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2 to SUPERINTENDENTS EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT, AS AMENDED RECITALS WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees has completed and considered the annual performance evaluation of the Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Dana T. Bedden; and WHEREAS, the Employment Agreement with Dr. Bedden currently expires June 30, 2016; and WHEREAS, current economic conditions and the level of state funding of public education, together with substantial changes being required of the School District in the delivery of teaching and learning for approximately thirty-five thousand (35,000) students, indicates to the Board of Trustees that it is critical that the District maintain strong, capable and stable management and leadership for the foreseeable future. WITNESSETH NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Trustees of the Irving Independent School District and Dr. Dana T. Bedden, Superintendent of Schools of the Irving Independent School District, for and in consideration of the terms hereinafter established and pursuant to Chapter 21, Subchapter E, and Section 11.201(b) Tex Educ Code, have agreed, and do hereby agree, as follows: I. Term Paragraph 1.1 of Contract is changed to extend the ending date of employment under the Contract from June 30, 2016 to June 30, 2017. II. Salary
Paragraph 3.2 Salary Adjustments. At any time during the term of this Agreement, the Board may, in its discretion, review and adjust the salary of the Superintendent, but in no event shall the Superintendent be paid less than the salary set forth in Section 3.1 of this Agreement except by mutual agreement of the two Parties. The Superintendent shall receive at least the same percentage increase as teachers but at no time will the Superintendent receive a salary increase when teachers do not receive a salary increase. Such adjustments shall be made pursuant to a lawful Board resolution. In such event, the Parties agree to provide their best efforts and reasonable cooperation to execute a new Agreement incorporating the adjusted salary.

III. Restatement and Conflicts 3.2 Restatement. The Superintendents Employment Agreement, as amended, and effective July 1, 2011 and approved by the Board of Trustees March 4, 2013, in all other respects be, and is hereby, restated and shall remain in full force and effect. Any provision in such
Exhibit A to Resolution No. 12-13-108 Page 1 of 2

Agreement deemed to be in conflict with this Addendum No. 2 in any respect is by this Addendum No. 2 amended or deleted in order that this Addendum No. 2 control any conflict(s). IV. Representations and Warranties 4.1 The signatories to this Addendum No. 2 represent and warrant that there have been no oral modifications or understanding respecting the Superintendents Employment Agreement, as amended. EFFECTIVE this 4th day of March, 2013 at Irving, Dallas County, Texas.


By:_____________________________________________ Ronda Huffstetler, President Board of Trustees ATTEST: By:__________________________________ Larry Stipes, Secretary Board of Trustees

Executed this__________day of___________________ , 2013.

SUPERINTENDENT By:_____________________________________________ Dana T. Bedden Executed this__________day of___________________ , 2013.

Exhibit A to Resolution No. 11-12-172 Page 2 of 2

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