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Youth Football Association

Coachs Handbook 2012



JULY 29, 2012 6:00 PM, SHS Lecture Room
6:00 Introduction & Paperwork.. Welcome & Whats New.... Code of Ethics & Duties.... Fundraiser Whats in it for coaches?.. Player Health Concerns.. SYFA By-Laws... Evaluation & Draft Process.... Coaching Help Templates.... Basic Skills: Basic Skills: Offense Quarterbacks Running Backs & Receivers Offensive Line Defense Defensive Line LB & Secondary Special Teams Bill Turcotte Corey Carlson Corey Carlson Corey Carlson Corey Carlson Brett Martin Corey Carlson Corey Carlson Clayton Handt Clayton Handt

Head Official Discussion.... Upcoming Events.... 6:45 Split In-House & Travel Coaches In-House: Flag & Tackle Rules In-House: Offense and Defense Notes/Playbooks. In-House: Defense & Football Talk/Q & A ... Travel: SWML Rules & Information. Travel: Playbook Review.. Travel: Defense Talk. Travel: HUDL Sign-Up

Corey/Brett F Corey/Brett F HS Varsity Coaches Tac Coplin Jason Trelstad HS Varsity Coaches Weight Room

SYFA Coaches Welcome Letter

Hello coaches. On behalf of the Shakopee Youth Football Association (SYFA), thank you for volunteering to coach youth football this year! 2012 should be another exciting year for all levels of Shakopee Youth Football. Below are some tips and general logistical announcements for the upcoming season. Website Information Pages Most of the information you and your team parents will need is on our website The navigation bar across the top include SYFA teams, board info, and sponsor info as well as the same for the High School program, along with a link to the all-important Calendar page. Please keep in mind that the website is used by both the youth and school programs. Information for youth football is listed off the Home page. Click on the Home tab, then on SYFA NEWS & INFO on the left side links. Information like news, announcements, FAQs, rules, schedules, rosters, forms, policies, and the COACHS CLIPBOARD can be found there (see screenshot below). Check the Coachs Clipboard for items like practice planners, playbooks, rules, etc. A lot of what you receive tonight will be available anytime on the Coachs Clipboard. Review the rules!! A number of them have changed/been tweaked this year. Team rosters will be posted on the website under the YOUTH TEAMS tab at the top of the page and should be available shortly after team selection (usually by Sunday morning). Then choose your level on the left side to display the rosters for that level. Rules and schedules for that level are listed there as well. Individual team pages are listed within the level. You should find a parent on your team to update your teams page. - Program listings, Whats New, At-A-Glance Upcoming Events, Program Philosophy & Mission Statement - FAQs & Documents: Rulebooks, By-Laws, Policies, Coaching Forms - Various coaching forms and documents - portal to individual in-house & travel team websites

Welcome Letter (cont.)

What's new for 2012? In a continuing effort to enhance Shakopee Football, changes for the 2012 season include: Separating 1st and 2nd grade flag levels Flag-specific FAQ on website Two new, lighted fields planned at 17th Fundraiser held an extra week (2 weeks Avenue Sports Complex total) Rule changes, NFHS Travel League: Three Gear Days spread out a little more Playoffs! Coach box painted on tackle fields Website Earlier tackle level registration close date of Bloomington joins SWML July 31st!! Tournament team open to ALL $25 late fee for tackle registrations after players th June 30 (was $20) Two tournaments New shed at Tahpah Main Same costs as 2011 Required Paperwork for ALL Coaches! Make sure you and ALL of your assistant coaches register online to coach, including the ONLINE background screening (yea, no papers to fill out) and online concussion training. You cannot coach without completing a full registration! Help For Coaches Use your grade coordinator as a way to channel questions and issues to the board. Grade coordinators are listed at the top of each levels schedule and on the website. Get a team manager! Enlist one or two moms or dads to help with logistics & communications. Contained in this handbook is a sample of duties for the team manager. One additional duty for them (or for someone else with a computer) would be to manage your team page on the website. The team website can be an easy and invaluable avenue of communication for teams. Get parents used to visiting your teams website for the latest information Communications Get a contact number and/or email address to your team to use as they will need to let someone know when they will miss practice. It could be you or one of your assistants. Arrange that with your coaches. Team contact lists will be sent out soon after team selection. Please have your team manager doublecheck this information with the parents. I would suggest calling each of the families to ensure they know what is going on. Equipment & Shirts All head coaches and up to two assistant coaches get a Shakopee Football coachs t-shirt. We will hand them out as soon as possible. If your team needs one, contact your grade coordinator. Coachs equipment bags and medical/tool/spare part kits will be handed out at the player draft (tackle teams) or after player evals (flag teams). Please let me know if you need any additional supplies. Once game jerseys are in, we will hand them out to all teams. Until then, the players can use practice jerseys, available at Dicks or Sports Authority or from SYFA. Also, helmet decals should be handed out at that time. We will have checkout sheets for coaches to check out pinnies from the shed. Schedules & Rosters Once the schedule is finalized, it will be posted on the website where noted above. Included on it will not only be games & practices, but dates for the Youth Night varsity game, photo nights, Jamboree, Meet the Sabers, all varsity games, and other football events this fall. The individual team schedules for the photo nights should be posted soon. Finally, by the end of the first week of practice, please let your grade coordinator know of any players who have not showed up. We dont want anyone slipping through the cracks. Thanks again and good luck this year. Let your grade coordinators know if you need anything. Corey Carlson, President, Shakopee Youth Football Association



We have a huge responsibility as coaches. It is a privilege to coach not a right or a way to live vicariously. Develop good people and citizens. Hand work + Team work = Success Coaches are most influential (more so than parents in some cases) and the coach is the most visible- on and off the field. Our game is not professional, college or even high school it is a game that should be a fun and learning experience. Winning is an important goal, however; it is not of primary importance. This game is for the kids that play it. Our program will be based on the principles of honesty, hard work and fairness. Demand excellence in all of your dealings with players, parents, other coaches and especially yourself. Our program must be bigger than any individual within it. Be on time, be doing what youre supposed to be doing, where youre supposed to be doing it. Be accountable. This program will be based on one thought- no excuses. Be professional in your behavior and approach. Give the highest degree of concern and attention to the physical well-being of our athletes. Organize your practice plans daily so that your players and coaches know what to expect. We will refrain from: swearing, smoking, drinking or other inappropriate behavior on the practice or game field. Negativity breeds negativity Coaches have every right to be critical, however; after pointing out a mistake we have the obligation to correct the issue and look for the positive. Positivity creates a desire to perform above what is expected and it allows for more hopeful expectations for and from our players. Critique a players performance, not the player, nor the players peculiarities, nor the players parents, siblings, or anyone or anything else that is not part of the players performance. We do not want to brand or stigmatize our players. Treat all of your players with respect regardless of their level of ability. Commend and get excited about players who perform above their level or at unexpected times. Allow players to prove themselves anew each season and do not base team selections on previous seasons or out-of -season activities. Encourage players to try off-season sports. Teach players the precept and example of respect for authorities, officials and the rules of our sport. Allow yourself to attempt to offer something that may stretch your players abilities sometimes youll be surprised and other times, youll scrap the idea. Understand the rules of the game and make certain that your players and assistant coaches understand them as well. We must not air our dirty laundry in front of the players, parents or others, however; we must be open and honest with each other in private. We must also resolve issues in a timely manner and agree to disagree on occasion. We must build loyalty among our staffs and in our program. We must be strong together so that we can stand together during the tough times. Be firm, but fair with your players and staffs. Let your coaches coach. Remember that they are not owned by you and that loyalty is not bestowed to a head coach, however; loyalty and respect needs to be earned. Keep your staffs under control at all times. You as a head coach are ultimately responsible for the actions of your assistant coaches. Communicate with your players, coaches, parents and whoever else needs to know what is going on with your team. Convince the players that they are special because they are Shakopee Sabers and that Shakopee Youth Footballs tradition means something special



Make certain that your child has a positive sports experience. Have your child at practice and games on time (coach will announce times) Practice/ study the game with your child at home (study coaches hand-outs as well) Commit to learn the basics of the game (ask a coach, theyll be happy to explain) Come to games as often as you can and bring others to support your child, your childs team and the program. Cheer positively. Do not use profanity or antagonistically address any particular individual directly (i.e. officials, coaches, players, opposing teams, fans, etc.) Be a good sport! Allow the coach to coach and support the coach during discussions with your child. If you have reservations, address them with the coach directly, in private and at the appropriate time. Compliment and support your child. The more positive reinforcement, the more the likelihood of their enjoyment and success. Let the game officials officiate the game. Keep in mind that they are attempting to be as fair as possible and their knowledge of and interpretations of the rules may differ from yours. If your have issues or concerns or just questions, address the coach at the appropriate time and in private. Please keep in mind that our game is not at the professional, college or even high school level; it is a game that should be a fun and learning experience for our children. Winning is an important experience, however; winning is not of primary importance. Please keep in mind and stress to your child that his commitment to the team is exactly that- a COMMITMENT. When he/ she doesnt feel like participating; they are still obligated to their teammates and the team. We all understand that with any commitment there are many sacrifices, especially with the time commitment, however; the lifes lessons learned far outweigh the sacrifices. Remember this is our childrens game- its all about them!



Must have a coachs contract. Must have a background check. Must attend all mandatory coaches meetings and clinics. Must select staff by the last day of pre-season. Must attend and participate in the evaluation process during pre-season.

Is responsible for assistant coaches. Must make certain that all of his staff has coachs contracts. Is responsible for finding a team manager (team parent). Is the only one to speak with referees. Is responsible for practice plans. Is responsible for providing a playbook to staff & players. Is responsible for taking attendance at practices and games and maintaining record. Must communicate all important information to parents, staff & players. Must keep a list of emergency numbers at all times. Is responsible for jersey/ number assignment and distribution. Is responsible for equipment/ medical bag. Is responsible for the proper fit of players equipment Is responsible for field set-up, equipment storage and clean-up after practices and games. Is responsible for player line-up, positional assignments and rotation. Should match players sizes and abilities when teaching one on one drills. Is responsible for equipment return and must alert the equipment manager about defective or damaged equipment. Is responsible for communicating game results to the Grade Coordinator after every contest. Must have a team roster available at all times. Must have a team roster available at all times. Must alert parents in case of an injury. Must be aware of specific medical conditions of players and keep appropriate medicine available (i.e. puffers, etc.) Must assign a temporary head coach if absent. Must not leave until all players are taken home of picked up by parents. Must have a mandatory parents meeting at the beginning of season HAS THE FINAL SAY WITH STAFF & PLAYERS. Must uphold ethics.

Recommend no more than 4 assistant coaches on staff. Communicate with parents directly or through your team manager- do not rely on players to pass along information. Communicate often- let parents know what is going on. Make certain that your staff understands their responsibilities and duties. Communicate practice plans to staff and have a practice plan for each practice.



Team managers are an essential part of each team! The following is a list of things that every head coach needs help with. A Team Manager or Managers could be a great resource for handling some or all of these needs. Contact your team coach if you are willing to help out with any of these tasks. You CAN make a difference!!!! Distribute and collect beef jerky fundraiser forms Maintain the team web page (easy to do!) Collect forms and distribute photo orders to the team Fit jerseys/document player numbers Assign beverage/snack assignments for games Distribute practice/game schedules, team roster cards, and other updates Report team game scores to grade coordinator Assemble a team of parents to plan the team banquet/party Organize parents to make banners for the Saber Bowl end of year tournament Clean out and inventory team equipment bag for return at end of season Assist with equipment turn-in at end of season Help with communication between coach & parents at games & practices



Fundraiser Notes for Coaches

Players can sell the popular and tasty Jack Links Beef Jerky. Prizes can be earned by players (see flyer for details). Team prizes can be earned as well, such as team pizza parties, t-shirts, etc. Fundraiser runs from August 13th to August 30th. EARN A FREE JACKET! - Each head coach whose team sells 100 boxes gets a free SYFA jacket. If the team sells 200 boxes, another coach on the team can receive a free jacket. COACH AT THE DOME! - The two 5th grade coaches whose teams sell the most jerky have the opportunity to coach their teams in the Metrodome before a Vikings preseason game on August 24th. The fundraiser is completely voluntary. However, money raised will help pay for many aspects of Shakopee youth football meant to improve the kids program: o o o o o o o Much needed additional lighted football fields for the youth program Investment in better player equipment (one of the goals being coaches not having to worry about their players' gear breaking or coming apart during games or practices.) Continuation of additional game officials 4th grade will have a second ref and 6th 8th will have a third ref for all home games An EMS at 6th-8th grade home games, there for player safety and to help coaches identify possible concussions Additional and newer tackling dummies and blocking pads for practices Help offset costs of the travel jerseys the players can keep Fund a college scholarship program for former youth and high school football participants.


Minnesota Concussion Law
The State of Minnesota passed a Youth Sports Concussion Law that takes affect September 1st, 2011: 1. 2. Applies to all players under the age of 18 and applies to ALL youth sports organizations both PUBLIC and PRIVATE. Make information accessible to all participating coaches, officials, and youth athletes and their parents or guardians about the nature and risks of concussions, including the effects and risks of continuing to play after receiving a concussion, and the protocols and content, consistent with current medical knowledge from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Require all participating coaches and officials to receive initial online training and online training at least once every three calendar years thereafter, consistent with the Concussion in Youth Sports online training program available on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Web site. A coach or official shall remove a youth athlete from participating in any youth athletic activity when the youth athlete exhibits signs, symptoms, or behaviors consistent with a concussion or is suspected of sustaining a concussion. When a coach or official removes a youth athlete from participating in a youth athletic activity because of a concussion, the youth athlete may not again participate in the activity until the youth athlete: a. no longer exhibits signs, symptoms, or behaviors consistent with a concussion, and b. is evaluated by a provider trained and experienced in evaluating and managing concussions and the provider gives the youth athlete written permission to again participate in the activity. Failing to remove a youth athlete from an activity is not a violation and does not create any additional liability for, or create any new cause of legal action against, a municipality, business, or nonprofit organization or any officer, employee, or volunteer of a municipality, business, or nonprofit organization.



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Mandatory Head Injury Training

As mentioned above, it is REQUIRED for all youth sport coaches (head and assistant) in Minnesota to take training on head injuries every three years. The CDC provides FREE online training: The training is quick takes about 30 minutes and I guarantee you will learn a few things! If youve completed this training for another sport in the past three years, please provide us with a copy of that completion certificate. We will keep a log of all coaches who have turned in completed forms for reference in future years. Upon completing this training, click to download your completion certificate. Save this document to your PC and print a copy to give to your grade coordinator, program director, or league president. Add this topic to your Parents Meeting agenda! SYFA recommends all parents and players take this training as well. Your #1 concern as a coach should be the welfare and safety of your players. During practice and games, they are your responsibility!




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A Fact Sheet for COACHES

To download the coaches fact sheet in Spanish, please visit Para descargar la hoja informativa para los entrenadores en espaol, por favor visite:

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THE FACTS A concussion is a brain injury. All concussions are serious. Concussions can occur without loss of consciousness. Concussions can occur in any sport. Recognition and proper management of concussions when they first occur can help prevent further injury or even death.
WHAT IS A CONCUSSION? A concussion is an injury that changes how the cells in the brain normally work. A concussion is caused by a blow to the head or body that causes the brain to move rapidly inside the skull. Even a ding, getting your bell rung, or what seems to be a mild bump or blow to the head can be serious. Concussions can also result from a fall or from players colliding with each other or with obstacles, such as a goalpost. The potential for concussions is greatest in athletic environments where collisions are common.1 Concussions can occur, however, in any organized or unorganized sport or
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recreational activity. As many as 3.8 million sports- and recreation-related concussions occur in the United States each year.2 RECOGNIZING A POSSIBLE CONCUSSION To help recognize a concussion, you should watch for the following two things among your athletes: 1. A forceful blow to the head or body that results in rapid movement of the head. -and2. Any change in the athletes behavior, thinking, or physical functioning. (See the signs and symptoms of concussion listed on the next page.)

. Grade an



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Its better to miss one game than the whole season.




These signs and symptoms may indicate that a concussion has occurred.

If you suspect that a player has a concussion,

you should take the following steps:

1. Remove at hlete from play. 2. Ensure ath lete is evaluated by an appropriate health care professional . Do not try to j udge the seriousness of the injury yourself. 3. Inform athlete 's parents or guard ians about the known or possible concussion and give them the fact sheet on concussion.

Appears dazed or stunned Is confused about assignment or position Forgets sports plays Is unsure of game, score, or opponent Moves clumsily Answers questions slowly

Headache or "pressure" in head Nausea or vomiting Balance problems or dizziness Double or blurry vision Sensitivity to light Sensitivity to noise

4. Allow athlete to return to play only with

permission from an appropriate health care professional .

Loses consciousness (even briefly) Shows behavior or personal ity changes Can't recall events prior to hit or fall Can't recall events after hit or fall



Feeling sluggish, hazy, foggy, or groggy Concentration or memory problems Confusion Does not "feel right"

Hospit al Name: Hospit al Phone: Hospital Name: Hospital Phone:

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For immediate attention, CALL 911

If you think your athlete has sustained a concussion.. . tske him/her out of play, and seelc the advice of a health care professional experienced in evaluating for concussion.

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For more information and to order additiona l materials

free-of-ch arge, visit :



Coaches Checklist: Follow the Heat Index shown above Watch kids closely Take lots of breaks Make sure athletes are hydrated Athletes who take antihistamines or beta blockers may be at a greater risk Trust Kids . . . They know what their bodies can take. Don't let peer pressure force kids to make decisions that may cause harm



Heat Cramps
Heat cramps are muscle contractions, usually in the gastrocnemius or hamstring muscles (the muscles at the back of the calves). These contractions are forceful and painful. These cramps seem to be connected to heat, dehydration, and poor conditioning, rather than to lack of salt or other mineral imbalances. They usually improve with rest, drinking water, and a cool environment.

Heat Exhaustion
Heat exhaustion usually occurs after prolonged exposure to heat and/or heavy exercise in the heat resulting in increased loss of body fluids & salt through heavy sweating. The signs of heat exhaustion include: Clammy, pale skin that's cool and damp to the touch Profuse Sweating Dry mouth Tiredness(fatigue) - rapid & shallow breathing Headache and or dizziness

Heat Stroke
Heat stroke is a very dangerous and a potentially life threatening form of heat stress or injury. The body is so overwhelmed by the heat and humidity that it loses the capacity to sweat. This results in very high body temperature which in severe cases can actually cause brain damage and tragically, even lead to death. The signs of heat stroke include: Very high body temperature (103 degrees-F or higher) Hot, red and dry skin Absence of sweating Deep or shallow breathing A weak pulse rate Confusion or hallucinations Seizures Loss of consciousness

How is heat exhaustion treated?

Children suffering from heat exhaustion need to be removed from the heat immediately and given water to drink and cool compresses on their skin. Fortunately, heat exhaustion is not life threatening, and will resolve with rest, fluids and cooling down.

Heat stroke can occur suddenly and is an emergency requiring immediate medical attention.

Prevention of heat injury

Clearly the best approach is to try to prevent heat injury as it can potentially result in heat stroke which is very dangerous. Here are some ways to prevent heat injury during heat/ humidity waves: Young children and babies should be dressed very lightly and not bundled in blankets or heavy clothing. Stay out of the heat and humidity by staying indoors during the hottest time of the day(usually mid morning to mid afternoon).The use of air conditioners if available helpseven for young babies and infants. If the there are no air conditioners, try to stay at the lowest level of the house as it tends to be cooler. Also, try to keep the house as shaded as possible by closing window blinds and curtains. A fan will help as well. Do not stay or leave children in parked cars during hot weather. Avoid vigorous exercise in the heat(this includes children as well). If you have a young child or a child with chronic respiratory conditions such as asthma, do not allow them to partake in sporting events or exercise during heat waves especially when there is a heat/humidity advisory in effect. Drink plenty of fluids. Water is good. Sports drinks are good too as they contain added salt. It is important to know that children may not feel thirsty but will still need to drink regularly. Avoid salt tablets. Avoid drinking caffeine containing beverages. When in the sun keep track of how long a child has been outside. Learn to recognize the signs of heat exhaustion right away so you or your child can get shelter in order to avoid further heat injury. Also, use your common sense and remove your child from the sun/heat as frequently as you think is necessary. Do not over do it. If your children are swimming in a pool or beach, you still have to be aware that the high humidity and sun rays are still a potential threat. Proper sun-screen protection as well as frequent rests in the shade are still necessary. Children are unable to perspire as much as adults and therefore are more prone to heat stress during exercise than adults. A sensible approach must be used in determining if children can safely partake in sports activities during heat/humidity waves.

2012 Shakopee Youth Football Operating Guide & By-Laws

Certified as of 04/13/12 and supersedes any rules prior to this date.

OPERATING GUIDE Vision | for the purpose of teaching each child the fundamentals of the sport and to provide the
framework for the wholesome participation at each childs playing ability. SYFA and its members are dedicated to the sport of football in our community. We will offer a quality and well-supervised youth football program in a fun environment that will instruct youth on the proper football fundamentals and increase the overall football skill levels of all participants. The program will do this while promoting values of high-character, sportsmanship, and teamwork, and hope to instill a lifelong love for the game of football. | Teamwork | Skill Development | Love the Game! The Shakopee Youth Football Association (SYFA) is a non-profit organization that exists

Mission |

Values | Have Fun | Sportsmanship

Program Philosophy
Having fun while learning and being treated with dignity is each child's right and each adult's responsibility. We will be team oriented in our approach. In the game of football, the goals of the team and group can only be attained through dedication and commitment of the whole team. Nothing can be accomplished alone. Coaches and parents shall stress sportsmanship, team spirit, and developing skills more than winning. Coaches and parents shall employ appropriate language and behavior when dealing with impressionable youth.

Conduct & Code of Ethics

SYFA board members, coaches, assistant coaches, referees, coordinators and volunteers will: Exhibit and maintain personal conduct supporting the SYFA program philosophy and rules. Maintain a commitment to the highest levels of personal and public integrity. Encourage a positive impression for the game of football.

Unethical conduct or actions are unacceptable and should be reported to the SYFA board. The Board of Directors will review the situation and determine if the incident is subject to disciplinary action. SYFA parents and participants must agree to abide by the overall philosophy of SYFA and parent/participant conduct policy. Violations of this policy should be brought to the boards attention for review by the board and possible disciplinary action. During tackle games in Shakopee, players and coaches will have a coaching box area painted on the sideline turf. Only players and coaches are allowed within this area. Parents and other spectators are to stay outside of this area.

Coachs Responsibility
Coaches and grade coordinators will be selected by the Board and are required to abide by the overall philosophy of SYFA and the SYFA Coachs Code of Conduct Policy. The head coach for each team must attend the coachs clinic and receive approval before coaching. Assistant coaches are welcome and recommended. A coach with previous SYFA football coaching experience and a positive review from the Board has priority

selection as a coach in any new season. A head coach can select one assistant coach prior to the player draft. Both the head and assistant coaches must be registered with SYFA as coaches prior to the draft. A coach is responsible for the development and conduct of all players on the team. As a coach, their primary function is to teach skills and develop the players socially, psychologically, and physically. They are accountable to the SYFA Board of Directors and will follow the guidelines listed below: Hold a parent/coach meeting prior to the first season game to explain the rules, goals, and objectives to the team. Clearly state the expectations of the players and parents for the season. Encourage team play and values rather than individual accomplishments. Develop players to play a variety of positions within the players physical and mental abilities. Enforce all rules without prejudice toward any one player. Maintain team discipline. Sensitive matters will be explained in full and be private between player, parent, and coach. Conduct yourself as a role model for the players and the parents.

A coach may sit a player for a specific disciplinary reason. Such benching must be for a reasonable length of time and must be related to a specific behavior rather than a game situation. Behavior which could be subject to disciplinary action includes excessive unexcused absence at practices or games, foul language, violent behavior, or refusal to follow coachs instructions. A players participation may be restricted or prohibited for some length of time due to school-initiated discipline such as suspension or expulsion. Any complaint about a coach's behavior and/or coaching philosophy will be reviewed by a grade coordinator and/or Board of Directors. This panel shall have final say as to what disciplinary action will be taken if needed. Issues with playing time should be addressed with the grade level coordinator after waiting 24 hours.

Rules & Violations

The SYFA rulebook for each grade level, in conjunction with the NFHS Football rules, shall govern all play except as modified by the Board of Directors and the grade coordinator. It is the responsibility of each coach (not the referees) to understand and follow the associations rules and guidelines. Rules are specific and are not subject to interpretation. Coaches should discuss rules or other concerns with each other before or after games in a professional manner away from the players. Grade coordinators will exercise good judgment of making any necessary changes. Players will participate at their current grade level (as of fall classes), and cannot register or move between SYFA playing levels without explicit permission from the SYFA board. Grades 6 through 8 of the SYFA participate in the Southwest Metro Football League (SWML), a travel league allowing for games between various surrounding communities. For these grade levels, SYFA teams will follow the league rules of the SWML. Grades 7 and 8 of the SYFA may allow for the formation of a tournament team at each grade level. Players on tournament teams must be a currently registered member of the SYFA and an active member of a travel team in addition to the tournament team. Any player in that particular grade is eligible to participate on a tournament team. Tournament teams will be run similar to high school teams. Playing time is not guaranteed and will be determined by the tournament team coaching staff. All tournament teams will follow the rules of the individual tournaments they will participate in during the season. Rule disputes with referees or opposing coaches during the game will not be tolerated. The referees will be directed by the association to strictly enforce penalties relating to the following: Profanity, abusive language, questioning or arguing calls by coaches, players, spectators or parents. FIRST OFFENSE: 15 Yards, loss of down SECOND OFFENSE: Ejection (game will be stopped until the offender has left the property). Rule changes during the season can only be made by the board and must be communicated to all coaches prior to the rule change being applied. Suggestions for any rule changes must be made to the board in writing. Rules for each grade will be reviewed at the postseason coachs meeting and amendments can be recommended at this time. All changes will be incorporated in the following season.

Rule violations should be reported within 48 hours to the Grade Coordinator who will then report them to the Board. Coaches determined to have violated any SYFA rules or philosophies will be reviewed by the Board with possible discipline up to and including dismissal.

Chemical Use Policy

The SYFA does not allow the use or possession of Mood Altering Chemicals by any player. Coaches, parents, volunteers, and referees of legal age are not allowed to use any Mood Altering Chemicals while on the grounds of any SYFA activity. These include, but are not limited to: tobacco, marijuana, beverages containing alcohol, or any substance defined by law as a drug. It is not a violation for a player to be in possession of a legally defined drug specifically prescribed for the players own use by his doctor. Should a coach encounter a player or parent in violation of this rule during the season of play, they must immediately report the incident to a member of the Board of Directors. 1. FIRST VIOLATION: Two weeks suspension from the sport, which includes all practices, games, scrimmages and tournaments. The person(s) in violation must have a meeting with two of the officers of the Association. 2. SECOND VIOLATION: The person will be dismissed from the team for the balance of the season. (In event a player is so dismissed as a result of this violation no refund shall occur.)

Member Safety & Equipment

The health and well-being of all SYFA participants is the associations primary concern. All SYFA equipment handed out to players shall be kept in the best condition possible. Equipment is reviewed during the off-season for wear and tear. Each helmet shall be reconditioned every three years and, as of September 1, 2011, shall not be reconditioned if more than 10 years old. Equipment that no longer meets these standards for safe play will be destroyed and salvaged. The SYFA will have available for parents information on head injuries. The SYFA will attempt to educate coaches on identifying the symptoms of concussions. A player that shows symptoms of sustaining a concussion shall be immediately removed from the current event. In order to mitigate any further injury, this player is prohibited from taking part in any SYFA sporting event until the player receives medical clearance from a recognized health care professional trained in the evaluation and management of a concussion. A medical professional trained in the evaluation and management of concussions must provide the players coach and the program director with a written statement approving the child for participation in a SYFA sporting event before the player is again allowed to participate in a SYFA event.

Refund Policy
A registered player who decides to or cannot participate and notifies the SYFA prior to August 1st will receive a full refund of their registration fee. A player who must drop out of the program during the month of August due to injury will also receive a full refund. All SYFA equipment must be returned prior to a refund being issued. Special circumstances may arise during August that can be reviewed by the SYFA board for a possible refund. No full or partial refunds will be issued after August 31st. All refunds are subject to a $15 processing fee.

BY-LAWS Article I Membership

Section 1 Qualification Section 2 Membership Any parent/guardian who has paid a players registration fee shall be considered a member of this association. In addition, any community member who is an active volunteer (as determined by the Board of Directors) within the association can be noted as a member of the Association. The annual membership period shall commence on the date of registration for the current season and shall terminate on the next seasons registration opening date. The number of members shall be unlimited with efforts made each year to increase the association membership. Each member, as defined in Article I, Section 1, shall be entitled to one vote at all membership open vote meetings of the association, including the annual meeting. This excludes Board of Directors meetings. There shall be an annual meeting of the association membership each year scheduled after the completion of the season and before the next season registration. The Board of Directors will announce the date, time, place and agenda of the meeting at least ten days prior to the meeting. The annual meeting shall elect the Directors of the Association. No proxy votes will be recognized or counted. The SYFA board will attempt to hold scheduled monthly meetings throughout the year. These meetings are open to the membership and will be scheduled on the associations website calendar. Special meetings of the board will be held whenever deemed necessary by the board.

Section 3 Annual Meeting

Section 4 Meetings

Article II Officers
Section 1 Officers & Duties Officers of the Board of Directors shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. These officers shall be members of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall elect officers at the first meeting of the new Board following the annual meeting of the Association. The President must have served at least one year on the Board of Directors or as committee chair to be elected. The President shall preside at all membership and Board of Directors meetings. The President shall assume responsibility in the supervision of the business of the association and may delegate such duties as may be necessary. The President may sign legal documents of the Association. The President shall have joint custody of all funds & accounts of the Association. The Vice-President shall preside in the absence of the President and at such times perform the duties of the office of the President. The Vice-President may co-sign legal documents along with one other officer. The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of the proceedings of all meetings including any regular Board meetings, special meetings or proceedings. The Secretary shall hold the official papers of the Association, including the Corporate Charter, By-Laws, and a file of all Association meetings. The Secretary may co-sign legal documents along with one other officer. The Secretary is responsible for notifying members of meeting changes and provide a copy of the meetings agenda for all Directors. The Treasurer shall have joint custody of all funds and accounts of the Association, shall keep a record of receipts and disbursements and shall pay out funds as authorized by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall report of the receipts and disbursements and current fund balances at each Director meeting or at the request of the President. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the timely filing of all government reports, including reports required by the Internal Revenue Service.

Section 2 President

Section 3 Vice President Section 4 Secretary

Section 5 Treasurer

Article III Board of Directors

Section 1 Board Structure The Board of Directors shall be composed of the four Officers named in Article II, Travel Director, In-House Director, Equipment Manager, Fundraising Coordinator, Head Official, the Shakopee High School Head Varsity Coach or designated person by this coach (non-elected), and three additional elected members-at-large. A youth board member should be appointed as liaison to the school football booster club. The past President shall have the option to reside as Senior Advisor, for two years and may lead any committee. In the event of a vacancy on the Board of Directors due to resignation or other occurrences, the Board of Directors will fill such vacancy until the next annual meeting election.

Section 2 Nominations & Terms Section 3 Powers and Duties

Any Association member in good standing is eligible to be nominated to serve as a board member and such nomination shall be voted upon by the membership at the Annual Meeting. Directors shall serve for a two-year term beginning immediately after the Annual Meeting at which they have been elected. The Board of Directors shall be the general governing body of the Association and efficiently direct the business of the Association. During intervals between the general meetings of the members of the Association, The Board of Directors shall have, and may exercise all of the powers of the Association in the management of the business affairs of the Association, in such manner as the Board shall deem to be in the best interest of the Association and its members. SYFA board members receive no monetary compensation. Board members will receive 50% off SYFA player registration fees for any of their children during the season in which they are an active board member. This applies only to registration fees and does not include late fees, equipment, or any other fee. Travel team head coaches will receive the 100% discount on one player.

Section 4 Compensation

Article IV Grade Coordinators & Committees

Section 1 Grade Coordinators The Board of Directors shall appoint a coordinator for each grade level (1-8) each year. The grade coordinator is responsible for communications to the parent group of such grade. The grade coordinator will assist in the development of teams and coaches and assist with the players equipment selection of all grade participants. The grade coordinator will direct the activities during practices and/or games and assist with the coachs efforts of such grade. We will also have a middle school coordinator to work with that program and ours to ensure a successful transition of players as they develop. There shall be committees with a Chairperson appointed by the Board of Directors. Such Committee Chairperson and the committee members may be a member of the Board of Directors or a general membership volunteer. Standing committees may include, but are not limited to: Equipment Fundraising Communication Registration Volunteers Events Coaches Referees Merchandise Camps Photos

Section 2 Committees

Article V Miscellaneous
Section 1 Amendments Section 2 Information Database Section 3 Insurance Requirements Section 4 Football Rules These By-Laws may be altered or amended at any meeting of the Board of Directors of the Association by a majority vote. In the event that a board meeting cannot be held, all officers will be notified and with a unanimous vote, the amendment may be implemented. Information on SYFA members shall be strictly limited and protected. Personal information collected during registration will never be shared with outside vendors. Member e-mail addresses will only be utilized by SYFA board members, and for purposes of communicating association-related events or information. SYFA provides medical insurance for all SYFA participants. Cost of this insurance is included in registration fees. Parents of participants requiring this insurance shall be responsible for the deductible portion of the claim. All SYFA directors & officers, as well as coaches are provided liability insurance. The SYFA rulebook shall govern all play except as modified by the Board of Directors and the grade coordinators. Rule changes or suggestions will be reviewed at a postseason coachs meeting. Any changes accepted during this meeting will be effective for the next season. Rule books will be distributed to all coaches at the Coachs Clinic noting any changes from the previous year.

Section 5 Grievances Section 6 Player Movement

All grievances and complaints may be brought to any of the Board of Directors by any Association member, parent, coach, or player. Any action needed to address the grievance will be acted on upon the decision of the Board. All players will be assigned to a team based upon grade. The only exception to this rule is the movement of players due to non-typical size consideration. Players may be moved up or down due to size with the approval or request of the parent/guardian and agreement of both grade coordinators. All approved player movements must be communicated to the Board of Directors and registration committee chairperson. In the event that this organization stops operating or is dissolved the officers are responsible for determining the allocation of the assets of this organization. All assets including cash, equipment, or any item purchased or used by this organization will be donated to the organization supporting the development of youth football in Shakopee only if such organization is registered to be non-profitable and exempt. In the event that such an organization does not exist, all assets will be given to the high school football booster club, which is also a non-profit organization focused on the development of football within the community.

Section 7 Organization Dissolution



Prior to Evaluations

1. At Gear Days, number helmets according to players grade. For example: 8th grade will have an 800 series number, 7th grade will have a 700 series number and so on. Numbers to be tracked at that time. 2. Coaches will be requested to attend an evaluation meeting (approx 30 minutes) the Sunday before evaluations (August 7th). Time could be 6pm at Tahpah or HS Fields. Discuss the set up of 3 drills and grading criteria for tackling. Also instruction on how the drill should be run. Clayt would volunteer to 3. Equipment will need to be gathered: a. Cones (approx 20 cones per site for a total of 40 cones). i. Tackling drill will need 8 cones. ii. 40 yard dash will need 6 to 8 cones iii. Pro agility will need 3 to 4 cones b. Stop watches (4 working stop watches at each location for a total of 8). i. 4 for the 40 yard dash ii. 4 for pro agility. Need to race against someone, did not do this last year. c. Spray paint (one per site for a total of 2 cans. d. Tape measure (one per site for a total of 2) A 120 foot tape measure would be preferred for each site. e. Bean Bags to keep players honest (4 per location, 8 total). Erasers or batons will also work. f. Signs for getting flag kids in the correct grade for evaluations. Also a sign for equipment location so kids know where to go. Need two of these signs. 4. Need an equipment person to assist players with equipment issues both locations(Tomei and Freisen) a. Need help with what you need to asst players on equipment (a little of everything and be prepared to outfit a couple of kids entirely). I would assume we would need a spreadsheet to account what we give out and to whom.

Day of Evaluations

Monday, August 6th 6:00PM Tahpah Main All Flag 1. Stretch and perform cals as a group. (Breegemann, Liska or Tomei) 2. Separate kids by grades (one group: 1st & 2nd, another group: 3rd) 3. Separate sub-groups by size eyeball it small vs large kids 4. Have helpers at the finish line 5. Have head and assistant coaches off to the side, with their kids 6. Run heats of 4-6 kids at a time from group of smaller kids a. the 4-6 number should be a subset of the number of teams 7. Note their finish order. Assign kids to teams in order of finish (1, 2, 3, 4) 8. Continue running heats & assigning kids to teams in serpentine fashion 1, 2, 3 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3) 9. Do same with larger kids, assigning to teams in opposite serpentine order as smaller kids

Tuesday, August 7th 6:00PM Tahpah Main 4th Grade th Wednesday, August 8 6:00PM Tahpah Main 5th Grade 1. Coaches arrive at 5:30 for station set up 40 Yard Dash a. Will be set up using the length of the field. Could use a side line as a guide. Run two players at a time

40 yards

Pro Agility 5 yards 5 yards a. Start from a three-point stance, facing the timer, with feet straddling the line, right hand touching the line START b. Turn and sprint 5 yards to the right, touch pylon c. Turn and sprint 10 yards to the left, touch pylon FINISH d. Turn and sprint 5 yards through the finish line Always turn towards the timer when making cuts. Tackling Drill Offensive a. Runner will start on top two cones. Will get cadence from Runner Station leader to which cones to cut to (A, B or C) b. Defense will start at bottom two cones and make a read on the offensive player. c. Grading criteria: 1. Offense: A B C 1 pt for running without hesitation 1 pt for beating defense through the cones Defensive 1 pt for not getting touched by defender Tackler 1 pt for breaking a tackle 1 pt for falling forward -1 pt for fumbling 2. Defense: 1 pt for reading back correctly 1 pt for beating back to the cones 1 pt for tackling back and back falling backwards 1 point for proper form (head in front of rb) using correct shoulder to tackle 1 point for wrapping the back up. a. Bonus pt for causing back to fumble 2. Stretch and perform cals as a group. (Breegemann, Liska or Tomei) 3. Divide into 3 equal groups: this will be determined on Sunday; group one: (600 to 630 is group one to the 40 yard dash) group two: (631 to 660 to the pro agility station) group 3: (661 to 690 to the Tackling drill). Before the start of each station, the players will be instructed by the station leader on what the drill is and how to properly perform the drill. 4. Once each kid has gone through the drill twice, coaches will have players take a knee to signal to other groups they are finished. All groups will rotate once all stations have been completed. 5. Ideally, on Tuesday the coaches for the 4th grade will all evaluate the tackling drill and coaches for 5th grade will assist with timing the 40 yard dash and pro agility stations. This will change for Wednesday as the 5th grade coaches will evaluate the tackling drill on Wednesday and 4th grade coaches will assist timing the 40 yard dash and pro agility stations.

Monday, August 6th 6:00PM High School Tuesday, August 7th 6:00PM High School th Wednesday, August 8 6:00PM High School 1. Coaches arrive at 5:30 for station set up 40 Yard Dash (3 Lines) a. Will be set up using the length of the field. Could use a side line as a guide. Run two players at a time

6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade

40 yards

Pro Agility (2 Stations) 5 yards 5 yards e. Start from a three-point stance, facing the timer, with feet straddling the line, right hand touching the line START f. Turn and sprint 5 yards to the right, touch pylon g. Turn and sprint 10 yards to the left, touch pylon FINISH h. Turn and sprint 5 yards through the finish line Always turn towards the timer when making cuts. Tackling Drill a. Runner will start on top two cones. Will get instruction Offensive from Station leader to which cones to cut to (Left or Right) Runner b. Defense will start at bottom two cones and make a read on the offensive player. 7 yards c. Grading criteria: 2. Offense: 1 pt for running without hesitation 4 yards 4 yards 2 yards 2 yards 1 pt for beating defense through the cones 1 pt for not getting touched by defender 4 yards 1 pt for breaking a tackle 1 pt for falling forward -1 pt for fumbling Defensive Tackler 3. Defense: 1 pt for reading back correctly 1 pt for beating back to the cones 1 pt for tackling back and back falling backwards 1 point for proper form (head in front of rb) using correct shoulder to tackle 1 point for wrapping the back up. Bonus pt for causing back to fumble 2. Stretch and perform cals as a group. (Breeggemann, Liska or Tomei) 3. Divide into 3 equal groups: this will be determined on Sunday; group one: (600 to 630 is group one to the 40 yard dash) group two: (631 to 660 to the Pro Agility station) group 3: (661 to 690 to the Tackling drill). Before the start of each station, the players will be instructed by the station leader on what the drill is and how to properly perform the drill. 4. Once each kid has gone through the drill twice, coaches will have players take a knee to signal to other groups they are finished. All groups will rotate once all stations have been completed. 5. Ideally, on Monday the coaches for the 6th grade will all evaluate the tackling drill and coaches for 7th and 8th grade will assist with timing the 40 yard dash and pro agility stations. This will change for Tuesday and Wednesday as the 7th grade coaches will evaluate the tackling drill on Tuesday and 8th grade coaches for Wednesday, other grade coaches will assist with timing the other two drills.



Flag Teams (1 st 3 rd Grades)

Teams are selected immediately during player evaluations.

In-House Tackle Teams (4 th & 5 th Grades)

1. Sort the top & bottom 24 by weight (Heavyweights/Lightweights) the rest are middle weights. PAY NO ATTENTION TO WHO ARE COACHES AT THIS POINT. 2. Sort them by their rankings from the evaluations within those weight classes. If the player missed some or all of the evaluations, the draft committee will place that player in the rankings. 3. Player to team selections will be done by a draft com m ittee, not by coaches. 4. Starting with the heavyweights, place kids on teams automatically based on their ranking in a serpentine order (for instance in a 6 team league: 1-2-3-4-5-6-6-5-4-3-2-1-1-2). If it helps, put their names under a team on a whiteboard as they are assigned for everyone to see. At this point, coaches are not assigned to a specific team. 5. Repeat for Lightweights, starting with the team that selected last in the HW1 round. 6. Repeat for Middleweights, starting with the team that selected in the middle of the HW1 round. 7. At this point go to the board and circle all the head coaches players on the board. Any head coaches that are NOT on the board add them to a team that does NOT have a head coach. Do not try to juggle assistant coaches at this point. If 2 or more head coaches are on a team then trade them to a team that does not have a head coach by swapping their son for the player in the same exact column of HW1/HW3/LW1 or whatever it may be. 8. Do the same for any chosen assistant coaches. 9. Look for any further assistant coaches players on the board. Try to even out the possible assistants across all teams. NOTE: Be cautious when changing kids that are in the HW1/LW1/MW1 rows. There is usually some difference between the #1-2 and the #5-6. I would sometimes do a 2 person change if you are exchange between teams to keep it even: Example: Team 6 needed to trade their LW1 to Team 2. It would go like this: Team 6: gives the current LW1 and LW3 and receives from Team 2 their LW1 and LW2. This keeps the total strength of the team about the same. Again.....MINIMIZE any trading when possible, it is good for coaches to work with new coaches. Team 1 1 12 13 24 6 7 18 19 4 9 16 21 28 33 Team 2 2 11 14 23 5 8 17 20 5 8 17 20 29 32 Team 3 3 10 15 22 4 9 16 21 6 7 18 19 30 31 Team 4 4 9 16 21 3 10 15 22 1 12 13 24 25 36 Team 5 5 8 17 20 2 11 14 23 2 11 14 23 26 35 Team 6 6 7 18 19 1 12 13 24 3 10 15 22 27 34

HW 1 HW 2 HW 3 HW 4 LW 1 LW 2 LW 3 LW 4 MW 1 MW 2 MW 3 MW 4 MW 5 MW 6

Travel Teams (6 th 8 th Grades)

The travel team selection will use a controlled, serpentine draft system, with coaches selecting their team s. Divide players in to 3 or 4 groups by weight. Rank players by weight class - below 80 lbs, 80 to 99 lbs, 100 to 119lbs, and 120 lbs & higher or evenly dividing up all players ranked by weight. Teams pick cards ace through 4 (for 4 teams). The team with the ace goes first in the heaviest weight class, with the 2 card picking second and so on. If a team picks first in the first round, they would pick last in the 2nd round of the same weight class. In this controlled draft, each team would get a selection out of the next best eight (twice the window of the number of teams) players available in that weight class at the time they would pick. Each team will have eight players to choose from since it is a rolling draft. The players ranking would be based on the evaluation system score that each player was given at evaluation week. If a coachs son is in the group of the next best eight players, that team will get the coachs son automatically. Once all players are picked in that weight class, then the team with the #3 card gets to select first in the next highest weight class, while the team with the #2 card will pick last in the first round of the second weight class. See chart below for clarification.

Playing Card = 120 lbs & over

Ace 1 8 9 16 3 6 11 14 4 5 12 13 2 7 10 15

2 2 7 10 15 4 5 12 13 1 8 9 16 3 6 11 14

3 3 6 11 14 1 8 9 16 2 7 10 15 4 5 12 13

4 4 5 12 13 2 7 10 15 3 6 11 14 1 8 9 16

100-119 lbs

80-99 lbs

Under 80 lbs



1. Review team rules 2. Practice time throughout the season. Will need to start earlier as it gets later in the year. 3. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday are mandatory scheduled practices. Some Fridays may be scheduled for optional pra special teams. Also there is a Saturday practice on Aug 22 and Aug 29. 4. Please tape straps on shoulder pads. 5. Need one or two parents to assist coaches on various items. Organize team party -OPEN Assist with picture night - OPEN Decals: o Skull & Crossbones and stars OPEN o Assisting players with placement of team logo on helmet OPEN Parent roster cards (laminated). OPEN Assist with Equipment needs during games: OPEN o shoulder pads - replacing lost clips; o helmets - tightening screws o mouth guards Treat schedule for halftime - OPEN Website OPEN 6. Players are required to attend all scheduled practices and games. If a player will not be able to attend, please call one of the coaches to inform them. 7. A player that has an unexcused absence from practice may lose playing time during the game. 8. A player that is tardy for practice or game will run a campus lap after practice or game. 9. Absenteeism because of another sports activity is not acceptable. 10. Assist your child with both a team goal and an individual goal. 11. Please inform me of any special needs or concerns your child may have. 12. Game conduct: Please be patient with referees. They are trying to do a job that is not always easy. Please cut them break when and if they make a mistake. Zebras are human too!! SYFA requests that all communication to the refere are from the head coach. COACH CONTACT INFO: Coach: ____________________ ________________ ________________ (cell) Coach: _____________________ ________________ ________________ (cell)



When the whistle blows. Listen and be quiet! Never speak when a coach is talking. No swearing. EVER. No arguing with the officials No arguing with teammates. This is a sign of a team in trouble. Do what you are instructed to do and good things will happen. Play the game with class. Taunting other players or intentional illegal hits will not be tolerated. Players must be thinking out on the field. 90 % of this game is mental desire. Other 10 % is physical ability.

Must be in full gear by practice time and lined up in cal lines. Full gear will be determined the day before by coaches. Quarterbacks and centers will take 25 snaps either before or after practice.

Must be in Cal lines at the start of practice. Cal lines will rotate each week to allow each player to lead cals.

If a player gets hurt and goes to the doctor, the player must get a signed release from the doctor to play aga What is said on the field, stays on the field. This includes information about our playbook. Have FUN, HUSTLE and put forth your BEST EFFORT each day. Stars will be awarded to each player that attends all practices before 1st game. SPECIAL REQUEST: No jumping on trampolines during the season!







Team Goals

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Personal Goals
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Parents Goals
1. 2. 3. Player Signature:_______________________________________ Date:______________ Parent/Guardian Signature:_______________________________ Date:______________


DATE: __________________
Set Cal Lines: SEE HANDOUT Stretching: Standing: Neck, Shoulders, Triceps, Biceps, Chest, Hamstrings, Groin, Calves, Sitting: Hamstrings and Calves (spread and together), Quads, Groin, Back (feet over head and roll back) Cals: Jumping Jacks 15 Push Ups (I say down and you say number) 15 Crunches (Isay up, you say number) 15 Leg Raises 10 Tackling drill (walk through and explain goal of drill) Run in place (whistle-hit the ground) Campus Lap Break-Water Explain expectation of practice. Practice hard and listen to coaches. Whistle blows, listen and be quiet. Conditioning Drills: four teams, team that loses does extra push ups. Explain how to get into a 3 point stance, demonstrate it. Start in a 3 point stance. Evaluate stances 20 yard bounding 20 yard high knee 20 yard crossover 20 yard shuffle/scissors 20 yard dash Team: Get off the ball 10 yards (all on the same line) Good time to explain gap numbers and back numbers. Explain and demonstrate proper offensive blocking and defensive reads. Reading offense: need to read the head and feet. Explain that blocking leads with correct foot, continues with correct head position. Go over what to read as a defensive player. Do not share with other teams. RB,QB eyes. Pointing feet. Leaning forward or back on heels. Split team between backs and lineman: Line: Pulling, Pulling and hit dummy, Drive blocking (stay with block 5 to 10 yards), Pass block, Cross block, double team, trap block. Drills: Mirror drills used to help defense read. Explain to coaches. Getting off the ball, sprinting 5 yards and holding blocks.


Time kids at 3yrds and 10 yrds. Acknowledge who wins. If things go well play 5 on 5 passing scrimmage with coach being QB first. LIVE: HIT or BE HIT at this age, 90% of game is mental desire to hit, 10% is physical. Offensive Huddle Offensive Plays; QBs name here TBs name here FBs name here C name here Explain Cadence - ready, set, go, go. How to take a snap (how QB wants the ball from center) How to give and receive hand off and how to pitch and option pitch the ball THIS MUST BE DONE CONSISTANTLY WITH EVERY QB!! QB and C shall take 25 snaps before or after each practice POWER I Right 37 and 36 Right 27 and 26 Left 32 and 33 Left 43 and 42 Quick pitch 28 and 38 Quick pitch 41 and 31 Right Fake quick pitch bootleg 11 Left Fake quick pitch bootleg 18 Right Fake dive option 18 Left Fake dive option 11 NEW PLAYS Offensive Unit: run plays as a full unit. Each play goes 10 yards. Each mistake adds 1 extra 30 sprint. Conditioning: 2 x 10 yards, 2 x 20 yards, 2 x 30 yards, 2 x 20 yards, 2 x 10 yards Wrap up: Break down! Sabres! Break down! Sabres! Break down! Sabres! Hand out goal sheets to every player and parent. Want them to complete and bring back for next practice. Action Items: Distribute goals to players at the end of the week. Print play books by end of week Practice will be similar each day. Recap: discuss good things observed today, also things to work on. We will be best conditioned team in the league.



Game lineup: _______________ Date: ______________________ Opponent: __________________

Offensive Position: QB 2TB 3FB 4TB LE LT LG C RG RT RE 1st Quarter Name/Number 2nd Quarter Name/Number 3rd Quarter Name/Number 4th Quarter Name/Number


Game lineup: _______________ Date: ______________________ Opponent: __________________
Defensive Position: LE LT RT RE LCB LLB MLB RLB RCB FS SS 1st Quarter Name/Number 2nd Quarter Name/Number 3rd Quarter Name/Number 4th Quarter Name/Number



Team Leader Physically coordinated and athletic Confident and controlled temperament Speed isnt everything, but it sure helps


QB is the coach on the field Calls the plays Keeps team motivated Maintains order on the field (supported by the Center)

Must be comfortable! Head & Shoulders square w/ Center Eyes focused ahead Arms forward Hands throwing hand on top, pressing against Centers backside; middle finger on Centers pant seam; fingers spread Back slightly arced Knees comfortably bent for easy exchange w/ Center; adjusts to height of Center Feet straight ahead, shoulder width apart

Handoffs Fakes Drop back pass (5 step)

Drills (see

Same as running backs including balance drills, ball handling/fumble drills, cut drills, tire drills Work specifically on drop back pass, handing off, Center exchange, pivoting, fake handoff Good foot work and eye/hand coordination are a must for a successful quarterback!


I. RUNNING BACK OR BACKFIELD A. Eyes forward and head up. B. Do not look at the hole or at the person you need to block. C. No pointing with your shoulders or with your head or feet. D. You dont have to be fast, but you do need to be quick to the hole. E. You run to the hole, not to the QB. F. Put your elbow up to the QBs chin to receive the ball and do not wait for him. If he is not there you are a new blocker. G. When you have the ball cover up in traffic. When you make it through the traffic hit the outside. Switch the ball to the outside hand incase of a fumble so if the ball comes out it will most likely go out of bounds. DRILLS A. Form two lines and have the kids walk slowly handing the ball off between them with the elbow up the persons chin that is handing it off. When everyone is getting it right then speed it up and continue to increase the speed. It will usually end up in a fumble. B. Having the lineman stand in where they go call out a hole number and have them run through it. C. Put four guys laying on their backs, two on one side and two on the other side helmet to helmet. Drop the football to one member. On the side the ball was dropped the person that did not receive the ball is the ball carriers blocker. Repeat with all players. WIDE RECEIVERS AND TIGHT ENDS A. Tight end on the line of scrimmage next to the tackles. B. Wide receiver A off the line of scrimmage. C. Wide receiver should have their hands up and in a crouched run position. D. Tight ends are in a 3 point stance and will block or go our for a pass. E. All receivers, tight end or wide receiver, will have hands thumb to thumb and looking back to the QB as soon as possible. DRILLS A. Receivers should be on one side or the other of the center and QB. Have them run routes. B. Same scenario but add DB. C. Have receivers lay on their back and throw ball in the air. See how many times they can catch the ball with their thumbs together. D. Run crisp routes without the ball being thrown.






I Group Individual Technique- Proper Stance (10 15 minutes): Coaches should break up the total number of players evenly and break them up into groups- 1 to 2 yards apart & 2 to 3 yards front to back. Proper 2-point stance: Have players get into a 2-point stance and check each player individually for proper technique. Do drill twice, inspected each player twice. Feet shoulder width apart Even toes (no offset foot) Toes pointed down field (no knocked knees or pigeon toes) Knees bent Solid base- player cannot be pushed over from side Head up Back arched slightly Forearms on inside of thighs Formation: Drill:


Coaching Points: Drill:

Proper 3-point stance: Keep player with same coaches in the same lines and check each player individually for proper technique. Do drill twice and inspect each player twice. Same checks as for 2-point stance Knees bent (like squatting on the toilet- excuse this description!) Head up (player should be able to see 3 5 yards down field) Back flat Butt down Light touch with extended (down) arm (player should be able to lift hand and should not fall if hand is pushed out from underneath) Offset arm should be resting on inside of knee in ready position. Check each individual player for solid base by pushing them from either side.

Coaching Points:


Group Blocking Progression (15 - 20 minutes): Put all players into a single line and spread coaches out in front evenly. 1st Step: Grab your Guns: From a 3-point stance have the players take one 45 degree step to the right with hands cocked at the waist and stop. Do the drill twice to the right and twice to the left. Inspect each player after each repetition. Knees bent Head up Butt low Solid base Fingers together with thumbs up

Formation: Drill:

Coaching Points: Drill:

2nd Step: Explode into Opponents Numbers: From a 3-point stance have the players take a 45 degree step to the right- Grabbing their Guns and then follow with the opposite foot and both arms to engage the opponents chest (numbers on jerseys) and stop. Do the drill twice to the right and twice to the left. Inspect each player after each repetition. Knees bent Head up Butt low Solid base Fingers together with thumbs up and ready to engage the opponent at the numbers with fingers on either side of the breast-plate of the shoulder pads.

Coaching Points:


3rd Step: Drive until the Whistle: At this point the players should be ready to do the whole blocking progression from a 3-point stance and down the field. However; this drill must be exaggerated so that they understand that blocking is a progression of several moves. From a 3-point stance have the players move to the 1st step by calling out the number 1 (this designates the 1st step) and have them stop briefly. Then have the players move to the Explode into Opponents phase of the blocking progression by calling out the number 2 and have them stop briefly. Finally, call out the number 3 and release them down field 4 or 5 yards.


Group Blocking Progression with Partner (10 15 minutes): Pair up all players across from each other along the same line as during the previous drill. One side will be offense and the other side will be defensive. Have defensive players remain in a 2-point stance during the drill and have them give minimal resistance. Go at approximately 50% speed when doing this drill. Have the offensive player get into a good fit (2nd Step- Explode into Numbers) and engage the defensive player without moving the defensive player. Do the drill twice with each side switching from offense to defense. Inspect each individual player. Knees Bent Head up and mask into the opponents numbers Butt low Solid base Fingers together and on either side of the defensive players shoulder pads breast-plate.



Coaching Points: Drill:

Same as above, however, have the offensive player drive the defensive player (at 50% speed) with short choppy steps 3 or 4 yards down field. Do the drill once or twice (depending on time) with each side switching from offense to defense. Same as above, however; make sure that they use short choppy steps and stay low. Make sure that defensive players give some resistance (enough that the offensive player has to work).

Coaching Points: Drill:

If time allows, have the players work the above drill from a 3-point stance at 50% speed. Do the drill twice and have the offensive player drive 3 4 yards down field. Stress to the players that they have to keep their butts down Stress that they must keep their heads up (they cant see who they are to block and they could get hurt) Stress that they need to drive through there opponent Stress that they need to maintain their blocks and keep their feet moving until the whistle stops the play

Coaching Points:


I Group Individual Technique- Proper Stance (10 15 minutes): Coaches should break up the total number of players evenly and break them up into groups- 1 to 2 yards apart & 2 to 3 yards front to back. Proper 2-point stance: Have players get into a 2-point stance and check each player individually for proper technique. Do drill twice, inspected each player twice. Feet shoulder width apart Even toes (no offset foot) Toes pointed down field (no knocked knees or pigeon toes) Knees bent Solid base- player cannot be pushed over from side Head up Back arched slightly Forearms on inside of thighs Formation: Drill:


Coaching Points: Drill:

Proper 4-point stance: Keep player with same coaches in the same lines and check each player individually for proper technique. Do drill twice and inspect each player twice. Same checks as for 2-point stance Knees bent (like squatting on the toilet- excuse this description!) Head up (player should be able to see 2-3 yards down field) Back flat Butt down 50/50 touch with down hands- Enough to go forward, however; enough to move at a 45 degree. Position feet under butt & coiled up like a spring ready to let loose. Check each individual player for solid base by pushing them from either side. Head up Never line up off-sides Only move on ball movement Low Pad Wins Always be under control Control your Gap Heel depth and head on a swivel Find ball and pursue Correct pursue routes

Coaching Points: Coaching Points:


Read your keys o Fight pressure o Break through Double Teams o Follow pulling lineman o If left unblocked look for trapping lineman o Call out passes and screens Be Aggressive

Group Work (15 - 20 minutes): Put all players into a single line parallel to the 5 or 7 man sled.

Formation: Drill:

Put first defensive lineman into a 4-point stance in a left shoulder shade with feet pumping. On the whistle the player shoots hips into the sled and does a butt-roll to the same technique on the next pad while he keeps his feet pumping. Another player should be in the same technique on the first pad with feet pumping. On the whistle they both shoot hips into the pads in front and butt-roll to the next pad. Continue drill until all players have finished. Repeat drill coming the opposite way on the sled and alternate shoulders. Coaching Points: Head up Hip Explosion into pad Feet Pumping Formation: One down Offensive lineman (3 pt. stance) between 2 tackling dummies in front of running back with ball in 2-pt. stance. Put Defensive lineman head-up on the Offensive linemen. On whistle (or ball movement from coach); the Defensive lineman works to beat the Offensive lineman and tackle running back. This drill may be used with a Linebacker as well. Head up Low Pad Wins Always be under control Control and Shed Offensive Lineman Find ball and pursue Be Aggressive

Coaching Points: Formation:

Two down Offensive linemen (3 pt. stance) between 2 tackling dummies in front of running back with ball in 2-pt. stance. Put Defensive lineman between the 2 Offensive linemen. On whistle (or ball movement from coach); the Defensive lineman works to beat the Double Team and tackle running back. This drill may be used with a Linebacker as well. Head up Low Pad Wins Always be under control If overpowered, pull Offensive linemen down on top (Gap Control) Find the ball and pursue Be Aggressive

Coaching Points:


Responsibilities o Linebacker (outside vs inside/middle) o Cornerback o Safety Alignment o Linebacker (outside vs inside/middle) o Cornerback o Safety Reads o Linebacker (outside vs inside/middle) Uncovered linemen Running back Offensive End Quarterback o Cornerback Offensive end Running Back Quarterback o Safety Uncovered linemen Running back Offensive End Quarterback



Kickoff team o Alignment o Assignment/responsibilities o Strategy o Live ball Kickoff return o Alignment o Assignment/responsibilities (return right/left/middle) o Live ball Punt return o Alignment (defensive unit) o Assignment/responsibilities (return right/left/middle) o No rushing the punter Punt Team o Alignment (offensive unit) o Assignment/responsibilities (return right/left/middle) o Work on the snaps



Keep in mind and remind your parents that the football they are watching here is NOT the same as what they watch on Sundays (i.e. NFL). There are many rule differences that many people may not realize or understand. Here are some policy and rule misconceptions that parents (and coaches) may not know about. Player safety will be the primary rule of enforcement! There is no such thing as an Uncatchable Pass in high school. If there is contact while the pass is in flight, regardless if the pass was thrown into the stands, it's 15 yards and an automatic 1st down. It IS pass interference if any player (offense or defense) hinders an opponents vision without making an attempt to catch, intercept, or bat the ball, even if no contact is made. (Rule 7 Sec. 5 Art. 10b) Free-Block Zone (4 yards either side of the snap and 3 yards behind each LOS): - Blocking below the waist IS permitted in the free-blocking zone by offensive linemen who on are the LOS and in the zone at the snap and the contact is in the zone. - Clipping & blocking in the back ARE permitted in the free-blocking zone by offensive linemen who are on the LOS and in the zone at the snap, and is against defensive players who are in the zone at the snap, and the contact is in the zone. - The free-blocking zone disintegrates and the above exceptions above are not to continue once the ball has left the zone. (Rule 2 Sec. 17) Neutral Zone. If a defensive player jumps into the neutral zone it is an immediate penalty. (Rule 7 Sec. 1 Art. 6) Kicks into the end zone cannot be run out. It's a touchback. (Rule 8 Sec. 5 Art. 3) Myth: The ball isn't dead until the whistle blows! The whistle merely draws everyone's attention to a ball which is already dead. Mouthguards do NOT have to be attached to the facemask, but they cannot be clear or white-colored. (Rule 1 Sec. 5 Art. 1c(5c)) Simply grabbing the player by the shoulder pads is NOT a horse-collar. Horse-collar is defined as grabbing the inside back or side collar of the shoulder pads or jersey of the runner and subsequently pull that opponent to the ground. (Rule 9 Sec. 4 Art. 3k)




Referee Authority Timeouts

Free Block Zone

Illegal Block

Clipping/Blocking in the Back

Block below waist Chop Block

Illegal Contact

Snap Rule

Coin Toss Walk-ons

Rule 1-Sec.1-Art.6: The referee has authority to rule promptly, and in the spirit of good sportsmanship, on any situation not specifically covered in the rules. The referees decisions are final in all matters pertaining to the game. Rule 3-Section 5-Art. 11: (paraphrased) A team may take a time-out to review a decision or problem with the rules. If the conference results in the referee altering his ruling, the opposing coach will be notified, the revision made, and the time out shall be an officials time-out. If the referees ruling prevails, the time-out remains charged to the team requesting the time-out. Rule 2-Sec.17-Art.1: The free-blocking zone is a rectangular area extending laterally 4 yards either side of the spot of the snap and 3 yards behind each line of scrimmage. A player is in the free-blocking zone when any part of his body is in the zone at the snap. Rule 9-Sec.3-Art.5: A player shall not clip or block an opponent in the back except in the free blocking zone when contact meets requirements of Rule 2-17 (free blocking zone) or when using hands and arms to contact an opponent above the waist in warding off a blocker, or when attempting to reach a runner, or catch or recover a loose ball which he may legally touch or possess, or to tackle a runner or player pretending to be a runner. Rule 2-Sec.5-Art 1: Clipping is a block against an opponent when the initial contact is from behind, at or below the waist, and not against a player who is the runner or pretending to be the runner. Art 2: Blocking in the back is a block against an opponent when the initial contact is in the opponents back, inside the shoulders and below the helmet and above the waist, and not against a player who is the runner or pretending to be the runner. Art 3: Such cases shall not be ruled clipping unless the official sees the initial contact. When in doubt, the contact is legal and not from behind. (15-yd penalty) Rule 9-Sec.3-Art.2: A player shall not block an opponent below the waist except: a. in the free blocking zone (see Illegal Block Rule) when contact meets requirements (Rule 2-17) b. to tackle a player with, or pretending to have, the ball. (15-yd penalty) Rule 9-Sec.3-Art.6: A player shall not chop block. Rule 2-Sec.3-Art.8 Chop block is a combination block by two or more teammates against an opponent other than the runner, with or without delay, where one of the blocks is low (at the knee or below) and one of the blocks is high (above the knee). (15 yard penalty) Rule 9-Sec.4-Art.2: No player shall: b. Charge into or throw an opponent to the ground after he is obviously out of play, or after the ball is clearly dead either in or out of bounds. In other words, players shall not HEADHUNT 30 yards away from the play and coaches should teach their kids that such an activity is illegal and dangerous. c. Pile on any player who is lying on the ground. i. Butt block, face tackle or spear. (Butt Block is a blow driven directly into an opponent with the face mask, frontal area, or top of the helmet as the primary point of contact.) Rule 9-Sec.4-Art.7: No defensive may use his hands to slap the blockers head (all 15-yd penalties) Rule 7-Sec.1: a. The snapper may be over the ball...and no part of his person, other than a hand(s) on the ball, may be beyond the foremost point of the ball. b. The snapper may lift the ball for lateral rotation but may not rotate end-for-end or change the location of the ball. c. The snapper may not remove both hands from the ball, make a false snap or fail to pause before the snap. d. An act clearly intended to cause the defense to encroach. (5 yards penalty) Rule 3-Sec. 2: Not more than four captains from each team may be present at the coin toss. The visiting captain shall call. Rule 7-Sec.2-Art.1: After the ball is marked ready for play, each offensive player who participated on the previous down and each substitute for the offense must have been, momentarily, between the 9-yard marks, before the snap. (5-yd penalty) Also, Rule 9-Sec.6Art.4d: To use a replaced player or substitute in a substitution or pretended substitution to deceive opponents at or immediately before the snap or free kick. (15-yd penalty)

Runner Assistant Fighting/Illegal Personal Contact Neutral Zone Inadvertent Whistle

Pass Interference

Roughing the Passer Unsportsmanlike Conduct

Unsportsmanlike Conduct (by non-players)

Parent/Spectator Conduct Visors Spiking Ball to Conserve Time

Rule 9-Sec.1: An offensive player shall not push, pull or lift the runner to assist his forward progress. (5-yd penalty) Rule 9-Sec.4: No player or non-player shall fight, strike, kick, or knee an opponent. Also, no player or non-player shall intentionally contact a game official. (15-yd penalty & disqualification) Rule 2-Sec.28: The Neutral Zone is as wide as the length of the ball, and is expanded following the snap up to 2 yards on the defensive side of the line of scrimmage. Rule 4-Sec.2-Art.3: An inadvertent whistle ends the down. During a down, or during a down in which the penalty for foul is declined, if an inadvertent whistle occurs while: a. A legal forward pass or snap is in flight, or during a legal kick, the down shall be replayed. b. The ball is loose following a backward pass, fumble, illegal forward pass or illegal kick, the team last in possession may choose to put the ball in play where possession was lost or replay the down. c. The ball is in player possession, the team in possession may choose to accept the play at that spot or replay the down. Rule 7-Sec.5-Art.7: Pass Interference restrictions only apply beyond the neutral zone and only if the forward pass crosses the neutral zone. Art. 8: Pass interference restrictions begin for offense at the snap and for defense at the release of the pass. Art. 10: It is forward-pass interference if any player, offense or defense that is beyond the neutral zone interferes with an eligible opponents opportunity to move toward, catch or bat the pass. (15 yards from previous spot and automatic first down if by defense or 15 yards from previous spot and loss of down if by offense) Art. 11: It is not pass interference if unavoidable contact occurs when two or more eligible are making a simultaneous, bona fide attempt to move toward, catch or bat the pass. It is not pass interference if contact by the offense is immediately made on the defense and the contact does not continue beyond the neutral zone. Rule 9-Sec.4 Art.4: Defensive players must make a definite effort to avoid charging into a passer after it is clear the ball has been thrown. (15 yards and automatic first down from previous spot or from completion.) Rule 9-Sec.5: Baiting, taunting, insignias worn that engenders ill will; embarrass, ridicule or demean on the basis of race, gender, religion, or national origin; profanity, insulting, language or gestures; spiking or kicking the ball, throw it in the air; any delayed excessive or prolonged act by which a player attempts to focus attention upon himself, refusing to comply with a game officials request. (15 yards & disqualification if flagrant, the 2nd unsportsmanlike foul results in disqualification.) Rule 9-Sec.8-Art.1: No coach, substitute, trainer or other team attendant shall act in an unsportsmanlike manner. Example are, but not limited to: a. Using Profanity, insulting or vulgar language or gestures. b. Attempting to influence a decision by a game official. c. Disrespectfully addressing a game official. (15-yd penalty and if flagrant-disqualification and ejection. The second unsportsmanlike foul with a 15-yard penalty results in disqualification. Failure to comply, the referee may forfeit the game.) Rule 9-Sec.8-Art.3: No Coach, substitute, trainer or other team attendant shall be outside the team box. (1st offense warning-2nd 5 yards, 3rd and so on 15 yards) Rule 9-Sec.9-Art.1: A player or non-player or person not subject to the rules shall not hinder play by an unfair act which has no specific rule. (Penalty-the referee enforces any penalty he considers equitable including the award of a score. Warnings are recommended but optional.) Rule 1-Sec.5-Art.3c(4b): No tinted or shaded helmet visors. Rule 7-Sec.5-Art.2 Exception: It is legal to conserve time by intentionally throwing the ball forward to the ground immediately after receiving a direct hand-to-hand snap.



Upcoming Event Calendar for Coaches and Parents

ACTIVITY Final Gear Day Coachs Eval Preview Player Eval Week** Team Selection** First Team Practices Beef Jerky Fundraiser Meet The Sabers Youth Football Jamboree Photo Nights First Tackle Games Youth Night at Varsity Game LOCATION Equipment Bay, Tahpah Equipment Bay, Tahpah Tahpah & HS Fields HS Lecture Room Various locations DATE(S) Sat. Aug. 4th, 9:00 AM-Noon Sat. Aug. 4th, 8:00 AM Mon. Aug. 6th thru Wed. Aug. 8th Sat. Aug. 11th, 9:00 AM Mon. Aug. 13th or Tues. Aug. 14th Mon. Aug. 13th thru Thur. Aug. 30th Fri. Aug. 24th, 5:30 PM Sat. Aug. 25th, 10:00 AM 2:00 PM Wed. Sept. 5th and Thur. Sept. 6th Sat. Sept. 8th TBD

Shakopee Jr. High Tahpah Shakopee Community Center Tahpah Vaughan Field, Shakopee JHS

Notes Coach bags will be handed out at the Coachs Eval Preview on 8/4. Coach shirts will be handed out later in August. Game jerseys will be handed out in late August. Team rosters and schedules will be posted on Sunday August 12th. We will need coaches to assist at the player evaluations. Please sign up. This is a great opportunity to watch the players with pads on prior to the draft. ** - Player Eval & Draft Timeline


Evaluations Date & Location

(All start at 6:00 PM) Mon. August 6th - Tahpah Main Field Tue. August 7th - Tahpah Main Field Wed. August 8th - Tahpah Main Field Mon. August 6th - SHS Practice Fields Tue. August 7th - SHS Practice Fields Wed. August 8th - SHS Practice Fields

Draft Time
(All held on Sat. 8/11 in SHS Lecture Room)

Flag (all levels) 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th

Same time as evals Draft done by SYFA board Draft done by SYFA board 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 1:00 PM



Remember to turn in your coachs background check form & drivers license before you leave today. Thank you.

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