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Kadena Shoguns

Wings-at-Home Wings-atAirman and Fam ily Readiness Center Building 220 634-33 66 /life-career/a-frc

Ms. Carla E. Diamond


MSgt Devin Wright

A&FRC Monthly Newsletter for Families of Deployed Military Members.

March 2013

Who To Call? A&FRC Red Cross Family Advocacy Base Chapel Legal Office Medical Finance TriCare Mental Health Dental SARC MFLC

634-3366 634-1979 634-0433 634-1288 634-3300 630-4817 634-1300 630-4310 630-4817 630-4817 634-7272 634- 3915


Kadena Airman & Family Readiness Center

Helpful Links:

4 March 2013

Sanshin Day
March 4, marks the Sanshin Day in Okinawa. Often said the embodiment of the soul of Okinawa, the sanshin is a plucked banjo like instrument. Although sanshin was originally reserved for the Ryukyuan nobility, it became the favorite of most commoners during the nineteenth century.

14 March 2013

White Day
White day comes around on March 14th and is a chance for men to return the favor. This is a relatively modern invention having started in 1978 by a confectionary company on the grounds that men should have the chance to reciprocate the gifts bought for them on Valentines day! Its now common for men to buy gifts of chocolate, jewelry, white chocolate or white lingerie for the special woman in their life. Theyre also expected to give giri choco (inexpensive gifts of chocolate) to female friends or co-workers who may have bought them chocolate on Valentines day.

March Japanese Culture Classes & Tours at the Airman & Family Readiness Center
Sanshin >Date & Time: 7, 14, 21, & 28 Mar , 1700-1800 >Where to meet: A&FRC Classroom Learn a traditional Ryukyu song on the Sanshin, an Okinawan 3-string instrument. Participants can start at any time.

Japanese for Busy People Kimono Wearing >Date& Time: 22 Mar, 0900-1100 1200 - 1330 >Date & Time: 16 - 18 Aug, >Where to meet: A&FRC Classroom >Where to meet: A&FRCa Classroom A great way to learn how to wear Kimono. This is a 3-day lunchtime session for those wanting to learn useful words and phrases for daily Japanese living.
Washi Craft >Date & Time: 11 Mar, 1000-1130 >Where to meet: A&FRC Classroom Learn to make decorative items with traditional Japanese craft paper. Japanese Basic Step 2 >Date & Time: 19, 21, 26, 28 March & 2, 4, 9, 11 April, 17301900 >Where to meet: A&FRC Classroom This is a 4 week language class focusing on proficiency of speech and practical application.

Japanese for Busy People >Date & Time: 5, 6, & 7 Mar, 1200-1300 >Where to meet: A&FRC Classroom Learn basic Japanese expressions in an intense 3-day session and make your stay in Okinawa fun and memorable!


Brought to you by

Department of Defense
To provide a supplemental on-base resource for addressing work and family life issues

Licensed professional counselors are now available on base to provide short term consultations at no charge.
Consultations are provided on a confidential* basis to assist SOFA status personnel and their family members with individual and family issues such as: work related stress, deployment issues, relationships, anger management, parenting, transitions, combat stress and more.

Help is only a phone call away. 634-3915 or 634-4451 090-8518-0939; 080-3929-2486

*Exceptions to confidentiality are Duty to Warn issues.

Other Events at the A&FRC

1 Mar at 0800 4-6 Mar at 0830 7,14,21 & 28 Mar at 0900 11-15 Mar at 0800 18 Mar at 0900 21 Mar at 0900 25 Mar at 0900 First Time Home Buying Japanese for Busy People Pre-Separation Briefing Transition GPS Employment 101 Plan My Move Federal Job Search

15, 22 & 29 *April* A&FRC Spouses Entrepreneurship Seminar at 1730

EXTENDED UNTIL DEC 2013 !!! Visit the A&FRC or call 634-3366 for more details

Military One Source offers FREE Tax Consultation and E-Filing.

You need to be prepared for any island wide emergency. One way of getting prepared for emergencies is by having your Okinawa Area Emergency Evacuation Program (OAEEP) packets completed. If you are unfamiliar with the OAEEP package, please contact your 1st Shirt to find out who your OAEEP Wardens are.

You can get 5 free hours of childcare. Give Parents a Break is held every month in conjunction with the Deployed Spouses Dinner. Bring a copy of your spouses orders to the A&FRC to get your voucher.

More questions? Please contact the A&FRC at 634-3366

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