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4.!fhy is the Church rhe conscicncc of rhe


t,i li t1



5. 6. 7.

Can fairh be presenr in polirics? In whar way?

Crurrrn 3

Describc a rl:holesrmc polidc.

$nstoritlg Pua$$ fisrd Prnm*timg

How do you fecl about your personal invohemenr in

the affairs of 1'our communiry, courltry, region? Iden-

tommulritiss 0f lildividuals




\fhat kind of communiry,

you deservc?

human beinp are a*licted wirh acute lxrdsHpa

country, region, world do


be and rheirs' ro inherir from your generarion. --

Dcscribc rhe kind of wortrd you wanr your childs6r-go-

0. Vhar


rou conuiburd for





and a:ixieries arising from ongoing wars or the rhreat of *em, economic hopelessness, political disuniry and culrueal disonance*individusls, families and nadons are at rhe cr'ssds of becoming rnore human or less human-these mzn the propensiry to changc. Bur hisrory noces well rhat thesc p*H.rrrs cannot be dealrwidr adequarelywirhour basic ancl rapid changs" some proble,s arc inrensified by rhe $(reor of their b"ing &tiaily sclved. This problem is whar Arncld Kaufmsn crfii ;*. dialectic of disonder.'r unfrrlfilled upecations consequenrly lead


ro frustradons, anger and mcre miliunr revoludonary -".irities. To avoid violence, rhe challenge is to mrpedidously a*d eFectively bridgu fr" grp berween pmrnise and firlfilln"renr '8"* an ethical standpoint, omission is also comrnission. Irracrioa" or inefi[e*ive action, or dela]'ed action are always cluding rhc possibility of change. The enernies of change are ccnserrradsm which seeks only ,Jpr**= im e-sablished lorder" and modcrate liberalisrn which does nor sufficiendy do whar ir ought m do to effect change. Mild measures could be deceiving. Ir is as if things are being done ro soive thc problenr but u.n lily rhey lack srrJ"Se ," morc peoplc ro actively cooperare and irs sluggirhnk



the reigns ofdeveloprnenr. Even rhe best



lored c,r8d2nfrhl Plfr,itenafit


Progratnscould delay the achievemenr of fi.lrure goals" But where should change be geared to? A clear rheological and psychological undersranding of who and whar the human being is, is a determinanr in thc effecriveness and efficiency of change. Ir is only human beings who are capable of changing rowards grearcr and nobler pu.rsuirs" These changes could bc m&lns rowards bccoming morc hurnane and united in *re hurnan &-ily.The challcnge for all is co readily and willfully accomplish rhc caskofconsmrcring toral men everpvhere, a wr:rld morc gcnuincly hurnan- So, when cach pcrson dcvotes himselfwirh rencwed decerminadon ro,rhc quc* for peace and prosperiry through pcace6.r.l and huraane rneens, authentic

prqs|l1t In tha Thus, dl immoral or sinfid fgmrrs wttE thoughts and manifesntiorx are vi+- xrorlal. Ilonethehss, Fo? #e I Ience. Albeir, rhe end of dre agent ard Song crs thef the circumstances may de*rrnine fu ortgin, tht ls ard wlt?r
graviryof*re responsibiliry ofrhe agme

levels; ir can be physical, psychologi, cal, emorional, spirirud, socid, po- Fe'?Gts long Gslxsns8ra helnge litical, racial, culrural, ecological, etc o"s $Em$ul, vlof,ertre In lt5


Let us now, Ioak into the

various levels where rhc human fam-

ily can be violated:

1. Pe$ilnalWolence

dlrine osslstcllce, tgrey ean rhclnge the rcltt tl|to ttE xlngGlGmr af 6qL

recnlr?the H,

wiil nor remain wandng. Thus ir happens rhat rhe gospel

m6sage, which is in harmony *'irh rhe loftier suivingp and aspirations of the human race, rakes on new lusrcr in our day as it declares thac rhe ardsans of peace are blessed, 'for they shdl be cailed children of God." (Mt 5:9) Conscquendy, as ir poinrs out the aurhendc and most noble meaning of peacc and condemns dre Eighddness of war and violenca dre Council ofVadcan II fervendy summons Chri* dans ro cooperare in making secure for drernselves a peace based on jusdce and love and in sening up agencies of pea.ce.2 Chdstians should do ir with rhe hdp of Chrisr, che Author of peace. in rhis chaprer, r*'e shaii expiicare rhe different forms of violence and rhe responscs to rhese. r00b shall likewise explore the Chrisrian response, it, being geared rowards fosrering peace and developmenr in all lcreis of reladonships. Besides *rhere is no orher way to peacc. Peace is r}e.*'arl a Gandhian rnaxim.

setrf-esEeern, re&rsa] ro open u\e mind aad heart for nerv learning, qrnicism, emotionatriim, inrenecnrarisrn" spiritualism, and atrl drose rhar lceep ihe Ferson from becoming firllyhuman and alive are which *"y inflicuponhirJ "p."*r, self and others, consciously or unconsciously. 2. Pomesflc Wolence


lG even bcfore it is viable is r}e worst form violence rhat can happen wirhin fie Family or the possibi!" iqv of family life. Parenting is nep.'er ?x easy rask. parents can be affiressors of their children if they consider rhem as rheir prop yf, !!or.ers ol sayings for their old age- Some parenm rnixgranringwitb their childrcn children rGo can be aggressors ifrhey
to respect, accept and love their elders- Therefore, rhe ,ralue qyste1n, which is best caprured by a person within rhe home, oughr
to be critiqued and ehanged if necessarv. The home on either the womb or'tomb of humane and Chrisdan rzlues.
3. Stllool

Threat to human



6 $'AffNilG


For as long as human beingp are sinful, violence in all is iorms will be presenr in che *orld. Nonerheless, for as long as

rhel'recognize rheir origin, rhar is God, and with divine assisrance, they can change rhe r.r'orld into the Kingdom of God. Violence is an injurious force inflicted upon human life. It diminishes, desecrares, desrroys the quliry of human iife. Ir can be distincdy presen[ in personal, domestic and structural

ulry members are prohibired from rhinking rheir or*n *roughts and express themselves responsibh., rhen rhere is inrelleci.rral unfreedom. Intellecrual proper*.ii d.,. mosr violated right in

Violadon of human dignir can likewise happen within the educational conrext. For insrancc. when srudena and fac_




Wid Hn,ir?fi'e$

contradictor)'ro or rhe education.i ,..ti'p ' Any acr fireclive is a violarion' the righr to ProPcr education
4. COmnUnw

5.2The variery of violenr acts range from oppressive and discriminarory violence ro destrucrive violence like kidnapping and massacre.
5.3 Cases ofviolcnce, originate generally nor onlv from the so-called terrorists but ironically also frorn rhe supposed protectors and guardians of rhe peopie. 5.4 The growing and deepening problcm of inrernal refugees is one of rhe most recent by-producrs of ttolencc. 5.511rc ondidons of most of the ountrics in Asia which are multi-retigiorx and multi-ethnic. Seriots cascs of violence
have been

will make rheir lirc uhsrruchs Orher,lisc' dirr:nrent and discord h'pptn in many misrabk- fran:grrssion in a pcaccfut neighborhood vr3lau.ols ; Hr. Jtrr.rp.* fo, -ot].,.,i Prson and property'indiscrimiga*aCe {sposat' or hotrsc building c':nracrs impropcr and recrcadon hcilides' nonlooq of -mriuniry scr"ices ,,.r. * qsmmon good, e'g' implemenmtion of erarion in drc pur;ui t of rhe r.c' a propo:ed constirudon andbJ'lzws'

right ro a-peacefirl E"er;' ind+i6,at" and Families have tJre life among and ro crarc and rcr:rrzrtea community

erqericnd-To alargeocent rheyharcbmr drrc


to the feelinp ofdiscriminadon on rhe pan of rhe minoriry religious groups whose religiots Moms havr been negadAt the same time, there are dre exaggeramd dominanoe and undue influence of rhe majority an sociery.

ofthe Church In the CiJtoquium on rhe Social Docrine identified rhe following in the Conrext of ir;sia', rhe yarriciyanrs observ,ir*.;oru thar crrnfrrtnt rhi Asians now' These too' are the fact worse is whar make them able Philipp ine situztittn' 5o

5.6 Economic violence is rampanr. Uncheckcd consurnerism versus drift is rhe language of credir cards. Capimlism continues its rampage on the poor
5.7 Polidcal violence. To locare violence politic*lly, one must


are Persetuaredby tvstems'

Thq are:


conThe rcaliqt <tf violence' war and ethnic related another in inilicrs r*'hich vary fram one country ro
"=Lc:r>rr;7' '

specify the relation of violence tro some of rhe other rnearls of obaining compliance.

rurvive but to acquire more of t-[re ffi F?{, ethnle conflkB, marerial rhings, of over develoPet@erl ettf8,d W rnnr, to the exrreme' violent siruarnc ls nrost t're Poorerst, tr# Ate werrleegt rions which are the resuk of the accurnularion of different unrcsolvcd r"&trneer's of so@fY' conflicrs over a long period of time' ro the refirsal In berween is a situation of violence due of the majoriry' In a{ a minr,rir| ro erce?r rhe dccision erc' vioall cases rrf violence, war andethnic'conflicrs' and the weakf."* U n,ott xryriencedby rhe poorest' esr rnembcrs of wciet1'

ln all ct s,eg of Yto!nce, wot


-i-' 4-v-z'nd exVressions' Violence appears from 'it"'3 of economit , 'irl"t"tt'itt"rio" cause is not the need ro where the


5.7.1 The ex*officio instirudon 'aurhorin',' rhe rieht of rhe office-holders to order, and rhc duw of rhc subjecrs to rheir aurhoriry ro comply" 1.7-2 The de-facro relation: the effective exercise of authoriry
by rhe officials vested wirh it and rhe acceprance by rhose subjcct ro ir.

Ulolence: physlcrl fo?cs

usecl for the acqulsltfon und ererclse of porer ons! to chttlteng authGfitg orts

u3ed by o percon orthrough o wecpon, to hult, destr@y oF control cnother or to dnmnge, alest?(}y or colttrol 3tn obfect. ulolenee aon ke

r ,;t








totad a{F6an sfial Eflalwnat


w ai

Hanwdrq cararrlrpt&sof


5.7:3'Powen the abiliry to,coinpel otlers to comply with one's wishes, regardless of authoriry.

5.7.4.lnfluencq the abiliry to make others acquiesce without relyrng alrcgether on the de jure aurhoriry or acnral power, 5.7.5. Violence: physical force used by a pcrson or through a weapon, to hurt, destroy or conffol another or to damagc, destroy or conrrol an obicct. Violencc can be used for thc acquisidon and exercise of power and to challenge authoriry or to enforce it.

polidcal from non-polirical violence nor from rhe causes from yiich either goals. Even when lcgal punishmenr is poliricaliy distributed, the punishment does not make rhe acrs forwhich it is inflicted "polirical' nor the persons invorved or acrors, unless their aca werc aftemps to change the polirial order- poliucal penalization generates vicims or benefiiiaries of polidcs. It cannot retroacrively generate poliricd acr or acrors.

We observe and possibly experience various forms


lr:J.":. ranglng from tolerable to gravely degrading or,.r. ft. following are some forms of violence *i"g pirpi;l coercion and has social and or political implicationsi



fi I otrl BETWES{ Poffi






tE I{


Violence is coercive only when used instrumentally ro control the future aqtions of people it is politically so when used to conffol or influence ls collecdve policies or distribution of Ulolence by lndlvldunls polltlcul onllr when hcls power. Violence by individuals is political only when it has social socl:rl nlms. aims. HoweYer, group violence is in effect, whatever the motivations of rhe air*avs poiiricai parricipants: it necessarily has political implications. Riots, rhereiore, are political violence, even though the motives are otten vindictive, acquisitive or expressive, as they are coercive and political in motive. Although both may be reactions to the polidcally sancdoned social order, political differs from non-political violence. The laner has nc social aims, while "--gert political violencc directly addresses Pottttcol ,!nollztrtlon erttteg utctlms or beneflcla' social policies or por rer distributions or the social order as a whole. Nonrles of Potitlrs.


Wobnt Crime: Even reasonablywell ordered communiries experience violence, especidly in rhe form of com_ rnon crime. Though crime is not confincd ro any pardcular settlng, irs frequency appears to increasc irrurban areas. Most common crimes have direcr political significance only for rhose immediarelv affectej. perva_ sive crime, however, may assume indirecr political sig_ nificance for the regime charged wirh prorecring rhe ciJzens' safery and well-being.
Social Banditry and Gangsterism: Somerirrrcs


inro significant organization or n-ndicares. In rural semings we label organized crimc as -social bandirry" and \,ve use "gangsterism,, for iu urban counrerpan. Specifically, a gang, whether rhe gang organizetion survives a generational change in leadership pro_ vides one crucial resr of,its organizadon"


Pcasant Rising and Llrbdn Riars: Historicalh-. n .o forms of violence enrail rarher broad mass paniciparion anrJ

political violence, however much conby the politically sanctioned social context, does not dirioned address it deiiberareiy. It is the effect sought which distinguishes

often widespread damage, ar leasr in rhe loJries where rhq'appear. Peasanr uprisings or rebellioru a_r,J urban riors generdly mobilize the more deprived, rhough nor necessarily tle mosr wretched, secrion of rle pop,lla-



rage' I tiflr ' tion in reiativcly spontaneous outburst o[ to ,rrn.* range from-rival communal or racial BrouPs sectors' ,.p"..r.rrrrJrres oi dre more privileged

G*ritl4 Raids or more knowing as ltsurrections" Jfi" U*a" engaged in a form of rural-based violence


polidcal coherrhat demonsu:$es a greater degree of ."* *a direcrion tlian sociai bandiuy' Like panici,*,, in social banditry guerillas Posscss organizational but they alsi "d*ocare' a rc?sonably well il;;";; i*a"p.a pofitial agendz' The prcsencc of a rcason,Ufy.ifr.t*t politiil agen&' wharet/er ir ideologr' gucp"Utr.A t$"ifio"tt to even reladvely smdl


rilla organization'


(Jrban Rcvoluion: Two Rcaslatiorra.rTWarfarc and

Vioknrt: Irlot a;l rcffns 8f vlot:lrceelr:LlTcrl: dissidcnt sources. Evcn t-hough the boundaries ddineating 'acceptable coercion favor the srarus quo," rcgimes and their supPofters pcriodicallyviolarc thc [imits of cocrcion formaily esablished in rheir cornrnunides, E.g. Vgilante grouPs in Mindanao- Vrgilance acrs violatc thc limits on rhe use ofcoercion in rlrc cotnmtl* niry but with drc intendon of dcfending this comrnuniry from somc form of subversion- Often, sr-lch vio' lcncc is sporadic and reladvely sponteneor:s' rhough organized vigilante movemenr undcr thc diresion af the local elitcs, occasionally devclop. Criminal dcmcnts' minority communities and social or political'dsvi*nts" often fccl the brunt of dre vigilante wrathWgilamtc


*111t rnatic, if inhequent forms of violcnce Present case a politi.frrU.rrgo ,o .h. existing regime Ii *:h dternative to rhe cal movemerrt ,.p'e""ti-"g a plausible ir In a regime directs a-camp'ign of violence.against sufficient a revolutionary *- tht *1"*t"'mobilizcs to threaren thc urban based ,.g-.rr. of tire rural masses ,.[i**t control of the counry side' In an urban revoludonrheurbanmasses,oftenincludingelementsof ro seize r}e centers the middle class, rise up and anemPt such a grouP of the regimei Power' In *re Philippines' Philippines r*'ifi iu arm' is the Colrnunist Part-v'of "he country sidcs and the Peoplet Army in the
area' Aiex Buncayac tsrigade in *re Metropolitan vio, ssassination Assassination is a highly politicized i.r,, ,*ol. used for the fuIl range of polirical p*rposes, fr** .ot ion *rrough revoluriorr' fusassins often use only the intended considerable d"iscrirrlinarion, killing in an assassi,rrg*rr. The notionof mass pardcipation





Coxp dc laat: %metimes a faction wirhin rhc miliury strikes against thc rqime irdf in e couD de'cac Such a blow frlls in the urban cenrers of a counql bsusc rhe conspirators hope to seize power quickly, trot row?ge a prolonged war from the country side. Sincc dre coup plotters seek control of thc statc, the significance of this ferrn ofviolencc is quite high. Thc motivations cfthese instigating the attackon the regime, however, can r:rnge from reactionary to revolutionary. Mass panicipadon dcpends upon the extent of militarv mobiliz^dsn and regimc resistance but many coups involve rclatively few military unirs. Top ofiEcers of rhe milirary corPs com-


monly lurlc bchind such conspiracies, &oqh at dms disgusted middls-rarking officials anack rleir supcriors in thc military whom they scc as Paft of thc discreditcd rcgimc. Sincc rhe ploncrs corupirc ro desroy che
incunnhcnt regimc' dhc potenrial lorel of dcstructiveness riscs, fiough acnral bloodshcd dcpcnds on r-hc resisrance encountercd.

*i"" aPPears almosr logicallrcontradicrory unlcss wc 'collective assas' consider rampaging mobs as a qpe of consPtre ro sin." Members of rhe elire' ho*'eveB may is in assassinarion' akhor"rgh elitc parricipation "rrg"g. not necessary"

Rryimc a{-Ilrmr: Somctimes a regirne facingsignificant challe4ges will conclude rlrar r}e aurhorizcd instrumenrs of coercion lack sufficient 'built" and it will eng-age in a rcign of terror. A fully realizcd Progrem of rcgimc terror






' :' :ffi:,ffi:::n"fj':H;'ffi"H*i:xI


at liberating rhe oppressed and thc oppressor through pcrsuasion, moral prcssure and menifold furms ofnon-


mrwm rowwws$hffi#adf;'ffi

.: -1.i .:: . "::, ...l-:t.'1..,..iis'di:;J

elitc dire,ction and 6ltails widesprcad dcsrucdon. The

Tn 3 non-vloleG*8 13 tlll oB tlye fo*ea sttlen cloe! seek

But a regimc may use the violencc frir e'**er consef,\rative or rwolutionary purposes.



Ca*rto Wlcncc: The aggression is mct with anorhcr

aggrcssion. A chzin ofviolence is pcrpetuaaad. Hcre the resistancc ofthe victim is manifestcd throrqL the usc of

the same mssuie used by the ryrant api"sr him, rhc victim. It is known also as the "law of reai;*don' or rhe 'eye fot an eye, a tooth for a toorh" paradigm. As a corollarp the bloody revolutions and wzrs are pcr?uerions
of counter violence. The agents herc, arc ally liablc as the aggressors.

equally mor-

lnlustlcer* conviction rhat rhe willingness to Lcrrpt thc consequcncs of non-violcnt resistancc is borh a libcrating and an effective mobilizei ilt local, nationd and inrernational solidariry. Tirre non-violent action has nothing to do with sori st grring in. Tirtt non-aiobnce is an actiw fircc which dod scci ru ight urong, n deal utith inj*sticcs.It in fact'figh* back- bui it does so without bringing phpical and psychological harnr irr thc opponent and the others involved. Most non-violcnt poEiical actions have becn aimed etpctuc with justiccva& rhe und+rstanding that this son of peace can oniy be realizcri through ieist and non-violcnt means. It aaacks strucnrral violcnce, whicti ts the same thing as social injustice. Ir dcfends human righrs, d$pecially the right ro life.
menctetsufs 0f fratuwale{rt Mans

violcnt rcsistancc.

brdlds upon the

to tlght wro!1ffr, to daol



Apotlry or Indiffcrcnre.' This is actually anorler form of viotrence since the agent, here, docs nor recognizc thc existence of violence and its aggressor, This is an arrirude that is worse than counter violcnce- trr is usually born from the refusal to activeiy pardcipate in rhc struggle rowards peace and justice" As a corollary, if a nation is ruled by antihuman goyernors' ir is becaust its people have allowed them to bc. Therc is no resistance in evil siruarions" Activc Non-Viobrre: This is a response ro t'lolence that does not use violencc nor is passive, r}us rhc name. h is a qrstem of personal, social and internarbnal changc bascd upon the pwer of rrurl and thc srrmgth of love to overcome injunicr. It considers *re lite af every human being as the highest crearcd rzluc *'hich rnusr not be destroyed and dehumanizrd.


Objecrivciv just. Ir is directed against a clear violarlia$ of human riehts and not all rhe person and dignir-.'^rf
rhe a:rrssor.

Emplovs fust means. The means used in the strugEic:or jusrice must correspond to thc end. If we work to*-#ifu social rransformetion, where everyone is respccred. .iie must shorx' respect for everyone, including rhe ad."."*sar,r'during the srrugglc. "The way ro peace is peacr



Properil'prcpared.'We must preparc e process of lik.;" tion, r-hat is a coherent and persevering commitnt*1lt

obraincd. This means roo, rhar rhci. i, a need for suategized action. unril
rJre end is


Crcarive and' democradc.' AII can acdvely paniciprl,..-" Dccisions are aken with the f,ree consenr of all invoh-rd

im goal is to producc justice through jusr mc:ur and rhc possibiliqv oi fraternal rciarionships and reconciliadon. It aims


share in rhe responsibiliry.


i:I.,:1:lii(da$:llE#+:.nii#:jaisa$i;l;,<:r'r,::Jla.:J l


:;,.t. --:,

. -". :.

,.1-l: .hq


Effective or fruirfrrl. By rhe Fuirs, one will know. The collecdve effon brings fonh a growing uniry among all
those who stand againsr a given injusticc" It prwides a winl

Commiunenr comes from a ma&ue person. This educadonal process to


*rro-Lno, oir.ry

win situation, i.e. the besis ofsucccss is rhe cffccr in respecr for human digfu.y of borh aggricr-ed and agressor.

2.1 Inrerior or moral preparadon. Bcliwers ofmosr religions like Christians, Muslims,
human be_ Divine prcvidcncc. Th,rq it is not surprising ro find in rhese relico viorare



Buddhisa,consider life, the lif" ing as sacred To desuoy it is

Jews, Hindu,srans,

Preparation: a requisire for effecdve and efficicnt action. Ir includes:

1.1 Analysis

gions rhe n:oral imperadrrc to

of *rc con{lict. Analysis uies to define



non-violenr means and ro fomer pcace. Even human_ isr who are nor *tigio*,
rheir respect for life

i.r**. *il dr_ugh


objectivelyas pcssiblc rhc injustice that ecd$s and rhe factors that makc its acistence possible. It identifies rhe pillars that suppon it, e.g. persons, groups, la:rrq religions, pqrchological f'acors, power groups, erc

h"* iyny irrriru"?o*'of *.*pli_

drlYlnE ferce of o non-vlolent tlctlon.

In the analysis of conflict, a non-violenr person poinrs out too his own participation in the The ultlmqte test for onaly- conflict (e.g. his passiviry) and asks sls ls the truth. Truth ls the for the rfirsons of the behavior of rhe

has ro be rccognizcd rhere-

fore. &ar 'je irsr vehide towards eflecrive action is andysis rhar depends upon irs conrenr of rruth. (lt musr presenr facts, figurcs and rhe rcdiry of drc siruation). Analysis is rhe insrrument used for consciousness raising and for negodaring. Ir is rhe basis of rhe formuladon of srrategics for acrion. In the ccurse of rhe srruggle, rhe analysis musr be consranrly deepened as nesr factors appear. The uitimate rest for analvsis is rhe trurh. Tirrrh is thc driving force of a non-violenr acdon.

Philippines, ro unire against oppr*irn injustice. Since rhere is no guarrniee that jusdcc end peace will at once brc. given way by rhe evil one, proporr.ncs of acdve non-violence oughr ro be ready ro pay the frice. Thus, they ought rcr de'elop rhr willingno, girr. *.ir lives for their belo'ed. For Chrisriar., rhiir ro*"I "p r,l*$h is prayer and "f fu:,:n mediraring and conrempt".ing;n ;e - Sacred Scriptures and Jesus Chrisr as rheir urp..*"

well as all creacures. a number of Tfu pylaig* hr, people of yarious narioni, Iike Eolivia poland, Brazil, and the

rhese erhical principlcs, modem arflu_ ments (arornic, biological, chemical) in rh. presenr have exposed rhe inhum* .h"r".re, oirniot.rr". i".l"di;; counrer-violcnce as it poses rotal destrucdon ro human life as

In addidon ro


.r**g.a *)





of groups rhrough educarional


Skilis rraining and formarion are primary ingredien* ro efr,ecrive acrive non-r-iolcnr response. ANV is nor merely
a srraregy*

to be implemenred bur a way of life. ft needs

Acquisirion of Non-Violent Amitudes and Mer}ods: I{eny human b,.i"S, when arracked, by narure rend to react violendy. Bur each one has rhe innare strength to rcafi rcl aftecl$ calmly and firmly. Thus, for a nroponent ofANV, *irirg and preparing himsclf ro concrol ,.rrriorrr, ,o.on*oiuILr**. fcarand ro discover and enhanc. nT tive. The following can ?":-:ili;;;f;;;r"* is an impera_ he.lp lri* a.r.toptt i, sercniq,: 3.1 Role playing and applying to orery&y
life siruations.



":...'",..::,:r10i8,1?6 &rrs aiir, J?9,I,sf*?i;

C(xi*?flffi {d}r8tit{ag"#

ftfitd Or{EdEfl ted



l*arning happcns after

analysis and evaluation of rhe siruations and rhe

It ls not anouglr to de
nounce ulol0nt sltuott3ils' It ls equnlry lmtrortalsttfi.Et

(ignore, smile: ulcers follow)

3.2 Pnyer and contempla- tlues rion ro rieepen spirirual anchor in God *'ho is -the Absolure Trurh and Good.

new ond uloble llltGrnll.


3.3 Srudy and learn from the otperiences of the past.

(E.g. Maharma Gandhi of India, Martin Lu*rer Kinp Jr. of rhe Black Americans, and Jesu* Christ of the Chrisdans).

brobtem oriented)


Build Alrcmarivcs" It is nor cnough to denouncc violenr siruations. Ir is equally imporunr rhat new and viable

The GCld tGEc af freedsm Is Its belng us6d l3poffieryr


Yate: maioritY
wins, minoritY

Tatk Shout

(no real solutian)

feels cheated

Attack behind back' bad feelings


altemadves be announced. As corollaries, the Brrncrs win righr to polidcal rcsponsibiliry, the peasants win space for economic developrnent, and land ownership of farmers
is respecred. Death for a convicted rapist is not a rnark


justice for the vicrim. Thus, providing altemadv* action and system is an exercie of authenric freedom. fte acid test of freedom is ia bcing used responsibly.

Create Peaceful, Strike

0. Hml0DS 0F [tl0l*1/l0l,El{T ACtl0t{

Demonstration, BoYcotts, etc., as last resart

ar!'ested for reaction of violence

assault,' cnain


Dialogue or negoriarion.
I.{on-violenr dialoguc aims at solvingconflict or obtaining justice bv appealing to rhc conscience of the ad'ersary and by admirring onet own rcsponsibilirv,

Hon-vlolent dlcl{tgne slltil3 ffi solYlng, eoffiHlct cr Glttcrln tng lusttce W appesttsrg tc the comscletffi of the drer
5or1y Gncl by dmtttlng cstG's en n respons,tlrllltr.

Sort out basic need find new solutions

EverybodY Wins!!!



prqarc for NV diahguc?

1.1 Discover rhe posiriuc uahrts and

attitu*s af $t ad'


W@ M$ afi AamcC*rO Wru*

ucndryend be willing to'tellthem ro him' Such ac' tion &minishcs prejudices qnd dlows thc adversary ro understand that hc or his grouP is rcspectcd'






ing ro accept all possible consequences of their oarmitment such as loss of prestigc, arrcsrs, blows, c*c. E ch
gcsttue and language musr be errpressive


l.zDiscovcr yotrr oun co'reqonsibility in the conflict' e.g. passiviry or counter-agrcssion and bc willing ir opnly. This will challcnge thc advcrsary ,"


dl pruperytion: Tlte dig"i.y of the NV goup


"d-i, to adrnir his own resPonsibiliry'

1.3 hcscat

(that has to bc corretctcd) in an objertivc, trutlhfirl, (faca and analpis) honcst way and invitc the adversary to parcicipace in Ending thc soiudon

tk ini*rticc

btr udl parparcd participants than vast undisciplined nmrbm. Tiein newcomers. Define location, tirne, pognmrnc, scrvice of NVgroup, procecd despitc intcrnd setalrnat disnrrbances" Evaluare aftcr each acdon.
tracts solidariry. Give preference to


1.4 Prepare ahnristic coutructiue proposab and prescnt these in the nqodation. Shon"willingness and readiness to participate in thc applicadon oi the soiu-

1.5 Remcmbe


Negotiate ,.liro be tempted into aggression and harc' Nego' tiadon is the Pillar of NVA

'f with persaneranct and never allow your-

rhe strcngth

d;ohg* k tbc TRUTH'

Non-coopa*ion and chtil disobcdicncc. This mcens ra collectively refuse ro obey unjtrst laws or ondenr &at viplate basic human righa. Non-coopcration airm tb@ing an unjr:st qrsrem to a halt, .hr"ugh wirhdml of suppon as pressure to that ir'mtrst reconsider anddra4e the unjust srrucmre and attitudes. Contrarf toriokt combat, NC dcstrop neither people nor the mcacr *f production. Forms of non-cooperadon: srrikes, irnmobiliatims,



Direct acrion inciucies pubiiciy dialogue *ith *re agwinning sup gressor. It aims ar making the injustice known, for a soludon' Pr:$uc !** fo, rhe I'iVA and dcveloping monl and lambasdng)' includc name &opping iTf,ir a"o not

boycotts, etc., carried on by a largc percenmge of &c poptdation, e.g. Poland 1980-81; BolMa 1977; Civil RighoMrycmenL USA; Civil disobedience and People PowerI (lX6) sld Pmple Power II (2001), Philippines.

Forms of dirccr acsion are the usc oFpublicadon or m*ss media, formal statements' public sPceches, leners ofopposition or support, signed pubtic staternenrs, $CIuP and mass pcdrions'

times have international links. Respect for ths lsurnsn be Therefore it is imponanr ro ensure lng th.$trcfiE strp$e6$es l3t internadond support The uniry of ths strusgrl ls tha EuldGthc people and their willingness to llnc Sor tke ous{utlon lnto rcmain nonviolcnt under dlfficulr nw ond mmry*}ous
circ{rrnsLnces and acccpr rhe con-

Most of rhc iojustices in our

.,a. ior,.rr, leaflets, dcmonstrations, rnarchs, sit-ins Procct,i"*, p""y", rallics, ctc Thc viafuns of rhc trniust siruarion db




nirc/y erpress

fo, drcrnsclves fic appropriarc form of action ro ernpky'direct acdon musr chailJ o"7 atf. fu a public "ction, C-arcful preparadon is requir'ad'

is NV charactcr.


inncr prrVamrion: advacztors rnust voluntarily and .ir..rrdyL non-violent throughout' They must bc

coy will'

o.qu.r,& of rheir com-rniuncnt are c**htial. There may bc momen$ of srong repression nlod suffering (|esus Chrisr, Gandhi, King Aqui;o, fi*op Gc*t Romcro ofEI Sah,ador, erc,) but it is irnportant nor m cxingr*fo thc light of active non-violenr resisrance to orpel dr..rtr lr{ -ar-I I inhunnanities. Moral aurhoritics must condnuously gdlc rrJ

.,.r:;;irrr]:[l$.i;] iir,,








sodal ltw67P111


I i i :

strengthen the Peacefrrl NV behaviour of the pcople' A-rrumb., oT.*p.ri"rr.o have drcady shown thar it is able to cha,ge ncgo' structures, anirudcs and crcate rhe conditions rhar makc and tiations poccfrrl and conflict resoludons morc euthencic rh'*t rhe NV exPresses !n thc hunun bing
possible. furye* harlhe $ruggf.l ,1. guideline for thc evoludon into new and monious siruarions.


in the new situadon through proPer education and forrnation. Thc creation of Basic Ecclesiel Communities and tle like where people do not simply Seoh:t ,rg",rr.t for Biblc study Lut-to concretizc their faiti in"their daily and communal endeavors is ideal




* ir*, of preparation at criticd timc like bcforc rhc missionarf ,..i"i,lo of Jesus Chriss, Gandhi' Maftin Luther Kltg jt, Helder Carnara, Chavez' AEuino' (AKI<APKA)'4 Aksyon Para L lGpappaan at IGarungan Hunger srike (fasting publidy for a certain aim and for a limited Pcriod of time) underlines the morai imPortance of a politicd or social trAHE PWCE tw,fle Wwluda{t acrion against a clearlY defined violarion of human rights- On fie other hand, hunBer srike
can easily nrrn inro a subde form

religrons as merns ofpurfficadon. k opens the human bcing to the liberating acdon of God'slove and truth' This is cmployedas

Fastingkknovm and applicd by


it be Pace is not merely the absence of war' Nor caa bdanac of pox'er reduced solely to dre mni"tt"ance of the by dictators$' I": benween cnemies. Nor is it brought about ,,oa i, is rightly and approptilt"ly t"lltf "an mterprise of (ls. iz:T-fo.. tkt'itt &om that harmony buik into

.;*.i.." ih. hr,r**

societY bY the Founder and acrualized by men

4 Divine as Pellce Is nwef gttalned rheyrhirstafterevergreaterjustice. OnAe And fof Ell, hut mUSt
peace rherefore is the result of jusdce and is the haven of thc love God, neighbor, countrf and all cre-


be Egttt BB aeelgelesslf.

,,.d goof,r'

in every human bcing b1 king is virrue of creation and redempdon' every human of peece' ..pnbl. of transforming this world into a haven
Since peace is already

: ' ' ' ] '

of violence by Placing ones life and the consequcnce of his


dcath the adversarY. Thus ir raises the cdrical qucsdons ofthc inviolabiliry of liE.

5. Thc Cons*uctive Prograrn' While struggling against thc

injustice, active non-violcnt proponcnrs build cven on a small level a constructive al-

deterenrn*tlcn to re ::.:f;"h;'-;;rr ** f,eBous ft',mcn belnsg :3'ffiT;iil ih. .on.,.," d"**d"'Ir;il; ;- :f::t .o,,*i; .Fiii rnon good ^,.

The common good of human beings is in its Uti;. *rr* at-

time goes on. I{ence

me fr$qfiro

never artaineci once and tor all' but human must be built up ceaqelessly'' Moreover' since the

Pt:t: tt "'-'

lil:ilffiffitr:?ffif . =-


will is re,.,r,*ndy and *er*rnded by sin, the achieYement of pcrce


I ternadve Program bY PreParj i"g people for resPonsibiliry

his passions and quires that everyon" *t.,,t constantly master that lar+ful authoriry keep vigilant'







_'''"::::':ii'&; '



Peace cannor be obrained on eanh unless humane and christian values are safeguarded and people freery and rustingry


with one anorler fie riches ol,t.i, inner spirir. A

determination rc respe'. fcllow human beinp


is absorutery nec-

for rhc esrablishmenr of peace. Hence, peace is likewise r&c fr'uit of love, w'hich gocs beyond whar justicc can provide. (See rnore on Unir V Chaprer I.)

advancesocidirpliftmentforwhich Lgy lnvolnement ln tlre af. they lawfirlty aspire.6 Violence is a fCllEsof godet?astlgolilcor> dissonance ro the Gospel of Ti..rh flntred by tlre F[BG, ls deand [ove. It is ceraintry, nener in manclGd Gf one? stafils Gu3 conformiry with human digfri.y., tgy. ft t3 lret ofif;l fu t;1g-a

for ir can only delay instead


tt q{HsnAIIS


mGndsted br ttre lthrc'G3lr


rho uoluntcBr or thosc

fo, olr Iryi f8Ftcto



anachmen*; rhe Princc of Peace reconci.led all men with God. pf thir restoring the unity of all men in one people and one body, He conquercd hared with His own humaniry, [.ffph Z,ttr; Col l:20-22). A-&er being lifted on high by His Resurrecrion, He poured rhc Spirir of love into rhe hearts of men. L CHRISIIA}IS AS PEACEIIAXERS
For rhis reason. all Chrisdans are urgently summoned "to pracdce rrurh in lor"c' (Eph. 4:15) and rojoin with all true peacemakers in pleading for pcace and bringing ir about. Insofu as men are sinful, rlc rhrcar of war hangs over *rem and ir wi[ hang orer rhcm, unril the renrn of Chrir. Bur to rhe omenr that human beinp would vanquish sin by the union of lorc "rhry shall bcar thcir swoncs inro plowshares and cheir

Thc Gospcls rncnrion Jesus as One who came nor ro bring peacc bur division- Jerus must mean, there is no peace if evii is around. Peacc prosprs in rhe puriry of heart. Disordered acachmenc makc dre hcart less capable of perfect love. By His cross rhe Incarnate Son freed Himself from all

l?71 Sfngd of Bishops prmid its responec the growing ills of rnudern sociery thus,
fo.rmation oftbc uorldfvt\ op?*o o constitutinc dincnsiot af$e prcackng ,p;; e*pd tlnt is oftlx misioa


fution in behatfofjurticcandpatic;pation in tlx *aru-

*L *

oftltc Churrltfor thc dipt;r" uittn l,*r""i r*o ord li baation fmm cacr! opprcs iac sinutiortg


This is for the lairy, in whom human developmenr is wanting and from whom ir can emanare. Therefore, ir is nos rnerely the role of the Church as hierarchy ro act for the trans.. formation of the world but it is arso imrnincnr in the vocerion e. lairy. Their vocarion is unique and spccific. The Third 1f Meeting of the Bishops' Insdrurc for Lay Apostolate of thc Federation of Asian Bishops, Conferences clearly indicatcd: Thc call ofthe kiry u holincss and conscqucatly of thc
Chwtb d+a




into pruning hooks, one nadon shdl not raisc the sword thry rain for war again. (Is. A:4) Thc Church curnor accepr violence as the.response ro opprcssion, which is unconuollable once it is let loose. Thtu, Chrisdans are orhorted nor ro place rheir trust in violence and revoludon: rhar is conrrary to rjre christian spirir,
spears against anorher narion, nor shdl

dirsnd afthAr ih*tkn illatity in uirnu of $c Ch*t;dw,fvltiworpotztion into Christ arrd in *c Holy Eacbari*.s Thus, lay invoh,ement in the afihirs of socierv as again conTo shart onesalf hrmed by thc FABC, is demanded tIwCIt/ from the denrtrnctr of of one's status as lay. It is nor only *rsnsfor. for those who moflon (of aslol ltr, sulrllF, "olunr*;;;;;; rnandated by thc hierarchy bur for sense, rr denltet oS all lay The iourrh plenan. Clr?tstlan tctenttttrAssernbly of FABC indicared rhus,
hicrurclrl h

the ndndate afrhc

ofpi*" rirry**


the trol!t!col ln o


&dffitug ptree

aN fiD',rffirg


t ttl,rttt 6df



,, ]Efffi

rrugh fw ftem

fani$i diary of a utioni

atd iuticc.

t{. pEAcEmlt(trc ACCORDtil0 T0



,.lo."r: and.marginalirution af att kinds_soci)!" ailttra!, political, and cu-en reltgiyus. D"l b &yfresh uiohnce is ir$iied upon indiaiduak and pcophi, and thc culttrc oj.lro* a$y tates hold ia thc unja*ifable ttiounc to dohncc ,o ,rrilro ,*_ s;yry. Giuy.tltc appalling sitaation of conflict in so man! parts ofthc uorld, thc cltartb is callcd to be dcipty inuolad ii intcrnational and intcncligious ffirx n br;ig abort peacc, justicc and reconciliation. she continucs to insistin thc negotiaicd and non'militarlt rcsolution af confli*s, and sbe roois to the day whcn nations utill abandon u,,ar as a ud! of uindicatiig claims or a medfis ef rasoluing diffcrcnces. Sltc * ,oooirrr7 that uar crcdtes mort problei, tiou it ewr solues, that dia_ logle is the only just aad noblc patb w agrmcnt and rcccn_ ciliation, and tbat thc patient-and urisJart of peacemaking
and tkirchildrtnAagcb, loa*tc Effica,

is ccrtainll-not cxm?tfrom thcsc. Among thcscforccs arc intol_

thrcaancd blforccs ahicl, grt erat, conflic$-dnd urars, and,4sia


PA l(arl

is cspecially blesscd

The invoiucmc* cf thc h7 pcrson in poiiticdl aoiaity confirms hislho moudaas in Christ, who caltcd Hb com-

munitl of dkcipbs m fo lcat:cn in the uorld atd thus n labarfor thc common good- A Ch*dan ir a mcttba of d
God-pcapb and af &c
hc/shc is

wi&t communitV

the good


calbd ro promoe, Trouct and $ To sh* onc' rcul!1 attal from the dmands of thc political nansfor' sc{f nation {afr4sia) is, x*$" in a twc, a dcnial af Ch*tian


Thcse ere strong r*'ords but a great challenge. Evil prevails in the world rhar is actually Godt because. the good Lrr., ,.frr. to make a stand' If Christians' will nor work acrively towards the promotion of peace wherever it is needed, who will?

expcndinrc in national bndgets, u.,hich in some ctues cannot sat1sfr pcopbls basic needs. Thc Synod Fathers (Mqr gZS) f abo spokc af thc uasr n*mbcr of iancimincs in Asia, which haae maimcd or kilhd hundreds ofthousands afinnoccntpeopb, while despoiling fcrtih knd uthich coald othiru;r, b, Lrri frr food production. b is tbc rcEonsibitiry ofall, cspccial$ af tiosc'utho gotcnt nartons, to utorh more tnrrgtticallyfor disarmament. Thc &{lcdft, ! ttlp ta the *a*ifar*ri, ,rb ond *, ofnucbar, chtmicel and biological arrns ind arged thosc wbo haac sct hndmines to assist in thc worh af rch-abiritation dnd rcstolation. Aboae all thc Synod Fath*s prayd to God, u;ho knows thc *!r? of cucry human conscicncc, to pur scntimcnts afpcdce in ,1, of thosc tcmplcd to foltou ihc ways af violcni, ,o ,t o, lrr.r.o the biblical aisian will bccome a rcariqr: "thcy sha{t bcat tbcir swords into ploughshares, and rhcir rpears into pruning haohs;

Espccial$ *oabling in,*ia is thc contin*al racc to atquirc weapow af m*s drsfiaction, an immoral and uasttful

fu Ged.



iI ll f,

.d !g


a & ff




tr n

$t .&a ii& m B



The tiliPinrr Ualus liYstom

ilnd lllttlrllntiYs Yalues

tr NrP0ourfl0il
sccrn eL't erc gt'nc'

in *2q

Thc;;';;;;'; "1'' '"'u*h"w' listcnsfind pcoplcs 'n"' shift' wc still thc ca'llcrn n*"' with "ii*"'tr'.. i' dcp r'iv ao"" l:1:l: t" " yt'f' u n f"ttl""'i u'ritttl
i ir

challcnges' It may 'lixlay,thc wortd fatc' 1"'lyvTlcnt and thc succumtring that thc dayst'f tit c"l"t'izitrt\wcst
in dialogue

rhls ::-" "jlT 3;:t* elq' th "1n natlcs' despltg oll thg cot!} ct'nttrtttrttt'' Cel3'g thgt tt brlngg kggp ricultr.rre, rra'lsp('rr and more Feopl il.";;;; rt'cy htighten thc rl'ttttrrr:r mor' .und the mogt cGltl' ('r"'r ,,wo,v $rom i:it, ,)r v,rrrc''tf tli" "t"ti't"r "f'lrt 'rrr* fOft.,blg SnnAtuttfy, thgt lf ,*r, ,,rnc r,urhcrn rrncr, gnE.,teu. ...rrrrr,.rl ly'tn'J prtliticalt'r' rrr(.,'tli thtr he.'7t'' Thg ttxr, 'rf onrr grin greatcr control '1" at tllenggtOthgp6rgfl'n6drila$ at?l,,f,*3on now'odEyslgto m.chrnioms likc tlrc .rfrrTrl Tethtnr hls poth ond re' mccJia in ,*tJcr ro Pfl)m(,tc 'l-hus' ih:r vr ''rilc'.! pl,titztivctlcsigns' coup hlg degpest hgort's 'yrrrnr,nl"rrirm til cytrcr cra' chc agc . d@,,r,.e,,i,1,,',',,',ii',;'


ili::liil:ij::::f tl)(,,!c'

Olrrlr'rlirttit'n may h" gl.''n..'l t.f i *-' i' "' em,, r-i zttt'n b u t tnt 1t " I li:.: :::::t .J"'""""'i'*

"'' ;r! r.'l)I)"rttlniry fttr cconomlc

unfl"k*d }f:";t'ffi:: "nd

.r. .r -, ;,:,' r r,, " " "' i'''' h'rv'' 't" marry rlrittlworl<J counrrics itrrlrrrltv' 'rli iblc yr"'4rcsr irt (crrnr'f ;;


-Lr- ca;altod

, =,,= ,== =, e oOgt-fnOdgnt "d OEe Of CybeF



- --*;;**I




lftPtB''irs Ht&'s'





brings keep more and more people away from the most comfortable senctuary that is rheir hearts. The greatest challenge to rhe postrnodern person nowadays is to rethink his pa*r and re.oup his deepesr heant desires. k is anyway in the discovcry of

,.,.1h."r, thrt, th. gospel indicated, can makc'one morc rich

than the conquest of the material world' This chapter begins with a critique of rhe prn'aili"g F'lipino value rystem

uthic* The asential corc of a culrurc lics in tbc way in wirh God' rhat is' d pcopb afinru or rcjces 1 rcligtotttlll ;i ;i oUSo* aclun and disualua' These ual*a hauc u do in the with the abimatc mcaning of lifc' Thcir tao* lb m the *eper zotn whar hvnan-b;n$ faftnu!1' ansnn ut"-' Thc annocr may fu rhat


ubimote rycsrisw


'* okgi,* in oritntation

it a
to:l,lcc af

athcistic oieaution,

on rhe oshcr

on thc onc hand' or dn hand' Thas' rtligion



ftirh perspective and then affemPt

or irnligion

ro presenr itemadve ones. Morc and more Filipinos should ear-

o** oi*l*rc * fani!1

,t . Tiry
^caoiig nent mianing.l

life' cconomics' polirio' a*'

iwpiration for all tbc othcr

nestly desire to work hard, as individuals

towards social ransformation


rralue forrnadon'

Td o


arc c;thi fteci to sech out tomc traasccddcnt or cbc thcY arc lockcd *2 in thcir own imma-


It is therefore this spiritual dimension of culture

thac provides the human Person

Tlken its simplest definition; culrure is the way people think, feel and act. Through it, a piople to acquire a sense of identiry and belongingness' Culrure is of the people primarily because it is the people who think and reflect in rhe conrinuous and dyna-mi. pro."r, of interaction, using of the varied ways of thinking, feeling and ofdoing things-The importance ofa thing or an act is dependent on t}re people's judgmenr' The importance of anything is usually dependent on how this thing can be beneficial to man himself. Thus, culture is basically anthropo-


,,tique himself ", " haimonious relationships with his fir,ds merning rhrough difellow .r."r,ri.r. Fr.i",,,to Gomez' 0'P' sressed this mension of life:
ajouney. From a thci*ic pctspcctiw' o*r haman lifc b atti*dcs aild n Go* oo, ,o!'oi o" thc &elic$' options' toutards actions that hclp ut go fora'ard ruwdrds bappiness'
rhc ultimqtc end

yil! '!" opportunitv-co and gifted individual' who


rita; i:' *wards Gadl

centric. It is made by and for human beings. Since, each human is a unique and not dispensable Person of the human familS rhe primary aim of culrure is rhe development of all human beinp according to the irurpose for which they were creared"



slnee, eoch humltn lE n

Every culrure has a value sYstem. A value sysrem stems from the

unique sn$ siot dlspensot le and doing a thing or act of relue" A persom of the lrumcln ftltn' value slntem has a core I'alue from lly, the PrXmcrY rlim gf cuts where all rhe other vdues Prcceed' ture is t$re deselotrment of Ano*rer essential element of culrure $ll humcn heings accordlnE is the spiritual dimension- It is acm-

frequency of owning, aPPreciating

manifested rhrough their rnothcr language.knguagecepruresandlti",ll"tiu the dynamic r+'hole' *'hich a people belicve in' Terrns uscd tc

nlt}l to dewelop hlrmself tlg o onlque trnd glfted lndl' ylduul who mesnlng through harmonlous relo' oPi* Clon'hlps wlth hl 3 f et I aw indicete reladonships usu^llhthe value system 9f a pcoplc' , I nt
items ernbraced bY the terrn range through everything *rc pcople do ro

tual dlmensEon of culture thEt Prolrldes the ltumult value svstem is perSo3r wath the oFPortu' A people's


to the purpose whlsh they

wEre reclted.

ally the core or hean o[ the culrure' Ar hrbk the larin American Bishops accurately observed:

nrtrrJ"td p.od.r* irom ii

ro rhe way in which they reiate ro

one another and to rhe divine'l


rofitds chlsden

Fffii $6icSrB#'c'a'f's!t4cl*a'jdtfl4
i i


lttofie/,f,rtt 1.



fellow huttton, rmg) rs the corsrsrue or the

wav of thinkThe Filipino is a ryPical Asian whose -id ::t architcctonic' A ing, feeling and acring is Lganic hotpirable' familv-oriented' r.tpicai Fiiipino is kncwn * it persevcring and ,".p...frrl * .lde., ,r,d ".-r.hotiqv, fun loving' N' lr{ercado' F:'.L*n'.tdo "tigi""t' clucidates the origin of the ropwr&tao (nelghlror, s-vi, "Thc word'Filipino' origiShored bet name:

hry':i'e' with The Filipino is known to bta-Prson "l or embarrassment' To lose facc is not ,.rrr. of ,t " to be sociallv accepred and i: nakakahiya {cmbarrass'rs i"*i. a *irf .rrt.ring he' tetl,8e life usually reminded nevcr bc an unuy"rr., p'*.rrr, ,o f,h"'* PrcPerly and *.a *o,f,.. because it s nsi'akrtlya' Thus' if she rcciicause oF denrallv gers Pregnanr' she ;s ;L;nahihiya very strict' shamc). Ii fi. p",.nts ere csoservarivc-and jopes or aborc' tn a s*bordinate


to distinguish him and orhersli-kehimf'o,,.,pt"i"sult'Spani"'d';ihtword'Indio' * * l o' 1 ;';.;,.;;; i i:'. : * :f:: Filipino tow; ", "Ty, "1: besan ro be appiitd Y *-" Malay btst way ro know the Ho*'e*'er' tht rhe Spa::i-'h regime''*


;;; ;;;t

''oilq eirhcr cqual or greatcr *ran rhe rnastcr) be


"""aitasenscfir,o-ntispromptedrokecPhisgood i**. g", this can bc sclfdcfcating' if and whcn onc oncllf



pul it to mean'mapahunbaba' otlkerally It is an obecrrablc ;;;r. rcmain inE'io' ro *nother" i;;;r, the effects oilne 'xxrse of shame rc the Frlipincr inabiliry to ryress are subservience, rnediocrir,'and
oneself authendcailY'

Filioino ! "'/L:

The is &e co::-..'tu' or rhe Filil"t' is manifested in his language' lbr his ::i'ca' :lumar beinp' This

:s ihrough his value s'vstem' human' shared being) 1-:'e Kap"a-oo r'''tigr'uor' fellow

Filipino' has high rcgard


or'if o&crs Pakikisama is rhe sense of camaraderie A person line rhis wa,v" I rnust do thc same'"
tow the

*i.}r"". pahikisamal
son wi*r

It'*o:t::roihisbeirr-g'rharhe'sharesrvirhhisfcllowman' bapadd o ka4at'ol- rlrm denoll1g he -d'; :--: ::"r:::r o' ts

considered a socio-patJh' A perany rcpakikisama is cne who never re'ects

^a 'i"'i"' 'b:o:lt::::':i :: si-':erhood bt consanguinin:' a housemate an a ;*'eethe;;i' z L;iltan: ze:gT t:):'': :o;::pa-::ro n' ie:ama; p*'a' Even his enemv is called '1ott"-Llbt::;ng-dibd&rvhichreferstor}leuniwofheart; a reLre.' F;:ntJr-itt4* o' in rhe ba;u'r' i-z;t a'rspeaks oi tt" dissonance or brokenness


through l*iJ r"aa"r- For che men' rhis is orpressed kcp the ;;t.G sessions. Thus, rhis Paradigm could and the powerfirl

Filipinos use it in orderto reach *retop




b; b


'.- * -- c rlac

o=*: -:=;.l..:res' kaqla-eara{T:ff i:*:i c-=-. -:'-; aad*'optdtol' tT o: ric =- :1-r:.r * tJ;l"i' Hi; rtlationship'.*'.P*"':'* him' he feels that
)-:2:-.=-= il-ri- Thus' if a friend betra)'s 2 =':r3-:r.:< :-t i;te '{i<d?::= ae ,t*)-*as core value procce& tt:**i

Th. o "!: :::: h"*"''.rP agka'wd' I' i'::-'.n " dog' kd-tt: The car L not cdltd ka'pusa or



individual interior to o'htt'' The (onewhose will has to -infr* are thc pinakikisa*ahan done bythe less powU. i-.".1. Hi, oitl is doneJmust be *a fic por"erless'The powerlessarethe na*ilisa*a "m* r*'ho does rhc *-ill of the other)" (one is *re usual acitude of {)tang na bob(dcbr of erarirude) he hc receircd ,1,. iifipirt ro"'ard tht-*"" lrom whom irrrorr. Nlore oken, only death could

severe rhe debt of one who was saved by grarirude. 1r means' the debtor is


t:it! -- -,",:

-.i:zr:e). pakibisama(r"rrr. :elr oi garirude):

of o'naraderie)' and

or financial lender ftom sure dearh or from shame debt mezurs one must dilemma. To repay this t-*rm of rhe debtor or elsc he becomes a


;;; i; an)'\May iirpit"t


uaiangaungra loob (wirhout graritude).,To be branded , as usdhng uatg na laab, is ro lose face (taahng hiya) and withour sense of camaraderie (walang pakikisama). Thus, the US bases issue during rhe presidenct' of C,oraznn,A.quino was defended by many Filipinos including many govcrnmenr officials, unconsciously


:- : 5.+.t,-' *r&E

rr'#ratlrr, ..gtBi:l$ir4B{




ashamcd to

ht thc

tory.' (Naka*ahiya narnan sd mga Amcrikano kung paaalkin natir ang mga base militax) *The Ancricaw gauc *sfrccdom. Thcrcforu utc shouU shoa) tom camaradtric. It is thc only ual we can pa! oar gratiwdt.' (Ang mga Amcrikano ang tamulong sa ating kalayaan. Sarnahanu,i4 dapat natin sitang pahisamahan bikng atang na bob.)"
Notice that drese aforementioned values revolve around the other (kapwa) but the self is generally nor given importance. They lead ro self-degradadon. This kind of self image power is more dangerous if rhe orher is selfish. One can be manipulated, subordinared or used for the orher's ukerior modves. Thereby, these values can be considered colonia-l values. Since many Filipinos are eirher unconscious of rhe selfincriminating efecrs of rhese values or a-re nor criticd. rhe nation too, suffers. Hiya, pakikisama, tnd urang To be honest oneself na loob do nor bring out *'hrt rhe ItrrFat sd sailtn ls !n conso- Filipino longs for in life, rhar is che nonce lnner betruty best in him as an individual and as a (ksgsndafiang toablnarion. On the conrran', rhese, so called values, propel him nor ro be rrue ro oncself (hindi maging ta?dt sa sarili). To be honest rd oneself (tapat sa saili) is in consonance wirh inner beaury (kryandahang hob). Thus, ro facilitare the best out of the Filipino is to allorn'him rr: become more and rnore rrue ro himself (t,tpat sa saili).

these aforegoing values: ''Vc shouU bc US basa go from thc Philippine tcri-


X;rflonal yalues


@<-> I



5. Stematfue yatues



l'nrp Urtrra



tor value

3. Cotontat

Values _r>

,.jr I :r: ;r::iia*rr .,: 4.,





,'.-* .,.il}n{

aurhentic value is not his sense




Pigaferta, a Spanish historian spoke of the Filipinos as basically Jon-riol.nt, good-tt"t'red, frrn loving' religious and people who bow ro fie ineviBble. The Filipino has a srrong trt. a{ hagandeban-loob (lilerally' it means' inner-beauw)' He

his principle. The true Filipino is a per-

but his inner srength,

lng momentg of eonfllct or

Panlntn dlEton l5 tested


son of principle (may paninindigan). This is manifested in love aftirs and

:s.e}ainteriorfreedom.Hehopesforparyapangkalooban(peacc of hean.) This is manifesred in his relationships. Thus, a Filipinanama7m,lbudngkahobanaTkinagigili&,az(l^.irhinncr , beaury is a wonderfi'rl companion)'


Too of hls Eood nEture lhagan- goodnessofGod (haloobanngDiyos)' become dshg,ng loobl Is the 9006. Thus, to be a chrisdan is to hand of rlle race' rne ncanl ar the mess Of GOd lteErooDo,n ng the face, the hean and God to others. Godls love is maniolyosr. taongm4! maburing
fested through " (good-hearted person)." Glory to God on High and balooban ' Luu'ahati sa Diyos sa haitaasan at sd !u';'\' peace to ,li.o 'hat,ayapaan "',*.,* Jn nr.{!i rdong ntrT-y mabuting of the Holr

at kagandahang loob finds meaning in theChrisdanfaith,i.c.,the\flillofGod(kahobngDiyos)'Toe believer, dre wellspring of his good betlever,thewellgprlng nature (kagandahang loob) is thc
T-bis kabutihan

revolutions. In love affair, a rue, not tsecctuse of lmfttremea Filipino can cross rnounrains, rivSrom G Srom ers" and rralleys so to speak, to win deep rtuthentlc conulctlolL the heart of the bcloved. The "TLo" rerm for husband ofour great great grandparents stands by (his maybahay - wife) to love and pre' i..t h., till death. The true Filipino is one who's willing to lay down his life for his country too. A bayani- hero, is one who, like Ninoy Aquino, looks at the Filipino as worth dying for' Thus, a man of principle can be a hero. Obviously, Paninindigan is rested during moments of conflict or contradiction. Ir is taking the formidable stance for the truth and the good - not because of influence from others * but from a deep authentic conviction. The authentic value, therefore, is not hiya but paninindigdn. The Christian faith teaches that God is determined to save the sinners from eternd damnation. His deterrninadon (paninindigan) was manifested through sending his own Son, to proclaim freedom to the captives, sighr to rhe blind, (tk 4)

contrsdlctlon. !t I5 Gtlklng the Sormlrlable sctlmce ft,? the Truth ond tlre good *

others but

,l! lulnri it an appropriare description of rbe habutihang loob (the goodness of God 1\ Dilos a7 nori-krbobrn na nga ng tal already in the heart of the human being)"
2. Fanlntndlgan

ro die on Calvary (Jn. 3:16).

3. Paktkltsa

The develop,ed hagandahang-loab af the Filipino malies him more resPonsible' dePendable A n. and resourcefttl (mzpagkakariu'ah-zn * Ag . Th e delrelOped of th Flllrilno maasahan). Thesenseofdun is bom dc,hangFlftoE mtrkeshlmrfxrfgtBl,otraserc, from rhe interior selt and not out oi

Like the resr of humaniry, the Filipino is sociable by nature. He has a strong sense a{ pehikipag'kapwa-rao {one with others). He evinces this not only in times of jay (nekikkaya) but esPe- AutherBtle trlmkttsa
cially during moments of sorrow, i.e"

eentered rlnd

sympathy and

defrendqhl gnd resors.effrl

shame.The Filipino roo,

is know"n ro

empathY (nakihidalamhati). He can easilY help his needy kapwaout of his'subshared

rnEriely followlng Hhffi tha othe? llkes, srnd ril.rnY tlm

hereos p,o,*lrflsfrms ls

!r ctfrel" lEhrotlngl

lmaPggt(akattwagtocr,, rnAgSAhAn!-honor'mayisangsalira)'Thus'rhe

be a man of one wo.J (palabra dz

srance. For instance, a meal is readily

with friends and


deYold of lnner conulctlon amd thctfoFe not $betsdng-



l:r: t :i:::il:-:i;iti::i

lhe F,ilptno Velue

',oaa* fhrlsdan *aal,t'd/r,tt gtt




i Neighbors share not only pleasantries but food as wcll' works I *oia act as baby-simers for a neighbor or friend who I *d/o. watches the house of fie other while he is away' Mari ,ire. is unity of heart and mind (pag-iisang dibdib) of thc nvo i di#.r*r,, p.opi. in iovc. Tne pa*ikipag-haptt'a'uo is explelseC i *or. in pakikika (communion)' Thus' pakikiisa ' mears unity in mind and heanSome

EDSA Rorolution a tenscd moment rurned out to be a celcbradon, etcThc Ficsia bccomes more authentic when pcoplc truly know each other

?he Flesto becom@3 more

outhentlc when

and compliment cach others

uniqucness, care for one anotherand


*'irh one anothcr their


truly t(now e8lcEr ottrcr Gnrl compthnent eceh othe?'s unlqueness Gllre f,or CInG Enothet Ctnd shtlre nilttr ore


tlring in ini, lif., his very lift so *rat others may live in freedorn. Thus authentic pakikiisd is orher-cenrered and liberating whereas pakikisamais merely following what the other likcs' and many ii-o, devoid of inner convic'ion and rherefore not liberadng. I.n the Christian faith, the Incarnation of Christ is apdy known as pakihiisa ni Kisu sa wo (christ's oneness wi*r hurnan beinp). A Chrisdan therefore, is one who is one with christ, or,. *ho f,* the shgleheanedness ofChrist (nak;kiix hay Kristo.)
prcssed through his abiliry to give up the most prrcious
4. Eukel


Onc beom a a bayani thero, a Person for others)' prcbecausc hc lcaves a mark of his bcing onc wirh S: oP-

the \alu-sa{o'(food sharing). To a believer, rhc hagandahang loob * is "naha-ugatsd (rooted in the) loob ng


unothcr thel; **agan' sransng toetr expressed ln the ogatrar.saro" (food


Drlor"(\7ill of God).
6. Fillplna




Buhal sa loob

(ourofonet interior beliei

goodness and

freedom) is in opposition ro fear of or sense of debr in relation (v (rl! - -.-.r-'-"^ .L- ^.!,.' A Filininnr rlrnrism is drawn from hi.s interior -

A nationd value system is a summation ofvalues linedout by rhe pcople. From the proposed dternative values here' we can draw out the following values which may become our national vdues. 6.1 Since pa ninindiganis a value that is rooted in the smengh the power of love for the other and the of th. truth "nJ value can be rooted in

Divine, the national K TOTOHANAN (TRL[H).

and goodness. Thus, he xsisrs in sending his younger brothers Iir,.r, to school, takes good care of his aging Parents' loves his

6.f The win-win siruadon that pakikiisa brings out in the nation is the sense of MTARUNGAN (Justice)' One
can never be iust unless he has deep concern for others' Deep concern is based on the trufi about hurnan dig-

wife and children, rvork for narional srabiliry participates in church affairs nor because he is coerced by circurnsrances bur out of his lovc for them- It is love riat can never be parallcled' by material go$ds nor prestiqe' thar is the wellspring of his goodrhar s*engthness. Ir is hiiinrerior goodness t mabuing kalooban) be open hearred $ukas loob) ens him (napapakEas ng toob)to
and generou s {bukas-Pa ladi -


nin' and manifested through being one with them is*iisa) this is baynihanThe oiginal bayanihatt of a nipa .o**orly demonstrated in the transfering
hut irom one place to the another by strong able-trcdied. mga kapitbahary (neighbors) who carry this on their shcrulJers, for,a friend. Coordination of movernents is imperative . If we look closely at the meaning of ba)enihan- i1 msxn5 helping each other to own house and lot. Bayanihan means housing for the neighbor for the poor.

5. Pls?han


The Fiiipino is tun lqving' He is fond a{ PISTA (fiesra or celebration). For instance, the dearh of a loved one becomes 1986 an oppomrniqy for familv reunion, rhe Februar," 2l'25'!li:i::S$f t. :


to have lost sighr of The this good value that the Filipinos'lived'with through the centuries. Most of us have been immersed in building our own houses of cement and galvanized iron' The cities have no sPace for nipa hu*- It is saddening to note that even rhe lcasc o[ many Frlipino have been galvanized, rhus depriving the Poor a heiping hand* a
presenr generation seems bayani.


.:::: *t::il,ryry


6.3 Thc Filipino seets peacc of heart and mind (kalooban)' Thrs happens onlv rt'hen he remains Eudlfirl, good and &ee. The Filipino revoludoru speak of dre desire of the Filipino: peacc in freedom and sovcreignry (IG4IUYAPAAN

tector' Their divinc enpcrience somehow made ir easier for the Spanish missionaries to Chrisrianize their beli"fq"r.*. fh*ugh the years rhe Chrisdan Filipino,s challenge, howeyer was rwards making his life more and morc orher-..ite..d,

in Tg..r:"1 the Filipino consciousness. Filipinor rr. God-Fearing people, cven before the Spaniards .r-" Iieved in a Bathalawho was known ,o L ,h"

proposed r.alues of rruth, justice and peace, which are both yniversal and Cospelvalues, have acrually U.r.ra..pty

l-h;;.: " provider J;;;_



christ-cenrereJ, K4PVA-TAO. The authcntic Filipino value sysrem i" Chri;

*ito * tAnAYUt'f
7. frfak,.Dw



The Filipino is rnaka-Diryos.In all his endeavors, he cdls on God ro assist him. He considers any event as God's way (kalooban ng Diyos).The paghamaka-D$os is obviously inseparable to paghamaka-Pilipina- The Filipino is known to be reli-

It bo*s to the inevirable to God. The Mount Pinarubo frrprion, to manY, is God's rvav of making His people rePent'
"kalooban Somerimes, povem'and oppression is considered to be wirl to many of the ng Diyos" too. Thoryh rhere are elements have to Fi=1ip,,"ros' inierpreia'jons cf rhe signs of the times that

The role, thercfore of, rhe Chrisrian is to seek thc au_ thentic goodness of rhefilipino pcople by geming inro dre in_ ner sanffuaries of rheir hearu. Thus, homili.r, ,.I_orrs, Bible and dl church acrivities and organizadons, 11rdge tharing like Basic Ecclesid communiries shouid carer towarcis rrrc Firipino developrnent as person and nation thar pray and discern. Filipino development is empowerment. An empowered Filipino is an effecdve Chrisdan. Rollo May once said, "vrasre rb*rrrd, when people are nor empowered.- And when peopl.;;; empowered progress roored in the Gospel is far-fercired.

1. Z.

iurified by rhe Gospelr.alues. The point ,..ognir.* rhat there is Sorneonc greater than himsel{ who fiings happen.

is that the



Is there a need to cririque rhe Filipino value slsrem?

Whar is/are whv?


in ir will you dare ro


Iliya, pakikLwma and uaftg,lrt lnob


considered colo-

niai values preciselt because fie1. suppress rhe un-ique individualiqil digniryi rhe sovereignn'- If these are PerPerated, the rights of

standard wil!you use in order to change rheralue system? 'Whar wili be your alternarivesi



panininiigan, pakikiisa ar bukal a lakds ng hqb develop fr: p:' ,o., *d Jl* ,"tir.,. These alrernadve values resonete with r}e Chrisrian value of loving the fellowman iusr as one loves himself.

the p-eople wiil not bc respecred and enhanced' Vhile

!::a:rdjii ::::l::i:aa;a;::1r,iinra

,ora{tg th,Etb,l




In what ways do you think these can be effective and efficiendy implemenred in your own life. Family? with
your friends? In your parish community? In thc media? In politics?


Cruprrn 2
t- fu a youth, do,vou
in terms of the value system bcrwcen rhe elders and yours? In what ways? How did/do 1',ou handle thc differenceq?
sce a significanr difference

$ouial tommuniuations filtrass ffisdia] Tuwards Nation $uilding

A, lilTRoDUCn0il The crowning glory of rhe scientific and technological ad\xancement is the eaqy and fast access ro a lor of informrdlrr, .,rl_



Read and reflecr on

rie following




I 8: I

&23. The conversation

ofJesus wirh the rich man



Redemptoris Missio I 2: The Magna Ca*a ofPopeJohn Paul II on missionary aaimdes. He defined rhe need for Christians (o respect the 'semina verbi" the seed of the \7'ord of God thar is manifesr in other culrures too.

ofsocial-communication. Inodtably, d:ese mediaplaya remendous role in shap ing public opinion as well as indirijj and social destinies_

rural prcmotion, and forrnadon transmined m and from ar4ypan of the world brought abour by efficienr insmr.mens

The rnoves of the NAIO againsr yugoslavia, rhe fate of Anwar Ibrahim of Malaysia, rhe erhnic *.ars in Indonesia, rhe murder of lovers of the sarne casre bv their own rerarives in India, rhe Iraq bombing, papal visia, jFK, Jr's uagic dearh, busi_ ness promotions, currency and weather updares, counseling and adviye from hairstyle to the choice ofcandidare for rhe.r.Jtio.r, music and drama, are among those broughr to eirler narional or"international or bori scenes for informadon and scrutiny. Elictronic mails, inrernee and rybernerics make p.oon"l municadons and research more accessibre with a "o*crick or nvo. In fact, we could hardly imagine modern life wirhour media. The press, rhe cinema, radio, relevision, CD/ROMs, compurers and similar media, are pioperir- classified as insrru_ menm of socid communicarinn. \Tre see rhem presenring both negative and positive effects in our r.'a' oiii'ing. sincc, ri'sn'are produced by human beings and are po*rerrullv irifluencing people of allwal&s of life, thq on be subiected ro moral sc*riiy-




'' ']' "'









3. As enter&,ilte$,


realitl reacAafizers 0r twisters


Media todaY work in varl0us waYs:

1. Judge

and aqlnlon make$.

r *
r g


il r x




named rhc media as the "first ereoPagus of the modern age" as means bv rvhich the Church may cvangelize-r Areopagus was a rockr hiil near .{cropolis, Athens where pcople garher to exchange idcas. opinions. gossips, or also known as the high coun *'here iudgrncnrs over issues were Proccssed and reported. Todar'. r*'e avail of these instrumens of social communicadon insrrad. Unlike rhe Areopagus, the media has a one way communicarion. Thev feed us anything rhat they want. Many dmes, ra*' siruarions. feelings, perspectives are nct given weight, and if- the'y are, they are sensationalized if not trivialized. Horvever, in *re Philippines we should not fail to rnenrion rhat media played a maior role in shaping our political life' The People Power i was caried on RADIO VERIThS in 1985' ,A,lmosr ail media esublishments participated in People Power II. In this rl'av media had a positive impact as an "areopagus'"
2. As Value

Pope John Paul

II in his encyclical Rc&mptoris


CDt as a fcrrrn of enrerrainmenr, ,h.r.for., trivialized. Thus, we rurn into easy rargets for manipularion. .We see both in advertisemenm and realiry, families din_ ing in front of the TV ser which goes ro show drar the TV7 Video has overcome *e sanctirr- of fbasdng and sharing.

is the key action of media subscribers. \lor.ies and rv shows create a specraror and nor a parricipan r srance . The usud reaction of spectarors is ro applaud, .ry or shour. specarors do nor change rhe plot of rhe srories rhev rvarch. Media can bring spec*rors to virnral realities. They gi.:e a scnse of reiief and comfon in a differenr ciimension. Thus. in acruai siruadons, these recipienr unconsciously remain spefiarors roo. Thus, rhey become less responsible shapers of rheir o\r.n personal and societal lives. Religion, polidcs, educadon, business are treared bv rele_


r I I


?erceprions about sex and marriagei very young lelvers, :.:.riro. rrc. these days have changed from traditional ;r:J ir-::lcr or:r's. 'Wc see how media-hype mold starlcts into srars ire;.rus* |:ri rcrles rhar portray prernariul and extra-rnarital sex or \-o',"rnE :.nsuous love affairs and violence. The values of virginand orderly iife ar: red:ced to outdated ways of life. Advertisemenrs entice rhe

bociit inresriry good reputation, thriftiness

unCis;i:lineJ patrons into consumerism and materidism' Tiaiiiion lnd antiquitv are now considered 'not in" or tasteless'

Thc mcdia that exploir women, do nor rcsprecr B.omen


scr' some

sircoms disrespectfiul of the elders and the not beau-


lnfafinadon rltssemtnaturs

ri:i:i o: handsome characters" Unchecked media can turn an cnrirc :opulace into unrhinking and irresponsible rnobs' Those who engineer the media can either eflhance or disgra.e the ralues oltruth and respect for life and freedoms'

We have rhe fundamenra! righr ro eccess ner,jed an,l

proper infbrmarion. \x''irh media prolifeiadon, we feel ina.Jequare

to acquire all rhe perrinenr data because of irs bulk" lake. tor
insrance ,

thr coinpurer.

.{..lmosr e1-en. vear ne$.set_(


come inro rhe market and we feel our braqd ngw compurer suddenlv becomes ourdared. The number of new and varied informarion can be helpful ar times. Bur when the ncccssary ones like, acrual srare of rhe narion is not presenred, then media does nor serve rhe people and rheir purpose. Todal'. book readings is not much appreciated anyrnore. It is he r*'ho has much linox.ledgc about media rhat takcs home the pie. \fedia ourside rhe school ourcmarrs boola in school in terrns oi inf'luence in informarion resource as well as a life sryle shaper. Srude nrs no*-aday,s, prefer ro browse on rhe intemet than read rhe eng'clopedia.
5. Who heve access ta what ktmt 0f


Modern media is a big and powerfi.rl indusrry. CNN, forinsmncehas becomeworld renowned In theservice oicommunications, rnarvels of rechnolop propelled with highly professional compercncc in producdon and performance skilli,

well as financid, markedng and advenising expercise a-re be* hind the scenes. In Fact, dre world now is operadng on e new world informadon and communiarrion order (NWICO) and the new forn of wedth lies in who conuols not capial srocks but communicarion commodides.
Thus, it is aII rhe more imperarivc rhar Chrisrians should be guided accondingly. The teachlngs of some 30 yea-rs ago, on
the marter, still holds rrue roday. Inur Mirifcaor rhe Deciee on the Instrumenm ofsocial Comrnunie*rion of rhe Second Vadcan


?he world now moy seem

Preciselv because people are poor they can barely have riree square meals a day are unable to send children ro school r:r have dcccnt shckcrs. Those who have no teleyision set at home ask their 'have"-neighbors to

Council is our best teacher. The Council Fathers sate:

gulf hetureen the *sves cnd

what could be rlEhtfuily and prlmorlly thelrs. The

hllue erossed the frontlers nno, like 'Mula sa Puso," *Roselinda' *f cybrnets, but the some or 'Magandzng Gabi, Bayan." NGspects of progress houe though TV may seem ro be a corndlvegted manlr people Srsm mon sight in some urban poor areas,


allow them to watch e program or

to media, particularly the

higher technology like computer and

the like, is considered expensive. It is observable that low qua-liry cinema


the knows not" contlnue


hcve nots, the knows ond

If thcsc instntment arc rc lre proper$ emploTcl, ir is ABSOLUTELY nccessary tbat alt who ,$c thcm (o,/OW tbc NORMS of MOMLIfY and APPLY thcm M{THFULLY in thkfctd- ThE should thercfon considtr rht subject matta, which each instramcnt will communitate ia its oun uay. At the same time, thq thau{d thoughtfal{y uyigh all those cirttmsandal elc-ncn*, u'hich drfne at acri*q af commanicaion and can modtfl iu maral qualiry or a.{n reacrse ir tnrireiy. Thase inciadc r1utstions oiintennon. ;udicncc, ptace, and rimc.
a gtwz ia ffia. ht potro rnay bc s, roirrpriling thar peaph, dpcciat$ rhry an ruxght offguard, n f -v

houses, patronized by mostly the poor, present violence and sexual exsridenploitation. Should wc therefore bc surprised if .rnJ u"he n many of rhe poor are violent and/or sexual

Pertinent too, is tltc charatterittic way in which




scarcely bc

abb to apprcciart it, msderetc it, or, whcn recct-

T:u-c. rhe *'orld now may seem ro have crossed the r','berners. bur rhe same aspects of progress have di'g.1gd manv people from what could be righrfully and prinrarilv rheirs.-fhe eulFhetween the haves and have nocs, the kno\\'s and rhe knora's not, continue to widen

sary reject it.

fronlir:. i'i

This brings ro fcrre the need rc develop an uprighr conon the usc of rlese insrrumenrs particularly to ccnain

critical issues. These issues


On 'informarion" i.e. search fbr rhe news and rhe puL licarion of ir- Hurnan beingr can only acdveh', *"iselr and judiciouslv contribure ro the common good and





::,- L,.!:::.L::i

fudja. gat':inx4:'k,;i;x,i !:-

-.-i ,-ri:-i;ri{d

can easily fosrer development of the civic community rhey are properly informed. Every person has rhe righr to a higher level ofconsciousness. This righr ofthe people



is on the same level with rhe media's right to communicate the truth. However, This right n the communication of the mrth is nor uncondidond. The Carechisrn for the Catholic Church speaks tils right as one rhat

must conform to the AbsoluteTi'urh, the Gospel ValueConsequently, then, it is self-incriminaring if the media
practidoners thernselves to com.rnunicate the rruth accordingly.

narure, merhods, conreirt and impact

Hedlo eclucotlon ls lmpero. ts medlulc. There ls rln u?gEnt is an urgenr need for us, *ls sirizenry need fr u3, the clffzesrrr to to be properly educared in rhc he properly educlterl ln ghe a.dlmenr of media in rerms af !s sn tlilment of medlo tn tenms
Media educadon is imperarive in a world rhar is mediaic. There


tlve ln o worlGl thnt

on people and sociedes. We are nor to rernain passive consumers butr mmt be raruformed inro participative, proacdvc and responsible agens

il s


Consideration for other's welfare and respcct for rurh should dictate the response to clamor for right informadon and communica-tion. The good and safery of others, rheir right ro privacy and the common good limit one's freedom of self-erpression. Use ofdiscretion prevents scandal. The same Carechism gives an assurance thar no one is bound to reveal r-he trurh ro sorneone who does not have rJre right to know it.2 The dury co communicate the truth ends at the fundamcnml right of others to good reputarion begins" Exposing an evil or unjust acr ofan individual/s is not the sarne as condemning *rar person for his acts. Howeve6 non-condemnation does not mean exoneradon-

of authcntic culrure. Hence, the

Magisrerium reaches thar readers, viewers and listeners who freely and personally choose to receive these media in rheir search for the trur}:{

of Is notulrB, ntdt{lds, cottSext snd lmpflct on poFle cnd socletta We EFe not to semoln p$s$lre consumerg but must tre trGnsformed

tlre nmd rggpomrbte agentg of outhenffc crcltut-

lnto Fortlctpotlra, FrooG.

l. Must

seck drose that fosrer vinue, knowledge, and wholesome art.

2. Should rejecr

r t






On arts and moral norms. Disputes over rhis issue ensue many false or deceiving theories" The Council asserts that the primary of the objective moral order demands absolute allegiance, for this order alone exceis and rightly integrates all other fields of human concerc, including arr, however, lofty their value. Only the moral order touches man in his totd narure as Godt reasoning crearure for he is made for heaven. Ir is only in fie faithfulness of this measure that he can attain eterna]

whatwer become a cause or an occasion of mord and spiritual harm co rhemselves, whareyer could endanger nrhers rhrough bad cxample and wharrvet r,r'ould irnpede good selecdon and promore bad ones. Thosc *ho glorifr money anel presrige promore bad

3. To

honor moral vdues mcans nrver ro neglecr ro intbrrn riemselves in good rirnes of the judgmenu made in rhesc affairs bv comperenr aurJroriry

4.-Young people should rake care ro derelop mo<{erarion and

self-contro! in dre use of these insrru- menrs. Th* should lre more discern-ing in assirnilaring the good from *-hat


rhs!'sec. hear, or read.

5.Parenrs shouJd be mindful

The Cotrncil for dre purpose of making human being

deeply knor,r,n and srudied and ro reved and enhance rhe grandeur of truth and goodness alloos rhc ponravaj of moral evil. However, ir should be guided bv moral norrns.


rheir dury to guard againsr shoro's, publicarions and rhe likc which would jeopardizc

Young people should be mofie dlscenrlng ln rlsslmllatlng the q'ooat f?snn whot they sGe, hegr, ot regd-



w,,,ld/r,fpfit -,dcfidrttu


'faith arid good morals. They must see to it *rat rheir chil&cn never en@unter these even ouaide thcir homes'


progrll of rhi




TORS, DESIGNERS, PRODUCERS, EXHIBITORS, DIS. TRIBUTORS, OPERATORS, SELLERS, CzuTICS AND FINANCIERS:' Thc heavy responsibiliry of promoting the truth rlrr"ugh mrthftl meiurs fall mainly on their shoulders. Thus they have the duty to:


regards rhe freedonr .,f

rrntion depend.s upon especirlly



Ir should fosrer rcligloh, culture, and fine arrs. Ic should prorefi conrurners in rhe free occrcise of rheir ia,*{rl righrs.

E ru'

4. h should aIrc assisr tlre undenaking of proieca. r+_irich coujd not d.Ti:,* b* i.i;;,;: despire rhcir exrrcme
usehrlness, especially

Regulate the commercial, politicd and anisdc especr of these media in waln that are congruent to the preservation of the common good.


fy yrrrg p.rpf..


Promote values and lifc style that encourege cheir recipients especially the younger generarion to lirne decendy, love, and respect their families and neighbors, their nation, environment, and God. Form association of professionals and ocperts who adhere co rl-re code of ethicel conduct.

any violation of thc rightu

It musr never allow pervencd usc of rhcse insmrmenrs, which can desrroy rh. ;r;"li; healrh, and social progress of rhetarlo; d;ffiorirics
should punish

repors concerning the gcneral *.lfrr. o, i.rpona .o well founded .o.rccrrr*.of

orindiriarrf, ,, ,I.i;;;;;;rion and o1l=*.. n1-y ,fr".iJ fir. rim.i-y anci retiable


* &

John Paul II in his apostolic exhortarion, Laici, emphasizrd.:



The u* of tl:cse instmtmertrs by profasionaL in communication and thdr rtccprion by i;c public, donand bsth a work aJ"edxcation in a critical srnsa which * anima*d b7 a pxsion for tfu rrurh and a wark for drfewc of libcrty, rcspecr Jbr rhe dignity af indiuid*ak, and rhc el"ewrian af
the authennc

ubu* ofpcopks which

aecnrs through


and couragea*s rcjection of cucry form of monopoly and

t I

and shows, which would be injuriou* rr, tl,** J"i, *g.. 7. Enact and enforce lawr thar ", ensure will rhe prorecrion and promorion of rh".o**on gooa. The freedom of lpdlsidrr:!< Td s*lr,-,, p,'t,..,i;;; is not ar all inrringed upon br such r*,archfirl'care. f ;ior. r+ho hars q,!;sg on r.iremseives rhe rcllronsibiliry of .rrirrg .h.* ;;;. har.e failed ro obserye ff"r;Uf* J",i,,o"r. Our Carechism funlr*r trares rhar moral judgmenr condernn rhe plagrre of rhe ,r"lirrrir" ,"r., *Ur,.f, srsremaricallr. falsi& rhe rrurh, sxerc;r* pol;ti*a] .r."., of opinion rnrou,gh ,i',. ,,!9y", manipulare A"h-Ar* *aIi,n.rro ar public rrials, and imagine thar rhey.eci,,,,i ,.;;;: i",, .rr*rr.,* br s*an_ gling and reprcssiae

6. Protecr youlB.onc* from literarure

J. p.rpf.


E. DlrTl[S

0t eMt






Thc eivil authoriqy is bound bv special duries in rerms of the conrmon good, ro which rhese insuumenr arc subordinare-7 l. 'flrc civil governrnenr is duq- bound ro defend and prorecr a rrue and jusr availabiliry of infbrmarion whereby


" uJorpa,a*",;;;,#:',,.liil'TJi,if'..*ffi



Powerfiil rools toward build-


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