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Lightning Quasi-Genasi

Lightning quasi-genasi are full of life and extremely energetic. Many find themselves full of bright ideas and constantly turn their attentions towards invention, design or artwork. They tend towards neutrality like most genasi. They appear human at first glance, but are generally tall and thin with often-frizzled hair. Lightning quasi-genasi also have one or more supernatural traits that identify their heritage such as a slight constant twitch or producing a slight discharge of static electricity when they touch somebody else. They prefer to wear light, utilitarian clothing decked out with metal accessories such as buckles.

Lightning Quasi-Genasi Racial Traits

Lightning quasi-genasi have the following traits:

+2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Wis, -2 Cha: Lightning quasi-genasi are quick and inventive, but their nature makes them somewhat absent-minded and distant towards others. Outsider: Lightning quasi-genasi are outsiders native to the Material Plane, and thus have the outsider (native) type. They gain the extraplanar subtype when not on the Material Plane. They are not subject to spells or effects that affect only humanoids, such as charm person and dominate person. Medium: as Medium creatures, lightning quasi-genasi have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size. A lightning quasi-genasi's base land speed is 30 feet. Lightning quasi-genasi have darkvision out to 60 feet. +1 racial bonus on saving throws against electricity spells and effects. This bonus increases by +1 for every five character levels the genasi attains. Shocking Grasp (Sp): Lightning quasi-genasi can use shocking grasp once per day as a sorcerer of their character level. Clerical Focus: A lightning quasi-genasi cleric must choose a deity who grants access to the Storm domain (see Stormwrack) and must choose Storm as one of his two domains. If this domain is not available, it may be substituted for the Air domain instead. Automatic Languages: Common. Bonus Languages: Any (except secret languages, like Druidic). Favored Class: Fighter. Level Adjustment: +1.

Mineral Quasi-Genasi
Mineral quasi-genasi are quite pleasant, if somewhat work-devoted, many choosing to devote their time to pursuits involving gemstones or precious metals such as gem cutting or becoming jewelers. Although mainly neutral, they have a slight tendency towards good. Mineral quasi-genasi are hearty and strong-looking, many actually on the stout side, but with bright, clear faces and eyes. They often have a trait that identifies them as genasi such as a sparkle in their complexion or extremely exotic jewel-toned eye colors. They usually wear dark colored clothing made of fine material that has been augmented with jewelry, often rings or medallions.

Mineral Quasi-Genasi Racial Traits

Mineral quasi-genasi have the following traits:

+2 Con, -2 Wis: mineral quasi-genasi are healthy and resilient, but somewhat distant from the world around them. Outsider: Mineral quasi-genasi are outsiders native to the Material Plane, and thus have the outsider (native) type. They gain the extraplanar subtype when not on the Material Plane. They are not subject to spells or effects that affect only humanoids, such as charm person and dominate person. Medium: as Medium creatures, mineral quasi-genasi have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size. A mineral quasi-genasi's base land speed is 30 feet. Mineral quasi-genasi have darkvision out to 60 feet. +1 racial bonus on saving throws against earth spells and effects. This bonus increases by +1 for every five character levels the genasi attains. Glitterdust (Sp): Mineral quasi-genasi can use glitterdust once per day as a sorcerer of their character level. Clerical Focus: A mineral quasi-genasi cleric must choose a deity who grants access to the Wealth domain (see Draconomicon) and must choose Wealth as one of his two domains. If this domain is not available, it may be substituted for the Earth domain instead. Automatic Languages: Common. Bonus Languages: Any (except secret languages, like Druidic). Favored Class: Fighter. Level Adjustment: +1.

Radiance Quasi-Genasi
Vivacious and full of energy, the radiance quasi-genasi are by far some of the most beloved of their kind. Like other genasi, they favor neutrality, but their passionate natures give them a slight tendency towards both good and chaos. They appear like fit humans, but often with clear bright skin and eyes, and often with cheerful dispositions. Like other genasi, they possess traits that hint at their ancestry such as a slight corona of light that surrounds them at all times or the ability to make a flame burn slightly brighter just by getting closer to it. Radiance quasi-genasi prefer to wear light fabrics in bright, vivid colors, often several clashing colors at a time.

Radiance Quasi-Genasi Racial Traits

Radiance quasi-genasi have the following traits:

+2 Dex, -2 Wis: Radiance quasi-genasi are light and agile, but their bright personalities often leave them somewhat unperceptive of the world around them. Outsider: Radiance quasi-genasi are outsiders native to the Material Plane, and thus have the outsider (native) type. They gain the extraplanar subtype when not on the Material Plane. They are not subject to spells or effects that affect only humanoids, such as charm person and dominate person. Medium: as Medium creatures, radiance quasi-genasi have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size. A radiance quasi-genasi's base land speed is 30 feet. Radiance quasi-genasi have darkvision out to 60 feet. +1 racial bonus on saving throws against light spells and effects. This bonus increases by +1 for every five character levels the genasi attains. Color Spray (Sp): Radiance quasi-genasi can use color spray once per day as a sorcerer of their character level. Clerical Focus: A radiance quasi-genasi cleric must choose a deity who grants access to the Sun domain and must choose Sun as one of his two domains. If this domain is not available for some reason, it may be substituted for the Fire domain instead. Automatic Languages: Common. Bonus Languages: Any (except secret languages, like Druidic). Favored Class: Fighter. Level Adjustment: +1.

Ash Quasi-Genasi
Ash quasi-genasi are dour and morbid, with a tendency to be rather morose. They are usually neutral in alignment, but they have a slight push towards evil. Tall and lanky, they tend to have pale, almost grey-colored skin, dull colored skin and grayish to black-colored hair. Like other genasi, they have a small number of traits such as feeling unusually cool to the touch, a slight smell of burning around them or having perpetually dry skin. Ash quasi-genasi dress in dark, somber colors, often streaked with small amounts of grey ash.

Ash Quasi-Genasi Racial Traits

Ash quasi-genasi have the following traits:

+2 Con, -2 Cha: Ash quasi-genasi are quite resilient, but their morose personalities make others uneasy around them. Outsider: Ash quasi-genasi are outsiders native to the Material Plane, and thus have the outsider (native) type. They gain the extraplanar subtype when not on the Material Plane. They are not subject to spells or effects that affect only humanoids, such as charm person and dominate person. Medium: as Medium creatures, ash quasi-genasi have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size. An ash quasi-genasi's base land speed is 30 feet. Ash quasi-genasi have darkvision out to 60 feet. +1 racial bonus on saving throws against fire spells and effects. This bonus increases by +1 for every five character levels the genasi attains. Chill Touch (Sp): Ash quasi-genasi can use chill touch once per day as a sorcerer of their character level. Clerical Focus: An ash quasi-genasi cleric must choose a deity who grants access to the Entropy domain (see Fiendish Codex I) and must choose Entropy as one of his two domains. If this domain is not available, it may be substituted for the Fire domain instead. Automatic Languages: Common. Bonus Languages: Any (except secret languages, like Druidic). Favored Class: Fighter. Level Adjustment: +1.

Salt Quasi-Genasi
Preferring hot and arid environments, the salt quasi-genasi is more at home in the wastelands of a desert than in the most metropolitan city. They tend to be loners and don't often take well to the company of others. Salt quasi-genasi tend towards neutrality like all others of their kind. They usually have dark skin and light-colored hair along with one or more traits that identifies their ancestry. They may have hair or skin that appears to be lightly caked with salt, be extremely dry to the touch, or they may not require nearly as much water as they otherwise should. They usually dress in light, pale colored clothing, favoring loose cuts.

Salt Quasi-Genasi Racial Traits

Salt quasi-genasi have the following traits:

+2 Con, -2 Cha: Salt quasi-genasi are hardy and able to survive out in the wild. However, their preference for solitude makes others uncomfortable around them. Outsider: Salt quasi-genasi are outsiders native to the Material Plane, and thus have the outsider (native) type. They gain the extraplanar subtype when not on the Material Plane. They are not subject to spells or effects that affect only humanoids, such as charm person and dominate person. Medium: as Medium creatures, salt quasi-genasi have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size. A salt quasi-genasi's base land speed is 30 feet. Salt quasi-genasi have darkvision out to 60 feet. +1 racial bonus on saving throws against water spells and effects. This bonus increases by +1 for every five character levels the genasi attains. Parching Touch (Sp): Salt quasi-genasi can use parching touch (see Sandstorm) once per day as a sorcerer of their character level. If this spell is unavailable, it may be substituted for touch of fatigue. Clerical Focus: A salt quasi-genasi cleric must choose a deity who grants access to the Thirst domain (see Sandstorm) and must choose Thirst as one of his two domains. If this domain is not available, it may be substituted for the Water domain instead. Automatic Languages: Common. Bonus Languages: Any (except secret languages, like Druidic). Favored Class: Fighter. Level Adjustment: +1.

Vacuum Quasi-Genasi
Despite it being the most mysterious and ill-suited towards supporting life of any kind, the Quasi-Elemental Plane of Vacuum does produce a small number of progeny, some of whom are the ancestors of the vacuum quasi-genasi. Cold and emotionless, the vacuum quasi-genasi are alien, even by genasi standards. They tend towards neutrality, with a slight preference for evil. Vacuum quasi-genasi are tall and rail thin, with dark, lusterless skin and dark eyes. Like other genasi, they have one or two traits that hint at their family history such as completely black eyes or an unnatural coldness that seems to emanate from their bodies. They favor dark, heavy clothes, showing special preference for robes and hoods.

Vacuum Quasi-Genasi Racial Traits

Vacuum quasi-genasi have the following traits:

+2 Dex, +2 Con, -2 Wis, -2 Cha: Vacuum quasi-genasi are agile and tough, but their lack of connection to the world sets them apart from other creatures. Outsider: Vacuum quasi-genasi are outsiders native to the Material Plane, and thus have the outsider (native) type. They gain the extraplanar subtype when not on the Material Plane. They are not subject to spells or effects that affect only humanoids, such as charm person and dominate person. Medium: as Medium creatures, vacuum quasi-genasi have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size. A vacuum quasi-genasi's base land speed is 30 feet. Vacuum quasi-genasi have darkvision out to 60 feet. +1 racial bonus on saving throws against air spells and effects. This bonus increases by +1 for every five character levels the genasi attains. Breathless: Vacuum quasi-genasi do not breathe, so they are immune to drowning, suffocation and attacks that require inhalation (such as some types of poison). Gust of Wind (Sp): Vacuum quasi-genasi can use gust of wind once per day as a sorcerer of their character level. Clerical Focus: A salt quasi-genasi cleric must choose a deity who grants access to the Death domain and must choose Death as one of his two domains. If this domain is not available for any reason, it may be substituted for the Air domain instead. Automatic Languages: Common. Bonus Languages: Any (except secret languages, like Druidic). Favored Class: Fighter. Level Adjustment: +1.

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