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Associated Student Government University of Arkansas ASG Senate Resolution No. 43 Authors: Senator Mark Cameron, Senator Joe Kieklak Sponsors: Senator Grant Addison, Senator Wil Cheatham, Senator Sanket Desai, Senator Morgan Farmer, Senator Roxanne Hazelwood, Senator Hayley Noga, Senator Ellen Rudolph, Senator Amy May West A Resolution to Provide Necessary Testing Materials Whereas, 91.7 percent of 2,639 students responded in the 2012-2013 ASG Student Poll that they enjoyed having scantrons, blue books, and other testing materials provided for them in Fall 2012; and 72.52 percent of 2,664 students responded in the 2012-2013 ASG Student Poll that they would be in favor of a minimal increase in tuition to allow the University to continue providing scantrons, blue books, and other testing materials to all students; and In the 2011-2012 academic year, students took 275,872 on-campus credit hours1; and If 24,932 students (Fall 2012 enrollment excluding correspondence only students) took the same amount of credit hours, 20 cents per credit hour would raise $55,284; and More credit hours have been taken this year because there are 5.89 percent more students (excluding correspondence only) in Fall 2012 than Fall 2011; and A University student enrolls in 12 credit hours on average each semester based on enrollment numbers and total on-campus credit hours taken last year; and A 20 cent per credit hour increase in tuition per semester would raise at least $58,540.80 and cost only $2.40 to students on average; and This is more than $3,000 raised than the Fall 2012s program cost; and The Associated Student Government aims to aid students as well as be responsive to student needs; and









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Many other SEC schools including Auburn, Georgia, Kentucky, LSU, Mississippi State, Ole Miss, and Vanderbilt provide scantrons, blue books, and other testing materials for their students; and Students deserve an accountable University system to provide testing materials; then ASG supports a more accountable system including a minimal credit hour raise in tuition to provide scantrons, blue books, and other testing materials for students; and ASG supports an audit board comprised of the ASG Treasurer, ASG Director of Academic Affairs, a member of RSO Financial Affairs, the ASG Liaison to University Funding and Administration, and one student at-large; and ASG supports the created audit boards powers to set meetings, review spending and testing materials requests, and conduct internal affairs; and ASG supports regulations that require departments to confirm student enrollment on the 11th day of classes and on the Early Progress grade report day to limit the number of test materials that shall be provided to departments for each class.


Be it therefore resolved:

Be it further resolved:

Be it further resolved:

Be it further resolved:

Official Use Only Amendments: Vote Count: Aye Legislation Status: Passed Nay Failed Abstentions Other

___________________________ Mike Norton, ASG Chair of the Senate

________________ Date

87 88 89 90 91 92

___________________________ Tori Pohlner, ASG President Sources: 1: Office of Institutional Research

________________ Date

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