The Feast-February 24, 2013 Issue

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A Catholic Prayer Meeting of the LIGHT OF JESUS FAMILY February 24, 2013



See pages 4-7

SOME people think that Net Worth means how much theyve got in their banks, in their stocks, and in their homes.
Today, I receive all of Gods love for me. Today, I open myself to the unbounded, limitless, overflowing abundance of Gods universe. Today, I open myself to Gods blessings, healing, and miracles. Today, I open myself to Gods Word so I would become more like Jesus every day. Today, I proclaim that I am Gods beloved, I am Gods servant, I am Gods powerful champion. And because I am blessed, I am blessing the world. In Jesus name. Amen.


8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. First Feast Session, Plenary Hall 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Second Feast Session, Reception Hall 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Third Feast Session, Plenary Hall 3:45 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. Fourth Feast Session, Plenary Hall Have Fun and Be Blessed in the Happiest Place on Earth!


Your accountant will tell you, Add up your cash and investments, and thats your Net Worth. If you own your house, add it there too. (Thats another error. I agree with Robert Kiyosaki who said that your house isnt an asset but a liability. But theres a bigger error Im pointing out today)

Grow Your

Let me tell you what is your REAL Net Worth. Last year, one of my Business Mentors was toying about selling his company and starting over. I can do it all over again. Because the wealth is here, pointing to his brain. Through the years, Ive realized that Net Worth has nothing to do with your cash or stocks or real estate. Instead, your Net Worth is WHO YOU ARE insidewhich includes your skills, your character, your soul, and your relationships.

The outer is merely a reflection of the inner. If the outer (wealth) is NOT a reflection HAPPY, HEALTHY, HOLY MONEY of the inner, wealth wont last. After one year, Changing Your Relationship With Wealth or five years, or ten years, or twenty years it Talk 1: Happy will vanish. Talk 2: Healthy IN THIS ISSUE
Talk 3: Holy Big Day: Grow Your Self, Grow Your Wealth

Today, youll learn how to grow your REAL net worth. My prayer is that through Gods message to you today, youll experience the financial miracle that youve been praying for. Be surprised by God today at the Feast.

Alex Uy Yco

May your dreams come true,

TYPE! Feast attendees shed blood during Medical Ministrys bloodletting session dubbed Be My Type. Give Love. Donate Blood. More on pages 4-5.



Excerpts from Talk 3: Holy Money of the series Happy, Healthy, Holy Money by Bro. BO SANCHEZ The Bible says that if youre humble and do what God wants you to do, it leads to many blessingsincluding financial blessings. Heres what I realized: God doesnt have a problem with wealth. We do. God doesnt have any hang-ups about wealth and money. We do!

Filled with the Holy Spirit, Jesus left the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the desert, for forty days being put to the test by the devil. During that time he ate nothing and at the end he was hungry. Then the devil said to him, If you are Son of God, tell this stone to turn into a loaf. But Jesus replied, Scripture says: Human beings live not on bread alone --Luke 4:1-13 Fr. Steve Tynan, explaining last Sundays Gospel, shared that all of us are tempted to do evil. Even Jesus is tempted by the devil to desire food, power, and wealth. Jesus combats the devil by giving answers based on truth. To overcome temptation, we need to trust in the Lord who was victorious against the Evil One. Through His victory on the cross, Jesus overcame sin, and that victory is given to us through the sacraments, prayer, meditation on the word of God, and by living out the life of virtue and holiness. Fr. Steve reminded us that the devil was already defeated by the Lord, but he never gives up in tempting us to sin. To avoid the temptations, we must place our self under the lordship of Jesus Christ. Those who call upon the name of Jesus will be saved. During the Lenten season, we should ask God for guidance and forgiveness. We must choose to be men and women of our faith community with the Father and the Spirit. United we stand, divided we fall -- for the devils principle is to divide and conquer. We will not succeed if we try going on our own. As St. Paul said, With God, all things are possible! -- James Bardos Photo by Ralph Robles

Lead Us Not Into Temptation

If you will only obey me, you will have plenty to eat. --Isaiah 1:19 Theres nothing wrong with wealth. If wealth becomes evil, its because our heart has become evil. But it doesnt have to be so. We Need To Redefine What Holy Means What does Holy mean? For many people, Holy means Religious. If someone says, My officemate is holy, 90% of the time, hes saying, My officemate is pious. Or prayerful. Or goes to Mass. Or reads the Bible. Or wears a conservative dress. Or has a Rosary around her neck. Or has cloth scapulars and silver medals pinned to their chest. Or is quiet, docile, and shy. Or doesnt drink, gamble, smoke, or swear. But I want to correct that confused thinking today. All of the above is fine. But thats NOT holiness. The Greek word for Holy is Hagios, which literally means set apart for God. But who is God? The Bible says God is Love (1 John 4:8). So what does Holy mean? Holy Means One Thing and One Thing Only In my mind, holy means to be set apart for LOVE. Do you want to know if your money is holy? Let me share with you the two most important signs of Holy Money: Sign #1: If the PURPOSE of Money Is Love People say you cant bring your wealth to Heaven. But there IS a way to bring your money to Heaven. ..The Bible says so: Dont store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where

thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. (Matthew 6:19-20) Only Holy Things can enter Heaven. And money, when given away, becomes holy. Why? Because its purpose is LOVE This is the reason I encourage you to make TITHING a way of life. Not because you have to. But because you

want to. Start by giving 10% of your income to God. (This isnt a law but a love.) Thats a great starting point. And then as God blesses you more, give more. Every time you tithe, youre shipping your wealth to Heaven. Sign #2: If the PROCESS of Money Is Love Heres my Big Question: How did you earn the money? I know some Drug Lords in South America donate massive amounts of money to orphanages and charitable organizations. Heres the magic question you always want to ask: In the PROCESS of making money, did I become more LOVING? More patient? More sacrificial? More selfless? If it did, then no doubt about it: Your money is

holy. Your work is holy. Your job is holy. Your business is holy. Your investment is holy. Conclusion: Youll Receive the Wealth of the Wicked When the purpose of making money is loving othersand when the process of earning money makes you more loving money becomes holy. Right now, a lot of wealth is not used for love. Its used for selfishness, greed, exploitation, war, and perversion. But I believe a day is coming when ALL money will become holy. Why do I say that? The Bible says, The wealth of the wicked is reserved for the righteous. (Proverbs 13:22). Perhaps this is about the End of the World. But I want to believe that in some small way, it can happen in our lifetime. I believe wealth is crying out to fulfill its God-ordained mission of loving others. And wealth wants to find its way into the hands of loving people who will use it for love and who will earn it with love. Be that person! Be that person of great love. --With reporting by Cessna Papas Photo by ELS

2 THE FEAST February 24, 2013

May I Talk to You?

By CES ARCILLA Illustration by THEA DOMINGO EVERYONE of us in the team dreaded to hear that question. My boss was implementing a major change in the company. Once or twice a day, he approached employees and asked them that question. That meant the employee would be affected by the change. Most likely, you would be transferred to another office, given a task you dont like, or demoted, or worst of all, fired. Every day, I heard colleagues called by the boss sighing, complaining about their frustrations on the job. Hearing them whining, and fearing Id be called next, simply stressed me. And then Friday came. My boss approached me and said, Ces, may I talk to you? Then I heard the next dreaded words You will be moving... I would be transferred to an office so strange to me. I would be doing tasks I simply dont like to do. I am doomed! WHAT would you do if you are incarcerated for 19 long years because you stole a loaf of bread to feed your sisters son? Undoubtedly, you would probably be hardened and seething with anger. Thats what exactly happened to Jean Valjean in Victor Hugos novel Les Miserables which was presented as a musical, and recently, in a film adaptation. Valjean seeks refuge in a convent where the Bishop gives him food and lodging. He tells Valjean: God has raised you out of darkness, I have saved your soul for God. Valjean changes his ways and even becomes a respected man in his community. Here we see that the hardest of hearts melt when the power of goodness melts in. Les Miserables offers a lot of food for thought. Another character, Fantine, is forced to become a prostitute to be able to feed her daughter Cosette. Young as she is, Fantine sings of dreams unfulfilled no song unsung, no wine untasted. Indeed, the young seem to have it all but all actions, all decisions are fraught with consequences. If we choose to fritter our life away, then it would indeed be a waste. It is impossible to live a life free from

presenting three more-- yes, guaranteed-promises of God: Purpose, Progress, and Perfection. Bro. Didoy Lubaton talked about how God revealed his Purpose for him. Bro. Jan Silan testified how he experienced Progress in his career and ministry when he obeyed Gods will. Bro. Bo affirmed that God promised us Perfection so we must see everything that happens to us as part of the process toward Gods purpose for us. The three talks could have not come at a more appropriate time for me. Stressed as I was about my job, I simply needed to be reminded that God has a Purpose for me, and I will Progress if only I will obey Him. And in His Perfect Time, I will reach the Perfection He promised. Bro. Didoy, Bro. Jan, and Bro Bo assured me that God would see the completion of His plans for me. Change in my life is inevitable. But God is stable. He is faithful. He is the only one in the world who said, Be still and know that I am God.

That was how I felt when I attended the Special Feast Day last January 27, when Bro. Bo Sanchez wrapped up the series titled Guaranteed by

DREAMING DREAMS, from left: Hugh Jackman as Jean Valjean, Anne Hathaway as Fantine, and Natalya Angel Wallace as Eponine.

By IMELDA FERRER mistakes but if we have an anchor in God, Indeed, the way to God is not a walk these things can be mitigated. in the park. Oftentimes, we stumble in the Meanwhile, Eponine, a childhood dark. That is why theres a need to pray friend of Cosette, grows up to be a lonely for other people, especially for those who teenager, falling in love, but her love do not pray at all. We are our brothers is unrequited. And she expresses her keeper. We are responsible for each frustration in the poignant song, On My and everyone. Own, which reverberates in hearts that live *Quotes in this article are from the Les Miserables in denial. There is a need to wake up from songs with original French lyrics by Alain Boublil and Jean-Marc Natel, with an English-language slumber and time to take action. Its not libretto by Herbert Kretzmer and music by Claudegood to dwell in dreams. Michel Schnberg. In his recent talk on Significance, Editors Note: Have you reflections on the Bro. Bo Sanchez said we can only be happy Feast talks? Share! and let the world know when we live a life of service to others. Gods Words are true! For details, email, or call 09399044065. Thats the way to be significant.
THE FEAST February 24, 2013


YOU just might be somebodys type. With this catchphrase, the Feast PICC Medical Ministry attracted last Sunday 145 persons who qualified to be blood donors in the annual bloodletting program of the Ministry in celebration of February as the Love Month. Yes, over a hundred Feast attendees gave their blood out of love for God and for sick people needing blood to be healed of their illness. Headed by Dr. Bong Inciong, the Medical Ministry tirelessly promoted the bloodletting project which this year was held in coordination with the Department of Health and the Philippine Blood Center for the benefit of the Feast Partner Beneficiaries such as the Anawim Home for Abandoned Elderly, Grace to Be Born Shelter for Women in Crisis, and He Cares Home for Street Children. The promotion, dubbed Be My Type. Give Love. Donate Blood, was held at the Plenary Hall Lobby on February 3 and February 10. Donating blood helps you determine how healthy you are because you undergo medical tests to determine whether you are qualified to be a donor, Sis. Marlyn Cortes, project coordinator, said. Feast attendees may ask for the Medical Ministrys help if they are in need of blood donation. Yes, through the generous, loving people of the happiest place on Earth, someone in need of blood might just find his type.


Oozing with

Photos by ALEX UY YCO

LOVE BANK, top, 1st and 2nd rows: Bro. Bo Sanchez and Bro. Bong Inciong inspire donors registering to share their portion for the Blood Bank; 3rd row: volunteers check weight and blood pressure of applicants; 4th row: donors signing up and then extending their fingers for blood typing.

4 THE FEAST February 24, 2013

LIFESAVERS, from top: More donors sharing precious blood; Dr. Inciong and Marlyn Cortes flanking Feast PICC Council Head, Bro. Rolly and wife Donna; the Medical Team so happy to serve.
THE FEAST February 24, 2013

THE word radical means drastic, extreme. We are called Radical Men because out of our love for God, we have drastically turned our back from the usual carefree life of a teenager toward a life of discipleship for the Lord. We underwent extreme leadership training as the Light of Jesus Family has a great plan for us: to be the next leaders of our faith community, especially in building more Feasts. The Radical Men attended a three-month training course led by Bro. Obet Cabrillas which focused on leadership principles and techniques. A retreat and graduation rites capped the course. We hope that more radical men would join our group to assure the Light of Jesus of continuity in fulfilling Gods mandate in Mark 16:15: Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.

Radical Love

MEN FOR THE LORD, counterclockwise, from top: Bro. Bo Sanchez introducing the Radical Men at the Feast; Bro. Obet Cabrillas (center) hamming it up with the guys; James enjoying rope walk as his Radical brothers cheer him on.

For details call: Malour Montecillo, 09192524428

Thank You, Lord! My brother will finally go to Kuwait to work, after six months of waiting. - Andash Thank You, Lord! My dream of having a laptop has been fulfilled, and it is better than what I wished for! - Melrose Calamba I asked Bro. Bo to pray for me that I may pass the Qatar prometric exam so that I could follow my husband there. I passed the exam, and Im just waiting for my dataflow result, visa, and ticket. Thank You, Lord! - Donna Grace Thank You, Lord. I finished my master thesis, and my project was accepted in London. And thank You for my happy married life. - Rommel Alegre Thank You, Lord, for the job opportunity of Julian Henry in Japan. - Rebecca Pia

Thank You,
Thank You, Lord, for the continuous blessings to our company and for our people who have always been loyal to us. - James and Christine Marie Thank You, Lord. I was able to bring my brother and sister-in-law to the Feast. My son also finds great joy in attending the Feast. - Rose Marie Thank You, Lord, for healing my goiter, for all the blessings You have given me, and most of all, for the gift of life. - Lezilda Omac

Thank You, Lord! I was able to take my family to Singapore for free! - Liza Thank You, Lord, for my new job which is very fulfilling and financially rewarding. - Mon V. I considered my son a late bloomer. He started speaking at the age of three. I prayed that he would be able to speak normally. Now that he is 5, I tell him to stop talking. Thank You, Lord! - Jena

Thank You, Lord, for changing the attitude of my boss towards me. He is now kind to me. - Ma. Nelia
Thank You, Lord, for the speedy recovery of my mom from her operation. Thank You for the health of my parents. - Anonymous

6 THE FEAST February 24, 2013

YES! Its still the Love Month. We still have a Valentine hangover. So The Feast has one more love story for you. Anthony Rouben Valenzuela, or Ant as friends call him, is the regular stage actor in the skits illustrating the recent talks of Bro. Bo Sanchez. Anthony, 28, is a media engagement specialist at the World Vision. Mary Anne Melad, or Meanne, 24, is Ants supportive girlfriend. She is a senior marketing communication specialist at IBM. Both Ant and Meanne are members of the Feast PICC Creative and Events Group (CEG). Ant and Meanne met back in college at Adamson University. Their love story began when Meanne, a member of the Youth for Christ in Adamson, found out that Ant came from Bahrain where he was a member of the YFC branch there. So Meanne invited Ant to join the YFC in Adamson.Then they became friends, exchanging text messages almost every day. In December 2006, Meanne turned 18 and had a debut party with the usual 18-Roses dance. Ant presented her the 18th rose. On January 9, 2007, they officially became boyfriend-girlfriend. They have been together for six years now, and counting. Theirs is a true love not only for one another, but also for the Lord. Here, they share with The Feast their love story... What was your biggest struggle in your love life and how have you overcome it? Ant: Our biggest struggle was during the first three years when we had our silent quarrels throughout the day. No one took the initiative to apologize or talk it out. Good thing we were able to settle our differences at the end of the day. Now, Im proud to say that weve learned to accept our differences. Meanne: We are both busy all the time-- I for school and work, and he for a lot of things. Since Ant is very talented, he often has a lot of things going on. But we try to understand that we are not just made for each other-- but we are made ultimately for Gods purpose.

Who are your inspirations? Ant: Our inspirations are Bro. Bo and his wife, Sis. Marowe Sanchez, our families and friends at the Feast, at work and college batch mates. Meanne: My family, some friends who are so passionate with what they do, and Anthony, of course. What do you want to impart to Feast attendees and servants especially singles who are in a relationship right now? Ant: My word to singles in a relationship is that always put God in the center of who you are. Just wait patiently because Hell create something best in your relationship not just for now


He says... She says...


SWEET LIFE, from top: Ant and Meanne so in love; the couple with friends after Ant acted in the Feast Vampire series; joining the celebrated Panagbenga Festival in Baguio City last 2011 with college friends.

but for the long-term. The gifts you develop as a couple and as individuals will impact not just your future family and kids but generations to come. Meanne: Really pray for your relationship. For those who have no partner yet, look for someone whom What have you learned in you can really be your friend the Feast? more than anything else. When Meanne: I started liking him when you become real friends, you Ant: What we have learned in the Feast is that God must always be in learn to respect each others I realized that he is someone I can talk the center of each of us as an individual spiritual language, purpose, to about anything. and that He always must be in the and need of space. Dont get Ant: Im proud to say that weve center of our relationship-- because manipulated by what you see on we cannot survive in the relationship media. Just be yourself. Take care learned to accept our differences. without God. of your character and God will take Meanne: I learned a lot. care of your love life. But ultimately I learned that what is brothers and sisters in service-- in the relationship if it doesnt serve and Singles for Christ, Youth for Christ, Editors Note: Have you a similar story inspire? Relationship is not just for Light of Jesus Family, and work mates how you have received blessings from God? the both of you but also for the people as well. Share! and let the world know miracles still around you. I learned to put my passion Meanne: I know now my do happen today to give hope especially to in communication for a greater purpose purpose and every day is a journey to the lost. For details, email feasteditor@ which is to serve others. fulfill that., or call 09399044065.
THE FEAST February 24, 2013

Whats the difference between yourself today and your past? Ant: Weve become more patient, understanding, and hopeful and we have realized that we cannot get ahead of Gods plans. Our relationship has also grown with meaning since its not exclusive. We reach out to others especially our


WHEN I was in college, I had a problem with my Rizal subject. What I didnt like about the subject was that I had to memorize dates along with the names of the people related to Jose Rizal-- his family members as well as his past lovers. Our national hero may call me indolent, but really, I hated the memory work. For me, what mattered most was his contribution to us Filipinos. The final exam period was fast approaching but I still had to finish my thesis. So, in between reviewing for the final exams, I was working on my thesis. I barely had time to read my Rizal books. I didnt have time to memorize the dates. I worried sick about the test on Rizal. I knew I would have a low grade, if not altogether fail the exam. I was really in panic mode because I was running for honors, and I simply couldnt afford even just one low grade. Now, it happened that a day before the final exams, a church near our house announced that the relic of St. John de Bosco was to be exhibited for the public to venerate. Is it a coincidence that St. John de Bosco, the patron of students, would be near me in my time of crisis? Quickly, I went to the church and begged St. John to pray for me. I also wrote my

Rizal, St. John, the Holy Spirit, and Final Exam


My professor congratulated me and asked how I did it, but I couldnt provide any explanation. Except I knew the Holy Spirit guided me and St. John helped me. I didnt write this for students to be complacent about studying but as a testimony to show Gods amazing grace.
Got One More Miracle? A mysterious, inexplicable experiencea miracle God has allowed to happen to let you know He loves you? Share! Email your article with your picture to

request on a petition booklet provided for visitors. The final exam on Rizal was objective that meant I couldnt guess. Id have to write the exact date or the names of the people that were asked in the questionnaire. Wrong spelling meant a wrong answer. I prayed to the Holy Spirit and for the intercession of St. John as I answered the test questions.To my astonishment, the answers kept popping in my head. The results came the following week. Would you believe, I had a perfect score!

LOST and FOUND If you lost or found an item, please approach any of the ushers who will guide you to our Lost and Found section.






The FEAST, published by the Light of Jesus Family, is distributed during The Feast by the Manila Bay, a weekly prayer gathering of the Light of Jesus held at the Philippine International Convention Center, CCP Complex, Roxas Boulevard, Manila, every Sunday, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., and 3:45 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. The FEAST holds office at The Lighthouse, 60 Chicago St., Quezon City, with telephone numbers 725-9999, and email address

8 THE FEAST February 24, 2013

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