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Kindly go through the case and respond to the following: 1.

Identify HT Media's Resource Strengths and Weaknesses, and its external opportunities and threats
Hindustan Times Parent Company Category Sector Tagline/ Slogan USP HT Media Ltd Newspapers Media & Entertainment The Name India trusts for News It is the flagship publication of HT Media Ltd STP Segment Target Group Positioning General News English speaking/reading audience in India Trustworthy news coverage for the people of India SWOT Analysis 1. Wide coverage especially in Northern India 2. Good brand recall and brand loyalty 3. Part of a huge media conglomerate means excellent reach 4. Has a good pool of supplements covering education, Strength entertainment, Sunday lifestyle magazine 1. Limited pan-India presence and penetration as compared to market leaders


2. Tough competition means market share is not growing 1. Being part of a large conglomerate means they have resources to expand in other parts of the country 2. Can use its strong network of supplements to build on its readership base 3. Maximise involvement of people through online interaction and tieOpportunity ups with institutions and companies 1.Increased competition from other dailies Threats 2. On line news medium means reduced circulation

2. Conclude overall Business position of HT Media vis a vis their competitors

Last Price Market Cap.
(Rs. cr.)

Sales Turnover 2,204.02 1,757.37 1,957.82 626.10 1,452.97 514.15 1,244.41 434.43 1,319.14 802.00

Net Profit

Total Asse

Zee Entertain Sun TV Network Dish TV India TV18 Broadcast DB Corp Hathway Cable JagranPrakashan Den Networks HT Media Eros Intern

226.50 442.75 67.70 28.00 239.05 237.45 102.60 211.65 102.05 191.70

21,607.14 17,448.10 7,225.65 4,792.65 4,383.34 3,397.08 3,244.91 2,836.62 2,398.39 1,760.45

489.73 694.65 -158.85 9.24 208.21 -50.19 179.64 7.72 159.82 109.79











Balance Sheet

------------------- in Rs. Cr. ------------------HT Media Zee Entertain Sun TV Network Dish TV India TV18 Broadcast

Mar '12

Mar '12

Mar '12

Mar '12

Mar '12

Sources Of Funds Total Share Capital Equity Share Capital Share Application Money Preference Share Capital Reserves Revaluation Reserves Networth Secured Loans Unsecured Loans Total Debt Total Liabilities 47.00 47.00 0.00 0.00 95.90 95.90 0.00 0.00 197.04 197.04 0.00 0.00 2,448.20 0.00 2,645.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,645.24 Sun TV Network 106.36 106.36 0.00 0.00 -200.18 0.00 -93.82 1,089.35 125.00 1,214.35 1,120.53 Dish TV India 72.42 72.42 0.00 0.00 704.99 0.00 777.41 206.28 435.25 641.53 1,418.94 TV18 Broadcas

1,263.18 2,899.20 0.00 0.00

1,310.18 2,995.10 151.17 116.37 267.54 1.00 0.00 1.00

1,577.72 2,996.10 HT Media Zee Entertain

3. Suggest actions for improving the company's strategy.

Ans. Marketing Strategy

Reaching your target audience with the right message, at the right time, through the right channelin todays ever-changing marketplace, is more challenging than ever. It requires a diverse mix of strategic and tactical marketing solutions to best connect with your customers.

Social Media Strategy

Social media allows organizations to enter into a two-way dialogue with potential and current customers, offering a level of engagement, knowledge and data acquisition from your audience that was previously unthinkable. With a comprehensive digital strategy that incorporates social media marketing, your organization can reach and interact with your audience and create a dialogue that impacts customer satisfaction and your organizational goals.

Global Strategic Media

Media as we know it is changing. Consolidation and newsroom cutbacks are bringing more titles under fewer ownership umbrellas and putting the task of news delivery into the hands of even fewer journalists. The increasing demand for customized and always-fresh online content is placing added stress on news creators limited resources. In this new age landscape, where media uber-brands reign, a handful of cult media personalities are reporting across brands and bringing with them engaged and connected audiences. (Think of Chris Anderson and her command at Wired and MSNBC). These media uber-advocates can take a single story and compound its impact by delivering it across multiple channels.

Powerful Network
Manage a powerful network of creative, bright executives, academics, researchers and others working directly within digital media.Often hand-select people from our network to meet with clients and to think through challenging problems together.

Faster Discovery
Technology, media and our digital marketplaces are evolving quickly. Webbmedia Group is constantly tracking emerging technology, consumer behavior and the media landscape in order to anticipate industry disription, evaluate startups and forecast trends.

Global Perspective
We offer a truly global perspective. Webbmedia Group has ample experience working with clients around the world. We provide service in Spanish, French, Russian, Ukranian and Japanese.

Truly Exceptional Ideas

When the industry zigs, we not only zag...we invent an entirely new way to move around. Webbmedia Group specializes in hyper-creative, original problem solving. Our ideas engage our client's current and future needs with strategies and plans that can be implemented.

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