There Was A Time Where Prophet Was Meditating in The Hira Cave

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There was a time where Prophet was meditating in the Hira cave.

Then came to a him out of no way suddenly in front of him and talk to Muhammad with high authority to say IKRAK(read or recite). At the first time Muhammad was shock because a man came to him with any introduction and ask him to read. The second time he ask Muhammad to recite . and Muhammad say what should I recite later the man grabe him tightly and after he release Muhammad , he as again to Muhammad to recite. Muhammad was at the state of shock to recite what. The third time the man grabe and ask him IKRAK BISMIRAB BIKAL LAZI HOLAK read in the name of your Lord. Prophet stay meditating secretly for the 3 year According from the website on, in this artice, after Prophet Muhammad was 40 years old, Allah sent Angel Jibrail(Gabriel), to tell him that it was finally time to spread the message of Islam. When Prophet Muhammad had announced that he was the final Prophet of Allah, he immediately gained followers and many of the residents of Mecca and Medina had heard the ancient saying that the final Prophet would come to the in Arabia, and move there in search of him. Even many people support Prophet Muhammad. There are also other who immediately oppose him because they see him as a threat to the status quo for example the people who make the state for workshiping and so on. The next few decades people can see that Arabia is going through out an amazing change for example, people from before like to have war and invade city. However, Prophet Muhammad change this kind of lifestyle to a place where people can enjoined daily prayer, a month of fasting, a spiritual pilgrimage, charity, and a profound emphasis on Haqq or righteousness. Prophet Muhammad still continue the message of previous messenger for example Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus, that he show to the world that humanity is important value that can overcome any obstacle. The role of Prophet Muhammad PBUH as the last Messenger Prophet Muhammad is the last messenger of Allah, which he is Allah representative on earth, where an individual which can be trusted in all matter, without any fear of corruption, malice, or ill-advisement. Basa on history of Prophet Muhammad PBUH, He have lead or saved many nation, corrected how the people should life and so on. Prophet Muhammad mission was clear that he was to bring the final message of Allah to clear matters of confusion, to restore the truth about religion, and guide humanity back to its right path by worship of ALLAH.

As people can see nowadays, Prophet Muhammad have occupies a very special place in the hearts of every Muslims. Not only he was the Gods final messenger to humanity, who was the supreme interpreter of the Quran which was the Book of ALLAH. All his sayings and actions are some of the most important sources of Islamic tradition. As for the point of Muhammad mission to clear matters of confusion, this was where Arabia at the time was in the dark age where people are not educate, crime happen everyway. Furthermore, the belief that women bring them misfortune, and because of that the man always kill every baby girl in which they was born by bury them in the earth. In order to fixed these things. Allah have chose Prophet Muhammad as the Last and Final messenger as the representative bring these people from the darkness to light by educating them to way of islam by using the Book of Allah which is the Holy Quran. As the point of Prophet Muhammad mission to restore the truth about religion. This is where, Prophet Muhammad must correct the way how people should workship their god what kind of God should they workship because there was only one God which was compulsory for every man on this earth to workship which is ALLAH S.W.T. if you look at the history, at this time around, many Arabia people workship something which they created themselves in order for them to dependent on something. For example stone, rock, tree, and so on. The role of Prophet Muhammad is to correct these kind of wrong ideology of God because Allah is not something that can be created, He is the creator of all beings and He was the Almighty which govern this very universe. The role of Prophet Muhammad PBUH is to be the role model for every mankind on these earth. These is also an important role for Prophet which he must have because in order for others to recognise him as their role model, the model itself must show good characteristics and qualities so that people will respect and follow him. For example, there was this particular story of an elderly woman who always throw garbage to Prophet Muhammad every day in her daily routine from her window. However, one day as the Prophet passed by, she failed to do so. Prophet went to her home to know what had happened to her, and upon learning that she had fallen ill, Prophe Muhammad give to her a significant help and ensure her health. Prophet Muhammad do this, not because for fame or other thing. It just that show that

every neigbour is important, it was people responsibility to people help other when there are in need.

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