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Make it Happen in Merton

Find out what it was like when young people from Merton visited the Houses of Parliament, on page 5
Getting a work placement in the industry that I wanted was great. I got a position shadowing a visual merchandiser in the borough. Working on the Valentines event was a fab. I will be able to put this on my list of experiences for my college application. It happened for me.... Because of my disability, I was unable to go on a work placement at this time, however The MIH team did find me a suitable job for which I have applied and received an invitation to the first stage interviews. Cheryl Arnold

Soniya Patel FIRST AID

First aid is the provision of initial care for an illness or injury and is usually performed by nonexperts. It generally consists of a series of simple and in some cases, potentially life -saving techniques that an individual can be trained to perform. Following these steps correctly could save someones life.

A course too short

Jack Daniels

I s s u e

Free to Merton residents March 2013

Welcome to our launch edition

we had opened saving accounts, prepared budgets to help us manage our finance or done first aid training. We were all taken through the process of how laws are created and MPs elected, a subject we had all avoided as some how it did not seem as if it was for us. We were invited to the Houses of Parliament by our local MP and we were awestruck by the beauty and the aura of being in the seat of power. Not only was it an enlightening experience, it was also empowering. Welcome to our first ever edition of:

To find out what the procedure is read page 3

Thanks to the Make it Happen Development Programme we are all now trained and hold certificates in essential first aid, accredited by St Johns Ambulance.
In s id e th is i s su e:

Make it Happen in Merton



Our visit to Parliament

Personal stories Our visit to Parliament Relationships

4 3 4 5

Make it Happen is a development programme for young people in Merton who are not in education employment or training. We all joined the programme expecting more of the same but found that we were to have a whole new experience. For most of us it was the first time that

The fact that we can contribute to changes in society that will and does affect us made the whole experience even more satisfying and inspiring. This is an experience we had never imagined we could have. This magazine aims to give you a taste of what we did on the programme and provide you with some information about what is going on in the borough that may be of interest or help to you. The Make it Happen participants

CPR What employers want Career pathways

Our stories...
YOUNG PARENTS Being a young parent can be hard and not always knowing what's available for you can also be a challenge. This article is here to help with information and advice you need to help to understand this stage of life. Health care70% of first pregnancies can end in miscarriage. As soon as you believe you are pregnant head straight to your local G.P where you will be given a pregnancy test as well as advice on the options available to you. Its important to attend all appointments you are giving as your health and that of your baby can change from week to week,. Smoking, drinking and drugs are not advised but if you are using seek medical advice. The challenges of having a young baby changes daily Contd on page 2 Being a Young Carer My name is Tavis Brown I live in Mitcham. I finished school and went on to college for a year. I have 16 siblings, I am a young carer. A young carer is someone who is under the of 18 who is caring for their parents. My responsibilities are cleaning the house, cooking, washing and ironing, shopping, caring for my Nan and other siblings. Many young carers. also care for family members with disabilities.... Contd on page 2

Crossword Rogues gallery Where to get help 7

You are not the only one

I am in my mid twenties and live in London. I have 10 G.C.S.Es, A-levels and a diploma. I was studying full time and got overloaded consequently I became unwell due to the stress of full time study, coursework and exams. I felt unsupported and became clinically depressed. After a year of feeling upset with my self, I got counseling and decided to change my career path.

Young carers Contd from front page:

Or other serous illness. I went to the young carers service in Merton. They offer support to young carers by creating opportunities, to get a break from the family home and meet other young people in similar situations. They also put on activities and events that help. I had come on to the programme in the hope that I would get some support in finding work. My work placement will be in a local nursery and I am looking forward to it. I intend to enrol on an NVQ course in childcare if the placement goes well.

The steps I am taking is getting advice from the national careers service and discussing what is my next step in my career. The Make it Happen programme is helping me to There are many young carers in reintegrate and the work experience will the borough and I would like to help rebuild my confidence. See the back page for different organizations that can support you in times of difficulty. Anon

take this opportunity to encourage you to get involved with activities away from your home so you can get the support you need.

Young parents

Contd from front page:

and it is not uncommon to suffer with depression or struggle to cope but it is important to ask for help and know that you are not alone.
By: Cheryl Arnold

At age of 16 I found out I was pregnant. When it came to telling my mum I was terrified but I had to tell her. It wasn't easy she was disappointed in me but she was there for me and eventually she was excited. During the pregnancy two of the hardest things were the constant blood tests and feeling left out when my friends who were going out all the time. My labour was hard there were complications and it lasted 24 hours. My baby was not well when she was born and was in hospital for 6 weeks. I suffered with depression but when I attended a mum and baby group they helped a lot. My child is 8 years old now Im looking for work and I know if I need help its out there. By: Jodie Foot

Our time with Siobhain McDonagh MP for Morden and Mitcham in the HOUSES OF PARLAIMENT
Monday 11th of February our group descended on the Houses of Parliament. Travelling through wind and snow, We arrived at the main entrance of the Palace of Westminster to be greeted by our local MP Siobhan McDonagh. After a short walk down gilded halls and passing royal paintings we entered the Royal Room, this is where the queen enters and sits when she opens Parliament at the start of the political year. This grand room is covered in tapestries and art work spanning decades. From there we were escorted to the red House of Lords, here we saw a throne covered in gold situated in an alcove of brass and gold splendour. The House of Lords is where the Barons, Baronesses and other appointed lords and ladies sit to discuss the workings of our government. A short walk down the hall and you come to the green House of Commons, this is where all elected members of Parliament sit to discuss new laws and how they will run the country. Here the MPs can vote and submit petitions to change laws in current use or decide on new laws.

Being led back through halls and walkways we travellers were overwhelmed by the grandeur of the Palace and its rooms, none more so than the great hall where the likes of Barak Obama, Nelson Mandela and many other great and influential people have passed through, including the Queens mother, Sir Winston Churchill and King Charles the first. This room dates back over a thousand years and with its high wood beamed ceiling and grand art work, you cant help but realise that you are somewhere special.

Our Visit to the Houses of Parliament

The thing that stuck out most for me on our trip was the architecture. When we first entered the building, we went into a magnificent hall. This hall, we were told is over 1000 years old and is the oldest part of the building with the oldest wood braced ceiling in Europe. As we walked around we saw more and more beautiful things; golden chandeliers, wood carvings of past political and royal figures, amazing stained glass windows were everywhere you looked. There were absolutely fantastic stone carvings and brass statues. In the House of Lords the main colours are red and gold, it was breath taking. My thoughts went to the amount of time it would have taken highly skilled craftsmen to do all

that carving and gilding. The House of Commons was less awesome. Here the colours is mainly green, coupled with dark wood. The ceiling is delicately painted and embellished with gold leaf. To really understand the beauty of this building you need to go and see it. We would all like to thank our local MP Siobhain McDonagh for the invitation and for taking the time to guide us around the building.

Jodie Foot

Sexual Health and me

Hey my is name Problem and I met someone called Issue, when I First met him he was so amazing, He said all the right things I wanted to hear, didn't judge me on the clothes I wanted to wear; Problem was perfect! At least I thought he was, we got into a very close and personal interaction, when I found out there was an issues you should have seen my reaction. I started to feel weird after a while, awkward altercations turned smiles into frowns, feeling very sick after two weeks of hanging out with Issue, now there is all types of issues can someone help me to solve them?.
(do I tell anyone, friends or family?) Oh no way this will be such a tragedy, where do I go I feel sick and ashamed look what problem has done left me in pain So I said to myself thats it, there is a clinic down the road I have to take myself there otherwise I will never know why this feeling doesn't go. Excruciating pain depressed beyond control, this is something I wasn't prepared for. IM GOING! So now I am here sitting in this room with people that don't know me looking at me like they were there, like they know what happened, like they care, like they could tell Im hurting with no tears, all my thoughts are turning into fears. Problem oh great so now they call me LOUD, as well maybe they meant someone else hard to tell , Problem their saying it louder looking for me Im just going to walk fast I pray no ones watching me. PAUSE, now it is over and done I feel a bit better my numbness is gone, I called in two weeks later and guess what they said; my Chlamydia test is positive , Issue was the root of this. I wasn't solving this until she took her self to the clinic which then resolved all this. The moral of this poem is to understand that throughout any situation you go through U might not be the only person who has been through this, it is great to take yourself to the clinic if you are sexually active, remember to use condoms when possible they are available for free at your local clinics. REMEMBER WRAP IT BEFORE U SMACK IT written by Chynaii Churlayne Blaque.

Relationships, health, respect and responsibility

The last session before going on to our work placement had us engaged in discussing different types of relationships, how we are influenced, by who and to what extent these influences affect our decisions. We talked about trust and what that meant. We came to the conclusion that we were not necessarily taking control of our lives and the means and need to do that was available to us. This topic led on to health, with an emphasis on sexual health. We were all aware of most things that we discussed, however there were a few interesting bits of information that we did not know. Not one of us in the group was aware that condoms came in different sizes. Not only were we told we were shown a selection and had the opportunity to take what we wanted. We also produced a short video that we hope will encourage peers to support each other in promoting good sexual health and positive relationships both platonic and intimate. I will be going to my work placement at a garage to do motor mechanics for a fortnight, after which I will return to complete the course on the Advance Programme where my CV will be updated, and I will be able to work on my interview techniques and get support in applying for an apprenticeship By Andre Mendez
You can see our video and find out how you can join this programme at:, or email:

Some quotes to remember:

Dont be silly, cover your willy If you dont us it (a condom) you could lose it Wrap it before you smack it Protect yourself or get some help Respect is a 2 way process


Contd from front page

Following these steps correctly could save someones life:

Our Rogues Gallery






If the casualty is still not breathing you need to consider starting chest compressions

Compressions are achieved by:


By Kelvin Oduro Interviews with local business people

On Tuesday 12th we interviewed people who run businesses in the borough. Amongst the many questions we asked we wanted to know the 3 most important things they looked for when they were employing staff. Below are their responses.
66.6% said they wanted some-one who could communicate well and was pleasant 54% said they wanted some-one who looked presentable 75% said they wanted some-one who would be committed to the job
Just one of the business we interviewed
South Lodge Avenue CR4

It was like being back at school being reminded of how to convert fractions to percentages and how to structure sentences correctly. We are told that this will translate into whatever we say and do in the future. It did help to be reminded about eye contact and good posture when going out to do the interviews.

By Francis Dadzie

Career Pathways
Interview at Superdrug - a position in retail When I arrived at Superdrug I asked the staff at the till if I can speak to the manager and then I had an informal interview with the manager. I was nervous in the beginning but actually when I had the interview it was fine. The manager was friendly and nice and he told me that he is not going to give me a formal interview, because he does not want to judge me on one interview. He wants to see my performance when I have my work placement. He also asked me what area of work experience I have and I told him I have previously worked in retail. Then he said when I start my work placement the assistant manager will go through the Health and Safety. Soniya Patel
Interview at Rhodes Watkinsa position in the construction industry I had a midday interview and arrived really early. I was not really nervous, but I was not sure what to expect. I was interviewed by the director and his secretary. They were both nice and seemed like they are going to be supportive. They have said that I can go out on the building sites or work in the office. I might try both to get more varied experience. I look forward to starting next week. Francis Dadzie Interview at Halfords The thing I most wanted to do is to be a motor mechanic. I have made mistakes in my life and I really appreciate the opportu nity to start to rebuild my life and appreciate the opportunity to do what I really want to do. Andre Mendez

Work experience in Mitcham town centre visual merchandising I went to shadow an experience visual merchandiser name Katie. Katie was amazing, she had me getting involved straight away. I did all sorts of thing like redesigning stalls, things I did not think I would be allowed to do so soon. I look forward to my ot her work placement in a clothes shop. Jack Daniels Interview with a local social enterprisea position in admin Because of the hourse that I can work I was not sure that a suitable placement could be found for me, however I have found a placement that is close enough to my home and doing just the things that I like to do. Jodie Foot Inteview with a local nurserya position caring for children Working with children is something I always wanted to try. I think I would like to do this or plumbing. I think I will have a lot of patience as I have many siblings and enjoy looking after them. Tavis Brown

Interview at Superdruga retail position When I first arrived outside Superdrug, I felt very nervous, but when I first spoke to the man at the till he made me feel very welcome. Adil, the manager then came and showed me round the shop and upstairs. He was very kind and made me feel welcome. I have not had many interviews before so it was good to have people so welcoming. Kelvin Oduro We have all had an opportunity to look into the different careers of our choice. We are building pathway plans to help us understand what we need to do to achieve our goals and to set deadlines for achieving the different hurdles.

M a k e

i t

H a p p e n

i n

M e r t o n

Try our Make it Happen in Merton Challenge


2. The largest social housing landlord in Merton (initials only) 7. What is the name of this borough 8. Where will you get information about free courses in the borough 10. Which of the houses is the queen banned from 11. What is the theme colour inside the House of Commons

Down 1. Who is the only monarch to be tried in the Houses of Parliament 3. How many libraries are there in Merton 4. What is the surname of the MP for Mitcham and Morden 5. What is the nearest underground station to the Houses of Parliament 6. Who was the last monarch to live in the Houses of Parliament 9. What is the theme colour inside the House of Lords

Where to get help, support or advice:

The Samaritans 08457 90 90 90 Merton Family Services 020 8274 5830 Merton Youth Justice 020 8274 4971 Sexual Health Support 020 8725 3353 Citizens Advice Bureau 0844 243 8430 Apprenticeships Nacro (support for ex offenders) 020 7840 1212 Gingerbread (single dads) 0808 802 0925 Young carers Merton 020 8646 7515 Childline 0800 1111 Young Minds (mental health support) 0800 01 82 138

If you would like to find out more about the Make it Happen programmes or if you want to register to receive information on job and apprenticeship opportunities please contact us or register with us at: Make it Happen

Make it Happen Development Programme is a programme delivered by: Delrose Earle Training.

020 799 87934

If you are an organisation in the borough and you would like to advertise opportunities or events for young people in this space, please contact us to discuss this.


Courses and events:

Start Your Own Business - April 2013 EsolOngoing Motorcycle repairsCall MPH Make it Happen over 25sOctober 2013 Make it Happen 16-25May 2013 Construction Multi Skills Level 1Ongoing

Fulham football club0870 442 5432 Groundworks 020 7922 1230 Youth services at Pollards Hill Youth Centre South Lodge Avenue020 8679 2449

Magazine personnel:
Editor: Francis Dadzie Assistant editor: Tavis Brown Creative director: Jack Daniels Marketing: Soniya Patel Photographer: Chynaii Blaque Distribution: Jodie Foot Writer: Cheryl Arnold Proof reading: Andre Mendez Admin: Kelvin Oduro

To book a place, contact:

Merton Priory Homes

Call 0300 500 3000 Twiter: @MPH_Merton

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