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Bank cashier job description When you think of banks what do you think of? The bank manager telling you off for spending too much? If youve got a chatty personality you may not have even considered working in that environment right? Well it's time to re-consider. If youre friendly, professional, methodical and trustworthy, then a career as a bank cashier awaits.

So, what will I actually be doing? Bank cashiers are the first point of contact for anyone coming into the bank, so its a very customer-focused and sales-based role. Like to chat? This is the job for you. As well as helping customers with their cash queries, this job is also fairly sales-orientated, so youll need to think on your feet and spot potential sales leads to help the branch meet its targets. Youll also be required to perform basic bank transactions such as:

Cashing cheques Checking statements Processing payments Making money transfers Updating account details The nitty gritty Youll typically work 9 to 5, Monday to Friday although this will depend on the company you work for and the size of branch you work in. You may also be required to work on Saturdays as more branches have now started to open on weekends. If youre looking for flexible work, good news; part-time positions are often available and some cashiers work shifts in a call centre instead.

When it comes to learning the trade, most banks prefer to train and promote their own staff, so the only way is up: senior bank cashier, customer services advisor, personal banker, deputy branch manager and branch manager could all be within your grasp. Money, money, money Newly appointed cashiers earn on average 14k per year rising to 27k with experience. Many banks have profit-related bonus schemes as well as subsidised mortgages, loans and pensions. See what people are earning in this job The good points... Working as a bank cashier is great if youre a sociable person as youll be meeting lots of new people every day, says Sue Desmond who worked as a cashier for Natwest. ...and the bad When the economy started to struggle the work load of a cashier changed. Banks now employ fewer people to do the same job and theres the added pressure of not only serving customers with a smile but selling products to them at the same time. Is there study involved? Banks welcome school leavers into cashier positions and while personality counts in this profession most will expect to see a minimum of four GCSEs (A-C) including English and maths. Youll get plenty of training on the job including courses such as:

NVQ/SVQ Levels 2 and 3 in Customer Service NVQ/SVQ Levels 2 and 3 in Providing Financial Services Anyone who wants to move up the career ladder might also be interested in the Professional Diploma in Financial Services Management (DFSM). Need additional qualifications? Find a course at our Learning Zone OK, I'm interested... But is it really the job for me?

An ability to relate to a people in both a professional and friendly manner is a must-have. Putting it simply, if you arent great with people, you wont enjoy this job. It also helps if you:

Are a great team player Have good attention to detail Have an honest personality Have good numeracy and IT skills The confidence to sell As well as having a thorough knowledge of the bank and its financial products, your customer service skills will come under scrutiny so youll need to have a relaxed, chatty manner to help put the customer at ease.

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Bank clerk A bank clerk, also called a teller, is a financial service professional. She serves as the primary point of contact for most bank customers,

administering basic banking transactions and answering most questions. This role is seen as an entry level position.

Job Responsibilities A bank clerk accepts deposits and cashes checks, paying money to customers after validating the signatures on the check and fund availability. When handling withdrawals, she verifies customer signatures and also examines their photo identification to ensure the validity. She records all transactions made by entering notes into the bank's computer system, accepts loan payments on behalf of her employer's lending department. She answers all customer questions and resolves any issues or problems with their accounts, referring the issue to the branch manager if necessary. She promotes and educates customers on the bank's products and services, such as credit cards, money market accounts and individual retirement accounts (IRAs). She also ensures that the balance of her money drawer is accurate. Job Opportunities Every retail bank employs clerks. These job opportunities can me found by combing the classified advertisements in newspapers and on online job search boards, such as Job seekers may also find employment through staffing agencies that specialize in the placement of administrative and other entry level candidates. Many financial institutions actively recruit bank clerks at community job fairs as well. Qualitative Requirements A bank clerk serves as the face of the retail institution to its customers. As a result, a bank clerk must behave in a professional and polished manner. Anticipating and meeting the needs of customers is critical, as is doing so politely, regardless of the customers' disposition. She must communicate well verbally and also possess good problem solving skills. Educational Requirements To gain employment as a bank clerk, a candidate must possess a high school diploma or equivalent. While not typically required, employers tend to favor those who possess or are working toward a four-year degree, preferably in accounting, finance or a related field of study. He must also

show an aptitude for mathematics, as well an understanding of the use of computers and other electronic equipment. Average Compensation The employment of bank tellers is expected to rise at a rate of 13 percent through 2016, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Additionally, estimates that the average bank teller working in the U.S. earns an income of $ 34,000.

Bank manager

Job basket [0] Welcome to, please register or sign in 104,997 job ads from 5,983 companies Find out more Bank manager job description No longer the stereotype of a lofty, illusive boss behind a closed door, the image of the bank manager is changing. They now need to be dynamic leaders with fabulous communication and motivational skills. Sound like you? Find out more about working for the bank...

So, what will I actually be doing?

Being a management role, youll will oversee the running of one or more branches and be responsible for meeting tough sales targets and keeping staff fully trained and motivated. Theres always plenty to do in this job, and your duties will include:

Promoting and marketing the branch and its products Meeting with customers and resolving any problems or complaints Ensuring theres a high level of customer service Monitoring sales targets Reporting to head office The nitty gritty Your working hours will depend on the organisation you work for but branches are usually between 9.30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday although more branches are now starting to open on Saturdays. Although some of your time will be based at the branch, as the manager youll be required to spend some time away visiting other branches as well as attending conferences and training days. Whether you want to move up the financial career ladder or are looking to try something different in the sector, this job is a great stepping stone. You could become an area or regional manager; or with all your financial knowhow and polished sales skills why not move into insurance, pensions or a career as a financial advisor? Money, money, money Starting salaries are in the region on 25k but with experience the highest earners can bring in 70k per year. A branch managers basic salary will be boosted with various bonus schemes so youll never have to live off pasta. See what people are earning in this job The good points... Great salary, lots of responsibility and plenty of variety whats not to like? ...and the bad

If you dont meet your sales targets the buck stops with you. Is there study involved? There are two routes to becoming a bank manager. You can apply to join a bank through its graduate scheme. For this youll need to have at least a 2:2 degree, preferably in a finance-related subject such as business, commerce or accounting. The graduate scheme usually lasts two years and covers areas such as how to lead teams, manage a business and deliver high levels of customer service. Or you could apply to join a bank in a customer service role and work your way up through the ranks. Once youve proved your sales abilities, you can then apply to join a management training scheme. This scheme lasts two years and includes training in management, customer service and various banking functions. To join this, you need to be educated to at least A-Level standard. To increase your chances of bagging the best positions, the Institute of Financial Services (IFS) run a variety of courses (from diplomas to masters) that will give your banking credentials an edge to make you stand out. Need additional qualifications? Find a course at our Learning Zone OK, I'm interested... But is it really the job for me? Branch managers must be focused on their team so being a good communicator and a strong leader are must-haves. Other skills that will help you in this role include: People skills A head for numbers and business A flair for sales Decisive Honest and trustworthy Discreet Auditor job description

These days, financial accountability is essential across all areas of public life and thats where auditors step in. There are many different types of auditor, and there are many well-paid jobs on offer around the world for them.

So, what will I actually be doing? An auditors job is to ensure that an organisation is using its resources in the most efficient ways whether for the sake of the taxpayer in the public sector, or shareholders in private businesses. And your job security is pretty-much guaranteed as all public companies and publicly-funded bodies have to by law undergo an annual audit. Find auditor jobs now See all of our current auditor vacancies or sign up to have new auditor jobs emailed directly to you. The nitty gritty As an auditor, you will need strong communication skills, lots of tact, and confidence in your own ability. People will question what youre doing especially if you uncover any problems with their records Think of yourself as the Columbo of the financial world! Youll not only have to write reports on your findings, but you may also find yourself in a boardroom giving PowerPoint presentations to managers and directors. Youll be expected to keep on top of the many many changes in the law and keep a rational view of the best way ahead when all around you people are flapping in a panic. Money, money, money On a graduate trainee scheme straight out of college, your starting salary will be 18,000-22,000 a year. Once fully-fledged, an auditor can expect to earn 35-45,000 in a public sector position, rising to well over 60,000

as a senior manager. Much higher salaries can be earned by high flyers in the commercial sector. See what people are earning in this job The good points... Despite the blow that was dealt to the job-for-life reputation of public sector auditing by the decision to shut down the Audit Commission, theres still a very solid career structure in place for auditors in central and local government, the NHS and beyond. Wider opportunities exist for external auditors in the private sector whether by specialisation in areas such as tax auditing or the increasingly fashionable environmental auditing or by going international. For a UKtrained auditor, the world truly can be your oyster. ...and the bad At some point during the week most auditors will be involved in collecting financial data, recording it in spreadsheet form, analysing it and coming up with recommendations. If admin floats your boat then lucky you, but for many people it can be a dull part of the job. Is there study involved? To get onto the first step of the ladder you will need a bare minimum of two A-levels. But the majority of new entrants are graduates, preferably with a degree at least vaguely relevant to number-crunching or business practice. You then need to study either on a trainee scheme or independently for an accountancy qualification from an accredited body, such as the ACCA, CIPFA or CIMA. On top of this you will also need two years accountancy experience and a recognised practicing certificate before you can conduct an external audit. One favoured route is to join a big accountancy firm, a local authority or the governments National Audit Office as a graduate trainee. Need additional qualifications? Find a course at our Learning Zone OK, I'm interested... But is it really the job for me?

The auditing profession is split between external and internal auditors. The former are the Stormtroopers of the auditing world they descend on a business in packs, not leaving until every last invoice has been checked. Their role is to verify the accounts, to identify mismanagement or fraud, to minimise financial risk and to advise on efficiency. Their conclusions can mean life or death for any company. Internal auditors have a different focus. They tend to look at policies and procedures more than at balance sheets, although they also prepare the accounts that external auditors scrutinise. All auditors have a licence to grill - which is why they are usually feared more than loved.

Best Answer A general manager (commonly abbreviated as GM) typically oversees all aspects of operations within a company, organization or factory. All department heads typically report to the GM, and the GM typically reports to the vice president or president of the company. For large organizations with multiple factory locations, there would be one GM per location. The GM is typically responsible for maintaining a smooth flow of work between departments and for resolving interdepartmental conflicts. The GM is typically the chief whip-cracker, babysitter and problem solver. The most important task of a GM is to assure that the company stays on schedule with regard to production and meets or exceeds the goals set by the vice president, president, CEO or executive board. Please note that this is a very generalized job description as specific duties will vary from company to company and industry to industry.

Branch manger

Introduction of interviewee Theincumbent interviewed for the purpose of job analysis is AdeelShahidJadoon. H e wo r k s a t t h e A B L t o we r r e t a i l b a n k i n g b r a n c h o f A B L l o c a t e d i n p h a s e s 5 Ha ya t a b a d .ThisisthemainbranchofABLinPeshawar.Contactdetails oftheincumbentaregivenbelow:Office:0915828955EmailID:adeel.jadoon@abl.comThequestionnaire usedisattached. The data extracted as a result fromjobanalysisinterviewgavethreetypesofinformation;jobdescription, Jobspecificationand jobevaluation.Findingsofeachofthesetypesarediscussed here: Jobdescription: Organizationname:AlliedBankLimited JobTitle:Branchmanager Reports to:Regionalheadquarters/Regional manager Supervises:Allthedepartmentsofthebranch Functions:Manages and administers operations of the branch Dutiesandresponsibilities: Plananddirectthebranchoperationsandadministertheworkingofthewholebran ch Supervisethehumanresourceofitsownbranchdepartmentwise

Marketingofthebankwhichincludesachievingthedeposittargetsassignedtothe branch. Attendingmeetingsforthemarketing Andmaking surethetargetsareachievedwithinthegiventime.

provide a superior level of customer relations and promote the sales and service culture

Coordinatingwithregionalheadquartersforgettingupdatedwiththeorganizationalgoals andobjectivesandalsoletalltheemployeesofthebranchwellawareofthegoalsandobjecti vesoftheorganization.Makingsurethatemployeesworkingunderhis/hersupervisiona rewellmotivatedandmaintainedproperly.Evaluatetheperformanceoftheemployees workingunderhis/hersupervisionReportingaboutallthedutiesandresponsibilitiestot heRegionalManagerJobspecification16years ofeducatio nMastersdegreeorequivalentPreferredfieldofstudyisMBAMarketingAtleast5ye arsofexperienceinbankingor anyfinancialorganizationincludingmarketingexperienceaswell Minimumagelimitis 25yearsAgoodmangershouldhave Marketingskills Communicationskills Criticalthinking Should beagoodpsychiatrist(incontextwithcustomerbehaviorandPsyche) Jobevaluation Branch manager is a very important designation to the organization.ABM is a very much skilled and experienced worker who is much aware of the organizational goals and objectives and coordinates those goals and objectives to the employees working in his/her supervision.The salary range for a BM should be from 70,000to90,000

provide a superior level of customer relations and promote the sales and service culture Coordinating with regional headquarters for getting updated with the organizational goals and objectives and also let all the employees of the branch well aware of the goals and objectives of the organization. Making sure that employees working under his/her supervision are well motivated and maintained properly. Evaluate the performance of the employees working under his/her supervision Reporting about all the duties and responsibilities to the Regional Manager Jobspecification

16yearsofeducationMastersdegreeorequivalentPreferredfieldofstudyisMBAMark etingAtleast5yearsofexperienceinbankingoranyfinancialorganizationincludingmar ketingexperienceaswellMinimumagelimitis25yearsAgoodmangershouldhaveM arketingskillsCommunicationskills

Thejobisevaluatedthroughtwotypesofreports:report Annualperformancereport AnnualconfidentialComments From The Incumbent For

Job evaluation Any incumbent can be evaluated so that the incumbentisalsosatisfiedoftheannualreportsistoaskhim/hertowritetheAPRforhis/her selfandthensupervisorshouldevaluatetheAPR

obdescription:EmployeedataGeneralpurposeofpositionSummaryofresponsibilitie s&dutiesGoalsandobjectivecoordinationNatureofSupervisoryresponsibilitiesNo. ofpositionsreportingtoBMNo.ofemployeesindirectlysupervisedDegreeofworkingc onditionPhysicalormental/tableJobspecificationEducationrequirementsRelevant fieldofstudyRelationshipofqualific

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