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Third would be the lord of the 9th. Planets conjuncting the 5th or 9th which further contribute to intelligence are : (1) Lord of the 3rd (2) Lord of 5th and 9th combined (3) Lord of the 10th In terms of planets, the ranking of intelligence are : (A) Moon if well placed (B) Mercury (C) Mars (D) Sun So planets in the 9th are the most intelligent and of these, the Moon takes centre stage, Moon being the mind, and provided the Moon is well placed and what better placement than in the 9th. If you have someone with the Moon in the 9th, you know the person is extremely intelligent.

Here are some combinations for intelligence mentioned in the classic texts: Brihat Jataka *The Moon in the 5th house. Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra *The first house indicates the intellect, intelligence and the brain. Garga Hora *Moon, Jupiter and Venus in the 10th housebeautiful; very brave; endowed with sons and friends; has abundant wealth earned by his vast intelligence. Jataka Parijata *Birth in Ashwini nakshatrathe native has a great deal of intelligence. *Moon in Pushyapossesses wealth and intelligence. *If Jupiter is in exaltation, his own sign, or the 9th house, then the native becomes a lord of great beneficence equal in status to kings and admired for his conspicuous

intelligence, energy and other great qualities. Sanketa Nidhi *The fifth house is the house of intelligence. Saravali *Jupiter equals intelligence. *When Jupiter aspects Mercury in Sagittarius or Pisces, the native will be rich by memory, intelligence and ancestors; furthermore, he is beautiful, noble and knowledgeable; he will be a king's minister or his treasurer; he is also a writer. *Moon in the 9th house equals intelligence. *Mercury in the 10th house indicates distinguished intelligence. *If all the natural benefics are in benefic rashis in houses 2, 5, 8, and 11 while the natural malefics occupy dual signs, the native becomes a king, destroys all his enemies and is equal to Jupiter in intelligence. *In a favorable Moon dasha, the native achieves success in undertakings out of his intelligence. *Favorable Mercury dasha equals high intelligence. *If the ascending degree is in the first half of Cancer, the native has eminence and intelligence. Sarvartha Chintamani *Intelligence is indicated by the 5th house, Mercury and the lord of the 5th house. *If Mercury has full strength, and the 5th lord is aspected by a benefic and the 5th house is occupied by a benefic, the native possesses a keen intellect. *If the lord of the navamsha occupied by the 5th lord is in a Kendra or trine and is aspected by the 5th lord, the native possesses keen intelligence. *If the 5th lord is a benefic and is conjunct a benefic or in the sign of a benefic, then the native becomes a man of intelligence and wise.
Analytical Aquarius Perception Scorpio Scorpio, to me, is the most difficult sign to fool. They see your every motivation regardless of what you say, what degrees you have and what others say. With that said, every sign is intelligent is some way, to me. Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) have intuitive intelligence. They see the possibilities and take the risks. Have you seen some product or service thats made a bazillion dollars and think, Why didnt I think of that? Maybe you did even think of that. Its the fire signs or the fire in your chart that drives you to make the bazillion dollars, to convince others it can make a bazillion dollars.

Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) have practical intelligence, from balancing the checkbook to solving problems in the workplace. The Sheldon Coopers of the world dont do well in the workplace because you have to solve a problem now that isnt perfect or ideal, but makes money. Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) have idealistic, analytical intelligence. These signs live in the world of ideas and are associated with socializing. These signs prefer ideas to emotions and love any kind of categorization. Socializing provides stimulation of ideas. Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) have perceptive intelligence. They are the ones who understand your motivation and understand how you feel. In Chinese astrology, water is associated with intelligence. Water signs are connected to others and what is the world but others? The word genius in the West brings up images of Albert Einstein who was a Pisces.

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