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Enjoying the Bible Kah Wor


For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

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Why did God make us? This is the reason, My heart is filled with so much love and I need someone I can call My Own. John 3:16 says that God so love the world, that is everyone, that He gave up His only Beloved Son, the Son of His love, so that He can call us His very Own. If you can feel Him now, sing this song along with me, Shower me with Your love. Shower me with Your love Ive been waiting for. It shatters our Heavenly Fathers heart to watch sin crushing and cashing in on us. Sin has rearranged our faces so badly that we dont even recognize ourselves! Hence 2 Corinthians 3:18 says that as we behold His glory (the display of His love for us) as in a mirror (because we are a reflection of His image) with unveiled faces (who we really are as the object of His love), we shall be transformed into His image, the very same image that God first made us. We are made in His image [Genesis 1:26]. Jesus the Christ has lifted the veil of satans deception, that God do not love us. Romans 5:8 tells us that God loves us so much that He sent His only Beloved Son to die as proof of His love for us while we treated Him as our enemy! Jesus the Christ is the conclusive proof of Gods love for us! Sin is rejecting Gods love. What more now that He has dug out His heart and placed it on a silver platter as a glittering light (glory) of His love? Jesus said He is the Light [John 8:12], The Light of what? It is the Light of Gods great love for us!

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Darkness is to be without Gods love. Hence in John 8:12, Jesus said that those who follow Him (understands and accepts that He is the proof of Gods love) will not be walking in the dark (without Gods love). How can we who have received Gods love be rejecting His love at the same time? It is impossible! [Romans 6:1-2]. We have either received Gods love or we have not. There is no lukewarm response to such great love. We are naked without Gods love [Revelation 3:15-18]. In the spiritual realm, we are an open goal for all sorts of spiritual attacks without Gods love. His love for us is the force field that protects us from the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly sphere [Ephesians 6:12]. Without Gods love, we fear [Genesis 3:10]. Fear involves torment [1 John 4:18]. Adam was deceived into rejecting Gods love because he was not presented with the privilege of the conclusive proof of Gods great love. We do now! God, our loving Heavenly Father is showering you with the love you have been waiting for; through, by and in Jesus the Christ! What are you waiting for? Grab that love right now. The moment you confess Jesus as your Lord, you are taking possession of all that He had died to give you; the all-encompassing and unconditional love of God, the Creator of the entire Cosmos! The moment you confess Jesus as your Lord, you are taking possession of all that He had died to give you; the allencompassing and unconditional love of God, the Creator of the entire Cosmos!

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God's love is universal. Salvation is through Jesus Christ alone. In other words, we received God's love through the proof of His love; Jesus Christ. We accept a testimony by admitting the evidence supporting it. Testimony: God loves me. Evidence or proof: Death of Jesus Christ. Accept or don't accept? This is the question?

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Note from Author

Anyone can interpret the scriptures in favour of an adopted stand [2 Peter 3:16]. I find that the only constant in the Bible is Gods love for me. I find the love of God is beyond any doubt the crimson thread running through the Bible from cover to cover. Therefore, I have chosen to read and interpret the Bible in the greater context of His love for me. This is my personal conviction. This is how I enjoy my Bible. I am the beloved child of God that Jesus the Christ has made me to be [2 Corinthians 5:21] in the process of getting to know Gods love for me. If you have been blessed by this literature, let all the glory and praise redound to our loving Father God. If there is anything you find amiss, let God judge my heart. If you would like to support the declaration of Gods great love, you can do so HERE. This has been brought to you by Enjoying the Bible.

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