Buddhism of Tibet

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This is the kind of Buddhism predominant in the Himalayan nations of Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan, and also Mongolia. It is known as Vajrayana because of the ritual use of the vajra, a symbol of imperishable diamond, of thunder and lightning. At the center of Tibetan Buddhism is the religious figure called the lama, Tibetan for "guru"," source of another of its names, Lamaism. Several major lineages of lamas developed, beginning in the ninth century with the Nyingma-pa. Two centuries later, Sarma-pa divided into the Sakya-pa and the Kagyu-pa. Three hundred years later, one of Tibet's revered lamas, Tsong-kha-pa, founded the reforming Gelug-pa.

Tibetan Buddhist Lineages

Nyingma-pa Tracing its origin to the Indian adept, Guru Padma-sambhava, who came to Tibet in 817 C.E. at the invitation of King Trisong Detsen (742-797) in order to subdue the evil forces then impeding the spread of Buddhism. This lineage of Buddhism is uniquely Tibetan in that many aspects of the traditional Bon religion are mixed together with more properly Buddhist beliefs and practices to form a unique expression of Buddhist piety. This lineage emphasizes the move towards more advance stages of enlightenment through "preliminary practice" that comprises the beliefs and practices of Buddhism before the advent of Tantra, and through the "higher practices," which involve the attainment of enlightenment through the chanting of magical spells, special hand gestures and mystical diagrams. Sakya-pa The lineage has descended intact up to the present time from Khon Knchok Gyelpo(1034-1102), founder of the Sakya tradition. From the doctrinal point of view the tradition traces its origins to the Indian Yogin Virupa through Gayadhara. His disciple Drogmi Shakya Yeshe (992-1074) travelled to India where he received teachings on the Kalachakra, the Path and its Fruit, and others from many Indian masters and returned to Tibet. Later, Khon Knchok Gyelpo, one of his main disciples, built a monastery in the Tsang province of central Tibet and named it Sakya, or Grey Earth monastery. So the school took its name, Sakya, from the location of the monastery. Succession to the position of head of the Sakya tradition has been hereditary since the time of Khon Knchok Gyelpo. The present incumbent is the 4lst occupant of the Sakya Throne. The central teaching and practice of the Sakya-pa, called Lam-dre (Lam-bras), the Path and Its Fruit, ultimately leads a practitioner to the state of Hevajra. The Path and Its Fruit is a synthesis of the entire paths and fruits of both the exoteric and esoteric classes of teachings. Kagyu-pa The lineages of the Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism derive primarily from two sources: Marpa Chkyi Lodro (1012-1099) and Khyungpo Nyaljor (978-1079). Marpa received the lineage of tantric teachings called the Four Commissioned Lineages - concerning the Illusory Body and Consciousness Transference, Dreams, Clear Light, and Inner Heat directly from Naropa (1016-1100), who had been given them by his teacher Tilopa (988-1069). Mahamudra, the unique feature of Kagyu tradition, can be explained according to interpretations of sutra and tantra. Both aspects of the teachings are aimed at direct understanding of the real nature of the mind. The approach to Mahamudra, which differs slightly within each Kagyu school, generally follows through the stages of foundation, path and fruit. Tantric practices unique to Kagyu tradition are the Six Yogas of Naropa, Chakrasambhava and Mahakala. In the context of tantric practice, the application of Mahamudra becomes much more profound and sophisticated. Gelug-pa Founded by Tsong-kha-pa (1357-1419) as a reform movement within Tibetan Buddhism, followers acclaimed the third teacher as an incarnation of the bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, thus inaugurating the line of the Dalai Lama, the fourteenth and most recent of whom was born in 1935. Emphasis in this lineage is on a strict monastic discipline and on the conviction that the bodhisattva, a Buddha who has foregone final nirvana out of compassion for all sentient beings, is continually present. This tradition remains dynamic even after coming into exile. The major Gelug monasteries, Sera, Drepung, Ganden, and Tashi Lhunpo monasteries and Gyumey Tantric College have been re-established in various Tibetan settlements in Karnataka, and Gyut Tantric College has been re-established in Bomdila, Arunachal Pradesh, all in India.

Aceasta este un fel de predominante Budismul n naiunile Himalaya din Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan, Mongolia i, de asemenea. Este cunoscut ca Vajrayana din cauza folosirii ritual de vajra, un simbol al diamant neputrezire, de tunete i fulgere. La centrul de Budism tibetan este figura religioasa numita Lama, tibetan pentru "guru", "surs de un alt nume sale, Lamaism cteva linii majore de lama dezvoltate., ncepnd din secolul al noulea cu Nyingma-pa. Dou secole ani mai trziu, sarma-pa mprit n Sakya-pa i Kagyu-pa. Trei sute de mai trziu, unul dintre lama revered Tibet, Tsong-Kha-pa, fondat de reformare Gelug-pa. Budiste tibetane linii Nyingma-pa calc de origine la ADEPT indian, Guru Padma-sambhava, care a venit n Tibet n 817 CE, la invitaia regelui Trisong Detsen (742-797), n scopul de a supune forele rului apoi mpiedicnd rspndirea de budism. Acest neam a budismului tibetan este unic n multe aspecte ale religiei tradiionale Bon sunt amestecate cu convingeri mai corect budiste i practici pentru a forma o expresie unic de pietate budiste. Aceast descenden subliniaz trecerea la mai multe etape n avans de iluminare, prin "practica preliminare", care cuprinde credinele i practicile de budism nainte de apariia de tantra, i prin practici "mai mare", care implic realizarea de iluminare prin incantarea de vrji magice , gesturi speciale de mn i diagrame mistice. Sakya-pa linia a cobort intact pn n momentul de fa din Khon Knchok Gyelpo (1034-1102), fondator al tradiiei Sakya. Din punct de vedere doctrinar urme tradiia originile sale a Indiei Yogin Virupa prin Gayadhara. Discipolul su Drogmi Shakya Yeshe (992-1074) a cltorit n India, unde a primit invataturile pe Kalashaka, calea i fructe, i alii de la mai multi mesteri indiene i a revenit la Tibet. Mai trziu, Khon Knchok Gyelpo, unul dintre ucenicii Lui principale, a construit o mnstire din provincia Tsang centrale Tibetului i a numit-o Sakya, sau Pamant Grey mnstirii. Deci, coala a luat numele su, Sakya, de la locul mnstirii. Succesiunea la poziia de ef al tradiiei Sakya a fost ereditare de la momentul Khon Knchok Gyelpo. Revin prezent este ocupant 4lst a Tronului Sakya. Predare centrale i practica Sakya-pa, numit Lam-Dre (Lam-sutiene), Calea i fructul su, duce n cele din urm un practicant la starea de Hevajra. Cale i fructul su este o sintez a ntregii ci i fructe din ambele clase exoterice i ezoterice a nvturilor. Kagyu-pa linii de coal Kagyu a budismului tibetan provin n principal din dou surse: Marpa Chkyi Lodro (1012-1099) i Khyungpo Nyaljor (978-1079). Marpa primit linia de nvturilor tantrice numit Patru Comandat filiaia - cu privire la Corpul iluzorie i Constiinta transfer, vise, Clear lumin, de cldur interioar i direct de la Naropa (1016-1100), care le-ar fi dat de ctre profesorul su Tilopa (988 - 1069). Mahamudra, caracteristic unic de tradiie Kagyu, poate fi explicat n funcie de interpretrile Sutra si tantra. Ambele aspecte ale nvturilor vizeaz nelegerea direct a naturii reale a minii. Abordare a Mahamudra, care difer uor n fiecare coal Kagyu, n general, urmeaz prin etapele de constituire, calea i fructe. practicile tantrice unic la tradiie Kagyu sunt cele ase Yogas ale lui Naropa, Chakrasambhava i Mahakala. n contextul practicii tantrice, aplicarea Mahamudra devine mult mai profund i mai sofisticate. Gelug-PA Fondat de Tsong-Kha-pa (1357-1419) ca o micare de reform din budismul tibetan, adepi aclamat profesor tere ca o ncarnare a Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, inaugurnd astfel linia de Dalai Lama, a paisprezecea i mai recente din care sa nscut n 1935. Accentul n aceast filiaie este o disciplin monastic strict i pe convingerea c Bodhisattva, un Buddha care a renunat nirvana final din compasiune pentru toate fiintele sensibile, este mereu prezent. Aceast tradiie rmne dinamic chiar i dup intrarea n exil. Manastiri majore Gelug, Sera, Drepung, Ganden, si manastiri Tashi Lhunpo i Gyumey tantrica Colegiul au fost re-stabilit n diferite aezri tibetan n Karnataka, i Gyut tantrica Colegiul a fost re-stabilit n Bomdila, Arunachal Pradesh, toate din India.

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