WR Movie Review Draft

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John Green Writing and Rhetoric Professor Matos 21 February 2013 Title: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Mans

Chest Do you fear... death? Do you fear that dark abyss? All your deeds laid bare, all your sins punished? Davy Jones mutters these words to those souls he wishes to take and force to join his undead crew. Some feared that the sequel, Dead Mans Chest, would not live up to expectations of the first Pirates of the Caribbean? . Not another one of Disneys attempts to make a PG-13 movie. Technical info: figuring out how to tie all of this in Director: Gore Verbinski Producer: Jerry Bruckheimer
Comment [JG3]: dont really need to include the producer. Comment [JG4]: Since this paper needs to be somewhat lengthy, I would go into great detail into these three actors. For Example, what other movies have they done, or what was the memorable scene in the movie. Comment [JG5]: I would include the director and the release date into your second intro paragraph. Comment [JG1]: Interesting way to start the review, but I would use a different quote from the film to create a different mood. Using death as a hook in a review does not work out that well. Use a more a energetic and good feeling quote. Comment [JG2]: Live up

Known actors: Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Kiera Knightley Walt Disney Studios Released in 2006

In the Sequel to Curse of the Black Pearl, Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) reclaims his precious ship, the Black Pearl but has a debt to pay Davy Jones. Instead of joining Jones crew on the Flying Dutchman, Sparrow plans to find the Dead Mans Chest containing the heart of Davy Jones. Stabbing the heart will send Jones to the depths of the sea, thus alleviating Sparrow of his debt. Many critics wonder if there is even a plot to go along with all the action. What are Jack Sparrows intentions? Settle his debt with Davy Jones?
Comment [JG6]: Always including the plot in a movie review is critical to actually writing one.

Save the Black Pearl? Take down the Flying Dutchman? Unearth the infamous Dead Mans Chest? There is also a side plot going on when Will Turner (Orlando Bloom) and his father, Bootstrap Bill, are reunited. This gives the story a twist: Is Will going to continue helping Jack Sparrow or save his father from the Flying Dutchman? While some of the top critics disagree, I believe this film is a success because of its originality. Historic Britain meets the fantasy of pirates. It differentiates itself from other movies when the nonfiction and fiction clash. The East India Trading Company and a ghost ship are in the pursuit of pirates, namely Jack Sparrow. True brilliance displayed in the majesty and craftsmanship of the British ships versus the computer-generated ship and fishy crew of the Flying Dutchman. The first film was good, but Dead Mans Chest turned Pirates of the Caribbean into a serious movie series. Is this a comedy? Critic quote: Well, you say, maybe Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Mans Chest wasnt supposed to be funny at all. Maybe the fact that Depp decided to be brilliant was an unintended blessing bestowed on the original production. It is an endless (at two and a half hours) as the Peter Jackson King Kong
Comment [JG10]: I dont know how this critic quote will be useful for this review. Comment [JG9]: Reference Depps performance Comment [JG8]: Really liked how you used negative reviews to counter your argument. But again go into more detail. Comment [JG7]: Word a little better

plot summaries, character analysis, and setting need to play a big role in this review.

Pirates Strike Gold Its all for one and one for all in a race for the Dead Mans Chest! Alliances are formed and broken just as fast as the swords are drawn in this action-packed sequel. Three years after the Curse of the Black Pearl, Gore Verbinski and Disney released Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Mans Chest in 2006. Despite the three gap, Verbinski does not skip a beat and pulled off a trick that all great sequels have: the same cast. Namely, Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, and Keira Knightley all return to Jack Sparrows (Depps) crew. Does this second chapter of the Pirates of the Caribbean series live up to the success of the first film? Some think it is plagued buy the dreaded curse of the sequels. Others see it as another bad attempt by Disney to make a PG-13 movie, but it is in fact quite the opposite. The pirate tale continues with Jack Sparrow captain of his precious Black Pearl again, but he has a debt to pay. Octopus-faced, Davy Jones now wants Sparrows soul as payment for originally recovering his ship from the depths. Jones is forced to send his beast, the Kraken, on the hunt for Sparrow. Witty Jacks only way to control his fate is to find the infamous Dead Mans Chest said to gain the heart of Davy Jones. Meanwhile, Will Turner (Orlando Bloom) and Elizabeth Swan (Keira Knightley) also race to control the chest to save Wills father and erase their criminal charges (charged for helping Sparrow escape in previous movie). So now the motives for finding the chest are about having leverage over one another. Jack Sparrow (Depp) truly does steal the show as the witty and humorous pirate protagonist. He often lacks the decency and morals a typical protagonist possesses, especially when he betrays and steals from his allies for personal gain. However, I cannot
Comment [JG11]: Should be cut and paste after the intro

help but root for him on his quest for the chest. Depp builds on the role, investing his pirate prince with quick wit, erotic mischief and a sneaky sense of decency (Peter Travers, Rolling Stone). Is this a comedy? Davey Jones (Bill Nighy) forms a new rivalry with Jack Sparrow. His physical presence draws all eyes towards him and signifies his dominance over his crew and the high seas. Although we do not see much of a great deal of him until the next movie due to the fact that he cannot step on land where the chest is buried. Will Turner (Bloom) is no longer the innocent blacksmith from the first film. He is a fullblown pirate just like his father, Bootstrap Bill. His sword skills resemble the archery he possessed as the elf, Legolas, in Lord of the Rings. Turners fianc, Elizabeth Swan (Knightley) transforms into a tough chick able to hold her own. Specifically, she convinces the crew that she is a guy, which takes some serious skill considering her good looks. Keira Knightley as Elizabeth and Orlando Bloom as Will, her intended, are finally asked to do more than stand around and look pretty and oh so pleased with themselves (Travers, Rolling Stone). When interpreting the plot, problems arose. Was it supposed to be action/adventure or comedy? Well, you say, maybe Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Mans Chest wasnt supposed to be funny at all. Maybe the fact that Depp decided to be brilliant was an unintended blessing bestowed on the original production (Richard Schickel, Time Magazine). I agree with this statement because the humor was an added bonus that many action films are able to incorporate. For example, when Jack Sparrow pretended to be chief of cannibal tribal people, he made a fool of himself speaking in complete gibberish
Comment [JG13]: Be careful with the I agree, I disagree statements Comment [JG12]: Put after is this a comedy?

in an attempt to speak to the natives. This was risky considering they were going to roast him. This was, I thought, a drag, but it was rendered tolerable by the wit and originality of Depps performance (Schickel, Time Magazine). I have to disagree with his statement despite the praise bestowed upon Depp. Sure, Depps performance as Jack Sparrow was nothing short of spectacular, but what really enhanced the movie watching experience were the settings and special effects. The sandy beaches with crystal water made me want to grab a towel and sun bathe rather than partake in a sword fight. The weather contrasted out at sea when the mist, fog, rain (you name it) encapsulated the ships. True brilliance displayed in the majesty and craftsmanship of the British ships versus the computergenerated ship and fishy crew of the Flying Dutchman. Verbinskis ability to depict fighting scenes whether it is sword fights on land or cannon shots fired at ships. During one-on-one duels, the clanging of metal fills the ears. However, in this film and other pirate films, no one ever seems to land a clean sword swing and hack apart their opponents skin. Along the same lines, cannons shot at ships completely destroy and decimate the woodwork of the ships, but no passengers are decapitated by the shots fired. As people are tossed in the air by cannonballs, Verbinski displays a sense of danger to the audience without the blood and gore we see in horror movies. The problem is that Verbinski and his writers haven't written scenes -- they've written ideas for scenes and then told Depp and the other actors to wing it (Ty Burr, Boston Globe). I do not understand this claim. Where did Burr get this information? Verbinski was a little more concerned about the action and visuals than witty dialogue (which he

technically possesses through Depps performance). In fact, I could watch this film on mute and I would still be able to understand the plot. In the end, Sparrow opens the chest to find the beating heart of Davey Jones. He takes the heart and leaves the chest. Jones crew save the chest with no knowledge that the heart is gone. When it is returned to Jones, he is surprised to find an empty chest, thus he screams to the heavens cursing Sparrows name. However, Davey Jones beast is still on the hunt. Jack Sparrow finally owns up to some responsibility and lets the Kraken take him and the Black Pearl while the others flee. His ultimate fate is left ambiguous and will be determined in the final movie. Dead Mans Chest does live up to the original movie as it avoids the curse of the sequels. It provides a nice link into the third movie because it leaves you wanting more. The movie is by no means an Academy Award level movie but merely provides 2 hours of escapism for the audience and after all isnt that what movies are about?

Address the actor of Davy Jones/ his new formed rivalry with Jack Sparrow

Works Cited Travers, Peter. "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest | Movie Reviews | Rolling Stone." Rollingstone.com. 7 July, 2006. Web. <http://www.rollingstone.com/movies/reviews/pirates-of-the-caribbean-deadmans-chest-20060707>.

Schickel, Richard. "Johnny Depp in Bits and Pieces." Time Magazine., 6 July 2006. Web. <http://www.time.com/time/arts/article/0,8599,1210698,00.html>.

Ty Burr, The Boston Globe Burr, Ty. "Curses! 'Pirates' Sequel Lacks Magic of Original." The Boston Globe., 6 July 2006. Web. <http://www.boston.com/ae/movies/articles/2006/07/06/curses/>.


RT staff. 2006. Jpeg file.

http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/pirates_of_the_caribbean_dead_mans_chest/pictures/4 5/#1 picture 2 The Movies Cultery. 2010. Jpeg file.

http://www.themoviescult.gr/modules/gallery2/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem& g2_itemId=926&g2_serialNumber=3

John Green WR 13300 Professor Matos 28 February 2013 Movie Review Reflection Watch a movie instead of reading a book? Of course! Let me just pop some popcorn, throw on the headphones, and I am ready to go! I truly enjoyed this project because it allowed me to step into the role of a major movie critic and voice my opinion. This was not as hard as I thought since I chose a movie I love: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Mans Chest. My movie analytical skills have improved. Rather than observing characters and dialogue only, I was able to look at sounds and visuals and how they added to the film. If I could do this assignment again, I would probably pick a shorter film. When the assignment forced me to watch the movie/ key scenes multiple times, it did not help that it was nearly two and a half hours long. However, it was a nice break from Calculus homework. Also, I should have strayed away from a movie that is apart of a series or trilogy. It was very tempting to provide information on the other Pirates of the Caribbean movies to help set the scene for my particular movie. For example, I wanted to add background for some characters based on the first film and then explain what happens in the final film. I had to pause and realize that I am only analyzing one film. The film was released in 2006, so many of the reviews were hard to recover on the Internet. Rotten Tomatoes had plenty of critics and links to choose from. However, I would click on a link and it would often read, page not found or error. This was frustrating and forced me to dig through the archives of rollingstone.com, but I got the hang of it. I am glad I chose this movie because of the action and pirate adventure. I would like to review a comedy next time to see if my approach is different. I almost regret not choosing a Will Ferrell movie such as Anchorman or Old School. Would dialogue have more importance? Would visuals and effects be as impactful? These questions are crucial because genre does affect the movie-watching experience. In the end, this assignment was relatively easy since we were allowed to deeply analyzing a movie we love. That is probably why some of the presentations in class were a little long. This assignment was less stressful than other papers and another great way to learn how to use my blog.

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