreement) between ADDC and another company describing and specifying the point of interface where connections are made between Equipment of the companies at a Location as well as the application of the System Safety Rules at the Location.

Consent Confirmation by the Control Person, before the issue of a Safety Document, that safety precautions have been carried out on the correct Equipment at all Locations and that control procedures are in place to maintain these until the Safety Document is cancelled.
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Danger A risk to health, or bodily injury. Danger Notice A notice of an Approved type, conveying a warning of the risk of Danger of approach to either electrical or general hazards. These notices are also displayed at the limits of safe working areas, calling attention to the adjacent Dangers. Dead At zero potential (voltage), and is disconnected from any Live system, isolated and earthed. Earthed Connected to the general mass of earth by means of an Earthing Device in such a manner that will ensure an immediate and safe discharge of electrical energy at all times. Earthing Device A means of providing a connection between an Isolated electrical conductor and earth, being one of the following Primary Earth A fixed or portable Earthing Device applied to an Isolated electrical conductor to protect against inadvertent energisation. Portable Primary Earths must be Approved and have a cross sectional area of not less than 70 sq mm copper equivalent. Additional Earth A fixed or portable Earthing Device applied at or near the point of work providing protection against induced voltages. Portable Additional Earths must be Approved and have a cross sectional area of not less than 25 sq mm copper equivalent. Portable Earth An insulated flexible conductor fitted with suitable clamps for connecting together an electrical conductor and Earth, using an Approved insulated operating pole or insulated hand clamp. Earthing Schedule A schedule indicating the Additional Earth requirements for each stage of the work necessary to control induced voltages as circumstances change. Equipment All electrical apparatus and mechanical plant forming part of the operational assets to which the System Safety Rules apply.

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Excavation Work, excavations, drilling, boring, construction, demolition or surface removal or penetration in any manner of owned property, streets, alleys, easements, or public lands within the corporate limits. General Safety The provision and maintenance of safe access to and from the place of work, a safe place of work, a safe working environment, safe methods of work and the correct use of effective personal protective equipment. High Voltage (HV) A voltage exceeding 1000 volts. Hot Work Any work activity, including grinding, cutting and welding, which may produce heat, sparks or flames. Isolated Total disconnection from associated Equipment or a System by an Isolating Device in the isolating position, or by adequate physical separation. Isolating Device A device used for rendering Equipment Isolated. Key(s), being one of the following Safety Key A key unique at the Location for safety locking an Isolating Device, Earthing Device, vent or drain Control Key A key for operating the control lock of a Key Safe or Multi-clasp, and issued to Authorized Persons / Senior Authorized Person only Key Safe Key A key unique at the Location for operating a personal safety lock, other than the control lock, on a Key Safe.

Key Safe An Approved device for the secure retention of Safety Key(s), links and fuses.

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Live Live means connected to the power system and/or electrically charged. Location Any place at which work under the Companys System Safety Rules is carried out.

Locked A condition of Equipment that cannot be altered without the release of a safety or security lock. Log Book A permanent written record, used at all control points and workplaces, to create a comprehensive detailed record of operational and safety switching and associated safety procedures. Low Voltage (LV) A voltage up to and including 1000 volts. Multi-clasp An Approved security clasp providing dual control for Authorized Persons, Senior Authorized Person and Competent Persons and used at selected single Points of Isolation as an alternative to a Key Safe. Operational Service Under the operational control of a Control Person Persons, being one of the following Senior Authorized Person A person who has sufficient technical knowledge and experience to recognize and avoid Danger and been appointed in writing by an Authorization Officer of the Company to carry out defined duties. These may include the operation and maintenance of Equipment and the Issue, receipt, clearance and cancelation of specified Safety Documents, in accordance with his Authorization Certificate Competent Person A person who has sufficient technical knowledge and experience to recognize and avoid Danger and been appointed in writing by an Authorization Officer of the Company to carry out defined duties. These may include the maintenance of Equipment and the receipt and clearance of specified Safety Documents, in accordance with a Competency Certificate
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Authorized Person A person who has sufficient technical knowledge and experience to recognize and avoid Danger and has been appointed in writing by an Authorization Officer of the Company to carry out defined duties. These may include the operation of Equipment and the preparation, issue, and cancellation of specified Safety Documents, in accordance with an Authorization Certificate Control Person A person who has sufficient technical knowledge and experience to recognize and avoid Danger and been appointed in writing by an Authorization Officer of the Company to be responsible for the operational control and co-ordination of the System and the control and coordination of safety activities necessary to achieve Safety from the System, within and across defined boundaries in accordance with an Authorization Certificate

Point(s) of Isolation The point at which Equipment has been Isolated to provide a physical separation and where reasonably practicable, the Isolating Device immobilized and Locked and the Keys controlled in a Key Safe or controlled by a Multi-clasp. Caution Notices must be attached at all Points of Isolation. Pressurized A condition of Equipment containing a gas or fluid above atmospheric pressure.

Prohibited Area A Prohibited Area is an area under the control of ADDC where equipment is housed that can pose a direct danger to unauthorized persons and operation and/or maintenance is under the supervision of ADDC staff. Typical examples of prohibited areas (electrical) are substation buildings and transformer bays within the total substation perimeter fence.

Purged A condition of Equipment from which any dangerous contents have been removed. Pyrophorics Substances that may spontaneously ignite after drying out in the presence of oxygen.

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Record of Inter-System Safety Precautions (RISSP) A form of declaration which specifies the Equipment and the actions across an interface boundary to achieve Safety from the System and must be used in conjunction with a Permit to Work or a Sanction for Test.

Restricted Area A Restricted Area is an area under the control of ADDC where buildings and/or other equipment belonging to ADDC are housed. Typical restricted areas (electrical) are substations yards.

Safety Clearance The distance from the nearest exposed Live conductor not Earthed, or from an insulator supporting an exposed High Voltage conductor, which must be maintained at all times to avoid Danger to persons. Safety Clearance Certificate A Document that specifies the Equipment that will become part of the System as well as the date at which the Equipment becomes part of the System and Company System Safety Rules must be applied to the Equipment. (this can be an official letter or a notification by Operation planning to all concerned functions including contractors)

Safety De-Clearance Certificate A Document that specifies the Equipment that will no longer be part of the System as well as the date at which the Equipment not be part of the System anymore and Company System Safety Rules cease to apply to the Equipment. (this can be an official letter or a notification by Operation planning to all concerned functions including contractors)

Safety Documents, being one of the following Permit to Work (PTW) A Safety Document being a form of declaration which specifies the Equipment, the work to be carried out, the Points of Isolation including eathing points, other safety precautions and actions taken to achieve Safety from the System, Equipment status under Permit to work must be died from issue time until canceled and it is one of the followings: Permit to Work (Electrical HV) A Safety Document being a form of declaration which specifies the HV Equipment, the work to be carried out, the Points of Isolation and the position of the Primary Earths and actions taken to achieve Safety from the System
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Permit to Work (Electrical LV) A Safety Document being a form of declaration which specifies the LV Equipment, the work to be carried out, the Points of Isolation and the position of the Primary Earths / Additional Earths and actions taken to achieve Safety from the System Permit to Work (Mechanical/Water) A Safety Document being a form of declaration which specifies the Equipment, the Mechanical work to be carried out, Points of isolation, points of venting / draining and actions taken to achieve Safety from the System Sanction for Test A Safety Document being a form of declaration which specifies the Equipment, the Points of Isolation, the position of the Primary Earths, work/tests to be carried out which requires the removal of Primary Earths and the actions taken to achieve Safety from the System

Limited Access Permit A Safety Document being a form of declaration which defines the limits within which work may be carried out on or near the system and specifies the necessary safety precautions

Safety from the System That condition which safeguards persons working on or near to Equipment from the Dangers which are inherent in a System.

Self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) A device worn to provide breathable air in a hostile environment. The breathing set is not dependent on a remote supply (e.g., through a long hose). An SCBA typically has three main components: a high-pressure tank, a pressure regulator, and an inhalation connection, connected together and mounted to a carrying frame.

Supervision The control and direction exercised by a Competent Person / Senior Authorized Person during maintenance activities or an Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person during operational activities, and are present at the point of work at all times during the progress of the work. System Items of Equipment that are used separately or in combination for the generation, transmission or distribution of electricity or water.
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Vented Having a permanent outlet to the atmosphere so that internal pressure has equalized to atmospheric pressure.

WHIMIS Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System for chemical classification and communication Working Party Individuals working under the direct Supervision of a Competent Person / Senior Authorized Person during maintenance activities or an Authorized Person/Senior Authorized Person during operational activities.

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1.1 Individuals must not allow any part of their body or objects to approach within the specified Safety Clearances to exposed conductors which are Live. 1.2 When Points of Isolation have been established and exposed conductors could be subject to any voltage, the only objects permitted to approach within the Safety Clearances shall be Approved voltage measuring devices or Earthing Devices. In special circumstances, and always subject to prior assessment by an Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person, persons may approach within the Safety Clearances for the application of the above Approved devices. 1.3 When Points of Isolation have been established and all Danger has been totally excluded by the application of Earthing Devices, approach is allowed under an appropriate Safety Document to within the specified Safety Clearances. 1.4 Opening or replacing fuses/links on overhead lines with the end of an Approved Insulated Pole entering into the Safety Clearance, will only done by an Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person according to an approved procedure. 1.5 Safety Clearance The Safety Clearance and Approach Boundaries as indicated in the following tables is for any Live Exposed fixed circuit part as per NFPA 70E Table 130.2 (C). Rated System Voltage (kV) Up to 1 Up to 11 22 33 Safety Clearance (Limited Approach Boundary) (cm) 107 153 183 183 Restricted Approach Boundary (cm) 30 66.0 79 79 Prohibited Approach Boundary (cm) 2.5 18.0 26 26

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A distance of 50 cm shall also be maintained from that part of the insulators supporting exposed High Voltage conductors, which is outside the appropriate Safety Clearance. The following table includes the Safety Clearance, Restricted Approach Boundary and Prohibited Approach Boundary for voltages higher than 33 kV. This table can be used as additional information to the applicable voltages as used by ADDC Rated System Voltage (kV) 132 220 400 Safety Clearance (Limited Approach Boundary) (cm) 300 400 550 Restricted Approach Boundary (cm) 110 160 310 Prohibited Approach Boundary (cm) 94 145 290

The Safety Clearance is the distance specified to avoid any flash over between the line and any body or objects approaching the specified distance (boundary). However the density of the charging level for the atmosphere along the route of the O.H.L. differ from one place to other depending on the weather conditions and/or the lines running parallel or crossing the specific line worked upon. Flash Protection Boundary: An approach limit at a distance from exposed live parts within which a person could receive a second degree burn if an electrical arc flash were to occur. Limited Approach Boundary: An approach limit at a distance from an exposed live part within which a shock hazard exists. Restricted Approach Boundary: An approach limit at a distance from an exposed live part within which there is an increased risk of shock, due to electrical arc over combined with inadvertent movement, for personnel working in close proximity to the live part. Prohibited Approach Boundary: An approach limit at a distance from an exposed live part within which work is considered the same as making contact with the live part. The Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person has to take the above case in consideration before issuing the Safety Document.

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Safety Clearance for Overhead Lines

Safety Clearance

50 cm

Safety Clearance for Metal Clad Switchgear The same Safety Clearance distances as given in the tables (above) apply for Metal Clad Switchgear. When approaching exposed live conductors in Metal Clad switchgear the following must be done: Determine the Flash Protection Boundary and, if the boundary is to be crossed, appropriate flash-flame protection (PPE) equipment must be worn.

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Safety Clearance and Approach Boundaries

Any point on an exposed, energised electrical conductor or circuit part Restricted Approach Boundary Up to 1000 V 11 kV 22 kV 33 kV 30 cm 66 cm 79 cm 79 cm

Flash Protection Boundary This distance must be determined using a procedure to calculate the Arc Flash energy. No fixed distances can be given.

Prohibited Approach Boundary Up to 1000 V 11 kV 22 kV 33 kV 2.5 cm 18 cm 26 cm 26 cm

Safety Clearance (Limited Approach Boundary) Up to 1000 V 11 kV 22 kV 33 kV 107 cm 153 cm 183 cm 183 cm

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2.1 When work is to be carried out on or near to HV Equipment, an Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person shall assess the means of achieving Safety from the System. When this is either by limiting the work or the work area, instructions clearly defining the limits shall be given. The Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person shall then issue a Limited Access Permit. 2.2 When limiting the work or the work area is insufficient to achieve Safety from the System, the following safety precautions shall be applied 2.2.1 The HV Equipment shall be identified and the Control Person shall prepare it for release from Operational Service 2.2.2 The Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person shall ensure that the Equipment is Isolated and that Points of Isolation are established for the work 2.2.3 The Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person shall assess the situation, check for and confirm no volts using an Approved voltage testing device and then discharge the Equipment. The voltage indicator must be tested immediately before and after use. 2.2.4 For work on HV Equipment, Primary Earths shall be applied within the zone established by the Points of Isolation. Where reasonably practicable the Primary Earths shall be Locked 2.2.5 The contents of the HV Equipment shall be adjusted to a level which avoids all Danger. Where drain valves are used they shall, where practicable, be Locked in the appropriate position 2.2.6 Where Danger could arise from pressurization, the HV Equipment shall be Vented. The emissions shall be dissipated so as to avoid Danger. Where reasonably practicable drain vents shall be Locked open 2.2.7 Where internal access is required, and the residue of contents could cause Danger, the HV Equipment shall be Purged. The emissions shall be dissipated so as to avoid Danger. The Equipment shall be restored to atmospheric pressure when purging is complete 2.2.8 Where Danger could arise from the release of stored energy, action shall be taken to contain or dissipate this energy safely 2.2.9 When work on the HV Equipment does not require the removal of Primary Earths a Permit to Work shall be issued.
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When work is to be carried out on HV Equipment, and where it is necessary to restore the means of supplying power for certain Approved work/tests, during the period that the Permit to Work is in force and the removal of Primary Earths is not required, the following additional precautions shall be applied

2.3.1 No other Permit to Work or Sanction for Test shall be in force on the same items of HV Equipment 2.3.2 An Approved written procedure shall be provided and observed. This shall specify the requirements necessary to maintain Safety from the System for the period whilst motive power is restored. 2.4 When work is to be carried out on HV Equipment, and where it is necessary to restore a means of supplying power for certain Approved work/tests, during the period that the Permit to Work is in force and the removal of Primary Earths is required, the following procedure shall be followed: 2.4.1 All the members of the working parties shall be withdrawn and all Safety Documents for work on the HV Equipment shall be cleared. 2.4.2 The Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person shall assess the work and issue a Sanction for Test that allows the removal of the Primary Earths for the period that power is restored to the HV Equipment. 2.5 When testing on HV Equipment requires the removal of Primary Earths a Sanction for Test shall be issued. Provided Safety from the System is maintained the following additional precautions shall be applied No Permit to Work or other Sanction for Test shall be in force on the same item of HV Equipment or any other item of HV Equipment which could be affected by the removal of the Primary Earths The Primary Earths that may be removed and replaced during the testing shall be positively identified Essential supplies which may be restored to enable the work to take place shall be defined Testing shall be carried out in accordance with an Approved written procedure.


2.5.2 2.5.3 2.5.4

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2.6 When work must be done on or near HV Equipment by more than one Working Party at the same time, the following shall apply: 2.6.1 Only one Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person shall assess the work and if the work does not require the removal of Primary Earths, Permits to Work can be issued to every Competent Person responsible for supervising the work performed by the respective Working Party as long as the work by the different working parties is done using the same Points of Isolation and Primary Earths. All the Competent Persons must add their locks. (Refer to IEEE C2 section 410 C) When it is required to issue a Sanction for Test to a specific Working Party, no Safety Documents will be issued to the other Working Parties. If any Safety Documents are outstanding, the Sanction for Test shall not be issued until such time that the other Safety Documents have been cancelled.

2.6.2 2.6.3

2.7 When Danger from induced voltages could arise during the course of work, Additional Earths shall be applied. Any Portable Additional Earths shall be issued with the Permit to Work or Sanction for Test, together with an Earthing Schedule if necessary, which shall specify the Additional Earth requirements for each stage of the work.

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3.1 When work is to be carried out on or near to LV Equipment, an Authorized Person shall assess the means of achieving Safety from the System. When this is by limiting the work or the work area, instructions clearly defining the limits shall be given. The work will then proceed under the Supervision of the Authorized Person. When the Authorized Person decides it is necessary to confirm these instructions in writing, he shall issue a Limited Access Permit. 3.2 When limiting the work or the work area is insufficient to achieve Safety from the System, work on or near to LV Equipment shall where reasonably practicable be carried out with the LV Equipment Dead. The following safety precautions shall be applied 3.2.1 The LV Equipment shall be identified and the Authorized Person shall prepare it for release from Operational Service 3.2.2 The Authorized Person shall ensure that the LV Equipment is Isolated and that Points of Isolation are established for the work

3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.3.4

An Authorized Person shall assess the work required on or near to the Dead LV Equipment and decide whether it shall be carried out under; Under Direct Supervision of an Authorized Person, or Limited Access Permit , or Permit to Work (LV), or Sanction for Test (if required)


When work is to be carried out on LV Equipment, and where it is necessary to restore a means of supplying power for certain Approved work/tests, during the period that the Permit to Work is in force and the removal of Primary Earths is not required, the following shall be applied:

3.4.1 No other Permit to Work or Sanction for Test shall be in force on the same items of LV Equipment. 3.4.2 An Approved written procedure shall be provided and observed. This shall specify the requirements necessary to maintain Safety from the System for the period whilst motive power is restored.
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When work is to be carried out on LV Equipment, and where it is necessary to restore a means of supplying power for certain Approved work/tests, during the period that the Permit to Work is in force and the removal of Primary Earths is required, the following procedure shall be followed:

3.5.1 All members of the working parties shall be withdrawn and all Safety Documents for work on the LV Equipment shall be cleared. 3.5.2 The Authorized Person shall assess the work and issue a Sanction for Test that allows the removal of the Primary Earths for the period that power is restored to the LV Equipment. 3.6 When it is unreasonable for the LV Equipment to be made Dead, suitable precautions shall be taken to avoid Danger. An Authorized Person shall assess the work required on or near to the Live LV Equipment and decide whether it shall be carried out under:

3.6.1 Precautions specified in an Approved written procedure, or 3.6.2 A Limited Access Permit.

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4.1 When work is to be carried out on or near to Mechanical Equipment, an Authorized Person shall assess the means of achieving Safety from the System. When this is by limiting the work or the work area (equipment did not required to be shutdown), instructions clearly defining the limits shall be given. When the Authorized Person decides it is necessary to confirm these instructions in writing, he shall issue a Limited Access Permit. When limiting the work or the work area is insufficient to achieve Safety from the System the following safety precautions shall be applied


4.2.1 The Mechanical Equipment shall be identified and the Authorized Person shall prepare it for release from Operational Service 4.2.2 The Authorized Person shall ensure that the Mechanical Equipment is Isolated and that Points of Isolation are established for the work 4.2.3 The contents of the Mechanical Equipment shall be adjusted to a level which avoids Danger. Where drain valves are used they shall where practicable be Locked in the appropriate position 4.2.4 Where Danger could arise from pressurization, the Mechanical Equipment shall be Vented. The emissions shall be dissipated so as to avoid Danger. Where reasonably practicable vents shall be Locked open 4.2.5 Where internal access is essential, and the residue of contents could cause Danger, the Mechanical Equipment shall be Purged. The emissions shall be dissipated so as to avoid Danger. The Equipment shall be restored to atmospheric pressure when purging is complete 4.2.6 Where Danger could arise from the release of stored energy, action shall be taken to contain or dissipate this energy safely 4.2.7 Before work commences a Permit to Work (Mechanical) shall be issued.

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When work is to be carried out on Mechanical Equipment, and it is necessary to restore the means of supplying power for certain Approved work, during the period that the Permit to Work is in force, the following additional precautions shall be applied

4.3.1 No other Permit to Work shall be in force on the same items of Mechanical Equipment. 4.3.2 An Approved written procedure shall be provided and observed. This shall specify the requirements necessary to maintain Safety from the System for the period whilst motive power is restored.


5.1 The boundary to the safe working area shall be defined clearly using red and white tape or red and white chain. Danger notices must be displayed at regular intervals at the limit of the safe working area and facing towards the safe area. Where necessary it shall be protected physically to prevent Danger to individuals in the area from System hazards near to the work area. 5.1 Ensure Access Control by determining the extent of the area of work and demarcate it with barricade tape or use another reliable means to restrict entry into the area. Other components of demarcation include demarcation foots, support posts, chains and D Links. These areas must: Under the control of a Competent Person; Be in an area set apart by barriers to prevent entry; Having suitable warnings provided at the entrance; accessible during testing only to Competent Person and people working under his direct supervision; Having suitable warning lights indicating that testing is in progress and other warning lights to indicate when it is safe to enter the area; Display safety posters, e.g. Electric shock: first-aid procedures, at prominent locations, showing emergency arrangements, especially telephone numbers; Have good housekeeping arrangements, including adequate clear working space.

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6.1 SCOPE This describes the procedures to be adopted for the demarcation of work in substations. 6.2 DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this document the following definitions apply. Safety Notices being one of the following:Danger Notice An Approved notice reading Danger which is attached to Equipment and structures outside the boundary marking to warn of electrical or mechanical Dangers. Keep Clear Overhead Live Equipment Notice An Approved notice warning about danger from overhead live equipment. Terms printed in bold type are as defined in the Safety Rules. 6.3 EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION Equipment on which work is to be carried out must be readily identifiable. Where necessary a means of identification must be fixed to it which will remain effective throughout the course of the work. 6.4 DANGERS The main Dangers to personnel arising out of inadequate demarcation in substations are electric shock, burns and serious injury from the possibility of mistaking Equipment on which it is unsafe to work, for that on which it is safe to work inadvertently infringing Safety Distance, inadequate planning leading to a failure in the co-ordination of all work Activities and failure to adequately control vehicle movement. 6.5 RISK ASSESSMENT 6.5.1 6.5.2 6.5.3 Demarcation of a work area is one of the main control measures in achieving Safety from the System by ensuring clear boundaries between safe and unsafe workplaces. Contractors are responsible for preparing their own risk assessments; this may be carried out on their own forms and must achieve an equivalent standard to SSR. The Authorised Person / Senior Authorized Person / Competent Person shall carry out a specific on site risk assessment to determine the most appropriate system for defining the limits of the work taking into account the work to be done.

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6.6 WORK 6.6.1 6.6.2

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When work is to be carried out in a substation, an Authorised Person / Senior Authorized Person must assess the means of achieving Safety from the System. Work in a substation must be carried out under the Supervision of a Competent Person / Senior Authorized Person.

6.7 DEMARCATION STANDARDS 6.7.1 General The Authorised Person / Senior Authorized Person must decide whether demarcation is appropriate for work carried out under a Limited Access Permit. 6.7.2 Work areas Where a work area is to be demarcated for work on High Voltage (HV), Low Voltage (LV) or mechanical Equipment, following the risk assessment: The Authorised Person / Senior Authorized Person shall instruct the Competent Person on the positioning of the demarcation equipment Whenever the Senior Authorized Person is performing the work he shall position the demarcation equipments The boundary marks and safety notices must only be fixed or moved by a Competent Person / Senior Authorized Person or by a Person under the direct Supervision of a Competent Person / Senior Authorized Person The Authorised Person / Senior Authorized Person issuing the Safety Document must ensure that the designated work area has been demarcated correctly before issuing the Safety Document Entry to a demarcated area is only permitted by a member of the Working Party under the terms of the Safety Document. Where a demarcated area has been set up it must have a readily identifiable designated access point(s). An Access Point Notice must be positioned adjacent to the access point. If no Safety Document recipient is on site, the access/egress point should be closed prohibiting access. The dismantling of the chain or barrier by the Safety Document recipient is permitted to allow access/egress of plant, vehicles etc only. The chain or barrier must be restored immediately the plant, vehicles etc has entered or left the work area. In general the boundary marking must be arranged so that all structures supporting any Live Equipment are excluded from the work area. Where such an arrangement is impracticable, special precautions against unsafe access must be taken. All unsafe access must be clearly identified by attaching sufficient Access Prohibition Notice(s), visible from all directions of approach, to the Equipment and structures at a level beyond which it is unsafe to pass to warn people of Danger.
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It must be strictly forbidden for anyone to enter or exit a demarcated work area by crossing over or under any chain or barrier. The designated access point must be used. Safety Notice(s) must be attached to, or fixed adjacent to, adjoining Equipment and structures in sufficient numbers to be clearly visible from the work area and all approach routes at all times. Where physical demarcation is to be used this must be:Erected after completion of all safety precautions and before any Safety Document is issued Removed after the clearance of the Safety Document(s). Examples of Demarcation are shown in Demarcation and Approach to High Voltage Equipment - Addendum 6.8 When doing work near overhead lines the boundary to the safe working area must be identified to prevent workers and vehicles to approach to close to the overhead lines. When it is necessary for vehicles to cross the overhead line, a safe route for such crossing must be established. This route must take into account: The maximum height of vehicles allowed to pass under the line The width of the vehicles. Examples of Demarcation are shown in Demarcation and Approach to High Voltage Equipment - Addendum

Work shall only be permitted to start on Equipment that is clearly identified. Where necessary, an Approved means of temporary identification shall be attached which will remain effective throughout the progress of the work and removed on completion of the work.

8.1 The operation of Equipment to achieve Safety from the System by either pre-arranged signals or the use of agreed time intervals is strictly forbidden.

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1- GENERAL 1.1 This part of the System Safety Rules provides outline procedures for the preparation, issue, clearance and cancellation of Safety Documents. When the outline procedures described here cannot be applied at a specific Location, the manner in which Safety Document procedures are to be applied at a Location shall be specified in an Approved procedure.



When the Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person assesses a Location to achieve Safety from the System for work or testing to be performed, he must consider the need to obtain Safety Documents from other disciplines such as Electrical, Mechanical, Traffic, Water, etc as applicable before the Safety Document for the work can be issued.

2- APPLICATION 2.1 All Safety Documents shall be personally retained. 2.2 The Safety Document shall be issued to, and personally retained by, the Competent Person / Senior Authorized Person in charge of the work. He must keep the Safety Document and Key Safe Key in safe custody. 2.3 The Competent Person / Senior Authorized Person in charge of the work has a duty to instruct and fully explain the safety precautions which achieve Safety from the System to all members of his Working Party. He also has a further duty to explain how General Safety has been established and will be maintained throughout the work.

3- SAFETY PRECAUTIONS - PERMIT TO WORK 3.1 Safety precautions to achieve Safety from the System shall be applied by an Authorized Person/ Senior Authorized Person. For High Voltage Equipment, the safety precautions shall be applied under the instructions of a Control Person. They shall both complete and sign a record of the safety precautions taken (Maneuvering in planning shutdown and recording calls in emergency shutdown). The Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person shall place the Safety Keys securing the safety precautions in a Key Safe, which shall be Locked by a Key Safe Key. The Key


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Safe Key shall be removed and handed over to the Competent Person receiving the safety document. 3.2.1 Whenever the Safety Document issued by Senior Authorized Person to himself then he shall place the Safety Keys securing the safety precautions in a Key Safe, which shall be Locked by a Key Safe Key and key safe key kept under his control 3.3 The Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person shall further secure the Key Safe by locking using the Control Key. The Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person shall place a Caution Notice at all point of isolation and point of earthing, this notice shall have information that the equipments under work/maintenance and safety document number mentioned When a Multi-clasp is used to secure selected single Points of Isolation, then a control padlock will be attached by the Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person and an additional safety padlock attached by each Competent Person / Senior Authorized Person. When the Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person considers that there are unusual circumstances, he shall obtain a written report from an appropriately qualified specialist on any additional safety precautions necessary to establish and maintain General Safety during the work. The Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person shall prepare the Permit to Work, also obtaining from the Control Person, confirmation of the safety precautions taken at all remote Locations (Recorded call).





4- SAFETY PRECAUTIONS - PERMIT TO WORK (Mechanical) 4.1 Safety precautions to achieve Safety from the System shall be applied by an Authorized Person. For Mechanical Equipment, the safety precautions shall be applied under the shutdown program. 4.2 The Authorized Person shall place the Safety Keys securing the safety precautions in a Key Safe, which shall be locked by a Key Safe Key. The Key Safe Key shall be removed and handed over to the Competent Person receiving the safety document. 4.3 The Authorized Person shall further secure the Key Safe by locking using the Control Key. 4.4 When a Multi-clasp is used to secure selected single Points of Isolation, then a control padlock will be attached by the Authorized Person and an additional safety padlock attached by each Competent Person.
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4.5 When the Authorized Person considers that there are unusual circumstances, he shall obtain a written report from an appropriately qualified specialist on any additional safety precautions necessary to establish and maintain General Safety during the work. 4.6 The Authorized Person shall prepare the Permit to Work (Mechanical) 5- SAFETY PRECAUTIONS - PERMIT TO WORK (Low Voltage) 5.1 Safety precautions to achieve Safety from the System shall be applied by an Authorized Person. For Low Voltage Equipment, the safety precautions shall be applied under the instructions of a Field Service Shift Engineer (Authorized Person). 5.2 The Authorized Person shall place a caution Notice at all point of isolation and point of earthing ,where applicable the Safety Keys securing the safety precautions in a Key Safe, which shall be Locked by a Key Safe Key. The Key Safe Key shall be removed and handed over to the Competent Person receiving the safety document. 5.3 The Authorized Person shall further secure the Key Safe by locking using the Control Key. 5.4 When a Multi-clasp is used to secure selected single Points of Isolation, then a control padlock will be attached by the Authorized Person and an additional safety padlock attached by each Competent Person. 5.5 When the Authorized Person considers that there are unusual circumstances, he shall obtain a written report from an appropriately qualified specialist on any additional safety precautions necessary to establish and maintain General Safety during the work. 5.6 The Authorized Person shall prepare the Permit to Work (LV),

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6- SAFETY PRECAUTIONS SANCTION FOR TEST 6.1 Safety Precautions to achieve Safety from the System shall be applied by an Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person. For HV Equipment, the Safety Precautions shall be applied under the instructions of a Control Person. They shall both complete and sign a record of the safety precautions taken. 6.2 The Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person shall place the Safety Keys securing the Safety Precautions (Points of Isolation) in a Key Safe, which shall be locked by a Key Safe Key. The Key Safe Key shall be removed and retained in safe custody. 6.2.1 Whenever the Safety Document issued by Senior Authorized Person to himself then he shall place the Safety Keys securing the safety precautions in a Key Safe, which shall be Locked by a Key Safe Key and key safe key kept under his control 6.3 The Authorized Person shall further secure the Key Safe by locking using the Control Key.

6.4 When the Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person considers that there are unusual circumstances, he shall obtain a written report from an appropriately qualified specialist on any additional safety precautions necessary to establish and maintain General Safety during the work. 6.5 The Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person shall prepare the Sanction for Test also obtaining from the Control Person confirmation of the Safety Precautions taken at all remote Locations. 6.6 The Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person shall hand over the keys, securing the Safety Precautions (Primary Earths) to be removed and re-applied, to the Competent Person having a competency level to apply and remove the primary earth. 6.6.1 Whenever the Safety Document issued by Senior Authorized Person to himself then he shall keep Safety Keys securing the Primary Earth under his control and accordingly remove and apply earth based on work requirement

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7.1 Safety Precautions to achieve Safety from the System shall be applied by an Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person. For HV Equipment, the Safety Precautions shall be applied under the instructions of a Control Person. They shall both complete and sign a record of the safety precautions taken. 7.2 The Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person shall assess the work and decide what measures must be taken to ensure Safety from the System by limiting the access or approach to Live Equipment. 7.3 The Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person shall further ensure that General Safety is Identified and informed to the Competent Person. 7.4 When the Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person considers that there are unusual circumstances, he shall obtain a written report from an appropriately qualified specialist on any additional safety precautions necessary to establish and maintain General Safety during the work. 7.5 The Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person shall prepare the Limited Access permit.

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8- PREPARATION, ISSUE AND RECEIPT OF SAFETY DOCUMENTS (From Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person to Competent Person) 8.1 The Authorized Person preparing a Safety Document shall enter the following details, as appropriate The Location where the work is to be carried out including the identification of the Equipment as well as the nature of the work to be carried out (PTW / LAP) The Location where the work is to be carried out including the identification of the Equipment as well as the nature of the testing to be done (SFT). Limits of Work and/or Work Area (LAP/ PTW/ SFT) The hazards that have been identified and control measures assessed for work (LAP-PTWSFT). The Precautions to be taken for a Safe System of Work and to avoid System derived hazards for work (LAP/PTW/SFT). The Points of Isolation (PTW / SFT). The location of the Primary Earths (PTW / SFT). The actions taken to avoid Danger by draining, purging, venting, containment or dissipation of stored energy (PTW / SFT). Any additional precautions to be taken during the course of the work to avoid System derived hazards (PTW / SFT). Safety Precautions that may be varied by the Competent Person during Testing (SFT).

With reference to NFPA 70E section 130.1 and in addition to the above, the following details should be included in LAP: Justification for why the work must be performed in an energized condition. A description of the safe work practices to be employed. The necessary personal protective equipment to safely perform the assigned task. Means employed to restrict the access of unqualified persons from the work area. Energized work approval signature.

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8.2 The Authorized Person issuing a Safety Document shall complete the Issue Section, recording as appropriate The Key Safe Key number The Earthing Schedule number, if appropriate The number of Portable Additional Earths provided/Issued Whether a sketch is provided and attached

8.3 The Authorized Person issuing a Safety Document shall provide the Competent Person with the items listed in the Issue Section. 8.4 The Authorized Person issuing a Safety Document shall ensure that the Competent Person: 8.4.1 Reads and understands the Safety Document and the limits of the work Can positively identify the Equipment to be worked on, point of isolation and earthing Test and verify the isolation Understands any additional safety precautions (General Safety) that need to be taken. The Authorized Person shall sign the Issue in the Issue Section and enter the time and date.

8.4.2 8.4.3 8.4.4 8.4.5

8.5 The Competent Person shall sign the Receipt in the Receipt Section and enter the time and date. 8.6 There are three copies to each Safety Document. Copies are provided to the Authorized Person and Competent Person at the start of the work.

9- CLEARANCE OF SAFETY DOCUMENTS 9.1 Before signing the Clearance Section of a personally retained Safety Document the Competent Person shall ensure that 9.1.1All persons in his Working Party have been withdrawn from the work area and warned not to continue to work on the Equipment concerned 9.1.2All gear, tools, Additional Earths and loose material have been removed and guards and access doors replaced

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9.2 A procedure for obtaining special clearance is required when a Safety Document is lost or the document holder becomes permanently indisposed. The method of clearing the Safety Document shall be as follows: 9.2.1Every endeavor must be made to retrieve the original document duly cleared 9.2.2For a lost Safety Document, a Special Clearance Statement must be signed by the original holder, formally declaring the document lost 9.2.3Where it is impossible or impracticable to contact the original Safety Document holder then a responsible representative of his employer must sign a Special Clearance Statement which must then be formally Approved within the Company prior to subsequent cancellation of the Safety Document. 9.3 TRANSFER OF SAFETY DOCUMENTS 9.3.1 The transfer of Safety Documents should only be allowed in certain emergency situations. The following procedure should be followed: The Competent Person must explain to the Authorized Person the reason why he cannot continue supervising the work. If the Authorized Person agrees that the Safety Document needs to be transferred, he completes the Motivation Section of the Transfer of Safety Document Approval document and gets the approval from the Control Person. The Authorized Person also completes the declaration by Authorized Person section of the document. The Outgoing Competent Person completes the Declaration by Outgoing Competent Person section of the document. The Incoming Competent Person completes the Declaration by Incoming Competent Person section of the document. The Transfer of Safety Document Approval document must be attached to the original Safety Document and displayed at the place of work. The Incoming Competent Person receiving the safety document (transferred) must have the same competency level of the Outgoing Competent person.

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COMPETENT PERSON TO LEAVE THE WORK SITE FOR A SHORT PERIOD When a Competent Person to whom a Safety Document has been issued is unable to continue doing the work or continue supervising the work, the following procedure must be followed: All persons in the working party must be withdrawn from the work area and warned not to continue to work on the Equipment concerned.

The Authorized Person will assess the work and decide to: Keep the Safety Document open if the work area can be secured for the duration of the absence of the Competent Person.

9.4 If a Safety Document is not to be cancelled immediately it has been cleared then it shall be secured as specified in an Approved procedure.

10- CANCELLATION OF SAFETY DOCUMENTS 10.1 An Authorized Person shall cancel the Safety Document. He shall ensure that the Control Person has been informed of the cancellation and any exceptions or restrictions affecting the return to Operational Service of the equipment. 10.2 After cancellation of each Safety Document, the third copy is forwarded to the Control Person for management control purposes.

11- RETURN TO OPERATIONAL SERVICE 11.1 Following the cancellation of all relevant Safety Documents the Control Person and the Authorized Person shall arrange for the return of the Equipment to Operational Service.

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12- PREPARATION, ISSUE AND RECEIPT OF SAFETY DOCUMENTS (From Senior Authorized Person to Himself) 12.1 The Senior Authorized Person preparing a Safety Document shall enter the following details, as appropriate The Location where the work is to be carried out including the identification of the Equipment as well as the nature of the work to be carried out (PTW / LAP) The Location where the work is to be carried out including the identification of the Equipment as well as the nature of the testing to be done (SFT). Limits of Work and/or Work Area (LAP/ PTW/ SFT) The hazards that have been identified and control measures assessed for work (LAP-PTWSFT). The Precautions to be taken for a Safe System of Work and to avoid System derived hazards for work (LAP/PTW/SFT). The Points of Isolation (PTW / SFT). The location of the Primary Earths (PTW / SFT). The actions taken to avoid Danger by draining, purging, venting, containment or dissipation of stored energy (PTW / SFT). Any additional precautions to be taken during the course of the work to avoid System derived hazards (PTW / SFT).

With reference to NFPA 70E section 130.1 and in addition to the above, the following details should be included in LAP: Justification for why the work must be performed in an energized condition. A description of the safe work practices to be employed. The necessary personal protective equipment to safely perform the assigned task. Means employed to restrict the access of unqualified persons from the work area. Energized work approval signature.

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12.2 12.3

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The Senior Authorized Person issuing a Safety Document shall complete the Issue Section, recording as appropriate The Key Safe Key number The Earthing Schedule number, if appropriate The number of Portable Additional Earths provided/Issued Whether a sketch is provided and attached The Senior Authorized Person issuing and receiving a Safety Document shall ensure the following: In additional to the normal issuing and receiving procedure he shall:

12.3.1 Understand the limits of the work 12.3.2 Positively identify the Equipment to be worked on, point of isolation and earthing 12.3.3 Test and verify the isolation 12.3.4 Understand any additional safety precautions (General Safety) that need to be taken. 12.3.5 The Senior Authorized Person shall sign the Issue in the Issue Section and shall sign the Receipt in the Receipt Section enter the time and date. 12.4 There are three copies to each Safety Document, Original copy shall be kept on site (working area)

13- CLEARANCE OF SAFETY DOCUMENTS 13.1 Before signing the Clearance Section of a personally retained Safety Document the Senior Authorized Person shall ensure that

13.1.1 All persons in his Working Party have been withdrawn from the work area and warned not to continue to work on the Equipment concerned 13.1.2 All gear, tools, Additional Earths and loose material have been removed and guards and access doors replaced

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14- CANCELLATION OF SAFETY DOCUMENTS 14.1 Senior Authorized Person shall cancel the Safety Document. He shall ensure that the Control Person has been informed of the cancellation and any exceptions or restrictions affecting the return to Operational Service of the equipment. 14.2 After cancellation of each Safety Document, the third copy is forwarded to the Control Person for management control purposes.

15- RETURN TO OPERATIONAL SERVICE 15.1 Following the cancellation of all relevant Safety Documents the Control Person and the Senior Authorized Person shall arrange for the return of the Equipment to Operational Service.

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16- PROCEDURE FOR THE USE OF THE RECORD OF INTER-SYSTEM SAFETY PRECAUTIONS (RISSP) Definitions Requesting Safety Coordinator: The Requesting Safety Coordinator is an Authorized Person responsible for achieving Safety from the System for work to be done and is requesting a Point of Isolation to be established on the other side of the Interface Boundary. Implementing Safety Coordinator: The Implementing Safety Coordinator is an Authorized Person responsible for establishing a Point of Isolation In his area of responsibility so that Safety from the System can be achieved for work on the other side of the Interface Boundary. 12.1The Requesting Safety Coordinator (Authorized Person/ Senior Authorized Person): Consult the Control Person and agrees on the Safety Precautions. 12.1.1 Contacts the Implementing Safety Coordinator. 12.1.2 Discusses the work to be carried out. 12.1.3 Agrees on the required Safety Precautions. 12.1.4 Assigns a unique number to the RISSP form. 12.1.5 Completes the Request Section of the RISSP form with the Agreed upon Required Safety Precautions. 12.1.6 Enters the name of the Control Person on the document. 12.1.7 Delivers the RISSP form to the Implementing Safety Coordinator. 12.2The Implementing Safety Coordinator: 12.2.1 On receipt of the RISSP, achieves the Safety Precautions agreed in accordance with inhouse Safety Practices. 12.2.2 Consult the Control Person and agrees on the Safety Precautions. 12.2.3 Completes the Implementation Section of the RISSP form. 12.2.4 Enters the name of the Control Person on the document. 12.2.5 Delivers the RISSP form to the requesting Safety Coordinator.

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12.3The Requesting Safety Coordinator;

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12.3.1 Applies his lock as part of the Safety Precautions on the Implementing side or receive the key safe key. 12.3.2 Completes the intended work in accordance with in-house Safety Practices. 12.3.3 Removes his lock from the safety precautions on the Implementing side. 12.3.4 Completes the Clearance Section of the RISSP form. 10.3.5 Delivers the RISSP form to the Implementing Safety Coordinator. 12.4The Implementing safety Coordinator: 12.4.1 On receipt of the RISSP, clears the Safety Precautions in accordance with in-house Safety Procedures. 12.4.2 Completes the Clearance Confirmation Section of the RISSP form. 12.4.3 Delivers the RISSP form to the Requesting Safety Coordinator.

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17- SAFETY CLEARANCE DE-CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE (Announcement of Application of SSR) 17.1 In order for primary Equipment to be covered by the System Safety Rules prior to connecting to the System either electrically or mechanically, then a Safety Clearance Certificate or any other mean of announcement shall be issued. This announcement shall define the Equipment and shall include the specific time and date for the certificate to become effective. 17.2 Similarly, after complete isolation and disconnection from the System as a permanent removal then a Safety De-Clearance Certificate or any other mean of announcement shall be issued. 17.3 The use of these Certificates / Announcement is primarily to ensure when the Equipment is/is not subjected to the System Safety Rules 17.4 The O&M Director (Electricity / Water), is responsible for ensuring that Safety Clearance and Safety De-Clearance Certificates or announcement are issued and circulated with adequate notice to the appropriate parties. The actual preparatory work may normally be delegated to the Planning Department. 17.5 Safety Clearance and De-Clearance Certificates or announcement shall be circulated to: Projects directorate, ADWEA (if applicable) Projects division manager, ADDC (if applicable) Project consultant (if applicable) Project contractor (if applicable) Asset Management Director - ADDC Construction Dept. Manager HSEQ Manager, ADDC Others (where applicable)

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18- CATEGORIES OF AUTHORISATION 18.1 The following categories of Authorization are recognized in the System Safety Rules. A person may be appointed by an Authorization Officer of the Company for more than one of these categories within the specified limits of Equipment and defined geographical areas Senior Authorized Person (SAP) Competent Person (CP) Authorized Person (AP) Control Person (CN)

18.2 All Competency and Authorization Certificates shall clearly define the category of Competency or Authorization together with the limits of the Equipment and any geographical or Location limits. 19- CATEGORIES OF APPOINTMENT 19.1 SAP1 An individual (Engineer) who has sufficient technical knowledge and experience to recognize and avoid Danger and carries out duties of a Senior Authorized Person including operation and maintenance of HV network up to 33Kv SAP2 An individual (Engineer or Qualified Technician) who has sufficient technical knowledge and experience to recognize and avoid Danger and carries out duties of a Senior Authorized Person including operation and maintenance of HV network up to 11 Kv CP1 An individual who has sufficient technical knowledge and experience to recognize and avoid Danger and carries out the duties of a Competent Person including Maintenance of Equipment and the receipt and clearance of specified Safety Documents for HV Equipment. CP2 An individual who has sufficient technical knowledge and experience to recognize and avoid Danger and carries out the duties of Competent Person including Maintenance of Equipment and the receipt and clearance of specified Safety Documents for LV Equipment. CP3 An individual who has sufficient technical knowledge and experience to recognize and avoid Danger and carries out the duties of Competent Person including Maintenance of Equipment and the receipt and clearance of specified Safety Documents for Mechanical Equipment.





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AP1 An individual who has sufficient technical knowledge and experience to recognize and avoid Danger and carries out the duties of an Authorized Person including switching operation, identify general safety, prepare, issue and cancel specified Safety Documents for HV Equipment.

19.6.1 AP1a An individual who has sufficient technical knowledge and experience to recognize and avoid Danger to carries out switching operation under instruction and direct supervision of Authorized Person (AP1) 19.6.2 AP1b An individual (mainly contractors employee) who has sufficient technical knowledge and experience to recognize and avoid Danger to carries out switching operation for private substation/equipments connected with ADDC network for HV Equipment 19.7 AP2 An individual who has sufficient technical knowledge and experience to recognize and avoid Danger and carries out the duties of an Authorized Person including switching operation, identify general safety, prepare, issue and cancel specified Safety Documents for LV Equipment.

19.7.1 AP2b An individual (mainly contractors employee) who has sufficient technical knowledge and experience to recognize and avoid Danger to carries out switching operation for private equipments connected with ADDC network for LV Equipment


AP3 An individual who has sufficient technical knowledge and experience to recognize and avoid Danger and carries out the duties of an Authorized Person including switching operation, identify general safety, prepare, issue and cancel specified Safety Documents for Mechanical Equipment.


CN1 An individual who has sufficient technical knowledge and experience to recognize and avoid Danger and carries out the duties of Control Person for HV Equipment.

19.10 CN2 An individual who has sufficient technical knowledge and experience to recognize and avoid Danger and carries out the duties of Control Person for LV Equipment. 19.11 CN3 An individual who has sufficient technical knowledge and experience to recognize and avoid Danger and carries out the duties of Control Person for Mechanical Equipment.

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19.12 OPERATIONAL AUTHORITY Operational and Safety Switching requires selected Authorized Persons / Senior Authorized Person to have appropriate written authority to render interlocks inoperative. OA1 Written authority to render interlocks inoperative and to operate non-interlocked Equipment to the instructions of a Control Person. (When accompanied by OA2) OA2 Written authority to accompany and check that the instructions for rendering interlocks inoperative are implemented on the correct Equipment and carried out in the proper sequence by the instructed person.(Accompany and check operations performed by OA1)

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This Appendix applies the principles established by the Company System Safety Rules and provides guidance on the positioning of Earthing Devices to achieve Safety from the System for persons working on High Voltage (HV) and Low Voltage (LV) power distribution Equipment. Earthing is undertaken as part of the application of safety precautions to protect against the effects of inadvertent energisation and induced voltages. It depends upon several factors namely The capacity of Primary Earths to carry the fault current until the electrical protective devices operate and automatically disconnect the faulty Equipment The speed of operation of the electrical protective devices The rated voltage of the System The voltage gradient to the earthing point The fault level at the point of work The effectiveness of the electrical connection between the HV or LV Equipment and earth.

DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this document the following definition applies Metalclad Switchgear Movable Earths - Portable Primary Earths applied to metalclad switchgear spouts before the issue of a Permit to Work. These earths can be removed and replaced during the work one phase at a time. LV Earthing Bond Portable Primary Earths of adequate rating for connecting the phase conductors of LV power distribution circuits to Earth, using Approved insulated hand clamps. Terms printed in bold type are as defined in the Company System Safety Rules.

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All Equipment on which work is carried out must be readily identifiable. Where necessary, an Approved means of temporary identification must be attached where necessary, which will remain effective throughout the duration of the work

DANGERS The main Dangers to personnel applying Earthing Devices to Live Equipment are electric shock, burns, or falling arising from The application of Earthing Devices to Live Equipment Badly connected or insecure Earthing Devices The incorrect sequence or method of application or removal of Portable Earthing Devices (refer sections 8.6, 8.7, 8.8 and 8.9) The inadvertent earthing of adjacent Live Equipment by the loss of control of a Portable Earthing Device.

REQUIREMENTS FOR PORTABLE EARTHS 5.1 Portable Earthing Devices must be applied and removed using an Approved insulated earthing pole or insulated hand clamp. In any cell or cubicle, all exposed conductors must be Isolated and Points of Isolation established before any Portable Earthing Devices are applied. Portable Earthing Devices must be routinely examined quarterly and also immediately prior to use according to an Approved procedure. Defective Portable Earthing Devices must be immediately withdrawn from service for repair or replacement.



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Primary Earths must be applied within the zone established by the Points of Isolation. Where reasonably practicable, the Primary Earths must be positioned between the point of work and all Points of Isolation, including the Point of Isolation from common neutral earthing equipment, where appropriate. Where Points of Isolation of a particular item of HV Equipment include LV connections, and that item may, during the course of the work, become disconnected from the rest of the Earthed HV Equipment in the Isolated zone, Primary Earths must be applied directly to that Equipment. As an alternative, the work must be carried out in accordance with an Approved procedure. Primary Earths must be of adequate cross-sectional area and provide an efficient connection between the general mass of earth and the Isolated Equipment. They must be capable of safely discharging the resultant fault current due to any inadvertent energisation. Where reasonably practicable, a fully rated fixed Earthing Device must be used to make the first Primary Earth connection. Where this is not reasonably practicable an Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person must carry out an assessment to determine the safest way to earth the Equipment. This may include the indirect application of Portable Primary Earths to the Equipment through a circuit breaker. If a circuit breaker is used the Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person must consider its rating and the clearance times of the electrical protective devices. These factors will influence whether the tripping functions should be rendered inoperative before or after the circuit breaker is closed. After closing, the circuit breaker should be Locked in the closed position. Where reasonably practicable, local closing of a circuit breaker adjacent to the switchgear, to provide an earth, should be avoided. Where it is not reasonably practicable to apply Primary Earths between the point of work and the Points of Isolation they may be placed in an alternative position so as to have a similar electrical effect. Suitable positions are 6.6.1 On a permanent connection teed between the point of work and the Point of Isolation at a distance not exceeding 9m (30ft) from the tee point, or 6.6.2 At a point not more than 9m (30ft) beyond the point of work from the Point of Isolation, or 6.6.3 As defined in an alternative Approved procedure.







For Sulphur Hexafluoride Gas Insulated Switchgear the distance of 9m (30 ft) in paragraph 6.6 can be relaxed to 30m (l00 ft) provided the full intent of paragraph 6.6 is maintained.

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Primary Earths must be applied to all three phases except where work is carried out on phase segregated HV Equipment. Examples of phase segregated HV Equipment are 400kV enclosed Sulphur Hexafluoride Gas Insulated Switchgear and generator terminal connections. Both have conductors in individual single phase Earthed metal enclosures. It is not necessary to earth every part of the Equipment within an Isolated System provided that the requirements of the Company System Safety Rules are observed.


6.10 At certain Locations it may become necessary to apply more than one Portable Primary Earth at each point of earthing to cater for the maximum fault level of the Equipment. These Locations and the number of earths required should be specified in an Approved procedure. 6.10 Where reasonably practicable, before Portable Primary Earths are applied, an Approved voltage indicator must be used to verify that the conductor to be Earthed is not Live. The voltage indicator must be tested immediately before and after use.


7.1 When work is to be done on Equipment under the terms of a Permit to Work or Sanction for Test, and induced voltages may cause Danger, Additional Earths must be applied. 7.2 Where reasonably practicable, before Additional Earths are applied, an Approved voltage indicator must be used to verify that the conductor to be Earthed is not Live. The voltage indicator must be tested immediately before and after use. 7.3 Additional Earths must be applied and removed during the course of the work by the recipient of the Permit to Work or Sanction for Test, or by a person under the direct Supervision of the Safety Document recipient. They must be applied and removed in accordance with the requirements of an Earthing Schedule.

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8.1 Fixed Earthing Devices when initially applied used as Primary Earths to establish Safety from the System must be applied and removed by an Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person to the instructions of a Control Person. 8.1 An appropriately authorized Competent Person may apply and remove Primary Earths under a Sanction for Test as the recipient of the Safety Document. 8.2 A Competent Person / Senior Authorized Person may apply and remove Additional Earths in accordance with an Earthing Schedule under a Permit to Work or Sanction for Test. 8.3 When Portable Earthing Devices are to be applied, or issued under an Earthing Schedule with a Permit to Work or Sanction for Test, only those Portable Earthing Devices necessary for the immediate operations must be removed from storage. 8.4 Portable Earthing Devices must be returned to storage immediately after disconnection from the Equipment and the cancellation of any associated Safety Document. 8.5 When a Portable Earthing Device is to be applied, the first operation must always be to attach the earth end clamp to clean bare metal that is electrically bonded to earth. The conductor end clamp can then be applied using an insulated earthing pole or insulated hand clamp. 8.6 When a Portable Earthing Device is to be removed, it is essential that the conductor end clamp is removed before the earth end clamp is detached. 8.7 When multiple Portable Earthing Devices have been used, and earth end clamps are in close proximity to each other, all conductor end clamps must be removed before any of the earth end clamps are removed or disturbed. 8.8 At no time must the conductor end clamp of a Portable Earthing Device be allowed to remain connected when its earth end clamp has become detached. If this is the only earth on the conductor at that point, an Additional Earth must be applied in parallel before the faulty earth is removed. 8.9 Where multiple phase conductors on overhead lines are being Earthed, each individual conductor must be Earthed unless they are solidly bonded electrically at or near the earthing point.

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For the application or removal of Portable Primary Earths the Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person must assess the inherent risks associated with loss of control of the Approved earthing pole. The risk assessment must include Any necessity for switching out adjacent Equipment Confirmation that electrical protective devices are in service on adjacent busbars and circuits Confirmation that the points at which the Portable Primary Earths are to be applied can be correctly identified and are of adequate capacity to safely discharge the resultant fault current due to any inadvertent energisation Confirmation that the points at which Portable Primary Earths are applied conform to the distance requirements specified in paragraph 6.6 Confirmation that the points at which the Portable Primary Earths are applied do not inhibit the operation of any electrical protective devices that are in service and may be required to operate Deciding whether a second person should be used to assist to help prevent loss of control of the earthing pole.

8.10.1 8.10.2 8.10.3

8.10.4 8.10.5



If Primary Earths are not close to and visible from the point of work, the Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person must consider the need for the application of additional Earthing Devices at the point of work. This requirement can be relaxed when there can be no doubt that the correct Equipment is to be worked on and that there is no possibility of Danger from induced voltages. When Earthing Devices would prevent access to the point of work, and Danger could arise from induced voltages, the Equipment must be efficiently connected to earth by applying Additional Earths at the nearest convenient point. Additional Earths must be applied in accordance with an Earthing Schedule. These Additional Earths may be removed in turn as the work progresses but each earth must be replaced before another is removed.



When work is to be done on the feeder or voltage transformer spouts of Metalclad Switchgear, or on the busbar spouts of a single panel switchboard, Metalclad Switchgear Movable Earths must be applied. These earths may be removed and replaced one phase at a time during the progress of the work. Work may proceed on each spout after proving that it is Dead by means of an Approved voltage indicator, applied immediately before the work. The voltage indicator must always be tested immediately before and after use. When work is to be done on the busbar spouts of a multi-panel switchboard, Primary Earths must be applied to the busbars at one of the panels. Metalclad Switchgear Movable Earths can then be applied to the spouts to be worked on and work can proceed as paragraph 8.14 above.


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When HV or LV Equipment has been disconnected from all supplies and physically removed from its service position, the use of Primary Earths or Additional Earths is not necessary, provided that it is immediately electrically discharged. Before a break is made in an electrical conductor or a connection is made across a break, Danger that could arise from a voltage difference must be excluded. Earthing Devices must be applied on both sides of and in close proximity to the point where a break or connection is to be made. At the discretion of an Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person, following a comprehensive assessment of the risks, Additional Earths may be issued to a competent contractor for application under an Earthing Schedule associated with a Permit to Work. Earthing positions may occasionally be above circuits which are Live. In such situations, the Equipment must be Earthed at least at one point and an Approved procedure followed to meet the requirements of paragraph 6.6. Operation of Equipment during maintenance can disconnect the Primary Earth from the point of work. This is permissible provided that the basic requirement of a Primary Earth being between the point of work and Points of Isolation is maintained and Danger from induced voltages is excluded. When a generator transformer is connected to a generator turning on barring gear, care must be taken that the earth continuity through the windings is maintained If work on the tap changer or windings is undertaken, any point of disconnection must first be bridged This is to avoid an induced decaying High Voltage being produced across the disconnection due to the collapse of a magnetic field associated with any small circulating current in the transformer windings.






9 APPLICATION & REMOVAL OF PORTABLE EARTHING DEVICES 9.1 Primary Earths 9.1.1 Application or removal of Portable Primary Earths to establish Safety from the System is carried out by the Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person who has received the instruction, or by him providing direct Supervision to a Competent Person 9.1.2 The Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person in charge of the application and removal of Portable Primary Earths must ensure that the objectives of the instruction are clearly understood by all concerned in order to reduce the possibility of human error
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9.1.3 The defeating of interlocks to permit application of Earthing Devices is prohibited. 9.2 Additional Earths 9.2.1 Portable Additional Earths will be formally issued with a Safety Document. The Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person issuing the Safety Document will count the earth devices before issue and agree the count with the recipient 9.2.2 The Competent Person receiving Portable Additional Earths with a Safety Document will retain these earths in safe custody when they are not in use on the System 9.2.3 The Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person preparing an Earthing Schedule should assess the inherent risks and may wish to specify on the Earthing Schedule when a second person should be used. 9.3 Application or Removal of Portable Earthing Devices under a Safety Document

9.3.1 Portable Primary Earths can be removed and re-applied under a Sanction for Test. Similarly Portable Additional Earths can be applied and removed under an Earthing Schedule associated with a Permit to Work or Sanction for Test. In both of these situations incorrect application or loss of control of the earthing pole could lead to Danger 9.3.2 The Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person / Competent Person responsible for the actual application or removal of any form of Portable Earthing Device should assess the inherent risks associated with the loss of control of the earthing pole and decide whether a second person should be used to assist. 10 REQUIREMENTS FOR EARTHING LOW VOLTAGE PANELS 10.1 In order to maintain the 415 volt fused switches of outgoing circuits at the LV Panel, it is necessary to establish Points of Isolation at each remote point, external to the LV Panel. Where the complex nature of the outgoing circuits makes the standard of isolation required difficult to achieve with certainty, there is an unacceptable risk of reverse energisation from the System. The risk arises from generators at consumers premises, possible cross connections, etc. and an alternative procedure must be adopted to provide Safety from the System.


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The alternative procedure relies upon Primary Earths on both sides of the point of work to ensure a safe system of work. This alternative procedure will normally be applied during a full outage of the 11kV/415V four panel substations. The Authorized Person shall establish Points of Isolation from the HV System and open the 415 volt fused switches. The Authorized Person shall check for and confirm no volts at the LV Panel busbars using an Approved voltage testing device and then discharge the Equipment. The voltage indicator must be tested immediately before and after use. The Authorized Person shall then apply Primary Earths to the 415 volt LV busbar. The Bus Section circuit breaker must be closed to solidly earth both sections of the LV Panel 415 volt busbar. The Authorized Person shall check for and confirm no volts on the outgoing side of the first 415 volt fused switch using an Approved voltage testing device. The voltage indicator must be tested immediately before and after use.







10.10 The Authorized Person shall then close the first 415 volt fused switch to solidly earth the outgoing circuit. 10.11 The LV Earthing Bond shall be connected to the substation earth then connected to the outgoing side of the first 415 volt fused switch using an Approved insulated hand clamp. With both sides of the fused switch solidly connected to earth, open the fused switch. 10.12 For all other fused switches repeat items 10.9, 10.10 and 10.11 for each switch.

10.13 Where the Authorized Person assesses the work and finds that there is not enough space in the panel to apply all the insulated hand clamps, Safety from the System must be established in consultation with the Control Person using an Approved Procedure. 10.14 The Authorized Person shall then issue a Permit to Work or Sanction for Test as required.

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SCOPE This Appendix describes the procedure to be adopted when carrying out High Voltage (HV) Operational and Safety Switching operations on any System operated by the Company.


DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this document the following definitions apply Operational Switching - the operation of circuit breakers, disconnectors and Isolating Devices to the instructions of a Control Person. Safety Switching - the operation of disconnectors, Isolating Devices, application of Primary Earths and Shorting Switches, and removal of fuses and links to the instructions of a Control Person to achieve Safety from the System. Terms printed in bold type are as defined in the Company System Safety Rules.

3 IDENTIFICATION OF EQUIPMENT All Equipment on which work is carried out must be readily identifiable. A means of temporary identification must be attached where necessary, which will remain effective throughout the duration of the work. 4 PREPARATION FOR SWITCHING 4.1 All Switching, except for emergency Switching, must be carried out to the instructions of the appropriate Control Person. 4.2 Agreed routine Switching is that carried out in accordance with an Approved procedure. 4.3 Before issuing Switching instructions, that may affect an adjacent System(s), the appropriate Control Person must consult with the other Control Person(s) responsible for the adjacent System(s).

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5 HIGH VOLTAGE SWITCHING - OTHER THAN FOR EMERGENCY PURPOSES 5.1 Before HV Operational and Safety Switching instructions are issued by the appropriate Control Person, they must be recorded giving the name of the Location(s) at which the instructions are to be carried out, the circuit name and full identification of the Equipment involved and the effect of the operations. 5.2 The Control Person must give HV Operational and Safety Switching instructions direct to the Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person who is going to carry out the operation. 5.3 When Portable Primary Earths are to be applied or removed to achieve Safety from the System, the instructions must be given directly to an Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person. 5.4 When HV Operational and Safety Switching is to be carried out by a person under training, he must be under the Supervision of an Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person who has also received the instructions direct from the Control Person. 5.5 The Control Person must give HV Operational and Safety Switching instructions to the Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person in two parts as detailed below: 5.5.1 An explanation of the overall objective of the subsequent operations including the identity and Location of the Equipment involved. It is not necessary to record this part of the instruction The formal precise instructions should follow a standard pattern and include The names of the Control Person giving the instruction and Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person receiving the instruction The Location at which the Equipment operates The actual operational requirement The time and date of the instruction


5.6 The Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person recipient of the HV Operational and Safety Switching instructions must write them down and repeat them back phrase by phrase as received. At the end of the message the instructions must be read back in full to ensure that they have been accurately received and understood. The instruction should be recorded in the Log Books at the substation and Control Center before the instruction is carried out.
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5.7 When carrying out HV Operational and Safety Switching instructions the recipient must observe the following requirements 5.7.1 The Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person must be deliberate, neither rushing nor causing undue delay and must take nothing for granted The Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person must take with him the written instruction, consulting it and checking that he is on the correct Equipment before taking any action The Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person must then pause and recheck his proposed action before proceeding After carrying out each operation the Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person must tick off that operation and check by all means readily available that each step has been satisfactorily completed When a piece of Equipment shows any sign of distress, its condition must be reported immediately to the appropriate Control Person before continuing with the instructions. All persons must be warned that a potential hazard exists Before an overhead line or cable circuit earth switch is closed, any Circuit identification must be checked and added to the instruction by the Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person. Equipment that is normally Locked must only be unlocked immediately before being operated and then relocked immediately after it has been operated The recipient must also endorse his instructions with the time of the completion of the operation or sequence of operations. Following HV Operational and Safety Switching the recipient of the instructions must comply with the following requirements Record the time of completion of the operations, together with any Circuit Identification Report back to the appropriate Control Person the operations carried out, the time of completion and any Circuit Identification involved. The appropriate Control Person must record the completion of the HV Operational and Safety Switching and any Circuit Identification. He must also give the sender confirmation of the time of receipt which must be recorded together with the name of the Control Person.









5.8.1 5.8.2


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He must also acknowledge, by repeating back to the sender, any relevant additional information passed to him. 5.10 All recorded Operational and Safety Switching instructions must be written legibly and indelibly. Records should be retained for a minimum period of one year. HIGH VOLTAGE SWITCHING - EMERGENCY CONDITIONS Where HV Operational and Safety Switching has taken place under emergency conditions and without instruction from the appropriate Control Person, the Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person must inform the Control Person as soon as possible after the operation. All relevant details must be recorded. When Equipment trips under fault conditions, the Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person must first cancel the audible alarms. He must then report, as soon as possible, to the Control Person the time of the operation and details of annunciations, together with any relay indications available in the substation control room. These details must be recorded. If any relay indications are not available in the control room, the Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person must report this to the Control Person who will decide when these indications are to be obtained. The annunciator display and relay indications must be recorded before resetting the relays. When the Control Person instructs action to restore Equipment which has tripped under fault conditions, the Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person receiving the instruction must ensure that the trip relays are reset before attempting to close any circuit breaker. When Equipment in normal operational service is showing signs of distress it must not be operated and all persons must be kept clear of such Equipment. Operational Switching must be carried out as soon as possible so that the potentially hazardous Equipment concerned can be discharged and removed from service, without it being subjected to further operations.

6 6.1





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7.1 When it is required to defeat the functions of interlocks the appropriate Control Person must give the instructions to an Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person who has written authority to render interlocks inoperative. 7.2 The appropriate Control Person must then repeat the instructions to a second Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person who has written authority to accompany and check the instructions are implemented on the correct Equipment and carried out in the right sequence by the original Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person. 7.3 There are times particularly during commissioning that interlocks have to be defeated in order to prove the operation of the interlocking scheme or to apply certain tests. This work must be undertaken during outage conditions when the Equipment is Isolated, Points of Isolation established and Safety Documents issued.

7.4 However, the defeating of interlocks can only be done by an Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person or the Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person responsible for the work after consulting the appropriate Control Person. On completion of the tests correct operation of Interlocking must be proven. 8 OPERATION OF NON-INTERLOCKED BUSBAR SECTION DISCONNECTORS FROM THE LOCAL POSITION

8.1 Operational Switching instructions for the operation of these disconnectors must be given by the Control Person to an Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person with the appropriate written authority. 8.2 The instructions must then be repeated to a second Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person with the appropriate written authority to accompany and check.

OPERATION OF NON-INTERLOCKED BUSBAR SECTION DISCONNECTORS FROM THE REMOTE POSITION Operational Switching instructions for the operation of these disconnectors must be given by a Control Person to an Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person with the appropriate written authority. Before the instructions are issued the Control Person must confirm with the Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person the busbar running arrangement.


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10.1 Operational and Safety Switching for LV and Mechanical Equipment must be carried out in accordance with the broad principles specified in Section 5 above.

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This Appendix applies the principles established by the Company System Safety Rules to achieve Safety from the System for personnel working on switchgear which contains, or has contained, Sulphur Hexafluoride (SF6) gas, including brief General Safety guidance for maintenance work.

DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this document the following definitions apply Gas Zones - Discrete items of Equipment which may be independently Isolated and drained of Sulphur Hexafluoride. A Gas Zone may comprise A single-phase enclosure A single enclosure containing the three phases of an item of Equipment Three single-phase enclosures of a common item of Equipment connected by inter-phase pipe work. Terms printed in bold type are as defined in the Company System Safety Rules.

IDENTIFICATION OF EQUIPMENT All Equipment on which work is carried out must be readily identifiable. A means of temporary identification must be attached where necessary, which will remain effective throughout the duration of the work.

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DANGERS The main Dangers to personnel from Equipment containing Sulphur Hexafluoride gas are Asphyxiation Electric shock or burns Release of stored mechanical energy or hydraulic pressure Exposure to toxic gas breakdown products which are formed within the Equipment Gaining access to Live conductors as a result of human error.

SULPHUR HEXAFLUORIDE GAS CHARACTERISTICS Sulphur Hexafluoride is an invisible, tasteless, non-inflammable and chemically stable gas. The decomposed gas products are not an explosion or fire risk. The gas is heavier than air and therefore any leakage collects at the lowest levels by displacing air from cable trenches, basements, pits, etc. near or below floor level. Periodic gas tests must be undertaken, as a routine maintenance activity, and these should concentrate on the lower level spaces where the gas may collect. It is essential that proper and effective ventilation is provided before personnel access is permitted and those conducting gas tests must be particularly careful and vigilant.

6 6.1

PREPARATION FOR WORK ON SF6 SWITCHGEAR GAS PRESSURE Where the integrity of an HV Point of Isolation is dependent on the presence of SF6 gas, the gas density must be monitored throughout the period of work. This function may be performed by an automatic alarm system. Care must be taken that if such a system is used it is in service and that it has been regularly tested and maintained. Where reasonably practicable, the alarm system must be tested to prove its operation at low density immediately prior to the establishment of an HV Point of Isolation. Any loss of gas density must be reported immediately to the Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person in charge of the work and the Control Person at the Distribution Control Center.

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BOUNDARY IDENTIFICATION OF SAFE WORKING AREAS The boundaries of the Equipment on which it is safe to work must be clearly identified. Demarcation can be difficult in integrated Sulphur Hexafluoride substations because of the close proximity of adjacent circuits. This must be done carefully and in accordance with the requirements of the Company System Safety Rules.


WHEN GAS DEPRESSURISATION IS NOT REQUIRED If depressurizing is not required to allow work to be done, the following precautions must be taken to achieve Safety from the System, either

6.3.1 Limiting the work or work area, followed by the issue of a Limited Access Permit if appropriate, or 6.3.2 Applying appropriate safety precautions, followed by the issue of a Permit to Work or Sanction for Test.


WHEN GAS DEPRESSURISATION IS REQUIRED When depressurization is required the following precautions must be taken to achieve Safety from the System

6.4.1 Where work is to be undertaken that will expose the High Voltage connections within the switchgear, it must first be disconnected from all possible sources of electrical energy and Points of Isolation established. 6.4.2 The conductors must be Earthed between all Points of Isolation and the work in accordance with the Company System Safety Rules. Detailed provisions for earthing High Voltage Equipment are contained in Appendix 1. 6.4.3 The Equipment Gas Zone(s) must be drained of SF6 gas and this must be carried out in accordance with an Approved procedure 6.4.4 If an Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person requires a specific Recommendations for General Safety Report, a Permit to Work must be issued to the appropriately qualified specialist to allow internal access to the Gas Zone 6.4.5 A Permit to Work or Sanction for Test must be issued for the work to proceed and where appropriate the Recommendations for General Safety Report must specify the further precautions to be taken to deal with any arc products that may be present. The removal, using a special dedicated vacuum cleaner, and disposal of any arc products must be in accordance with an Approved procedure.
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Normal opening of the circuit breaker causes the Sulphur Hexafluoride gas to partially decompose. This also happens for an internal electrical fault within any Gas Zone, as a result of the electrical arcing. Solid as well as gaseous secondary products of the gas decomposition are formed and visible as dust deposits. When the decomposition products are exposed to humid air, they combine to form sulphur dioxide and hydrofluoric acid and have an unpleasant odour. The maintenance inspection of Gas Zones or chambers, which have contained Sulphur Hexafluoride gas, must be undertaken with caution. Cover plates giving access to portable maintenance earthing positions must be clearly identified. Each position must also be uniquely identified on the enclosure adjacent to its access cover. They must not be opened for inspection until the switchgear room has been thoroughly ventilated to the external environment. Particular care must be exercised with the effective ventilation of all lower level spaces where gas may collect. Personal protective clothing must be worn which includes protective gloves and an effective facemask with an air filter. It is important that the decomposed gas is not inhaled, and therefore that the facemask has an effective seal to the face. Products of decomposition must not be allowed to make contact with the skin. Should accidental skin contact occur, then any contact with moisture must be avoided until the solid decomposition products have been carefully removed. Following removal any affected skin must be liberally washed with large quantities of water.




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SCOPE This Appendix applies the principles established by the Company System Safety Rules to achieve Safety from the System for personnel working on the busbar, voltage transformer and feeder spouts of High Voltage (HV) metalclad switchgear, including work on circuit breakers removed from the service position.

DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this document the following definition applies Metalclad Switchgear Movable Earths - Portable Primary Earths applied to metalclad switchgear spouts before the issue of a Permit to Work. These earths can be removed and replaced during the work one phase at a time. Terms printed in bold type are as defined in the Company System Safety Rules.

IDENTIFICATION OF EQUIPMENT All Equipment on which work is carried out must be readily identifiable. A means of temporary identification must be attached where necessary, which will remain effective throughout the duration of the work.

DANGERS The main Dangers to personnel working on metalclad switchgear are electric shock or burns, arising from The application of Earthing Devices to Live Equipment The incorrect sequence and method of application or removal of Earthing Devices Gaining access to Live conductors as a result of human error.

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5.1 WORK WITHOUT USING METALCLAD SWITCHGEAR MOVABLE EARTHS When work is to be carried out on the busbar spouts without using Metalclad Switchgear Movable Earths, the following must be carried out in strict sequence 5.1.1 The section of busbars on which work is to be carried out must be Isolated from all points of supply from which it can be made Live, including any voltage transformers. Points of Isolation must then be established 5.1.2 Where duplicate switches in one tank, or on-load busbar selector isolators are installed, and it is impossible to isolate them from all points of supply, then additional precautions must be taken. All switches that can be closed on to the busbars on which work is to be carried out must be rendered inoperative by having their mechanisms Locked in the open position 5.1.3 The shutters of spouts which are, or may become, Live must be Locked closed. Shutters of spouts on which work is not to be done must also be Locked closed except for the busbar spouts at which the Primary Earths are to be applied 5.1.4 Primary Earths must be applied, in accordance with Appendix 1, on the busbars at a panel other than that on which work is to be carried out. Inserting the hand or any tool into contact spouts for this purpose is strictly forbidden. Where reasonably practicable, all Primary Earths must be Locked in the Earthed position 5.1.5 A Permit to Work must be issued 5.1.6 Work on the busbar spouts must be carried out under the Supervision of a Competent Person / Senior Authorized Person who must prove each spout Dead by means of an Approved voltage indicator applied immediately before the work. The voltage indicator must always be tested immediately before and after use 5.1.7 If it is necessary to carry out work on the spouts of the panel on which the Primary Earths have been applied, then after work on the available busbar spouts has been completed, the Permit to Work must be cleared and cancelled. The Primary Earths must be removed and replaced on the busbar spouts of another panel on the same section of busbar. The procedure detailed in 5.1.5 and 5.1.6 must now be repeated.

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5.2 WORK USING METALCLAD SWITCHGEAR MOVABLE EARTHS When work is to be carried out on the busbar spouts using Metalclad Switchgear Movable Earths, the following operations must be carried out in strict sequence 5.2.1 The section of busbars on which work is to be carried out must be Isolated from all points of supply from which it can be made Live, including any voltage transformers. Points of Isolation must then be established 5.2.2 Where duplicate switches in one tank, or on-load busbar selector isolators are installed, and it is impossible to isolate them from all points of supply, then additional precautions must be taken. All switches that can be closed on to the busbars on which work is to be carried out must be rendered inoperative by having their mechanisms Locked in the open position 5.2.3 The shutters of spouts which are, or may become Live must be Locked closed. Shutters of spouts on which work is not to be done must also be Locked closed except for the busbar spouts at which the Primary Earths are to be applied 5.2.4 Primary Earths must be applied, in accordance with Appendix 1, on the busbars at a panel other than that on which work is to be carried out. Inserting the hand or any tool into contact spouts for this purpose is strictly forbidden. Where reasonably practicable, all Primary Earths must be Locked in the Earthed position 5.2.5 Metalclad Switchgear Movable Earths must be applied by an Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person to all phases on the busbar at the point of work 5.2.6 A Permit to Work must be issued 5.2.7 To enable the work to be carried out, the Competent Person / Senior Authorized Person may remove the Metalclad Switchgear Movable Earths one phase at a time. The Competent Person / Senior Authorized Person must replace each phase earth so removed before another phase earth is disturbed 5.2.8 If it is necessary to carry out work on the spouts of the panel on which the Primary Earths have been applied, then after the work on the available busbar spouts has been completed, the Permit to Work must be cleared and cancelled. The Primary Earths must then be removed and replaced on the busbar spouts of another panel on the same section of busbar. The procedure detailed in 5.2.5, 5.2.6 and 5.2.7 must now be repeated.

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6.1 WORK WITHOUT USING METALCLAD SWITCHGEAR MOVABLE EARTHS When work is to be carried out on feeder spouts, voltage transformer spouts and single panel busbar spouts without using Metalclad Switchgear Movable Earths, the following operations must be carried out in strict sequence 6.1.1 The spouts on which work is to be carried out must be Isolated from all points of supply from which the spouts can be made Live. Points of Isolation must then be established 6.1.2 The shutters of spouts which are, or may become Live must be Locked closed. Shutters of spouts on which work is not to be done must also be Locked closed 6.1.3 Primary Earths must be applied, in accordance with Appendix 1, to the circuit at each point of work and within all Points of Isolation except where such Points of Isolation are on the Low Voltage side of a transformer. Inserting the hand or any tool into contact spouts for this purpose is strictly forbidden. If reasonably practicable, all Primary Earths must be Locked in the Earthed position 6.1.4 When the Primary Earths would prevent access to the point of work, then before a Permit to Work is issued alternative Primary Earths must be applied as close as is reasonably practicable to the point of work. If this cannot be achieved, then whilst this work is in progress no other work must be carried out on the circuit connected to the spouts being worked on. Where the spouts are connected to a circuit on which there is any likelihood of induced voltages occurring, Additional Earths must, where reasonably practicable, be connected at the nearest point to the point of work where access to the conductors can safely be obtained 6.1.5 A Permit to Work must be issued 6.1.6 Work on the spouts must then be carried out under the direct Supervision of the Competent Person / Senior Authorized Person who must prove each spout Dead by means of an Approved voltage indicator immediately before the spout is worked on. The voltage indicator must be tested immediately before and after use.

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6.2 WORK USING METALCLAD SWITCHGEAR MOVABLE EARTHS When work is to be carried out on the feeder spouts, voltage transformer spouts and single panel busbar spouts using Metalclad Switchgear Movable Earths, the following operations must be carried out in strict sequence 6.2.1 The spouts on which work is to be carried out must be Isolated from all points of supply from which the spouts can be made Live. Points of Isolation must then be established 6.2.2 The shutters of spouts which are, or may become, Live must be Locked closed. Shutters of spouts on which work is not to be done must also be Locked closed 6.2.3 Primary Earths must be applied, in accordance with Appendix 1, to the circuit at each point of work and at all Points of Isolation except where such Points of Isolation are on the Low Voltage side of a transformer. Inserting the hand or any tool into contact spouts for this purpose is strictly forbidden. If reasonably practicable, all Primary Earths must be Locked in the Earthed position 6.2.4 On the feeder, voltage transformer or busbar spouts on which work is to be carried out, the Primary Earths must be replaced by Metalclad Switchgear Movable Earths 6.2.5 If there are no other Primary Earths left on the circuit connected to the spouts being worked on, then while this work is in progress, no other work must be carried out on that circuit. Where the spouts are connected to a circuit on which there is any likelihood of induced voltages occurring, Additional Earths must, where reasonably practicable, be connected at the nearest point to the point of work where access to the conductors can safely be obtained 6.2.6 a Permit to Work must be issued 6.2.7 To enable the work to be carried out the Competent Person / Senior Authorized Person may remove the Metalclad Switchgear Movable Earths one phase at a time. The Competent Person / Senior Authorized Person must replace each phase earth so removed before another phase earth is removed.

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7 7.1

WORK ON CIRCUIT BREAKERS REMOVED FROM SERVICE When work is to be carried out on a circuit breaker that has been removed from its service position and electrically discharged, and transported to a workshop or similar area, the formal requirements of the Company System Safety Rules do not apply. If the work is to be carried out in a switchroom, the shutters of any available busbar feeder or other spouts that are, or may become, Live must be Locked closed. If an Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person decides it is necessary to confirm instructions in writing he must issue a Limited Access Permit.


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SCOPE This Appendix applies the principles established by the Company System Safety Rules to achieve Safety from the System for personnel using portable equipment to wash Live 33kV insulation on gantries, in open type substation compounds and on High Voltage overhead lines.


DEFINITION Terms printed in bold type are as defined in the Company System Safety Rules. IDENTIFICATION OF EQUIPMENT All Equipment on which washing is to be carried out must be readily identifiable. Where necessary an Approved means of temporary identification must be attached where necessary, which will remain effective throughout the duration of the work and removed on completion of the work.



DANGERS The main Dangers to personnel washing insulators on overhead lines and in open type substation enclosures containing Live Equipment are electric shock or burns due to The washing equipment becoming Live Electrical flashover Inadequate earthing of the washing equipment


GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 5.1 APPLICATION OF LIVE WASHING 5.1.1 Live washing is the normal cleaning procedure for High Voltage insulation at 33kV. In this case the auto re-closer device at both ends of the circuit shall be blocked to avoid any re-closing. This work should be carried out under a Limited Access Permit. 5.1.2 If an overhead line or substation can be readily de-energized without interruption to consumers, or increased costs, then washing de-energised is preferred. Washing de-energized permits the use of water with higher conductivity values.

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The Control Person must be informed before the start of washing, when it is completed and any auto reclose equipment switched out. A trained Competent Person / Senior Authorized Person must do the setting up and positioning of the equipment and the carrying out of the washing. He must wear Approved rubber gloves and suitable protective clothing. There must be effective communication between all members of the washing crew throughout the progress of the work. The equipment must have a nozzle that breaks the water jet into a water droplet spray before reaching the Live insulator being washed. The nozzle, and any other metal parts of the equipment must be electrically bonded together and the equipment Earthed by a suitable earthing lead which has a crosssection of not less than 70 sq. mm copper equivalent.




5.5.1 The Earthing lead must be uncoiled from the take-up reel and should not form coils or loops that can have an inductance resulting in a high voltage induced voltage across the earthing lead. 5.5.2 The Earthing lead must be connected to a dedicated earth point on the structure. The earthing lead clamp must make intimate contact with the earth connection point. 5.6 Only Approved washing equipment must be used that is designed specifically for washing energized systems. This equipment must have fitted to it a device to monitor the conductivity of the water. The monitoring device should sound an audible alarm should the conductivity exceed the pre-determined level, and must operate an automatic pump cut-out device to prevent further washing. The automatic cut-out device must be tested daily prior to washing commencing. The equipment and the Competent Person / Senior Authorized Person carrying out the washing must be not less than 5m (16 ft) away from the insulator(s) being washed and care must be taken that


5.7.1 No other Live conductor at a lesser distance is inadvertently sprayed 5.7.2 Not more than one phase is washed by the same washer gun 5.7.3 No two insulators less than 5m (16 ft) apart which are at different potentials are washed by the same jet 5.7.4 The washer unit is solidly connected to earth at all times. At no time during the washing must the operator step off the Earthed metal or accept materials from, or
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make physical contact with, any persons not in the same Earthed environment. When it is necessary to stand on an Earthed steel structure that supports energized conductors, the wash gun nozzle shall be solidly bonded to the same steel structure with a heavy duty conductor which has a cross-section of not less than 70 sq. mm copper equivalent 5.7.5 Washing is carried out in such a manner that any overspray shall fall only on clean insulation 5.7.6 A trained Competent Person / Senior Authorized Person must determine, dependent upon the proximity of adjacent Live Equipment, the need for any special working arrangements that may include defining the extent of the working area. 5.8 Water washing must be discontinued in the event of

5.8.1 A local lightning risk or 5.8.2 Wind speeds being too high to enable the operator to reliably control the jet. 5.9 The conductivity of the water used must not exceed 20 micro mhos. A Competent Person / Senior Authorized Person must check the conductivity of the water immediately before washing commences and when the source of water changes. In addition

5.9.1 Water with the lowest conductivity shall be used when washing energized circuits, in accordance with the technical recommendations 5.9.2 A portable tester shall be used for checking the water conductivity prior to every filling of the washer tank 5.9.3 As conductivity of water increases with temperature, any water that remains in the water tank during hot weather shall be tested again immediately prior to use for insulation washing. The trigger on the gun shall also be opened to flush out any residual warm water from the hose prior to further insulator washing. 5.10 In addition to low conductivity, other chemical properties of the water are important. The pH value should be neither alkaline nor acidic and the Chloride content should be as low as possible. Insulators on Wood Pole Structures shall not, under any circumstances, be Live line washed with the hose operator standing on or near the Wood Pole supporting the energized conductors.


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Lightning Arrestors, Capacitor Voltage Transformers, insulators forming Points of Isolation and SF6 Bushings shall not be washed energized.

6 WATER PRESSURE 6.1 6.2 Water pressures of between 400 to 550 psi at the nozzle shall be maintained. Lower pressures necessitate decreased distance and reduce cleaning ability. Higher pressures give greater reach but only marginal improvement in surface cleaning. Water stream break-up at the higher operating pressures can make it more difficult for the wash gun operator to see clearly and remain on target.


7 STRUCTURE AND LINE CONFIGURATION 6.4 Washing insulation on double circuit overhead lines shall be scheduled so that wind does not carry over-spray across adjacent lines. Horizontal tower configuration shall be washed starting with the downwind insulator string. Vertical construction shall be washed starting with the bottom phase and then working up.



8 WASHING PRACTICES 6.7 Training is provided for Live washing crew members in both the operation of the washing equipment and the washing techniques and practices required for safe operation. Trained and authorized Competent Persons / Senior Authorized Person must carry out the washing as follows

6.7.1 For Small Pin and Post type insulators, the water stream shall be directed to cover the complete insulator 6.7.2 For Large Pin and Post type insulators, two guns shall be used washing simultaneously from opposite directions. Washing with two guns shall also be used in congested areas. 6.7.3 For vertical insulators - start at the bottom and work upwards
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6.7.4 For horizontal insulators - start with the downwind end insulators 6.7.5 For Single String Suspension Insulators, the water stream shall be directed at approximately a 45 degree angle. Washing starts from the conductor end and works upward to the supporting structure. Continually rinse the lower insulator surfaces to wash off dirty water dripping from upper insulators. For Double String Suspension Insulators, the bottom four insulators shall be washed on both strings. Before proceeding to wash the complete strings, the lower insulator surfaces shall be continually rinsed as outlined for Single String Suspension units above. For V String Suspension Insulators, two guns shall be used, washing each string simultaneously. Before proceeding to wash the complete strings, the four insulator sheds at the lower end shall be washed, as described for Double String Suspension units above. For Single String Tension Insulators washing shall be started from the downwind end in groups of four to six units. When all units are washed then the complete string is rinsed. For Double String Tension Insulators washing shall be started from the downwind end in groups of four to six units, beginning with the string furthest away. Four to six units must have been washed on the string furthest away before moving to the closest string and then continuing as described for Single String Tension units above. For Tension Insulators with combination Jumper Suspension Insulators, the Tension Insulators are washed first as described for Single or Double String Tension units above, then the Jumper Suspension units shall be washed, starting at the conductor end, in the same manner as Single String Suspension Insulators. WIND CONDITIONS Wind direction is a very important consideration. The wash gun position should be selected to ensure that any over-spray is blown away from all contaminated insulation. The wind direction shall determine the starting position for washing on horizontal insulator strings, horizontal post type insulators and double circuit overhead lines. In conditions of no wind, overspray may wet contamination on adjacent insulators making it necessary to wash a number of insulators in each string (refer to Double String Suspension Insulators), before any complete string is washed. After a number






7 7.1



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of insulators are washed in each string, the same procedure shall be used as for wind conditions to complete the washing operation.

8 8.1

WASHING CREW The washing crew shall consist of a minimum of three, including two Competent Persons / Senior Authorized Persons. The team comprises a Linesman trained and certificated as a wash gun operator, a crew member to operate the water pump and a third man to act as flagman and perform duties assigned by the supervisor. The supervisor may add additional assistance if considered necessary. Washing in developed urban areas requires particular attention, where property damage or public dissatisfaction may result from water overspray. Advance notification should be provided to those who may be affected, together with appropriate protective measures to minimize the possibility of damage. When a Live washing supervisor or foreman is not in direct charge, the wash gun operator shall take responsibility for the entire crew.



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This Appendix provides brief guidance on safe working practices associated with the overhead lines forming part of the interconnected System. 2 DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this document the following definitions apply Operational Switching the operation of circuit breakers, disconnectors and Isolating Devices to the instructions of a Control Person. Safety Switching the operation of disconnectors, Isolating Devices, application of Primary Earths and Shorting Switches, and removal of fuses and links to the instructions of a Control Person to achieve Safety from the System. Terms printed in bold type are as defined in the Company System Safety Rules.

IDENTIFICATION OF EQUIPMENT All Equipment on which work is carried out must be readily identifiable. Where necessary, an Approved means of temporary identification must be attached where necessary, which will remain effective throughout the duration of the work.

DANGERS The main Dangers to personnel from overhead lines are Falling from height (See Work at Height) Electric shock or burns Circuit identification errors Induced voltages and voltage differences at the point of work.

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The climbing for any purpose, other than authorized Live line work, on towers or supports carrying Live High Voltage conductors is strictly forbidden. Where work is to be undertaken on any part of a High Voltage overhead line, it must first be disconnected from all possible sources of electrical energy and Points of Isolation established. The conductors must be Earthed on each side of the work Location with Primary Earths, normally at the Substations at each end of the circuit. To protect against induced voltages, Additional Earths must also be applied to the conductors each side of the point of work, and as near to the work Location as practicable.


5.3.1 The Additional Earths on both sides of the workplace must be connected to an Approved Earth reference point. The method to establish an Approved earth reference point is described in an Approved procedure. 5.4 Detailed provisions for earthing High Voltage Equipment and Operational and Safety Switching are contained in Appendices 1and 2. For all work on overhead lines, the Permit to Work will be issued at a substation that is connected to one end of the overhead line. Operational and Safety Switching at the remote substation end(s) of the overhead line circuit will be co-ordinate by the Control Person. Full safety harnesses must be worn and used whilst working on any High Voltage overhead line tower or support. In addition, it is also mandatory to wear personal protective equipment that is appropriate for the work being undertaken. All persons climbing or working on overhead line towers will be under observation at all times by a second person at the base of the tower. For work on painting or maintenance of overhead line towers, the work can be carried out in two stages.



5.7 5.8

5.8.1 If the work is on the lower part of the tower and is carried out under a Limited Access Permit the towers on which work is being carried out shall be on the line of sight of the Competent Person / Senior Authorized Person and shall not exceed five. 5.8.2 If the work is on the upper part of a double circuit tower, where one circuit is alive and the second circuit is Isolated and Earthed, work is allowed under a Permit to Work on the half of the tower associated with the Isolated and Earthed circuit. The number of towers under the supervision of one Competent Person / Senior Authorized Person should not exceed two.
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See Appendix 19 for Public Work near overhead lines.

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SCOPE This Appendix provides guidance on safe working practices associated with the underground cables forming part of the interconnected System.


DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this document the following definitions apply Operational Switching the operation of circuit breakers, disconnectors and Isolating Devices to the instructions of a Control Person. Safety Switching the operation of disconnectors, Isolating Devices, application of Primary Earths and Shorting Switches, and removal of fuses and links to the instructions of a Control Person to achieve Safety from the System. Terms printed in bold type are as defined in the Company System Safety Rules.


IDENTIFICATION OF EQUIPMENT All Equipment on which work is carried out must be readily identifiable. Where necessary an Approved means of temporary identification must be attached where necessary, which will remain effective throughout the duration of the work.


DANGERS The main Dangers to personnel from underground cables are Injuries as a result of excavation collapse Electric shock or burns Circuit identification errors Induced voltages and voltage differences at the point of work Chemicals and fumes from fluxes Gas release from pressurized cables.

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Where work is to be undertaken on any part of a High Voltage underground cable, it must first be disconnected from all possible sources of electrical energy and Points of Isolation established. Detailed provisions for earthing High Voltage Equipment and Operational and Safety Switching are contained in Appendices 1and 2. Access to underground cable circuits requires careful excavation to expose the outer surfaces of the cable external protection. Excavation must be carefully controlled to avoid damage to any underground services and will normally require trench reinforcement, as the excavation proceeds, to protect against the Danger of excavation collapse. Before any High Voltage underground cable is cut, the following procedure must be adopted




5.4.1 The Competent Person / Senior Authorized Person in charge of the work must satisfy himself that the cable has been made Dead, Points of Isolation established and Earthed in accordance with the Company System Safety Rules. 5.4.2 Dead cables shall be positively identified, as far as reasonably practicable, using cable records in conjunction with a cable location detector, prior to any cable spiking operation. 5.4.3 No other work shall be undertaken in the vicinity of either the Dead circuit, or any adjacent cable circuit, during a cable spiking operation. 5.4.4 The Control Centre must be informed of any proposed cable spiking operation immediately prior to the work commencing. Constant contact will be maintained with the Control Centre, throughout the cable spiking activity, to confirm that there is no adverse effect on the remainder of the System. 5.4.5 The Competent Person / Senior Authorized Person should consider the cable circuit construction and any requirement for special jointing techniques, including insulated working, prior to the commencement of work. 5.4.6 The Competent Person / Senior Authorized Person using a cable spiking gun from a safe distance, should drive a spike into the cable cores at the point where the cable is to be cut. 5.4.7 Immediately after spiking circuit breakers connected to any cables in the vicinity of that spiked should be checked for fault operation. If a Live cable is spiked in error there may not always be an explosion at the spiking site.
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5.4.8 When removing the gun the Competent Person / Senior Authorized Person shall check that the spike has cut through into one phase core and the Earthed metallic sheath pr two phase cores in the case of an unarmoured cable. 5.4.9 The Competent Person / Senior Authorized Person shall then demonstrate to the cable jointing team that it is now safe to cut the cable immediately adjacent to the embedded cable spike. 5.4.10 After the cutting of any cable, the Competent Person / Senior Authorized Person shall confirm the electrical continuity of the cable in both directions prior to the commencement of work in accordance with an Approved procedure. 5.5 No person must touch the insulation surrounding any High Voltage cable, unless the circuit has been made Dead, Points of Isolation established and Earthed in accordance with the Company System Safety Rules. Work on live Low Voltage underground cables is forbidden. Before any Low Voltage underground cable is cut the Authorized Person or Competent Person in charge of the work must satisfy himself that the cable has been made Dead and Points of Isolation established in accordance with the Company System Safety Rules. He must then drive a spike into the cable cores with a cable spiking gun using a safe and Approved method.

5.6 5.7

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SCOPE This Appendix expands and reinforces the provisions specified in the Company System Safety Rules and provides specific guidance on the requirements when working with certain items of Mechanical Equipment. It addresses briefly a number of different situations that require the issue of a Mechanical Permit to Work.

DEFINITIONS Terms printed in bold type are as defined in the Company System Safety Rules.

IDENTIFICATION OF EQUIPMENT All Equipment on which work is to be carried out must be readily identifiable. A means of temporary identification must be attached where necessary, which will remain effective throughout the duration of the work.

DANGERS The main Dangers to personnel from Mechanical Equipment are: Asphyxiation in confined spaces The sudden release of stored mechanical energy or pressure Burns from hot surfaces Insecure hand and footholds Falling Toxic effects of chemicals or fumes Entrapment due to moving parts Injury from contact with rotating equipment.

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5 5.1

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GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR MECHANICAL SYSTEMS A Mechanical Permit to Work is required for many workplace situations and examples include work In all confined spaces On pressure vessels and pipe work On or near overhead crane tracks or other Equipment On circulating water systems On Equipment containing or operated by compressed air or gas


Where work is to be carried out on machinery that is driven by a prime mover, Points of Isolation for the prime mover must be established. Special precautions may be necessary in the case of fans, where natural draught may cause rotation despite isolation of the prime mover. The Authorized Person issuing a Mechanical Permit to Work must be satisfied that the Equipment has been correctly isolated in accordance with the Company System Safety Rules. For complex isolations, an Approved isolation specification should be prepared in advance of the work.


6 MECHANICAL WORK GUIDELINES 6.1 General 6.1.1 Before work is commenced on any plant, physical isolation and locking of the plant from all sources of danger shall be adopted as the prime safety precaution. This should also include purging, venting, draining and release of stored energy where applicable. 6.1.2 When work is to be carried out on machinery that driven by the prime movers, starting devices, the switch isolator or valves controlling the supply of energy to the prime mover, must be locked in the position which prevents the prime mover from starting and the key locked in the Lock out Board. 6.1.3 Special precaution may be necessary in the case of fans where natural draught may cause rotation despite isolation of prime mover. 6.1.4 The Authorized Person issuing Mechanical Permit to Work must ensure himself that the plant has been correctly isolated in accordance with the approved isolation specification. If an approved isolation specification is not available the Authorized Person will prepare one, which ensures that the requirements stated above have been complied with.
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WORK INSIDE BOILER FORCED DRAUGHT AND FUEL GAS PASSAGES The procedure for the preparation of Permit to Work for entry into boiler forced draught and fuel gas passages shall be as follows:

6.2.1 The boiler shall be out of service and: Every precaution shall be taken to prevent leakage of fuel into the combustion chamber by isolating locking off and fixing danger notice to all sources of supply to the firing and ignition equipment. In the case of HRSG (Heat Recovery Steam Generation) boilers the Gas Turbine must be shutdown and isolated, if satisfactory positive isolation is not available / not possible. 6.2.2 The gas paths shall be cooled and sufficient venting of gases and fumes shall be ensured The forced draught fan circuit shall be isolated position with a danger notice attached. The soot blowing steam supply shall be locked and electrical control to this equipment made inoperative with the danger notice attached. A Permit to Work (Mechanical) may be issued.





WORK INSIDE VESSELS (INCLUDING BOILERS) The procedure for preparing a Permit to Work for entry into a vessel shall be as follows:


The vessel shall be depressurized and empty, purged and decontaminated (where appropriate) with all vents opened to atmosphere. All valves through which dangerous fluids may enter the vessel shall be locked in the closed position with danger notices attached and wherever possible a double shut off shall be made. Note: A non-return valve shall not be considered as a shut off valve unless it is capable of being locked shut. Any mechanical or electrical equipment within the vessel shall be isolated by the locking off the starter and attaching a danger notice.




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6.3.5 6.3.6

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The vessel shall be adequately ventilated and oxygen level shall be monitored. Whenever any hot work is to be done in a confined space, all gas cylinders shall be kept outside the tanks, vessel, or boiler. One person shall remain outside the opening of the confined space, e.g. tanks, vessel, and boiler on stand by while work is being carried out within the confined space. A Permit to Work (Mechanical) may then be issued.



6.4 WORK INSIDE WATER DUCTS TUNNELS The procedure for preparing a Permit to Work for entry any tunnel, pipeline, duct or associated pump or equipment shall be as follows: 6.4.1 The system shall be drained and isolated from all sources of danger by ensuring that: All manually operated valves are locked in the closed position with Caution Notice attached. All motor operated valves, sluice gates etc. are closed and the fuses of the operating motor power supply are removed and Caution Notice attached Suitable checks shall be taken to ensure there are no hazardous gases present. Adequate venting and / or forced ventilation should be provided. A Permit to Work (Mechanical) may then be issued.


6.4.3 6.5

WORK ON TANKS AND VESSELS No person shall enter a vessel which has been emptied / purged of flammable or other hazardous substance until an Authorized Person is satisfied by testing that all dangerous vapors or gases have been expelled and the vessel is ventilated. If vessel is so big that only vapor / gases at points of entry can be tested, then breathing apparatus to be made compulsory for all internal work. Smoking and exposed flames are prohibited within and in the vicinity of open vessels, machines or switch gear which had contained oil or any other flammable substances. Work on such vessel involving the application of heat is forbidden until all practical steps have to prevent fire or explosion and a Hot Work Permit, confined space permit have been issued. A Permit to Work (Mechanical) may be issued.






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WORK ON PRESSURE VESSELS, PRESSURE PIPE LINES etc. Pressure vessel or pipelines shall be isolated and prepared for work in the following manner. All supply and delivery sources shall be isolated and locked shut with danger notice attached. The vessel shall then be depressurized by draining and vented until atmospheric condition prevails. Care must be taken in preventing a back feed of drainage. Safety valves and pressure gauges shall be thoroughly examined and tested every 2 Years or from time to time as found necessary. For a pressure pumps and rotating machines the following procedures for isolation shall be adopted. The machine shall be out of service and at rest. All suction discharge leak off and other valves connected to outside sources of supply should be shut and locked off with danger notices attached. The electrical supply point isolator shall be opened and locked inoperative with a danger notice attached. The equipment shall be drained and vented until atmospheric condition prevails. A Permit to Work (Mechanical) may be issued.





WORK ON POWER DRIVEN MACHINE (INCLUDING CRANES & LIFTING TACKLE) No person shall climb on any crane or other lifting machines without the knowledge of the driver operating the crane / lifting devices. Annual testing and certification of all lifting tackles is mandatory. No person shall work on or near the wheel track of an overhead crane or traveling crane in any place where he would be liable to be struck by the crane unless effective measures have been taken by warning the crane drivers or otherwise to ensure that the crane dose not approach within 20 ft of place of work. This applies to hoists and lifting devices. Appropriate DANGER NOTICE shall be placed at places of work and isolation. Where possible electrical and / or mechanical isolation shall effectively be ensured. A Permit to Work (Mechanical) may then be issued.


6.7.2 6.7.3

6.7.4 6.7.5

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This Appendix provides general guidance on safe working practices associated with a range of potentially hazardous physical and chemical environments. It also provides general guidance on the use of tools.

DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this document the following definitions apply Hot Work any work activity, including grinding, cutting and welding, which may produce heat, sparks or flames. Pyrophorics substances that may spontaneously ignite after drying out in the presence of oxygen. Combustible - substance capable of igniting and burning readily. Confined Space - A space large enough for a person to bodily enter and perform assigned work, has limited or restricted means of entry and exits, and is not designed for continuous employee occupancy. EXCAVATION. Work, excavations, drilling, boring, construction, demolition or surface removal or penetration in any manner of owned property, streets, alleys, easements, or public lands within the corporate limits. Self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) a device worn to provide breathable air in a hostile environment. The breathing set is not dependent on a remote supply (e.g., through a long hose). An SCBA typically has three main components: a high-pressure tank, a pressure regulator, and an inhalation connection, connected together and mounted to a carrying frame. WHIMIS Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System for chemical classification and communication. Terms printed in bold type are as defined in the Company System Safety Rules

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All Equipment on which work is carried out must be readily identifiable. A means of temporary identification must be attached where necessary, which will remain effective throughout the duration of the work.

DANGERS The main Dangers to personnel in hazardous environments are Asphyxiation Burns Fire and explosion Falling (See Work at height) Electrocution

FIRE PREVENTION 5.1 The precise nature of the fire precautions required at a workplace depend upon several factors including the building layout, building construction, type of work and the number of persons that may be exposed to the fire risk. For work that includes welding, gas cutting, grinding or chipping operations, a Hot Work Permit to Work must be obtained before the work commences. Before welding or cutting a pipe, tank or similar container that has held flammable material, thorough forced ventilation and nitrogen purging shall be carried out to remove all explosive vapours. When Hot Work is planned in the vicinity of automatic fire protection equipment the person responsible for site safety must be informed before the work commences. A Hot work permit shall be obtained whenever such work is to be undertaken All flammable gas cylinders and associated Equipment shall be inspected periodically and detailed records maintained. The Equipment must also be visually inspected immediately prior to use. Gas cylinders shall be stored and secured in an upright




5.5 5.6

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5.7 5.8

position, handled with care and kept cool away from all sources of heat. Under no circumstances should oil or grease be used in the vicinity of Oxygen Equipment. Fire fighting facilities and Equipment are to be used only for fire protection. When a fire extinguisher is discharged the appropriate department must be informed immediately so that the unit can be refilled and made ready for further use. The use of petrol, or other highly inflammable liquids, as cleaning agents is strictly prohibited.


5.10 Naked flames, or non-explosion proof equipment, must not be taken into battery rooms.

6 6.1 6.2

HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS Special care is required when using potentially hazardous chemical substances. Strong alkalis, such as caustic soda and lime and strong acids, such as hydrochloric and sulphuric, can cause serious chemical burns to the skin and are particularly hazardous to the eyes. Use of these chemicals must be controlled, but where they must be handled appropriate personal skin and eye protection must be worn. If these chemicals come into contact with any part of the human body, wash immediately and thoroughly with large quantities of water. Deposits found in natural gas systems (pipes, etc.) may be Pyrophoric. Natural gas systems must therefore be thoroughly washed out with water before opening for internal inspection. Condensate and water washed from natural gas systems must be collected in proper containers and disposed of in a safe manner. All potentially hazardous chemicals must be stored in a well ventilated, dry and cool place in suitable vessels. When handling hazardous and/or new chemicals, a Chemical Hazard Risk Assessment must be undertaken and communicated to concerned staff.





Reference to potentially hazardous chemicals and materials shall be made according to the WHIMIS for chemical classification and communication already in place. Laboratory Safety Rules must be observed by all staff entering the laboratory (See Laboratory Safety Rules)


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HAZARDOUS GASES 7.1 Gases can present a particular hazard because some are neither visible or have any distinguishing smell.


Chlorine is a highly toxic gas and is 2.5 times heavier than air. Every building housing chlorine plant must be efficiently ventilated and the apparatus maintained to minimize leakage and prevent any accumulation of dangerous concentrations. Suitable detectors shall be used where there is a possibility of chlorine gas leakage, alternatively if these are not readily available, an ammonia solution detector should be used where appropriate. 7.2.1 Chlorine must be stored away from any source of combustion such as organic chemicals, agitation, sunlight and high temperatures. 7.2.2 Chlorine cylinders, piping, valves, metering equipment and cylinders shall be made of materials that are corrosion resistant. 7.2.3 Chlorine tanks must have a fusible plug to prevent rupture of tank at high temperature. 7.2.4 Workers using must have a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and attend specific safety training. 7.3 Nitrogen and carbon dioxide will not sustain life. Any vessel, pipe or culvert, which may contain these gases, must be thoroughly purged with air before any person is allowed to enter. When there is a possibility that hazardous gases may be present in any confined space Authorized Person must test the atmosphere and verify that it is safe for work. Thereafter suitable detectors must be located in the confined space and suitable respirators must be available outside to meet any emergency. A standby man, in permanent contact with the personnel working within the confined space, must be posted at the entrance. Rescue and emergency procedures should be practiced periodically.


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8 8.1

IONISING RADIATION Only a competent and qualified contractor will be permitted to use ionizing radiation on the Company premises. All sources of radiation must be strictly controlled. Before bringing a source of ionizing radiation onto the Company premises, the contractor must obtain permission from a suitably trained Authorized Person. The Authorized Person may decide to take further advice from a recognized specialist in the control of radioactive sources. The procedures to be followed regarding the safe transport, receipt, registration, storage and use of the source of ionizing radiation must be agreed with the Authorized Person with special responsibilities for ionizing radiation. When ionizing radiation processes are in progress, radiation Danger notices must be prominently displayed and the area barriered off to prevent personnel from entering the hazardous area. All individuals engaged in radiography shall be equipped with a film badge and dosimeter. Only licensed radiographers with proper radiation monitoring equipment, including a survey meter, may enter the demarcated area.





9 9.1

TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT Each individual is responsible for ensuring that the tools and equipment he uses in the course of his duties are maintained in a safe and effective condition. Portable electrical tools must operate with a supply voltage of 110 volts or less, unless special facilities have been provided to protect the user from electric shock, such as the inclusion of a residual current device in the power supply. Only non-sparking (explosion proof) Equipment shall be used when there is any danger of inflammable gases or vapors existing. Also, only non-sparking tools shall be used in natural gas or gas oil equipment. When high pressure hydro-jet cleaning equipment is used the supervisor must take the necessary precautions to protect personnel in the vicinity of the activities from accidental impact from the water jet. Rotary grindstones must be mounted with care, in accordance with the manufacturers instructions, and use of the side of a rotary stone for grinding is strictly prohibited.





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Grinders shall be permanently equipped with guards, and personnel in the vicinity of any grinding operation must wear suitable eye protection. 9.6 During welding operations: 9.6.1 The work piece and the welding machine must be effectively earthed to the same point using clamps or bolted connections Welding shields must be worn by welders and precautions taken to protect personnel in the vicinity from the risk of weld flash When welding in confined spaces, effective measures must be adopted to remove weld fumes and vent them safely to atmosphere.




Before commencing any work with a ladder: 9.7.1 9.7.2 It must be inspected to ensure that it is in sound condition It must be secured to prevent it from slipping either by footing by a second person, lashing or shoring.

10 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 10.1 The use of asbestos is strictly prohibited. 10.2 When handling hazardous and/or new chemicals, a Chemical Hazard Risk Assessment OR Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) must be undertaken and communicated to concerned staff. 10.3 Reference to potentially hazardous chemicals and materials shall be made according to the WHIMIS for chemical classification and communication already in place.

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This Appendix outlines the principles for maintaining high security standards and appropriate standards of personal and operational behavior, in prohibited and restricted areas such as Power Stations, Indoor Substations, High Voltage switching compounds, Transformer bays, etc. The Appendix is complementary to the Company System Safety Rules and provides general guidance when working on operational premises, on or near electrical and mechanical Equipment. 2DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this document the following definition applies Operational Switching the operation of circuit breakers, disconnectors and Isolating Devices to the instructions of a Control Person Terms printed in bold type are as described in the Company System Safety Rules. 3IDENTIFICATION OF EQUIPMENT All Equipment on which work is carried out must be readily identifiable. Where necessary, and Approved means of temporary identification must be attached which will remain effective throughout the duration of the work and removed on completion of the work. 4DANGERS The main Dangers to personnel working on operational premises result from failure to observe appropriate standards of behavior when gaining access to, or working in, controlled environments. 55.1 ACCESS AND EXIT ARRANGEMENTS

All prohibited and restricted areas must remain securely Locked at all times. The external main entrance gate of primary substations must be securely Locked, after gaining authorized entry for work, to prohibit the entry of any unauthorized persons. Security personnel routinely man external entrances to Power Station sites. 5.2 Authorized Persons / Senior Authorized Persons and some Competent Persons will be issued with appropriate Master Keys, for access to prohibited and restricted areas, as determined by their designated competency. The issue of Master Keys will be recorded and requires acknowledgement by a signature of receipt.

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5.3 Authorized Persons / Senior Authorized Persons and Competent Persons issued with Master Keys are required to retain them in safe custody in their personal possession and ensure that prohibited and restricted areas are safe to enter. 5.4 An alternative emergency exit must be provided for the personal safety of employees or contractors working within a prohibited or restricted area. To ensure an escape route is readily available in an unforeseen emergency, two alternative exits must be available for all work on the premises. Emergency exit routes must be provided without reducing the essential high security standard demanded for prohibited or restricted areas.

5.5 In Substations or Pumping Stations where gases are used in fire fighting systems, before entering any room, the operation switch for firefighting protection shall be changed from automatic position to manual position to avoid any mal operation while working inside. In locations where the operation switch is marked ON/OFF, it shall be changed to the OFF position. After completing the work and/or leaving the room, the operation switch shall be set back to automatic or to ON where applicable. 5.6 Persons to whom keys have not been issued can only gain access to Prohibited or Restricted Areas if they are in possession of a Safety Document or under Supervision of an Authorized / Senior Authorized or Competent Person. 5.7 Contractors can only gain access to Prohibited or Restricted Areas if they are in possession of a Safety Document or under Supervision of an Authorized , Senior Authorized or Competent Person. 5.8 The issuing of Keys to give access to Prohibited or Restricted Areas where assets of another company are also located is described in the Connection and Interface Agreement between the companies for that specific Location. 5.9 On completion of the work, or other maintenance activity, it is the responsibility of the Authorized Senior Authorized or Competent Person in charge to ensure that all access gates, doors and windows are closed and securely Locked. Prior to leaving the area, all surplus equipment and material must be removed and the premises left clean.

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6.1 A high standard of personal behavior is always essential at workplaces in operational premises. Each employee must behave at all times in a manner conducive to his own personal safety and the safety of other persons. Practical jokes, arguments and similarly irresponsible behaviors are forbidden. 6.2 Each supervisor is responsible for the safety standards of his subordinates. 6.3 Protection and safety interlock systems are designed to protect employees from incorrect actions and human errors and contribute considerably to maintaining high safety standards. In very exceptional circumstances, trained and duly accredited Authorized Persons / Senior Authorized Person can seek specific permission to defeat these important safety provisions. 6.4 Hazard warning signs must be observed and obeyed at all times. 6.5 All smoking inside electrical premises is strictly forbidden. Smoking, or the use of open flames in the vicinity of evaporating combustible liquids, or whilst opening oil filled containers or similar Equipment is also strictly forbidden. 6.6 Naked flames, or other ignition sources, must not be taken into battery rooms.



7.1 Learn and obey the Company System Safety Rules. They are drawn up for your personal safety and the safety of those working with you. Any breach of the mandatory Company System Safety Rules is a disciplinary offence. Ignorance of the System Safety Rules will not be accepted as an excuse and will be treated as neglect of duty. 7.2 Carry a personal System diagram at all times when on duty. Ensure that it is always up to date and consult it regularly. 7.3 Never run in a substation or similar operational enclosure.

7.4 Understand the Equipment you are required to operate. Always ask if in doubt and never experiment with Live electrical Equipment. 7.5 During any Operational Switching, only those Authorized, Senior Authorized or Competent Persons necessary for carrying out the operations should be in the vicinity of the switchboard.
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7.6 Do not trust your memory. Always consult your High Voltage Switching Schedule (or Maneuvering Form) immediately prior to acting upon each item. Pause and think before you act. All actions should be deliberate and never impulsive. 7.7 When instructed by telephone, write down the Operational Switching instructions and read them back to the originating Control Person for confirmation. 7.8 Enter the Operational Switching instructions in the control room Log Book immediately before the operation. Read it back to yourself and check that the entry correctly sets down all you intend to do. When the Operational Switching has been completed, insert the time of the operation in the Log Book alongside the original instruction. 7.9 Check and confirm the title of the circuit before undertaking any Operational Switching. If in doubt ask. 7.10 Check the service position of each switch prior to all Operational Switching. Is it in the position (closed, open or earthed) that you expected from your Operational Switching instruction? If it is not find out why. 7.11 If a circuit breaker trips immediately on closing, always establish the reason before attempting to reclose. 7.12 All relay flag indications that have operated must be correctly recorded before resetting. 7.13 When leaving a substation gate unattended make sure that it is securely Locked.


PERSONAL PROTECTIVE CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT Since it is not always possible to remove workplace hazards at source, personal protective equipment may be required to adequately control the employees exposure to risk. All personal protective equipment must be suitable for the protection required and properly maintained. Overalls, head protection, eye protection, gloves and safety footwear are available to all employees. Each individual is responsible for ensuring that appropriate protective clothing is worn in potentially hazardous areas. Specialist safety equipment such as breathing apparatus or waterproof overalls may be required in particular situations. Each supervisor is responsible for ensuring that the appropriate personal protective clothing and equipment is used in any potentially hazardous situation.



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9.1 Any injury resulting from an accident must receive medical attention as soon as possible. 9.2 Serious incidents must always be investigated thoroughly and reported to the appropriate supervisor. All near misses should also be investigated and reported to confirm that safety measures were adequate and learn for future similar situations. 9.3 Accident and incident investigations and reporting procedures should be in accordance with the detailed Company provisions.



10.1 Good housekeeping and tidy workmanship are pre-requisites for accident prevention. Effective standards must therefore be maintained in all workplace activities. 10.2 Safety equipment and First Aid appliances shall only be used for the purpose intended. Portable fire extinguishers and guidance notes on artificial respiration techniques are available in strategic locations at operational premises. 10.3 Each employee is encouraged to advise his supervisor of any potentially serious safety hazard, so that immediate action can be taken to correct the situation.

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All visitors shall abide by the following Rules to ensure the implementation and maintenance of safety for all ADDC visitors. 1) All visitors must adhere in detail to Safety, Health and Security rules and procedures. 2) All visitors shall be given and shall wear appropriate PPE for the duration of their visit. 3) All visitors must carry/wear a badge or other identification supplied by ADDC Security. 4) The use of or possession of prohibited substances are not permitted on ADDC premises. 5) All unusual incidents should be reported immediately to the ADDC HSEQ Department or Security immediately (Accidents, injuries, damage to property, fires, etc.). 6) ADDC office and facilities are non smoking areas, visitors are required to follow the no smoking policy 1. The following areas may be used by contractors/visitors unless otherwise stated: Entrance Break Area Lunch Area Toilet Facilities Smoking Area Material Storage Area Parking Area 2. Areas visited must be as clean and orderly as possible as they were at the start of the visit. 3. Visitors shall dial the emergency contact number in case of emergency (emergency numbers are posted in the buildings. 4. Visitors in case of emergency shall follow the fire warden instruction and follow the floor employees to the assembly point

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APPENDIX 11 Procedure for Approval of Authorized, Competent & Control Persons and Contractor's Competent & HSE Staff 1 Purpose

The purpose of this procedure is to formalize, simplify and organize the system by which ADDC and Contractors can get an approval for the Authorised, Senior Authorized, Competent and HSE staff to comply with the ADDC System Safety Rules. 2 Scope

The scope of this procedure covers approval for the following category of personnel: All the ADDC Authorised, Competent and Control Personnel Contractor's Competent personnel Private Electrical Equipment Authorized Person Contractor's HSE personnel 3 Definitions & Terminology 3.1 ADWEA, Abu Dhabi Water and Electricity Authority 3.2 ADDC, Abu Dhabi Distribution Organization For reference, refer to Definition Guidelines GL.GN.01

Documents The following documents are required for commencing the approval process:

4.1 ADDC Staff (New Certificate) Nomination letter addressed to HSEQ Manager signed by the Function Manager. Nomination form filled and signed by his direct in-charge defining the scope of the certificate and declarations that the nominated person has been trained on site and technically meets the ADDC requirements. HSE training certificate Personal Photo 4.2 ADDC Staff (Renewal) Renewal letter addressed to HSEQ Dept signed by the Function Manager. Nomination form filled and signed by his direct in-charge defining if there is any change in the scope of his certificate.

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4.3 Contractor's Competent Person Nomination letter addressed to HSEQ Dept and signed by the concerned Function Manager Nomination form approved by Project Consultant and ADDC Project Engineer The Candidates C.V Qualification certificates Experience: Minimum three years experience in large size organization Fire Fighting Training certificate First Aid training certificate Passport copy with valid Company Visa Personal Photo 4.4 Contractor's HSE staff Nomination letter Addressed to HSEQ Dept and signed by the concerned Function Manager Nomination form approved by Project Consultant and ADDC Project Engineer The candidates CV with Qualification and Experience Certificates Qualification: BSc Engineering / Engineering Diploma, HSE Qualification Experience: Minimum three years experience in large size organization HSE training certificates (as per the Scope of the Contract) First Aid training certificate Passport copy with valid Company Visa Personal Photo 4.5 Private Authorized Person Nomination letter addressed to Asset Management Directorate Nomination form approved by Project Consultant / owner and ADDC Engineer The Candidates C.V with (minimum 3 years Experience as operation engineer) Qualification certificates (minimum engineering qualification) HSE Training certificate (can be done in ADDC Additional cost required) First Aid training certificate (can be done in ADDC Additional cost required) Passport copy with valid Company Visa Personal Photo 5 Process According to ADDC IMS Policy and ensuring the compliance of ADDC Staff and Contractors working on behalf of ADDC with ADDCs System Safety Rules & IMS, Local and International HSE Standard Procedures, ADDC HSEQ Manager has established this procedure for the approval of Authorised, Competent and Control personnel of ADDC and Contractor's Competent and HSE staff as follows:

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6 ADDC Staff approval 6.1 New certificate (Attached Process)

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The employee must be qualified and experienced to cover his scope (as defined in the System Safety Rules) The employee must be trained on site to be familiar with the System Safety Rules requirements. Nominated person's Function Manager should submit the nomination form (Form: FM.HSQ.125) to HSEQ Dept clearly defining the scope of certificate. HSEQ Dept to arrange an appointment for written exam and oral interview for the nominated person. Nominated Person must have undergone HSE training (conducted by HSE staff) Nominated person must undergo written HSE exam (pass mark is 80%) Nominated person must undergo Oral HSE interview. For Senior Authorized Person a committee shall conduct an interview Those who successfully pass the test will be issued a CARD for a period of Two Years. Those who fail to qualify will be given a months time to study before allowed to reappear again. Those who fail to qualify for two times would be subject to interview by a committee set between HSEQ and the nominated Function. 6.2 Renewal Certificate Nominated person's Function Manager should submit nomination form (Form: FM.HSQ.125) for renewal, clearly defining if there are any changes in his scope. If there are any changes in the scope of the certificate, the nominated person must attend HSE training followed by written and oral test to ensure that he is covering the new scope then follow the closes If there are No changes in his scope, the nominated person will be given refresher HSE training and oral interview then the new certificate issued. 7 Contractors Competent Person 7.1 New Certificate The contractor should submit the required document as defined above. The Document will be evaluated by HSEQ Dept. and the nominated person will be called for HSE Exam and Interview. Nominated person must undergo written HSE exam. (Pass mark 80%) Those who successfully pass the written exam will be subject to an Oral Interview. Competent Certificate will be issued to those who successfully pass the Written and Oral test as per the Scope of the Project (contract) for one year only. Those who fail to qualify will be given a months time to study before being allowed to reappear again.
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Those who fail to qualify for two times would be rejected. 7.2 Renewal Certificates

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The Contractor has to submit the nomination form approved by the Project Consultant and ADDC Project Engineer along with the old certificate. The process will be the same as new issue process. 8 Contractor / Consultant HSE staff 8.1 New certificate The Contractor / Consultant has to submit the documents as defined. The documents will be evaluated by HSEQ Dept . The nominated person MUST fully understand the project HSE Plan and ADDC HSE Requirements and he shall work only for the designated project. If the nominated person meets ADDC requirements, then he will be called for HSE Exam and Interview. HSE Certificate will be issued to those who successfully pass the Written and Oral test as per the Scope of Project (contract) for one year only. Those who fail to qualify will be given a months time to study before being allowed to reappear again. Those who fail to qualify for two times would be rejected. 8.2 Renewal Certificate The Contractor / Consultant should submit the nomination form approved by the Project Consultant along with the old certificate. The process will be the same as new issue process. 9. Private Electrical Equipment Authorized Person 9.1 New Certificate The Owner should submit the required document as defined above. The Document will be reviewed and evaluated by Asset Management Directorate the nominated person will be interviewed by AMD Engineer to ensure understanding of limitation of the work and interface boundaries with ADDC if PASS then will forward to Operation Department (DMS) for Technical interview Network Operation Department will interview the nominated person if PASS then will be forward to HSEQ Dept. for HSE training, Exam and interview Nominated person must trained and undergo written HSE exam. (Pass mark 80%) Those who successfully pass the written exam will be subject to an Oral Interview. Authorized Certificate will be issued to those who successfully pass the Written and Oral test as per the Scope of the authorization for one year only. Those who fail to qualify would be rejected.
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9.2 Renewal Certificates The owner has to submit the nomination form approved by the AMD along with the old certificate. The nominated person will be subject to a refresh training course then re-issued with the new certificate If the scope of the certificate changed then the process will be the same as new issue process. 10 General roles Nominated person must be ready for Exam and Interview before the date of exam. If the ADDC person failed in 2nd exam, he will not be allowed to reappear for the next three months in order to enable him to commence with field training, approval will be subject to the committee. New staffs who have qualified the HSE Exams will be monitored by a field expert for a period of one month. Certificate is subject to be withdrawn, if the person has not fully implemented the HSE requirements / System Safety Rules. If it is apparent after the Accident Investigation, that the cause of accident was due to SAP/AP/CP/CN persons fault, HSEQ Manager will withdraw the Certificate from him and he will not be reissued with other certificate for 3 months period and if required he MUST go for the process as a new issue certificate. All those who qualify will be issued with the applicable CARD, which must be used all the time on site. Approval of contractor staff will be after project / contract HSE Plan Approval.

Process Flowcharts and ADDC Staff Approval Process Flowchart are provided on the following pages.

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Private Electrical Equipment Authorized Person Approval Process

Developer / Owner/ Consultant Nominate person (s) for Authorization Defining clearly the scope of work using the application form supported with all required documents. Submit to Asset Directorate Nominated Person Application NO Rejection


YES HSEQ Manager

Asset Directorate Nominated person (s) meet the qualification, experiences, understand the limits of the work and the limited boundaries of the interface agreement? If Yes, sign the form and submit to DMS for operation Interview, if NO rejection to be send to requester Accepted Nominated Person HSEQ Dept. Secretary Operation Dept. DMS Interview the nominated Person (meet the ADDC operation criteria / Technically / Experiences are capable to operate the equipment) If YES pass the submission to HSEQ if No Rejection to be send to AMD Appointment for exam Issue ID CARD as per the approved certificate Issue CARD for the approved person Keep CARD copy + certificate in file CARD/CERTIFICATE Approve the nominated person certificate for 1 YEAR and instruct the staff to issue ID CARD

HSE Approved Nominated Person

HSEQ Dept. Secretary Arrange an appointment for Training, written exam and interview for the nominated person (s) and inform him (them) Appointment for Training & exam


Sr. HSE Eng. / HSE Eng. Train, Examine and interview the nominated person (s) as per the ADDC SSR & HSE procedure Result

Notes: The nominated person should be qualified as engineer as minimum The nominated person shall have 3 years operation experience as minimum Nominated person must study ADDC System Safety rules and other related HSE requirements before exam and interview Renewal of the certificate / CARD will be after verifying the scope. Certificate / CARD is subject to be withdrawn if the person does not fully implement the HSE requirements / System Safety Rules.


Approved Person shall implement ADDC SSR on the workmanship provided. ADDC shall NOT be subject to any legal obligation of the accident happened by the approved person

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This Appendix provides guidance on safe working practices associated with inspection and maintenance of storage batteries as used in electrical substations. It also provides guidance on the requirements for the tools allowed to be used in battery rooms and the requirements for PPE. 2. DEFINITIONS

For the purposes of this appendix the following definition applies Cell an individual electrolytic cell in a battery. Single-ended Insulated Tool A tool with only one end that can be used to perform work and the rest of the tool covered with an approved electrical insulation material. 3. IDENTIFICATION OF EQUIPMENT

All Equipment on which work is carried out must be readily identifiable. Where necessary, and Approved means of temporary identification must be attached which will remain effective throughout the duration of the work and removed on completion of the work.



The main Dangers to personnel working on storage battery systems are explosions due to a high concentration of Hydrogen, arcing resulting from short circuits and burns as a result of contact with the electrolyte used on the batteries. Before entering a battery room it must be verified that the extraction fan is working (if fitted) or that the room is sufficiently ventilated to ensure that the build up of Hydrogen is unlikely. 5. PPE

The recommended PPE to be worn when work is done in battery rooms is: 1. Gas-tight goggles or face screens 2. Boiler suit 3. Aprons 4. Gloves 5. Gum boots
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Personnel working on battery installations should remove personal adornments made of metal on their wrists, neck and hands before starting their work. Only wooden ladders must be used in battery rooms. 6.1 INSPECTION AND TESTING OF BATTERIES 6.1.1 VISUAL INSPECTION When visual inspection of battery systems needs to be done, the Authorized Person shall assess the conditions and shall: Specify the minimum PPE to be worn. Issue a Limited Access Permit 6.1.2 Testing of the Electrolyte

The following procedure should be followed: The minimum recommended PPE must be worn. At least two persons should be present when the tests are performed. Additional ventilation directly above the cells must be applied (where the highest concentrations of Hydrogen will be present) when the filling caps are removed. A suitable supply of clean water must be available to dilute and wash away any spillage and for the workers to wash if they come into contact with the electrolyte. When topping up the cells fresh, good quality distilled water must be used. 6.1.3 Testing of the cells

The following procedure should be followed: The minimum recommended PPE must be worn. At least two persons should be present when the tests are performed. When using battery testing tools which connect a load across the battery cell in the course of the measurement, sparking can result while removing the test spikes from the battery terminals. This can result in explosions and additional ventilation must be applied directly above the cells where the highest concentrations of Hydrogen will be present.

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6.1.4 Replacement of defective cells

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If the battery can be disconnected from the load and the battery charger: The following procedure should be followed: Points where the battery must be disconnected must be identified and the battery disconnected. The Authorized Person issue a PTW and state that no earths are applied as well as special precautions to ensure Safety from the System. Only single-ended insulated tools must be used for work on batteries. REPLACEMENT OF DEFECTIVE CELLS WHILE THE BATTERY IS CONNECTED TO THE LOAD AND/OR THE BATTERY CHARGERMUST BE AVOIDED. WHEN UNAVOIDABLE, IT MUST BE DONE ACCORDING TO AN APPROVED PROCEDURE.

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This Appendix addresses the requirements for Personal Protective Equipment for employees of Abu Dhabi Distribution Company (ADDC), visitors and contractors when entering work areas and when doing work on Equipment. Protective Equipment must be worn by all employees, visitors and contractors when entering locations where Equipment is housed or when work is performed on Equipment. The specific requirements for the protective equipment are described in an Approved Specification document. ADDC employees has been identified and categorized with the respective PPE requirements as follows: Category 1 Management Foot protection - Safety Shoes Head protection Hard Hat Eye protection Sun Glasses Category 2A Engineers and Supervisors (Power) (NFPA70E: Table 130.7(C)(8) Standards on Protective Equipment) Body protection Shirts and Trousers, Arc flash suit Foot protection - Safety Shoes Head protection Hard Hat Hand protection Electrical insulated gloves, Leather gloves Eye and Face protection Arc flash face shield, Sun Glasses Category 2B - Engineers and Supervisors (Water) Body protection Shirts and Trousers Foot protection - Safety Shoes Head protection Hard Hat Hand protection General cotton gloves, Leather gloves Eye and Face protection Goggle, Sun Glasses Category 2C - Engineers and Supervisors (Projects & AMD) Body protection Shirts and Trousers Foot protection - Safety Shoes Head protection Hard Hat Eye and Face protection Sun Glasses
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Category 3A Workforce (Technician, Electrician, Mechanics, etc) Power - (NFPA70E: Table 130.7(C)(8) Standards on Protective Equipment) Body protection Coverall Foot protection - Safety Shoes Head protection Hard Hat Hand protection Electrical insulated gloves, Leather gloves Eye and Face protection Arc flash face shield, Sun Glasses Category 3B Workforce (Technician, Electrician, Mechanics, etc) Water Body protection Coverall Foot protection - Safety Shoes Head protection Hard Hat Hand protection General cotton gloves, Leather gloves Eye and Face protection Arc flash face shield, Sun Glasses Category 3C Workforce (Technician, Electrician, Mechanics, etc) Other Body protection Coverall Foot protection - Safety Shoes Head protection Hard Hat Hand protection General cotton gloves, Leather gloves for Operators and F/R gloves for Welders. Eye and Face protection Goggles and Face Shield (chemical) for Operators and Goggles, Welding Face Shield for Welders Category 4A Laboratory - Chemist Protective clothing recommended in the OSHA standard 29 CFR 1910.132 include lab coats, aprons and face shields Foot Protection (29 CFR 1910.136): Protective footwear (shoe covers) shall be worn to prevent the spread of contamination of chemical hazards or biological pathogens. Special footwear (non-conductive, chemical resistant and thermal) may be required based upon work conditions. Head protection Hard Hat (when required) Hand protection (29 CFR 1910.132): Appropriate hand protection shall be used in chemical laboratory procedures involving hazardous substances (chemically resistant, latex and nitrile gloves) and temperature extremes, corrosive, caustic or toxic materials (chemically resistant, insulating and rubber gloves). Eye and Face protection Goggles and Face Shield, Eyewash and Shower Stations (OSHA 29 CFR 1910.151/ANSI 2358.11990) Respiratory Protection (29 CFR 1910.134): Major Requirements depend on the materials handled/exposed to. It is recommended to refer to OSHA standard 29 CFR 1910.134 for respiratory protection selection (face masks, respiratory mask, SCBA, etc.) Category 4B Laboratory - Samplers
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Body protection Coverall (29 CFR 1910.132) Foot protection (29 CFR 1910.136): Protective footwear shall be worn to prevent the spread of contamination of chemical hazards or biological pathogens (shoe covers). Special footwear (non-conductive, chemical resistant and thermal) may be required based upon work conditions. For sampling work in the environment, impermeable, steel-toed boots must be worn. Head protection Hard Hat (29 CFR 1910.135) Hand protection (29 CFR 1910.132): Chemical Resistant gloves, Cotton gloves, latex and nitrile gloves, insulating and rubber gloves. Eye and Face protection Goggles and Face Shield and Eyewash solutions (OSHA 29 CFR 1910.151/ANSI 2358.11990) Hearing Protection (29 CFR 1910.25): Hearing protection devices (earplugs and ear muffs) are required in any area where noise levels are equal to or greater than 90 dB for an 8 hour time weighted average. Respiratory Protection (29 CFR 1910.134): Refer to OSHA standard 29 CFR 1910.134 for respiratory protection selection (face masks, dust masks, full face respirators, SCBA, etc.) Caution Signs or barricade tape for any sampling taking place High Visibility Safety Vest

Category 5 Meter Readers Body protection Uniforms Head protection - Cap Foot protection Safety shoes Category 6 Drivers Body protection Uniforms Head protection Hard hat Foot protection Safety shoes When work is performed at specific locations, additional PPE may be required as listed: Batteries - As for Chemical laboratories The recommended PPE to be worn when work is done in battery rooms is: gas-tight goggles or face screens boiler suit special aprons special gloves gum boots

Overhead Lines (NFPA70E: Table 130.7(C)(8) Standards on Protective Equipment)

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Safety Harness Arc flash face shield/suit when working within the arc flash boundary

Cables (NFPA70E: Table 130.7(C)(8) Standards on Protective Equipment) F/R gloves when doing heat shrink joint. F/R coverall when doing heat shrink joint.

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Effective Date : 01/02/2012 Procedure #: IR.GN.01 Issue: 3 Revision: 0 Page 120 of 153 Approved by: Managing Director

This procedure establishes the minimum requirements for the lockout and/or tagout of Equipment or other energy sources. It shall be used to ensure that Equipment are isolated from all potentially hazardous energy sources, and locked out and/or tagged out before employees perform any work where the unexpected start-up or release of stored energy could cause injury. 2 DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this document the following definition applies Lockout/Tagout Installation of lock(s) and tag(s) on the Equipment and Isolation Devices to ensure that work can be performed safely. The lock(s) and tag(s) ensure that the Equipment and Isolating Device(s) or system(s) they isolate and/or control, cannot be operated until the lock(s) and tag(s) are removed. A device that utilizes a positive means such as a lock to hold an energy isolating device in a safe position and prevent the energizing of a machine or equipment. A prominent warning device, such as a tag and a means of attachment, which can be securely fastened to an energy isolating device in accordance with an established procedure, to indicate that the energy isolating device and the equipment being controlled may not be operated until the tagout device is removed.

Lockout Device.

Tagout Device.


3.1 When work is to be carried out on or near to Equipment, an Authorised Person / Senior Authorized Person shall assess the means of achieving Safety from the System. When the Authorised Person / Senior Authorized Person decides it is necessary to confirm these instructions in writing, he shall issue a Safety Document. The Equipment shall be identified and the Control Person shall prepare it for release from Operational Service The Authorised Person / Senior Authorized Person shall ensure that the Equipment is Isolated and that Points of Isolation are established for the work

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For electrical Equipment the Authorised Person / Senior Authorized Person shall assess the situation, check for and confirm no volts using an Approved voltage testing device and then discharge the Equipment. The voltage indicator must be tested immediately before and after use. For work on electrical Equipment, Primary Earths shall be applied within the zone established by the Points of Isolation. Where reasonably practicable the Primary Earths shall be Locked. Approved Caution notices (Safety Tag) shall be attached to the Point of Isolation. The contents of the Equipment shall be adjusted to a level which avoids all Danger. Where drain valves are used they shall, where practicable, be Locked in the appropriate position Where Danger could arise from pressurisation, the Equipment shall be Vented. The emissions shall be dissipated so as to avoid Danger. Where reasonably practicable drain vents shall be Locked open

3.2 The following procedures for the different Lockout Devices can be used to secure the Safety Precautions: 3.2.1 3.2.2 Fixed Key Safe A Key Safe that is permanently fixed in the substation. The Authorised Person shall place the Safety Keys securing the safety precautions in a Key Safe The Key Safe shall be Locked by a Key Safe Key. The Key Safe Key shall be removed and handed over to the competent person The Authorised Person shall further secure the Key Safe by locking using the Control Key. Portable Key Safe A Key Safe that can be taken by the Authorised Person to the Points of Isolation. Where the Points of Isolation is not close to a substation, and it is unpractical to drive long distances to place the Safety Keys in a Fixed Key Safe, a Portable Key safe can be used. In this case the Authorised Person / Senior Authorized Person will keep the Portable Key safe in safe custody for the duration of the work. The Authorised Person / Senior Authorized Person shall place the Safety Keys securing the safety precautions in a Key Safe The Key Safe shall be Locked by a Key Safe Key. The Key Safe Key shall be removed and handed over to Competent Person The Authorised Person / Senior Authorized Person shall further secure the Key Safe by locking using the Control Key and keep the Key Safe in safe custody.

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Multi Clasp When a Multi-clasp is used to secure selected single Points of Isolation, then a control padlock will be attached by the Authorised Person / Senior Authorized Person An additional Safety Lock will be attached by each Competent Person.

Examples of Examples of Lockout/Tagout Devices can be found in Addendum A.

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Effective Date : 01/02/2012 Procedure #: IR.GN.01 Issue: 3 Revision: 0 Page 123 of 153 Approved by: Managing Director

This document describes the procedures to be adopted for working on Standby Generator Sets. 2 DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this document the following definitions apply. Safety Notices being one of the following:Danger Notice An Approved notice reading Danger which is attached to Equipment and structures outside the boundary marking to warn of electrical or mechanical Dangers.

Terms printed in bold type are as defined in the Safety Rules. 3 EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION Equipment on which work is to be carried out must be readily identifiable. Where necessary a means of identification must be fixed to it which will remain effective throughout the course of the work. 4 DANGERS The main Dangers to personnel arising from work on standby generator sets are: 1. Electrical shock when working on the electrical system of the generator and the drive motor is inadvertently started. 2. Injuries due to the movement of rotating parts when the drive motor is inadvertently started 5 WORK ON OR NEAR STANDBY GENERATORS When work is to be done near or on Standby Generators, the Authorised Person must assess the work and decide if the work must proceed under a Permit to Work or a Limited Access Permit to achieve Safety from the System. 5.1 If the work does not involve the requirement for Primary Earths, the Authorised Person must assess the work and decide if the work can proceed by giving clear instructions, or where Safety of the System cannot be achieved through instructions a Limited Access Permit must be issued.

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If the work involves the application of Primary Earths, Points of Isolation must be established and a Permit to Work must be issued for the work to proceed. The following must be considered as Points of Isolation to achieve Safety from the System when working on Standby Generators: The electrical connections from the generator stator at the switchgear. The electrical connections from the generator rotor (excitation) at the feed panel. The electrical connection from the battery to the starter motor of the diesel engine. If work involves the testing of the generator, Points of Isolation must be established and a Sanction for Test must be issued. The following must be considered: No other Permits to Work or Sanctions for Test must be out on the generator set. The Competent Person must ensure that all induced energy is drained after testing is completed and before work can continue. The work area must be barricaded to prevent unauthorised people entering the work area and Safety Signs posted at the boundary of the demarcated area.



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Effective Date : 01/02/2012 Procedure #: IR.GN.01 Issue: 3 Revision: 0 Page 125 of 153 Approved by: Managing Director


HIGH VOLTAGE SWITCHING OF EQUIPMENT THAT CAN BE OPERATED REMOTELY - OTHER THAN FOR EMERGENCY PURPOSES Equipment fitted with the facility should whenever possible, be operated from the remote location for Operational and Safety Switching. Remote operation is only allowed on circuit breakers and isolators. Under no circumstances will earthing devices be operated remotely.


Before HV Operational and Safety Switching instructions are issued by the appropriate Control Person, they must be recorded giving the name of the Location(s) at which the instructions are to be carried out, the circuit name and full identification of the Equipment that will be switched remotely as well as full identification of the Equipment that will be switched locally and the effect of the operations. The Control Person must give HV Operational and Safety Switching instructions direct to the Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person who is going to carry out the local operation. When Portable Primary Earths are to be applied or removed to achieve Safety from the System, the instructions must be given directly to an Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person. When HV Operational and Safety Switching is to be carried out by a person under training, he must be under the Supervision of an Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person who has also received the instructions direct from the Control Person. The Control Person must give HV Operational and Safety Switching instructions to the Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person in two parts as detailed below: An explanation of the overall objective of the subsequent operations including the identity and Location of the Equipment involved. It is not necessary to record this part of the instruction The formal precise instructions should follow a standard pattern and include The names of the Control Person giving the instruction and Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person receiving the instruction





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The Location at which the Equipment operates

Effective Date : 01/02/2012 Procedure #: IR.GN.01 Issue: 3 Revision: 0 Page 126 of 153 Approved by: Managing Director

the actual operational requirement, including the Equipment that will be switched from a remote location the time and date of the instruction

1.6 The Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person recipient of the HV Operational and Safety Switching instructions must write them down and repeat them back phrase by phrase as received. At the end of the message the instructions must be read back in full to ensure that they have been accurately received and understood. The instruction should be recorded in the Log Books at the substation and Control Centre before the instruction is carried out. 1.7 When carrying out HV Operational and Safety Switching instructions the recipient must observe the following requirements The Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person must be deliberate, neither rushing nor causing undue delay and must take nothing for granted The Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person must take with him the written instruction, consulting it and checking that he is on the correct Equipment before taking any action The Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person must then pause and recheck his proposed action before proceeding After carrying out each operation the Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person must tick off that operation and check by all means readily available that each step has been satisfactorily completed After each remote operation of Equipment, the Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person must observe the status of the equipment and check by all means readily available that the Equipment has operated satisfactorily. After a circuit breaker or isolator has been opened remotely, for Safety Switching, the Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person must switch the Local/Remote selector switch to the Local position. When a piece of Equipment shows any sign of distress, its condition must be reported immediately to the appropriate Control Person before continuing with the instructions. All persons must be warned that a potential hazard exists
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Before an overhead line or cable circuit earth switch is closed, any Circuit identification must be checked and added to the instruction by the Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person. Equipment that is normally Locked must only be unlocked immediately before being operated and then relocked immediately after it has been operated The recipient must also endorse his instructions with the time of the completion of the operation or sequence of operations. 1.8 Following HV Operational and Safety Switching the recipient of the instructions must comply with the following requirements record the time of completion of the operations, together with any Circuit Identification report back to the appropriate Control Person the operations carried out, the time of completion and any Circuit Identification involved. 1.9 The appropriate Control Person must record the completion of the HV Operational and Safety Switching and any Circuit Identification. He must also give the sender confirmation of the time of receipt which must be recorded together with the name of the Control Person. He must also acknowledge, by repeating back to the sender, any relevant additional information passed to him. 1.10 All recorded Operational and Safety Switching instructions must be written legibly and indelibly. Records should be retained for a minimum period of one year.

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This Appendix applies the principles established by the Company System Safety Rules to ensure the safety of personnel of the Company involved in the commissioning and connection of equipment to the System. 2. DEFINITION Terms printed in bold type are as defined in the Company System Safety Rules. IDENTIFICATION OF EQUIPMENT All Equipment on which commissioning tests are to be witnessed/done by personnel of the company must be readily identifiable. Where necessary an Approved means of temporary identification must be attached, which will remain effective throughout the duration of the work. 4. DANGERS The main Dangers to personnel involved in commissioning tests are electric shock and burns when exposed to equipment energized during the commissioning tests. GENERAL CONDITIONS During the construction and commissioning period the equipment is still under the control of the contractors and the Company SSR can not be applied when tests are performed by the contractor. Only when the Equipment is handed over to ADDC can the SSR be applied. COMMISSIONING TESTS BY CONTRACTOR When the contractor performs commissioning tests by applying a source of supply and an employee of ADDC is required to witness the tests to verify the correct operation of the Equipment, the following will apply: The test shall be done by an approved testing and commission engineer The tests will be performed by the contractor according to an Approved Lockout Tagout procedure. The ADDC employee witnessing the tests must be a Competent Person / Senior Authorized Person. The safety precautions implemented by the contractor must be equivalent to the required safety precautions for the issuing of a SFT under the Company SSR. The contractor must be in possession of a Safety Document equivalent to a SFT under the Company SSR. The Safety Document must be issued by the Contract Engineer.
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The Competent Person can only witness the correctness of the test and the test results and cannot operate the test equipment. If the Competent Person / Senior Authorized Person is not satisfied with the Safety Precautions implemented by the contractor, the following procedure must be followed: He must immediately stop the work and withdraw all employees of the Company that may be in danger if the tests are continued. He must inform the ADDC Project Engineer/HSEQ Dept. of the unsafe conditions. The ADDC Project Engineer/HSEQ Dept. must resolve the matter with the Contract Engineer so that the tests can continue. 7. COMMISSIONING TESTS BY COMPETENT PERSON (ADDC) If it is necessary for a Competent Person / Senior Authorized Person from ADDC to perform commissioning tests on existing equipment before the Equipment has been officially handed over for Operation, the following procedure must be followed: In case of contractor did the work, the contractor agreed that the tests can be performed by a Competent Person / Senior Authorized Person from ADDC. A contractor staff member must be a member of the Working Party to witness the tests. The Commissioning Engineer/Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person and the Competent Person inspect the Equipment and satisfy themselves that the tests can be performed safely. The Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person implements the Safety Precautions on the Equipment to ensure the safety of the Working Party. The Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person issues a SFT to the Competent Person and endorses the Safety Document with the following statement: Equipment under Commissioning. On completion of the tests, the Competent Person clears the Safety Document. The Authorized Person / Senior Authorized Person cancels the Safety Document 8. 8.1 HANDOVER OF EQUIPMENT TO ADDC AND ISSUING OF A CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE When the contractor completed the work and commissioning tests on the Equipment and it needs to be handed over to ADDC, the following will apply. All Equipment to be handed over to ADDC must be readily identifiable. Where necessary an Approved means of temporary identification must be attached, which will remain effective until a means of permanent identification is implemented. The contractor informs ADDC that the Equipment has been commissioned and is ready for handover. Energization clearance Certificate shall be signed by all concerned parties and planning for energization
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If the Commissioning Engineer is not satisfied that all commissioning tests has been performed, and require ADDC staff to perform additional tests on Equipment, the procedure as described in paragraph 7 (above) must be followed. If the Commissioning Engineer is satisfied that all commissioning tests have been performed and that the Equipment is ready to be taken over by ADDC and energization clearance certificate has been approved and equipment has been energized then a Clearance Certificate or announcement shall be issued to all concerned parties for the Equipment must be completed.


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Effective Date : 01/02/2012 Procedure #: IR.GN.01 Issue: 3 Revision: 0 Page 131 of 153 Approved by: Managing Director

PUBLIC SAFETY NEAR OVERHEAD LINES This Appendix outlines the principles for ensuring the safety of the public when approaching and/or working near overhead lines. The Appendix is complementary to the Company System Safety Rules and provides general guidance towards the requirements to make the general public aware of the dangers and safe distances associated with overhead lines.

DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this document the following definition applies Overhead Line Towers The structures that support the electrical equipment and conductors at a certain height above ground level. Terms printed in bold type are as described in the Company System Safety Rules.

3 Access to Overhead Line Towers 3.1 Where an overhead line can be accessed by the general public and where it is likely that work can take place near the overhead line, warning notices must be attached to the overhead line towers to inform the public of the following: The Safety Clearance and a statement that any approach by the public within this distance is prohibited. Erection of any type of construction or other building under the line is prohibited. 3.2 Where an overhead line is accessible and a road crosses underneath the line, warning notices must be placed next to the road so that it is clearly visible when approaching the overhead line while driving on the road and must inform the public of the following: The voltage at which the overhead line operates. The maximum safe height from ground level of any vehicle or structure to pass underneath the line. 4 GROUND CLEARANCE 4.1 Guidelines for the vertical distance to ground of overhead conductors at voltages 750 V to 22 kV are given in IEEE C2-2002 Table 232-1 page 74. 4.2 According to rule 232 C.1.a (page 73) the vertical distance to ground for overhead conductors at a voltage higher than 22 kV is increased by 10mm/kV in excess of 22 kV.
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4.3 The following table shows the vertical distances from the conductor to ground for overhead conductors according to IEEE C2-2002 and the Maximum Safe Height from ground for vehicles crossing underneath the line: Nature of surface underneath wires, conductors, or cables Roads, streets, and other areas subject to truck traffic Maximum Safe Height from Ground Open Conductors: 750 V to 22 kV Open Conductors: 33 kV

5.6 meter

5.71 meter



The Maximum Safe Height is calculated by subtracting the Safety Clearance from the Minimum Ground Clearance of the conductor.

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General The location of eyewash fountains and emergency showers must be known by all laboratory staff and entrants. Before beginning a procedure, one must list all hazards involved in order to take all necessary safety precautions. Eating, drinking, and smoking must not be permitted in laboratory areas. Break rooms should be available for that use. Food products must be stored in separate non-lab refrigerators specifically reserved for that use. Unsafe equipment (i.e. defective, uncelebrated) must be identified, removed from service and reported to Laboratory Manager. Because unattended equipment and reactions are major causes of fire, floods, and explosions, utility connections (gas, electricity, water) must be regularly checked by a qualified engineer/plumber. Properly label all containers. Wear approved eye and face protection suitable for the work at hand. Safety glasses or goggles should be worn at all times while working with chemicals at the counter or laboratory hood. A face shield should be worn when working with potentially eruptive substances. Ensure that all visitors and non-lab staff to observe Safety Rules for Visitors. Wear protective gloves and clothing whenever handling corrosive, toxic, or other hazardous chemicals. Wear closed-toe shoes at all times in the lab. Check that guards are provided on moving parts of mechanical apparatus to prevent hazardous contact. Maintain lab areas reasonably neat and uncluttered. Use the fume hood for all operations involving harmful gases or fumes and for flammable or explosive materials. Check the hood to see that it is operating adequately and has been inspected within the last year.

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Use a safety shield or barrier to protect against explosion, implosion, and flash fires when performing reactions with large volume of flammable liquids or unstable material. Inspect glassware for cracks, sharp edges, and contamination before using. Broken or chipped glassware should be repaired and polished or discarded. Always use a lubricant when inserting glass tubing into rubber stoppers or grommets. Broken glass should be put in impervious containers that are large enough to completely contain the glass. These containers are to be placed into the building trash dumpsters by laboratory personnel. Do not handle radioactive isotopes without oversight from the laboratory manager/supervisor. Hazardous waste must be handled and disposed as per the company procedure. 2Chemical Handling Transport dangerous or flammable liquids in a safety pail or other adequate secondary containment. Prevent containers from tipping when transporting on a cart. Take extra precautions when working with large quantities of reactants. Use caution when adding anything to a strong acid, caustic, or oxidant. When adding solids (boiling chips, charcoal, etc.) to a liquid, check that it isn't hot. Keep the mouth of any vessel being heated pointed away from any person. When working with biohazardous material, guard against infection by skin contact, inhalation of aerosols, and contamination of food and beverages. Known carcinogens, mutagens, and teratogens should not be used or stored in normal laboratory situations. Such substances require extreme precaution, tight security, limited access, secondary containers. Flammable liquids should only be heated with steam, hot water or a grounded heating mantle. Check the area for possible flames or electrical sparks. When not in use, laboratory natural gas lines should be shut off at the line valve rather than at the equipment. Whenever possible, position energized electrical equipment, or other devices that may emit sparks or flame, at least six inches above the floor.
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Properly ground electrical equipment.

Effective Date : 01/02/2012 Procedure #: IR.GN.01 Issue: 3 Revision: 0 Page 135 of 153 Approved by: Managing Director

Laboratory electrical equipment should have a three-conductor cord that connects to a grounded electrical outlet, unless the equipment is dual-insulated. Store strong oxidants (e.g., nitrates, chlorates, perchlorates, peroxides) in a dry area apart from organic materials. Use a specially designed wash-down laboratory hood for heated perchloric acid digestions. 3Chemical Storage All containers of hazardous chemicals must have a label attached. Labels on manufactured hazardous chemicals must include: a. The common name of the chemical; b. The name, address and emergency phone number of the manufacturer; and c. An appropriate hazard warning. The warning may be a single word "danger", "warning" and "caution" - or may identify the primary hazard, both physical (i.e., water-reactive, flammable or explosive) and health (i.e., carcinogen, corrosive, or irritant) hazard. The laboratory supervisor is responsible for obtaining the MSDSs for the chemicals used in his/her laboratory. Whenever possible, store flammable solvents in NFPA-approved flammable liquid storage cabinets or approved solvent storage rooms. If storing more than 10 gallons of flammable liquids in a laboratory, a flammable liquid cabinet MUST be used. Pay careful attention to peroxide-forming compounds. Organic peroxides may detonate by shock, friction, or heat. Compounds with dangerous tendencies to form peroxides by reaction with oxygen have a limited shelf life. They should be dated on opening, and should in no case be stored for longer than one year. Keep caustics stored below eye level. The major classes of corrosive chemicals are strong acids and bases, dehydrating agents, and oxidizing agents. These chemicals can erode the skin and the respiratory epithelium and are particularly damaging to the eyes. Store corrosives in cabinets, under the hood or on low shelves, preferably in impervious trays to separate them physically from other groups of chemicals. Keep containers that are not in use in storage areas and off bench tops.
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Keep glass containers of chemicals off the floor - unless they are inside protective containers or pans that are kick-proof. 4Pressure and Vacuum Systems Plan and provide for the possibility of explosion prior to conducting experiments that develop high pressure or vacuum. Heat reactants only in a system with an approved pressure release. Wait for pressure to be released before opening a pressurized vessel (autoclave, etc.). Secure compressed gas cylinders in an upright position at all times to prevent from falling. Keep protective caps in place when moving or storing gas cylinders. Keep flammable gas cylinders away from exits and oxygen cylinders. When moving cylinders with a lift truck or hand truck, make sure there is an approved rack or securing device. Never use oxygen as a substitute for compressed air. Do not use oil on gauges or regulators for oxidizing gases. Oxygen under pressure reacts violently with oil or grease. Never use compressed gas from a cylinder without a reduction of pressure through a suitable pressure regulator. Pressure adjusting screws on regulators shall always be FULLY RELEASED BEFORE the regulator is attached to a cylinder. Always open the valves on cylinders slowly. Do not stand in front of pressure regulator gauge faces when opening cylinder valves. Do not strike valves with tools, or use excessive force in making connections. Avoid mixtures of acetylene and oxygen or air prior to use except at a standard torch. Cylinders not provided with fixed hand wheel valves shall have keys or handles provided on valve stems at all times when cylinders are in use. Cylinders should not be dropped, bumped violently, skidded or rolled horizontally. Compressed gas cylinders are high-pressure vessels and should be handled accordingly. Do not store cylinders in direct sun, or in boiler or furnace rooms.

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5Container Handling Properly label all containers.

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Chemical transport containers are not to be used for non-compatible chemicals or for food products at any time. All containers should have a lid at all times except during an active experiment. Refrigeration of flammable materials must be done in spark-proof or explosion-proof refrigerators. 6Chemical Spills and Waste Disposal Devise a plan to deal with small spills before one occurs. POST the plan in the lab and get appropriate equipment. Quickly and thoroughly clean up any liquid or solid chemical spill in the laboratory or area of operations. Dispose of chemical wastes by approved methods only. Unwanted or no-longer-useful chemicals are chemical wastes. Contact EH & S Department for waste disposal guidelines. Reagent bottles should be thoroughly cleaned of any hazardous material prior to disposal. Clean glass reagent bottles can usually be recycled. Label all waste containers with "Hazardous waste" plus a chemical description, BEFORE adding waste. Keep all waste containers closed except when adding waste and keep the waste in the room where it was generated.

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Microbiology Laboratory Safety Rules

Each Employee working in a microbiology laboratory must follow the rules and Safety procedures listed below. General Safety Rules No food or drinks are permitted in the laboratory at any time. Only closed-toe shoes are to be worn in the laboratory. Sandals are not permitted. Keep hands and other objects away from your face, nose, eyes, ears, and mouth. The Application of cosmetics in the laboratory is prohibited in the laboratory Work areas/surfaces must be disinfected before and after use. Laboratory coats must be worn and buttoned while in the laboratory. Laboratory coats should not be worn outside the laboratory. Protective eyewear must be worn when performing any exercise or procedure in the laboratory. Long hair should be secured behind your head. Hands must be washed before leaving the laboratory. All unnecessary books, purses, briefcases, etc., must be kept off the countertops. Never pipette anything by mouth (including water). Always use pipetting devices. Label all materials with your name, date, and any other applicable information (e.g., media, organism, etc.). Dispose of wastes in their proper containers (see Biohazard Waste Disposal below). When handling chemicals note the hazard code on the bottle and take the appropriate precautions indicated. Do not pour chemicals down the sink. Return all chemicals, reagents, cultures, and glassware to their appropriate places. Do not pour biohazard fluids down the sink. Glassware should be washed with soap and water, and then rinsed with distilled water. Flame transfer loops, wires, or needles before and immediately after use to transfer biological material. Do not walk about the laboratory with transfer loops, wires, needles, or pipettes containing infectious material. Be careful around Bunsen burners. Flames cannot always been seen. Turn off incinerators before leaving the laboratory. Report any broken equipment. Immediately, report any broken glass, especially those containing infectious materials. If you are injured in the laboratory, immediately contact the HSE officer. Any chemical or biological fluid spills must be immediately reported to the HSE officer. Follow all instructors given by your Supervisor & HSE Officer for cleaning up any spills or broken glass.
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Familiarize yourself with safety equipment in the laboratory and emergency escape routes. Always wipe and clean the lenses of your microscope before putting it away. Use the appropriate tissue paper and cleaning solution for this purpose. Use appropriate universal precautions with all biological fluids. Do not remove any materials from the laboratory without the written permission from your supervisor.

Biohazard Waste Disposal Dispose of items in the special receptacles as indicated below. If you have a question regarding the proper disposal of an item, please ask your Supervisor and HSE Officer (if any). Material Agar slants material Method of Disposal Place tube upright in indicated test tube rack but place caps in basket as indicated and sterilize them Leave in container with closed cap Follow specific instructions given by Supervisor to handle and dispose it. Place tube upright in indicated test tube rack with caps left on the tube and sterilize before disposal. Broken glass container Broken glass container Bench top disinfectant/discard can Sharps container Biohazard orange/red or white bag



Biological liquids (not in test tubes)

Biological liquids in test tubes

Broken glass (contaminated) Broken glass (not contaminated) Cotton Swabs (contaminated) Needles, glass slides, syringes, pipettes, Other types of sharps Petri dishes and contaminated solids (other than pipettes or swabs container Transfer pipettes (contaminated) Non contaminated paper

Bench top disinfectant/discard can Regular trash

In general, non contaminated items that pose no threat as a sharp object capable of causing injury can be disposed by placing them in the regular trash. All sharps contaminated or not, should be discarded into the sharps container. All other contaminated materials should sterilized first and discard them as ADWEA HSE Regulations.

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This appendix describes the procedures to be adopted for the use of Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (MEWP) and ladders. 2 DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this document the following definitions apply. Terms printed in bold type are as defined in the Safety Rules. 3 EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION Equipment on which work is to be carried out must be readily identifiable. Where necessary a means of identification must be fixed to it which will remain effective throughout the course of the work. 4 DANGERS

The main Dangers to personnel arising from the use of Mobile Elevated Work Platforms and ladders are: Fall from heights when adequate means are not taken to prevent falls. Fall from heights when the MEWP and/or ladder is not secure and fall over. Electrocution when work is performed near or on overhead lines. Injuries when the MEWP is struck by a vehicle while parked on a road to do work on street lights. RISK ASSESSMENT

5.1 The Authorised Person must carry out a specific on site risk assessment to determine the most appropriate measures to be taken to ensure Safety from the System before a MEWP is used. 5.2 Contractors are responsible for preparing their own risk assessments when using a MEWP. This may be carried out using their own forms and must achieve an equivalent standard to SSR. The following guidelines should be taken into account when using Mobile Elevated Work Platforms: Only trained, Authorised Operators must be allowed to operate a MEWP.

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The MEWP is a working platform and should not be used as a crane by suspending loads beneath using slings or any other type of lifting accessory. Never exceed the Safe Working Load (SWL) which is marked on the machine. Safety harnesses/lanyard combinations must only be attached to the anchorage provided by the manufacturer. Lanyards must never be attached to any other object or a structure outside the platform. Never interfere with, wedge or override hydraulic, electrical or mechanical safety devices or controls. Travelling with the platform of a MEWP occupied and raised should not be allowed. When the MEWP is fitted with outriggers, the working platform must only be used when the outriggers is fully extended and chocked. The MEWP must only be used on firm soil to ensure that it remains stable with the working platform raised. If the soil is not firm, suitable outrigger pads must be used to ensure the stability of the MEWP. WORK NEAR HIGH VOLTAGE OVERHEAD LINES

Working near High Voltage Overhead Lines should be avoided but if it cannot be avoided, the following precautions should be taken: Always maintain a safe distance from the overhead line. The minimum distance, measured from the furthest point of outreach to the ground level barrier or point directly beneath the outmost conductor, must be at least 8 meter. A minimum safe distance must always be kept between the overhead lines and the closest point of the MEWP when fully extended. This distance is 15 meter with overhead lines mounted on steel towers and 9 meters with lines mounted on poles of wood, concrete or steel. Theses distances are measured horizontally at ground level from a position vertically below the outmost conductor at the tower pole position.

If it is required to work inside these limits, the Authorised Person must assess the work to be done, issue a Limited Access Permit and work can then proceed according to an Approved procedure. On construction sites where the MEWP have to pass under the overhead lines, ground level barriers must be positioned and goal posts or other means of barriers erected at the place where the machine may pass under the line. If there is no need for the machine to pass under the overhead line, both ground level barriers and high level markers must be placed to keep the machine at a safe distance.

See Demarcation and Approach - Addendum for Examples

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When working on public roads, the following precautions must be followed: Ensure that the operating area is fully cordoned off (demarcated) using cones, warning notices, flashing yellow beacons or other Approved Equipment. Under no circumstances must any part of the MEWP extend or swing into the line of traffic. If it is required to divert the traffic, it must be undertaken by a trained person. When work are to be carried out during hours of darkness at a location where public have access, barriers must be in place with yellow flashing beacons. WORKING AT HEIGHTS WITH LADDERS When working on ladders the Authorised Person must assess the work to ensure General Safety at the work area. The following precautions must be followed: The bottom end of the ladder must be secured to prevent it from slipping. The Authorised Person must evaluate what type of anti-slipping measures must be used. Persons climbing the ladder must obey the three out of four rule. At least two hands and one foot or one hand and two feet must be in contact with the ladder when climbing. The top end of the ladder must be securely fastened to the structure. The ratio of vertical height to horizontal distance from vertical of the bottom of the ladder must be at least four to one (4:1) Only one person is allowed to climb on a ladder at the same time.

8 8.1


When working on ladders in electrical substations or near overhead lines the following must apply; Only wooden ladders or ladders manufactured from reinforced fibreglass must be used. Ladders must always be carried in a horizontal position to prevent contact with the overhead conductors. Workers must not be allowed to work within the prescribed Safety Clearance as applicable to the operating voltage of the equipment. When it is required from workers to work within the Safety Clearance distance, the Authorised Person must assess the work and if necessary, the work must be done following an Approved procedure.

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Addendum A - Operational Switching Instructions Addendum B Safety Switching Instructions Addendum C - Abbreviations and Phrases for use in all Switching Log Books

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Addendum A

Effective Date : 01/02/2012 Procedure #: IR.GN.01 Issue: 3 Revision: 0 Page 144 of 153 Approved by: Managing Director


To ensure all High Voltage Operational Switching instructions are clear and unambiguous, a standard terminology should be adopted. However, some limited transposition of words is permitted to achieve clear phraseology. (+++) () (-----) * ** Name of Substation Name of Circuit Indicates the inclusion of the appropriate terms Delete as appropriate Delete to Charge/Discharge when using an isolator

The recommended terms are as follows:INSTRUCTION 1 AT (+++) SUBSTATION ON () CIRCUIT CHECK SYNCH. ON CIRCUIT BREAKER (-----) ACTION Check all synchronising conditions and report to Control Person. ____________________________________________________________________ INSTRUCTION 2 AT (+++) SUBSTATION ON () CIRCUIT CHECK SYNCH. AND CLOSE CIRCUIT BREAKER (-----) Close circuit breaker using synchronising facilities and report action with load on circuit and current on each phase if possible. _________________________________________________________________ INSTRUCTION 3 AT (+++) SUBSTATION ON () CIRCUIT CLOSE CIRCUIT BREAKER/ISOLATOR*(-----) TO CHARGE Close circuit breaker/isolator, using synchronising override if necessary and report back actions, with charging current on each phase if appropriate. __________________________________________________________________ Action ACTION


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Check MW, MVAr and AMPS on each phase, if possible, and report back readings.

INSTRUCTION 5 AT (+++) SUBSTATION ON () CIRCUIT CHECK NO LOAD AND OPEN CIRCUIT BREAKER/ISOLATOR* (-----) TO DISCHARGE** The operator may have been informed in the opening discussion that some charging current but no MWs should be indicated. If conditions are as expected, the circuit breaker is opened and the action reported back. ____________________________________________________________________ INSTRUCTION 6 AT (+++) SUBSTATION ON () CIRCUIT OPEN CIRCUIT BREAKER/ISOLATOR* (-----) TO DISCHARGE** Action Open circuit breaker or isolator. ____________________________________________________________________ Action

INSTRUCTION 7 AT (+++) SUBSTATION ON () CIRCUIT ON TRANSFORMER (-----) TAP FROM POSITION (-----) TO (---) Action Operate tap changer control to move tap position as instructed. __________________________________________________________________

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Addendum B

Effective Date : 01/02/2012 Procedure #: IR.GN.01 Issue: 3 Revision: 0 Page 146 of 153 Approved by: Managing Director

SAFETY SWITCHING INSTRUCTIONS To ensure all High Voltage Safety Switching instructions are clear and unambiguous, a standard terminology should be adopted. Some limited transposition of words is permitted to achieve clear phraseology. The actions to be taken to establish or remove safety precautions shall be in accordance with Approved procedures. (+++) Name of Substation () Name of Circuit (-----) Indicates the inclusion of the appropriate terms. * Delete as appropriate The recommended terms are as follows:11 FIXED ISOLATING DEVICES AT (+++) SUBSTATION ON () CIRCUIT OPEN (OR CHECK OPEN), AND RENDER INOPERATIVE ISOLATOR (-----)




13 EARTHING AND / OR AUXILIARY TRANSFORMERS (Transformers providing supplies at LV)

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ENTRY ON SAFETY DOCUMENT(-----) Isolated and Busbar/Feeder/Cable/ Transformer/VT/etc* Shutters/Isolators AT (+++) SUBSTATION ON () CIRCUIT RESTORE (-----) TO SERVICE POSITION ON MAIN BUSBAR/FRONT BUSBAR ETC* ___________________________________________________________________ INSTRUCTION


ENTRY ON SAFETY DOCUMENT (-----) in Busbar/Feeder/Cable/Transformer etc* Earth Position INSTRUCTION AT (+++) SUBSTATION ON () CIRCUIT OPEN AND REMOVE (-----) FROM THE BUSBAR/FEEDER/CABLE/TRANSFORMER ETC* EARTH POSITION ____________________________________________________________________
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AT (+++) SUBSTATION ON () CIRCUIT REMOVE EARTHS FROM (DESCRIPTION OF POSITION) __________________________________________________________________

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Addendum C

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Forms List 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Authorization Certificate Authorized Person Authorization Certificate Control Person Competent Certificate Competent Person Competent Certificate (Contractor) Authorized Certificate (Contractor) HSE Staff Certificate (Contractor) Permit To Work (HV) Permit to Work (LV) Permit to Work Mechanical Limited Access Permit Sanction for Test Transfer Of Safety Document Record Of Inter-System Safety Precautions (RISSP) form Hot work Permit Confined Space Permit Excavation Permit Clearance Certificate De-Clearance Certificate

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IR.G GN.01

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