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Lips of an Angel ch 1 by Mary

Saturday, January 12, 2013 8:21pm

Ring Ring Ring.

The house phone rang inside Myungsoos home; sitting in his chair near his desk thinking of what to write, he took a moment to answer it. Hello.

Myungsoo, the other line responded softly.

Honey, why are you calling me so late? Its kinda hard to talk right now. All he hears on the other line are
sniffs and hard breathing. Honey why are you crying? Is everything okay? I gotta whisper cause I cant be too loud.

Is he there? the other line asks.

Yeah, Myungsoo answers. His current boyfriend was living at his place and was in the next room from the
practice (instrumental) room, where he currently was. He sometimes wished everything would have turned out differently. That his plans would have worked and that he would not have been living in such a misery. In the end, neither really moved on he thought, proof coming from this call. Its really good to hear your voice saying my name again. Pause. It sounds so sweet. In all honesty he really did miss his voice, the voice coming from the lips of an angel, his angel.

Myungsoo, the other line says again.

One more time, Myungsoo says because hearing those words coming from those lips would always make
him feel weak yet alive.

Kim Myungsoo, the other line spoke.

Im here. He would always reply that way on the third call of his name on the previous calls when they
were together and he felt the need to say it one more time. Although everything was different now he just couldnt stop being there for him.

I need to see you Sungyeol says

Does he know youre talking to me? Myungsoo asks. Will it start a fight? worried he asks consecutively.

No, what about Sunggyu, does he suspect anything? Sungyeol questions him as well.

Nah I dont think he has a clue, Myungsoo responds. The phone calls had turned into a routine actually.
They couldnt be together, but they couldnt be apart either. Sungyeol and his phone calls were actually the problem; they were making it difficult for Myungsoo to be faithful to Sunggyu. Well Myungsoo made that his excuse, but the truth was he couldnt reject anything from him -be it a favor or a demand. However, it had been weeks since the last phone call and meeting they tended to have. Myungsoo was always anticipating a call Saturday night. But it took three weeks of him waiting and yearning. It seems Sungyeol finally made time and needed Myungsoo now. Same place alright? he asks.

Yeah, Sungyeol says before he hangs up to take his leave. After the call, Myungsoo hides his cell phone
and searches for Sunggyu.

I have to go out Sunggyu, my brother needs to borrow my laptop again. Myungsoo always puts his
brother in his lies, because he knew that what looks innocent is always accepted in society.

Ok, but dont come too late because we have to practice tomorrow now that the band is backyou hear

Dont worry I sleep enough. He went for his keys and his jacket, and his laptop.Bye. He headed out the

Yes they were a band- Myungsoo (L) the guitarist, Dongwoo the drummer, Sungjong the pianist (keyboard really), Hoya the bassist, and Sunggyu the vocalist. Their band was called Unknown Phantasm and was finally getting back after a terrible break up caused by personal problems from each individual. They were different though, they didnt want to be famous and get lost in music that wasnt their's. In conclusion, they decided to become an underground band only. They were not made to follow contracts nor rules either way. They enjoyed the freedom music gave them and so they liked it that way. But of course they did receive money for performing when asked to.

The next chapter will be the beginning of the past. The journey it took to reach the present. The story will revolve mosly in the past because it's important to know how the couples strong bond was build. Until next time!! ^^

ch 2
Monday, April 27, 2009 11:27am Shit I cant believe I forgot his Birthday gift!! Myungsoo screamed as he ran out of school (during lunch break) to the parking lot towards his uncles, now his, Jeep he received after his fathers death. He wasnt supposed to drive it until he turned 18 and got his license, but where he lived was too dangerous to walk sometimes. He had no other option, so he drove himself and his friends daily to school without getting caught luckily. Sunggyus birthday was tomorrow and he had been too busy lately with work, school, and the band that he forgot to buy him a gift. He already knew what Sunggyu wanted and he was going to go get it real quick during the schools lunch time. Leaving the school was no problem since the people running the ancient buildings where too poor to hire guards. With the money hes been saving from his work at Kims billiard lounge, which he owns after his fathers death from alcohol poisoning, he planned on buying something Sunggyu really wanted. Yes he inherited the building his father had bought to make a business and turned into a responsible owner and worker even at his age of 16. All he is required to do is simple though; make those who want to enter and play in the building from 7pm till midnight pay him an entrance fee, plus manage his money. That was it. He knew school wasnt made for him so he was actually thankful to his father who passed down the business to him. He drove to the music store near his block to the downtown of the city, in the ghetto. Well actually he lived in the middle of the ghetto and the better side, but the store was still in the ghetto. He was also inhereted the house he was currently living at from his father, but only at the age of 18 would he be able to own it by law; in the meantime it was his uncles house. When his father died not so long ago (earlier this year) he was going to be taken away, but the same uncle who gave him the Jeep and took care of the house papers took the responsibility as the rightful guardian for him and his little brother. He requested him to allow him to live alone in his house though, because he wasnt going to change his life and mourn for his alcoholic father. His brother on the other hand was taken away to his uncles place. No

matter how much hate he had towards school, which to him was a waste of time he could use for perfecting his instrumental skills, he still had to at least graduate from high school. It used to be his fathers wish before his addiction to alcohol, so he promised himself he would. As soon as he reached the store he parked, got off his Jeep, and ran to the store only to find out they ran out of Nells new released limited edition album. Fuck now I have to drive to the rich side, he snarled as he headed towards his Jeep again. He drove to the better side of the city, parked, and entered a nice looking music store. It was probably empty because most students were in school at this time, he thought. But when he went in and asked for that one particular album again... Ughhhhh are you serious!! What do you mean you are out of them?!?!?!?! PLEASE!!!! I really need one. You see its my friends birthday tomorrow and he really wanted that album, and I wanted to give it to him as his present! You have to have one more! PLEeeease look again ughhh. Yup he ended up whining from frustration to the store owner who ran out of albums and unfortunately wouldnt get more until two more weeks. As he kept whining, someone came up and tapped his shoulder. Cant you see were busy here, Myungsoo snapped as he turned around to glare at the person interrupting his whining. Sorry I just heard your story and well I actually just picked up my Nell limited edition album that I ordered and bought a week ago just in case they ran out an.. The boy said but obviously wasnt able to finish his sentence due to a certain someone. Hey there~ Myungsoo gave the boy a cheeky smile, but then a second later became serious lets talk business. Seconds later he smirked as he checked the boy out from head to heels and back to the head/face. hmmYour cute how bout an exchange of the album for a date. ehh wat? The boy tilted his head and exposed a confused look. I was just going to sell you my album really, he said. pshhhh Myungsoo gave the boy a cocky smirk and looked as he shook his head. Did you just reject my offer heredo you not see who you are speaking to. Myungsoo actually couldnt believe it. Not once was he ever rejected, he was always the one to reject. But then again this side of the city didnt know him like the other side. I didnt reject, I just wan the boy said unable to finish once again. Ok look how bout you give me your number and Ill call you so we can talk about our date, and the money Ill pay for the album, but hurry up give me your number Im in a hurry. Myungsoo rushed the now slack-jawed boy and instantly took the boys album away. But seeing the boy wasnt moving, he saw a pen in the desk where the cash register was and took the boys left hand to write his number on. He then walked out with the album the boy had bought.

Hey wait!! The boy screamed and ran after Myungsoo who was now about to open his Jeeps door. Myungsoo stopped all movement for a couple of seconds then turned around only to find the boy right in front of him.Look hi Im Sungyeol and how bout you make me a favor in exchange instead? The boy called Sungyeol asked. Myungsoo was now the bewildered one. Say what? I kind of need you to help me with something idiot and hurry tell me if you can? Sungyeol rushed Myungsoo this time. Hesitating Myungsoo continued the conversation. Well it depends what is it you need? I mean I just ran out of school and was planning to go back, but spit it. Ok.well your kinda makes you seem like a bad guy.. and you see I umm I.. I dont have all the time in the world so how bout you say it now or let me return to school? Myungsoo somehow felt insulted. Quickly, very quickly Sungyeol shared his dilemma. Well you see I got in an argument with my mother and left home without my chauffeur this morning and well I got lost and these these guysreally big guys were following me. I dont know why, and well Im kinda scared and lost now. I dont even know my way back home because I was running away to let my mother know I dont need her. Yet it turns out I kinda do. Anyways as I was running I remembered this shop my friend took me to buy Nells album, and so Ive been trapped in there for an hour already. I just need someone to either take those guys over there away, he pointed somewhere or take me home cuz I didnt even bring my phone with me and the shop owner is mean enough to not let me borrow his. Wait He gasped, can I borrow your phone?! Omg how could I have not thought of that! Im an idiot.PLEASE~~ Sungyeol pleaded. He couldnt help acting this way; he was being stalked by some scary weirdos afterall. Myungsoo couldnt believe ithow did the boy manage to talk so fast with hardly any intakes of breath? And now he was pulling his arm begging him to use his phone. At first he wanted to say NO, because the boy, so called Sungyeol, is obviously a rich mommys boy and probably a brat who needs a spanking. But then again looking at his beautiful brown doe eyes, he changed his mind. Sungyeol was too beautiful, and already Myungsoo was imagining himself telling his

friends how he fucked a rich beautiful mommys boy. Hahahaha he laughed in his mind but physically gave out a devilish smile. Who they fucked was always an interesting topic to the band, whether the partner was male or female. He never really tried to court or woo anyone though. The few he slept with or fucked around with just appeared out of nowhere like ghosts in his lap. They came and went but he deemed it wise to refuse any real relationship with anyone. He was in a pretty talented band that was becoming famous in the poor side of the city, after all. That only made it harder for him to fall in love, because most of the ladies near him were idolizing him and not looking deep enough for his love. Anyways, as a rule he and his friends were unfriendly to the rich people from the city. Considering they always saw and treated the downtown people as contagious, monstrous, and poisonous creatures. Thus he was now anticipating a new adventure full of pleasure and interest. Ok BUT he emphasized, you have to go out with me tonight. Sorry cant - I have swimming lessons at 3pm, and piano lessons at 6pm, and then I have to study for my driving test, and call my friends to find out the homework, and plus Im expecting a good punishment coming today. Sungyeol touched a different finger at a time as if counting while pointing out his reasons. Then no, Myungsoo spoke without a care in the world. Ok ok ok how bout Friday evening? I can try to be gone for like an hour I think. He rubbed his fake hair from his chin as he thought of his possibilities of escaping from home. Probably not something he would ever do in his right state of mind, but he was losing it. He got in an argument with his mother for not paying sufficient attention to his best friend, whom is soon to own the company VIACOM. Sungyeols parents own Vivendi Universal Company which tend to make partnerships with VIACOM; therefore they find it essential for him to be Woohyuns best friend. Both Woohyns parents and Sungyeols parents, as shareholders, are looking forward to forming a general partnership for the development of a new airline business. They already own most of the media: major theme parks, entertainment movie studios, TV. /radio broadcast networks and programming, video games and sports entertainment, etc.- so working together is helping one another get more than what they already have. Both families owning a sole-proprietorship business have already worked together before, to which brought them billions of dollars of profit. Investing together to forming a new airline can maximize profits, and any hostile gesture can be dangerous. As consequence, Sungyeol has to have time for perfect grades, swimming sport, external lessons from school, all his friends/teachers/acquaintances, and of course Woohyun his best buddy. But lately he feels exhausted, so he stopped hanging out so much with him to rest a little away from people. He wanted to feel alone and just have the fatigue rush away from him. That need took him to an argument with Woohyun though. First because he was accusing Sungyeol of memory loss and secondly of stealing; according to Woohyun he was forgetting who his best friend was and he couldnt and shouldnt donate money that was his parents and not his. Yes his parents worked their ass off and also their employees to get that money, but

that money was given to Sungyeol for his needs. He didnt find anything else he needed, so instead he would donate all his money to kindergartners, preschools, orphans, hospitals, etc. Apparently though his parents found out about him donating and avoiding Woohyun and everyone else afterschool to go spend some time alone. He got scolded for talking back to his mother and probably grounded as well when he gets home. For the first time in his 16 years (not exactly 17 yet until August) he screamed at his mother and that resulted with a hard slap in his left cheek. He was always an obedient child who was disciplined to extremes, because he had to be perfect. His patience just couldnt take it anymore though, it got shattered and he screamed at his mother "Stop telling me what to do as if youre so perfect, when I see you cheating on father always in that Hyatt hotel!!!" His mother went on ranting her explanations as to why she was in that hotel. Honestly Sungyeol didnt even know if she was cheating or not but every time he went out to donate his money, (every once a month) he saw her entering that hotel with some man. It could have been coincidence or business they were discussing but he needed a fight. He wanted to get angry at his mother so that he can run off and finally spend some time alone. Many hate being alone but he found harmony in the silence. No one speaking to him or telling him what to do was what made him smile the most ever since he turned 15. At that age was when he realized all he was doing was his parents expectations and never his own. He loved his mother because she gave him everything and yes affection too when she could and as much as her work allowed her. Yet at times he found himself being his parents puppet. He also loved Woohyun he really did, but they were too attached like gum and Sungyeol needed his space. His only assumption was his mother thought he was becoming antisocial, and that was a problem for the perfect Lee family. How about Friday night or Saturday night? Just escape from home geez. You dont have to be such a goody tissues all the time. Besides dont you ever have any fun? Myungsoo was really wondering if the kid was joking, or if he really had such a horrible schedule. And thats another reason to add to his list of why Im glad Im not part of a greedy and boring rich family. Youre Right!! he yelled in determination. I should for once have fun a different way besides going out with Woohyun Not that he didnt have fun with Woohyun, but since that was the only person his parents allowed him to go out with he didnt know how to have fun with other people - for instance clubbing, or partying or anything else of the crazy sort. The only fun he knew about always took place in the amusement park (his favorite), the theater, musicals, or normal outings like ice cream time or shopping. For the most part it was because he and Woohyun were not allowed to break the rules because. well they were trained to fear the consequences. Well he thinks its time for a change. If aiming for happiness was to rebel a little then he might as well do it. Alright Ill sneak out of my house on Saturday, but what are the plans? The plans.hmmmm to get in your pants. Poor kid hes so nave, Myungsoo said to himself. We can figure that out later. So where can I pick you up? At your house?

Duh Sungyeol giggled. Its a bit away from the city. I live in the suburbs, the community is called Glamourise. But I recommend you park a bit far away from my house, so I dont get caught. OH! he snapped his fingers. You live in a rich province, and guess what?.. I know where that is. His eyes opened a bit wider as he remembered. He knew about it because he once found it in a news magazine and found it nice and close enough to drive in half a tank, so he decided to find out if the community full of mansions actually existed. Ok yes it did, and he discovered people there were quiet and the streets were empty. His upcoming adventure was becoming more interesting he thought. Great! Now my house number is 50655 Sungyeol said excited. He does realize Im a stranger right..ok maybe hes not the smart kind of rich. Myungsoo said to himself. So give me your number then so that I can call you Its (032)-654-3867 {I made that up ok lol} Sungyeol responded still excited for a change in his life. Ok got it, now Ill see you later then Myungsoo opened his car door after dialing a new contact number in his phone, only to have it abruptly closed again by Sungyeol. Why did you do that for? Dont you remember my little problem? We established you would help meand then take me out. Right?! Sungyeol leaned on the Jeeps door with crossed arms and gave him an annoyed look with pouty lips. Fine. Myungsoo got close to him and boxed him with both his arms stretched out lightly touching each side of Sungyeols shoulders, palms flat on his Jeeps window with pressure. They were really close now and Myungsoo could tell Sungyeol was getting scared. W What are doing? Sungyeol stammered. Helping youremember? Sungyeol gulped as Myungsoo came closer to his face. I dont understand?

Myunsoo tilted his head to his right so that now he lips were near Sungyeols left hear. Well this way those who are following you now know youre not alone anymore He whispered to him and then breathed in his ear purposely. Sungyeol felt the heat rise and run through his body. Feeling a bit immobile he just stood there feeling weird. This feeling was more than just embarrassment and he felt the need to stop it. He moved him apart from him slowly with his hands on Myungsoos chest. Slowly, because he noticed the guys that were chasing him were actually staring at them. They are watching arent they he stated more than questioned. If you want Ill give you a ride instead. He moved completely away from him now. Get in. Without much thought Sungyeol followed his orders because well it was a justifiable choice. Dont take me home please. Im not ready to face my mother again yet. Sungyeol said with a low tone looking down as he sat down on the passenger seat of the Jeep. I guess we can skip school completely then.

Monday, April 27, 2009 12: 15 pm By the way my name is L. Myungsoo informed. Myungsoo was his birth name, but he hardly used it ever since the band was created. His birth-name gave him too many unwanted memories, thats why he decided to change it.So what now? He asked as he was starting the motor. L is a letter from the English alphabet..did your parents know that? They dont existso where do I take you? Sungyeol felt the sour tone of voice and decided to not enter his nose where it is not allowed. Well I would appreciate if you could take me somewhere near my school, that way I can see my friend Woohyun and ask him to hangout. So what way?

I dont know. Sungyeol whined. Oh dear Myungsoo snickered. You live here and you dont know your way around. I only came here once but I can already tell you, you most probably missed the right turn coming this way that takes you to your rich school when you were running away. I dont live here! I ran all the way herewhat felt like miles ok. Plus I dont take myself to school how am I suppose to know my way around? Alright, whatever. Hes cute Myungsoo thought. The next few minutes Myungsoo drove in silence to Sungyeols school. They arrived in 30 minutes due to traffic. What now? Gates seem locked. Park at that caf on your left, its called Inspirit Caf." Sungyeol told him as he was observing from the windows if anyone that knows him was outside of the gates. There is where I will wait for Woohyun to come out of school. Can I borrow your cell phone to let him know? He parked his Jeep. Fine, here. He gave him his cell phone, got out of his Jeep, and locked the doors to enter the caf. His Jeep was old, so he had to lock the doors from the inside (with a button of course that locks and unlocks all doors). Hey wait for me! Sungyeol had to unlock the doors and open the door, then lock them again before he got out of the Jeep. He then ran inside the caf to the table Myungsoo was already planning to sit at. L-shi, you didnt have to lock me inside. He said a bit angry. You were taking too long..So you wanna buy me a coffee? Oh and by the way drop the honorificsthey are not my style Ok." He sat down. Fine, but are you that forgetful, Sungyeol asked with huge open eyes. Remember I ran away from home with nothing on me. He sat down in front of him, with the table separating them. Aish in that case you will pay me later OK. Myungsoo told him a bit annoyed. Sure dont worry, plus you need to pay me for the album too? I just gave u a ride herehow does that not make up for the money?

Hah Myungsoo had almost forgotten that, but either way he was planning on making the boy forget about that payment soon. How sweet he thought to himself Ill get Sunggyus gift for free. Because I decided to go out with you remember.ummmm now order me an Americano please. He said a bit shy. Its a bit unfair, but Ill let it go since you were in a complicated situation. He then stood up and ordered an Americano for Sungyeol and a hot chocolate for himself. In the meantime Sungyeol was texting Woohyun with Myungsoos phone to let him know where he was at. Besides needing a ride, he also wanted to have a serious talk with him. He hates being angry at him though, so he plans on keeping it nonviolent. He hardly gets angry at Woohyun, mostly because they are like brothers; growing up together and always being together influences their actions towards one another. SY Hey meet me at Inspirit Caf. WH Whos this and what for?? SY Its me Sungyeol and because we need to talk! I got mad at my mother this morning. WH I didnt know you got a new number and is that why youre not at school? SY I didnt, this is a friends cell phone Im using. Pretty much yeah. So want to meet up, yes or no? WH Alright Ill meet you there. I hate you for not coming to school today though. I feel lonely without you. SY Sorry!!! ^.^ You know I love you and meet me there ok now bye <3.

Here you go, Myungsoo gave Sungyeol his Americano. Oh Thank YOU! Sungyeol exclaimed happily. Finally after all that stress he can rest drinking his favorite drink. Heres your cell phone. He gave it back. So did you figure out why those guys were following you? ummm probably because ..NOpe I dont know Wow you are very slow.

Hey!.....what do you mean? All I was doing was running away from home, something I never do. I hardly even go out unless its due to traveling for swimming competitions. Well you see that watch your wearing looks pretty expensive, so do your Jordans which by the way dont match with your uniform. But hey I like them. My watch? Its a Breitling Men's Windrider yeah I guess it is expensive. But is that all they wanted? If so then I dont care, they can take it. I mean I have more at home. Gosh I got all freaked out for nothing. I thought they wanted to kill me or something. My dad always says to not get near strangers because they could harm me. Huh guess thats not true hahaha Thats not what I meant to say. Myungsoo sighed annoyed and palmed half his face. They could have planned some sort of ransom you idiot. Aish never mind what time is it. Its 1:05 pm, Sungyeol answered. Ok so why did you run away from home Sungyeol? Sungyeol sighed, I woke up and got ready to eat breakfast, only to find my mother sitting down ready to have an argument with me. She first started by asking me what was going on with me, as if Im the one doing something terrible. Then she moved on to lecturing me about Oh you cant stop hanging out with your friends. Woohyun told me about you not talking to anyone anymore. Son, whats going on? I also heard youre not trying your best anymore in your art (piano, violin, and architecture) classes! You know Im paying so much money for the best professors to teach you .blah blah blah blah. Anyways, I opposed her opinion saying Im tired of always being around people faking myself thats just it, let me be me for once but no instead she got mad at me telling me you should be used to it and know by now that youre no normal kid, you need to always do better than others and prove your wealthy and nice- and so I got scolded. You see the way Im talking to you right now, Im not allowed. Unless its Woohyun of course hes the only one that knows the real me. For others Im a perfect child who would never break a plate. Seriously how can I continue on like this, its tiring you know? I just want some freedom, I want to scream and jump around when Im angry. I want to laugh like Im losing myself, to play with others without a care in the world, to make life decisions that can affect me, to make mistakes that can scare me to death. Tears began falling from his eyes to his cheeks, so he covered his face with his hands. But I cant you know, I cant he mumbled and removed his hands after cleaning his tears. Even though Im scared of disappointing my parents sometimes, its not as bad as students having a hard time with school or relationships. I cant even make the decision of scaring myself to death by doing badly in school because I actually have goals. You see I want to learn about architecture and run my own organization to rebuild buildings for the poor families and children. But for that I know I will need my parents help, you dont just go and make

something big like that without money. Thats why I listen, thats why I follow, thats why Im obedient always, but its getting hard with people questioning me. Ive been staying away from people not to makes my parents angry, I just want to stop faking myself. I understand. Myungsoo didnt actually understand because he wasnt in such a situation. But he knew what it was to fake yourself. He knew most of the time when you fake it youre very unhappy, so he felt sympathy for Sungyeol. But maybe you should tell what you just told me to your parents. Thats the problem I just did, I always do when I get a chance. The problem is I love my mother and she knows how to get to me. She warns me about what would happen if I do something that doesnt seem appropriate. I mean shes nice and talks to me, but she doesnt understand that smiling is getting harder for me. The more I fake myself the more I cry. People think Im quiet, smart, obedient, and a genius. But they are wrong completely wrong! Im actually loud, funny, ok maybe I am smart but Im no genius. Im very smart because I have goals and the advantage of being rich to get tutors when needed, or even homeschooled. Then maybe you should make different friends whom you can show your real self. I cant show my real self to rich kids, you see they gossip a lot, and whatever they say can reach my parents ears. Then I can get grounded and not do swimming, which I actually really enjoy. When youre underwater you cant hear anything and because of that I can eliminate all my troubles. I can smile because the water in my skin feels so great and being unable to breath stimulates my adrenalin. Rather than scream when I cant take it anymore, I go underwater and stay for as long as I can. It makes me feel better and continue with my acting." That sounds quite dangerous if you ask me. One thing I hate the most in life is being unable to breath pause being underwater in the ocean. Pause You become weak and helpless to the waves. They can take you away from this world in an instant. He didnt mean to make it sound so sad, but thats how he felt whenever he saw the ocean. why... Sungyeol!!! Sungyeol looked up towards the voice that screamed his name. Woohyun!! He got up and ran to Woohyun and hugged him real hard. I missed you. He couldnt help it, he really couldnt. He was just talking about his problems and now had someone to comfort him, so he cried on Woohyuns shoulder.

I missed you too. Yeollie, why are you crying? What happened? He rubbed his back as he was holding him in the hug. Can you just take me away from all my problems again please? Lets go out. He couldnt take it, talking to Myungsoo helped him release all his emotions. Now all he wanted was to go out, breathe fresh air, and smile again. Ok, let me just call my driver. No lets walk ok please, or take some different sort of transportation. You know what happened last time we did that..we got lost and ended up calling our parents. He laughed. Then lets just get lost again, it was fun anyways. Thinking real hard Woohyun said, Alright how bout we take the bus to the mall. Yes that sounds like a great idea! Sungyeol cheered. Alright then I guess Ill take my leave, bye Sungyeol. Myungsoo said. Oh ok bye L. Sungyeol responded, although he would have loved for Myungsoo to go with them. Wait you dont want to come with us? Nah I cant I have to go pick up my friends from school. Bye. He waved and left to his Jeep. Myungsoos POV: I checked my phone, its 1:22 pm. I have an hour and a half until they are out, I guess Ill go and chill at my place for now. I started the motor and put on the seat-belt. I cant believe I almost told him. If that Woohyun guy wouldnt have came, I would have probably released some of my inner problems to a stranger. What an idiot, I feel a bit naked. How can he so easily make me confess my fear? Question is why did I feel so comfortable telling him? That shit is so intimate and private, cuz it hurts. I havent even told the rest of the crew how sensible I still am to the ocean, although they know the reason. I miss her I really do.

Sungyeols POV: I liked, I liked it a lot talking to L. Although he made me cry, it felt pleasant. I talk like that to Woohyun and my mother only, although my mother always tells me her ways to fix the problem. Her ways of course are to follow the rules, on the other hand Woohyun tells me to listen and follow until I can leave and become independent. But thats going to take a long time of acting, because even after I graduate from graduate school I will still require their money to begin my own business. With L it felt different, it felt great to finally just have someone to listen knowing they cant do anything and neither can I. I hope I see him again, I really do. Sungyeol the bus comes in 5min so lets wait here ok. Ok. We are currently waiting in the bus stop to go to the mall. I feel a bit guilty knowing Woohyun left school early with some sort of excuse only so he can come out with me. Hes such a good friend and the only one I have. My parents love him and so do I. Thats one of the million reasons why I hang out with him. Our friendship started when I was 4, he was the only nice rich kid to me out of all those my parents allowed me to hang around. He was so kind that I began thinking I was the luckiest child alive. You know sometimes living in a high class society makes it difficult to find real friends, but I did! Hes always been there for me and Ive always been there for him. Im my complete self around him, even though sometimes he tells me Im annoying and a crybaby. I know he loves me for myself. He actually tells me himself he loves the real me best. I decided not to talk about our argument again for that reason, because I need him. I would die without him. Plus its his way of thinking; he was raised differently although we both come from rich families. Ive had my mother there for me spoiling and loving me as much as she could all my life, on her own way of course. While he had his parents forcing him to grow up because Men Dont Cry. He is told to go to school and learn, because soon he will have to become independent and not survive with their help. That is unless he follows his fathers steps, which of course he is, but still they will only help him get a job faster. That is why he hates it when I use my parents money more than necessary for other things besides my education. While he saves the extra money for college, I waste it donating. Our lives are different though, I know I will continue having aid from my parents but he wont. Thats why I know he gets angry at me, he thinks I need to learn to become independent and mature like him. For that reason, I dont want us to continue angry at one another, its stupid really. We need each other, and we know it.

Myung's Jeep Here Yeol's house Here

A bit boring I know but I'm still introducing characters. Next chapter the band comes out yeah!! Until next time!

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