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Mrs and Mrs Nguyen and our

voices Volume 1/2008

very first student, Bao




Christmas Break
The Alpha International School is closed for
Preparations are never
Kindergarten gets off to a Christmas holidays from 25
complete and we are still improving
smooth start our facilities and equipment. The Dec 08 to 1 Jan 09. TAIK
The Alpha International Promethean ActivBoard will help will re-open on 5 Jan 09.
Kindergarten (TAIK) got off to a teachers enhance their teaching
smooth start when it opened its value. The Children’s Rock Wall is
Most important of all is the
doors to the public on Mon 8 Dec equipped with rock holds imported
quality of learning that we will
2008. Well-wishers apart, the f ro m t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s a n d
provide at TAIK. Do drop in to
school also had numerous specially made for children’s
know more about how we ensure
enquiries on enrollment. Our hands. Our playground equipment
that our children learn and develop
dancing puppet seemed to have are from Step2, a renowned US
life skills in TAIK.
done his job. We welcomed our company specializing in children’s
very first 2 students, BAO & play equipment.
Joyce Tan
NGOC, with open arms.
Principal, TAIK

TAIK welcomes our second student,

TAIK Teachers sharing a light
moment online English Language
Courses for

TAIK will open for after-school

and week-end English
Language Enrichment Courses
for Children in Jan 2009.
Details will be publicized in
the new year.

Teacher Training Pick up the wireless Activpen,

touch it to the screen and the e-
Saturday is set aside for our
journey begins. The Activboard is Merry Christmas
teachers’ professional training. Last
fully integrated with the award-
Saturday, our Principal and class The Principal, Teachers & Staff
winning Activprimar y lesson
teachers attended the training on of TAIK wish all students and
development software, granting
Montessori to understand a parents a merry and blessed
TAIK teachers instant access to
dif ferent aspect of teac hing Christmas.
thousands of resources and sample
children and came away with new
lessons. Teachers and students can
ideas. TAIK will continue to invest in
hover over icons with the Activpen
teacher-training so as to ensure that
to reveal t heir function. The
our teachers are kept up to date
Activboard is built tough - to
with the latest developments in
wit hstand rough handling by
educating young children.

Best of all, it’s a fully integrated

Why is TAIK using the solution meaning its features are as
Promethean ActivBoard? simple to use as they are dynamic
to experience. With Promethean’s
The Promethean ActivBoard
Activboard, TAIK teachers can
a l l o w s TA I K t o t a k e o n a n
easily create engaging lessons and
int er national nature as TAIK
captivate our students with a fresh
teachers have access to
approach to learning. A learning
Promethean Planet, the fastest
that they can see, touch, hear and,
growing online teaching community
most importantly, understand.
with over 200,000 teachers now
collaborating and sharing
interactive teaching content across
the globe.

The Activboard brings all of the

sights and sounds of interactive
learning to life in an ActivClass.

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