Adjectives: Description and Function

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Description and Function Adjectives are words that describe or modify another person or thing in the sentence. Adjective is dependent clause has function to tell about noun and prounoun in complex sentences.

TYPES 1) Limiting. Adjective that draw the line object character that at that character without give information about object situation, object type, etc. a) Article. b) Distributive. c) Quantitative. d) Possessive. e) Demonstrative f) Interrogative. 2) Descriptive. Adjective that figures an object that at character. a) Quality. b) Size. c) Age. d) Temperature. e) Participle. f) Shape. g) Colour. Article. Divided as 3 : a) A : While meets by noun what does letter it first is read letters consonant. Example : A book A Car A University a) An : While meets by noun what does letter it first read letter vocal.

Example : An Apple. An Hour a) The : If noun is clear. Example : I buy a book, the book is good for me. Stalist has an apple, the apple is nice. Distributive. Adjective that points out one of total object or division object. Example a. Each : Setiap Each week : Setiap Minggu b. Every : Setiap Every body : Setiap Orang Quantitative. Adjective that points out to total object Example : a) Some : Beberapa Some book : Beberapa buku b) All : Semua All People : Semua orang

c) Much : Banyak Much money : Banyak uang Possessive. Adjective that point out ownership an object or object owner Example : a) My book : bukuku b) Your car : Mobilmu c) Our house : Rumah kita Demonstrative Adjective that point out object or object road map Example : a) This : ini (Tunggal) This book b) That ; ini (Tunggal) That car c) These : itu (Jamak) These books.

d) Those : itu (Jamak) Those car Interrogative

Adjective that asks object Example : a) Whose : Milik siapa Whose book? b) Which : Yang mana Which car? c) What : Apa Quality. Pointing out object quality Example : a) Handsome. b) Good. Size Pointing out object measure. Example ; a) Small. b) Big. c) Medium. Age Pointing out object age. Example : a) Child b) Young c) Old Temperature Pointing out object temperature. Example : a) Cool b) Warm c) Hot Participle Job word becomes adjective. Divided as 2: A) Present Participle : What book?

Ex: a) Interesting b) Tiring. c) Boring B) Past Participle : Ex: a) Interested b) Tired c) Boring Shape Pointing out object shape. Example : a) Triangle. b) Square. Colour Pointing out object colour. Example : a) Black b) White c) Red d) Purple

If there are more than one adjective in one sentence, then writing of adjective is aranged based on the sequence of: 1) Determiner : The, same, a, an, etc. 2) Subjective : Expensive,Handsome,Interesting,etc. 3) Size : Short, Tall, Fat, Thin, Thick, etc. 4) Age : Young, Old,etc. 5) Shape : Square, Triangle, Rectangle, Elips, etc. 6) Colour :Red, White, Purple, Bright, Dark.etc 7) Material : Plastic, Golden, Wooden, etc. 8) Origin : American, Indonesian, etc

a) The dog is black. b) Susi is beautiful. c) The pizza tastes delicious. d) A new book. e) A beautiful big young girl.

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