February2013 Newsletter

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Leongatha Childrens Centre Inc.

February 2013 Newsletter

Presidents Report
Welcome to the Leongatha Childrens Centre (LCC) February committee meeting. With no January meeting there has been heaps happening over the past two months. I would first like to say a BIG thank you to the staff and committee members who assisted with the cleaning of the Centre on the last working day in December. Staff and committee members washed walls, furniture, toys and everything else they could get their hands so we know the Centre has been spring cleaned and ready for 2013. It was a long day but your efforts did not go unnoticed. Thank you and thank you to Paula for providing dinner for the team. The school holiday program which was organised for the 8 days at the start of January worked well. The first 3 days had low numbers but the following week was fully booked. Thank you to the staff for working together and sharing the work over this period, its great to have a team willing to work flexible hours so all staff can enjoy the Christmas/New Year period and summer sun. Thank you to one of our LCCs families for donating a piano to the Centre. We have housed the piano in our Preschool Room. This is a great asset for LCC to receive and will assist in enhancing the childrens learnings. I am sure many children will enjoy the opportunity to play and experience a piano, all while the teachers and families enjoy the Sound of Music! The Official Opening was held on Friday 8th February and was a great success. Deputy Premier Peter Ryan was unable to attend at the last minute due to illness and was replaced by the Minister for Higher Education and Skills and Member for Eastern Victoria, The Honourable Peter Hall. The Official Opening was well attended by Councillors, Council staff who have been involved in the project, key project stake holders, committee members, past committee members, staff, children and families. Thank you to the Rusty Windmill for providing the yummy morning tea. Also, lastly thank you to the children who all displayed excellent manners throughout the morning. The Official Opening sign will soon be completed and placed on the Directors Office external wall. On Wednesday 13th February Paula and I attended the South Gippsland Shire Council (SGSC) Grants Presentation to accept our cheque for the 2 play forts we erected in late December. It was an honour to be part of the presentation and to receive the funds from SGSC. The committee works hard at raising funds to improve the Centre facilities but grants such as these assist us in achieving our goals. The committee can now look at completing the Kindergarten yard with the likes of constructing a storage shed to assist with storage issues and placing a water tank in the yard for watering the vegie patches and assist with the water play activities. Lastly, I welcome back all staff, children and families to LCC for 2013 and if you have any special talents that you believe LCC could benefit from, please catch up with Paula or myself. During 2013 we are looking at conducting a sustainability study of the LCC building, completing the slide construction through the garden in the Tiny Tots/Mini Minors yard, placing a painted LCC logo on the front of the building and much more. All this is achievable with Committee, Staff and Families support. Thats all from me for February. Regards, Vicki Poxon (President)

Directors Report
As mentioned by Vicki thanks to all for your assistance with the official opening. This was a great success and another event by which the Leongatha Children's Centre was able to showcase the excellent results of many years of hard work. We received many complimentary remarks from the visitors including that ours was one of the best environments that they had ever seen! Well done to all staff, but Kirsten in particular for your continued hard work in arranging and developing such an amazing room and outdoor area. The children, families and staff have done a fabulous job settling into the rooms. This time of the year is often more difficult with children, families and even occasionally staff suffering separation anxiety. The rooms have started the year with fresh ideas and invigorated enthusiasm. We have continued to work with the VEYLDF and the National Quality Standard. We have planned some additional training. These trainings have been previously identified in our Quality Improvement plan as actions for improvement. Some were also identified in staff annual performance reviews. The upcoming trainings include Sally and Tammy attending EYF for infants, and Kirsten and I attending training on preparing for the National Quality Assessment and Rating process. In line with our QIP we are still investigating sustainability opportunities. Danielle will be working closely with me on this strategy as a project towards her diploma qualification. A warm welcome to Kelly and Bridgette. Both educators join us in a full time traineeship capacity. Kelly will be working with the Thriver children and Bridgette will be the third educator in the kindergarten room. Thanks to Gardner electronics for installing the TV in the front foyer it is great to see the pictures of children in rotation. We have already had great feedback from families regarding this addition. That is all for the month. Paula

Kindergarten Report
Welcome everyone to my first report for the new kinder year, an what a start we have had. We currently have 38 children enrolled for this years group, with 2 vacancies. The year has started off fairly smoothly which has been a nice surprise. With 28 girls and ten boys there are bound to be dramas, but so far so good. The children have all started to get to know each other and find similar interests. At this time of the year we do a lot of indoor and outdoor play so the children have the space and freedom to roam areas of choice. Already we have discovered we have very arts and craft group and a dramatic play/imaginative group. The children have already put their stamp on the yard by planting new vegies in the garden and planting an herb garden. Lucky for us we have even benefited from last years garden and have been eating apple cucumbers that we grew last year. The children want to thank lasts years group because they are delicious. This year we have planted carrots, peas, parsley mint, tomatoes and more cucumber. The room has certainly begun to reflect the childrens tastes and interests, with art on display as well as tailored play spaces all designed to meet the children interests, based on their interviews early on in the year. We have also set up some specific play spaces to develop new skills such as scissor skills, and concentration. We have introduced some simple routines such as a short mat time, to have a story and to play games. This has its challenges at times, but 3 weeks in the children are doing a great job. We have Bridgette as a third staff member in the room and this has made a huge difference to the length and quality of time we spend with everyone. It means youre not feeling rushed with the children and there is always plenty of helpers throughout the day. The children have welcomed her with open arms and Bridgette has settled in well. We cant forget Princess Anna, she is still with us and princess as ever, but we love her. A good start to the year, looks like it will another successful year. Thanks Anna and Kirsten, Bridgette

Mini Minors Room Report

A very warm welcome to all of our new and existing families in the Mini minors Room for 2013. All of the children have settled in very well into their new environment with their new care givers. Some have settled in so well, it feels like theyve been here forever!! For those of you that are unaware your carers for the year will beDanielle (full time) Mon to Fri, Evie (full time) Mon to Fri, Alanna (full time) Mon to Fri, Nat (part time) Tue, Thur & Fri and Sioban (part time) Mon and Wed. As it is the beginning of the new year, with lots of new children and families, please make sure that you name EVERYTHING (drink bottles, dummies, teddys, lunches, fruit, all clothing, nappies etc). Please pack plenty of food for your child, as at centre, they are so busy, they burn a lot more fuel and need to replenish quiet often. Please also pack a minimum of 5 nappies per day for your childs needs. Thank you. A small notice has been sent home requesting a family photo for each child of your families, so we can create a family photo wall. If you have misplaced this note, please ask staff for another one. Dont forget to dress your children appropriately for the weather conditions, making sure that their shoulders are covered and that their shoes are covering their toes. Please remember to send along some spare clothes in your childs bag, just in case your child is having too much fun, because they may get a little wet or dirty at times. Thank you. Could you please return any forms that may have been or will be sent home now and throughout the year, as they assist us with vital information for the care of your child and this also helps us to plan appropriately for your child. Thank you. Looking forward to a wonderful year working closely with your children and your family. If any of your or your childs circumstances/details change, please let one of the friendly staff know, so we can plan/update accordingly. This is very important. If you have any other concerns, queries or questions please dont hesitate in approaching either Danielle, Evie, Alanna, Nat or Sioban, we would love to speak with you. Story time with Glenda.

Noah, Zac and Julian enjoying morning tea.

Tiny Tots News

Welcome to the tiny tots room. A warm welcome to all the new and existing families. We hope that you are all settling in well in the new year! We are both enjoying the opportunity to meet and work with all the families and care for your children. Our man aim for this term is to ensure all the children, families feel safe, secure and supported within the room environment and also that you are happy and comfortable with the care we are giving to your children. Over the past six weeks the children have shown interests towards:; books, singing, abc, numbers, Australian animals, farm animals, block building, stacking containers, developing self help skills such as helping to run in sunscreen and put on hats and of course self feeding. We have heard lots of chatting and getting to know one another. This has been lovely. Please remember to bring along a family photo for our display wall. If at any time you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to ask either of us. Once again thanks for entrusting your beautiful children into our arms. Sally and Tammy.

After School Care Report

Welcome to the children and families of the After School care program, who started back with us on 30th January. It has been great getting to learn about the childrens interests, these have included playing monopoly, using the iPads, making puzzles and even learning to draw an elephant! These activities can be found on the program plan stuck on the wall in the Kinder Room. Please feel free to take a look! If there is anything you would like to include like helping your child with their readers or work from school please let us know as we will be happy to help. The children will be collected from the bus stop by either Paula Holt, Cindy Smith, Bridgette OBrien or myself (Anna Wilson) so please ensure all ours names are included on your enrolment form as authorised persons to pickup. As the children will be walking it is important to make sure theyre prepared for all weather conditions. On arrival the children will be signed into the kindergarten room with Bridgette and myself. If you have any questions please come and see us, we are more than happy to answer and questions or concerns. Thanks Anna

WE ARE GETTING FANCY! PLEASE LIKE US ON FACEBOOK. For reminders, on the spot info and links to newsletters etc.

Sunsmart Policy Our sun smart protection policy is implemented throughout the year, but with particular emphasis from the beginning of September to the end of April, and whenever UV index levels reach 3 and above at other times. Attention will be taken between 10am and 2pm (11am and 3pm daylight savings times) when UV levels reach their peek. All children will be required to wear protective clothing (covered shoulders), hat and sunscreen for all outdoor play. Sunscreen is available to be applied here at the centre or please apply before attending the day. Sunscreen will be reapplied during the day. Please refer to our Sunsmart Policy in the Policy folder located near the fees box or if you would like a copy or any other information please see staff or the office.
Clothing and Footwear As the weather has been very warm please remember to dress your child in appropriate clothing, such as covered shoulder clothing and loose clothing on those very warm days. Please remember that enclosed toes footwear is required to protect your childrens feet while climbing and running. NO THONGS PLEASE.

Staff Arrangements for 2013

Tiny Tots Room - Tammy and Sally Mini Minors Room - Evie, Nat, Sioban, Alanna & Danielle Thrivers Room - Leanne and Kelly Pre School Room - Cindy, Kate and Thiesa Kindergarten Program - Kirsten, Anna and Bridgette Glenda, and Janine will be our assigned RDO relievers and Lisa and Priscilla our casual relievers

Session Times
All families please be aware of your session times. It is vitally important that you pickup your child/ren at the end of your session. We roster staff and allow for planning and training for staff based on session times. Failure to pickup when your session ends or begins greatly effects this planning and our staff to children ratios. Below is a list of our current session times, if you have any queries please come and speak to office staff. Kindergarten Term Fee Families 9.00am to 2.00pm Full Day 7.30am to 6.00pm Am Session 7.30am to 12.30pm Pm Session 12.30pm to 6.00pm

Leongatha Childrens Centre will not administer any medication to children unless it is prescribed by a doctor or pharmacist. Medication must have childs name, be in date, and have dosage recorded on label. If your child requires paracetamol, cough and cold medications etc. they are too unwell to attend centre. For more information please see Leongatha Childrens centre administration of medication policy. Holidays/Absences If your child is unwell or you are not going to be attending the centre on any day if possible please let the office know as soon as possible. This will help us plan for staff ratios in each room and also allow those wanting casual care on certain days an availability. As the centre is at near full capacity we have quite a few families looking for casual vacancies but need prior notification if a place becomes available. If you have been absent from the Centre please see the office to sign the absences folder. Thanks

Pre School Room Report

We would like to welcome all our families that have joined us in the three year old kinder room. The children have all settled in to the new environment and routine rather well, with minimal tears. We have been working towards developing new friendships and reconnecting old ones. We have also been working on our shapes and colour recognition with all children being very enthusiastic and wanting to participate in group activities. Due to the nicer weather we have been making the most of it and exploring outdoor. The children have been enjoying the challenge of climbing the tree, learning how to safely climb it, balancing techniques and problem solving. The large kinder blocks and steering wheel have let us go on amazing adventures. We have turned these items into a bus, train, tram, truck and a space ship. With lots of working together to reach the same goal. If all the families could please remember to read our refection book located next to the sign in book. In this book we write all about our day and what your children have shown an interest in. It is a fantastic opportunity for you to see what we are learning as well as providing you with topics to talk to your children ,to bring along a story to share during group time rather than a toy. All the children can benefit from a story and this way toys are not lost or broken. Thanks Cindy, Thiesa and Kate.

Thrivers Room Report

A warm welcome to all our new and existing families in the Thrivers room for 2013. Your educators for the year are Kelly and Leanne. Our main objective at the beginning of the year was to help our children achieve the feeling of being safe, secure and supported, also for each child to build an attachment with one and then more familiar educators. Through our learning environment over the past month, the children have enjoyed exploring, discovering, creative and celebrating their own efforts and achievements. One of our favourite places to play in our room is our home corner, with babies, cots, dress-ups, and cooking equipment for the children to imagine and interact, sharing their ideas, while making new friendships. We have constantly been changing our learning spaces after observing the children and their play. Areas such as our sea creatures and beach scene, which now has a rainbow pirate ship, which was designed and created by our children. In our creation station we have been busy completing masterpieces to decorate the room. Thanks for the great start to the year, Leanne and Kelly.

Community child care Report A survey was conducted in May 2012 to provide a picture of childcare cost in metropolitan and regional areas and these were the results. the national daily average fee for LDC is $75. However Victorian LDC centers are among the most expensive in the country, with a daily average of $80-still well below the scaremongering claims. Families in Melbourne and Geelong can expect on average fees of $83.80 while regional services are cheaper at the average of $71.60 The Leongatha Children's currently charge $54 per day well below the state average. How fortunate we are able to manage and high quality service whilst keeping the cost to a minimum.

Stony Creek Go-Karts and Cafe Fun for the whole family!!! Double Karts, Arcade Games, Cafe and Party Bookings are all available. Open all days in the School Holidays Hours of service are 10am 5.30pm (Closed on days when Horse Racing is on) Please phone for information on 5664 7272

Scholastic Books
We will again be offering families the opportunity to purchase book from Scholastic Books orders again this year. Issue one has already been placed in family pockets with Issue 2 to be placed in pockets shortly. Books will be available from the office for collection when they arrive. Look out for a sign on the door or TV when they have arrived. This is a great way to support our Centre along with benefiting your children with wonderful books. The Centre will receive 20% worth of vouchers of all books purchased from families. This is a great way for us to purchase resources for the children and staff.

Garden Express Fundraiser

Get your garden ready for Spring!!! Garden Express is a great fundraiser that offers a beautiful range of colourful flower bulbs at a wide range of prices. Please complete the order form placed in family pockets and return to the office no later than Friday 8th March, 2013 Remember to ask all your family, friends and work colleagues if they would like to participate. Thank you in advance for your support.

Easter Hamper Raffle

Easter is fast approaching and we will again be running our Easter Hamper Raffle this year with the assistance of our families. We would ask families to please make a donation into the baskets provided in the foyer in the coming weeks to create hampers to be raffled. Raffle tickets will be placed in family pockets shortly and will be $1.00 per ticket (please use both sides of tickets). The raffle will be drawn on Monday 25th March Tickets can be returned to the office or fees box.

Wanted Items
If any of our families have any of the following items that they no longer need or have no use for anymore we would very grateful for any donations. We are looking for; Clothing size 2-6 - shorts, pants Face Washers Ice cream containers Building Offcuts of wood Natural Cane/Wood bowls, plates or baskets If you have any of these please let the staff or office know. Thank you.

Thank you
A big thank you to all families who have donated items from our wanted list. Especially to Gary and Kaye Tumino of A-Z Kitchens Carmen & Darren Olm Jackie Smith For all the wonderful wood off cuts for the children to make and create masterpieces. Thank you again.

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