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Do you remember the first time we met?

Outside were around 17 degrees Celcius and it was raining, a pretty ugly day for Oh Sehun, the smart boy who always got bullied by others because he didnt like to share his lunch or homework. That ugly day was pretty bad, three guys from his class got a bad grade because of the homework Sehun gave to them, and they decided to get their revenge by hitting Sehun and taking all the money he had. It was really hard for a 16 year old to face the new world in a whole new different school. And that just because his parents decided he had to go to a high school filled with rich kids, because his parents were rich too. Sehun never liked that, he always wanted to stay with the people he felt good around, not with girls with fancy clothing and thick makeup or guys that always wanted to destroy everything in their area just because mommy and daddy can afford to pay for their mistakes. Not even taking his backpack with him, Sehun ran away from school and ended up in a bus station where just one person with a red umbrella waited for a bus, looking pretty confused. Sehun just stand there waiting for a bus to come, the rain was so cold. He was tired, two years and a half of being bullied and beaten by everyone around that school. Suddenly, the rain stopped above him and when he looked up, Sehun saw the red umbrella and the man standing next to him smiling.

You took me under your umbrella and said something in a very bad Korean.

Do you know what bus should I take to arrive at the Cheongwoon high school in Jongro-du? the foreign
man asked and lifted a little folded sheet of paper with some directions. I know where it is.. Sehun answered. What happened to you? the man asked looking at Sehun after seeing the bruise under his eye and the swollen lip. Sehun didnt answer and grabbed the man by the arm pushing him and positioned himself in front, avoiding those pretty clothes he had to get strained after a reckless driver passed with high speed and passed over a puddle of muddy water. The man had his eyes shut tight and his forehead was leaning on Sehuns cheek. Your clothes! he shouted and turned the latter around. But, one again, Sehun grabbed him, The bus he mumbled and took the elder with him into the bus.

And the second day I saw you again.

Hello! Im Luhan I have twenty one years old and Im your new Chinese teacher.

Since then, our paths crossed and year after year you were there for me.

You are going to succed! Luhan said smiling keeping his fists clenched. Sehun wanted to be a doctor since childhood, helping people made him happy. He entered in the exam room and took a sit waiting his papers. That was the exam of his life, because if he wouldnt take that one he didnt really knew what to do further. But he was lucky to know someone like Luhan. He knew the elder was his guardian angel. And with his help, Sehun was able to enter into the medicine world. Following a path full of efforts.

I was always busy with study and exams, but never too busy to go for bubble tea with you.

The toughest exam just passed and Sehun was able to breathe properly and feel his body thinner, because after taking that exam a heavy weight was lifter from his shoulders. And he was finally able to go to the caf with his best friend and drink banana bubble tea, their favorite. Ah, Luhannie I cant believe I passed this exam! he said putting the cup of bubble tea in front of the smiling Luhan. How so? You always succeed. Oh Sehun will be the best doctor! But? Have you decided what kind of doctor will you be? he smirked, Gynecology? Sehun turned all red and sipped from his straw and tilted his head, Pediatrics I like kids a lot. Ah, I know that. But I thought you liked girls more Luhan wriggled his eyebrows a little. The youngers eyes widened and he couldnt even believe what the other just said. Sehun didnt like girls more, he didnt like girls actually.

And then you asked me why you never saw me with a girl. And I had to lie to you and put the studies in front. Because the reality was that I loved you, but I was just waiting to become a resident at the local hospital so I can be a good man for you. But after 4 years since we met, I decided to confess feeling like if I wont do that then I could loose you.

The twenty two years old Sehun was smiling holding a bouquet of roses and waiting in front of Luhans house. After an hour he decided to call, Luhan? Where are you? Can you come out? Im in front of your house, I want to tell you something really important Sehun said, feeling a ball in his troath.

Ah, Sehun. Im really sorry Can you say it on the phone? Im not home. Luhan answered, voices echoing around him. Where are you? I can come and tell you there, I just cant say it on the phone. When the answer came, Sehun dropped the flowers and sad tears started to fall on his cheeks. Luhan was with his girlfriend to buy a wedding dress and a groom suit. Sehun never knew Luhan had a girlfriend, he always thought they had unrevealed love relationship. But it wasnt true, Luhan loved someone else, someone who wasnt Sehun. Please come to my wedding, you are my best friend, I want you to be my groomsman! Luhan was excited, Sehun felt the love in his voice. But that wasnt a love for him. Who..? Hm? Who are you getting married to? Sehun asked. It was painful, the most painful thing he ever felt in his entire life. Not even the times when his classmates beat him until he was unconscious were that painful, because now he felt it with his heart. Seojin, our friend. I didnt tell you becau But Sehun couldnt take it no more and he hang up. Seojin was their friend, the only one who knew about his love for Luhan, his only friend from school who never bullied him and always helped him.

And I decided to go, I was too late. You were getting married and all I wanted to do was to burry myself in books to forget what happened. It was really hard to live there, in the same town with you. I didnt want to face you, how on Earth could I smile to you again? I couldnt So I just decided to leave. But I wanted to see you one more time.

Everyone was so happy, the place of the wedding was filled with people both of them knew, friends, family members. Everyone was there, and Sehun, with the luggage in the backseat, decided to go there too, and say his goodbye from Luhan. Looking at the scene from his car he saw the limousine that was supposed to take the bride to the place and then he saw her. That woman who betrayed him. She also saw him and came all the way to his car getting into the passenger seat. You knew my feelings for him Sehun said clenching his fists on the wheel. Yeah, but do you think he liked you in that way? No way. And on top of that, a homosexual relationship is prohibited and filthy. I want to kill you with my own hands he murmured looking straight into her eyes. Then do it. Lets die together in a car accident, no one will live to have Luhan. Thats bullshit! Get out of the car. he said calmly, but when she didnt move it got on his nerves Now!

I was able to just send you a video along with my gift for your wedding. I was pretty sure I wont evwr come back to Seoul. We kept communicating through emails, but you werent the same person I knew. I wanted to kill myself, I tried to. I went on the buildings rooftop, I was so decided to die that just one step was enough for me to fell on the street. But that day of 28th march wasnt the day when I should die. When I was just prepared you called me.

Sehunnie! I have great news! Luhan shouted in the phone excited. Oh really? Tell me You are the uncle of two beautiful twin girls!

My heart was filled with joy and I just started crying. Your happiness completed me, and it helped me to live forward. And when you asked me to become a good doctor here in Germany and come back to be there when your girls will be sick, made me change my mind.

The dean of the medicine college gave Sehun his diploma, that important paper everyone willed to get but just a few actually feeling it on their hands. Since he was the top graduate the best hospitals in Berlin wanted him as a resident, but all he wanted was Luhans embrace and Seoul. Luhans girls were already two years old and Luhan kept sending pictures and videos with them to Sehun almost every week, making Sehun smile widely all the time. I have news again Luhan giggled when Sehun called. Is that so? Mhm, it looks like god wants me to be father of more kids Is Seojin pregnant? Thats so cute, Luhan. Sehun answered excited. But when are you coming back? I havent seen you for already three years.. I miss you a lot

And after another year I came back just to find you helpless and confused. Just like the first they we met.

Outside were around 17 degrees Celcius and it was raining, a pretty ugly day for Oh Sehun, the twenty six year old medicine resident who just transferred into the local hospital from Seoul. Just when he and Luhan had to meet again after all those years, Luhan told him that hes in the hospital, with his wife. Reaching for him, Sehun barely breather because he ran all the way to the hospital. What happened? Are you okay? he asked putting his hands on Luhans shoulders.

Seojin.. shes in a bad stateshe is really sick she had a high fever and the doctors are in there for hours not telling me anything Im afraid Sehun What if the baby will die? Shes just pregnant in four months Luhan said resting his forehead on Sehuns cheek and crying. But wasnt she pregnant one year ago when you called me? Sehun asked concerned. She lost that baby and now she wanted one again and oh god he burst into tears wetting Sehuns shirt. Im here Ill hold you Sehun sighed and hugged Luhan closer feeling the smell of his hair.

After Seojins death I decided to tell you the story, since she started it not long before her death. Even if she said shes sorry I cant just forgive her for making you suffer now. You did good. I couldnt love you in that way, I needed a wife to have a family with. I couldnt just mess my entire life like that. You were always a wise man, you are smart. A doctor to be cant love a man, a helpless Chinese teacher that doesnt know how to cook any Korean food or to warm milk for my daughters. Im not good enough and I cant love someone after so many years. But I knew, Luhan wasnt made for me, Oh Sehun, the man who was going to dedicate his life to helping children in a hospital. The helplessly hopeless Oh Sehun who loves Luhan so much.

2 Seojins death affected Luhan a lot, more that the baby died in her womb. He didnt really love her more than the mother of his daughters. It was painful for him during the entire relationship they had, but after all those ups and downs with her resulted two beautiful twin daughters: Hana and Jae. After her death and Sehuns late confession, he felt really weird and decided to just stay home with the girls without facing other people. But as the days passed he started encountering problems, he couldnt resist there alone, so Luhan took the phone and tapped on it, calling. Yes? Help me Luhan said his voice cracking. It was too much for one single person to handle, his heart was shattered by all the things that happened just like that, in a blink on an eye. He dropped the phone on the floor and started crying, the other still on the line.

Luhan open the door. a soft, yet mature voice spoke from the phone. But Luhan could hear it clearly. Dragging his feet to the door, Luhan finally gets to open it. His eyes were red as well as his nose. And all the other hate was to see him crying. Suhun wasnt the type of person who would allow the ones he love to cry. Falling into Sehuns arms, Luhan couldnt help but cry more, burying his face into the youngers chest. Sehun helped him walk to the sofa and kept caressing his head while the other kept crying. Stop crying I cant see you cry, its torturing me Sehun spoke on a soft tone trying not to cry too. You went through a lot because of me Now Im calling you again to mess your life one more time Im so stupid Luhan looked up at Sehun. You are not stupid, nor messing with my life. Stop talking nonsense. The younger pet the others head and softly smiled at him, Dont worry, I will help you raise the girls. I will come here every day when I finish my job at the hospital Luhan smiled and whipped his tears getting in his spot, now looking into Sehuns eyes from the same height. Nodding he bowed his head a little. He knew that Sehun wont ever complain about the situation and even without Luhans shared love, he could be a great friend. Now go and was that face, if the girls see you like that Im getting mad at you The elder smiled and went to the bathroom to wash his face, just as Sehun willed.


Soon, Hana and Jae got really attached to Sehun and reverse, he loved the two girls so much, they both resembled their father. Their small noses, beautiful eyes made Sehun fall in love, of course in a parental way. He felt somehow like their new father. Sehunnie, we want to tell you something Hana started, climbing the sofa and got into the others lap followed by Jae. Hm? What it is? he asked petting the girls heads. Our appa never loved our mother. she said making Sehuns eyes widen and furrow his eyebrows looking at the small girl. What are you saying, Hana? How do you know that? Luhan loved your mother.

Both girls tilted their heads and started explaining, in their own way, how they were fighting most of the time, how their mother always yelled at Luhan and called him in various ways because he simply couldnt do some things. But at one point Sehun got dazzled enough by how smart those two girls were. And appa loved uncle. Mom always said you should leave and be with your love without wasting the time with me and your daughters and she yelled at him. In that moment, Sehuns usual pokerface turned into a jaw drop and widen eyes, he simply couldnt believe what he was hearing. Appa loved uncle. Luhan loved uncle. Luhan used to call Sehun the girls uncle. Luhan loved Sehun. What?

Sehun tilted his head and looked at the girls, What uncle and how he loves him? Sehunnie uncle, and appa loves you a lot. Dont think that if we are just four years old we dont know how things are going! We are really smart Jae said patting Sehuns cheek and smiling, Now brush my hair. I want the red ribbons today! They both were such cute and smart girls. Sehun couldnt even believe what they said, laughed and went to take the brush and the little bag of hair accessories Jae had and started brushing her long and pretty hair arranging it. While he was doing that, the door opened and Luhan entered, Hana jumping from the sofa and rushing to hug her dad first, being picked up and kissed on the cheeks. How is my baby? Luhan said pinching her cheek. Hana was like a little boy, even her hair was short because he didnt like it long like her sisters, while Jae loved dresses and the long hair she had, putting both Sehun and Luhan to brush it and put different accessories in it. Precious. Your grandma will come and take you two to her house for tonight! Are you excited? Luhan smiled and looked at both girls. Yay! I cant wait to play with her dogs! Jae said jumping from Sehun and going to her dad. But please, dont hurt them okay? If you do that they will bite you.

Are they hurting the dogs? Sehun asked raising his brows while arranging the table where the girls usually played. A bit.. they like to grab them by their tails and ears And now the dogs are no longer small and Im afraid they will bite them Aaah girls, you better behave nicely with those dogs!

Soon, Seojins mother came and took the girls to her house, her maid took the bags with clothes and other stuff the girls put in and left. How are you? Luhan asked smiling at Sehun and sitting beside him. Well, Im okay. Just okay? Whats wrong? the older placed his hand on the others shoulder and looked at his face. The girls told me something today Sehun furrowed his eyebrows and looked at Luhan. Luhan blinked twice and looked into Sehuns eyes, wondering what they said to make Sehun so upset. He never saw him so upset in so many years, and it frightened him a little. They told me like this: Our appa never loved our mother. Appa loved uncle. Mom always said you should leave and be with your love without wasting the time with me and your daughters and she yelled at him. Ah.. haha kids. Luhan laughed weirdly and looked away. Kids dont lie, Luhan. Sehun didnt want to put any pressure on Luhan, nor to ask him what that meant because he knew the older wont ever say the truth to him. But suddenly, after a couple of minutes Luhan sighed and got in his knees in front of Sehun, Yes, I did. I loved you and I still do I was afraid to tell you about my feelings. I married Seojin because I needed to have a life far from you who were ruining my minds. I never thought our feelings were mutual if I only knew the things wouldve been different now. he said looking up at Sehun with teary eyes. You shouldve at least tell me some months ago when I came back My heart was even broken back then Sehun bit his lower lip and clenched his fist. I couldnt I never thought the girls will accept you in our family. Not even as their uncle Seojin always told them really mean things about me and you, especially about you. And both Hana and Jae faked it really well from their mother. Thanks god they love you now

Good. They love me now. Were you going to tell me about that or take it with you in your grave? Sehun was really upset at that moment. I-I dont know Sehun It is hard for me too Then let me take all the burdens from your shoulders! Sehun broke, grabbing Luhan by his shoulders. What do yo Sehun softly placed his lips on Luhans, lifting him up from the ground and putting him in his lap, hugging his body like he always wanted to do, caressing and kissing it like he always wanted to do. It wasnt just Sehun the one who craved for the others body like that, Luhan on the other side couldnt contain his happiness and started to cry wrapping his arms and legs around Sehun and hugged him tight. I love you he whispered kissing Sehuns lips several times. Tilting his head to the side, Sehun made more space for him to taste Luhans mouth, pressing his own tongue on the others, gently caressing in a slow and delicate motion, feeling as the older responded in the same way, synchronizing in the movement. His thumb brushed down his chin as he deepened the kiss, feeling an exhilarating shiver throughout his body once he came in contact with the sweet taste of Luhan. Stop me now or let me have your whole body Sehun whispered onto Luhans lips. In response, Luhan lifted his shirt and took it off tossing it on the floor, then started to linger his fingers on Sehuns collarbones, tracing soft lines down to his chest and abdomen. Sehun was happy for Luhans answer and unzipped his hoodie, taking it off his shoulders, then doing the same with the shirt he was wearing under revealing the white milky skin Sehun was always happy to touch. Leaning closer, Sehun kissed Luhans chest and softly nibbled his lips on his nipple when he reached it making Luhan let out a soft moan. Sehuns fingers danced on Luhans skin until they reached the jeans line. Getting back to kiss the older, Sehun placed the other on his back, getting between his legs rapidly unbuckling and unzipping his jeans, taking them off. His hand went down, over Luhans already hardened dick making him moan louder. Luhan, on the other part rushed to do the same, letting Sehun naked on top of him, I want you so bad he whispered grabbing Sehuns dick and stroking it softly, brushing his thumb over the head. The younger smirked and took Luhans boxers off getting up and admiring the view. His body was looking so soft and it made Sehun even harder, but he had to bring the lube first. When he came back with the small bottle of lube Luhan looked at him and furrowed his eyebrows, Where did you got that? The hospital. Dont ask more he said sitting again on the sofa, dragging Luhan closer.

He poured some lube on his fingers and softly spread it around Luhans entrance, getting one finger in and receiving soft moans from the other. Getting his finger deeper and starting to move it, Sehun was gladly listening to Luhans moans and whimpers that were killing him with every second. When he added the second finger, Luhans back arched softly. And at the third finger he was already panting really hard, making Sehun harder with every second. Put lube on me Sehun asked, softly kissing Luhans ear. The older took the small bottle and poured a lot on his fingers, grabbing Sehuns dick with that hand and starting to pump it up and down spreading the lubricant all over Sehun. Going in.. Sehun announced on a low tone, placing his dick at the entrance and pushed himself inside, making Luhan let out a moan. But he didnt let it all out because Sehuns mouth covered it and swallowed it. His breath was hot, Luhans arms tightened the space between them, and Sehun started to move inside. It was insane, it was all he ever wanted. Oh god Sehun Luhan bit his lip, feeling the pleasure all over his body. His moans were lullabies for Sehun, and he didnt know how to take all Luhan could give at once. He wanted Luhans lips, he wanted his body, he wanted to make Luhan moan and have a long orgasm that will make Sehun want more. Luahn was too hot for Sehun to handle at once. Sehun started to move faster, grabbing Luhans dick and stroking it at the same pace with his thrusts, making the other go insane and dig his nails inside his skin. I love you I love you so much, Luhan. Sehun cried feeling Luhans walls tightening around him. I love you too you cant imagine how much Im sorry for everything. Luhan whispered grabbing Sehuns hair. Thrusting in and out, Sehun started to hit Luhans prostate, making him moan louder and louder, sweat falling from his forehead. Aah.. fuck Sehun he moaned feeling his stomach tighten and without announcing it, he released all over his abdomen and a little on Sehuns fingers, his body trembling under Sehun. He couldnt stop moaning. Sehun came inside Luhan and let out deep sigh and falling on top of the other, hugging his body closer to him panting together. After both of them caught some air, Sehun started to kiss Luhans face all over placing several kisses on the others wet lips.

I cant believe it happened. If its not real, dont pinch me yet, I dont want to wake up Sehun whispered hugging Luhan closer. Luhan chuckled and closed his eyes kissing Sehuns lips passionately. It is real and I want us to do this more often please You are so damn awesome Sehun smiled and looked at the other, We will do, just if you will promise me you will never lie to me again. I promise. Luhan nodded frankly. And you promise me youll make all my wet dreams about you come true. Sehun nodded and laughed pressing his lips on Luhans, hugging him.

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