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are 3 times when Heavenly Father spoke that are mentioned in the scriptures. Do you know when they are? These scriptures will tell you the answers (Senior will find the scriptures, Junior Ill omit the scriptures and simply tell them as I hang up each picture). 1. Matthew 3: 16-17 behind this scripture is picture Jesus Christ being baptized [Gospel Art Book picture #35] 2. 3 Nephi 11: 6-8 behind this scripture is The Savior appearing to the Nephites [Gospel Art Book picture #82] 3. Joseph Smith History 1:17 behind this scripture is The first vision [Gospel Art Book picture #90] What did Heavenly Father say at each of these events (hint: Its the exact same thing!) [This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!] Write the answer on the chalkboard with chalk above the 3 pictures. Were going to be learning a song that talks about all these great events. Listen to the song on CD (Disc 2, track # 22). Have the children listen to the 1st verse and answer the following : 1. a one-syllable word that is sung on three notes [hear] 2. Heavenly Father didnt just say, This is my Son. He used a word that described his great love for his Son. [Beloved] Using the piano, learn the phrase This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him! Break it down by singing Hear Him! first. Pitch lead with your hand when you sing Hear and have them follow you. When everyone has it memorized, continue on with the rest of the phrase. Sing it several times having the children repeat it until they have it memorized. Go back to the CD and answer these questions for the 1st verse: 3. The song doesnt say Heavenly Father spoke from heaven. Another of his names is used. What is it? [God, the Father]* 4. When and where was Jesus baptized? [When His work had just begun!] and [in Jordans waters]* Sing the 1st verse using the piano then go on with the 2nd verse, answering the below questions using the CD: 5. The Nephites heard the Father testify that this was his Beloved Son. The song uses another word for testify. What is it? [Witness]* 6. What words describe how the Savior looked as the Nephites gazed into heaven? [White- robed]* Sing the 2nd verse using the piano then go on with the 3rd verse, answering the below questions using the CD: 7. The song doesnt say Joseph saw two beings, they are described as this [glorious]* 8. How did they appear to Joseph Smith? [Shining brighter than the sun]* *Write the answers in each verse (which will be key words) underneath the pictures on the chalkboard

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