Lesvos Birds 2012

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written and compiled by Steve Dudley


written and compiled by Steve Dudley Text Steve Dudley | Lesvos Birding, 2013 Photos photographers as credited, 2013 Cover photo: Glossy Ibis, Alykes Wetlands Erwin van Laar

l small group bird & wildlife day trips with Steve Dudley, author of the highly acclaimed


A Birdwatching Guide to Lesvos

l sets new standards in where to watch guides l details over 60 of the islands best birdwatching sites l checklists for birds, butterflies, dragonflies & orchids l only guide book you will ever need the l where to stay, where to eat, where to watch birds all in one book!

Steve Dudley is author of A Birdwatching Guide to Lesvos, runs Lesvos Birding and is a member of the Lesvos Birds Records Committee

Short of taking the author with you in your rucksack, there seems little more that you could possibly need Alex Lees, British Birds, Jan 2010
WWW.LESVOSBIRDING.COM l free online resource for birding on Lesvos l daily bird summaries posted during spring l trip reports, site info, species checklists, etc l species checklists for birds, butterflies, dragonflies and orchids l free annual bird reports
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Lesvos Birds 2012

Introduction Bird records used for this report Birding coverage in 2012 Submitting your bird records Key to status codes used in the List Bird information when on the island Driving on the main roads Trespassing and disturbance to breeding birds Notes on birding sites (featured in A Birdwatching Guide to Lesvos) Additional birding sites (not in A Birdwatching Guide to Lesvos) Maps of Lesvos The 2012 birding year Weather summary for 2012 Back home the Lesvos Birders Facebook group Lesvos bird names in different languages The Lesvos Birding website www.lesvosbirding.com Acknowledgements Introduction to the species accounts Key to status codes used within the species accounts Taxonomy and nomenclature Place names used within the List Notes on the List The Lesvos Bird List Species accounts Gamebirds Wildfowl Black-throated Diver Shearwaters Grebes Flamingo, storks, herons and allies Pelicans Cormorants Raptors Osprey Raptors Honey-buzzard Raptors kites Raptors White-tailed Eagle Raptors vultures Raptors Short-toed Eagle Raptors harriers Raptors accipiters (hawks) Raptors buzzards Raptors aquila eagles Raptors Bonellis and Booted Eagles Raptors falcons Rails and crakes Common Crane Waders Stone-curlew and Oystercatchers Waders Black-winged Stilt and Avocet Waders lapwings, plovers and Dotterel Waders snipes Waders godwits and curlews Waders shanks and Tringa sandpipers Waders Terek and Common Sandpipers Waders Turnstone
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4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 7 11 14 14 18 18 18 18 19 21 21 21 22 22 22 23 23 24 30 30 30 32 37 38 40 40 40 41 41 42 42 44 45 47 49 50 53 55 56 56 57 60 61 62 64 65

Lesvos Birds 2012

Waders Calidris sandpipers Waders Broad-billed Sandpiper and Ruff Waders phalaropes Waders pratincoles Gulls Terns Arctic Skua Doves and pigeons Cuckoos Owls Nightjar Swifts Roller Kingfishers Bee-eaters Hoopoe Wryneck and Middle Spotted Woodpecker Shrikes Golden Oriole Crows Waxwing Tits Larks Swallows and martins Cettis Warbler Long-tailed Tit Warblers Phylloscopus leaf warblers Warblers Acrocephalus reed warblers Warblers Iduna and Hippolais tree warblers Warblers Locustella grass warblers Warblers Zitting Cisticola Warblers Sylvia scrub warblers Crests Wren Nuthatches Short-toed Treecreeper Starlings Thrushes Chats Robin and Bluethroat Chats nightingales Chats White-throated Robin Chats Rufous Bush-robin Chats starts and chats Chats wheatears Rock-thrushes Flycatchers White-throated Dipper Sparrows Dunnock Wagtails Pipits Finches Buntings Appendices 1 Unproven records (recent decisions) 2 Records pending 3 Species formally rejected or unconfirmed
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66 68 69 69 70 73 76 76 78 79 80 80 82 82 83 84 84 85 86 86 88 88 89 91 92 92 92 94 95 97 98 98 102 102 102 104 104 105 106 106 107 107 108 109 111 111 113 113 114 115 117 118 121 125 125 126

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4 Escapes 5 Dates of summer and passage migrants 6 Dates of winter migrants 7 Other notable wildlife 8 The Lesvos Bird List 9 A list of Lesvos dragonflies 10 A list of Lesvos butterflies 11 A list of Lesvos reptiles and amphibians 12 A list of Lesvos orchids References Citation Dudley, S.P. 2013. Lesvos Birds 2012.

130 130 133 134 135 141 142 144 145 147

Steve Dudley | Lesvos Birding 2013

Lesvos Birds 2012

Welcome to the fourth annual bird report for Lesvos Lesvos Birds 2012. The report has been collated, written and edited by myself. BIRD RECORDS USED FOR THIS REPORT I remain very impressed by the response in recent years for more records. Following last years already impressive 22,000+ records, I received over 26,000 records for 2012. As usual, Lesvos resident Terry Robinsons records make up a considerable amount, but as a percentage this is slowly decreasing as more visiting birders submit records. From 48% of records submitted last year, Terrys share reduced to 42% despite maintaining roughly the same number of individual records. Terry submits his records via the OrnithoTopos, the Greek online recording section of worldbirds.org operated by BirdLife International. Observado (http://lesvos.observado.org) is another popular online submission website, especially for Dutch and Belgian birders, and this source again contributed a significant amount (20%) to the 2012 dataset. Id like to again acknowledge Steven Wytemas help in first setting up the Lesvos section of Observado and assisting with the management of the records submitted. The remaining 38% records were collated by myself, from my own records, the Lesvos Birding log books at the Hotel Pasiphae and Taverna Dionysos (both in Skala Kallonis), records sent direct to me or gleaned from reports I have come across on the internet. Im sure I have missed more than a few. Thank you to everyone who has contributed one way or another. A list of all those I known appears under acknowledgements below (page 19). BIRDING COVERAGE IN 2012 The main arrival of spring visitors began on 16 April and the first UK charter arrived on the 21 April. The coverage remained high through the main birding weeks up to 19 May. To give you some indication of the drop off in coverage after the main spring weeks, the period 16 April to 20 May takes up 100 pages of the A4 Lesvos Birding log in the Hotel Pasiphae. The period 21 May October runs to only three pages! Several birders visited in June and July with numbers picking up through August and visiting birders present into October. There remain relatively few resident birders on the island. The most active is of course Terry Robinson who covers the Polichnitos Saltpans every day. The rest of the island is pretty neglected outside the weeks visiting birders are present, but recent arrival Jelle Delavez (a Belgian bee researcher based at the University of the Aegean in Mytilini) started to travel around the island in 2012. Late on in the year the now very active Lesvos Birders Facebook group (see below) started to see lots of images being posted by several resident bird photographers Petros Tasmiakis, Pantelis Thomaidis and Ermis Psomos. Between them they contributed some interesting records, none more interesting than the potential first records of Steppe Buzzard and the first winter record of Rose-coloured Starling (from 2008!). SUBMITTING YOUR BIRD RECORDS I will continue to collate records (as detailed above) for future years. All records of rare and scarce species (see key to the Systematic List below) will be followed up and passed on to the Lesvos Birds Records Committee (LBRC) or for Greek national rarities, forwarded to the Hellenic Rarities Committee (HRC). Please remember that records are of little value if they do not provide the key information of species, number
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of birds, date and location. Additional information on age/sex (particularly for raptors) and behaviour (especially for breeding records) is also very welcome. You can submit your records as follows 1. 2. 3. Direct to me lists, including date and location of observations to myself via the Lesvos Birding website (www.lesvosbirding.com). Trip reports posted on the web please send me the URL for your report and I will link to it from the Lesvos Birding website (now over 100 reports listed to the end of 2012). When on the island, by entering your records in the Lesvos Birding Bird Logs situated in the reception of the Hotel Pasihae on the outskirts of Skala Kallonis and the Taverna Dionysos by the harbour in Skala Kallonis iself. Could I please urge all contributors to the bird log to write legibly (Ive been unable to read several names from the 2012 log), give your full name (not just nickname or initials) and if possible, leave an email contact address for me to follow up any sightings with you. 4. There are also logs at the Pela and Kalloni Bay (formerly Kalloni II) hotels but these receive much fewer records than the Lesvos Birding Pasiphae log. I also dont always find time to visit these hotels to collate records before I leave the island, so these records dont always reach me for the report. Via OrnithoTopos at http://www.worldbirds.org/v3/greece.php. Via Observado at http://lesvos.observado.org. For Lesvos rarities, via the LBRC website (http://lesvosbirdrecords.blogspot.com/). For Greek national rarities, via HRC (http://rarities.ornithologiki.gr/en/eaop/form.htm).

5. 6. 7. 8.

Achladeri Forest, the famous Kofinas picnic site and best-known site for Krpers Nuthatch plus other woodland species such as Short-toed Treecreeper, May 2012 Mick Sviekutis

Steve Dudley | Lesvos Birding 2013

Lesvos Birds 2012

BIRD INFORMATION WHEN ON THE ISLAND You can share your bird news and access news from others in one of several ways during your stay. Bird logs The Lesvos Birding Bird Log at the Hotel Pasiphae is the prime source of bird information. During the main spring and autumn weeks many birders contribute and when I am on the island I keep it up to date each evening adding records Ive been informed of whilst in the field each day. There is also a logbook at the Taverna Dionysos by the harbour in Skala Kallonis. Online For those staying in accommodation with internet access (and those at home viewing before coming out to the island), I aim to update the sightings for each day on the Lesvos Birding website by midnight (local time) at the latest (often earlier). Why not ask your hotel to print out each evenings update before breakfast the following day that way you get to see what was seen the day before over breakfast the morning birding papers! I will also post on the Lesvos Birders Facebook group (http://www.facebook.com/groups/271104122899599/) and send out daily summary tweets each evening on Twitter @LesvosBirding. In the field Text / SMS messaging If you see something of note, please pass on the news tell other birders you see on the day, enter the record in the Lesvos Birding Bird Log at the Hotel Pasiphae. You can even text me your notable records each day on 00 44 7 767 787 287 and I will enter these in the log and on the website at the end of the day. DRIVING OFF THE MAIN ROADS The winter of 2012/13 was very wet and some rural tracks were washed away completely. Care should be taken when leaving the main metalled/tarmac roads and driving along the dirt roads and tracks. Some car hire companies do not include these dirt roads and tracks in their insurance cover check your car hire details. Even those that do cover this now have a disclaimer stating that you are liable to the full cost of repairing the underside of a hire vehicle because of previous problems with drivers driving across country. If you do chose to drive along some of the minor dirt tracks, please take care. Even if a map, my book or someone indicates to you that it is safe to do so, tracks can quickly deteriorate, and can change considerably from year to year, so please take care. TRESSPASSING AND DISTURBANCE OF BREEDING BIRDS We continue to see unnecessary trespass and disturbance of breeding birds in some areas. The problems encountered in recent years (e.g. at the Potamia Olive-tree Warbler and Skala Eresou Penduline Tit sites) have led to the suppression of some records of rarer breeding species (such as other Penduline Tit nests found in 2011 and 2012). We will continue to suppress any record of rare breeding species which we feel are vulnerable to disturbance, or of interesting birds whichper might be in sensitive areas, so that they cannot be disturbed, or property damaged, by the few wreckless individuals. If you find something that you are unsure about whom to tell, then feel free to contact me (00 44 7 767 787 287) for advice. The disturbance of breeding birds also has a secondary impact. Many areas of the island are under increasing
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pressure from hunters who are being restricted more and more. A hunting ban has recently been placed on the areas around the Kalloni Saltpans, much to the anger of local hunters. For birders and photographers to then cause disturbance to these protected areas undermines the case to keep sites hunting free. Birders and photographers are again respectively asked to avoid such incidents. NOTES ON BIRDING SITES (featured in A Birdwatching Guide to Lesvos) In each report I will aim to provide any significant updates to the main birding sites major changes in habitat, access restrictions, etc. As stated in A Birdwatching Guide to Lesvos I try and follow the names used on the blue Road Editions map of the island (which I recommend you get to use on your visit). Page numbers refer to the site pages within A Birdwatching Guide to Lesvos. Skala Kallonis Pool (p. 98) The pool remains a ghost of its former, glorious self. It is over-grown and with high water levels with little visible margins, and when the water does drop, many margins are not visible due to the tall vegetation. Despite this, it is still worth checking for waterfowl, herons and marsh terns and the surrounding area still attracts many migrant passerines. Negotiations with the owners regarding the future and improvement of the site have reached an impasse and are very unlikely to yield any results in the near future. Christou (Kamares) River (p. 98) This river is named as Christou River on the Road Editions map, but is known locally as the Kamares River (and is called this on the information board by the road bridge). I will continue to use the above presentation on my website and in reports. In 2011 Fan-tailed Warbler was again found breeding along the track down the west side of the marsh leading to the viewing screen (in the marsh to the right of the shepherds building before the screen) and in 2012 there were at least six singing males here. Skala Kallonis Village Marsh (see p. 98) With the increasing number of records being received from many areas, I think it is necessary to name the marshy area immediately east of Skala Kallonis village. All references to Skala Kalloni Village Marsh refers to this area (the Skala Kallonis Pool and Christou (Kamares) River mouth area are already distinct so there should hopefully be no confusion with this name). Potamia Valley (p. 99) The mini reservoir is not marked in A Birdwatching Guide to Lesvos. The map on p.101 shows three parking sites (P). The mini reservoir lies down a track on the left near the middle (P). There is limited parking and viewing is not that easy through the fence and bushes, but a walk down from the main track can be worth while. Metochi Lake (p. 102) Parking remains an issue here at times (usually early mornings). Please park sensibly leaving enough room for tractors and trucks to pass. The larger pull in at the north end of the lake should be kept as free as possible to allow people to use this as a turning point.
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Dont forget that the area around the lake is worth exploring, particularly the culvert running along the western side of the lake which often holds herons and crakes. Rock Nuthatch breeds to the north of the lake. Both areas can be viewed if you take the circular walk around the lake (see book for details) Kalloni Saltpans area (p. 108) View the saltpans only from the perimeter road (inc. the south hide just west of the saltworks entrance), the north-west corner hide, the east track and the Alykes Wetlands (see below) all routes marked in A Birdwatching Guide to Lesvos. Viewing from the main KalloniMytilini road can be dangerous. There is no access to the fields around the saltpans other than the eastern (main) Alykes Wetlands (see below). In 2011 and 2012, the small pool to the north of the main KalloniMytilini road (between the turn down the west side of the saltpans and the turn north to Agia Paraskevi and Napi Valley) proved excellent for waders (inc. Temmincks Stint and Marsh Sandpiper) and also attracted Citrine Wagtail and Water Pipit. There is a large piece of rough ground immediately to the east of the pool where cars can pull in. Viewing is best done from vehicles as getting out will only disturb the feeding birds. If winter rains have pilled this pool to its maximum, then it overflows to the west of the main pool into a field immediately opposite the turn down the west side of the saltpans. This area can be viewed on foot via the gated track opposite the saltpans road. Those accessing the beach past the Pysos beach caf (Ive been informed that this caf has been illegally erected on the Natura 2000 protected coastal strip) are reminded that ground-nesting species such as Stone- curlew occur here and birders are asked to take caution. Rufous Bush-robin can often be found in the tamarisks along the beach here, and you are asked not to harass birds by pushing them from bush to bush. Stay at a sensible distance and the birds will usually come out and perform. The track off the main Mytilini road down the east side of the pans (from the hide in the NE corner) should only be accessed on foot. Some birders continue to drive down this track with little regard for those birding on foot. If you do, then you will soon find the track unmanageable and turning round can be difficult you have been warned. If either of the hides are locked please let me know and I will endeavour to get them re-opened. SMS me on 00 44 7 767 787 287. Be sure to say which hide (north hide next to the Mytilni road, and the south hide on the perimeter road near the saltworks entrance). Please note that the saltworks (the metal gates at the end of the tarmac/metalled road on the south side of the pans) is strictly private. On no account must you enter this site even if you see others doing so or the gates are open. In 2012 someone had untied the metal fencing to one side of the gate and birders were found entering the site. DO NOT ENTER! Alykes Wetlands (p. 112) The seasonally flooded fields on the south side of Kalloni Saltpans, opposite the main saltworks entrance, form part of the Alykes Wetlands and were again a real magnet for birds and birders. At times it can get very busy, especially along the track beyond the saltworks entrance which is the most popular viewing area. Please take care when driving past groups of birders here, and those on foot please be aware of traffic! Please park on one side of the road only (usually the pools side). The Alykes Wetlands also include the fields and marshes east of the saltworks, beyond the racing track. These should be accessed on foot only. Park at the end of the racetrack by the concrete bridge there is plenty of room for many cars. Care should be taken when approaching the saltpans perimeter fence as ground-nesting species including Stone-curlew and Kentish Plover both breed in this area. If in doubt, do not approach the fence line and view from or near to the main track. Please try to avoid disturbing the waders on the pools as those birders arriving after you have gone would like to enjoy these birds too.
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Soumouria (Kalloni Mini Soccer Pitch / Scops Copse p.115) No further tree thinning has occurred here since 2009 and the site continues to be a prime site for Scops Owl. Since the thinning in 2009 the trees are much bushier with lots of young growth obscuring many previously known roosting spots. Another plea for photographers not to get too close to roosting birds. Several individuals with only point and shoot cameras were seen getting far too close to the owls in 2011. If you witness any such behaviour ask those responsible politely to retreat. Once disturbed birds are rarely refound. Platania (p. 120) Note that the best way to access the Platania track from the Napi Valley end is to approach from the north (if travelling from the south drive past the turn to Platania and then turn round safely near the rubbish tip and return south to approach from the north). Take care pulling off the main road on to the track as the immediate junction was again unstable in 2010. In 2012 the track was in very poor condition and was barely passable for most cars. So please take care if you decide to proceed beyond the initial 200+ meters of this track. You risk being charged by your hire company for the complete cost of any damage done to the underside of a hire vehicle! You might think about parking off the main Napi Valley road (e.g. at the track running up to the masts at Mavria) and walking the Platania track to the cattle grid (2.5km). This is a fabulous walk with many of the Napi Valley specialties found along its length. The distances given in A Birdwatching Guide to Lesvos are incorrect. The cattle grid site is only c.2.5km from the road. Also, at around 2km there is a fork in the track. Ignore the turn to the left and proceed on the main track (to right). Kavaki (p. 124) This remains the main site for Rppells Warbler. View only from the lay-by areas and the rough track up the hill on the south side. Please do not enter the scrub areas where the birds breed. There are several lay-bys in this area. The first you reach from Petra is on the straight uphill section set in to the pavement opposite Tsalikis caf bar (Rppells Warbler and other species on both sides of the road). The main lay-by area at the top of the hill on the left (watch the seaward slope and cross the road and walk up the track for the inland hillside) and further on towards Molivos on the left (but this headland doesnt usually hold Rppells Warbler but is good for migrants). Tsalikis caf bar opposite the lower lay-by is excellent for homemade cakes, homemade icecreams, drinks and snacks. Try their club sandwiches. Free wi-fi and toilets (for customers). Rppells Warbler has declined markedly over the last 10 years, mirroring the national decline throughout Greece. Nine singing males were noted in the wider Kavaki area during 2012 (an increase from only t here known pairs found in 2011) and there is absolutely no need for anyone to leave the lay-bys and tracks in order to see or photograph the birds here.

Perasma (p. 125) No change here during 2012. Ipsilou (p. 147) The old monastery path mentioned in A Birdwatching Guide to Lesvos continues to be popular. This is not a problem but please take care when using this path as sheep droppings and trodden in vegetation makes the

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pebbled surface slippery. Most people choose to walk down the path that is certainly easier for birding. Please do not venture off the roads or old monastery path. Apart from unnecessarily trampling the ground flora and disturbing nesting birds, the slopes are hazardous with loose rocks that could cause you injury or to others if they are dislodged and roll down the hillsides. A reminder that photography is not permitted inside the chapel in the monastery. There were again incidents were people were ejected this year. Also, if you ask for the museum to be opened, or you visit it when it is, please be prepared to make a donation to the monastery. Faneromeni (p. 151) Annually I am still asked for directions to Faneromeni Lower Ford. It is arrowed on the map on p. 151 of A Birdwatching Guide to Lesvos. Along the main Faneromeni track take the turn down towards the beach (signed) and then the right turn (signed chapel) and follow this to the ford. Birders choosing to walk along the river continue to get a verbal bashing from other birders for flushing birds they were watching. Walking along the rivers just serves to push birds away from the main ford areas where most birders choose to view from. Unfortunately a new trend of birders and photographers driving up and down the river was noted in 2012. It is not only selfish flushing to drive or walk along the rivers as you flush everything for birders arriving after you, but it is unnecessary disturbance of breeding and hungry migrants birds. Vergias (Chalandra) River (p. 162) This is another river with two names, so in reports and on my website I will use the above presentation to avoid any doubt. Achladeri Forest (p. 167) Two pairs of Krpers Nuthatch bred at the traditional Kofinas picnic site (open area with white building). Whilst this remains the best site to see the species, it is by no means the only site with over 600 pairs in pinewoods in the central and south-eastern areas of the island. The forest track to the north of Kofinas is also worth exploring with birds seen frequently here (see p. 167 of A Birdwatchers Guide to Lesvos). Krpers Nuthatch can also be found at nearby Pessa Waterfalls (c.2.5km south of Achladeri on the west side of the road look for notice boards and follow forest tracks to falls). I didnt hear of any incidents between photographers and birders at this site this year. I thank all those who have heeded my advise that photographers are requested to respect both the birds as well as those watching them and birders for not disturbing photographers who are sat quietly near the nest. If there is clear behaviour from the birds suggesting disturbance then photographer(s) should be asked politely to move further away. A responsible photographer should have no problem retreating if requested. Remember, when the military are in residence, do not attempt to enter the site.

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Lesvos Birds 2012

ADDITIONAL BIRDNG SITES (not featured in A Birdwatching Guide to Lesvos) Here are some sites which have I have been visiting and researching in recent years which will make the next edition of A Birdwatching Guide to Lesvos. Agriosikos (no. 1 on map on next page) The ridge above Filia (the one with the large red and white mast on it) is not only a wonderfully wooded area boasting many target breeding species, but also forms a natural barrier for birds moving north off the Kalloni plain. Migrant passerines settle along the ridge whilst raptors and storks can be seen passing overhead, often very low. This is without doubt the best and most accessible site to see Eastern Bonellis Warbler on the island. LOCATION AND ACCESS The site lies c.8km northwest of Kalloni. North of Kalloni, take the road west through the village of Dafia and up through the hills to the summit where you take a left turn on to a track (c.8km from the Kalloni road) which takes you up towards the large red and white mast tower overlooking Filia to the north. Park carefully on the wide verges after 200m where the track forks for the mast. AREAS TO SEARCH You can walk both the track up to the mast and the main track. The latter goes on for many kilometers and eventually brings you out in the Potamia Valley (c.8km). From the track fork and the first open section of the main track you can view north across Filia to surrounding hills. This is a particularly good area for raptors including Long-legged Buzzard and Short- toed Eagle. Eastern Bonellis Warbler occurs from the mast area and along the main track for about 1.5km. The main track takes you through different habitats including open scrub, scattered oak woodlands to denser woods including some coniferous. After 1.5km the track swings round and gives you great views of the plain and Gulf of Kalloni and you can easily pick out the saltpans, Metochi Lake and Tsiknias River mouth. Further on the track drops steeply and proceeds above Limonos Monastery and the view now includes the Christou (Kamares) River and mouth and Skala Kallonis. This area can also be very good for raptors, including Eleonoras Falcon. SPECIES Breeding Locally breeding raptors inc. Short-toed Eagle, Common and Long-legged Buzzards, Peregrine; Turtle Dove; Hoopoe; Middle Spotted Woodpecker; Wren (scarce on the island); Nightingale; Black-eared Wheatear; Blue Rock-thrush; Orphean Warbler; Subalpine Warbler; Eastern Bonellis Warbler; Sombre Tit; Rock Nuthatch; Woodchat and Masked Shrikes; Cirl Bunting. Passage Regular species inc. raptors (especially Eleonoras Falcon hawking the ridge for insects in spring), swifts and hirundines over; warblers; flycatchers; shrikes; Golden Oriole.

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Lesvos Birds 2012

Mt Ordimnos (no. 1 on map on next page) The highland area between Andissa and Mesotopos is relatively inaccessible, but this route takes you south of Andissa under the northern slopes of the mountain with stunning views across to the east over the highlands around Hidira and Revma LOCATION AND ACCESS Mt Ordimnos lies due south of Andissa and is accessed off the main Andissa to Eresos and Sigri road. Drive west from Andissa for 1.5km and take the rough track to the left at a right hand bend. Parking see below. AREAS TO SEARCH The first 1km up to the open rubbish tip is very good for open country species especially Isabelline Wheatear. At the tip take the left track at the fork by the pools. The larger pool usually holds only gulls, but the smaller pool often attracts passerines and other species to drink. Just beyond the smaller pool there is an open area on the right where you can park and from here search the area on foot. The track beyond here has few passing places should you chance upon another vehicle. Walking for a further 1km along the track can be extremely rewarding for mountain hillside species including wheatears, buntings, Rock Nuthatch and Blue Rock-thrush. After 1km from the parking area the track forks again. The right fork takes you to a small monastery and this area is worth exploring, particularly the crags immediately above you. Back at the tip, the track up to the wind turbines is rougher and will yield little that you will not see on the main track. SPECIES Breeding Locally breeding raptors inc. Short-toed Eagle, Long-legged Buzzard, Peregrine; Hoopoe; Isabelline, Northern and Black-eared Wheatears; Blue Rock-thrush; Subalpine Warbler; Rock Nuthatch; Woodchat Shrike; Cirl, Cretzschmars and Black-headed Buntings. Passage Regular species inc. raptors (inc. Eleonoras Falcon), swifts and hirundines. Pandeleimonas Pools (no. 2 on map above left) These pools lie several km east of Eresos north of the main road to Mesotopos. The pools are maturing and more people are stopping on the roadside here and viewing from the car and being rewarded with some good wetland species including Little Crake and heron species. View only from the roadside there is no access to the pools. SPECIES Breeding Locally breeding raptors inc. Short-toed Eagle, Long-legged Buzzard, Peregrine; Black-eared Wheatear; Blue Rock-thrush; Subalpine Warbler; Woodchat Shrike; Cirl, Cretzschmars and Black-headed Buntings. Passage Herons, crakes and waders.

Steve Dudley | Lesvos Birding 2013


Lesvos Birds 2012

Petri (no. 1 on map left) Petri can be reached from Petra or from just west of Stipsi (road not marked on map to left but it is there I promise!). Park at the entrance to the village by the Achilles Well taverna (highly recommended!). AREAS TO SEARCH There are several good walks from here including the Valley of the Mills (access from parking area see the sign), a walk down to Petra and a great walk north to Molivos via Perasma (see p. 125 of A Birdwatching Guide to Lesvos). All these walks are detailed in Brian and Eileen Andersons Lesvos car tours and walks (Sunflower Books 2007 ISBN 978-1-85691-324-9). SPECIES Locally breeding raptors inc. Short-toed Eagle, Long-legged Buzzard, Peregrine; Hoopoe; Black- eared Wheatears; Blue Rock-thrush; Subalpine Warbler; Rock Nuthatch; Sombre Tit; Woodchat Shrike; Cirl and Cretzschmars Buntings. Good area for butterflies too (especially the Valley of the Mills walk). Revma (no. 2 on map left) The area immediately south of Vatousa is an excellent raptor area. There is a large parking area on the right immediately past the turn to Revma on the Pterounda road. AREAS TO SEARCH The parking area gives excellent views of the valley and mountains to the east and south. Its also worth exploring the road to and through Pterounda and also the minor road to the east of the Revma/Pterounda round junction. SPECIES Breeding Locally breeding raptors inc. Short-toed Eagle, Long-legged Buzzard, Peregrine; Hoopoe; Isabelline, Northern and Black-eared Wheatears; Blue Rock-thrush; Subalpine Warbler; Rock Nuthatch; Woodchat Shrike; Cirl, Cretzschmars and Black-headed Buntings. Passage Regular species inc. raptors (especially Eleonoras Falcon), swifts and hirundines.

Taverna Dionysos, the birding hub in Skala Kallonis village includes a Lesvos Birding logbook Steve Dudley

Steve Dudley | Lesvos Birding 2013


Lesvos Birds 2012

MAPS OF LESVOS There are now three excellent maps covering Lesvos. Road Editions 212 1:70,000 (blue cover) ISBN 960-8481-92-9 This remains the most popular and many of the names I use in A Birdwatching Guide to Lesvos are taken from it. Freytag & Berndt 1:75,000 (green and red cover) ISBN 978-3-85084-584-7 On par with the Road Editions map providing different track coverage and details and some names I use are taken from it. Freytag & Berndt 1:50,000 (green and red cover) ISBN 978-3-7079-1330-9 This new map (2012) provides much better detail to the other two, especially for the really minor tracks in remote areas you might wish to explore. The only downside to this map is that it is double sided with the Gulf of Kalloni westwards on one side and the east of the island on the other. This makes it a little cumbersome to use and very large when spread out. Online map of birding sites I have produced an online map of the main birding sites and other places of interest (towns, petrol stations, tavernas, etc). You can access the map via the Lesvos Birding website (www.lesvosbirding.com, link on right under Lesvos Birding). THE 2012 BIRDING SPRING The spring of 2012 will not be remembered as a classic. Unlike 2011 when we experienced one of the greatest passages of passerines ever. The settled weather from mid-April to mid-May produced little variance to help bring in migrants. It still had plenty of highlights and as ever the total birding experience remained high! Here is a summary for the main spring birding weeks. MARCH Weather A relatively settled month with lots of blue sky days and no rainfall. Max. temperature 23oC, min. temperature 3oC (average temperature 11oC). Rainfall for month = 0mm (Mytilini weather station). 1 31 March Before many of us visiting birders had arrived on the island, residents and a couple of early visitors were enjoying the first early spring migrants. Things started to stir mid-month with Hoopoe and Northern Wheatear on 13th and Tawny Pipit on 14th. On the 16th a flock of 27 Glossy Ibis were near the Kalloni Saltpans and on the 18th the first Yellow Wagtails were noted. House Martin and a count of 1852 Yelkouan Shearwaters off Polichnitos Saltpans on the 19th were followed the following day by Scops Owl and Barn Swallow, and Pallid Swift on the 21st. The 25th saw the first Woodchat Shrike and the first flocks of Garganey. A Booted Eagle was seen on the 26th along with a Grasshopper Warbler and the first Wood Sandpipers and Willow Warblers on 26th. Upland species arrived on the 27th in the form of Isabelline and Black-eared Wheatears, and Cretzschmars Bunting, plus the first passage Ortolan Bunting. The 28th saw Spoonbill arrive and the following day more herons in the form of Purple and Squacco along with both Rppells and Subalpine Warblers on territory at Kavaki.

Steve Dudley | Lesvos Birding 2013

Lesvos Birds 2012

APRIL Weather The early part of the month was cold and wet with plenty of rain days. The weather settled from around the 20th onwards with blue skies and increasing daily temperatures rising to the 28oC by the months end. A light southerly wind dominated up to the 26th with a switch to westerlies for the 27th 30th. Rainfall for month = 68mm (Mytilini weather station). 1 20 April The month started very quietly with the first Sand Martin on the 2nd, a Tawny Pipit on the 3rd, Alpine Swift from the 9th and Red-rumped Swallow and Common Swift from the 12th. The 13th saw Whinchat arrive and an early Citrine Wagatil at Polichnitos Saltpans. But it wasnt until the start of the main arrival of birders for the spring from the 15th that things really started to hot up. On the 17th Booted Eagle, Pallid Harrier and Red-footed Flacon were all seen along with Temmincks Stint and Masked Shrike followed by Eastern Bonellis Warbler on the 18th. On the 20th a Cattle Egret stopped briefly at the Kalloni Alykes Wetlands and a Wryneck was at Skala Kallonis Pool. 21 April With the first charter flights from the UK arriving things picked up again. The day saw the largest ever count of Tawny Pipit and two Pygmy Cormorants found at Dipi Larisos which were to stay in to May but could prove very elusive. The first European Bee-eaters were seen, Little Crakes were at Metochi and Skala Kallonis and passage waders included Sanderling. 22 April The first big find of the spring was in the form of a Blue-cheeked Bee-eater at Faneromeni. A Baillons Crake took up residence in a ditch in the south-west corner of Kalloni Saltpans and was enjoyed by many during its week-long stay. Penduline Tits were seen at Metochi and the Tsiknias River as were Little Bitterns and a Citrine Wagtail also on the Tsiknais River. The Kalloni Saltpans and Alykes Wetlands started to pull in the birds with Glossy Ibis, Marsh and Curlew Sandpipers and a Black-tailed Godwit. Collared Flycatchers started to pass through and both Eleonoras Falcon and Gull-billed Tern were seen. A male Common Pochard took up residence at Perasma Reservoir. 23 April The second of the springs Common Pochards was found at the Alykes Wetlands (a female) and a Merlin was also seen there. Four Citrine Wagtails were seen on the Tsiknias River, the first marsh terns arrived and a female Pallid Harrier passed through Ipsilou and a Montagus Harrier was seen around the Alykes Wetlands. Passage passerines picked up with Golden Oriole, Red-backed Shrikes, Common Redstarts, Wood and Eastern Orphean Warblers, Whinchat and Yellow Wagtails. The first of six Spotted Crakes was found at the Christou (Kamares) River and the first Honey-buzzard was seen. 24 April Baillons Crake, Common Pochard and Merlin were all still present around the Kalloni Saltpans area and the Pygmy Cormorants still at Dipi Larisos. Two more Baillons Crakes were seen at Skala Kallonis Pool along with Night-heron. Black-headed Bunting and Great Reed Warbler both arrived, Eastern Bonellis Warblers were seen at several sites and feeding frenzy of 800 Yelkouan and 10 Scopolis Shearwaters was enjoyed off Molivos. 25 April The first Roller was seen nr Parakila and a Thrush Nightingale was at Skala Eresou. A Citrine Wagtail was on the Tsiknias River and a Black Kite at Aghias Ioannis. In addition to the usual birds at Soumouria, Scops Owls were also found in roadside trees at Papiana along with a breeding pair of Long-eared Owls. 26 April Today saw a Dalmatian Pelican at Kalloni Saltpans along with flocks of Gull-billed, Whiskered and White-winged Terns. Golden and Lesser Spotted Eagles were seen and the nest of the Krpers Nuthatch was eventually tracked down at the Achladeri Forest Kofinas picnic site. Zitting Cisticolas were found in increased numbers at several sites and Great Crested and Black-necked Grebes remained off Kalloni Saltpans. A Spotted Crake took up a three-day residence at Skala Kallonis Pool and was enjoyed by many who went to listen to it in the evenings. 27 April A Booted Eagle was seen at Revma, a Lesser Spotted Eagle at Skala Kallonis and a male Ferruginous Duck off Skamnioudi. The Kalloni Saltpans Baillons Crake continued to please, and Common Pochards (at Alykes Wetlands and Perasma Reservoir) and Pygmy Cormorants (at Dipi Larisos) remained in situ.
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28 April The big change over day for the UK charters saw fewer people in the field but apart from long-staying birds (Baillons Crake, Common Pochard and Pygmy Cormorant) today saw the first Olive-tree Warbler and Rufous Bush-robin, another Baillons Crake at Metochi, the second Golden Eagle of the spring at Sigri and 3 Black Kites in Lardia Valley. A Thrush Nightingale was at Platania, Icterine Warbler at Sigri & Faneromeni Fields and four Red-breasted Flcyatchers found out west. 29 April Seven Citrine Wagtails were on offer today with increased numbers of Yellow Wagtails, warblers, Roller and Tawny Pipit. An Osprey was seen at Kalloni Saltpans and a migrant Olive-tree Warbler in Meladia Valley. 30 April A male Ferruginous Duck was seen at Skala Kallonis and Tsiknias River (and remained in the area until the 5th), three Dalmatian Pelicans flew over Achladeri, a Lesser Spotted Eagle was seen from the Kalloni Raptor Watchpoint and Barred Warblers were seen at Makara and Sigri. MAY Weather The first week was dominated by blue skies and high temperatures (max. 30C on the 1st with the light westerlies switching to a moderate southerly wind on the 4th. The weather started to break from the 7th with more overcast skies and moderate north-westerly winds, eventually giving way to showers from the 10th and torrential downpours from 13th 18th with moderate northerly winds. Rainfall for month = 37mm (Mytilini weather station). 1 May The Baillons Crake remained at Kalloni Saltpans and the nearby Alykes Wetlands continued to attract an array of waders and marsh terns. The female harrier at Lotzaria present since the 29 Apr was finally confirmed as a Monatgus, Red-footed Falcons were seen along the Tsiknias River and three Levant Sparrowhawks were seen over Molivos. Several Rollers were seen out west and the two Pygmy Cormorants were still present at Dipi Larisos. 2 May New birds today included a Broad-billed Sandpiper at the Alykes Wetlands (to 10th). a Spur-winged Plover at Dipi Larisos, a Booted Eagle over Agaisos and a Citrine Wagtail near Vatera. 3 May Bush-robins were reported en masse today, a Black Kite was seen in Napi Valley and up to three Great Spotted Cuckoos took up residence in the upper Napi Valley/Platania area (to 13th). The west continued to pull in passage migrants in the form of Roller, Red-breasted Flycatcher and Eastern Bonellis Warbler. River Warblers were heard at the Skala Kallonis Pool and along the Tsiknias River. 4 May A Dalmatian Pelican was at Kalloni Saltpans (to 6th) and a Lesser Spotted Eagle was seen over Platania. At least one Pygmy Cormorant and Spur-winged Plover remained at Dipi Larisos. The Alykes Wetlands remained a focal point with up to 35 White-winged Terns, 12 Whiskered Terns, Slender-billed Gull and Glossy Ibis. 5 May Changeover day for the Brits meant far fewer birders in the field and nothing new of note found. 6 May Week three of the main birding weeks saw far fewer birders around than the previous two weeks. The Broad-billed Sandpiper continued to hide on the Alykes Wetlands and Levant Saprrowhawks were seen over the Kalloni Raptor Watchpoint and Ipsilou. 7 May A Lesser Spotted Eagle was seen near Molivos and Levant Sparrowhawks over Madaros and Faneromeni. 8 May A decidedly quiet day with nothing new of note reported. The Scops Owls at Soumouria and Papiana continued to show well. 9 May Two very lucky birders hit the jackpot with a singing male White-throated Robin along the north coast track. The Alykes Wetlands continued to perform well with a good selection of herons, waders (inc. Broad- billed Sandpiper) and an Osprey over in the evening.

Steve Dudley | Lesvos Birding 2013


Lesvos Birds 2012

10 May A Spur-winged Plover was found at Faneromeni (to 15th). 11 May A few new arrivals today in the form of two Lesser Spotted Eagles over Kalloni Saltpans, a Citrine Wagtail at the Skala Kallonis Pool, Rollers at Achladeri and Meladia Valley and a Red-breasted Flcyatcher in Meladia. 12 May Another star find in the form of a Blue-cheeked Bee-eater at Kalloni Saltpans that performed to as many people as could be found late afternoon and evening. 13 May The fourth Red Knot for Lesvos was seen at Christou (Kamares) River and three Lesser Spotted Eagles were seen over the Kalloni Raptor Watchpoint. Five Rose-coloured Starlings at Sigri were the first of the spring. 14 May Up to 15 Eleanoras Falcons were seen hunting the ridge behind Filia (from Agriosikos eastwards) and another eight were seen at Ipsilou. The Spur-winged Plover remained at Faneromeni and a River Warbler was heard at Christou (Kamares) River. 15 May A Booted Eagle at Metochi and Eleonoras Falcons were seen at Ipsilou, Lardia Valley and Sigri. Scops and Long-eared Owls remained at Papiana. 16 May Eleonoras Falcons were again seen along the Agriosikos ridge and three Marsh Warblers were in Napi Valley. Six Rose-coloured Starlings at Petri. 17 May Rose-coloured Starlings were seen at Makara (4) and Tsiknias River (2). Eleonoras Falcons were seen at Platania and Mt Ordimnos. 18 May A flock of 33 Rose-coloured Starlings around Lotzaria and Tsiknias River delighted those who caught up with them. A Spotted Crake remained on the Tsiknias River and the second Red Knot of the spring (and fifth for the island) was seen at Kalloni Saltpans. 19 May Eight Rose-coloured Starlings remained around Tsiknias River. 23 May 30 Rose-coloured Starlings at Polichnitos Saltpans.

Tsiknias River, looking north from near the river mouth, May 2012 Mick Sveikutis 17

Steve Dudley | Lesvos Birding 2013

Lesvos Birds 2012

WEATHER SUMMARY FOR THE YEAR Weather for Mytilini (source http://www.wunderground.com).

Max. Temp o C January 15 February 17 March 23 April 28 May 28 June 36 July 38 August 37 September 32 October 29 November 25 December 22

Ave. Temp o C 7 8 11 17 20 26 29 28 24 21 16 11

Min. Temp o C 0 -1 3 8 12 16 19 20 16 13 8 3

Rain mm 0 0 0 68 37 0 0 0 0 13 22 97

Note that the centre, and in particular, the west of the island often record higher temperatures than Mytilini.

BACK HOME THE LESVOS BIRDERS FACEBOOK GROUP http://www.facebook.com/groups/271104122899599/

For most of us Lesvos is an annual pilgrimage for 2-4 weeks a year (a few more if youre very lucky). But many of us stay in touch with one another online via our own Facebook group. Its a very active group with loads of pictures posted and lots of friendly and humorous chat. Join us and share your Lesvos experiences.


I have been slowly developing a document that incorporates as many different language names for Lesvos birds as possible. The most recent document contains the following Scientific name English name Greek name Dutch name Norwegian name Danish name Swedish name I will update this with other languages as and when I can find volunteers to help produce additional columns. The document can be accessed via the Lesvos Birding website (www.lesvosbirding.com) right hand column under Lesvos Birding Publications


The site remains a growing source of additional information for the island and used with my book, A Birdwatching Guide to Lesvos, provides the visiting birder with pretty much all the information they need for their visit. Via the site you can access annual bird reports, trip reports, links to other relevant websites (reptiles ID site, etc), recent sightings etc.

Steve Dudley | Lesvos Birding 2013


Lesvos Birds 2012

Observers I would like to thank all those who have submitted records (via the Lesvos Birding Bird Logs at Hotel Pasiphae and Taverna Dionysos, via OrnithoTopos, via Observado, posted trip reports online or sent direct to me) that make up this report (apologies for any misspellings due to my misinterpretation of handwriting from the bird logs): Dave Allan, Mark Analeson, Torben Anderson, Neil & Lindsay Anderson, Paul Aubrey, Jean Aven, Simon & Karen Bates, Luc Bekaert, Rob Belterman, Daniel Beuker, Steve Bird, Greet Boomhouwer (via Observado), Roger Broad, Bob Brussard, Bob Buckler (Wingspan), Roger Butts, John Buxton, Dennis Capewell, Steve Chalmers, Robin Chittenden (Limosa), R Cockram, Janet & Foster Cooper, Jason Coppock, Gavin Coultrip, Mel Cowton, Joy Crawford, N W Corsby, Richard de Jonckheere (via Observado), Johan de Ryche (via Observado), Jacob Jan de Vries (via Observado), Martijn de Vries (via Observado), Rambout de Wijs (via Observado), Jelle Delavez (via Observado), Tony Disley, Ben & Hannah Driver, Liz Dudley, Gary Elton, Wouter Faveyts (via Observado), Graham Fellows, Bernie Forbes (Avian Adventures), Ian Ford (Heatherlea), Dimitris Fotiou, Mike Fox, Eleni Galinou, Gina Nichol, John & Marian Ginnever, John Glendinning, Phil & Lynne Goble, Marc Gottenbos (via Observado), Roger Halsey, Ian & Sue Hardy, Dave Hatton, Kevin Hazelgrove, Chris Hill, Mike Hodgkin (Naturetrek), Anja Hoff (via Observado), Caroline Hoff (via Observado), Ronald Hofmeester (via Observado), Tim Hofmeester (via Observado), Dave & Anne Holden, Mike Inskipp, Peter Isaakidis (via Observado), Wulf & Eva Kappes, Chris Kehoe, Chris Klaassen (via Observado), Geert Lamers (via Observado), Nick & Hazel Leech, Rob Leslie, Mervyn Lloyd, Maurice Local, Lesvos Wildlife Hospital, Paul Manning, Vera Manning, Dave & Lorraine Marsden, John & Shena Maskell, Jim McLeod, Sue & Ian Misselbrook, Killian Mullarney (Sunbird), Chris Murphy (Naturetrek), Sean Murphy, Rob Murray, Christer Neiderman, Christian Nielsen, Jonathan Norgate, Dave & Jackie Nurney, Dave & Lin Oulsnom, James Packer, Ian Pitts, Bob Price, Nikos Probonas (via OrnithoTopos), Ermis Psomos, Mario Renden (via Observado), Steve Roberts, Terry Robinson (via OrnithoTopos), Roy & Moira Hargreaves, Marcel Ruijs (via Observado), Robert Saxton, Peter Schaft (via Observado), Martin Shave, Joost Simons (via Observado), Andy Steele, Bernie Smith, J Sohier, Kevin & Sue Spencer, George Spyridakis, Pierre Stassin, Helen & Jeff Stedman, Colin & Christine Stephens, Mark Sullivan, Tony Swann, Marguirite Sweers, Graham Tebb, Jean & Dick Temple, Pantelis Thomaidis, Karen & Les Thompson, Trisha & Mike Thompson, Reg Thorpe (Naturetrek), Tony Thunder, Petros Tsakmakis, Cor van Aart (via Observado), Marijn van de Barak (via Observado), Peter van der Braak (via Observado), Eric van Tilaart (via Observado), Howard Vaughan, Diemer Vercayie (via Observado), Floris Vissert (via Observado), Syise Vleigen (via Observado), Benny Voorn (via Observado), Andre Vuijk (via Observado), Phil & Ellen Wells, Nick Whelan, Chris Wilson, Dave & Linda Witton, Marianne Wustenhoff (via Observado), Steven Wytema (via Observado), Eef Zwang (via Observado) and all the many anonymous contributions either passed on to me in the field or entered in the Lesvos Birding Pasiphae Bird Log without a name (or the name was indecipherable). Thank you everyone. Many individuals are credited personally within the species accounts. (MO) within the species accounts denotes many observers. Anonymous and indecipherable names from the Lesvos Birding Log at the Hotel Pasiphae are credited within the species accounts as Lesvos Birding Log. Photographer and drawings Id like to pay particular thanks to the photographers who have contributed images to this report: Mark Cassidy, Ian Ford, Eva Foss, Kevin Hazelgrove, Barry Jackson, E & W Kappes, Christian Nielsen, Ray Purser (http://www.pbase.com/raypurser/lesvos), Mick Sveikutis (Lesvos birders photo sharing at www.flickr.com/groups/1594563@N20/), Colin Stephens, Pantelis Thomaidis, Petros Tsakamkis, Erwin van Laar, Chris Vlachos, Benny Voorm and Steven Wytema. Many of the photographers post their images on the Lesvos Birders Facebook group (http://www.facebook.com/groups/271104122899599/) Also Paul Parsons kindly allowed me to reproduce his drawing of Common Rosefinch.
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Report preparation I also thank Nikos Probonas, Lefteris Kakalis, Tony Swann and Steven Wytema for comments and help with this report. Id like to thank the Hellenic Rarities Committee for providing me with details of national rarities for use in this report. Lesvos Birding I would like to thank the Pasiphae Hotel and Taverna Dionysos for hosting the Lesvos Birding Logbooks throughout the year; Tsalis Car Rental; and in particular the following tavernas for catering for my groups during my spring weeks on the island: Dionysos (Skala Kallonis), Soulatso (Skala Eresou), Australia (Sigri), Achilles Well (Petri) and the fish taverna at Ancient Pyrrha; and lastly the Pasiphae Hotel for their hospitality. All this help aside, I of course take full responsibility for any errors. If you spot something please email me. Steve Dudley | 28 February 2013
Molivos Harbour, a great place for a relaxed lunch or evening meal. May 2012 Mick Sveikutis

Andissa square, a lovely shady spot for a cool drink on a hot day when birding out west. May 2012 Mick Sveikutis

Steve Dudley | Lesvos Birding 2013


Lesvos Birds 2012


Key to status codes used within the species accounts c = common s = scarce r = rare f = former R resident RB resident breeder MB migrant breeder NB non-breeder (species with no clear seasonal bias birds can be found in any month) OB casual/occasional breeder IB introduced breeder SP spring passage AP autumn passage PM passage migrant (spring and autumn) W winter visitor V vagrant ? status uncertain * species requiring supporting notes/evidence by LBRC or HRC all records to be submitted via LBRC see Introduction above. This fourth annual report incorporates Birds of Lesvos I published in 2012. Its will be easier to maintain just one document and makes the annual report more useful now it contains all the information in one place each year. The figures listed after the status of vagrants and some rare migrant species, e.g. 1 | 7+ (23+), denote the following: the first figure is the number of records in 2012, the second number is the total number of known records and the number in brackets is the total number of known individuals making up the total number of records (when this is different to the total number of known records). So 1 | 7+ (23+) indicates a single record in 2012, with a total of 7+ known records comprising 23+ individuals. Taxonomy and nomenclature Since Lesvos is visited, and my website and reports are read, by birders from around the world, I continue to follow the IOC World Bird List (www.worldbirdnames.org). I will follow the sequence and scientific names used by the IOC. The English names used will be based on the IOC World Bird List name. Where the popular English name is different from the IOC name, or some part of the name is simply not used, this will be made clear. Some examples Chukar (Partidge), Black-throated Diver (Loon), White-winged (Black) Tern. The words in parentheses denote the variable part of the name either included or excluded by the IOC. The reason for this is that some of the IOCs English names have not yet reached popular usage in Europe (e.g. Black-throated Loon which at a European level will never be used) and some names are recent changes (e.g. Eurasian Bittern replacing Great Bittern) whilst Red Knot, Northern Wheatear and Barn Swallow are all now widely used. I also differ from the IOC World Bird List in some of its family presentations. Honey-buzzard is used instead of Honey Buzzard to denote that Honey-buzzards (Pernis) are a distinct family to Buzzards (Buteo). Similarly, I use Rock-thrush and Bush-robin to differentiate these families.

Steve Dudley | Lesvos Birding 2013


Lesvos Birds 2012

Notes on the Species List The species list that follows includes details of all known species recorded on the island. All species recorded during 2012 have comments on their occurrence, and for species not recorded during the year, this is noted. The report includes some notable records from previous years that have either only just come to light or have only just been accepted by the relevant committees. This provides an opportunity to confirm these in a dedicated Lesvos publication and to include photographs where appropriate. Of the records received for 2012, few breeding records were received. I would urge those submitting records to provide any evidence of breeding (display, obvious territory being held, birds visiting nest, young seen, etc.). Many notable rare species are included within this report including details of the first Lesvos records of Kittiwake and Caspian Gull; the second records of Spectacled Warbler and Finschs Wheatear; the third record of Common Rosefinch; the fourth to sixth records of Red Knot; the fifth record of Magpie; the sixth record of Black-winged Pratincole; the sixth and seventh records of Stock Dove; the seventh and eighth records of Blue- cheeked Bee-eater; ninth records of Terek Sandpiper and White-throated Robin; plus records of Common Pochard, Ferruginous Duck, Cattle Egret, Griffon Vulture, Golden Eagle, Baillons Crake, Spur-winged Plover and Red-necked Phalarope; and confirmed breeding of Mallard and Common Starling. HRC are also looking at records of Steppe Buzzard which if confirmed will be the first records for Lesvos. As ever some reports never materialized into submiited records. First and last dates of migrants are more a reflection of coverage than they are of genuine arrival and departure dates. The Lesvos Bird List 323 species have been recorded from the island as at 31 December 2012. I have been collating records for Lesvos since 2005, and publishing an annual report since 2009. Individual observers of rare records are noted in the source items (e.g. previous annual reports) and for any records from 2012. Prior to 2005, Richard Brooks maintained an informal recording setup and many records were published in his publications (listed in references). These records have been reviewed in detail and many have been accepted on face value, but other records, particularly of rare species (including species new for the island and/or Greece) have been excluded from the official accepted list because no formal vetting of these records has taken place. For completeness, such records have been included within the species accounts (for species on the Lesvos List) or in Appendix 3 to indicate these records are known and if observers are able to submit further details these will be considered by HRC. Some of these records have been formally submitted and those that have been accepted are included within the main species accounts along with rejected and unconfirmed records. For records of species not on the Lesvos List, two of the appendices include (1) species submitted to HRC but rejected along with those species reported but never formally submitted by HRC (so these species are not on the Lesvos List) (Appendix 3) and (2) escapes recorded from Lesvos (Appendix 4). Some species have been reported far more often than the accepted records suggest (as seen by the unconfirmed records listed within the individual species accounts), e.g. White-throated Robin and Blue- cheeked Bee-eater. Many of these species, including the two examples, are national rarities in Greece. In such instances I strictly follow the HRC and only include as accepted those records that HRC have vetted and accepted.

Steve Dudley | Lesvos Birding 2013


Lesvos Birds 2012

CHUKAR (PARTRIDGE) Alectoris chukar sRB Occurs mainly in the rocky areas of the centre, north and west of the island. Some birds are released each year by hunters to help replace those shot during the hunting season. There is a small population on the eastern side of the Gulf of Kalloni which is thought to be solely sustained by released birds and is therefore deemed not wild. Reported from central and western areas including Almiropotamos River (Vatera), Antissa, Ipsilou area, Kavaki, Limonos monastery area, Makara, Meladia Valley, North Coast track, Parakila, Perasma, Petrified Forest, Potamia, Sigri area, Eresos area and Upper Tsiknias River. 10 Kavaki 18 Sep (S Wytema et al) was the only double-figure count received. COMMON QUAIL Coturnix coturnix sPM, OB? () Usually encountered in spring Apr-May, when non-calling birds are also flushed from grassy areas bordering south-facing beaches and river mouths. Also recorded Aug-Sep. No confirmed breeding records, but occasional breeding suspected. Three records: A mobile bird calling in fields in the Lotzaria area 24 Apr (S Wytema, C Murphy et al); one along the Tsiknais River 11 May (photo: E van Laar); and one flushed from near the Tsiknias River mouth 12 May (S P Dudley).


Common Quail Coturnix coturnix, Tsiknias River, May 2012 Erwin van Laar

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Lesvos Birds 2012

COMMON PHEASANT Phasianus colchicus rRB () A small naturalised population just about persists due to birds being released for hunting. It is not even recorded annually by birders. Recent records from near Skalochori and Platania. Two records: 1 Platania 4 & 5 May (S P Dudley, W Faveyts) and 1 Kavaki 12 May (R de Wijs). GREYLAG GOOSE Anser albifrons V* 0 | 1 No records in 2012. One accepted record: 2011: 3 adults Upper Tsiknias River 27 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2011). GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE * Anser albifrons V* 0 | 5+ No records in 2012. Around five accepted records, the most recent: 2003: 1 nr Kalloni Saltpans 2527 Mar (Brooks 2003). 2006: 12 Kalloni Saltpans, 13 Feb (Kakalis E.) RED-BREASTED GOOSE * Branta ruficollis V* 0 | 2 No records in 2012. Two accepted records: 2006: 1 found shot Kalloni area Jan and a second bird Tsiknias River 28 Jan (HRC06). MUTE SWAN Cygnus olor rW () A rare winter visitor in varying numbers to coastal wetland areas and inland reservoirs. No records in 2012. Recent records: 2006: 21 (inc. 6 juveniles) in total at Kalloni saltpans, Mesa Wetlands, Christou River and Noutzaria 13 Feb (E Kakalis). 2009: up to 7 lingered around Kalloni Saltpans area to 24 April (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2011: Small numbers recorded from the Kalloni area, Mesa and Parakila Marsh in to April (Lesvos Birds 2011).

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Lesvos Birds 2012

WHOOPER SWAN * Cygnus cygnus V* 0 | 4 No records in 2012. Four accepted records: 1993: 1 Skala Kallonis pool Dec 93Feb 94 (Brooks 1998). 2003: 9 Mesa and Kalloni Saltpans mid-Jan (Brooks 2003). 2006: 1 Gulf of Kalloni off Kalloni area Jan (E Galinou). 2009: 4 Gulf of Kalloni off Mesa 1 Jan (Lesvos Birds 2009). BEWICK'S SWAN (TUNDRA SWAN) * Cygnus columbianus bewickii V* 0 | 1 No records in 2012. One accepted record: 2006: 4 Kalloni area 27 Jan (HRC06). COMMON SHELDUCK Tadorna tadorna rRB, sPM Small numbers winter NovApr, with passage noted MarMay and less so Sep-Oct. Occasional breeding pair recorded. Polichnitos Saltpans Recorded in all but one month (Aug), but in lower numbers than 2011, with max. counts as follows (all T Robinson) Jan (46), Feb (16), Mar (29), Apr (30), May (12), Jun (6), Jul (4), Aug (0), Sep (7), Oct (6), Nov (18) and Dec (34). Kalloni Saltpans & Alykes Wetlands Winter max. 133 on 17 Jan (E Kakalis, F Psarros); Apr max. 22 on 26th (S Wytema et al); 2 through May (MO); and 20 on 20 Sep (S Wytema et al). Other sites Alikoudi Pool MarMay (MO); Christou (Kamares) River MarApr (MO); 2 Makara 7 May (G Boomhouwer); Mesa max. 24 on 2 May (S Wytema et al); 2 Tsiknias River 28 Apr 1 May (T Hofmeester, W Vergoossen). Breeding No records. RUDDY SHELDUCK Tadorna ferruginea rRB, sPM Birds present all months with small numbers breeding. Peak numbers in spring when passage birds also occur MarMay, with double-figure flocks usual in the Kalloni area. Smaller numbers on passage AugSep. JanFeb Winter max. 144 Alykes Wetlands 17 Jan (E Kakalis, F Psarros); 23 recorded from Mesa, Polichnitos Saltpans and Tsiknias River. MarMay Recorded daily throughout from Kalloni Saltpans & Alykes Wetlands with max. 80 on 23 Apr (K Mullarney); 16 birds recorded from Alikoudi Pool, Faneromeni, Kalami Marsh, Makara, Mesa Wetlands, Perasma Reservoir, Perivolis Monastery, Platania, Polichnitos Saltpans, Potamia Valley, Sigri, Skala Kallonis and Voulgaris River. JunOct Largest counts 8 Sigri end of Meladia Valley 24 June (J Delavez) and 7 Voulgaris River 11 Jul (P Schaft); 15 recorded from Kalloni Saltpans, Mesa, Perasma Reservoir and Polichnitos Saltpans. NovDec 13 recorded from Kalloni Saltpans, Perasma Reservoir and Polichnitos Saltpans. Breeding 2 prs with young on pools between Aghios Stephanos and Palios (P & V Manning), a pr with young at Faneromeni (B Forbes et al) and a pr with young Meladia Valley (P & V Manning).
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GADWALL * Anas strepera V* 0 | 11+ No records in 2012. 2006: additional records: 1 Alykes Wetlands 13 Feb (E Kakalis); max. winter count of 53 (inc. 11 Skala Kallonis Pool and 42 Alykes Wetlands 17 Feb (E Kakalis); 39 (inc. 5 Skala Kallonis Pool and 34 Alykes Wetlands 27 Feb (E Kakalis); 16 Alykes wetlands 6 Mar (E Kakalis); 1 Alykes Wetlands 21 Mar (E Kakalis). Other accepted records: 2003: male nr Kalloni Saltpans May; fem Metochi Lake Aug (Brooks 2003) 2006: 1 Metochi Lake May (per S P Dudley). 2010: 6 Polichnitos Saltpans 25 Jan (Lesvos Birds 2010). EURASIAN WIGEON Anas penelope sW () Small numbers OctApr. Highest recorded count 493 Gulf of Kalloni wetlands 8 Feb 06 (E Kakalis). Four records: Max winter count 65 at Gulf of Kalloni wetlands inc. 58 Kalloni Saltpans 17 Jan (E Kakalis); 3 Polichnitos Saltpans 31 Jan (T Robinson); 2 Kalloni Saltpans 3 Oct (R Thorpe, M Hodgson); and 2 Polichnitos Saltpans 6 Oct (T Robinson). MALLARD Anas platyrhynchos sW, rRB Small numbers NovApr. Breeding confirmed Kalloni area from 2009. JanFeb Max winter count 75 at Gulf of Kalloni wetlands inc. 53 Kalloni Saltpans 17 Jan (E Kakalis); up to 4 Polichnitos Saltpans (T Robinson). MarMay 17 reported from the Kalloni area, Kalami Marsh and Mesa Wetlands. JunOct No records Jun Aug. 1 Skala Eresou 3 Sep (T Swann) and max. 17 Perasma Reservoir 20 Sep (S Wytema et al). Breeding 2 pairs: females seen with young at Skala Kallonis 10 May (6 young) and on the Tsiknias River 17 May (7 young) (S P & E F Dudley). 2009: breeding confirmed Ntippi wetlands with 12 breeding pairs (E Kakalis). This becomes the first comfirmed breeding record for Lesvos. Recent notable records: 2011: Confirmed breeding: at least four pairs bred in the Kalloni area (Lesvos Birds 2011). NORTHERN SHOVELER Anas clypeata sW () Small numbers SepMay. Highest recorded count 176 Gulf of Kalloni wetlands 8 Feb 06 (E Kakalis). JanFeb 1 Polichnitos Saltpans 8 Feb (T Robinson). MarMay 1 Kalloni Saltpans 28 Mar (J Devalez). JunOct Polichnitos Saltpans 8 on 20 Jun, singles on 10 & 29 Jul and 4 Sep and 2 on 20 Sep (all T Robinson). NovDec Present Kalloni Saltpans 2 Nov (E & W Kappes).

Steve Dudley | Lesvos Birding 2013


Lesvos Birds 2012

NORTHERN PINTAIL Anas acuta sW ( ) Small numbers SepApr. JanFeb No records. MarMay 1 Kalloni Saltpans 19 Apr (R Thorpe, C Murphy et al). JunOct 12 Kalloni Saltpans 20 30 Sep (S Wytema, R Thorpe, M Hodgson et al) and 1 Polichnitos Saltpans 1 Oct (R Thorpe, M Hodgson et al). NovDec Present Kalloni Saltpans 2 Nov (E & W Kappes). GARGANEY Anas querquedula sSP, rAP () Occurs offshore and on reservoirs and saltpans MarMay, with smaller numbers AugSep. Occasionally seen in large numbers, e.g. c.500 on sea off Kalloni Saltpans 31 Mar 02 (Brooks 2002). MarMay Recorded 28 Mar 18 May. First returning birds 10 Polichnitos Saltpans (T Robinson) and 20 Kalloni Saltpans (A Hoff) on 28 Mar followed by 8 Kalloni Saltpans 19 Apr. 15 daily Kalloni Saltpans & Alykes Wetlands 23 Apr 18 May. JulSep Present at Polichnitos Saltpans 31 Jul 22 Sep with max. 17 on 13 & 31 Aug (T Robinson, G Coultrip). A single bird Perasma Reservoir 17 20 Sep (S Wytema et al). 2009: 14 Mar 18 May and 1 Aug 1 Oct; max. 15 on 7 Aug (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 9 Mar 5 May and 22 Jul 27 Sep; max. 25 on 26 Apr (Lesvos Birding 2010). 2011: 5 Apr 4 May and 20 Jul 28 Aug; max. 13 on 10 Aug (Lesvos Birds 2011).
Garganey Anas querquedula, Alykes Wetlands, May 2012 Kevin Hazelgrove

EURASIAN TEAL Anas crecca sW, sPM () Small numbers AugApr. JanFeb 6 Polichnitos Saltpans 4 Feb ( Robinson). MarMay No records. JunOct Polichnitos Saltpans 18 Aug 27 Oct with max. 15 on 25 Aug (T Robinson); Perasma Reservoir 18 Sep 3 Oct with max. 14 on 3 Oct (R Thorpe, M Hodgson et al). NovDec Present Kalloni Saltpans 2 Nov (E & W Kappes). 2006: 712 in total at Gulf of Kalloni wetland sites (highest count 394 Skala Kalloni pool), 26 Jan (E Kakalis); 427 in total at Gulf of Kalloni wetland sites (highest count 324 Skala Kalloni pool) 8 Feb (E Kakalis). 2009: to 16 Apr and from 29 Aug (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: to 8 Apr and from 23 Aug (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 5 Apr 4 May and 20 Jul 28 Aug (Lesvos Birds 2011).

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Lesvos Birds 2012

COMMON POCHARD * Aythya ferina Two records (accepted by LBRC): An adult female Alykes Wetlands 2328 Apr (K Mullarney, S P Dudley et al) and an adult male Perasma Reservoir 23 Apr 10 May (photo: H Vaughan, S P Dudley et al). 2006: additional records: male at Potamia Reservoir 7 Jan; 62 Gulf of Kalloni wetlands 26 Jan; 43 at Potamia reservoir 17 Feb; 5 at Potamia reservoir and 1 at Skala Kalloni pool 27 Feb (all E Kakalis).
Common Pochard Aythya ferina with Common Coot Fulica atra, Perasma Reservoir, April 2012 Steve Dudley

V* 2 | 18

Other accepted records: 1998: 3 Kalloni Saltpans 12 Jan, 5 Perasma Reservoir 27 Jan, 1 Skala Eresou 5 Aug (Brooks 1998). 2000: fem Skala Kallonis Pool 5 23 Apr (Brooks 2000, 2003). 2003: 1 Skala Kallonis Pool 23 Apr (Brooks 2000, 2003). 2006: 1 Kalloni Salpans Jan and Potamia Reservoir 1-2 in Mar, May & Sep 06 (E Galinou, T Robinson). 2007: 1 Polichnitos Saltpans 19 Aug (T Robinson). 2009: male Polichnitos Saltpans 28 Jul (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 1 Mesa 29 Dec (Lesvos Birds 2010). FERRUGINOUS DUCK * Aythya nyroca V* 4 | 18+ () Four records (accepted by LBRC): Spring Ad male off Skamnioudi 27 Apr (M Sweers); ad male Tsiknias River mouth 30 Apr 3 May (S P Dudley et al) presumed same Metochi Lake 5 May (J Packer, A Slade et al); ad male Almyropotamos River (Lisvorio) 10 31 May (photo: M Analeson, T Robinson et al). Autumn Ad male Perasma Reservoir 25 27 Sep (photo: B Voorn). Number of Ferruginous Duck records (not individuals) 2002 2012:
Spring Autumn 2001 0 0 2002 1 0 2003 0 0 2004 0 0 2005 2006 0 0 0 0 2007 1 0 2008 1 0 2009 0 0 2010 1 1 2011 2 1 2012 3 1

One record not accepted by LBRC: 1 Alykes Wetlands 28 Mar. Fourteen other accepted records: 1985: 7 Mesa 13 Apr with 4 to 10 Apr (Brooks 1998). 1987: male Skala Kallonis Pool 11 Apr (Brooks 1998). 1998: 2 Mikri Limni 28 Mar, 1 Perasma Reservoir 5 Apr, 1 Skala Kallonis Pool 1617 Apr (Brooks 1998). 2000: male and fem Parakila Marsh 910 Apr (Brooks 2000). 2002: male Gulf of Kalloni off Skala Kallonis 17 Apr (M Newell et al). 2007: male Perasma Reservoir May (MO). 2008: fem Skala Kallonis Pool Apr (MO). 2010: 1 Meladia Valley ford pool 30 Mar; 1 Perasma Reservoir 27-28 Aug (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: fem Kalloni Saltpans 11 12 Apr; fem Alykes Wetlands 29 Apr; 2 Perasma Reservoir 3 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2011).
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TUFTED DUCK * Aythya fuligula Not recored in 2012. Three accepted records: 1998: 3 Perasma Reservoir 27 Jan (Brooks 1998). 2001: 1 Tsiknias River 35 pr (Brooks 2001). 2002: fem Skala Kallonis Pool 20 Mar with 2 there 31 Mar (Brooks 2002). GREATER SCAUP * Aythya marila No records in 2012. One accepted record: 2006: 1 Gulf of Kalloni off Kalloni Saltpans Jan (E Galinou). COMMON GOLDENEYE * Bucephala clangula () No records in 2012. Three accepted records: 1986: 3 Gulf of Kalloni off Achladeri 5 Apr (Brooks 1998). 2006: 11 (inc. 3 males) Gulf of Kalloni (E Kakalis). 2010: 1 Gulf of Kalloni off Vouvaris to Mesa area 130 Jan (Lesvos Birds 2010). SMEW * Mergellus albellus No records in 2012. One accepted record: 2006: 4 Kalloni Saltpans Jan (E Galinou). RED-BREASTED MERGANSER Mergus serrator Small numbers offshore OctApr. Two records: 3 Skala Vasilikon and 7 Mesa 7 Mar (T Robinson) WHITE-HEADED DUCK * Oxyura leucocephala () No records in 2012. One accepted record: 1991: fem shot Dec (BoG).
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V* 0 | 1

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Lesvos Birds 2012

BLACK-THROATED DIVER (LOON) Gavia arctica sW Small numbers offshore NovApr, sometimes in small groups. One record: 1 Gulf of Kalloni off Polichnitos Saltpans 13 Jan 7 Feb (T Robinson). 2009: 2 records, 3 off Skala Vasilikon 3 Feb and 1 off Skala Polichnitou on 8 Dec (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 5 between Polichnitos Saltpans and Vouvaris River mouth 1 Jan 6 Mar (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 4 records, present off Vouvaris River mouth 1 Jan, 1 off Polichnitos Saltpans 8 Apr, 2 off Tsiknias River mouth 1 May and 1 off Kalloni Saltpans 4 May (Lesvos Birds 2011). SCOPOLIS SHEARWATER Calonectris diomedea sPM, rMB? Small numbers (but flocks of 100+ not unusual) offshore MarOct. May breed on some of the offshore islands. Best looked for off the south (e.g. Agios Fokas) and west coasts (e.g. Skala Eresou). Reported 1 Apr 2 Jun and 25 Jul 2 Sep from all coasts. Larger counts: 300 off Molivos 19 Apr (R Thorpe, C Murphy et al), 50+ off Faneromeni beach 1 & 2 May (G Lamers, W Vergoossen) and 85 of Molivos 1 May (T Hofmeester). Some very good close views were again enjoyed by some off Cape Lena (near airport). 2009: max. 6 off Mytilini aiport beach 16 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: max. 200 off Molivos 13 May (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: max. 50 off Faneromeni 24 May (Lesvos Birds 2011). YELKOUAN SHEARWATER Puffinus yelkouan sRB ( ) Present offshore all months with flocks of several hundred, even over thousand, not unexpected. Noteable record: est. 10,000 in four hours on 19 Apr 02 (Brooks 2002) and 10,000 off Polichnitos Saltpans 25 Feb 12. Recorded Jan Sep from all coasts. Counts of over 1000 birds: Polichnitos Saltpans several counts over 1000 with a max. of 10,000 on 25 Feb (T Robinson), 4000 off Neopoli (nr Mytilini) 1 Apr (J Delavez), 1600 off Kavaki 28 Mar (G Lamers, W Vergoossen), 6000 off Skala Eresou 1 May (S P Dudley et al), 1500 off Faneromeni 2 May (G Lamers, W Vergoossen) and 1000 off Faneromeni 27 May (M Renden). 2009: max. 200 off Skala Eresou 24 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: max. 2000 off Faneromeni 5 May (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: max. 1000 off Agios Fokas 27 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2011). LITTLE GREBE Tachybaptus ruficollis sRB, sW () Small numbers breed along the wetter rivers (e.g. Potamia) and the larger inland water bodies such as Metochi Lake. Breeding 1 pr Metochi Lake seen with 2 young 9 May (S P Dudley et al) with a second pr present; pr present Meladia Valley Ford; 2 prs present Pithariou Reservoir; 2 prs present Pandeleimonas Pools (Eresos); pr present Potamia Valley. Other sites Perasma Reservoir max. 100 on 3 Oct (R Thorpe, M Hodgson et al); Potamia Reservoir max. 25 on 15 Sep (S Wytema et al); and 16 reported from Dipi Larisos, Kalloni Saltpans, Klio, Mesa and Parakila.
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2009: max. 42 Potamia Reservoir 7 Nov (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: max. 103 Perasma Reservoir 16 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: max. 61 Potamia Reservoir 19 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2011).

RED-NECKED GREBE * Podiceps grisegena V* 0 | 4 No records in 2012. Four accepted records: 1994: 1 Kalloni Saltpans mid-July (Brooks 1998). 2002: 20+ Gulf of Kalloni 18 25 Mar (Brooks 2002) 2003: 1 off Skala Kallonis 26 31 Mar and presumed same off Skala Polichnitou 14 Apr (Brooks 2003). 2009: 1 off Skala Kallonis 11 14 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2009) GREAT CRESTED GREBE Podiceps cristatus cW Gulf of Kalloni holds large numbers (1200+) DecFeb, otherwise small numbers offshore OctMay. Gulf of Kalloni Largest counts off Skala Polichnitou with max. first winter period count 1153 on 23 Jan and max. second winter period 198 on 26 Dec (T Robinson); also recorded off Kalloni Saltpans/Alykes Wetlands, Mesa, Skala Kallonis, Skala Vasilikon, Tsiknias River mouth and Vouvaris River mouth. Gulf of Gera 2 off Dipi Larisos 26 Apr (S P Dudley et al). 2009: max. 367 off Skala Polichnitou 22 Feb (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: max. 283 off Skala Polichnitou 10 Jan (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: max. 600 off Skala Polichnitou 11 Mar (Lesvos Birds 2011).
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Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis, with two small young on its back, Metochi Lake, May 2012 Michael Sveikutis

Lesvos Birds 2012

BLACK-NECKED GREBE Podiceps nigricollis sW Small numbers offshore, in river mouths and on inland reservoirs from NovMay. Gulf of Kalloni 2 off Kalloni Saltpans & Alykes Wetlands 1 Jan (T Robinson); 12 Polichnitos Saltpans 7 Feb 19 Mar (T Robinson); 1 off Tsiknias River mouth, Lotzaria and Alykes Wetlands 22 Apr 2 May (J & M Ginnever et al); 1 off Polichnitos Saltpans 16 25 Dec (T Robinson). Inland 4 Potamia Reservoir 18 Sep (S & I Misselbrook). 2009: to 9 Mar and from 30 Nov; max. 4 on 19 Dec (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: to 10 Mar and from 2 Dec; max. 6 on 9 Jan (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: to 13 Apr and from 22 Sep; max. 9 on 8 Jan t (Lesvos Birds 2011). GREATER FLAMINGO Phoenicopterus ruber sR, OB, rPM, () Present SepMay with some non-breeding birds JunAug. Attempted to breed, e.g. 33 nests all abandoned, Kalloni Saltpans 02 (Brooks 2002). Most birds seen at Kalloni and Polichnitos Saltpans, with occasional birds at Mesa pool and at river mouths. Numbers can exceed 1000 birds. Max. monthly counts from the two saltpans (n/c = no count):
Polichnitos SP Kalloni SP Jan 129 n/c Feb 86 n/c Mar 60 n/c Apr 29 130 May 3 68 Jun 0 n/c Jul 1 400 Aug 155 740 Sep 677 460 Oct 347 n/c Nov 187 n/c Dec 281 n/c

Numbers well down in the first half of the year. Other sites Small numbers also recorded from Alikoudi Pool, Alykes Wetlands, Christou (Kamares) River, Mesa, Skala Vasilikon and Tsiknias River. 120 seen flying past Kavaki 1 May (G Lamers, W Vergoossen). 2009: max. 800 off Kalloni Saltpans 18 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: max. 2010 Kalloni Saltpans 21 Dec is an island record count (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: max. 1765 Kalloni Saltpans 3 Jan (Lesvos Birds 2011). BLACK STORK Ciconia nigra sRB, sPM Occurs all months, mainly on passage, but with 10+ breeding pairs in pine forests. Has over-wintered annually since 2005. Max. monthly counts from the two saltpans:
Polichnitos SP Kalloni SP Jan 0 1 Feb 1 0 Mar 1 0 Apr 1 9 May Jun 0 0 6 1 Jul 5 52 Aug 5 14 Sep 17 9 Oct 15 0 Nov 30 9 Dec 8 0

Other sites JanMar Christou (Kamares) River. AprJun Achladeri Forest, Agriosikos, Apothika, Christou (Kamares) River, Dimitrios, Dipi Larisos, Kalami Marsh, Kalloni Raptor Watchpoint, Kantria Marsh, Lardia Valley, Madaros, Meladia Valley, Mesa Wetlands, Mesotopos, Metochi, Mikri Limni, Napi Valley, Pandeleimonas Lakes (Eresos), Parakila, Perasma, Petrified Forest, Pithariou Reservoir, Platania, Potamia, Sigri, Skala Eresou, Skala Kallonis, Tsiknias River, Vigla and Voulgaris River. JulOct Achladeri Forest, Christou (Kamares) River, Kalloni Holiday Village, Metochi, Perasma, Potamia, Tsiknias River and Vafios.

Steve Dudley | Lesvos Birding 2013

Lesvos Birds 2012

Breeding The only confirmed breeding were nests with adults present in spring in Napi Valley and in Achladeri Forest. 2009: max. 21 Polichnitos Saltpans 21 22 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: max. 9 Kalloni Saltpans 23 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: max. 23 Kalloni Saltpans 10 Aug (Lesvos Birds 2011). WHITE STORK Ciconia ciconia sRB, sPM Occurs all months, mainly on passage, but also several breeding pairs on rooftops, church steeples, poles and chimneys. Recent nests in Papiana (rooftop), Mandamados (chimney), Agias Paraskevi (chimney) and Polichnitos (chimney). Occasionally over-winters. Recorded 29 Mar 29 Sep from many sites across the island. Highest counts 21 Polichnitos Saltpans 2 Jul (T Robinson) and 17 Kalloni Saltpans 23 Jul (J Norgate). Breeding Occupied nests at Kalloni (chimney), Skala Kallonis (rooftop), Mandamados (chimney) and Agia Paraskevi (chimney) and Polichnitos (chimney). GLOSSY IBIS Plegadis falcinellus sSP, rAP () Can occur in sizable flocks MarMay, with much smaller numbers AugOct. Spring Recorded 16 Mar 1 Jun. Kalloni Saltpans & Alykes Wetlands max. 35 on 21 Apr (H Vaughan et al); Polichnitos Saltpans max. 3 on 30 31 Mar (T Robinson); Tsiknias River max. 20 on 21 Apr (S Wytema et al); Christou (Kamares) River max. 21 on 4 May (J Simons). Also 1 nr the airport 27 Apr (W Vergoossen) and 11 Potamia Valley 28 Apr (G Lamers, W Vergoossen). 2009: 5 27 Apr, max. 83 on 24 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 27 Mar 20 May, max. 180 on 6 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 3 Apr 14 May, max. 200 on 19 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2011). EURASIAN SPOONBILL Platalea leucorodia sPM () Small numbers MarMay. Increasing numbers (especially Polichnitos Saltpans) SepOct. Spring Singles Kalloni Saltpans & Alykes Wetlands 28 Mar (J Delavez), 25 & 26 Apr (S P Dudley et al), 29 Apr (S P Dudley et al) and 13 May (M Wustenhoff). Autumn Polichnitos Saltpans 28 Jul 16 Oct max. 7 on 15 Oct (T Robinson). Second winter period 1 Polichnitos Saltpans 27 Nov and 28 Dec (T Robinson). 2011: Additional record: 5 Kalloni Saltpans 16 May (photo: M & J Cassidy).
Steve Dudley | Lesvos Birding 2013 33 Black Stork Ciconia nigra, Kalloni Saltpans, May 2012 Steve Dudley

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2009: 12 Mar 30 May and 21 Jul 6 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 15 Apr 2 May and 7 Sep 28 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 3 Mar 16 May and 19 Sep 19 Oct (Lesvos Birding 2011). EURASIAN BITTERN Botaurus stellaris rW, rPM () Single birds usually encountered OctMay around obvious wetland and river areas. One record: A well-watched and greatly enjoyed individual present at Kalami and Mesa Wetlands 25 Apr 2 May (S Roberts, S P Dudley et al). Number of spring Great Bitterns (individual birds) 2009 2012
Spring 2009 4 2010 3 2011 4 2012 1

2009: 4 records, 13 Apr 3 May. 2010: 3+ records, 22 Apr 1 May. 2011: 1 winter record, 17 Jan; 4 spring records, 18 29 Apr. LITTLE BITTERN Ixobrychus minutus sSP, rAP () Common in spring (AprJun) around any wetland and river areas inc. even the smallest of culverts and drains with cover. Scarcer during autumn (AugOct). Spring Recorded 18 Apr 1 Jun: Tsiknias River max. 8 on 11 May (C Klaassen); Metochi Lake max. 6 on 29 Apr (T Hoffmeester). 14 recorded from Almiropotamos River (Vatera), Dipi Larisos, Faneromeni, Kalami Marsh, Makara, Meladia Valley, Mesotopos, Parakila, Potamia, Sigri Fields, Skala Eresou, Skala Kallonis and Vouvaris River. Autumn Singles at Meladia Valley 24 Jun (J Devalez) and Metochi Lake 12 Aug (P Stassin). BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT-HERON Nycticorax nycticorax sPM () Occurs more commonly in spring (MarMay) but small numbers SepOct. Noteable record: flocks of 32 Kalloni Saltpans 18 Apr 08 (with 53 Purple Herons) exceptional (S P Dudley). Spring Recorded 22 Apr 1 Jun: Tsiknias River max. 8 on 18 May (S P & E F Dudley et al); Metochi Lake max. 4 on 26 May (B Forbes et al). 1 -3 recorded from near Skamnioudi, Christou (Kamares) River, Faneromeni, Kremastes, Meladia Valley, Pithariou Reservoir, Potamia Valley, Sigri Fields, Sigri Old Sanotorium, Skala Eresou and Skala Kallonis. Autumn 5 Metochi Lake 18 Sep (P Stassin). 2009: 8 Apr 30 May and 18 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 2 Apr 18 May and 2 Jul 22 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 16 Apr 25 May and 14 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2011).

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SQUACCO HERON Ardeola ralloides sSP, RAP () Common around wetland and river areas AprMay and smaller numbers AugOct. Spring Recorded 29 Mar 1 Jun: Kalloni Saltpans & Alykes Wetlands max. 20 on 8 May (J Simons et al); Tsiknias River max. 7 on 2 May (R de Jonckheere); Metochi Lake max. 4 on 23 Apr (S P Dudley et al); Skala Kalloni Marsh max. 12 on 4 May (W Faveyts); Skala Kallonis Pool max. 7 on 9 May (R de Wijs). 13 recorded from near near Skamnioudi, Christou (Kamares) River, Dipi Larisos, Faneromeni, Kalami Marsh, Kremastes, Makara, Meladia Valley, Mesa, Petrfied Forest, Polichnitos Saltpans, Pithariou and Sigri Fields. 2009: 6 Apr 24 May and 8 Aug 23 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 3 Apr 4 Jun and 30 Oct 21 Nov (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 13 Apr 5 Jun and 22 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2011). WESTERN CATTLE EGRET * Bubulcus ibis V * 1 | 8 (11) One record (accepted by LBRC): 1 Alykes Wetlands 20 Apr (photo: B Brussard). Recent accepted records: 2007: 1 nr Sigri Dec (HRC07). 2008: 1 Tsiknias River Mouth Apr (HRC08); 1 Skala Eresou Apr (HRC08); 1 Polichnitos Saltpans Dec (HRC08). 2010: 4 Mesa 1 May and 1 on flooded fields by Kalloni Saltpans 2 May (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 1 Kalloni area 17 Apr 8 May (Lesvos Birds 2011).
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Black-crowned Night-herons Nycticorax nycticorax, Tsiknias River, May 2012 Mick Sveikutis

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Unconfirmed records: 1 Sigri May 95; 1 Vasilika May 96; pr Tsiknias River Apr 99; 1 Tsiknias River Apr 00; 1 Kalloni Saltpans Apr 01; 1 nr Sigri Apr 02 (Brooks 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002). sW, sPM

GREY HERON Ardea cinerea Small numbers AugMay. Max. monthly counts from the saltpans (n/c = no count):
Jan Polichnitos SP 1 Kalloni SP / Wetlands n/c Feb 2 n/c Mar 13 n/c Apr 2 3 May 4 14 Jun 0 n/c

Jul 1 10 Aug 6 n/c Sep 17 4 Oct 15 n/c Nov 15 n/c Dec 12 n/c

Other sites: 20 Skala Kallonis 8 May (J van den Tilaart) and 12 Christou (Kamares) River 4 Sep (T Swann). 14 recorded from Aghias Stephanos, Almiropotamos River (Vatera), Dipi Larisos, Kalloni Holiday Village, Madaros, Mandamados, Meladia Valley, Mesa Marshes, Metochi Lake, Mytilini, Perasma Reservoir, Platania, Potamis, Sigri Fields, Skala Kallonis, Skala Vasilikon, Tsiknias River and Vouvaris River. PURPLE HERON Ardea purpurea sPM Small numbers, including flocks into double-figures, (mainly) MarMay and (smaller numbers) SepOct. Flocks of 60+ Vergias (Chalandra) River, Skala Eresou Apr 02 (Brooks 2002) and 53 Kalloni Saltpans Apr 08 (SPD) are exceptional. Spring Recorded 29 Mar 18 May: Achladeri, Alykes Wetlands, Christou (Kamares) River, Dipi Larisos, Faneromeni, Kalami Marsh, Kalloni Saltpans, Kandria Marshes, Meladia Valley, Mesa, Metochi Lake, Mesotopos, Pandeleimonas Lakes (Eresos), Potamia Valley, Sigri Fields, Sigri Old Sanatorium, Skala Kallonis and Tsiknias River. Double-figure counts: 14 Christou (Kamares) River 24 Apr (S Bird et al). Autumn 1 Potamia Valley 15 Sep (S Wytema et al). 2009: 6 Apr 6 May and 1 Jul 19 Sep; max. 23 Kalloni Saltpans 28 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 2 Apr 10 May and 12 Sep; max. 30 Kalloni Saltpans 3 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 5 Apr 28 May and 14 Aug 13 Sep; max. 15 Kalloni Saltpans 15 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2011). GREAT WHITE EGRET (GREAT EGRET) Ardea alba rR, sPM Small numbers all months. Max. monthly counts from the saltpans (n/c = no count):
Polichnitos SP Kalloni SP Jan 25 n/c Feb 19 n/c Mar 15 1 Apr 3 6 May 0 4 Jun 0 n/c Jul 0 n/c Aug 1 4 Sep 12 2 Oct 19 n/c Nov 36 n/c Dec 31 n/c

Other sites Recorded from (max. counts given): Almiropotamos River (Vatera) (1), Alikoudi Pool (1), Christou (Kamares) River (5), Kalami Marsh (1), Mesa (3), Metochi (2), Molivos (7), Nifida (1), Perasma (10), Sigri (1) Skala Vasilikon (1), Tsiknias River (1), Vouvaris River (1).

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2009: max. 12 Polichnitos Saltpans 1 Mar (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: max. 128 Polichnitos Saltpans 14 Nov (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: max. 32 Kalloni Saltpans 3 Jan (Lesvos Birds 2011). LITTLE EGRET Egretta garzetta () Common around wetland sites and along the coast in all months. Max. monthly counts from the saltpans (n/c = no count):
Polichnitos SP Kalloni SP Jan 0 n/c Feb 0 n/c Mar 0 1 Apr 5 28 May 2 44 Jun 1 1 Jul 3 19 Aug 26 n/c Sep 26 12 Oct 18 n/c Nov 12 1

sPM, rW

Dec 18 n/c

Other sites Recorded from (max. counts given): Alikoudi Pool (1), Christou (Kamares) River (12), Faneromeni (2), Kalami Marsh (1), Kalloni Holiday Village (1), Keramia (1), Makara (4), Mesa (2), Metochi (33), Nifida (6), Perasma (4), Pithariou Reservoir (3), Potamia Valley (4), Sigri (1) Skala Vasilikon (2), Tsiknias River (6) and Vouvaris River (1). 2009: max. 40 Polichnitos Saltpans 1213 Mar (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: max. 42 Kalloni Saltpans 26 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: max. 59 Kalloni Saltpans 10 Aug (Lesvos Birds 2011). GREAT WHITE PELICAN Pelecanus onocrotalus rPM A near annual passage migrant MarMay and SepOct. Usually 1-2, but occasionally small flocks (e.g. 18 in Sep 07) and movements, e.g. large movement in Sep 07 inc. largest confirmed flock of 144 (S P & E F Dudley). Some individuals have been caught and tamed by fisherman (e.g. bird at Skala Kallonis harbour from 1997 to present see note below). Spring Two records: 5 over Dipi Larisos 5 May (G Boomhouwer) and 1 over Kalloni Saltpans 7 May (C Klaassen). Autumn Three records: 1 Kalloni Saltpans 23 Aug (P Stassin), 6 Limani 3 Sep (T Swann) and 2 Kalloni Saltpans 22 Sep (S & I Misselbrook). 2011: Additional record: 1 over Kalloni Saltpans 8 May (photo: M & J Cassidy). Number of Great White Pelican records (not individuals) 2009 2012
Spring Autumn 2009 1 5 2010 2 2 2011 5 1 2012 2 3

2009: Spring 1 record. Autumn 5 records (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: Spring 2 records. Autumn 2 records (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: Spring 4 records. Summer 1 record (captive bird released in to wild, finding date unkown). Autumn 1 record (Lesvos Birds 2011). Please note that the bird which resides in Skala Kallonis harbour is not wild. Peggy Sue has only one leg and is usually clipped annually by the fisherman and has been in residence since 1997.

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Lesvos Birds 2012

DALMATIAN PELICAN * Pelecanus crispus Much rarer than White Pelican but occurs in similar periods, AprMay and AugSep. Spring Three records: 1 Kalloni Saltpans 26 Apr (P Aubrey, G Elton et al); 3 over Achladeri Forest 30 Apr (R & M Hargreaves); and 1 Kalloni Saltpans 4 & 5 May (R Broad, B Buckler et al). Autumn Four records: 1 Kalloni Saltpans 14 Aug (P Stassin); 1 Kalloni Saltpans 26 29 Sep (R Thorpe, M Hodgson et al); 1 Potamia Reservoir 30 Sep (R Thorpe, M Hodgson et al); and 9 Kalloni Saltpans 2 Nov (E & W Kappes) with 4 to at least 25 Nov and at least one to 26 Dec (P Tsakmakis).
Dalmatian Pelican Pelecanus crispus, Kalloni Saltpans, September 2012 Benny Voorm

rPM, rW

Number of Dalmatian Pelican records (not individuals) 2001 2012

Spring Autumn 2001 0 0 2002 1 0 2003 1 0 2004 2005 2006 0 0 0 0 0 1 2007 0 1 2008 0 0 2009 1 0 2010 0 2 2011 6 3 2012 3 4

An interesting increase in records in the last few years including wintering birds the last three winters 2010/11, 2011/12 and 2012/13. 2000: 27 Kalloni/Potamia area 29 30 Apr, 1 Skalachori 8 May (Brooks 2000). 2002: 15 over Kalloni Saltpans and Molivos 28 Mar (Brooks 2002). 2003: Kalloni Saltpans Apr (Brooks 2003). 2006: 1 Polichnitos Saltpans Aug Oct (MO). 2007: 1 Kalloni Saltpans Sep 07 (MO). 2009: 2 Kalloni Saltpans Jan 09 (E Galinou) and 1 Perasma Reservoir 3 May (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 1 Polichnitos Saltpans 23 Oct and 21 Kalloni Saltpans 23 Oct with 10 to 21 Dec and 3 into 2011 (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: First winter period 3 (from 2010) Kalloni Saltpans 20 3 Jan. Spring 6 records, 3 Mar 10 May. Autumn 3 records, 16 Jul, 10 Aug & 3 5 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2011). PYGMY CORMORANT Phalacrocorax pygmeus rW Birds recorded from coastal sites NovApr. Earliest: Vouvaris River mouth 15 Sep 08 (per S P Dudley). Two records: 2 Dipi Larisos 21 Apr 5 May (S P Dudley et al) and 1 Vergias (Chalandra) River mouth, Skala Eresou 24 Apr (R Chittenden et al). Recent records: 2010: 2 Almiropotamos River mouth (Vatera) 9 Nov (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 1 Mesa 1 Jan (Lesvos Birds 2011).

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GREAT CORMORANT Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis cW () Gulf of Kalloni holds large winter population of c.3500 birds, otherwise small numbers around coast SepApr. Max. monthly counts off Polichnitos Saltpans (T Robinson):
Polichnitos SP Jan 13 Feb 23 Mar 560 Apr 0 May 6 Jun 0 Jul 0 Aug 1 Sep 3 Oct 15 Nov 266 Dec 923

125 recorded from many coastal areas during both winter periods. EUROPEAN SHAG Phalacrocorax aristotelis desmaresti sRB () Present around the coast in all months. First winter period Gulf of Kalloni max. 35 off Tsiknias River mouth 1 Jan. Spring Gulf of Kalloni max. 18 off Polichnitos Saltpans 30 Apr. Breeding No confirmed breeding but birds recorded in and around offshore islands off Skala Eresou, Sigri, Gavathas, Petra and Garbias Island. Summer Gulf of Kalloni max. 15 off Polichnitos Saltpans 22 Jun. Autumn Gulf of Kalloni max. 28 off Polichnitos Saltpans 5 Aug. Second winter period Gulf of Kalloni max. 5 off Polichnitos Saltpans 2 Dec.

Western Osprey Pandion haliaetus being mobbed by Ruddy Shelduck Tadorna ferruginae, Alykes Wetlands, May 2012 Steve Dudley

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WESTERN OSPREY Pandion haliaetus rPM Surprisingly rare MarMay and SepOct. Spring Three records: singles Alykes Wetlands 29 Apr (B Forbes, S P Dudley et al), Achladeri 2 May (per S P Dudley) and Alykes Wetlands 9 May (S P Dudley, A Vuijk et al). Autumn Two records: singles Kalloni Saltpans 17 Sep (S & I Misselbrook) and Polichnitos Saltpans 24 Oct (T Robinson). Number of Ospreys (individual birds) 2009 2012
Spring Autumn 2009 5 2 2010 2 3 2011 2 3 2012 3 2

2009: Spring 5 records, 24 Apr 6 May. Autumn Singles 2 records, 3 & 9 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: Spring 2 records, 3 & 30 Apr. Autumn 3 records, 19 30 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: Spring 2 records, 28 Apr and 2 May. Autumn 3 records, 21 Sep 5 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2011). EUROPEAN HONEY-BUZZARD Pernis apivorus rMB, sPM () A relatively common passage migrant, occasionally in good numbers, AprMay and AugOct. Small numbers breed in both deciduous woodland and pine forests across the island. Recorded 23 Apr 5 Oct. Spring Present from 23 Apr (singles unless stated): Tsiknias River 23 Apr (P Aubrey, G Elton); 2 Agriosikos 26 Apr (H Vaughan et al); Agiasos 27 Apr (P Aubrey, G Elton); 2 Ipsilou 28 Apr (D & J Nurney, S Chalmers); Aghias Ioannis 29 Apr (P Aubrey, N Ballard); Potamia Valley 29 Apr (T Hofmeester); Agiasos 30 Apr (T Hofmeester); Paleokipos 1 May (M Ruijs); Lafionas 3 May (G Boomhouwer); Ipsilou 4May (G Fellows); 3 Agiasos 3 May (W Faveyts); 2 Ipsilou 7 May I Pitts et al); Lardia Valley 7 May (per S P Dudley); Faneromeni 8 May (per S P Dudley); Tsiknias River 13 May (P & V Manning); Cape Lena 19 May (S P & E F Dudley et al); Kalloni Saltpans 20 May (J Devalez); 2 Achladeri Forest 20 May (R de Wijs); Petri 27 May (J Devalez). Birds seen regularly from the Kalloni Raptor Wartchpoint including displaying birds in early May (MO). Summer Voulgaris River 11 Jul (P Schaft). Autumn Ipsilou 3 Aug (J Norgate); Platania 27 Aug (G Tebb et al); Vasilika 29 Aug (G Coultrip); 39 Prof Ilias, Polichnitos 15 Sep (T Robinson); North Coast track 19 Sep (S Wytema); Hildra 19 Sep (S & I Misselbrook); Kavaki 20 Sep (S & I Misselbrook); 2 Perasma 20 Sep (S & I Misselbrook); North Coast track 25 Sep (B Voorn); 3 Molivos 25 Sep (B Voorn); Polichnitos Saltpans 1 Oct (R Thorpe, M Hodgson et al); 2 Faneromeni 5 Oct (R Thorpe, M Hodgson). 2009: 6 May 21 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2011: 28 Apr 20 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2011). 2010: 24 Apr 26 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2010). Noteable record: 85 in off sea Molivos 14 Sep 2003 (Brooks 2003). RED KITE * Milvus milvus V * 0 | 2 No records in 2012. Two accepted records: 1984: 1 Sigri 20 Apr (Brooks 1998). 2002: 1 nr Kalloni 29 Apr (Brooks 2002).
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BLACK KITE Milvus migrans sPM Surprisingly only a handful of records noted most years MarMay and AugOct. After last years bumper year, a return to normal this year. Spring Three records: 1 Aghias Ioannis 25 Apr (H Vaughan et al); 3 Lardia Valley 28 Valley (D & J Nurney, S Chalmers); and 1 Koriani, Napi Valley 3 May (S & K Bates). Autumn Five records: 1 Ipsilou 24 Aug (P Stassin); 4 Christou (Kamares) River 29 Aug (G Tebb et al); 1 nr Klio (P & E Wells); and 1 Faneromeni 2 Oct (R Thorpe, M Hodgson et al). Number of Black Kite records 2009 2012
Spring Autumn 2009 3 1 2010 1 7 2011 11 1 2012 3 5

2009: First-winter period 1 Polichnitos Saltpans area 31 Jan 7 Apr. Spring 3 records, 2 5 May. Autumn 1 record, 12 Sep. (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: Spring 1 record, 10 May. Autumn 7 records (of 28 birds) 11 Aug 29 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: Spring 11 records, 1 Apr 12 May inc. 3 nr Andissa 19 Apr 4 May. Autumn 1 record, 26 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2011). WHITE-TAILED EAGLE * Haliaeetus albicilla () No records in 2012. Five accepted records, most recent: 1994: off Sigri, an imm 9 May and ad 19 May (Brooks 1998). 1995: 1 nr Vatousa 16 May (Brooks 1998). 1998: 1 off Molivos 25 Apr (Brooks 1998). 2009: 1 north along Tsiknias River 2 May (Lesvos Birds 2009). EGYPTIAN VULTURE * Neophron percnopterus No records in 2012. Twelve accepted records: 1987: 1 Skala Eresou 14 May (Brooks 1998). 1991: 1 Skala Eresou 19 May (Brooks 1998). 1995: 1 Ipsilou and Agiasos (believed to be the same bird) late May 95 (Brooks 1998). 1998: 1 Ipsilou 24 Apr 98 (Brooks 1998). 1999: 1 Napi Valley 7 May 99 (Brooks 1999). 2000: ad Skala Eresou 15 May and imm Lardia Valley 17 May (Brooks 2000). 2004: 1 Makara 30 Apr and 1 Molivos 7 May (Brooks 2004). 2005: 1 Vafios and Mt Lepetimnos 9 May (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2008: 2 nr Ipsilou 2 May (per S P Dudley). 2009: a sub-adult at the Vouvaris River mouth 2 May (Lesvos Birds 2009).

V * 0 | 5

V * 0 | 12

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GRIFFON VULTURE * Gyps fulvus V * | 1 | 15+ A surprisingly rare bird on the island, and with the rapidly declining European population, an increase in the level of records seems unlikely. One record (accepted by LBRC): 2 birds seen at Ipsilou 9 Jul (P Schaft) present in the west of the island to at least 3 Aug (J Norgate) with at least one bird present to at least 19 Sep (S & I Misselbrook). Most recent records: 1993: 1 nr Eresos 11 May (Brooks 1998). 1996: 3 Potamia Valley and Filia 7 May (Brooks 1998). 1997: 3 between Filia and Skoutaros May (Brooks 1998) and 1 over Skala Sikaminias then at Vatera (taken in to care) 13 Sep (bearing a Croatian ring; released on Crete) (Brooks 1998). 2002: 1 Efthalou 24 Apr 02 (Brooks 2002). 2003: 2 Molivos 8 May believed same Potamia Valley 11 May (Brooks 2003). 2008: 1 Ipsilou 5 May, 3 Kalloni 9 May and 1 Anaxos 18 May (per S P Dudley). 2009: 1 Potamia Valley 8 Apr and another Eresos 26 Apr and believed same Madaros 27 28 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2011: singles Pithariou Reservoir 9 May and nr Mandamados 13 May (Lesvos Birds 2010). SHORT-TOED (SNAKE) EAGLE Circaetus gallicus sMB, sPM Small numbers breed across the island. Seen on passage AprMay and AugOct. Occasional winter records. Most often seen hovering over open hillsides. Recorded 20 Apr 1 Oct. Spring 1 Kalloni Saltpans 20 Apr (S Wytema et al) and reported daily from across the island with max. 10 Kalloni Raptor Watchpoint 20 Apr (S P Dudley et al). Breeding No confirmed breeding but birds seen at the following known breeding sites: Potamia, Kalloni Raptor Watchpoint, nr Mesotopos, Lardia Valley, Mt Lepetimnos, Ipsilou, nr Eresos, Licona Valley, Platania, Ipsilometopo, Skala Polichnitou and Madaros. Autumn 15 recorded from across the island to 1 Oct with max. 4 Pesa 24 Aug (G Coultrip). 2009: 5 Apr 21 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 21 Mar 17 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 25 Mar 30 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2011). WESTERN MARSH HARRIER Circus aeruginosus cPM Occurs MarMay with smaller numbers AugOct. Occasional winter records. Recorded 20 Mar 18 Nov. Spring 13 recorded from 20 Mar 18 May from many localities. Autumn 12 recorded from 23 Aug 18 Nov from many localities. 2009: 28 Mar 13 May and 12 22 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 4 Feb; 7 Mar 17 May and 11 Sep 3 Nov; 23 Dec (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 3 Jan 23 Feb, 2 Mar 21 May and 3 Sep 7 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2011).

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HEN HARRIER Circus cyaneus sW, sPM Small numbers NovApr, with passage birds MarMay. First winter period 12 Polichnitos Saltpans 1 Jan 30 Mar; 11 Kalloni Saltpans 1 Jan. Spring Presumed migrants: 1 Napi Valley 20 Apr (R Chittenden et al). Second winter period Singles Polichnitos Saltpans 16 Nov 23 Dec; Perasma Reservoir 25 Sep (B Voorn); Dipi Larisos 18 Nov (J Delavez); and Meladia Valley 25 Dec P Tsakmakis). 2009: to 17 Mar, 23 Apr and from 2 Dec (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: to 21 Apr, 2 Apr 7 May and from 13 Nov (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: to 15 Mar, 5 Apr 8 May and from 5 Nov (Lesvos Birds 2011).
Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus, first-winter, nr Agios Fokas, November 2012 Petros Tsakmakis

PALLID HARRIER Circus macrourus sPM Small numbers MarApr. Very rare in autumn. Spring Recorded 16 Apr 6 May: fem Kalloni Saltpans 16 Apr (R Thorpe, C Murphy et al); fem Ipsilou 23 Apr (S P Dudley et al); fem Alykes Wetlands 25 Apr (R Chittenden et al); 2CY male nr Pelopi 29 Apr (D & J Nurney, S Chalmers); fem Alykes Wetlands 6 May (G Fellows). Autumn One record: 1 Ipsilou 2 Oct (R Thorpe, M Hodgson et al). Number of Pallid Harriers (individual birds) 2009 2012
2009 7 1 2010 13 1 2011 11 0 2012 5 1

Spring Autumn

2009: 12 28 Apr and 20 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 30 Mar 30 May (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 11 Apr 7 May (Lesvos Birds 2011). There is a genuine concern that this species is over-reported with several instances in recent years of both Montagus and Hen Harriers being wrongly identified as this species. Since the majority of birds reported are ring-tails, care needs to be taken when identifying all three harriers. It would help if all harriers were sexed, and where possible, aged two important aspects to reaching the correct identification.

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MONTAGUS HARRIER Circus pygargus sPM Relatively common in spring MarMay with small numbers SepOct, but decline noted over last 10 years. Record count(s): 18 Apr 04 large passage through Kalloni (c.35) and Sigri (c.50) (Brooks 2004, SPD). Spring 12 recorded 23 Apr 15 May from Alykes Wetlands, Faneromeni, Ipsilou, Lotzaria, Kalloni Saltpans, Kavaki, Perasma, Petrified Forest and Tsiknias River, Autumn 12 recorded 28 Jul 19 Sep from Ipsilou, Kalloni Saltpans, Limani, Mesa, Perasma, Polichnitos Saltpans. A female Montagus Harrier present around Lotzaria and Alykes Wetlands 29 Apr 3 May proved very problematic for many observers with it being reported as Hen, Pallid and Montagus Harrier. This underlines the problem with separating these three species and all ring-tails should be watched carefully in order to identify them positively. Estimated number of Montagus Harrier records (not individual birds) 2009 2012
Spring Autumn 2009 16 3 2010 21 3 2011 27 3 2012 13 11

2009: 4 Apr 5 May and 12 19 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 6 Apr 6 May and 10 Aug 18 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 16 Apr 20 May and 29 Aug 6 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2011). See comment under Pallid Harrier (above) about the concern over the idenification of ring-tail harriers. LEVANT SPARROWHAWK Accipiter brevipes sPM, rMB? () Small numbers, occasionally double-figure flocks, recorded in AprMay, with smaller numbers AugSep. Usually seen heading up/down obvious valleys (e.g. Napi) or from/near obvious hilltops (e.g. Ipsilou) or migration headlands/points (e.g. Sigri, Agias Fokas). Birds have been seen during the breeding season (BoG) but no confirmed breeding. Spring Recorded on only 10 dates 1 19 May (singles unless stated): 3 Molivos 1 May (D & L Marsden); Potamia Valley 2 May (W Vergoossen); male North Coast track 2 May W Faveyts); Petrified Forest 3 May (P Isaakidis); male & fem Kalloni Raptor Watchpoint 6 May (G Fellows); Ipsilou 6 May (P & V Manning); Madaros 7 May (G Fellows); Skalochori 7 May (M Ruijs); Faneromeni 7 May (per S P Dudley); fem Platania 9 May (T Disley et al); 2 Vouvaris River mouth 11 May (G Boomhouwer); male & fem Sigri 13 May (S P & E F Dudley et al); Agriosikos 14 May (P & V Manning); North Coast track 19 May (R de Wijs). Autumn Recorded on only five dates 27 Jul 19 Sep: Aghios Taxiarchis 27 Jul (J Norgate); Anaxos 2 Aug (J Norgate); male Platania 27 Aug (G Tebb et al); Achladeri Forest 17 Sep (S Wytema et al); Pithariou Reservoir 19 Sep (S Wytema et al). A poor year with few seen in spring and autumn and for the third year running no flocks noted. Not all small accipiters seen on passage are this species. Care should be taken when separating this species from the much commoner Eurasian Sparrowhawk which is both a resident breeder and passage migrant.

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Number of Levant Sparrowhawk records (not individuals) 2009 2012

Spring Autumn 2009 10 0 2010 16 3 2011 14 0 2012 14 5

2009: 24 Apr 5 May (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 30 Mar 8 May and 14 Aug 16 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 22 Apr 7 May (Lesvos Birds 2011). EURASIAN SPARROWHAWK Accipiter nisus rRB, sW, sPM () A handful of pairs almost certainly breed. Common SepMar. Passage noted MarApr and AugOct. First winter period 12 recorded JanMar from Almyropotamos River (Lisvorio) and Polichnitos Saltpans. Spring 12 recorded from Achladeri Forest, Agriosikos, Faneromeni, Ipsilou, Kalloni Raptor Watchpint, Kalloni Saltpans, Kavaki, Lardia Valley, Metochi, North Coast, Pedi, Perasma, Polichnitos Saltpans and Taxiarches (Mytilini). Summer Reported from Anaxos in Jul. Autumn 12 recorded Anemotia, Ipsilou, Kalloni Holliday Village, Koriani (Napi Valley), Mytilini, Parakila, Polichnitos Saltpans, Skala Eresou and Vafios. Second winter period Singles reported regularly from Polichnitos Saltpans. NORTHERN GOSHAWK Accipiter gentilis rRB, rPM Small numbers breed across the island in both deciduous and coniferous woodland. Passage noted MarMay and AugOct. Spring Presumed/confirmed breeding from Achladeri Forest, Agiasos, Kalloni Raptor Watchpoint, Mesotopos, Napi Valley and Vatousa. Single birds also recorded from Agios Ioannis, Agra, Argenos, Christou (Kamares) River, Potamia River and Polichnitos Saltpans. COMMON BUZZARD Buteo buteo sRB, sW, sPM () Small numbers breed across the island. Common NovMar. Passage noted MarApr and AugOct. First winter period Recorded from Almiropotamos River (Vatera), Metochi, Polichnitos Saltpans and Potamia Valley. Max. 6 Polichnitos Saltpans 3 Jan and 13 Jan (T Robinson). Spring/Summer Recorded from Achladeri Forest, Almiropotamos River (Vatera), Dimitrios, Ipsilou, Kalloni Raptor Watchpoint, Kalloni Saltpans, Katsaras Hill (Kalloni), Kavaki, Kremastes, Langada Valley, Lardia Valley, Limonos Monastery, Meladia Valley, Mesa, Mesotopos, Metochi, Napi Valley, Perasma, Platania, Polichnitos Saltpans, Potamia Valley, Revma, Sideras, Skala Vasilikon, Vafios and Vatousa. Autumn Recorded from Agaisos, Almiropotamos River (Vatera), Kalloni Holiday Village, Lardia Valley, Mesotopos, Molivos, Mytilini, Pitharioiu Reservoir, Polichnitos Saltpans, Sigri and Tsiknias River. Second winter period 12 recorded from Polichnitos Saltpans.

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Lesvos Birds 2012

STEPPE BUZZARD Buteo buteo vulpinus At least two records are to be submitted to HRC: one bird nr Kedro 17 Nov 31 Dec (photo: P Tsakmakis, S P Dudley, S Wytema) and a second bird Pappados 29 Nov (E Psomos, S P Dudley). These two records, plus other birds photographed in early 2013, were identified as Steppe Buzzards from photos posted on the Lesvos Birders Facebook page, and have been submitted to HRC as the first records of this subspecies for Lesvos. There are currently no accepted records of vulpinus for Lesvos.
Putative Steppe Buzzard Buteo buteo vulpinus, near Kedro, Nov 2012 Petros Tsakmakis

V *

The second edition of the Collins Bird Guide (2010) the guide most commonly used by visiting birders to Lesvos includes separate distribution maps for Common Buzzard B. b. buteo and Steppe Buzzard B. b. vulpinus. These maps suggest that Common Buzzard occurs only as a winter visitor to the eastern Aegean region and that Steppe Buzzard is the subspecies more likely to be encountered within the region as a passage migrant or resident. This is not the case on Lesvos. Whilst Steppe Buzzard might be expected on Lesvos, there are to date no confirmed records. Common Buzzard is a scarce resident breeder, scarce winter visitor and scarce passage migrant. When looking at the timing of Steppe Buzzard passage through the Middle East and nearby Turkey, and their arrival dates on breeding grounds in northern Europe, it might be that if Steppe Buzzard does occur on Lesvos as a rare or scarce winter visitor and/or it passes through Lesvos early in spring before the arrival of visiting birders, and during this time, and the autumn, there are simply too few birders present to pick them up. It might also be that the resident breeding population contains hybrid birds which would account for the rufous Common Buzzards (especially birds with rufous-toned tails) on the island. LONG-LEGGED BUZZARD Buteo rufinus sRB, sPM Small numbers breed across the island. Common Nov Mar. Passage noted MarApr and AugOct. Commoner in the western half of the island. First winter period 1 recorded from Polichnitos Saltpans throughout JanFeb (T Robinson). Spring/Summer Recorded from (* denoted active prs and/or displaying birds) Achladeri Forest*, Agiasos*, Agra*, Agriosikos*, Ambeliko Valley*, Antissa*, Apothika*, Cape Lena, Christou (Kamares) River, Chrousos*, Dipi Larisos*, Efthalou*, Eresos*, Faneromeni, Gavathas, Ipsilou*, Kalloni, Kalloni Raptor Watchpoint*, Kalloni Saltpans & Alykes Wetlands, Kavaki, Korakas*, Koriani (Napi Valley) *, Kremastes, Lardia Valley*, Madaros*, Makara*, Meladia Valley*, Mesa, Metochi*, Mr Ordimnos (Antissa) *, Napi Valley*, Nifida, North Coast track*, Papiana, Parakila, Pelopi*, Perasma*, Petri*, Petrified Forest*, Pithariou Reservoir*, Platania*, Polichnitos*, Potamia Valley*, Revma*, Sideras*, Sigri area, Skala Kallonis, Skalochori*, Vasilika*, Tsiknias River valley, Vatousa*, Vigla (Ipsilou) * and Voulgaris River*. Max. 6 Platania 28 Apr and Meladia Valley 1 May (S P Dudley et al). Autumn 13 recorded from the Kalloni area. Second winter period Several birds present Dipi Larisos NovDec (P Tsakmakis et al).

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Lesvos Birds 2012

LESSER SPOTTED EAGLE Aquila pomarina rPM Recorded most years in Apr and May, occasionally in autumn. Spring An excellent year with eight records (singles unless stated): Agriosikos 26 Apr (H Vaughan et al); Christou (Kamares) River 27 Apr (T Hofmeester); Kalloni Raptor Watchpoint 30 Apr (G Fellows); Platania 4 May (W Faveyts); Molivos 7 May (I Pitts et al); 3 Kalloni Raptor Watchpoint 13 May (A Swann, M Local); and 2 Molivos 14 May (M Gottenbos). One of the birds seen at Molivos on 14 May was ringed and photographs enabled the darvik colour ring to be read and traced to a bird ringed in Poland on 6 Jul 2010. 2011: additional record: 1 Meladia Valley 11 May (photo: C Niemeyer, W Faveyts). Number of Lesser Spotted Eagle records (not indivoduals) 2003 2012
Spring Autumn 2003 1 0 2004 2005 2006 0 0 0 0 0 0 2007 0 1 2008 3 0 2009 2 0 2010 10 3 2011 2 0 2012 8 0

Recent records: 1999: singles Parakila 3 May, Napi Valley 5 May and Metochi Lake 6 May (Brooks 2000). 2000: 5 Agia Paraskevi 23 Apr and 4 Perasma Reservoir 4 May (Brooks 2000). 2002: birds seen daily late Aug/early Sep during exceptional movement (P Manning). 2003: 1 Metochi 25 Apr (SPD et al). 2007: 1 Vatera Bay Sep 07 (per S P Dudley). 2008: singles in Apr Ancient Antissa, Anaxos and Parakila (per S P Dudley). 2009: 2 records, Kalloni 3 May and Ipsilou 4 May (Lesovs Birds 2009). 2010: 10 records, 23 Apr 9 May and 3 records, 11 25 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 2 records, Kalloni Raptor Watchpoint 29 Apr and Meladia Valley 15 May (Lesvos Birds 2011).

GREATER SPOTTED EAGLE * Aquila clanga V* 0 | 6 No records in 2012. Most recent records: 1999: 1 Faneromeni Apr 99 (Brooks 1999). 2010: 5 records: singles Kalloni Saltpans 3 Apr, Meladia Valley 4 & 5 Apr, Molivos 25 Apr and nr Parakila 3 May (Lesvos Birds 2010). STEPPE EAGLE * Aquila nipalensis V* 0 | 2 No records in 2012. Two accepted records: 2007: 1 Mesoptopos 12 May (Lesvos Birds 2011, HRC11). 2008: 1 Kavaki 26 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2009, HRC08). Unconfirmed records: 1 over Liminos monastery and 2 over the Petrified Forest 11 May 97; 1 between Agiasos and Mytilini May 98; 1 nr Sigri May 01.
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One record not accepted: 1 Skoutaros Sep 02 (HRC09). EASTERN IMPERIAL EAGLE * Aquila heliaca V* 0 | 13 (14) () No records in 2012. The first blank year since 2007. 2011: correction: 1 Meladia Valley 11 May re-identified as a Lesser Spotted Eagle (photo: C Niemeyer, W Faveyts). Thirteen accepted records: 1989: 1 Sep 89 (BoG no location). 1994: 2 over the south of the island 5 May (Brooks 1998). 1998: singles Kalloni area 5 May and Potamia Valley 30 Sep (Brooks 1998). 1999: singles Vatera 29 Mar and Skala Sikaminias 3May and 2 nr Vatousa 17 May (Brooks 1999). 2004: singles Efthalou 30 Apr and Vafios 8 May (Brooks 2004). 2008: 1 various sites 30 Apr 4 May (per S P Dudley). 2009: 1 nr Efthalou 3 May; 1 Kalloni Raptor Watch Point 7 May; 2 Aghios Ioannis 8 May (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: singles Efthalou 24 Apr and Pithariou Reservoir 25 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: singles Kalloni Raptor Watchpoint & Metochi 29 Apr and Meladia Valley 15 May (Lesvos Birds 2011).

Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos being pursued by a Yellow-legged Gull Larus michahellis, Napi Valley, April 2012 Ian Ford

GOLDEN EAGLE * Aquila chrysaetos V* 2 | 21+ Two records (accepted by LBRC): Subadults Napi Valley 26 Apr (photo: I Ford et al) and Sigri Old Sanatorium 28 Apr (J Coppock). Most recent records: 1986: 2 Kalloni Saltpans 2 Apr (Brooks 1998). 1992: 2 nr Petra late Aug (Brooks 1998). 1994: 1 Petrified Forest 1 Oct (Brooks 1998). 1996: singles Petrified Forest 7 May (Brooks 1998) and nr Mandamados 10 Aug (Brooks 1998). 1997: 2 Sigri late Apr (Brooks 1998). 2000: 1 Potamia Valley 7 May (Brooks 2000). 2003: 1 Napi Valley Apr (P Manning).
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2007: 1 nr Sikaminia 21 Sep (per S P Dudley). 2008: singles between Efthalou and Skala Sikaminias 26 Apr (S P Dudley et al) and Ancient Antissa 30 Apr (per S P Dudley). 2009: singles Potamia Valley 25 Apr, Ioannou Valley 7 May and nr Petra 11 May (Lesvos Birds 2009) 2010: 1 Napi Valley 24 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2010). BONELLIS EAGLE * Aquila fasciata rRB? Occasionally recorded AprMay. No records in 2012 despite extensive searches in April and May in the west of the island. Western Lesvos is designated as a Special Protection Area (SPA) for this species under the European Birds Directive. There are however no confirmed breeding records but with the continued (near annual) sightings from the area between Mesotopos/Agra and Vatousa, which looks like suitable breeding habitat, there remains a possibility that there is a pair in residence. Brooks (1998) states that one or two pairs are suspected to breed around Mt Lepetimnos and Mt Olympus, but there is a distinct lack of evidence to support this. Bonellis Eagle is largely a sedentary species but immature birds are known to wander before settling in a breeding area. Could Lesvos be a non-breeding area for birds wandering from nearby Turkey? Quite possibly. What might be restricting the species on the island is prey availability. Their preferred prey is Chukar which is thinly distributed across the island with the west being the main area for the species (tieing in with the SPA status). However, the Chukar population may simply be too small to support them, and with very small numbers of Brown Hare and Rabbit on the island, there remain little secondary prey items also. BOOTED EAGLE Hieraaetus pennatus rPM The odd single bird recorded most years AprMay and AugOct. An excellent year with 12 records. All singles unless stated: Spring Potamia Valley 26 Mar (A Hoff); Achladeri Forest 17 Apr (R Thorpe, C Murphy et al); Revma 27 Apr (S P Dudley et al); Agaisos 2 May (P Aubrey, N Bollard); Koukoumos (Parakila); 5 May (M & P van de Braak); Metochi 15 May (M & Y Sveikutis); Kalloni Saltpans 20 May (R de Wijs); and Molivos 6 Jun (C Hill). Autumn North Coast track 5 Sep (T Swann); Kalloni Holiday Village 10 Sep (T Swann): and 2 Ipsilou 16 Sep (S Wytema et al).
Booted Eagle Hieraaetus pennatus, Metochi, May 2012 Mick Sveikutis

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Number of Booted Eagle records (not individuals) 2009 2012

Spring Autumn 2009 2 2 2010 5 2 2011 3 0 2012 9 3

2009: single birds 6 May, 8 May, 19 Sep and 21 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: single birds 23 & 26 Apr, 4, 8 & 17 May, 12 Sep and 25 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: single birds 25 & 30 Apr and 7 May (Lesvos Birds 2011). LESSER KESTREL Falco naumanni sMB, sPM () Small numbers breed on offshore islands at Sigri and possibly other offshore islands such as Is. Garbias (at the mouth of the Gulf of Kalloni) AprAug. Most common in the west of the island. Also recorded on passage Apr- May and Sep when they can be encountered anywhere. Despite good numbers of birds and a popular species, very few records again received. Spring/Summer Recorded 18 Apr 21 Sep from: Aghia Ioannis, Alykes Wetlands, Anaxos, Antissa, Apothika, Christou (Kamares) River, Eresos, Faneromeni, Garbias Island, Gavathas, Ipsilou, Kalloni Raptor Watchpoint, Kalloni Saltpans, Kavaki, Makara, Meladia Valley, Molivos, Napi Valley, Petri, Petrified Forest, Platania, Potamia Valley, Sigri, Sigri Old Sanatoriumj, Skala Eresou, Skala Vasilikon, Vigla (Ipsilou) and Voulgaris River. Larger counts as follows: counts of 15+ at Sigri and Faneromeni fields on many dates with max. 30 on 30 Apr (M Sullivan, R Leslie et al). Breeding Birds seen around the following known breeding areas but no breeding confirmed: Garbias Island, Sigri and Faneromeni area and Skala Eresou. 2009: 10 Apr 21 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 2 Apr 13 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 14 Apr 4 Jul (Lesvos Birds 2011). COMMON KESTREL Falco tinnunculus sRB A surprisingly scarce species with small numbers breeding across the island. 14 present throughout the year at the following sites: Aghia Ioannis, Agriosikos, Almiropotamos River (Vatera), Ambeliko Valley, Faneromeni, Kalloni Holiday Vallage, Kalloni Raptor Watchpoint, Kalloni Saltpans, Kavaki, Makara, Meladia Valley, Mesa, Metochi, Molivos, Parakila, Perasma, Petrified Forest, Platania, Polichnitos, Polichnitos Saltpans, Sigri, Skala Kallonis, Tsiknias River, Vigla (Ipsilou), Voulgaris River and Vourkos River. RED-FOOTED FALCON Falco vespertinus sPM () Common in spring AprMay with smaller numbers recorded AugOct. Occurs commonly in small parties of up to 30+ birds. Spring Recorded 17 Apr 17 May from: Agra, Agriosikos, Aklatiri, Alykes Wetlands, Christou (Kamares) River, Faneromeni, Filia, Ipsilou, Kalloni, Kalloni Raptor Watchpoint, Kalloni Saltpans, Katsaras Hill) Kalloni), Lardia Valley, Lotzaria, Metochi, Napi Valley, Perasma Reservoir, Platania, Polichnitos Saltpans, Sigri, Skala Kallonis, Tsiknias River and Vigla (Ipsilou). Larger flocks: 13 Alykes Wetlands 24 Apr (C Murphy et al), 21 Alykes Wetlands 27 Apr (H Vaughan et al) and 61 Platania 28 Apr (S P Dudley et al).
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Autumn Recorded 1 Sep 7 Oct: 1 Kalloni Saltpans 1 Sep (T Swann); 7 Tsiknias River 18 Sep (S Wytema et al); 1 Ipsilou 19 Sep (S & I Misselbrook); 1 Kalloni Saltpans 26 Sep (B Voorn); 6 Efthalou 3 Oct (R Thorpe, M Hodgson et al); 15 Molivos 3 Oct (R Thorpe, M Hodgson et al); and 1 Kalloni Saltpans 7 Oct (P Tsakmakis). 2009: 19 Apr 22 May and 2 24 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 18 Apr 17 May and 15 Aug 5 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 15 Apr 13 May and 20 Sep 10 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2011). ELEONORAS FALCON Falco eleonorae sPM, rMB? On passage AprMay and SepOct. Even on passage, most often encountered in the west and north of the island. Can occur in numbers, e.g. 73 in one hour over Kalloni Raptor Watchpoint May 03. Thought to breed on offshore islands e.g. off Sigri. Recorded 19 Apr 3 Oct. Spring Recorded from 19 Apr from (all 18 birds): Aghia Ioannis, Agra, Agriosikos, Alykes Wetlands, Efthalou, Eresos, Faneromeni, Ipsilou, Kalloni Raptor Watchpoint, Kalloni Saltpans, Makara, Mandamados, Meladia Valley, Mesotopos, Mt Ordimnos (Antissa), Pandeleimonas Pools (Eresos), Petri, Petrified Forest, Platania, Potamia Valley, Revma, Sideras, Sigri, Skalochori and Tsiknias River. The only double-figure count was 15 at Agriosikos (watched by observers at Agriosikos and Kalloni Raptor Watchpoint) 14 May (S P & E F Dudley, P & V Manning). Autumn Recorded to 3 Oct from (all 12 birds): Aghios Taxiarchis, Agios Fokas, Anaxos, Faneromeni, Gavathas, Ipsilou, Kalloni Saltpans, Kavaki, Molivos, Perasma, Polichnitos, Prof Ilias (Polichnitos), Sigri and Skala Kallonis. 2009: 25 Apr 3 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 20 Apr 29 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 21 Apr 4 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2011). MERLIN Falco columbarius rW, rPM 13 records annually usually from the saltpans and coastal areas. Two records: An adult fem Alykes Wetlands 26 Mar (photo: G Spyridakis) and a male Alykes Wetlands, Kalloni Saltpans and Christou (Kamares) River 20 25 Apr (R Chittenden, D & L Witton, S Wytema, H Vaughan et al). 2009: no records. 2010: two records (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: three records (Lesvos Birds 2011). EURASIAN HOBBY Falco subbuteo sPM, rMB? Small numbers seen on passage AprMay and SepOct. May breed (BoG). Spring Recorded 23 Apr 2 Jun, all records (singles unless stated): 23 Apr Christou (Kamares) River (2) (J & S Maskell); 24 Apr Platania (S P Dudley et al), Mr Lepitimnos (per S P Dudley); 27 Apr Christou (Kamares) River (J Simons), Metochi (R de Jonckheere), Potamia (W Vergoossen), Revma (S P Dudley et al); 28 Apr Kalloni Raptor Watchpoint (G Lamers, W Vergoossen), Metochi (2) (G Lamers, W Vergoossen); 29 Apr Kalloni Raptor Watchpoint (M Sullivan, R Leslie), Tsiknias River (per S P Dudley); 30 Apr Christou (Kamares) River (J Simons); 1 May Ipsilou (D & J Nurney, S Chalmers), Perasma (W Vergoossen), Sideras (S P Dudley
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et al); 2 May Faneroemni (T Hofmeester); 3 May Molivos (M de Vries); 6 May Anemotia (S P Dudley et al); 7 May Kalloni Raptor Watchpoint (S P Dudley et al); 10 May Lafonias (J van den Tilaart); 11 May Platania (per S P Dudley), Skala Kallonis (R Broad); 16 May Napi Valley (D Allan); 21 May Skala Kallonis (R de Wijs); 2 Jun Polichnitos Saltpans (T Robinson). Autumn 24 Aug 3 Oct, all singles: Polichnitos Saltpans 24 Aug (T Robinson); Potamia Valley 27 Aug (G Tebb et al); Vasilika 1 Sep (G Coultrip); Gulf of Gera 1 Sep (T Swann); Christou (Kamares) River 2 Sep (T Swann); Limani 3 Sep (T Swann); Koriani (Napi Valley) 18 Sep (S Wytema et al); Skala Kallonis 19 Sep (S & I Misselbrook); Perasma 29 Sep (R Cockram); Molivos 3 Oct (R Thorpe, M Hodgson). 2009: 22 Apr 22 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 24 Apr 12 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 13 Apr 11 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2011). LANNER FALCON * Falco biarmicus rPM 12 records per annum. One record (accepted by LBRC): 1 Sigri 5 Sep (R Thorpe). 2009: 2 birds 18 Apr 10 May and 25 Apr 13 May (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 12 birds seen 24 Apr 9 May (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: singles 7 & 14 May (Lesvos Birds 2011). With so few records it seems certain that there are no resident breeding birds on the island. The higher western side of the island could provide breeding cliffs, but I suspect a lack of prey is the limiting factor for this (as for other predatory species). Its important to age birds to help record movements around the island. SAKER FALCON * Falco cherrug V* 0 | 2 No records in 2012. Two accepted records: 1992: 1 in Oct (location unknown) (BoG). 2002: 1 Tsiknias River 6 May (HRC09, Lesvos Birds 2011) Unconfirmed records: Apr 98 at Kalloni Saltpans; 2 Ipsilou Apr 02, 1 Upper Tsiknias River Apr 02; 2 Ipsilou Jun 03 (Brooks 1998, 2002, 2003).
Eurasian Hobby Falco subbuteo with Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica, Tsiknias River, May 2012 Mick Sveikutis

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PEREGRINE FALCON Falco peregrinus sRB, sW Small numbers breed across the island with increased numbers in winter NovMar. Greek breeding birds belong to the race F. p. brookei with nominate F. p. peregrinus occurring on passage. Records of 12 throughout the year from Agra, Agriosikos, Alykes Wetlands, Anaxos, Christou (Kamares) River, Eresos, Faneromeni, Ipsilou, Kalloni Raptor Watchpoint, Kalloni Saltpans, Kapi, Kavaki, Lardia Valley, Madaros, Makara, Meladia Valley, Mesotopos, Molivos, Mt Ordimnos, Mytilini, Napi Valley, Parakila, Pelopi, Perasma Reservoir, Petrified Forest, Platania, Polichnitos Saltpans, Potamia Valley, Sideras, Sigri and Vourkos River. Breeding One nest seen with two chicks near Pelopi (MO). 2011: additional record: one nest seen with two chicks near Pelopi. WATER RAIL Rallus aquaticus rRB, rWM, rPM () Small numbers breed at suitable wetlands (e.g. Dipi Larisos) but most usually encountered late winter and spring MarMay. All records (singles unless stated): Dipi Larisos 21 Apr (S P Dudley), 2 there 5 May (G Boomhouwer) and one there 14 May (A Vuijk); Faneromeni 24 Apr (J Buxton, J Glendinning); Kalami & Mesa Marshes 2 on 29 Apr (J J de Vries) with single birds there 1 May (G Boomhouwer), 2 May (S P Dudley et al) and 4 May (G Bookhouwer). CORNCRAKE (CORN CRAKE) * Crex crex V* 0 | 19 No records in 2012. 2007: One record (accepted by HRC): Kremastes 29 Apr (photo: M & J Cassidy) (HRC12 in prep). Most recent accepted records: 1998: 1 Loutropoli Thermis 17 Apr (HRC07), 1 ringed Haramida 13 Sep (HRC06) 2000: 1 Haramida 17 Nov (HRC09). 2002: 1 ringed Haramida 5 Oct (HRC06). 2005: 1 Faneromeni 8 May (Lesvos Birds 2009, HRC10). 2006: 1 Mytilini (found wounded) 28 Sep (HRC07). 2007: 1 Plomari (found wounded) 26 Aug and 32 Ambeliko (illegally hunted, hunting date unkown) Sep 07 (HRC07). 2008: 2 Akrotiri (illegally hunted) 28 Sep 08 (HRC08). Unconfirmed records: 1 Faneromeni River mouth spr 00 (Brooks 2000); 1 Meladia River mouth Apr 08. The numbers being found illegally hunted or wounded in autumn highlights both the fact that the species probably occurs annually on the island as well as that illegal hunting is still taking place. Corncrake Crex crex, Kremastes, April 2007 Mark Cassidy

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LITTLE CRAKE Porzana parva cSP, rAP Can be recorded at most wetlands with cover MarMay. Occasionally recorded AugOct. Spring Recorded 29 Mar 14 May: Metochi Lake 29 Mar 9 May with max. 5 on 28 Apr (G Lamers, W Vergoossen); Skala Kallonis Pool 16 30 Apr with max. 10 on 17 Apr (R Thorpe, C Murphy et al); 1 Kalloni Saltpans 22 26 Apr (with a Baillons Crake) (MO); 1 Tsiknias River 3 May (T Hofmeester); 1 Potamia 7 & 14 May (M Wustenhoff, G Boomhouwer). 2009: 5 Apr 7 May and 4 Sep; max. 4 Metochi Lake 25 Apr 1 May (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 4 Apr 13 May; max. 8 Metochi Lake 4 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 11 Apr 11 May; max. 13 Metochi Lake 16 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2011). BAILLONS CRAKE Porzana pusilla rSP 4 | 28 The rarest of the crakes with on average one record a year. A record year with five records: 1 Kalloni Saltpans 22 Apr 1 May (H & J Stedman et al); 12 Skala Kallonis Pool 22 24 Apr (H Vaughan et al); 1 Metochi Lake 28 Apr (H Vaughan et al); 1 Napi Valley 9 May (S Vliegen); 1 Tsiknias River 17 May (M Gottenbos). The bird present in the drain in the south-west corner of Kalloni Saltpans was extremely popular during its stay and provided many observers with their best ever views. Searching watercourses can turn up crakes anywhere as shown by the Napi Valley record. 2007 Additional record: 1 Sigri 3 May (photo: M & J Cassidy). 2008 Additional record: third individual present Metochi Lake 29 Apr (2 birds present 28 Apr 2 May) (P Cools).
Baillons Crake Porzana pusilla, Kalloni Saltpans, April 2012 Steve Dudley

2009: 1 Skala Kallonis Pool 28 Apr and 2 Metochi Lake 6 May (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 1 Metochi Lake 23 Apr 4 May (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: singles Skala Kallonis Pool 16 Apr, Metochi Lake 18 Apr and 3 7 May (Lesvos Birds 2011). Other records: 1 Apr 84; 1 dead 98; River Tsiknias May 03 (Brooks 1998, 2000, 2003); 1 Metochi Lake May 06 (T Robinson et al); Meladia River Ford AprMay 07 (photo: I Lewington et al); 1 Sigri May 07 (M & J Cassidy); 2 Metochi Lake 28 Apr 2 May 08 (photo: P Manning et al).

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SPOTTED CRAKE Porzana porzana sSP, rAP Most commonly seen in spring AprMay with occasional records SepOct. Record count: 9 at Parakila Marsh 7 Apr 02 (Brooks 2002). An excellent year with a rare autumn record. Spring Six records (all single birds): Christou (Kamares) River 23 Apr (K Mullarney); Skala Kallonis Pool 26 29 Apr (K Mullarney et al); Metochi Lake 28 Apr (H Vaughan et al); Christou (Kamares) River 10 May (E van der Brugge, F Visset); Tsiknias River 2 19 May (G Lamers, S P Dudley et al). Autumn Polichnitos Saltpans 24 Sep (T Robinson). 2009: 5 records, 14 Apr 1 May (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 3 records, 29 Mar 8 May (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 5 records, 24 Mar 28 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2011). COMMON MOORHEN Gallinula chloropus sRB, sW () Small numbers breed with increased numbers in winter. Recorded throughout the year at Metochi Lake (breeding); Vergias (Chalandra) River (Skala Eresou) (breeding); Pandeleimonas Pools (Eresos) (breeding); Potamia Valley (breeding); Tsiknias River (breeding). Also seen at Aghia Ioannis, Almiropotamos River (Vatera), Almyropotamos River (Lisvorio), Apothika, Dipi Larisos, Faneromeni, Kalami Marshes, Kalloni Saltpans, Klio, Makara, Meladia Valley, Nifida, Mesa, Parakila Marsh, Potamia Valley, Skala Kallonis and Vouvaris River. COMMON COOT Fulica atra rRB, sW () Small numbers occur in winter with occasional pairs staying on to breed. All sites: Almiropotamos River (Vatera), Christou (Kamares) River, Gulf of Gera with max. 32 on 24 Nov (Maria Malliakos), Metochi Lake, Nifida, Perasma Reservoir with max. 101 on 23 Sep (B Voorn), Pithariou Reservoir, Potamia Reservoir with max. 45 on 1 Jan (T Robinson), Skala Kallonis Pool and Vergias (Chalandra) River. COMMON CRANE * Grus grus V* 0 | 9+ () No records in 2012. Recent accepted records: 1995: heard over Gulf of Kalloni in 7 Apr (Brooks 1998). 1996: 1 Kalloni Saltpans 8 May (Brooks 1998). 1997: 1 Alykes Wetlands 1625 Apr (Brooks 1998). 1999: 1 Kalloni Saltpans 23 Apr (Brooks 1999). 2003: 1 Sigri 12 Apr and c.15 over Molivos 14 May (Brooks 2003). 2009: 3 over Polichnitos Saltpans 4 Nov (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2011: 1 Kalloni Saltpans 2 Mar and 6 Polichnitos Saltpans 14 Nov with one to 19 Nov (Lesvos Birds 2011).

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EURASIAN STONE-CURLEW Burhinus oedicnemus sMB, sPM () Small numbers breed, especially around the Kalloni area (inc. saltpans) and on passage FebApr and AugOct. Large flocks (50+) can be encountered in autumn (e.g. 60+ near Kalloni Saltpans in Sep 03). Recorded 19 Apr 16 Sep from Kallloni Saltpans & Alykes Wetlands (inc. breeding), Christou (Kamares) River (inc. breeding), Faneromeni /Sigri Fields, Kalloni Saltpans (inc. breeding) max. 20 on 16 Sep (S & I Misselbrook), Meladia Valley, Mesa, Polichnitos Saltpans and Tsiknias River. 2009: 17 Apr 30 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 31 Mar 2 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 3 Apr 8 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2011).

Eurasian Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus, Tsiknias River mouth, May 2012 Mick Sveikutis

EURASIAN OYSTERCATCHER Haematopus ostralegus rW, rPM () Small numbers occur in winter and spring. Four records: Tsiknias River mouth, one bird present 22 Apr 18 May (H & J Stedman et al) with a second bird present 30 Apr 2 May (R de Jonckheere et al); 1 Sigri 30 Apr (W Faveyts); and 1 Skala Eresou 10 May (G Boomhouwer). 2009: 1 Polichnitos Saltpans 23 Mar (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: no records. 2011: 1 Kalloni Saltpans 24 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2011). BLACK-WINGED STILT Himantopus himantopus sRB, sPM Small numbers breed (e.g. Saltpans) and also on passage MarMay and AugOct. Recorded 17 Mar 28 Sep: Polichnitos Saltpans, Kalloni Saltpans, Alikoudi Pool, Alykes Wetlands, Christou (Kamares) River, Kalami Marsh, Mesa, Nifida, Parakila, Perasma Reservoir and Tsiknias River. Polichnitos Saltpans max. 94 on 8 Jul (T Robinson). Kalloni Saltpans max. 48 on 27 Apr (H Vaughan et al). Breeding Broods of young birds seen at Polichnitos Saltpans and sitting birds seen at Kalloni Saltpans. 2009: max. 127 Polichnitos Saltpans 1 Aug (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: max. 150 Kalloni Saltpans 14 Aug (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: max. 128 Polichnitos Saltpans 29 Jul (Lesvos Birds 2011).
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(PIED) AVOCET Recurvirostra avocetta rR, OB, sPM () Small numbers breed (e.g. Saltpans) and also on passage MarMay and AugOct. Occasionally over-winters on saltpan areas. Recorded throughout the year at both saltpans with max. 2300 Kalloni Saltpans 18 Sep (S Wytema et al) and max. 500 Polichnitos Saltpans 11 Sep (T Swann). Also recorded at Alikoudi Pool, Christou (Kamares) River, Kalami Marsh, Perasma Reservoir and Tsiknias River mouth. Breeding No confirmed records. 2009: max. 288 Polichnitos Saltpans 4 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: max. 600 Kalloni Saltpans 13 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: max. 584 Kalloni Saltpans 13 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2011). NORTHERN LAPWING Vanellus vanellus sW () Small numbers OctMar. Spring Polichnitos Saltpans 4 on 1 Jan, 1 on 3 Jan, up to 9 from 9 27 Feb (all T Robinson); 1 Alykes Wetlands 20 Apr 20 May (R Chittenden et al); 1 Potamia 22 Apr (H Vaughan et al). Autumn 1 Polichnitos Saltpans 15 & 26 Nov (T Robinson); 4 Kalloni 24 Nov (P Tsakmakis). 2009: 6 records, 1 Jan, 13 Mar, 2 Nov 21 Dec (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 3 records, 15 Apr, 20 Aug & 16 Dec (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 5 records, 25 Mar, 21 Oct 29 Nov (Lesvos Birds 2011).
Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus, Alykes Wetlands, May 2012 Mick Sveikutis

SPUR-WINGED PLOVER (LAPWING) Vanellus spinosus sPM Usually single birds seen MarMay and rarely AugSep. 2 together May 08 is unusual. After the bumper 10 records in 2011, a return to normal with just two spring records. Spring Two records: singles Dipi Larisos 2 5 May (E van de Brugge et al) and Faneromeni 10 15 May (B & H Driver). Number of Spur-winged Plover records (not individuals) 2009 2012
Spring Autumn 2009 4 0 2010 4 0 2011 10 0 2012 8 1

2009: 4 records, 12 Apr 20 May (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 4 records, 22 Apr 20 May (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 10 records (record year), 13 Apr 19 May and 19 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2011).
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SOCIABLE PLOVER (LAPWING) * Vanellus gregaria V* 0 | 1 No records in 2012. One accepted record: 1994: 1 Christou (Kamares) River 14 May (BoG). WHITE-TAILED PLOVER (LAPWING) * Vanellus leucurus V* 0 | 1 No records in 2012. One accepted record: 2001: 1 Mesa 7 May (HRC10). Unconfirmed reports: 3 Kalloni Saltpans Apr 00 and another single there later in the month (Brooks 2000). EUROPEAN GOLDEN PLOVER Pluvialis apricaria sW, rPM () Small numbers OctMar. On passage MarApr and SepOct. All records (singles unless stated): at Polichnitos Saltpans recorded on 17 Feb, 28 Feb (15), 11 23 Oct (T Robinson); and 2 Kalloni Saltpans 20 Sep (S Wytema et al). 2009: 1 record: 2 Mesa 16 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 5 records: singles 3 Mar, 6 Sep, 2 Oct (2), 27 Nov and 1 on 2 Dec (Lesvos Birds 2011). 2011: no records. GREY PLOVER Pluvialis squatarola sW, sPM Small numbers OctMar. On passage MarApr and SepOct. First winter period Singles Polichnitos Saltpans 6 Feb 31 Mar (T Robinson) and Kalloni Saltpans 1 Jan (T Robinson). Spring Singles unless stated: Lotzaria and Tsiknias River mouth 5 7 May (B Smith et al); 2 Alykes Wetlands 8 9 May (L & A Victor et al); Tsiknias River 9 May (S P Dudley et al); Alikoudi Pool 10 May (R Broad); 2 Polichnitos Saltpans 13 May (T Robinson); 3 Christou (Kamares) River 13 14 May (D & L Oulsnom); 3 Alykes Wetlands 13 May (P & V Manning); 5 Tsiknias River 18 May (D & L Oulsnom); 1 Polichnitos Saltpans 20 May (T Robinson). Autumn: 12 Polichnitos Saltpans 4 Sep 29 Oct (T Robinson). First winter period 1 Polichnitos Saltpans 23 30 Dec (T Robinson). 2009: spring 18 Apr 20 May; max. 9 on 5 May (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: spring 1 20 May; max. 10 on 6 May; autumn 24 Sep 29 Dec (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: spring 17 Apr 16 May; max. 8 on 30 Apr; autumn 25 Sep 28 Nov (Lesvos Birds 2011).

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Lesvos Birds 2012

COMMON RINGED PLOVER Charadrius hiaticula sPM Occurs MarMay and AugOct. First winter period 1 Polichnitos Saltpans 5 Jan (T Robinson). Spring Recorded 19 Mar 27 May from Alykes Wetlands, Christou (Kamares) River, Dipi Larisos, Gavathas, Kalloni Saltpans, Makara, Polichnitos Saltpans, Skala Eresou and Skala Kallonis. Max. count 16 Alykes Wetlands 11 May (S P Dudley et al). Autumn Recorded 30 Jul 17 Nov from Kalloni Saltpans, Polichnitos Saltpans and Tsiknis River. Max. count 26 Christou (KJamares) River 28 Aug (G Tebb et al). 2009: spring 6 Apr 28 May; autumn 19 Aug 21 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: spring 2 Apr 31 May; autumn 21 Aug 9 Dec (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: spring 28 Feb 21 May May; autumn 26 Aug 27 Dec (Lesvos Birds 2011). LITTLE RINGED PLOVER Charadrius dubius sMB, sPM Small numbers breed along rivers and also on passage MarMay and AugSep. Recorded 11 Mar 26 Nov from Aghia Ioannis, Almyropotamos River (Lisvoria), Alikoudi Pool, Alykes Wetlands, Christou (Kamares) River, Chrousos, Dipi Larisos, Faneromeni, Gavathas, Kalloni Saltpans, Makara, Mesa, Nifida, Polichnitos Saltpans, Potamia Valley, Sigri, Skala Eresou, Skala Kallonis, Skamnioudi, Tavari, Tsiknias River, Vergias (Chalandra) River and Voulgaris River. Breeding confirmed from Dipi Larisos, Faneromeni and Polichnitos Saltpans. 2009: 9 Mar 21 Nov (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 4 Mar 12 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 1 Mar 22 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2011). KENTISH PLOVER Charadrius alexandrius rRB, sPM Breeds in suitable habitats such as Saltpans, drier areas of marshes, etc. Also on passage AprMay and Sep Oct. Recorded throughout the year from Polichnitos Saltpans max. 61 on 14 Oct (T Robinson) and Kalloni Saltpans max. 5 on 16 May (H de Wavrin). Also recorded from Alikoudi Pool, Alykes Wetlands, Christou (Kamares) River, Dipi Larisos, Mesa and Tsiknias River. Breeding Confirmed only from Polichnitos Saltpans (T Robinson) and Kalloni Saltpans (H de Wavrin). 2009: max. 81 Polichnitos Saltpans 5 Nov (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: max. 100 Kalloni Saltpans 21 Dec (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: max. 126 Polichnitos Saltpans 5 Nov (Lesvos Birds 2011). CASPIAN PLOVER * Charadrius asiaticus V* 0 | 1 No records in 2012. One accepted record: 2002: 1 nr Kalloni Saltpans May (HRC05).
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Unconfirmed records: 1 dead Molivos Apr 84; 1 Skala Polichnitou Apr 87; nr Kalloni Saltpans May 02 and MarApr 03 (Brooks 1998, 2002, 2003). One record not accepted: 1 Alykes Wetlands 23 Apr 09 (HRC09). EURASIAN DOTTEREL * Charadrius morinellus V* 0 | 2 No records in 2012. Two accepted records: 2006: 1 Polichnitos Saltpans 1112 Sep (HRC08, Lesvos Birds 2010). 2008: 1 Almiropotamos River (Vatera) 10 Sep (HRC10, Lesvos Birds 2010). Unconfirmed records: 1 Mesa Sep 97; 1 nr Sigri Apr 99; nr Kalloni Saltpans Apr 01; 2 nr Kalloni Saltpans Apr 03; 3 Christou (Kamares) River Apr 03 (Brooks 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003). EURSIAN WOODCOCK Scolopax rusticola sW () Another species known from hunting reports, OctMar, but rarely seen by birders. No records 2009 2012. JACK SNIPE Limnocryptes minimus sW Reported to be a common winter visitor, OctMar, by hunters, but rarely seen. No records 2007 2012. Only several records from birders: 2000: 1 Dipi Larisos 11 Apr, 1 Faneromeni 12 Apr (Brooks 2000). 2002: 6 Skala Kallonis Pool 37 Mar (Brooks 2002). 2004: 1 Faneromeni river mouth 4 Apr (Brooks 2004) 2006: 1 Dipi Larisos Jan 06 (E Galinou). GREAT SNIPE * Gallinago media rPM* 0 | 15+ A near-annual migrant. No records in 2012. Recent accepted records; 1998: 1 Tsiknias River May (Brooks 1999). 1999: 1 Faneromeni River Ford 20 25 Apr (Brooks 2000). 2004: 1 nr Kalloni Saltpans Apr 04 (Brooks 2004). 2006: singles nr Kalloni Saltpans Apr & May (per S P Dudley); 2007: 1 Alikoudi Pool Apr (per S P Dudley).
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COMMON SNIPE Gallinago gallinago sW, sPM () Present AugMay. First winter period 1 Polichnitos Saltpans 3 Jan and 24 Feb (T Robinson). Spring 1-2 recorded 28 Mar 11 May (MO) from Alykes Wetlands, Kalloni Saltpans, Sigri & Faneromeni fields and Tsiknias River. Autumn All records (all singles): Christou (Kamares) River 29 Aug (G Tebb et al); Kalloni Saltpans 29 Auf (G Tebb et al); Polichnitos Saltpans 6 Sep (T Swann); Kalloni Saltpans 8 Sep (T Swann); Sigri Fields 19 Sep (S & I Misselbrook). BLACK-TAILED GODWIT Limosa limosa sSP () Occurs on larger wetlands and rivers AprMay. Spring Two records: singles Alykes Wetlands 28 Mar (J Devalez) and 20 22 Apr (R Chittenden et al). Autumn One record: 1 Kalloni Saltpans 27 Aug (G Tebb et al). 2009: 20 Mar 28 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2011). 2010: 15 Mar 13 May (Lesvos Birds 2011). 2011: 23 Mar 5 May and 5 Jul 26 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2011). BAR-TAILED GODWIT * Limosa lapponica V* 0 | 10 No records in 2012. Ten accepted records: 2000: 1 Polichnitos Saltpans 27 Apr 6 May (Brooks 2000). 2001: 18 Christou (Kamares) River 4 May (Brooks 2001). 2002: 1 Kalloni area 22 30 Apr (Brooks 2002). 2004: singles Kalloni Saltpans 9 Apr & 1 3 May (Brooks 2004). 2007: 1 Polichnitos Saltpans Sep (per S P Dudley). 2008: 1 Kalloni Saltpans and Tsiknias River mouth Apr-May 8 (per S P Dudley). 2009: 3 Polichnitos Saltpans 14 Jul (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 1 Tsiknias River and Alykes Wetlands 28 Apr 5 May (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 1 Tsiknias River 30 Aug 8 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2011).

2008: Faneromeni River 27 29 Apr (per S P Dudley). 2009: 1 Haramida Marsh 7 May 08 (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 4 records (5 birds), all Kalloni area, 29 Apr 5 May (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 1 Alykes Wetlands 8 9 May (Lesvos Birds 2011).

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Lesvos Birds 2012

WHIMBREL Numenius phaeopus rPM Small numbers occur MarMay and JulSep. Autumn 1 Kalloni Saltpans 16 Sep (S & I Misselbrook). 2009: no records. 2010: no records. 2011: 3 records 12 29 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2011). EURASIAN CURLEW Numenius arquata rW, rPM () Small numbers AugMar. First winter period 3 Kalloni Saltpans 1 Jan and 3 Polichnitos Saltpans 3 Jan with 12 at the latter site on and off to 19 Mar (T Robinson). Spring singles unless stated: Polichnitos Saltpans 19 Apr, 24 Apr and 25 Apr (3) (T Robinson); 12 Kalloni Saltpans and Alykes Wetlands) 20 Apr 13 May (R Chittenden et al) and presumed same at Christou (Kamares) River 24 Apr (H Vaughan et al); Lotzaria 5 May (B Smith); 1 Alikoudi Pool 1 May (M Sullivan, R Leslie). Autumn 1 Polichnitos Saltpans 9 Aug 3 Nov (T Robinson et al); 12 Kalloni Saltpans 17 Aug 17 Sep (P Stassin et al). Second winter period 1 Polichnitos Saltpans 19 Dec (T Robinson). 2009: spring 28 Mar 18 Apr; autumn 25 Jun 27 Nov (Lesvos Birds 2011). 2010: spring 24 Mar 11 Apr; autumn 1023 Aug (Lesvos Birds 2011). 2011: spring 1 May 7 Jun; autumn 10 Aug 3 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2011). SPOTTED REDSHANK Tringa erythropus sPM, rW Small numbers MarMay and AugOct. 1-2 over-winter. First winter period 1 Polichnitos Saltpans 31 Jan (T Robinson). Spring Recorded only from Kalloni Saltpans & Alykes Wetlands on 19 Apr (1) (R Thorpe, C Murphy et al), 23 near daily 25 30 Apr with 1 bird to 9 May (S P Dudley et al). Autumn Polichnitos Saltpans 17 Sep 4 Nov (T Robinson et al) with max. 8 on 17 Sep (S & I Misselbrook); Kalloni Saltpans 3 on 23 Jul (J Norgate), 26 Aug (2) (G Tebb et al), 8 Sep (1) (T Swann), 11 Sep (2) (T Swann) and 15 Sep (1) (S Wytema et al) and 18 Sep (2) 18 Sep (S & I MIsselbrook). 2009: spring 24 Apr 18 May; autumn 25 Sep 15 Nov (Lesvos Birds 2011). 2010: spring 26 Mar 10 May; autumn 14 Aug 2 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2011). 2011: spring 22 Mar 20 Apr; autumn 10 Aug 7 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2011). COMMON REDSHANK Tringa totanus sR, sPM Occurs mainly AugMar, with smaller numbers AprMay. Mid-summer reports may indicate a few pairs stay to breed. Polichnitos Saltpans Recorded throughout the year with max. 101 on 18 Oct (T Robinson). Kalloni Saltpans Recorded JanMay max. 7 on 1 Jan (T Robinson); JulNov max. 60 on 14 Sep (T Swann). Other sites 2 Almyropotamos River (Lisvorio) 18 Jan (T Robinson); 1 Sigri 26 Apr (R Saxton); 5 Christou
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(Kamares) River 27 Apr (T Hofmeester); 1 Mesa 1 May (G Boomhouwe); 4 Christou (Kamares) River 5 May (M Local); 1 Sigri 10 Jul (P Schaft). 2009: max. 139 Polichnitos Saltpans 24 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: max. 149 Kalloni Saltpans 1 Jan (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: max. 138 Polichnitos Saltpans 22 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2011). MARSH SANDPIPER Tringa stagnatilis sPM Small numbers move through the island MarMay and AugSep. Record count: c.150 Kalloni Saltpans 6 Apr 02 (Brooks 2002). Spring Recorded 14 Apr 14 May: 12 Polichnitos Saltpans 14 Apr 13 May (T Robinson et al); Kalloni Saltpans & Alykes Wetlands 17 Apr 15 May max. 5 on 26 28 Apr (S P Dudley et al). Other sites: 1 Almyropotamos River (Lisvorio) 3 May (P & L Goble); 1 Alikoudi Pool 6 Apr (M Ruijs); 1 Christou (Kamares) River 12 May (per S P Dudley); 13 Tsiknias River 23 Apr 4 May (R Halsey et al). Autumn Recorded 11 Aug 11 Oct: Polichnitos Saltpans 11 Aug 11 Oct with max. 6 on 6 8 Sep (T Robinson); Kalloni Saltpans 8 Sep (3) (T Swann), 14 Sep (1) (T Swann), 18 Sep (1) (S Wytema) and 1 Oct (2) (R Thorpe, M Hodgson et al). 2009: 8 Apr 8 May and 4 22 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 30 Mar 2 May and 12 Aug 16 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 21 Mar 3 May and 24 Aug 12 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2011). COMMON GREENSHANK Tringa nebularia sPM, sW Small numbers move through the island MarMay and AugSep. Small numbers over-winter. First winter period Singles Christou (Kamares) River and Kalloni Saltpans 1 Jan (T Robinson). Spring Polichnitos Saltpans 22 Mar 14 May max. 5 on 22 Mar (T Robinson); Kalloni Saltpans & Alykes Wetlands 28 Mar 18 May max. 11 on 25 Apr (S P Dudley et al); other sites 1 Dipi Larisos 26 Mar (J Delavez), 14 Christou (Kamares) River 26 Apr 19 May (MO); Apothika roadside pool 2 May (G Boomhouwer); Tsiknias River 2 4 May (MO) with max. 8 on 22 Apr (H & J Stedman); 1 Lapsarna 6 May (G Boonhouwer); Alikoudi Pool 16 19 May (T Robinson). Autumn Polichnitos Saltpans 5 Jun 30 Nov max. 19 on 22 23 Sep (T Robinson); Kalloni Saltpans 2 Sep 3 Nov with max. 7 on 14 Sep (T Swann); 1 Tsiknias River 8 14 Sep (T Swann); Perasma Reservoir 13 Sep (1) (T Swann), 17 Sep (3) (S Wytema et al), 18 Sep (3) (S Wytema et al). Second winter period Polichnitos Saltpans throughout Dec with max. 7 on 25 Dec (T Robinson). 2009: to 9 May and from 3 Aug (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: to 21 May and from 27 Jun (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: to 14 May and from 27 Jun (Lesvos Birds 2011). GREEN SANDPIPER Tringa ochropus rW, sPM Occurs mainly OctMar, with passage AprMay and JulSep. First winter period 12 Polichnitos Saltpans 16 Feb 26 Mar (T Robinson); 1 Dipi Larisos 26 Mar (J Delavez); 1 Kalloni Saltpans 28 Mar (J Delavez). Spring Recorded to 19 May: 1 Almyropotamos River (Lisvorio) 7 Apr (T Robinson); 1 Nifida 8 Apr (T Robinson); 2 Almyropotamos River (Lisvorio) 14 Apr (T Robinson); 1 Polichnitos Saltpans 15 Apr (T Robinson);
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1 Almyropotamos River (Lisvorio) 21 Apr (T Robinson); 1 Chrousos 27 Apr (K Mullarney); 1 Kalloni Saltpans 28 Apr (J Delavez); 1 Christou (Kamares) River 30 Apr (H Vaughan et al); 1 Tsiknias River 30 Apr (H Vaughan et al); 1 Kalloni Saltpans 30 Apr (S P Dudley et al); 1 Kalloni Saltpans 3 May (M Ruijs); 2 Skala Kallonis 9 May (J van den Tilaart); 1 Alykes Wetlands 11 May (G Boomhouwer); 1 Christou (Kamares) River 19 May (J Delavez). Autumn Recorded from 9 Jun: 13 Polichnitos Saltpans 9 Jun 19 Aug (T Robinson); 2 Voulgaris River 11 Jul (P Schaft); 2 Meladia Valley 12 Jul (P Schaft); 1 Kalloni Saltpans 16 Jul (P Schaft); 1 Kalloni Saltpans 25 Aug (G Tebb et al); 3 Metochi Lake 25 Jul (G Tebb et al); 2 Tsiknias River 25 Aug (G Tebb et al); 6 Christou (Kamares) River 29 Aug (G Tebb et al); 1 Perasma Reservoir 20 Sep (S Wytema et al); 12 Kalloni Saltpans 16 24 Sep (B Voorn, S & I Misselbrook). 2009: to 2 May and from 21 Aug (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: to 12 May and from 12 Aug (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: to 3 May and from 6 Jul (Lesvos Birds 2011). WOOD SANDPIPER Tringa glareola cPM Common and can be encountered on any wetland area MarMay with smaller numbers JulSep. Spring Recorded 26 Mar 21 May but in relatively low numbers: Christou (Kamares) River max. 114 on 24 Apr (H Vaughan et al); Tsiknias River max. 55 on 24 Apr (R Halsey); Polichnitos Saltpans max. 54 on 28 Apr (T Robinson); Kalloni Saltpans max. 50 on 2 May (J Simons). Autumn Recorded 7 Jul 4 Oct from: Polichnitos Saltpans max. 20 on 4 Sep (T Robinson); Kalloni Saltpans max. 20 on 7 Jul (P Schaft). 2009: 26 Mar 26 May and 10 Jul 30 Aug (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 1314 Feb, 29 Mar 18 May and 10 23 Aug (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 6 Mar 21 May and 11 Jul 22 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2011). TEREK SANDPIPER * Xenus cinereus V* 1 | 9 One record (accepted by HRC): 1 Kalloni Saltpans 31 Oct 2 Nov (photo: E & W Kappes) (HRC12 in prep).
Terek Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos, Kalloni Saltpans, November 2012 E & W Kappes

Eight other accepted records: 1993: 1 Kalloni Saltpans 14 May (Brooks 1998). 1995: 1 Mesa 16 17 May (Brooks 1998). 2000: 1 Kallonia Saltpans 20 Aug (HRC05). 2003: 1 River Christou (Kamares) River mouth 10 May video (HRC08). 2009: 1 Polichnitos Saltpans 13 May (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: singles Kalloni Saltpans 29 Apr & 27 Jul and Faneromeni 29 Sep (record year) (Lesvos Birds 2010).

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COMMON SANDPIPER Actitis hypoleucos sPM, rW Small numbers MarMay and AugOct. Over-wintering birds occasionally recorded. First winter period 1 Skala Vasilikon 1 Jan (T Robinson); 2 Alikoudi Pool 18 Feb (T Robinson). Spring Recorded 7 Apr 13 May from: Almiropotamos River (Vatera), Almyropotamos River (Lisvorio), Alikoudi Pool, Christou (Kamares) River, Dipi Larisos, Efthalou, Faneromeni, Kalloni Saltpans, Kambos, Limani, Mesa Wetlands, Neapoli (Mytilini), Perasma Reservoir, Polichnitos Saltpans, Potamia Valley, Voulgaris River and Vourkos River. Max. 8 Pithariou Reservoir 7 May (G Boomhouwer). Autumn Recorded 7 Jul 7 Nov from: Kalloni Saltpans, Mytilini, Polichnitos Saltpans max. 6 on several dates 30 Jul 22 Aug (T Robinson) and Voulgaris River. 2009: to 22 May and from 22 Jun (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: to 11 May and from 29 Jun (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: to 7 May and from 28 Jun (Lesvos Birds 2011). RUDDY TURNSTONE Arenaria interpres sPM Small numbers MarMay and AugSep. Spring Recorded 27 Apr 16 May: 1 Polichnitos Saltpans 27 Apr (T Robinson); 3 Kalloni Saltpans 29 Apr (H Vaughan et al); 1 Tsiknias River 1 2 May with 2 there 3 May (J Simons et al); 1 Polichnitos Saltpans 5 May (G Boomhouwer et al); 1 Vatera 5 May (N & L Anderson); 13 Kalloni Saltpans 6 May (C Laassen); 5 Polichnitos Saltpans 13 May (T Robinson); 1 Dipi Larisos 14 May (A Vuijk); 5 Kalloni Saltpans 15 May (T Swann) with 2 there 16 May (H de Wyvrin et al). Autumn Recorded 5 13 Sep: 1 Polichnitos Saltpans 5 13 Sep (T Robinson et al); 1 Kalloni Saltpans 8 Sep (T Swann). 2009: 29 Apr 30 May and 8 14 Aug (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 15 Apr 14 May and 23 Aug 22 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 28 Apr 15 May and 24 Aug 10 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2011).
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Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos, near Skala Vasilikon, November 2012 Pantelis Thomaidis

Lesvos Birds 2012

RED KNOT * Calidris canutus V* 3 | 6 Three records (accepted by LBRC): Singles: ad summer plumage Christou (Kamares) River 13 May (P & V Manning); ad summer plumage Kalloni Saltpans (T Swann, M Local); 1 Polichnitos Saltpans 23 24 Aug (G Coultrip, T Robinson). This is the first year with more than one record. Three other accepted records: 2005: 1 Kalloni Saltpans Apr (HRC 08). 2007: 1 Polichnitos Saltpans 3 Sep (HRC 08). 2010: 1 Christou (Kamares) River 30 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2010). Unconfirmed records: 1 Polichnitos Saltpans Apr 99 (Brooks 1999); Kalloni Saltpans Apr 00 (Brooks 2000), 2 in May 04 (Brooks 2004) & May 07. SANDERLING Calidris alba sPM Small numbers seen MarMay and AugSep. Spring Five records: 1 Dipi Larisos 21 Apr (S P Dudley); 1 Tsiknias River 30 Apr (H Vaughan et al); 1 Pandeleimonas Pools (Eresos) 30 Apr (M Sullivan, R Leslie); 1 Alykes Wetlands 30 Apr (S P Dudley et al); 2 Dipi Larisos 1 May (C Capewell et al). Autumn Four records: Kalloni Saltpans 3 on 23 Jul (J Norgate), 1 on 8 Sep (T Swann) and 4 on 18 Sep (S & I Misselbrook); Polichnitos Saltpans 3 on 16 Nov with 1 bird to 17 Nov (T Robinson). 2009: 22 Apr 19 May and 25 Sep 3 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 22 Apr 18 May (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 18 Apr 15 May and 11 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2011). LITTLE STINT Calidris minuta cPM () Can be found on almost all wetland areas AprMay, with large concentrations at some (e.g. Kalloni Saltpans) AprMay with smaller number JulOct. Small numbers over-winters. First winter period Polichnitos Saltpans 2 Jan 27 Feb, max. 23 on 11 Jan (T Robinson); 3 Kalloni Saltpans 3 Jan (T Robinson); 2 Christou (Kamares) River 1 Jan. Spring Recorded to 24 May from: Kalloni Saltpans & Alykes Wetlands max. 150 on 13 May (G Boomhouwer); Polichnitos Saltpans max. 37 on 4 May (T Robinson); Christou (Kamares) River max. 35 on 6 May (M Wustenhoff); Tsiknias River max. 12 on 4 May (P & L Goble); Potamia Valley max. 60 on 27 Apr (M Lloyd); 110 recorded from Alikoudi Pool, Almiropotamos River (Vatera), Dipi Larisos, Faneromeni, Lapsarna, Meladia Valley, Mesa Wetlands, Skala Eresou, Skala Kallonis and Vergias (Chalandra) River. Autumn Recorded from 8 Jul: Polichnitos Saltpans max. 56 on 27 Nov (T Robinson); Kalloni Saltpans max. 50 on 15 Sep (S Wytema et al). Second winter period Polichnitos Saltpans max. 29 on 21 Dec (T Robinson). 2009: to 18 Jun and from 17 Jul; max. 141 on 7 May (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: to 24 May and from 15 Jul; max. 140 on 4 May (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: to 23 May and from 17 Jul; max. 399 on 4 May (Lesvos Birds 2011).
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TEMMINCKS STINT Calidris temminckii cPM Can be found on almost all wetland areas AprMay with smaller numbers AugSep. Record count: 16 Tsiknias River 17 May 01 (Brooks 2001). Spring Recorded 17 Apr 17 May: Kalloni Saltpans & Alykes Weltands max. 10 on 30 Apr (J Simons, S P Dudley et al); Christou River max. 10 on 27 Apr (J Simons); Tsiknias River max. 7 on 1 May (W Vergoossen); singles Polichnitos 17 Apr (R Thorpe, C Murphy et al), 21 22 Apr, 2 on 8 May (M de Vries), singles 9 & 13 May (T Robinson); 2 Dipi Larisos 21 Apr (S P Dudley); 1 Sigri Fields 25 Apr (D Hatton et al); 1 Chrousos 27 Apr (K Mullarney); 1 Faneromeni 29 Apr (S P Dudley et al); 1 Skala Kallonis 6 May (G Boomhouwer). Autumn Kalloni Saltpans 4 on 27 Jul (J Norgate), 1 on 14 Aug (P Stassin) and 3 on 17 Sep (S & I Misselbrook). 2009: 20 Apr 12 May and 26 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 15 Apr 11 May and 12 17 Aug (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 16 Apr 22 May and 10 Aug 3 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2011). PECTORAL SANDPIPER * Calidris melanotos V* 0 | 1 No records in 2012. One accepted record: 2008: juv Polichnitos Saltpans 24 Sep 08 (HRC 08, Lesvos Birds 2009). Fourth record for Greece. CURLEW SANDPIPER Calidris ferruginea sPM Good numbers move through the island AprMay with smaller numbers AugOct. Noteable record: c.350 Kalloni Saltpans 9 May 99 (Brooks 1999). Spring Recorded 20 Apr 22 May: Kalloni Saltpans & Alykes Wetlands max. 42 on 27 Apr (H Vaughan et al); Polichnitos Saltpans max. 18 on 7 May (T Robinson); Christou (Kamares) River max. 15 on 14 May (S P & E F Dudley); Faneromeni 1 on 6 May (M Wustenhoff) and 2 on 16 May (D & L Oulsnom); 5 Vergias (Chalandra) River 10 May (A Vuijk); 2 Dipi Larisos 14 May (A Vuijk); 8 Lotzaria 18 May (S P & E F Dudley et al); 17 Tsiknias River 18 May (M Inskipp). Autumn Recorded 14 Jun 19 Sep: Polichnitos Saltpans 14 Jun 19 Sep max. 6 on 25 Aug (T Robinson); 13 Kalloni Saltpans 25 29 Aug (G Tebb etal); 1 Tsiknias River 20 Jul (J de Ryche). 2009: 3 Apr 8 Jun and 17 Jul 27 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 3 Apr 20 May and 30 Jul 19 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 18 Apr 25 May and 17 Jul 8 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2011). DUNLIN Calidris alpina sW, sPM Surprisingly scarce AugMay. First winter period Present at Polichnitos Saltpans to 6 Apr with max. 94 on 31 Jan (T Robinson); 1 Kalloni Saltpans 1 Jan (T Robinson). Spring Recorded to 14 May (singles unless stated): Kalloni Saltpans & Alykes Wetlands 28 Mar (J Devalez), 27 Apr (H Vaughan et al), 3 May (M Sullivan, R Leslie et al); Polichnitos Saltpans 6 on 19 Apr (T Robinson), 1 on 13 May (T Robinson); 3 Mesa Wetlands 1 May (G Boomhouwer); 1 Alikoudi Pool 13 May (G Boomhouwer); 50 Christou (Kamares) River 14 May (M Wustenhoff).
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Second winter period Recorded from 21 Aug: Polichnitos Saltpans max. 280 on 27 Nov (T Robinson); Kalloni Saltpans max. 10 on 15 Sep (G Tebb et al). 2009: to 30 Apr and from 8 Sep; max. 249 on 24 Dec (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: to 11 May and from 10 Aug; max. 201 on 28 Jan (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: to 6 May and from 15 Aug; max. 245 on 10 Nov (Lesvos Birds 2011).

Broad-billed Sandpiper Limicola falcinellus, Alykes Wetlands, May 2012 Mick Sveikutis BROAD-BILLED SANDPIPER Limicola falcinellus rPM Recorded AprMay, but unusually, more often encountered in autumn AugSep. Flock of 20 birds in Sep 2002 exceptional (P Manning). Spring Two records: 1 Alykes Wetlands 2 10 May (C Murphy et al) with a second bird present 9 May (G Fellows et al). Autumn Four records: Polichnitos Saltpans 1 on 11 15 Aug (T Robinson), 2 on 23 Aug (G Coultrip), 3 on 25 Aug (G Tebb et al), 1 on 26 Aug (T Robinson et al) and 2 on 27 Aug (G Tebb et al). 2011 Additional record: 1 Perasma Reservoir 17 May (S Gibson). 2009: 3 records, 9 11 May and 11 25 Aug and 13 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 5 records, 3 16 May (3) and 12 14 Aug (2) (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 4 records, 3 12 May (3) and 29 31 Aug (1) (Lesvos Birds 2011). RUFF Philomachus pugnax sPM Occurs FebMay and AugOct. Found mainly at the two saltpans but often seen in small numbers on rivers. First winter period 1 Polichnitos Saltpans 12 Feb (T Robinson). Spring Recorded 9 Mar 9 Jun: Kalloni Saltpans & Alykes Wetlands max. 800 on 25 Apr (S P Dudley et al); Polichnitos Saltpans max. 103 on 28 Apr (T Robinson); Christou (Kamares) River max. 200 on 27 Apr (J Simons); 100 nr Skamnioudi 3 May (R de Jonckheere); Mesa Wetlands max. 27 on 4 May (G Boomhouwer); Pithariou Reservoir max. 28 (S P Dudley et al); Skala Kallonis max. 15 on 8 May (J van den Tilaart); Alikoudi Steve Dudley | Lesvos Birding 2013 68

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Pool max. 11 on 7 Apr (T Robinson); 6 Almyropotamos River (Lisvorio) 12 May (T Robinson); 2 Makara 7 May (W Faveyts); Tsiknias River max. 3 on 5 May (D & L Oulsnom); 12 Meladia Valley 1 2 May (W Faveyts); 2 Perasma Reservoir 6 May (I Pitts et al); 1 Pandeleimonas Pools (Eresos) 7 May (G Boomhouwer). Autumn Recorded 27 Jul 14 Oct: Polichnitos Saltpans max. 48 on 3 Sep (T Robinson); Kalloni Saltpans 1 on 27 Jul (J Norgate) and 2 on 14 15 Sep (T Swann et al). 2009: 5 25 May and 1025 Sep; max. 385 on 7 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 10 Mar 25 May and 2 Sep 3 Nov; max. 120 on 25 27 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 5 Mar 17 May and 12 Aug 22 Oct; max. 300 on 26 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2011). RED-NECKED PHALAROPE * Phalaropus lobatus V* 1 | 12 One record (accepted by LBRC): Ad male Kalloni Saltpans 29 Aug (G Tebb et al). Eleven other accepted records: 1998: 2 Kalloni Saltpans 16 May (Brooks 1998). 1999: a fem Kalloni Saltpans 710 May (Brooks 1999). 2001: 3 Kalloni Saltpans area 26 Aug (HRC07). 2003: 1 Kalloni Saltpans 11 May (Brooks 2004). 2004: 1 Kalloni Saltpans 1 May (Brooks 2004). 2006: 1 nr Kalloni Saltpans May (E Galinou); 1 Polichnitos Saltpans Aug Sep (E Galinou). 2010: pr Kalloni Saltpans 18 May and 1 Kalloni Saltpans 2627 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 2 Kalloni Saltpans 16 Aug and 1 Polichnitos Saltpans 26 Aug (Lesvos Birds 2011). One record not accepted: 4 Kalloni Saltpans 10 May 07 (HRC07). GREY PHALAROPE (RED PHALAROPE) * Phalaropus fulicarius V* 0 | 1 No records in 2012. One accepted record: 2011: 1 Polichnitos Saltpans 31 Oct 1 Nov (Lesvos Birds 2011). COLLARED PRATINCOLE Glareola pratincola cSP () Good numbers seen on passage across the island AprMay. Double-figure flocks, up to 50 birds, not unusual. Spring Recorded 22 Apr 4 Jun: Kalloni Saltpans & Alykes Wetlands max. 35 on 26 Apr (M Lloyd et al); Lotzaria max. 20 on 29 Apr (S P Dudley et al); Faneromeni max. 9 on 10 May (I Pitts et al); Tsiknias River max. 4 on 30 Apr (J Simons); 1-2 also Polichnitos Saltpans, nr Skamnioudi and Skala Eresou. Autumn Singles Polichnitos Saltpans 19 Jun (T Robinson) and Kalloni Saltpans 16 Sep (S & I Misselbrook). 2009: 19 Apr 18 May and 25 Jun 3 Jul; max. 50 on 19 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 22 Apr 19 May and 20 Jun 1 Jul; max. 8 on 25 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 15 Apr 24 May; max. 40 on 25 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2011).

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BLACK-WINGED PRATINCOLE * Glareola nordmanni V* 0 | 6 2006 One record (accepted by HRC): 1 Kalloni Saltpans & Alykes Wetlands 7 May (photo: M & T Sveikutis, HRC12 in prep). This is the sixth record for Lesvos. Five other accepted records: 1993: 1 Faneromeni 11 May (per HRC). 1994: 2 Mylopotamos River 6 May (per HRC). 2003: 2 Kalloni Saltpans 10 May (HRC06) 2006: 1 Kalloni Saltpans 4 May (HRC06). 2011: 1 Kalloni Saltpans 13 14 May (Lesvos Birds 2011, HRC11). Unconfirmed records: 5 Kalloni Saltpans 11 Apr 86; 6 Skala Kallonis Pool Apr 15 Apr 87; 2 Tsiknias River 8 May 93; 6 Tsiknias River 6 May 94; 98 Kalloni Saltpans 2 on 21 Apr, 3 on 27 Apr, 2 on 30 Apr, 7 on 10 May & 1 on 12 May; 1 Christou (Kamares) River 15 Sep 98 (all Brooks 1998). Two records not accepted: 2 Polichnitos Saltpans 28 Apr 06 (HRC11). 10 Polichnitos Saltpans 29 Apr 06 (HRC11). This species remains an identification challenge with birds needing to be seen well to separate from Collared Pratincole (especially worn birds lacking or with a reduced white-trailing edge to the wings). In Birding on the Greek Island of Lesvos (1998) Brooks includes many records including several accounts of flocks. Most of these records have never been submitted (many pre-date formal national recording) so have not been scrutinized at any level. Given the paucity of records over the last 10 years, and the continued difficulty in separating from Collared Pratincole, the HRC consider these records unproven and would welcome anyone with any photos of birds listed in Brooks to submit them formally with details of the record. Real care must be taken with any birds considered as Black-winged, and very good photographs (e.g. sun-lit underwings) will normally be required to support any record. BLACK-LEGGED KITIWAKE * Rissa trydactyla V* 1 | 1 One record (accepted by LBRC): A first-year bird at Mytilini Harbour 17 Nov (N Probonas). This is the first confirmed record for Lesvos. SLENDER-BILLED GULL Chroicepahalus genei sW, sPM Occurs in small numbers OctMar. Passage birds AprMay and AugSep. Few records JunJul. First winter period no records. Spring Recorded 22 Apr 20 May: 2 Kalloni Saltpans 22 Apr (S P Dudley et al); 11 Alikoudi Pool 28 Apr (H & J Stedman, T Robinson et al); 1 Skala Kallonis 30 Apr (S P Dudley et al); 3 Alikoudi Pool 8 May (N & L Anderson); 1 Kalloni Saltpans 8 May (N & L Anderson); 2 Kalloni Saltpans 20 May (J Delavez). Autumn Recorded from 9 Jul: Polichnitos Saltpans 3 on 9 Jul, 1 on 22 Aug, Sep max. 33 on 26 Sep, Oct max. 41 on 13 Oct, 5 on 26 Nov (T Robinson et al); Kalloni Saltpans 1 on 29 Aug (G Tebb et al), Sep max. 7 on 15 Sep (S Wytema et al), 50 on 2 Nov (E & W Kappes); 5 Efthalou 3 Oct (R Thorpe, M Hodgson et al).
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Second winter period Max. 13 Polichnitos Saltpans 2 Dec (T Robinson). 2009: to 11 May; 3 Jun 31 Jul; from 24 Aug; max. 25 on 7 Nov (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: to 2 May; 31 Jul; from 13 Sep; max. 14 on 12 Nov (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: to 16 May and from 10 Aug; max. 19 on 24 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2011). BLACK-HEADED GULL Chroicepahalus ridibundus sW Occurs JulMay. First winter period Present in small numbers around Gulf of Kalloni to 28 Mar with max. 20 Polichnitos Saltpans 14 Jan (T Robinson). Spring 2 Kalloni Saltpans & Alykes Wetlands 4 6 May (S P Dudley et al). Second winter period Present from 30 Jun; present in small numbers around Gulf of Kalloni with max. 458 Polichnitos Saltpans 6 Nov (T Robinson); Mytilini max. 43 on 26 Nov (J Delavez); also recorded from Perasma Reservoir and Tsiknias River. LITTLE GULL Hydrocoloeus minutus sW, sPM Occurs in small numbers AugMay. Surprisingly few seen on passage AprMay and AugSep. Flock of 6000+ in 2010 is largest ever count recorded in Greece. Spring Two records: singles Kalloni Saltpans & Alykes Wetlands 19 Apr (R Thorpe, C Murphy et al) and 4 May (H Vaughan et al). Autumn One record: 1 Tsiknis River 4 Sep (P & E Wells). 2009: 5 records 28 Mar 5 May and 21 Sep 7 Nov (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 6 records, 4 Jan, 1 Apr 7 May (inc. flock of 6000+ 1 Apr) and 1 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 3 records, 23 30 Apr (2) and 3 17 Nov (1) (Lesvos Birds 2011). AUDOUINS GULL Larus audouinii rRB A rare resident which is known to breed on offshore near Petra (Brooks 2000). 12 recorded regularly along the north coast, especially between Molivos and Skala Sikaminias (which may also supports the idea of Turkish breeding birds coming over to the island). Rare away from the north, but records occasionally from northern Gulf of Kalloni, Sigri, Vatera and the east coast. Spring 13 regularly recorded 21 Apr 16 May from the north coast from Kavaki east to to Skala Sikaminias (MO). Elsewhere, singles Skala Eresou 10 May (G Boomhouwer) and Tsiknias River 16 May (S P & E F Dudley). 2010: survey of north Aegean islands estimate population at 2024 pairs. MEDITERRANEAN GULL Ichthyaetus melanocpehalus sW, sPM Occurs in reasonable numbers AugMay, with passage birds MarMay and AugOct. Record count: 200 Alykes Wetlands 3 Apr 02 (Brooks 2002). First winter period 1 Polichnitos Saltpans 7 Jan (T Robinson). Spring Recorded 15 Apr 12 May: 15 Apr 16 Polichnitos Saltpans (T Robinson); 19 Apr 29 Kalloni Saltpans
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(R Thorpe, C Murphy et al); 22 Apr 2 Polichnitos Saltpans (T Robinson), 3 Petra (C Kehoe), 6 Alykes Wetlands (P Aubrey, G Elton); 23 Apr 2 Tsiknias River and Alykes Wetlands (S P Dudley et al); 24 Apr 5 Perasma Reservoir (R Murray), 2 Kalloni Saltpans (S Wytema et al); 26 Apr 2 Polichnitos Saltpans (per S P Dudley); 27 Apr 4 Polichnitos Saltpans (T Robinson); 28 Apr 2 Tsiknias River (T Hofmeester); 29 Apr 5 Tsiknias River (B Forbes et al); 30 Apr 2 Alikoudi Pool (S P Dudley et al) and 2 Polichnitos Saltpans (G Lamers, W Vergoossen); 1 May 2 Tsiknias River (D Beuker et al) and 1 Alykes Wetlands (H Vaughan et al); 2 May 7 Kalloni Saltpans & Alykes Wetlands (G Fellows); 4 May 4 Alykes Wetlands (H Vaughan et al); 5 May 4 Dipi Larisos (G Boomhouwer) and 1 Kalloni Saltpans & Alykes Wetlands (M Ruijs); 2 May 2 Skala Kallonis 12 May (S P Dudley). Summer/Autumn Polichnitos Saltpans from 26 Jun max. 57 on 16 Aug (T Robinson); 22 Skala Vasilikon 17 Sep (S Wytema et al); Mytilini max. 110 on 29 Sep (J Devalez); 1 Kalloni Saltpans 2 Sep (T Swann). Second winter period A first-year Mytilini Harbour 9 Dec (N Probonas) and 2 Polichnitos Saltpans 31 Dec (T Robinson). 2009: to 21 May and from 30 Jun; max. 191 on 4 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: to 20 May and from 11 Jun; max. 43 on 15 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: to 21 May and from 22 Jun; max. 50 on 17 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2011). COMMON GULL (MEW GULL) * Larus canus V* 0 | 6+ No records in 2012. Around six accepted records, most recent: 2003: 1 Kalloni Salt Pans Aug (Brooks 2003). 2009: 1 Polichnitos Saltpans 12 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2009). CASPIAN GULL * Larus cachinnans V* 1 | 1 One record (accepted by LBRC): A first-year bird at Skala Kallonis 18 Sep (photo: S Wytema et al). This is the first confirmed record for Lesvos.
Caspian Gull Larus cachinnans, Skala Kallonis, September 2012 Steven Wytema

YELLOW-LEGGED GULL Larus michahellis cRB Common resident breeding on offshore islands and seen right across the island. Present across the island throughout the year. Polichnitos Saltpans max. monthly counts as follows: Jan (456), Feb (250), Mar (190), Apr (40), May (57), Jun (93), Jul (330), Aug (356), Sep (240), Oct (150), Nov (76) and Dec
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(73) (T Robinson). Other large counts: 450 Perasma Reservoir 28 Apr (W Vergoossen); 500 Mytilini 23 Sep (J Delalez); 870 Kavaki 10 May (G Boomhouwer). No breeding records received but birds recorded on many of the offshore islands off Petra, Skala Eresou, Garbias Island, etc. LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL * Larus fuscus rPM Passage birds AprMay and SepOct. Both intermedius and fuscus occur. Three records: Single adults at Kalloni Saltpans 7 May (M Local), Klio 10 May (G Boomhouwer) and Kalloni Saltpans 23 Jul (J Norgate). 2011: 3 records (Lesvos Birds 2011). This remains a genuinely rare species on Lesvos. Annually Yellow-legged Gulls are mis-idenitfied as this species due to observers being unfamiliar with Yellow-legged Gull and how dark the upperparts can appear in certain light conditions. GULL-BILLED TERN Gelochelidon nilotica sSP Small numbers pass through the island AprMay. Spring Recorded 22 Apr 18 May: daily at Kalloni Saltpans & Alykes Wetlands with max. 160 on 26 Apr (H Vaughan et al); 44 Mesa 26 Apr (per S P Dudley); Tsiknias River max. 10 on 1 May (W Vergoossen); 20 Christou (Kamares) River 27 Apr (J Simons); Skala Kallonis max. 5 on 23 Apr (S P Dudley et al); 12 recorded from Polichnitos Saltpans, Potamia River and Skala Vasilikon. 2009: 11 Apr 27 May; 9 14 Sep; max. 22 on 19 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 27 Mar 19 May; 15 Aug 7 Sep; max. 50 on 6 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 11 Apr 17 May; max. 52 on 24 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2011).

Gill-billed Tern Gelochelidon nilotica, Alykes Wetlands, May 2012 Mick Sveikutis 73

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CASPIAN TERN Hydroprogne caspia sPM Occasionally recorded AprMay and AugSep. Record count: 20 (at roost) Kalloni Saltpans 24 Apr 00 (Brooks 2002). Two records: 2 Kalloni Saltpans 2 May (G Boomhouwer) and 1 Skala Vasilikon 6 May (M Ruijs). Number of Caspian Tern records (not individuals) 2008 2012
Spring Autumn 2008 1 0 2009 3 1 2010 3 1 2011 3 0 2012 2 0

2008: 1 Kalloni Saltpans 14 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2009: 4 records, 24 Apr 22 May and 11 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 3 records, 29 Apr, 7 Jul and 9 Aug (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 3 records, 11 30 Apr (2) and 22 May (Lesvos Birds 2011).

LESSER CRESTED TERN * Thalasseus bengalensis V* 0 | 1 No records in 2012. One accepted record: 2001: 1 Kalloni Saltpans 6 7 May (HRC10, Lesvos Birds 2011). SANDWICH TERN Thalasseus sandvicensis R, sPM Occurs all months (non-breeding resident). First winter period Recorded from Gulf of Kalloni coast between Tsiknias River and Polichnitos Saltpans, max. 22 Tsiknias River mouth 1 Jan (T Robinson). Spring 2 offshore off Kalloni Saltpans & Alykes Wetlands 1 2 May (H Vaughan et al) and 10 there 7 May (M Gottenbos). Autumn Present from 25 Jun: Polichnitos Saltpans with max. 34 on 7 Sep (T Robinson), Tsiknias River max. 28 on 24 Sep (S Wytema et al); 6 Kalloni Saltpans 18 Sep (S & I Misselbrook); 6 Mytilini 26 29 Nov (J Delavez); Kalloni Holiday Village 5 6 Sep (T Swann). Second winter period Polichnitos Saltpans max. 8 on 13 Dec (T Robinson); 1 Mytilini 1 5 Dec (J Delavez). 2009: present all months; max. 26 on 26 Aug (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: to 18 May and from 13 Jun; max. 25 on 4 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: to 4 May and from 24 May; max. 31 on 27 Aug 1 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2011). LITTLE TERN Sternula albifrons sMB () Occurs AprSep. Recorded 21 Apr 6 Sep from Polichnitos Saltpans, Kalloni Saltpans & Alykes Wetlands, Tsiknias River mouth (all breeding sites), Alikoudi Pool, Christou (Kamares) River, Kalami Marsh and Skala Eresou.
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Max. counts 20 Kalloni Saltpans 27 Apr (G Lemars, W Vergoossen), 35 Polichnitos Saltpans 15 Aug (T Robinson), 16 Tsiknias River 29 Apr (B Engelhart, O Bihlmaier, S Ehret). 2009: 19 Apr 11 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 15 Apr 31 Aug (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 11 Apr 7 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2011). COMMON TERN Sterna hirundo sMB, cPM Occurs AugApr. Recorded 14 Apr 18 Sep from Polichnitos Saltpans, Kalloni Saltpans (inc. breeding), Tsiknias River mouth (inc. breeding), Christou (Kamares) River, Kalami Marsh, Skala Kallonis, Mesa, Anaxos, North Coast, Dipi Larisos and Alikoudi Pool. Max. counts 25 Kalloni Saltpans 8 May (G Boomhouwer) and 45 Polichnitos Saltpans 15 Jun (T robinson). 2009: 5 Apr 14 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 2 Apr 1 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 4 Apr 10 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2011). ARCTIC TERN * Sterna paradisaea V* 0 | 1 No records in 2012. One accepted record: 2005: 1 Kalloni Saltpans 20 21 Apr (HRC09, Lesvos Birds 2011). The tenth record for Greece. Unconfirmed reports: Tsiknias River Jun 96 (2), May 98 (1) (all Brooks 1998), Apr 99 (1) and Apr 04 (2); Kalloni Saltpans Apr 98 (1), Apr 99 (3), May 00 (1) & Apr 04 (1); 6 Skala Kallonis Mar 02; 1 Tsiknias River mouth May 02 (Brooks 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2004). One record not accepted: 1 Tsiknias River mouth 22 Apr 11 (HRC11). WHISKERED TERN Chlidonias hybrida cPM Good numbers pass through wetlands areas AprMay with smaller numbers AugOct. Spring Recorded 21 Apr 19 May: recorded daily Kalloni Saltpans& Alykes Wetlands max. 46 on 27 Apr (H Vaughan et al); 35 Potamia River 27 Apr (M Lloyd); 20 Christou (Kamares) River 27 Apr (J Simons); 16 recorded from Kandria Marshes, Mesa Wetlands, Polichnitos Saltpans, Skala Kallonis Pool, Skala Vasilikon, Tsiknias River. Autumn Polichnitos Saltpans 1 on 21 22 Aug (T Robinson), 1 on 6 Sep (T Swann) and 2 on 17 Sep (S Wytema et al); 1 Tsiknias River 4 Sep (T Swann). As with White-winged Tern, a distinct peak passage on 27 Apr. 2009: 19 26 Apr and 20 Sep; max. 36 on 19 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 20 Apr 22 May and 9 Aug 16 Sep; max. 130 on 28 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 11 Apr 31 May and 12 Oct; max. 86 on 27 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2011).
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WHITE-WINGED (BLACK) TERN Chlidonias leucopterus cPM Good numbers pass through wetlands areas AprMay with smaller numbers AugOct. Spring Recorded 21 Apr 19 May: recorded daily Kalloni Saltpans & Alykes Wetlands max. 110 on 27 Apr (T Robinson); 50 Potamia River 27 Apr (M Lloyd); 4 Christou (Kamares) River 27 Apr (J Simons); 15 recorded from Dipi Larisos, Skala Kallonis Pool, Skala Vasilikon and Tsiknias River. Autumn Two records: 1 Tsiknias River 4 Sep (J Bogaarls); 1 Kalloni Saltpans 15 Sep (S Wytema et al). As with Whiskered Tern, a distinct peak passage on 27 Apr. 2009: 19 Apr 16 May max. 30 on 28 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 22 Apr 9 May and 11 27 Sep max. 150 on 30 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 20 Apr 31 May and 4 Sep max. 30 on 16 Apr & 13 May (Lesvos Birds 2011). BLACK TERN Chlidonias niger sPM The rarest of the marsh terns with small numbers (often singles) occur AprMay and AugSep. Spring A very good year (singles unless stated): Polichnitos Saltpans 20 Apr (T Robinson); Kalloni Saltpans & Alykes Wetlands 26 Apr (S Wytema et al); 10 Kalloni Saltpans 27 Apr (J Simons); Skala Vasilikon 27 Apr (R de Jonckheere); Dipi Larisos 1 May (C Capewell); Kalloni Saltpans & Alykes Wetlands 2, 4 & 6 May (J Simons et al), 13 May (2) (A Vuijk) and 14 May (M Gottenbos). Autumn 1 Polichnitos Saltpans 6 Sep (T Swann). The count of 10 on 27 Apr is the joint second highest count for Lesvos. 2009: 6 23 May and 2 5 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 27 Apr 20 May and 13 Aug 27 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 18 Apr 28 May (Lesvos Birds 2011). ARCTIC SKUA (PARASITIC JAEGER) * Stercorarius parasticus V* 0 | 3 No records in 2012. Three accepted records: 1999: 1 off Agios Fokas 29 Mar and 2 off Kalloni Saltpans 15 Apr (Brooks 1999) 2003: 2 Gulf of Kalloni off Kalloni Saltpans and Tsikinias River mouth 2324 Apr (Brooks 2003). ROCK DOVE Columba livia sRB Small numbers occur around the rockier coastal areas. Feral Pigeons also occur in the towns. Most reliable area is Faneromeni Upper Fields. Records from Sigri & Faneromeni Fields max. 15 on 6 May (S P Dudley et al); Eresos area max. 6 on 25 Apr (S Wytema et al); North Coast track max. 2 on 22 Apr (P Aubrey, G Elton); Makara & Garbias Island max. 7 on 13 May (S P & E F Dudley); also singles near Molivos 3 Oct and Mesotopos 5 Oct (both R Thorpe, M Hodgson et al).
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STOCK DOVE * Columba oenas V* 2 | 7 Two records (accepted by LBRC): 1 Molivos 3 Oct (R Thorpe, M Hodgson et al). 3 Faneromeni 5 Oct (R Thorpe, M Hodgson et al). Five other accepted records, most recent: 1998: 1 Klio 30 May (Brooks 1998) 2002: 2 nr Sigri 20 May (Brooks 2002). 2010: 1 Polichnitos Saltpans 15 Feb (Lesvos Birds 2010). COMMON WOOD PIGEON Columba palumbus rRB, sW () Small numbers breed. Numbers increase with the arrival of winter migrants OctMar. Five records: 2 Napi Valley 23 Apr (K Mullarney); 1 nr Kalloni Raptor Watchpoint 23 Apr (S Wytema et al); 1 Agiasos Sanatorium 14 May (R de Wijs); 2 Megali Limni 27 May (T Robinson); 1 Kalloni 5 Sep (T Swann). EUROPEAN TURTLE DOVE Streptopelia turtur cMB, cPM () Widespread breeder and passage migrant AprSep. Recorded 15 Apr 22 Sep from across the island. No very large counts, largest 22 Gavathas 20 Aug (P Stassin). 2009: 18 Apr 25 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 15 Apr 19 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 16 Apr 1 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2011). EURASIAN COLLARED DOVE Streptopelia decaocto cRB () Widespread across the island, mainly around towns and villages. Present throughout at many areas across the island. LAUGHING DOVE * Spilopelia senegalensis V* 0 | 1 No records in 2012. One accepted record: 1994: 1 Achladeri 24 May (BoG). Unconfirmed records: 1 Skala Kallonis Apr 01 (Brooks 2001).

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GREAT SPOTTED CUCKOO Clamator glandularis sMB, sSP Small passage MarMay. Evidence to support occasional attempted breeding (Brooks 1998, 2000, 2004). A poor year with only one record: up to 3 (two 1st summer birds and one adult) Koriani (Napi Valley) 3 13 May (G Boomhouwer, S P Dudley et al). Number of Great Spotted Cuckoos (indivdual birds) 2009 2012
Spring Autumn 2009 6 0 2010 6 0 2011 11 0 2012 3 0

2009: 20 Apr 9 May (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 29 Mar 18 May (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 10 Apr 18 May (Lesvos Birds 2011). COMMON CUCKOO Cuculus canorus sPM () Small numbers pass through AprMay and AugOct. The rufous female hepatic form is not uncommon. Spring 12 recorded from many areas 18 Apr 27 Jun. 2009: 22 Apr 17 May (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 3 Apr 17 May and 17 Aug 17 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 16 Apr 4 Jun and 5 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2011). WESTERN BARN OWL Tyto alba sRB Small numbers breed across the island. Records received from only Molivos, Napi Valley, North Coast track, Perama, Polichnitos and Skala Kallonis. EURASIAN SCOPS OWL Otus scops sMB () Breeds across the island. More often heard than seen. Some well-known traditional spring roost sites inc. the Kalloni Mini Soccer pitch site at Soumouria (the Scops Copse!) and Papiana village. First winter period 1 Parakila taken in to care on 1 Jan (Lesvos Wildlife Hospital). Spring Autumn Recorded 20 Mar 28 Oct: up to 4 adults seen at roost at the regular Soumouria site with a recently fledged young bird seen there 7 Jun (C Nielsen, T Andersen); up to 4 birds at Papiana; 12 also recorded from Agiasos Sanatorium, Agiasos, Molivos, Mytilini (5 different sites), Skala Kallonis, Skala Sikaminias and nr Vafios. No reported disturbance incidents this year, but observers are reminded to respect day-roosting birds and avoid flushing them as once flushed they are rarely relocated. When viewing the owls at Papiana, please be aware this is a residential area and the road through the village can be busy and a birder was knocked down suffering a broken arm in 2012.
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2009: 18 Apr 31 May (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 1 Apr 18 May (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 14 Mar 2 Jul (Lesvos Birds 2011).

EURASIAN EAGLE OWL Bubo bubo rRB () The Lesvos Wildlife Hospital (LWH) has provided the first confirmed evidence of breeding on the island (photographs of one downy young from one nest) indicating that at least one pair is resident on the island. There is unlikely to be more than a handful of pairs across the island. Most records are of birds taken in to care in an emaciated condition by LWH possibly indicating the lack of food to support these large predators. No records in 2012. Recent records: 2010: 2 birds taken in to care by LWH. TAWNY OWL Strix aluco rRB () Known only from a handful of records of birds calling throughout the year that indicates a likely small resident breeding population. No records in 2012. LITTLE OWL Athene noctua cRB () Occurs across the island. Breeds in rocky areas and old buildings (especially shepherd buildings). Greek birds are the race A. n. indigena. Reported from known and likely breeding sites across the island inc. Agra, Chrousos, Ipsilou, Kalloni Saltpans, Lotzaria, Meladia Valley, Molivos, Mytilini, Napi Valley, North Coast track, Petra, Petrified Forest, Platania, Polichnitos Saltpans, Potamia Valley, Sideras and Skala Kallonis. LONG-EARED OWL Asio otus sRB Small numbers known to breed across the island. Four records: A pr bred Papiana raising at least three young (MO); 12 birds regularly seen around the hotels area of Skala Kallonis (MO); 1 nr Agiasos on 6 May (W Faveyts); 1 Mirsinia 8 May (G Boomhouwer).
Long-eared Owl Asio otus, Papiana, May 2012 Steve Dudley

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SHORT-EARED OWL Asio flammeus Occasional birds OctMar. No records in 2012. Recent records: 2011: 1 Molivos 26 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2011).


European Nightjar Caprimulgus europaeus, Lardia Valley, September 2012 Steven Wytema EUROPEAN NIGHTJAR Caprimulgus europaeus sMB, rPM () Occurs AprSep. Rarely seen but birds heard churring from suitable habitats including Potamia Valley. Recorded 27 Apr 19 Sep from: Christou (Kamares) River, Faneromeni, Lardia Valley, Mirsinia, North Coast track, Petra, Potamia Valley, Sigri Fields, Sigri Old Sanatorium, Skala Kallonis, Skala Polichnitou and Skala Sikaminias. 2009: 5 May 22 Aug (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 1 May 2 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 25 Apr 5 Aug (Lesvos Birds 2011). ALPINE SWIFT Apus melba rMB, cPM Occures MarSep.Small numbers are thought to breed on the offshore islands inclduding Garbias Island off Makara and Gavatha Island off Gavathas. Passage birds occur MarMay and JulSep. Recorded from across the island 21 Mar 18 Sep, max. 200 Kalloni Saltpans 20 May (J Delavez). Birds again seen around offshore islands off Gavathas and around Garbias Island indicative of breeding. 80

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2009: 28 Mar 18 Sep; max. 200 on 2 May (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 2 Apr 11 Sep; max. 40 on 2 May (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 17 Mar 19 Aug; max. 50 on 4 May (Lesvos Birds 2011). COMMON SWIFT Apus apus cMB, cPM () Occurs MarOct. Recorded 12 Apr 15 Sep from across the island. Max. 200 Kavaki 21 Apr (S P Dudley). 2009: 21 Mar 25 Sep; max. 400 on 2 May (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 27 Mar 13 Sep; max. 400 on 19 May (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 26 Mar 17 Aug; max. 100 on 23 Apr & 6 May (Lesvos Birds 2011). PALLID SWIFT Apus pallidus sPM Small numbers pass through Mar Apr and Aug Oct. There appears to be two distinct spring movements: mid-Mar mid-Apr (main one before most birders arrive on the island) and a smaller movement in early mid-May. Some sizeable movements recorded e.g. 110+ Meladia River ford 5 May 08. Spring Recorded 21 Mar 6 Jul: 1 Mytilini 21 Mar (J Delavez); 1 Neapoli, Mytilini 15 Apr (J Delavez); 3 Metochi 20 Apr (S Wytema et al); 1 University Hill, Mytilini 21 Apr (J Delavez); 1 Taxiarches nr Mytilini 22 Apr (J Delavez); 1 Molivos 23 Apr (S Wytema et al); 60 Meladia Valley 27 Apr (per S P Dudley); 2 Agiasos 28 Apr (T Hofmeester); 2 nr Eresos 1 May (W Faveyts); 1 Peresma Reservoir (M & P van de Braak); 4 Meladia Valley 2 May (W Faveyts); 3 Meladia Valley 12 May (G Boomhouwer); 2 Polichnitos 2 Jun (T Robinson); 1 Sigri 23 Jun (J Delavez); 1 Molivos 6 Jul (P Schaft). Relatively few records received highlighting how scarce this species is during the main birding weeks: 2009: 17 Apr 23 May; 3 Jul; max. 30 on 7 May (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 9 Apr 18 May; 22 Aug 11 Sep; max. 40 on 5 May (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 16 Apr 15 May; 4 Jul; 8 Oct; max. 10 on 7 & 15 May (Lesvos Birds 2011). Common Swift often misidentified (usually in strong sunlight) as this species. The Birds of Greece states that Pallid Swifts breeding in Greece are darker than west Mediterranean birds, intermediate between A. p. illyricus and A. p. brehmorum. LITTLE SWIFT * Apus affinis V* 0 | 1 No records in 2012. One accepted record: 2004: 1 Skala Eressou Apr (HRC08, Lesvos Birds 2009).

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Lesvos Birds 2012

EUROPEAN ROLLER Coracias garrulus sPM () Occurs more frequently in spring AprMay than autumn AugSep. Can occur in numbers, e.g. in May 03, 8 nr Sigri and 17 seen coming in off the sea Vatera. Spring A good year with 24 records (29 individuals) 25 Apr 13 May (singles unless sated): 25 Apr nr Apothika (P Thompson); 27 Apr Meladia Valley (S P Dudley et al); 29 Apr Kalloni Raptor Watchpoint (to 30 Apr) (D Capewell et al); 30 Apr 2 Meladia Valley (to 1 May) (D & J Nurney, S Chalmers et al), Ipsilou (B Smith), Faneromeni (M Sullivan, R Leslie); 1 May 2 Sigri Fields 1 May (per S P Dudley); 2 May 2 Sigri Old Sanatorium (G Lamers, K Hazelgrove), Madaros (P & L Goble); 3 May Meladia Valley (per S P Dudley), Vigla nr Ipsilou (per S P Dudley); 5 May Dipi Larisos (H Vaughan et al); 6 May Polichnitos (M Ruijs); 9 May Faneromeni (to 10 May) (M Analeson, I Pitts et al), Aghia Stephanos (G Boomhouwer), Skalachori (I Pitts et al), Vigla nr Ipsilou (S P Dudley et al), Faneromeni Fields (S P Dudley et al); 11 May 1 Achladeri (D & L Oulsnom), 2 Meladia Valley (M Analeson), Agiasos Sanatorium (M de Vries); 13 May 2 Vigla nr Ipsilou (S P & E F Dudley), Makara (M Wustenhoff), Eresos (per S P Dudley). Autumn Three records: 1 Kalloni Saltpans 27 Aug (G Tebb et l); 1 Lotzaria/Tsiknias River area 1 7 Sep (P Wells et al); 2 Haramida 7 Sep (T Swann). Number of Roller records (not individuals) 2009 2012
Spring Autumn 2009 12 1 2010 14 1 2011 14 1 2012 24 3

2009: 13 records, 26 Apr 12 May and 18 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 15+ records, 24 Apr 4 May and 1217 Sep (1) (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 15+ records, 29 Apr 18 May and 1 Sep 1 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2011). WHITE-THROATED KINGFISHER * Halcyon smyrnensis V* 0 | 1 No records in 2012. One accepted record: 2007: 1 Agios Fokas 29 Sep (HRC09). One record not accepted: 1 Sigri 11 Sep 09 (HRC10). Unconfirmed reports: A very convincing description of a single bird seen at the Christou (Kamares) River road bridge on the evening of 21 Sep 07 was never submitted. COMMON KINGFISHER Alcedo atthis sW, OB () Occurs mainly AugApr with occasional breeding record e.g. between Efthalou and Skala Sikaminias 03 (Brooks 2003). A remarkably poor year with very few records. First winter period No records. Spring 1 Dipi Larisos 21 Apr (S P Dudley).
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Autumn (singles unless stated): Polichnitos Saltpans 30 Jul, 26 Aug, 19 Sep, 28 Sep & 7 Oct (T Robinson); Mytilini 12 Aug (J Delavez); Efthalou 29 Aug (G Tebb et al); Kalloni Holiday Village 4 Sep (T Swann); Tsiknias River 2 on 14 Sep (T Swann) and 1 on 21 Sep (B Voorn); Vatera 17 Sep (S Wytema et al); Pithariou Reservoir 19 Sep (S Wytema et al); Sigri Fields 19 Sep (S & I Misselbrook); Christou (Kamares) River 21 Sep (B Voorn); Perasma Reservoir 21 Sep (B Voorn); Dipi Larisos 18 Nov (J Delavez). Second winter period No records. 2009: to 23 Apr and from 26 Jul (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: to 1 May and from 5 Aug (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: to 1 May and from 3 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2011). BLUE-CHEEKED BEE-EATER * Merops persicus V* 2 | 7 (13) Two records (accepted by HRC): Singles at Faneromeni 22 Apr (photo: R Chittenden et al) and Kalloni Saltpans 12 May (photo: A Vuijk, P & V Manning, S P & E F Dudley et al) (HRC12 in prep). These are the sixth and seventh records for Lesvos.
Blue-cheeked Bee-eater Merops persicus, Kalloni Saltpans, May 2012 Steve Dudley

Five other accepted records (of 12 birds): 2006: 1 Petra May (HRC 06). 2008: 1 east of the Tsiknias River 14 Apr 08; flock of 7 Meladia River Ford 3 May 08; 1 Meladia Valley 6 May (HRC08, HRC09, Lesvos Birds 2009, Lesvos Birds 2011). These two records were only two of the ten records (of 17 individuals) from the 2008 influx have been submitted (see below). 2010: 1 Kalloni Saltpans 19 May (HRC10, Lesvos Birds 2010). Unconfirmed records: 2 Kalloni Saltpans May 98; 1 Kalloni Saltpans Aug 98; 1 Upper Tsiknias River Apr 99 (Brooks 1998, 1999); 6 nr Gavathas Aug 00 (Brooks 2000); influx in 2008 1 west of the Tsiknias River mouth 19 Apr 08; 1 Meladia River Ford 23 Apr 08; 1 Skala Kallonis Pool 30 Apr 08; 1 nr Vourkou River mouth 30 Apr 08 (photo); 1 Sigri 1 May 08; 1 Kalloni Bandstand 3 May 08; 1 Polichnitos Saltpans 5 May 08; Vatousa 31 Aug 12.

EUROPEAN BEE-EATER Merops apiaster cPM, sMB () Occurs AprOct, often large numbers passing over in spring. Present 21 Apr 20 Sep across the island. Larger flocks: 100 Meladia Valley 27 Apr (per S P Dudley); 80 North Coast track 15 May (P & V Manning); 70 Faneromeni 14 May (M Wustenhoff); 70 North Coast track 11 May (S P Dudley et al); 60 Metochi 19 Aug (P Stassin); 60 Skamnioudi 6 May (M Ruijs); 56 Metochi 9 May (G Boomhouwer). 2009: 18 Apr 20 Sep; max. 300 on 1 May (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 19 Apr 26 Sep; max. 200 on 8 May (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 12 Apr 18 Sep; max. 320 on 4 May (Lesvos Birds 2011).

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Lesvos Birds 2012

EURASIAN HOOPOE Upupa epops cMB, cPM Occurs MarOct. Breeds across the island. Recorded from across the island 13 Mar 24 Sep. 2009: 7 Mar 21 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 17 Jan and 9 Mar 26 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 27 Mar 17 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2011). EURASIAN WRYNECK Jynx torquilla sPM Occasional birds seen MarApr and AugOct. Spring 1 record: 1 Skala Kallonis Pool 20 Apr (B Brussard). Autumn Four records: 2 caught and ringed Skala Polichnitou 23 Aug (T Robinson); 2 Kalloni Holiday Village 2 Sep (T Swann); 1 Prof Ilios, Polichnitos 15 Sep (T Robinson); 1 Faneromeni 16 Sep (S Wytema et al). Number of Wrynecks (individual birds) 2008 2012
Spring Autumn 2008 0 1 2009 2 3 2010 1 0 2011 10 1 2012 1 4 Eurasian Hoopoe Upupa epops, Platania, May 2012 Steve Dudley

2008: 23 Sep (SPD). 2009: 24 & 26 Apr, 3 & 21 Sep and 18 Nov (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 3 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 16 Apr 1 May (10) and 8 & 19 21 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2011). MIDDLE SPOTTED WOODPECKER Dendrocopus medius cRB Common throughout wooded areas of the island, including olive groves. Recorded from across the island throughout the year. RED-BACKED SHRIKE Lanius collurio sMB, cPM Scarce summer breeder (in west) and common passage migrant, often in considerable numbers, AprMay and AugOct. Recorded from across the island 21 Apr 30 Oct. Spring Clear passage between 10 14 May with counts of 3040 from Faneromeni, Meladia Valley and the North Coast track (S P Dudley et al). Autumn Kalloni area held 2-300 birds in mid-Sep (S Wytema pers comm).
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2009: 18 Apr 10 Oct; max. 50 on 5 May (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 15 Apr 4 Nov; max. 100 on 1 May (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 26 Apr 7 Nov; no significant counts (Lesvos Birds 2011).

LESSER GREY SHRIKE Lanius minor sMB, sPM A scarce summer breeder and passage migrant AprMay and AugOct. Recorded from across the island 25 Apr 18 Sep. No significant counts. 2009: 26 Apr 26 Sep; max. 10 on 5 May (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 19 Apr 20 Sep; no significant counts (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 23 Apr 2 Oct; max. 15 on 27 Aug (Lesvos Birds 2011). GREAT GREY SHRIKE * Lanius exubitor V* 0 | 11+ No records in 2012. The only recent confirmed record: 2011: a L. e. excubitor x L. e. homeyeri integrade, nr Vouvars River mouth, 3 May (Lesvos Birds 2011). The 2011 bird displayed a heavy homeyeri set of characteristics including white tailbase and extensive white in the wings. No previous records have been fully documented with the most recent records of large grey shrikes being a Steppe Shrike (below) and the 2011 hybrid individual. All future large grey shrikes need to be scrutinized carefully and preferably photos taken when perched and in flight to help determine subspecific identity. STEPPE GREY SHRIKE * Lanius meridionalis V* 0 | 1 No records in 2012. One accepted record of subspecies L. m. pallidirostris: 2008: one nr Vatera 21 Sep 08 (HRC08, Lesvos Birds 2009). The 2008 bird is the only Greek record to be assigned to pallidirostris. HRC treat as subspecies of L. meridionalis. There are two Greek records of L. meridionalis (but not assigned to pallidirostris). WOODCHAT SHRIKE Lanius senator cMB, cPM Common summer breeder and passage migrant, often in considerable numbers, AprMay and AugOct. Recorded from across the island 26 Mar 20 Sep. 10 Potamia Valley 27 Apr (M Lloyd) was the largest count. 2009: 7 Apr 20 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2009, Lesvos Birds 2010). 2010: 24 Mar 11 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 8 Apr 19 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2011).
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MASKED SHRIKE Lanius nubicus sMB A localised summer breeder AprSep. It favours scattered deciduous woodland and olive groves but a few pairs are found breeding in the pinewoods. Autumn migrants occur to end of Sep in many habitats inc. coniferous woodland (e.g. Sep 07). Recorded 13 Apr 14 Sep mainly in central and western areas with a few records from the east. 2009: 17 Apr 18 Jun (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 30 Mar 1 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 13 Apr 2 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2011). EURASIAN GOLDEN ORIOLE Oriolus oriolus cSP, rAP () Common migrant AprMay and rare migrant AugOct. Spring Recorded from across the island 21 Apr 27 May. Largest count 30 Napi Valley 27 Apr (H Vaughan et al). Autumn 1 Lisvorio 28 Aug (G Coultrip); 1 Potamia Valley 15 Sep (S Wytema et al); 2 nr Apothika 21 Sep (S & I Misselbrook). 2009: 15 Mar 11 May; max. 10 on 5 May (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 19 Apr 22 May and 13 Sep; max. 30 on 5 May (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 16 Apr 6 Jun and 27 Aug 4 Sep; max. 100 on 1 May (Lesvos Birds 2011). EURASIAN JAY Garrulus glandarius anatoliae cRB () The black-crowned race anatoliae (part of the black-capped group atricapillus) is common across the island. Recorded from many areas across the island throughout the year.
Eurasian Jay Garrulus glandarius anatoliae, Aghia Marina, nr Mytilini, December 2012 Petros Tsakmakis

EURASIAN MAGPIE * Pica pica () One record (accepted by LBRC): 1 Dipi Larisos 27 Apr (S Wytema et al). This is only the fifth confirmed record for Lesvos. Four other accepted records: 1995: 1 nr Kalloni Oct 95 (Brooks 1998). 1997: 1 nr Petra Jun-Sep 97 (Brooks 1998). 1998: 1 Petrified Forest Oct 98 (Brooks 1998). 2008: 1 nr Mandamados May 08 (Dudley 2009).
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V* 1 | 5

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SPOTTED NUTCRACKER * Nucifraga caryocatactes V* 0 | 1 No records in 2012. One accepted record: 1993: 1 between Vafios and Agrenos May 93 (Brooks 1998). RED-BILLED CHOUGH * Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax V* 0 | 2 No records in 2012. Two accepted records: 1996: 1 nr Dafia Jun 96 (Brooks 1998). 2003: 1 Upper Tsiknias River Apr 03 (Brooks 2003). Recorded breeding on nearby island of Chios in 1971 but not listed as present there in 1993 (BoG). WESTERN JACKDAW Coloeus mondula sRB () Flocks are resident around Sigri, Anaxos, Skala Eresou, Gavathas, Apothika and Skala Polichnitou. Recorded from all the above areas. Max. count 190 Polichnitos Saltpans 17 Dec (T Robinson). ROOK Corvus frugilegus V* 0 | 8 No records in 2012. Recent records: 1986: 2 Faneromeni 8 Apr (Brooks 1998). 1996: 2 (ad and imm) wandering birds Faneromeni 22 Apr 11 May and 1 Vatera 11 May (Brooks 1998). 2001: 1 Ancient Andissa 10 May (Brooks 2001). 2002: 1 Vatera 24 Apr, 2 Achladeri Apr, 1 Mesa 11 May (Brooks 2002). 2007: 1 autumn taken in to care (Lesvos Wildlife hospital). HOODED CROW Corvus cornix cRB () Widespread and common. Recorded from across the island throughout the year. Max. 200 Tsiknias River 21 Sep (S & I Misselbrook).

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Lesvos Birds 2012

NORTHERN RAVEN Corvus corax sRB () Small numbers breed in the rockier upland areas. Recorded from across the island throughout the year. BOHEMIAN WAXWING * Bombycilla garrulus V* 0 | 1 () No records in 2012. One accepted record: 196566: an unknown number of birds during a major influx of birds into Greece during the 6566 winter (BoG). SOMBRE TIT Poecile lugubris sRB Widespread breeder, especially in the centre, north and west of the island. Occurs mainly around stands of deciduous trees, scattered woodland and edges of olive groves. The subspecies P. l. anatoliae occurs on Lesvos. Relatively few records received but recorded from many breeding sites throughout the centre, north and west. COAL TIT Periparus ater rRB A small population occurs through the coniferous woodland in the centre and east of the island. Four records: 1 Napi village track 25 Apr (R Saxton); 2 Panaghia 4 May (G Boomhouwer); 1 Achladeri Forest 4 May (H Vaughan et al); 1 nr Lambou Mill 8 May (R de Wijs). GREAT TIT Parus major cRB Common and widespread. Recorded from across the island throughout the year. EURASIAN BLUE TIT Cyanistes caeruleus cRB Common and widespread. Recorded from across the island throughout the year.
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Northern Raven Corvus corax, Ipsilou, May 2012 Steve Dudley

Lesvos Birds 2012

EURASIAN PENDULINE TIT Remiz pendulinus rMB Four records: One pair bred (outcome unknown); on 22 Apr a ringed male Metochi Lake (J & M Ginnever et al) and a different male Tsiknias River (per S P Dudley); a male and two females Skala Kalloni Pool 30 Apr (E Lloyd). This is the fourth confirmed breeding record for the island and the third consecutive year the species has bred on the island. After the reckless behaviour of some individuals at Skala Eresou in 2010 we continue to withhold the locations of breeding sites of this species. Most recent records: 1997: 1 nr Mytilini 17 Oct (Brooks 1998). 1998: 1 Skala Eresou 10 Apr and 1 Dipi Larisos late Apr 98 (Brooks 1998). 1999: 2 Dipi Larisos 27 Mar (Brooks 1999). 2000: 1 Haramida Oct (Brooks 2001). 2002: pr bred Faneromeni (nr lower ford) (first confirmed breeding record) (Brooks 2002). 2004: 1 nr Vatera Apr 04 (per S P Dudley). 2008: 4 Faneromeni Apr 08 (per S P Dudley). 2010: pr bred Skala Eresou (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: one pr bred and second pr present during the breeding season (Lesvos Birds 2011). BEARDED TIT (BEARDED REEDLING) * Panurus biarmicus V* 0 | 2 No records in 2012. Two accepted records: 2000: 1 trapped and ringed Haramida Marsh Nov (Brooks 2001). 2004: pr Skala Kallonis Pool 111 Apr (Brooks 2004). CALANDRA LARK * Melanocorypha calandra V* 0 | 10 () No records in 2012. Ten accepted records: 1996: 2 Alykes Wetlands 2 3 May (Brooks 1998). 1997: singles Mesa 23 Apr 97, 1 Skala Eresou early May 97 and Alykes Wetlands 3 May (Brooks 1998). 1998: 1 Dipi Larisos 9 Apr 98 (Brooks 1998). 1999: 1 wandering bird Skala Kallonis, Mesa and River Christou AprJun 99 (Brooks 1999). 2000: singles Kalloni Saltpans 24 Apr and Faneromeni River mouth 6 Jun 00 (Brooks 2000). 2010: 1 Polichnitos Saltpans Apr (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 1 Kalloni Saltpans beach 24 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2011).

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Lesvos Birds 2012

GREATER SHORT-TOED LARK Calandrella brachydactyla rMB, sPM () Occurs AprSep. Breeds in suitable short grassland areas such as Alykes Wetlands nr Kalloni Saltpans. Recorded 25 Mar 17 Sep with max. 20 Alykes Wetlands 19 Apr (R Thorpe, C Murphy et al). 2009: 6 Jan (first confirmed winter record for Greece), 11 Apr 27 May; max. 18 on 20 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 26 Mar 10 Jul; max. 40 on 4 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 12 Apr 6 Jul; max. 40 on 29 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2011). LESSER SHORT-TOED LARK * Calandrella rufescens V* 0 | 1 No records in 2012. One accepted record: 2004: 1 nr Kalloni Salt Pans 1 May (HRC05). Fourth record for Greece. One record not accepted: 2 Polichnitos Saltpans 27 Apr 06 (HRC11). CRESTED LARK Galeria cristata cRB Widespread across the island. Recorded from across the island throughout the year. WOODLARK Lullula arborea sRB Small numbers breed in suitable woodland and scrub habitats (e.g. Achladeri Forest, Ipsilou). Birds in Greece belong to the race L. a. pallida but wintering and passage birds also inc. L. a. arborea (BoG). Recorded from many sites throughout the year. No significant counts. EURASIAN SKYLARK Alauda arvensis sW () Occurs OctMar. First winter period Recorded through to 28 Mar with max. 77 Polichnitos Saltpans 16 Feb (T Robinson). Spring 1 Kalloni Saltpans & Alykes Wetlands 28 Mar (J Devalez). Second winter period Recorded from 2 Nov with max. 72 Polichnitos Saltpans 6 Dec (T Robinson). 2009: to 6 Apr and from 25 Nov (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: to 16 Mar; 7 May: from 27 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: to 22 Mar; 13 Apr; from 9 Nov (Lesvos Birds 2011).

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Lesvos Birds 2012

SAND MARTIN Riparia riparia sPM Occurs on passage MarMay and AugOct. Recorded from across the island 2 Apr 19 May, max. 30 Tsiknias River 20 Apr (S Wytema et al) and 19 Aug 20 Sep, max. 100 Petra 17 Sep (S Wytema et al). 2009: 16 Apr 24 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 6 Apr 18 May, 24 Aug 29 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 11 Apr 3 Jun, 11 Sep 4 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2011). BARN SWALLOW Hirundo rustica cMB, cPM Common and widespread on passage MarMay and AugOct. Breeds across the island. Recorded from across the island 20 Mar 17 Oct. Max. 1000 nr Petri 17 Sep (S Wytema et al). 2009: 16 Apr 24 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 12 Mar 17 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 13 Mar 12 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2011). Birds showing characteristics of H. r. savignii or H. r. transitive are reported most years in spring but with no confirmed records these races are excluded from both the Lesvos and Greek Lists. Any records of these subspecies should be supported by good photographs including the underwings. EURASIAN CRAG MARTIN Ptyonoprogne rupestris sMB, SPM () Occurs AprSep. Breeds in rocky gorges and cliffs of the west and north. Is thought likely to overwinter but no records to support this. Recorded 21 Apr 18 Sep from Aghias Ioannis, Antissa, Faneromeni, Ipsilou, Kalloni Saltpans, Kavaki (breeding), nr Klio, Lardia Valley (breeding), Louta (Nifida), Meladia Valley (breeding), Molivos, Mt Olympus, North Coast track, Petrified Forest, Pithariou Reservoir, Potamia Valley (breeding), Sideras and Vourkos River. 2009: 18 Apr 23 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 21 Mar 2 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 11 Apr 1 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2011). COMMON HOUSE MARTIN Delichon urbicum cMB, cPM Common and widespread on passage MarMay and AugOct. Breeds across the island. Recorded from across the island 19 Mar 22 Sep. Max. 400 Kavaki 21 Apr (S P Dudley). 2009: 7 Mar 17 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 19 Mar 17 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 25 Feb 8 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2011).

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Lesvos Birds 2012

RED-RUMPED SWALLOW Cecropis daurica cMB, cPM Common and widespread on passage MarMay and AugOct. Breeds across the island. Recorded from across the island 12 Apr 3 Oct. Max. 40 Kavaki 21 Apr (S P Dudley et al). 2009: 5 Apr 21 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2011: 3 Apr 9 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2011). 2010: 27 Mar 16 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2010).

CETTIS WARBLER Cettia cetti sRB () Found along river courses and around wetland areas across the island. Recorded from many sites across the island throughout the year. LONG-TAILED TIT Aegithalos caudatus rRB Localised breeder in some of the coniferous woods, e.g. Achladeri. Lesvos birds belong to the race A. c. tephronotus (lacks pink tones and has a black bib). An excellent year: 1 Aghias Taxiarchis valley 22 Apr (S Wytema et al); 1 north of Kalloni Raptor Watchpoint 23 Apr (S Wytema et al); 7 Achladeri Forest 24 Apr (S Wytema et al); 2 Achladeri Forest 26 Apr (S P Dudley et al); 9 Pessa (Achladeri Forest) 28 Apr (T Hofmeester); 4 Agriosikos 30 Apr (H Vaughan et al); 2 Achladeri Forest 2 May (S P Dudley et al); 2 Panaghia Chapel 4 May (G Boomhouwer); 15 Achladeri Forest 4 May (H Vaughan et al); 1 Steno Klido (Achladeri Forest) 5 May (G Boomhouwer); 2 Perivolis Monastery 6 May (G Boomhouwer); 2 nr Agiasos 6 May (W Faveyts); 6 Achladeri Forest 9 May (M Wustenhoff); 1 Pessa (Achladeri Forest) 11 May (R de Wijs); 6 Petri 26 May (J Delavez); 1 Achladeri Forest 29 May (M Cowton); 15 Aghias Taxiarchis 16 Aug (P Stassin); 3 Achladeri Forest 17 Sep (S Wytema et al).. WILLOW WARBLER Phylloscopus trochilus sSP, cAP Occurs AprMay and AugOct. Recorded from across the island 10 Mar 13 May and 6 Aug 27 Oct. 2009: 28 Mar 28 Apr and 24 Aug 26 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 11 Mar 11 May and 9 Aug 4 Nov (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 13 Mar 4 May and 7 Aug 23 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2011). COMMON CHIFFCHAFF Phylloscopus collybita sW, sPM Occurs AugApr. Recorded from across the island to 13 May and from 2 Sep. 2009: to 12 May and from 19 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: to 12 May and from 16 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: to 4 May and from 7 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2011).
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Eastern Bonellis Warbler Phylloscopus orientalis, Agriosikos, May 2012 Barry Jackson

EASTERN BONELLIS WARBLER Phylloscopus orientalis sMB, rPM Occurs AprSep. Small numbers breed around Agiasos, Lardia Valley, Vatousa and Filia, and occasionally elsewhere on the island (e.g. Potamia Valley 0204). Passage birds noted occasionally elsewhere on the island. Recorded 18 Apr 16 May. Breeding Birds recorded on territory from Agriosikos, Filia, Lardia Valley, Agiasos south to Megalochori. Also a single bird on territitory at Ipsilou 24 Apr 15 May (MO). Spring Passage birds recorded as follows (singles unless stated): 3 Sigri Fields 18 Apr (R Thorpe, C Murphy et al); Agra 25 Apr (H Vaughan et al); North Coast track 27 Apr (H Vaughan et al); Sigri Old Sanatorium 29 Apr (J & M Ginnever); 2 Faneromeni 1 May (W Faveyts); Meladia Valley chapel 2 3 May (K Hazelgrove et al) and 10 May (S P Dudley et al); Petrified Forest 3 May (P Isaakidis); nr Asomatos 6 May (M Ruijs). In recent years its become apparent that wooded hillsides around Filia west to Skalochori and wooded valleys around Vatousa (including Lardia Valley) are a stronghold for this species. The Agriosikos site (by the red and white mast above Filia) in particular is proving to be a very popular site with up to eight singing males present and easy to find in spring 2012. Care should be taken when separating singing birds from singing Wood Warblers which can give a similar trill alone as a sub-song rather than a full song. Eastern Bonellis Warbler often gives a chip-chip call before its trilling song. 2009: from 24 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: from 26 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: from 19 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2011).

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WOOD WARBLER Phylloscopus sibilatrix cSP, sAP Common on passage AprMay, but less so AugOct. Spring Recorded 18 Apr 13 May. No significant passage noted. Autumn 1 Potamia Valley 15 Sep (S Wytema et al). 2009: 20 Apr 13 May (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 19 Apr 12 May (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 16 Apr 14 May (Lesvos Birds 2011). YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER * Phylloscopus inornatus V* 0 | 2 No records in 2012. Two accepted records: 2010: 1 Vergias (Chalandra) River mouth, Skala Eresou, 29 Mar and 1 Akrasi 19 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2010, HRC10). These are the first two records for Lesvos. There are nine previous Greek records. GREAT REED WARBLER Acrocephalus arundinaceus sMB, sPM Relatively common AprSep. Spring Recorded from across the island 21 Apr 19 Jun. Autumn 1 Metochi Lake 26 Aug (G Tebb et al). 2009: 20 Apr 13 May (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 3 Apr 4 Jun and 16 17 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 15 Apr 27 Jun (Lesvos Birds 2011). MOUSTACHED WARBLER * Acrocephalus melanopogon rW* Known to winter at Dipi Larisos (E Galinou pers. comm.). No confirmed records to support any other occurrence on the island. No records in 2012. Confusion with Sedge Warbler likely (and is frequent). There are no documented records from spring. In recent years, all submitted records with photographs, or birds followed up at the time of reporting, have all proven to be Sedge Warbler. LBRC requires full details of all records. This is a real reedbed species, and whilst all birds should be studied carefully, any bird thought to be this species should be treated with caution. It should also be noted that this species is a very early breeder, e.g. birds are usually on territory on their northern Greece breeding grounds (e.g. Lake Kerkini) from late February so migrants in spring on Lesvos seem very unlikely.

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Lesvos Birds 2012

SEDGE WARBLER Acrocephalus schoenobaenus cPM Occurs MarMay and AugOct. Spring Recorded from across the island 22 Apr 14 May. 2009: 7 Apr 6 May and 4 6 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 28 Mar 10 May (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 9 Apr 10 May (Lesvos Birds 2011). EURASIAN REED WARBLER Acrocephalus scirpaceus sMB, cPM Occurs MarOct. Spring Recorded from across the island 22 Apr 27 May. Autumn Singles Faneromeni 10 Jul (P Schaft) and Anaxos 22 Jul (J Norgate). 2009: 2 Apr 7 Jun (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 1 Apr 4 Jun and 7 Sep(Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 11 Apr 13 Jun (Lesvos Birds 2011). MARSH WARBLER Acrocephalus palustris rPM Small numbers AprMay and, more commonly, JulSep. Spring Six records (singles unless stated): Meladia Valley 3 May (S P Dudley et al); Perasma Reservoir 6 May (M Gottenbos); Kavaki 12 May (R de Wijs, G Hoff); 3 Napi Valley 16 May (D Allen); Potamia Valley 16 May (R de Wijs); Alykes Wetlands 18 May (S P & E F Dudley). Number of Marsh Warbler records (not individuals) 2009 2012
Spring 2009 2 2010 6 2011 3 2012 6

The summary of records above clearly show how few records we received for this species. The first half of May is the main period for this species. 2009: 2 records, 4 & 7 May (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2010: 6 records, 30 Apr 4 Jun (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 3 records, 27 Apr 21 May (Lesvos Birds 2011). EASTERN OLIVACEOUS WARBLER Iduna pallida elaenia cMB, cPM Common in dry scrub areas AprOct. Recorded from across the island 20 Apr 22 Sep. 2009: 17 Apr 23 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2011: 11 Apr 20 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2011). 2010: 17 Apr 12 Aug (Lesvos Birds 2010).
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OLIVE-TREE WARBLER Hippolais olivetorum sMB Thinly distributed across the island and found in suitable olive and oak woodland. Spring Migrants: singles Meladia Valley chapel 29 Apr (per S P Dudley); chapel nr Eresos tip 29 Apr (per S P Dudley); Vigla, nr Ipsilou 16 May (M Inskipp). Breeding Birds holding territory recorded at the following known breeding sites: Almiropotamos River (Vatera), Faneromeni, Napi Valley (inc. Mavria), Platania, Potamia Valley, Skamnioudi area. Also from these potential breeding areas: nr Anaxos, nr Pithariou Reservoir and nr Polichnitos Saltpans. 2009: 25 Apr 25 May (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 1 Apr (migrant); 27 Apr 15 Aug (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 28 Apr 25 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2011). Olive-tree Warbler breeds widely throughout Greece (up to 5000 pairs) (BoG), the Balkans and Turkey. In Greece it occurs as south as the southern Mainland, Naxos and Kos. It is absent from both Rhodes and Crete. On Lesvos it is found in parkland like habitat comprising olive groves with scattered oak (occasionally just a single tree), almonds and bushes or oak parkland-like woodland with scattered olive trees and appears to show some preference for shallow undulating sites with hollows. Although thinly distributed it can occur in relatively high densities (e.g. up to six singing males singing in close proximity in Platania). A feature of most breeding sites is the presence of Masked Shrike which regularly mimic Olive-tree Warbler. Olive-tree Warbler has a very recognisable, raucous song that is like a very loud Olivaceous Warbler (which is good as it also looks a little like an over-sized Olivaceous Warbler). It is less guttural and rhythmic than Great Reed Warbler (migrants of the latter found singing from trees occasionally confuse) and very unlike the more musical Nightingale-like Orphean Warbler song (with which it frequently occurs alongside). Masked Shrike mimicry is usually thinner and scratchy, but it is very passable and a shrike singing out of sight and facing away from the observer (and so muffling the song slightly) can cause real confusion. Better known sites on the island inc. the upper Napi Valley, Platania, between Skala Vasilikon and Skamnioudi (north of Skala Polichnitou), Potamia Valley, Ambeliko Valley and Faneromeni. It does however occur in many other areas and there remain many new sites to discover! Breeding birds arrive on the island at the very end of April and are at their most active during the first half of May. Birds depart in July with few records later than late August (later birds are probably migrants). Occasional migrants are seen/heard away from known breeding areas in spring (as early as 1 Apr) and occasionally in autumn. ICTERINE WARBLER Hippolais icterina sPM Small numbers pass through AprJun and AugSep. Spring Recorded 25 Apr 13 May (singles unless stated): 25 Apr 2 Faneromeni (D Hatton et al); 27 Apr 2 Ipsilou (S P Dudley et al); 28 Apr 2 Sigri & Faneromeni fields (J Coppock et al), Tsiknias River (T Hofmeester); 29 Apr Aghias Ioannis (S P Dudley et al), Sigri & Faneromeni Fields (S P Dudley et al), Meladia Valley (D & L Witton); 1 May Ipsilou (D & J Nurney, S Chalmers), 3 Meladia Valley (S P Dudley et al); 2 May Meladia Valley (K Hazelgrove), Sigri Old Sanatorium (per S P Dudley); 3 May Kremastes (G Boomhouwer); 8 May Ipsilou (S P Dudley et al); 9 May Meladia Valley chapel (to 11 May) (M Analeson, G Boomhouwer); 12 May Tzithera (G Boomhouwer); 13 May Ipsilou (S P & E F Dudley. Autumn: Six records 10 Aug 22 Sep (singles unless stated): Skala Polichnitou 10 Aug (T Robinson); Kalloni Holiday Village 1 6 Sep (T Swann); 2 Lotzaria 17 Sep (S & I Misselbrook); Tsiknias River 18 Sep (S & I Misselbrook); Ipsilou 19 Sep (S & I Misselbrook); 2 Vourkos River mouth 22 Sep (S & I Misselbrook).
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Number of Icterine Warbler records (not individuals) 2009 2012

Spring Autumn 2009 21 0 2010 15 0 2011 35 3 2012 18 7

2009: 28 Apr 14 May (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 29 Apr 13 May (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 20 Apr 14 May and 25 30 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2011). COMMON GRASSHOPPER WARBLER Locustella naevia rPM Very small numbers AprMay and AugOct. One record: 1 Dipi Larisos 26 Mar (J Delavez). 2009: no records. 2010: 2 records, 2 & 28 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 1 record, 19 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2011). Care needs to be taken in separating this species from Savis Warbler. RIVER WARBLER Locustella fluviatilis rPM Small numbers, usually only ever heard, AprMay and AugSep. Autumn presence confirmed by ringing (Brooks 1998). Five records (all singles): Faneromeni 28 Apr (J & M Ginnever); Tsiknias River 3 May (B Price, T Thunder et al); Skala Kallonis Pool 3 May (W Vergoossen, S P Dudley et al); Lotzaria 5 May (G Fellows); Christou (Kamares) River 14 May (S P Dudley et al). Number of River Warbler records (not individuals) 2009 2012
Spring 2009 2 2010 5 2011 5 2012 5

2009: 2 records, 6 & 9 May (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 5 records, 25 Apr 6 May (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 5 records, 23 Apr 11 May (Lesvos Birds 2011). Care needs to be taken in separating this species from calling crickets!

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Lesvos Birds 2012

SAVIS WARBLER Locustella luscinioides Very small numbers AprMay and AugOct. Four records (all singles): Perasma 24 Apr (S P Dudley et al); Kalami Marshes 30 Apr (S P Dudley et al); Faneromeni beach 1 May (W Faveyts); Christou (Kamares) River 10 May (J van den Tilaart). Number of Savis Warbler records (not individuals) 2009 2012
Spring 2009 1 2010 4 2011 11 2012 4


2009: 1 record, 5 May (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 4 records, 3 Apr 3 May (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 11 records, 16 Apr 1 May (Lesvos Birds 2011).

ZITTING CISTICOLA (FAN-TAILED WARBLER) Cisticola juncidis rRB () Small numbers breed. Spring: Following the return of this species in 2011, increased numbers found as follows: up to 6 males at Christou (Kamares) River (S P Dudley et al); up to 5 male Kalloni Saltpans & Alykes Wetlands (S P Dudley et al); up to 2 males Polichnitos Saltpans (H Vaughan et al); 1 male Dipi Larisos (J Delavez). Autumn: 3 Polichnitos Saltpans 25 Sep (T Robinson). The species bred at several sites up to 2004 then the whole population disappeared from 2005. Former breeding sites were checked annually and the species was found at several of these sites (e.g. the Alykes Wetlands and Christou (Kamares) River) in 2011. EURASIAN BLACKCAP Sylvia atricapilla cPM, rW Occurs MarMay and AugOct. Small numbers winter NovMar. First winter period Recorded to 3 Mar from: Skala Polichnitou 4 on 21 26 Feb (T Robinson); 3 Potamia Valley 1 Jan (T Robinson). Spring 14 recorded from many sites across the island 21 Mar 14 May. No significant passage. Autumn Recorded from 12 Sep with max. 4 Molivos 26 Sep (B Voorn). Second winter period Up to 6 Skala Polichnitou during Dec (T Robinson). 2009: passage 22 Mar 29 Apr and 9 Sep 21 Nov (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: passage 26 Apr 12 May and 17 Sep 5 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: passage 12 Apr 12 May and 17 Sep 16 Nov (Lesvos Birds 2011). GARDEN WARBLER Sylvia borin rPM Small numbers AprMay and AugOct. Spring Five records (all singles): Faneromeni 25 Apr (D Hatton et al); Perivolis Monastery 3 May (B Forbes et
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al); Ipsilou 8 May, 10 May and 13 May (S P Dudley et al). Autumn Eight records (singles unless stated): Mikri Limni 30 Aug (G Coultrip); Skala Polichnitou 3 Sep, 5 Sep (2) & 8 Sep (all T Robinson); Panaghia Chapel 12 Sep (T Swann); Almiropotamos River (Vatera) 25 Sep (T Robinson); Mytilini 5 & 9 Oct (J Delavez). Number of Garden Warbler records (not individuals) 2009 2012
Spring Autumn 2009 4 1 2010 5 3 2011 5 4 2012 5 8

2009: 4 records, 3 & 4 May, 28 Aug and 9 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2009, Lesvos Birds 2010). 2010: 8 records, 3 12 May (5) and 17 Sep 5 Oct (3) (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 9 records, 15 Apr 4 May (5) and 15 Aug 1 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2011). BARRED WARBLER Sylvia nisoria sPM Small numbers recorded AprMay and AugSep. Occasionally found on territory during breeding season, e.g. Meladia Valley May 05 (E Galinou) but no confirmed breeding records. A poor year. Spring Six records (singles unless stated): Makara 30 Apr (D & J Nurney, S Chalmers); Sigri Old Sanatorium 30 Apr 1 May (B Forbes et al); 1 May Meladia Valley (S P Dudley et al), Sigri & Faneromeni Fields (B Forbes et al), nr Lafionas (P van de Braak); Almyropotamos River (Lisvorio) 11 May (T Robinson). Autumn One record: 1 Pitharioiu Reservoir 19 Sep (S Wytema et al). Number of Garden Warbler records (not individuals) 2009 2012
Spring Autumn 2009 12 0 2010 4 0 2011 24 1 2012 6 1

2009: 12 records, 20 Apr 6 May (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 4 records, 27 Apr 8 May (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 25+ records, 19 Apr 5 May and 26 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2011). LESSER WHITETHROAT Sylvia curruca sPM, ?rMB? Occurs on passage AprMay and AugOct. Suitable habitat for it to breed. Relatively few records. Recorded from across the island 22 Apr 17 May and 22 Jul 25 Sep. No significant passage. 2009: 2 Apr 3 Nov (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 16 Mar 10 May and 25 Jul 5 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 11 Apr 8 May and 5 Sep 7 Nov (Lesvos Birds 2011).

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Lesvos Birds 2012

EASTERN ORPHEAN WARBLER Sylvia hortensis crassirostris sMB, sPM Occurs AprSep. Breeds across the island. Lesvos birds are of the race crassirostris. Recorded from across the island 18 Apr 5 Oct. 2009: 9 Apr 30 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2009, Lesvos Birds 2010). 2010: 1 Apr 29 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 13 Apr 29 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2011). COMMON WHITETHROAT Sylvia communis sPM, rMB Occurs on passage AprMay and AugOct. Several pairs breed. Recorded from across the island 12 Apr 16 Oct. 2009: 13 Apr 8 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2009, 2010). 2010: 3 Apr 5 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 5 Apr 6 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2011). SPECTACLED WARBLER * Sylvia conspicillata V* 0 | 2 No records in 2012. 2011: One record: male Konditsia Valley 19 Apr (P & V Manning) (HRC12 in prep). This bird was found on the same day as the already accepted record from Sigri Fields (see below) and these records coincided with an arrival of large numbers of warblers and flycatchers. One other accepted record: 2011: an adult male Sigri Fields 19 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2011, HRC11). Unconfirmed records: 1 Faneromeni River Ford Apr 00; 1 Ipsilou monastery Apr 00; 1 between Efthalou and Skala Sikaminias May 01 (Brooks 2000, 2001). EASTERN SUBALPINE WARBLER Sylvia cantillans albistriata cMB4 Common and widespread across much of the island AprSep. Recorded from across the island 29 Mar 24 Sep. 2009: 9 Mar 9 Jun (Lesvos Birds 2009, Lesvos Birds 2010). 2010: 2 Apr 3 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 13 Apr 28 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2011).

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Lesvos Birds 2012

Sardinian Warblers Sylvia melanocephala, male (left) and female, Keramia, November 2012 Pantelis Thomaidis SARDINIAN WARBLER Sylvia melanocephala sRB, rPM A scarce species with scattered breeding sites along the east and north of the island including Kavaki, Perasma, Agios Fokas and Ambeliko Valley. More numerous in winter suggests wintering birds from nearby Turkey. First winter period Up to 4 Polichnitos Saltpans area to 10 Mar (T Robinson); 12 also seen at Potamia Valley and Vourkos River mouth (T Robinson). Spring Recorded from known breeding areas: Anaxos, Mytilini peninsular (Mytilini to Haramida), Kavaki, Agios Fokas, Polichnitos Saltpans, nr Vouvaris River mouth, Kalloni Raptor Watchpoint, nr Pedi, nr Skamnioudi, nr Skopelos, Palios, nr Polichnitos Saltpans, nr Skala Sikaminias. Autumn Recorded from along the Mytilini Peninsular, Polichnitos Saltpans, nr Agiasos, nr Larisos, Vourkos River mouth and Ambeliko Valley. Second winter period Up to 6 Polichnitos Saltpans in Dec (T Robinson). RPPELLS WARBLER Sylvia rueppelli rMB, rPM A localised summer breeder. It is now known from only a single area of at Kavaki between Petra and Molivos. The population decline mirrors that that seen throughout Greece. Recorded 29 Mar 26 Sep. Breeding Kavaki up to 9 males on territory throughout the whole area. Spring (presumed migrants): singles Gavathas 29 Apr (R de Jonkcheere) and Vigla, nr Ipsilou 7 May (M Ruijs). Autumn: 1 Kavaki 25 Sep (C Hill). At Kavaki please view only from the main road, lay-bys or hillside track on the south side of the road. Please do not enter the scrub as this only serves to disturb this rare breeding species. 2009: 24 Apr 14 May (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 2 Apr 16 Aug (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 16 Apr 1 Jun (Lesvos Birds 2011). Males have been found holding territory in the KalloniPetra corridor inc. in the Kalloni Raptor Watchpoint, Kalami (Mesa) and the east side of Mesa (along the track to Mirsinia). Steve Dudley | Lesvos Birding 2013 101

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COMMON FIRECREST * Regulus ignicapilla V * 0 | ? No records in 2012. Most recent records are: 1999: 1 singing near Parakila Apr 99 (Brooks 1999). 2002: up to 6 Meladia River valley nr Sigri Apr 02 (Brooks 2002). 2007: 1 Molivos Sep 07 (Dudley 2009). 2011: 1 Meladia Valley Chapel 17 20 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2011). GOLDCREST Regulus regulus sW Localised, usually in the coniferous woods, OctApr. Two records: Singles Mytilini Castle 24 Nov & 8 Dec (J Delavez). 2010: 1 Skala Polichnitou 21 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 1 Agiasos 16 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2011). EURASIAN WREN Troglodytes troglodytes rRB () Small numbers breed across the island and records indicate increase in numbers in winter. First winter period 12 Polichnitos Saltpans throughout. Spring / Summer Birds on territory from across the island inc. Agiasos, Agiasos Sanatorium, Agriosikos, Dimitrios, Ipsilou, Kapi, Lardia Valley, Megalochori, Metochi, My Olympus, Panaghia, Perivolis Monastery, Skalochori, Skoutaros and Vatousa. Autumn / Second winter period 12 Polichnitos Saltpans throughout. Also recorded Tsiknias River. EURASIAN NUTHATCH Sitta europaea rRB Thinly distributed across the islands in oak areas inc. Napi Valley, Parivoli monastery, Skalochori, Vatousa, between Agiasos and Plomari, and along the north track between Molivos and Skala Sikaminias. Recorded only from Agiasos, Agriosikos, Bounaria (Pelopi), Ipsilou, Karapetras Valley, Kremastes, Mesotopos, Napi Valley, Platania and Skalochori.
Eurasian Nuthatch Sitta europaea, nr Vatousa, November 2012 Petros Tsakmakis

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Lesvos Birds 2012

KRPERS NUTHATCH Sitta krueperi rRB Around 600 pairs breed throughout the central and eastern pinewoods from sea level up to c.800m. The Achladeri Forest site (Kofinas) continues to be the main one visited by birders. It would be good to have more records from other areas so go out and find some more! Achladeri Forest 2 prs bred at the usual Kofinas site (roadside picnic area with white building) just north of Achladeri army camp (MO). Birds regularly seen at Pessa and along the Vouvaris River track. Agiasos Sanatorium 12 seen nr the Sanatorium in May (MO) inc. territorial behaviour. Other breeding areas Also recorded from Ambeliko Valley, Dimitrios, Mikri Limni, Panaghia Chapel, Vasilika, Vouvaris River mouth and in woodland immediately north of the Kalloni Raptor Watchpoint. This diminutive nuthatch is one of the main Lesvos attractions. A true Asia Minor species, it is an endemic of the Western Palearctic were it is thought to be common in parts of southwest Russia, Georgia and Turkey. In Europe it occurs only on Lesvos, making the island the most accessible area for this species in the Western Palearctic. The Lesvos population is estimated at around 600 pairs (E Kakalis pers. comm.). This is a Calabrian Pine Pinus brutia forest species (Harrap & Quinn 1996) that occurs throughout the central and eastern pinewoods from sea level (e.g. Achladeri) up to c.800m. The species main area lies between the Gulf of Kalloni and the Gulf of Geras and this area has formed the main research study area on the species between 200307 (Kakalis & Akriotis 2007), with some birds occurring in woods north of Kalloni and Parakila. Despite extensive areas of Calabrian forest on the island, the species occurs at a low density, even for a nuthatch. This is thought to be due to the species specialised requirement of mature forest with abundant dead trees. Current forest management on Lesvos includes the removal of much of the dead trees (Kakalis & Akriotis 2007). Preferred nest sites are in dead standing trees (snags) with birds occasionally using dead branches of live pines (6%) with many snags having broken tops leaving a tall decaying stump. Nest holes tend to be between 3-10 meters off the ground and the taller the snag the higher the nest hole (Kakalis & Akriotis 2007). Around 250 nest boxes have been sited in the forest since 1999 but nuthatches have never been found using them (unlike in Turkey where nest box use is relatively common) (Kakalis & Akriotis 2007). The nesting season varies depending on how cold and wet the late winter/early spring period has been. This means that in some years birds may just be going down on eggs at the end of April, but in other years they are feeding young in the first week of May. Lower altitude sites (such as Achladeri) appear to be more consistent than higher sites, with fledging being the norm around the second week in May. Incubation of the 5-6 eggs is between 14-17 days, and the young fledge after 16-19 days, with the birds keeping to the natal area for the first week or two. Krpers Nuthatch is resident and the Lesvos population is almost certainly isolated with no immigration occurring from the nearest Turkish population (35km+ inc. sea crossing) (E Kakalis pers. comm.). As a resident, pairs tend to be territorial throughout the year, so a pair will often be found close to their favoured breeding site throughout autumn and winter. This may indicate that birds away from these sites, especially singletons in autumn, are dispersing young birds. Krpers Nuthatch is often first detected by its nasal dwyee or buzzy Jay-like calls. Achladeri remains the main site for this species (13 pairs breeding annually), but it can also be seen well in the Agiasos area. It is well worth exploring other pinewood areas inc. around Kalloni and Parakila.

Steve Dudley | Lesvos Birding 2013


Lesvos Birds 2012

WESTERN ROCK NUTHATCH Sitta naumayer zarudnyi cRB () Common throughout much of the rockier areas of the island, particularly the west and north. Reported from many sites across the centre, north and west of the island. The Birds of Greece suggests that Lesvos birds are of the race S. n. zarudnyi. Lesvos birds however dont look like classic Western Rock Nuthatch S. neumayer, but appear to be somewhere between Western and Eastern Rock Nuthatch S. tephronata. Birds are very variable and many have extensive buff colouring to the undertail and onto the rear flanks (pro-Eastern) as well as a medium-to-thick black eye stripe behind the eye (intermediate feature). Some place the Lesvos birds as part of the Asia Minor race S. n. zarudnyi (BoG). Proving were the Lesvos birds fall in the rock nuthatch complex could prove a fascinating study. SHORT-TOED TREECREEPER Certhia brachydactyla harterti sRB Occurs in pine forests across the island. Reported only from Achladeri Forest, Agiasos Sanatorium, Mt Olympus, Napi Valley, Neapoli (Mytilini) and nr Perama. Most birders see this species at Achladeri when looking for Krpers Nuthatch and so rarely search elsewhere. Lesvos birds may be of the Asia Minor race C. b. harterti (BoG). ROSE-COLOURED STARLING (ROSY STARLING) Pastor roseus sPM Occurs in varying numbers annually MayJun. Record count: 300 Aghia Ioannis 24 May 00 (Brooks 2004). Recorded 13 26 May. All records: 5 Sigri 13 May (per S P Dudley); 2 Lotzaria 14 May (per S P Dudley); 6 Petra 16 May (D & A Holden); 4 Makara 17 May (M Local, T Swann); 2 Tsiknias River 17 May (M Gottenbos); 33 Lotzaria and Tsiknias River area 18 May (P & V Manning, S P & E F Dudley et al); 8 Tsiknias River 19 May (J Delavez); 6 Tsiknias River 20 May (R de Wijs); 30 Polichnitos Saltpans 23 May (T Robinson); 30 nr Anaxos 24 May ( E Zwang); 15 Tsiknias River 26 May (K & L Thompson). 2008: an adult Larisos 15 Jan (photo: E Psomos, S P Dudley). The 2008 indvidual is the first confirmed winter record for Lesvos. It was identified amongst a large flock of Common Starlings from an image posted on the Lesvos Birders Facebook page. 2009: an early 2CY male 2 5 May, then 13 27 May; max. 15 on 21 May (Lesvos Birds 2000). 2010: an early bird on 27 Apr, then 18 23 May; max. 150 on 22 May (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 13 May 29 May; max. 150 on 15 May (Lesvos Birds 2011). COMMON STARLING Sturnus vulgaris cW () Occurs OctApr. JanMay Recorded from Polichnitos Saltpans 1 Jan 3 Apr and also from Vouvaris River mouth, Alikoudi Pool and Kalloni Saltpans. Max. 299 Polichnitos Saltpans 11 Jan (T Robinson). Breeding 1 pr bred Lotzaria (S P Dudley) and were regularly seen around Kalloni Saltpans & Alykes Wetlands and
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Tsiknias River. Only the second confirmed breeding for the island following a pr breeding at Metochi in 2011. OctDec Recorded from 18 Oct from Polichnitos Saltpans, max. 3000 on 21 Dec (T Robinson). RING OUZEL * Turdus torquatus V* 0 | 4 Not recorded in 2012. Four recent accepted records: 1999: singles Potamia Valley 16 Apr, Achladeri 23 Apr and Ipsilou 23 May 99 (Brooks 1999). 2011: 1 Ipsilou 23 28 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2011). COMMON BLACKBIRD Turdus merula cRB, cW () Breeding numbers increasing and very common in winter. Shot in large numbers to reduce numbers feeding on olives. Recorded from across the island throughout the year. FIELDFARE Turdus pilaris rW Small numbers OctFeb. Not recorded in 2012. 2009: no records 2010: up to 4 Polichnitos Saltpans 3 20 Feb (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 2 Polichnitos Saltpans 7 Mar (Lesvos Birds 2011). REDWING Turdus iliacus rW OctFeb. Not recorded in 2012. 2009: no records 2009: 8 Agia Paraskevi 22 Mar (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2011: 1 Agia Paraskevi 15 Mar (Lesvos Birds 2011). SONG THRUSH Turdus philomelus rRB, sW () Common and widespread in winter, with many shot (see Blackbird). Several pairs breed. First winter period Recorded from across the island to 31 Mar. Spring Birds on territory at the usual Mt Olympus, Agiasos and Megalochori Valley sites. A migrant seen Meladia Valley 2 May (M Sullivan, R Leslie). Autumn / second winter period Recorded from 15 Oct.

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Lesvos Birds 2012

MISTLE THRUSH Turdus viscivorus Small numbers breed across the island. Recorded from the Achladeri Forest, Agiasos, Lardia Valley, Megali Limni, Mikri Limni, Mt Olympus and Polichnitos Saltpans.


EUROPEAN ROBIN Erithacus rubecula rRB, cW Occurs commonly across the island Oct Mar. A few breeding pairs. First winter period Present up to 8 Mar. Spring Birds on territory at the usual Agiasos, Ambeliko Valley and Mt Olympus sites, plus one site on the Mytilini Peninsular. Autumn / second winter period Recorded from 12 Sep.

BLUETHROAT * Luscinia svecica Not recorded in 2012. Only one accepted record: 2007: 1 Pithariou Reservoir 22 Sep (HRC08). Unconfirmed records: Mesa 30 Apr 02 (Brooks 2002), 1 Christou (Kamares) River spr 04 (Brooks 04). THRUSH NIGHTINGALE Luscinia luscinia Occurs in small numbers AprMay and occasionally Aug Oct. Spring Five records (all singles): Skala Eresou 25 Apr (S Wytema et al); Platania 28 Apr (S P Dudley); Vatera 30 Apr (per S P Dudley); Perasma 6 May (I Pitts et al); Faneromeni 7 May (T Disley et al). Autumn One record: 1 Efthalou 18 19 Sep (S Wytema et al). 2009 additional record: 1 Ipsilou 7 May (photo: R Purser).
Thrush Nightingale Luscinia luscinia, Ipsilou, May 2009 Ray Purser

V* 0 | 1


2009: 7 records, 3 8 May and 1 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 1 record, 29 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 5 records, 16 21 Apr and 18 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2011).

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COMMON NIGHTINGALE Luscinia megarhynchos () AprOct. Breeds across the island along dry riverbeds and other dry, dense scrub. Recorded from across the island from 16 Apr 18 Sep. 2009: 16 Apr 1 Jun (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 2 Apr 13 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 11 Apr 2 Aug (Lesvos Birds 2011).
White-throated Robin Irania gutturalis, between Efthalou and Skala Sikaminias, May 2012 Colin Stephens


WHITE-THROATED ROBIN * Irania gutturalis V, OB * 1 | 9 One record (accepted by HRC): A singing adult male North Coast track 8 May (photo: C & C Stephens) (HRC12 in prep). This is only the ninth confirmed record for Lesvos. All other accepted records: 1994: male nr Molivos May 94 (BoG). 1995: pr, including male carrying food, nr Molivos May 1995 (BoG). 1998: female Faneromeni May 98 (HRC05). 2006: male nr Sigri May 06 (HRC06). 2009: male Ipsilou 1 Jun (Lesvos Birds 2009, HRC09). 2011: male Ipsilou 8 May, female Meladia Valley 11 May and female Ipsilou 13 May (Lesvos Birds 2011, HRC11). Unconfirmed records: Efthalou 95 and 96 (reportedly breeding both years); a male between Eressos and Sigri and (believed same) at Faneromeni River Ford May 97; pr on territory Ipsilou monastery May 01 were seen taking food to a nest site; 2 prs bred successfully nr Agra spr 01; 1 pr bred nr Agra 02 (Brooks 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002). In addition, reports of a pr bred near the old Sigri Sanatorium 06 of which only a record of an adult seen on 4 May 06 submitted and accepted as above. This species is thinly distributed throughout southern and eastern Turkey and the Middle East. It is best classed as a vagrant, sporadic breeder on Lesvos. The Birds of Greece lists only four records up to 1995, inc. two from Lesvos, and there have been around a further ten records throughout Greece up to 2006. Whilst this is a HRC description species, few observers submit records formally so few have been officially accepted. RUFOUS BUSH-ROBIN (RUFOUS-TAILED SCRUB ROBIN) Erythropygia galactotes sMB, rPM Occurs AprAug. Birds arrive back in Lesvos in early May (rarely late April) and depart by late August. Signs of a decline since 2005. Recorded 28 Apr 3 Aug from numerous sites inc. the following breeding sites: Alykes Wetlands, Eresos area, Faneromeni, Kalloni Saltpans pumping station, coastal scrub near Kalloni Saltpans, Madaros, Meladia Valley,
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Potamia River, Skala Kallonis, Tsiknias River mouth and Voulgaris River. Spring A presumed migrant Kavaki 3 May (H Vaughan et al). Autumn 1 Sigri Fields 3 Aug (J Norgate) is one of the few autumn records. Very few records received away from several well-watched birds. There were again incidents of birds being harassed by birders and photographers. Please respect the bird and do not harass and push birds from bush to bush wait and watch! 2009: 28 Apr 23 May (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 25 Apr 6 Jun (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 21 Apr 26 May (Lesvos Birds 2011). Lesvos holds a small population with scattered pairs across the central and western areas of the island. They seem to have a preference for coastal areas of dry stream and riverbeds running down to the coast. Males sing from small trees and bushes but otherwise they spend their time skulking under and around dense low shrub cover. Better known sites inc. coastal bushes around the Kalloni Saltpans and Alykes Wetlands, Meladia River Plain, Faneromeni beach and Madaros. As with several migrant species, records reflect when birders are present to report them rather than their true annual occurance on the island. BLACK REDSTART Phoenicurus ochruros sW Common OctMar. First winter period Present to 20 Mar. Second winter period Present from 25 Oct. 2009: to 2 Apr, migrant 11 May, and from 17 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: to 21 Mar, migrant 13 May, and from 22 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: to 23 Mar, 15 Apr 7 May and from 1 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2011).
Black Redstart Phoenicurus ochruros, Pamfila, November 2012 Pantelis Thomaidis

COMMON REDSTART Phoenicurus phoenicurus sPM () Occurs AprMay and SepOct. Spring Recorded 15 Apr 13 May (all singles): Polichnitos Saltpans 15 Apr (T Robinson); fem Sigri Fields 23 Apr (S P Dudley et al); male Meladia Valley 27 Apr (S P Dudley et al); fem Sigri Old Sanatorium 27 Apr (S P Dudley et al); fem Meladia Valley 28 Apr (H Vaughan et al); Sigri Old Sanatorium 30 Apr (B Buckler et al); male Meladia Valley fig grove 1 May (S P Dudley et al); male Meladia Valley chapel 3 May (per S P Dudley); Ipsilou fem 8 May (S P Dudley et al), male 10 May (S P Dudley et al) and fem 13 May (S P & E F Dudley). Autumn Recorded 14 Aug 25 Oct (all singles): Polichnitos Saltpans 14 Aug (T Robinson); Agiasos 26 Aug (G Tebb et al); Skala Kallonis 22 Sep (S & I Misselbrook); Almiropotamos River (Vatera) 23 Sep (T Robinson); Polichnitos Saltpans 25 Oct (T Robinson).
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2009: 13 Apr 5 May and 2028 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 24 Apr 7 Jun and 15 Sep 26 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 16 Apr 13 May and 20 Sep 8 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2011).

WHINCHAT Saxicola rubetra cPM Can occur in huge numbers across the island AprMay and AugOct. Spring Recorded from many sites 10 Apr 21 May. Max. 25 Meladia Valley 1 May (W Faveyts). Autumn Recorded from many sites 4 Aug 30 Sep. Max. single count 20 Lotzaria 15 Sep (S Wytema et al) but hundreds present throughout the whole area. 2009: 8 Apr 10 May and 22 Aug 10 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 2 Apr 13 May and 20 Aug 6 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 15 Apr 14 May and 20 Aug 28 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2011). EUROPEAN STONECHAT Saxicola rubicola sRB () Small numbers occur across the island and records indicate increase in numbers in winter. Recorded from across the island throughout the year. ISABELLINE WHEATEAR Oenanthe isabellina sMB, rPM Occurs AprSep. Small numbers breed in the rocky west of the island. Best area to search in spring is between the Eresos/Sigri/Kalloni road junction and Ipsilou Monastery. During autumn passage birds seen in other areas. Recorded 27 Mar 18 Sep. Spring / Summer Seen at the usual breeding areas of Agra, Chrousos, Ipsilou, Mt Ordimnos, Meladia Valley, Mesotopos, Petrified Forest and Sigri and present at breeding sites to 28 Aug. 2 Plomari 2 May (M Ruijs) were presumed migrants. Autumn Singles unless stated: Polichnitos Saltpans 1 3 Sep (T Robinson); Limani 3 Sep (T Swann); Kalloni Saltpans & Alykes Wetlands 8 Sep (T Swann); Kalloni Holiday Village 9 Sep (T Swann); Polichnitos Saltpans 13 Sep (T Robinson); Tsiknias River 14 Sep (S Wytema et al); Polichnitos Saltpans 15 Sep (T Robinson); 4 Molivos 15 Sep (S Wytema et al); Kalloni Saltpans & Alykes Wetlands 18 Sep (S & I Misselbrook). 2009: 5 Apr 23 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 20 Mar 13 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 14 Apr 25 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2011).

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NORTHERN WHEATEAR Oenanthe oennanthe sMB, cPM Occurs MarSep. Small numbers breed throughout the west of the island and a small passage MarMay and AugOct. Recorded from across the island 13 Mar 7 Oct. Breeding Ipsilou, Makara, Meladia Valley, Mt Ordimnos and Sigri Old Sanatorium. 2009: 13 Mar 24 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 8 Mar 24 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 19 Feb 22 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2011). PIED WHEATEAR * Oenanthe pleschanka V* 0 | 10 Not recorded in 2012. Around 10 accepted records inc: 1988: pr breeding nr Akrisi (BoG). 1995: male Skala Sikaminias 9 May, a pr near Ambeliko 9 May and a male nr Petra 11 May (Brooks 1998). 1996: male Potamia Valley 9 May, juv Mesa mid-Aug (Brooks 1998). 1997: a singing male nr Petra 2 May, 1 Meladia Valley 23 Aug, 1 Potamia Reservoir 2 Sep, 1 nr Molivos 510 Sep (Brooks 1998). 1998: male nr Sigri 18 Apr (Brooks 1998). 2001: pr held territory on Mt Olympus in May 01 (Brooks 2001). 2003: a possible pr on territory nr Molivos May 03 (Brooks 2003). Since more formal recording began in the mid-2000s, there have been no confirmed records, Those reports that have been followed up have all turned out to be the black-throated form of Black-eared Wheatear. Separating this species from the black-throated form of Black-eared Wheatear requires very good views. There is some concern over the validity of some of the above listed records since none have been vetted. EASTERN BLACK-EARED WHEATEAR Oenanthe hispanica melanoleuca cMB Common and widespread across the island MarSep. Only melanoleuca occurs on the island, with pale- throated and black-throated forms of both present. Annually, black and white males lacking any brown tones to the mantle are reported as Finsch's Wheatear and black-throated birds are regularly reported as Pied Wheatear. Recorded from across the island 2 Apr 21 Sep. Beware that some second calendar year birds can resemble the western race O h hispanica which does not occur in Lesvos (or the region). FINSCHS WHEATEAR * Oenanthe finschii V* 0 | 4 Not recorded in 2012. 1998: one record (accepted by HRC): male Upper Potamia Valley nr Anemotia 15 20 May (D & M Walbridge, R Lambert, P Kent) (HRC12 in prep).
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Three other records accepted by HRC: 1993: male Megalochori 10 Jun 93 (BoG). 2010: male Ipsilou 8 Apr 10 (Lesvos Birds 2010, HRC10). 2011: male nr Ipsilou 24 Apr 11 (Lesvos Birds 2011, HRC11). Unconfirmed records: a male singing at the top of Potamia Valley Apr 99; 1 Aghia Ioannis Apr 99; pr Ipsilou monastery Apr 99; nr Molivos Irrigation Reservoir May 00; fem between Sigri and Eresos Jun 00; pr between Efthalou and Skala Sikaminias May 01 (Brooks 1998, 2000, 2001). One record not accepted: Ad fem Sigri 8 May 00 (HRC11).

Many reports prove to be black and white black-throated Black-eared Wheatears. COMMON ROCK-THRUSH Monticola saxatilis rPM, OB | 20+ Not recorded in 2012. Around 20 records, most recent: 1997: 1 btwn Dafia and Filia late Apr, 1 Molivos 30 Aug (Brooks 1998). 1998: pr 13 Ipsilou 13 Apr, 1 btwn Dafia and Filia late Apr, male Kavaki 16 May, 1 Mt Olympus 25 May (Brooks 1998). 2000: male nr Vatousa 16 Apr, male Metochi Lake 22 Apr and female Napi Valley 24 Apr; male nr Ipsilou and male nr Vatousa 15 May (Brooks 2000) 2005: 1 Efthalou Sep 05 (per S P Dudley). 2007: 1 Sigri Apr 07, 1 nr Napi Apr 08 (per S P Dudley). 2008: male Napi Valley 26 Apr (per S P Dudley). 2009: male Ipsilou 29 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: pr breeding Mt Olympus 25 Apr (first confirmed breeding record), male Kavaki 26 Apr and male Ipsilou 29 Apr 1 May (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: male Platania 15 Apr, male Achladeri 22 Apr and fem nr Skoutaros 6 May (Lesvos Birds 2011). BLUE ROCK-THRUSH Monticola solitarius sRB Widespread, especially in the rocky west of the island. Recorded from across the island inc. the following known and presumed breeding sites: Aghia Ioannis, Agaisos, Agra, Ambeliko Valley, Dimitrios, Gavathas, Ipsilou, Kalloni Raptor Watchpoint, Kavaki, Lardia Valley, Makara, Mt Olympus, Mt Ordimnos, Napi Valley, Parakila, Pithariou Reservoir, Plomari, Potamia Valley and Vigla (Ipsilou). SPOTTED FLYCATCHER Muscicapa striata cPM Widespread, and often in large numbers, Apr-May and Aug-Oct. Breeds in pine forest areas across the island. Recorded from across the island 18 Apr 5 Oct. 2009: 17 Apr 1 Oct; max. 200 on 6 May (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 23 Apr 10 Oct; max. 40 on 9 May (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 15 Apr 21 Oct; max. 300 on 3 May (Lesvos Birds 2011).
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EUROPEAN PIED FLYCATCHER Ficedula hypoleuca cPM Occurs AprMay and AugOct. Spring Small numbers 18 Apr 13 May. No significant passage. 2009: 6 Apr 8 May (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 17 Apr 12 May and 13 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 15 Apr 12 May (Lesvos Birds 2011). COLLARED FLYCATCHER Ficedula albicollis sSP, rAP Occurs AprMay. Only five autumn records. Spring Recorded 18 Apr 4 Jun. No significant passage. Autumn 1 Polichnitos Saltpans 10 Aug (T Robinson) is only the fifth autumn record. Only four previous autumn records 2 Skala Eressau Oct 95; 1 Pithariou Reservoir Sep 07 and 2009 (above). The west of island during good migration periods is the best chance for this species. 2009: 20 Apr 8 May and 19 Jul & 14 Aug (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 4 Apr 5 Jun (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 15 Apr 14 Jun (unprecedented numbers) (Lesvos Birds 2011). SEMICOLLARED FLYCATCHER Ficedula semitorquata rPM Around 14 records prior to 2010. Occurred in unprecedented numbers (with other species) in 2011. Three records (all singles): Spring Singles Agiasos 23 Apr (R Chittenden et al), chapel nr Eresos tip 24 Apr (J Buxton, J Glendinning) and Mytilini 30 Apr (J Delavez). Pre-2010 known records: singles Faneromeni River Ford Apr 00 & Apr 03; 1 Napi Valley Apr 00; in Apr 04, singles at Molivos, Faneromeni River Ford & Ipsilou monastery (Brooks 2000, 2003, 2004); 1-2 Ipsilou Apr 08; 1 Meladia River Ford Apr 08. 2010: 5 records, 29 Apr 6 May (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 33 records (40+ individuals), 15 Apr 12 May (Lesvos Birds 2011). RED-BREASTED FLYCATCHER Ficedula parva rPM Singles occasionally seen AprMay and AugSep. Four at Ipsilou Apr 08 exceptional. Spring Four records (singles unless stated): 3 fems Meladia Valley 28 29 Apr (D & J Nurney, S Chalmers, J Coppock); male Sigri Old Sanatorium 28 Apr (D & J Nurney, S Chalmers, J Coppock); fem Meladia Valley 3 May (per S P Dudley); fem Meladia Valley 11 May (M Analeson). Autumn One record: 1 Ipsilou 19 Sep (S & I Misselbrook). 2008: an island record count of 7 at the Meladia Valley chapel 6 May (P Cools).
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2009: 3 records, 25 Apr 5 May (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 3 records, 29 Apr 2 May and 23 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 4 records, 22 Apr 12 May (Lesvos Birds 2011). WHITE-THROATED DIPPER * Cinclus cinclus () Not recorded in 2012. One accepted record: 2007: 1 Sigri 7 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2009). HOUSE SPARROW Passer domesticus Widespread and common resident. Present across the island throughout the year. Max. 165 Polichnitos Saltpans 30 Jun (T Robinson). V* 0 | 1


Spanish Sparrow Passer hispaniolensis, Kalloni Saltpans, April 2012 Christian Nielsen

SPANISH SPARROW Passer hispaniolensis sRB, sPM Breeding groups found across the island, usually around fertile agricultural land. Distinct passage AprMay with smaller numbers in autumn (separating females and juveniles in autumn from House Sparrow very problematic). Seen across the island 20 Apr 25 Sep inc. breeding at Skala Kallonis, Kalloni Saltpans and Faneromeni. Max. count 300 Polichnitos 24 Apr (T Robinson). 2009: 13 Apr 26 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 2 Apr 2 Nov (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 13 Apr 1 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2011).
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Italian Sparrow (Spanish Sparrow P. hispaniolensis x House Sparrow P. domesticus hybrid): a small number of birds seen in late April in Skala Kallonis village (photos: I Ford).

Italian Sparrows House Sparrow Passer domesticus x Spanish Sparrow Passer hispaniolensis hybrids, two different males at different locations in Skala Kallonis, April 2012 Ian Ford

TREE SPARROW * Passer montanus V, OB* 0 | 6 Not recorded in 2012. Six accepted records: 1992: 1 Skala Eresou 28 Oct (Brooks 1998). 1994: between Molivos and Skala Sikaminias 10 Apr (Brooks 1998). 1996: nr Anaxos 11 Aug (Brooks 1998). 2000: 3 between Gavathas and Ancient Andissa May (Brooks 2000). 2003: Pr bred (amongst House Sparrows) near Agios Fokas (Brooks 2003). 2009: 1 Petrified Forest Visitor Centre 3 May (Lesvos Birds 2009). ROCK SPARROW Petronia petronia sRB Small numbers breed in the rockier west of the island, e.g. Ipsilou, between Agra and Mesotopos. Birds seen at the usual breeding sites of Aghia Ioannis, Eresos area, Ipsilou, Lardia Valley, Petrified Forest, Sideras and Vigla nr Ipsilou. Also recorded Apothika, Limani and Potamia Valley. DUNNOCK Prunella modularis rW () Occurs OctMar. Spring One record: a late bird at Pithariou Reservoir 5 May (M Wustenhoff). Autumn One record: 1 nr Agiasos 18 Nov (J Delavez). 2009: 1 record, 7 Jan (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 3 records, 30 Jan, 11 Mar and 12 Dec (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 3 records, all Nov (Lesvos Birds 2011).
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WESTERN YELLOW WAGTAIL Motacilla flava Common and widespread on passage MarMay and AugOct. Flocks of 1000+ occasionally seen, and 2000+ reported on several occasions. The following races are known to occur: Blue-headed Wagtail M. f. flava sMB, cPM Black-headed Wagtail M. f. feldegg cMB, cPM Grey-headed Wagtail M. f. thunbergi sPM Ashy-head Wagtail M. f. cinereocapilla sPM The following intergrade/variant races are also seen annually: Romanian Yellow Wagtail dombrowski flava-feldegg intergrade rPM Russian Yellow Wagtail superciliaris thunbergi variant rPM Recorded 11 Mar 26 Sep. M. f. flava, M. f. feldegg and M. f. thunbergi Thousands said to be present Sigri & Faneromeni Fields 30 Apr (P & M Thomson). M. f. cinereocapilla Singles reported Tsiknias River 29 Apr (C Murphy et al), Faneromeni 2 May (T Hofmeester) and Lotzaria (P Aubrey, G Elton). M. f. supercilliaris Singles reported Meladia Valley 1 May (W Faveyts), Sigri Fields 1 May (W Faveyts), Kalloni Saltpans 2 May (C Murphy et al) and Sigri Fields 4 May (G fellows). M. f. dombrowski Singles reported Skala Kallonis Pool (P Aubrey, G Elton) and Faneromeni 30 Apr (W Faveyts). M. f. xanthophrys Birds showing characteristics of this form: 2010 A male Alykes Wetlands 27 Mar (photo: E Foss et al). 2011 A male Arisvi 30 Apr (photo: C Vlachos). Identifying even adult male birds can be problematic as the various races frequently hybridise. The two records of xanthophrysi-type (believed to be a fledegg-lutea integrade) birds are the first of birds showing characteristics of this form to be identified from Lesvos. (ref. Alstrom & Mild 2003).

Yellow Wagtails Motacilla flava xanthophrys type individuals. Left: Kalloni Alykes Wetlands, March 2010 Eva Foss Right: Arisvi April 2011 Chris Vlachos Neither of these individuals may be pure xanthophrys but both of these birds have a strong xanthophrys charcteristics.

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2009: 13 Mar 17 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 15 Mar 17 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 22 Mar 20 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2011). See individual reports for occurrence of individual races. Unconfirmed reports of British Yellow Wagtail M. f. flavissima*, Yellow-headed Wagtail M. f. lutea* and Sykes Yellow Wagtail M. f. beema*. By no means all birds can be assigned to race with many variants of each subspecies occurring. British Yellow Wagtail M. f. flavissima is reported annually, but given this races restricted breeding range and only a couple of Greek records, these are more likely to be variants or hybrids of other races. CITRINE WAGTAIL Motacilla citreola sSP Occurs most years AprMay, often in double-figurs (e.g. 15+ AprMay 04). Only one autumn record. Spring 16 records (of at least 24 individuals) 13 Apr 13 May: a male at Polichitos Saltpans 13 Apr (T Robinson) and 1 there 13 May (G Boomhouwer); Tsiknias River a male on 22 Apr (H & J Stedman) was followed by 4 there (ad male, 2 fems and 2CY male) on 23 Apr (H Vaughan et al) with singles there on 25 & 28 Apr (R Chittenden, K Mullarney et al); Christou (Kamares) River fems on 23 Apr (K Mullarney) and 29 Apr (D & L Marsden); Kalloni Saltpans & Alykes Wetlands 1 on 25 Apr (R Chittenden et al), an ad male and fem on 29 Apr (D Capewell et al) and 1 on 6 May (M & P van de Braak); Faneromeni & Sigri area ad male and fem 27 Apr (S P Dudley et al) with 2 ad males, ad fem and a 2CY male there 29 Apr (S P Dudley et al), a fem there 30 Apr (P & M Thompson) and 2 present 3 May (per S P Dudley); 1 Skala Vasilikon 30 Apr (G Lamers, W Vergoossen); 1 Meladia Valley 1 May (C Murphey et al); fem Almiropotamos River (Vatera) 2 3 May (P & L Goble et al); 1 Lapsarna 6 May (G Boomhouwer); a male Skala Kallonis Pool 9 11 May (S P Dudley et al). Autumn One record: 1 Faneromeni 10 Jul (P Schaft) is the first confirmed autum record. 2011 Additional record: 1 Klio 19 May (photo: R Purser). 2009: 20+ records, 8 Apr 2 May (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 14 records, 15 Apr 14 May (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 10 records, 17 Apr 5 May (Lesvos Birds 2011). One unconfirmed autumn record: 2-5 Tsiknias River Sep 97 (Brooks 98) needs substantiating. GREY WAGTAIL Motacilla cinerea rRB Small numbers breed and numbers increase in winter SepMar. Breeding pairs present at Dimitrios (S P Dudley et al), Lambou Mill (S P Dudley et al) and Pessa Falls (Achladeri Forest) (T Hofmeester). Other records (all singles): 1 Chrousos 7 May (G Boomhouwer); Mytilini 6 Nov and 5 & 8 Dec (J Delavez).

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White Wagtail Motacilla alba, Alyfanda (near Mytilini), November 2012 Petros Tsakmakis

WHITE WAGTAIL Motacilla alba rRB, sPM Small numbers breed across the island. Present throughout the year. TAWNY PIPIT Anthus campestris sPM, rMB? Occurs in small numbers, including believed breeding, MarOct. Spring Recorded 14 Mar 14 May: Polichnitos Saltpans max. 7 on 3 Apr (T Robinson); Kalloni Saltpans & Alykes Wetlands max. 5 on 3 May (J Simons); singles Meladia Valley 24 Apr (P Aubrey, G Elton) and 1 May (W Faveyts); 1 Agra 25 Apr (H Vaughan et al); 1 Christou (Kamares) River 29 Apr (J Simons); 1 Makara 3 May (M Sullivan, R Leslie); 1 Faneromeni 14 May (S P & E F Dudley et al). Autumn Recorded 23 Aug 22 Sep: 12 Polichnitos Saltpans 23 Aug 11 Sep (T Robinson); Sigri Fields 1 on 4 Sep (P Wells) and 2 on 16 Sep (S Wytema et al); Kalloni Saltpans 3 on 15 Sep and 8 on 21 Sep (S Wytema et al); 1 Lotzaria 22 Sep (S & I Misselbrook). 2009: 4 Apr 13 May (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 21 Mar 22 May and 828 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 5 Apr 15 May and 19 Aug 4 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2011). MEADOW PIPIT Anthus pratensis sW Occurs, often in large numbers, OctMar, occasional records in Apr and May. First winter period Present to 24 Apr. Max. 37 Polichnitos Saltpans 3 Feb (T Robinson). Second winter period Present from 25 Sep. Max. 15 Polichnitos Saltpans 8 Dec (T Robinson). 2009: to 27 Jan, 10 & 11 Apr and from 26 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: to 13 Apr and from 21 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: to 30 Apr and from 14 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2011).

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TREE PIPIT Anthus trivialis sPM Occurs MarMay and AugOct. Record count: 550 Kavaki 21 Apr 12. Spring Recorded 21 Apr 11 May from many sites. Larger counts: 550 moving through Kavaki area 21 Apr (S Wytema, S P Dudley et al) is the largest ever count for the island; 50 along the North Coast track 3 May (W Faveyts). Autumn 2 Faneromeni 16 Sep (S Wytema et al); 3 Perasma Reservoir 17 Sep (S Wytema et al); 4 Kavaki 18 Sep (S Wytema et al); 1 nr Skalochori 19 Sep (S Wytema et al); 1 Perasma Reservoir 20 Sep (S Wytema et al); 1 Polichnitos Saltpans 20 Nov (T Robinson). 2009: 6 May and 9 29 Sep; max. 50 on 28 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 31 Mar 12 May and 14 Sep; max. 6 on 2 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 15 Apr 9 May and 11 26 Sep; max. 15 on 2 May (Lesvos Birds 2011). RED-THROATED PIPIT Anthus cervinus sPM Occurs AprMay and SepOct. Spring Recorded 23 Apr 15 May. Principal sites inc. Alykes Wetlands, Sigri & Faneromeni Fields, Lotzaria, Meladia Valley, Tsiknias River and Christou (Kamares) River. Max. counts of 10 Alykes Wetlands 29 Apr (C Muprhy et al) and 10 Sigri & Faneromeni Fields 1 May (W Faveyts). Autumn 1 Sigri & Faneromeni Fields 4 Sep (P Wells). 2009: 8 Apr 12 May and 129 Sep; max. 100 on 24 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 3 Apr 2 Jun; max. 12 on 26 Apr and 2 May (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 11 Apr 26 May and 26 Sep; max. 20 on 28 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2011).

WATER PIPIT Anthus spinoletta () Occurs OctMar. Two records: Singles Mesa Wetlands 1 Jan and Polichnitos Saltpans 30 Oct (T Robinson). 2009: 2 records, 2223 Mar and 8 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 2 records, 29 Jan and 26 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 2 records, 2425 Apr and 29 Oct 9 Nov (Lesvos Birds 2011).


COMMON CHAFFINCH Fringilla coelebs cRB () Widespread and common. Recorded from across the island throughout the year. Max. 228 Polichnitos Saltpans 26 Nov (T Robinson).

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Fringilla montifringilla


Small numbers OctMar.

Not recorded in 2012. 2009: 1 record, 1 Tsiknias River 1 Jan (Lesvos Birds 2009).

2010: no records 2011: no records

HAWFINCH Coccothraustes coccothraustes rRB, rW () Small numbers breed. Scarce in winter OctApr, but large flocks, e.g. 200+ nr Dipi Larisos Mar 00, can occur (Brooks 2000). First winter period 1 Skala Vasilikon 1 Jan; Polichnitos Saltpans 5 Jan 8 Mar, with max. 12 on 19 Jan (all T Robinson). Breeding season Birds regularly reported from Agriosikos Apr May (H Vaughan et al). EURASIAN BULLFINCH * Pyrrhula pyrrhula V* 0 | 2 () Not recorded in 2012. Two accepted records: 1984: 1 nr Kalloni 17 Apr (Brooks 1998). 1986: 1 Potamia Valley 27 Mar (Brooks 1998).

Common Rosefinch Carpodacus erythrinus, Faneromeni, May 2000 Paul Parsons Steve Dudley | Lesvos Birding 2013 119

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COMMON ROSEFINCH * Carpodacus erythrinus V* 0 | 3 () Not recorded in 2012. 2000: one record (accepted by HRC): male Faneromeni 7 May (P Parsons, M Hnatuik, D Lewis, N Tovey) (HRC12 in prep). Only the third accepted record for Lesvos. Two other accepted records: 1991: a singing male Molivos 22 May (BoG). 1996: a juv trapped and ringed) Haramida Marsh 1 Sep (HRC06). Unconfirmed records: a pr Faneromeni River Ford May 97; a singing male nr Petra May 97; male Faneromeni River Ford May 00 (Brooks 1998, 2000); 1 Ipsilou Apr 08. EUROPEAN GREENFINCH Chloris chloris cRB () Widespread and common. Recorded from across the island throughout the year. Max. count 95 Polichnitos Saltpans 13 Oct (T Robinson). COMMON LINNET Carduelis cannabina sRB () Scarce but widespread across the island. First winter period Recorded Polichnitos Saltpans 2 Jan 31 Mar, max. 60 on 8 Jan (T Robinson). Spring / Summer Recorded from numerous breeding areas throughout the central and western areas. Autumn / Winter Recorded Polichnitos Saltpans 18 Nov 31 Dec, max. 39 on 15 Dec (T Robinson). COMMON CROSSBILL * Loxia curvirostra V* 0 | 6 () Not recorded in 2012. Six accepted records: 1997: pr feeding a juv near Agiasos Apr (Brooks 1998). 1998: up to 8 at the Sanatorium nr Agiasos 1 Aug (Brooks 1998). 2001: small group nr Vasilika Jul (Brooks 2001). 2003: 2 nr Achladeri 2 Jun (Brooks 2003). 2004: 1 Ipsilou monastery 4 May (Brooks 2004). 2010: female Achladeri 30 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2010).

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EUROPEAN GOLDFINCH Carduelis carduelis () Widespread and common. Recorded from across the island throughout the year. Max. count 41 Polichnitos Saltpans 19 Oct (T Robinson). RED-FRONTED SERIN * Serinus pusillus


V* 0 | 1

Not recorded in 2012.

One accepted record: 1994: pr nr Andissa 15 May (BoG).

Unconfirmed records: 2 Perivoli monastery Apr 97; a juv nr Agiasos Sep 98; 2 Skala Kallonis May 03 (Brooks 1998, 2003).

This is a very rare species in Greece with most records known from trappers on the island of Chios (BoG). EUROPEAN SERIN Serinus serinus sRB, rPM Breeds in woodland areas across the island with winter flocks in the lowlands in winter. First winter period Recorded Polichnitos Saltpans 1 Jan 27 Feb, max. 122 on 2 Feb (T Robinson). Spring / Summer Recorded from numerous central and eastern areas. Autumn / Winter Recorded Polichnitos Saltpans 4 Nov 31 Dec, max. 117 on 1 Dec (T Robinson). EURASIAN SISKIN Carduelis spinus rW () Occurs in varying numbers OctMar. Not recorded in 2012. 2011: 3 records: 23 & 29 Apr and 4 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2011). CORN BUNTING Emberiza calandra cRB Widespread and common. Recorded from across the island throughout the year. Polichnitos Saltpans max. first winter period count 190 on 26 Jan (T Robinson) and max. second winter period count 489 on 5 Nov (T Robinson).
Corn Bunting Emberiza calandra, Kalloni, May 2000 Kevin Hazelgrove

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YELLOWHAMMER * Emberiza citrinella V* 0 | 3 Not recorded in 2012. Three accepted records: 1997: 1 Mesa 15 Mar and 3 Potamia Valley 30 Aug (Brooks 1998). 1998: fem Faneromeni 12 Jan 98 (Brooks 1998). ROCK BUNTING * Emberiza cia rW No evidence of confirmed breeding. Singing males occasionally found and one record of an apparent family in Sep 1996 could have been migrants. All known records: Not recorded in 2012. Recent confirmed records: 1986: 2 nr Sigri 17 Sep (Brooks 1998). 1988: nr Eresos 2 & 4 Jun (Brooks 1998). 1989: nr Eresos Sep (Brooks 1998). 1991: 1 nr Efthalou Aug (Brooks 1998). 1995: 1 Potamia Valley 13 May (Brooks 1998). 1996: 5 nr Agiasos 11 Sep (Brooks 1998). 1997: 2 nr Agiasos 10 May (Brooks 1998). 1998: 1 Faneromeni 27 Apr, 2 Aghia Ioannis 27 Apr, 1 Ipsilou 3 May and Christou (Kamares) River 10 May (Brooks 1998). 1999: 3 nr Molivos 17 Apr (Brooks 2002). 2003: 1 Mt Lepitimnos mid May (Brooks 2003). 2010: 1 Polichnitos Saltpans 25 Oct (Lesvos Birds 2010). CINEREOUS BUNTING Emberiza cineracea sMB A localised migrant breeder occurring in the rockier areas of the west of the island. Good breeding population around Ipsilou, near the Meladia River Ford, between Aghia Ioannis and Mesotopos. The race that occurs on Lesvos is the yellow-headed cinercea. For a more detailed status account see A Birdwatching Guide to Lesvos or www.lesvosbirding.com. Recorded 22 Apr 15 Aug from the usual breeding areas of Aghia Ioannis, Agra, Ipsilou (max. 8 singing males), Konditsia Valley, Meladia valley, Mesotopos, Mt Ordimnos, Petrified Forest, Sideras, Sigri Hills, Vigla (Ipsilou) and nr Vatousa. 2009: 13 Apr 27 May (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 1 Apr 17 Aug (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 14 Apr 5 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2011). ORTOLAN BUNTING Emberiza hortulana sPM Small numbers AprMay and AugSep. Record count: flock of 15 North Coast track 12 Apr 00 (Brooks 2000). Spring 16 records 27 Mar 14 May (singles unless stated): 27 Mar Petrified Forest (A Hoff); 17 Apr Mytilini (J Delavez); 22 Apr Petra (C Kehoe); 24 Apr 3 Meladia Valley (J Buxton, J Glendinning), Sigri Fields (P Aubrey,
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G Elton); 25 Apr 2 Ipsilou (per S P Dudley), 2 Aghia Ioannis (per S P Dudley); 28 Apr Meladia Valley (D & J Nurney, S Chalmers), 2 Platania (S P Dudley et al); 29 Apr Aghia Ioannis (T Hofmeester); 1 May Perasma (M & P van de Braak), North Coast track (T Hofmeester); 2 May Koriani (J Simons); 3 May Sigri Old Sanatorium (S & K Bates); 13 May Kalloni Raptor Watchpoint (per T Swann); 14 May Petrified Forest (J van den Tilaart). Autumn Two records: 2 Metochi 25 Aug (G Tebb et al) and 1 Kalloni Holiday Village 9 Sep (T Swann). 2009: 3 records, 11 & 20 Apr and 13 May (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 14 records, 21 Apr 11 May and 15 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 41 records, 15 Apr 6 May (Lesvos Birds 2011). CRETZSCHMARS BUNTING Emberiza caesia cMB Widespread and common in open country with scattered trees. Recorded from across the island 27 Mar 9 Sep. 2009: 7 Apr 23 Jul (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 2 Apr 26 Aug (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 13 Apr 4 Sep (Lesvos Birds 2011).

Cretzschmars Bunting Emberiza caesia, Petri, May 2012 Mick Sveikutis

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CIRL BUNTING Emberiza cirlus Widespread and common in open country with scattered trees. Recorded from across the island throughout the year. LITTLE BUNTING * Emberiza pusilla Not recorded in 2012. One accepted record: 1997: 1 trapped and ringed Haramida Marsh 17 Oct (HRC06).


V* 0 | 1

Black-headed Bunting Emberiza melanocephala, Tsiknias River, May 2012 Kevin Hazelgrove BLACK-HEADED BUNTING Emberiza melanocephala cMB Widespread and common. Occurs AprAug. Recorded from across the island 24 Apr 16 Aug. Larger spring counts inc. 200+ Meladia Valley 10 May (S P Dudley et al) and 100+ Polichnitos Saltpans 11 May (G Boomhouwer). 2011: new earliest record for year: 1 Meladia Valley 22 Apr (I Thomas). 2009: 23 Apr 18 Jul; max. 30 on 5 May (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: 19 Apr 18 Jul; max. 50 on 27 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: 23 Apr 23 Jul; max. 40 on 28 Apr (Lesvos Birds 2011). Steve Dudley | Lesvos Birding 2013 124

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COMMON REED BUNTING Emberiza schoeniclus rW () 12 Polichnitos Saltpans 3 Jan 18 Mar and 25 Oct 2 Dec (T Robinson). Singles Almiropotamos River (Vatera) 22 Apr and Almyropotamos River (Lisvorio) 10 Jun (T Robinson). Recent records: 1997: 1 Sigri 11 May and 1 Kalloni 12 May (Brooks 1998). 1998: recorded from several sites Jan and one site in Mar (Brooks 1998). 2000: 1 Christou (Kamares) River 30 Mar (Brooks 2002). 2001: 1 Kalloni Saltpans 14 Apr (Brooks 2002). 2009: Polichnitos Saltpans to 5 Mar and from 4 Nov, plus records from two other sites (Lesvos Birds 2009). 2010: Polichnitos Saltpans to 20 Mar and from 19 Nov, plus records from three other sites (Lesvos Birds 2010). 2011: Polichnitos Saltpans to 11 Mar and from 4 Nov (Lesvos Birds 2011). APPENDIX 1 UNPROVEN RECORDS The adjudicating committee is given in parentheses after each record. 2012 Ferruginous Duck Aythya nyroca 1 Alykes Wetlands 28 Mar (LBRC) Finschs Wheater Oenanthe finschii 1 Mt Olympus 27 Mar (HRC) APPENDIX 2 RECORDS PENDING The adjudicating committee is given in parentheses after each record. 2012 Steppe Buzzard Buteo buteo vulpinus 1 Kedro 17 Nov 31 Dec (HRC) Steppe Buzzard Buteo buteo vulpinus 1 Pappados 29 Nov (HRC) Paddyfield Warbler Acrocephalus agricola 1 Tsiknias River 24 Apr (HRC) Menetries Warbler Sylvia mysacea 1 Kavaki 12 Apr (HRC) Richards Pipit Anthus richardi 1 Skala Kallonis 6 Oct (HRC) Yellow-breasted Bunting Emberiza aureola 1 Faneromeni 16 Sep (HRC) 2011 European Storm-petrel Hydrobates pelagicus 1 off Sigri 23 Jul (HRC) Steppe Buzzard Buteo buteo vulpinus 1 Skala Polichnitou 21 Dec (HRC) Caspian Reed Warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus fuscus 1 Tsiknias River 28 Apr (HRC) Caucasian Chiffchaff Phylloscopus (collybita) lorenzii 1 Konditsia valley 1 May (HRC)

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APPENDIX 3 SPECIES FORMALLY REJECTED (BY HRC) OR UNCONFIRMED REPORTS OF SPECIES NEW TO LESVOS The species listed here remain unconfirmed (no records submitted or occurrence thought unlikely and without supporting evidence are excluded). Where records have been submitted to HRC and have been rejected, this is indicated. For rejected and unconfirmed records of species on the Lesvos List see the individual species accounts. Rock Partridge Alectoris graeca * Unconfirmed records: 1 Ipsilou Apr 04 (Brooks 2004). A very unlikely species and surely refers to Chukar. Lesser White-fronted Goose Anser erythropus * Unconfirmed records: several shot during the winter of 01/02 (Brooks 2002). Barnacle Goose Branta leucopsis * Unconfirmed records: 1 nr Kalloni Saltpans Mar 03 (Brooks 2003). Red-crested Pochard Netta rufina * () Unconfirmed records: 1 Skala Kallonis Pool Mar 02 (Brooks 2002). Red-throated Diver Gavia immer * Unconfirmed records: 1 off Skala Kallonis Apr 04 (Brooks 2004). European Storm-petrel Hydrobates pelagicus * Unconfirmed records: 1 off Vatera Apr 01 (Brooks 1998). Black Vulture Aegypius monachus * Unconfirmed records: 1 reported May 08. Lesser Sand Plover Charadrius mongolus * One rejected record: 2 Kalloni area 14 Sept 98 (HRC05). Unconfirmed records: Singles nr Kalloni Saltpans May 02 and Apr 03. This species is not on the Greek list.

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Greater Sand Plover Charadrius leschenaultii * () Unconfirmed records: singles Kalloni Saltpans Apr and May 99, 2 in May 01 and one Jun 02 (Brooks 1999, 2001, 2002). Bairds Sandpiper Calidris bairdii * Unconfirmed records: 1 Kalloni Saltpans May 01 (Brooks 2001). Oriental Pratincole Stercorarius maldivarum * One rejected record: 1 Kalloni Saltpans 6 May 02 (HRC11 in prep). Long-tailed Skua Stercorarius longicaudus * Unconfirmed records: 1 off Mytilini Oct 96 (Brooks 1998). Only three Greek records. Pomarine Skua Stercorarius pomarinus * Unconfirmed records: Adult off Vatera May 96 (Brooks 1998). Pallass Gull (Great Black-backed Gull) Larus marinus * Unconfirmed records: 1 Mytilini Jan 98 (Brooks 1998); 1 Mytilini Apr 01 (Brooks 2001); 3 Kalloni Saltpans Oct 02 (Brooks 2003). Royal Tern Sterna maxima * One rejected record: 1 Tsiknias River mouth 27 Apr 06 (HRC09). Pied Kingfisher Ceryle rudis * Unconfirmed records: 1 off Sigri Sept 02 (Brooks 2002). Green Woodpecker Picus viridis * Unconfirmed records 1 Potamia Valley May 02 (Brooks 2002). Occurs in nearby Turkey but remains an unlikely species to occur. Golden Orioles are occasionally reported as this species. Great Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopus major * Unconfirmed records: An unlikely species but reports from Parakila, Potamia Valley, nr Gavathas, nr Petra, Papania and nr Agiasos (Brooks 1998). This species regional distribution is somewhat far removed (northern Greece and central Turkey) from the Aegean Sea area and must therefore be considered as very unlikely to occur.

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Syrian Woodpecker Dendrocopus syriacus * Unconfirmed records : Reports inc. nr Arisvi May 91; Sikaminia Jun 93; Skala Eresou Aug 93; Agiasos Sept 94; nr Petra Oct 95; pr between Polichnitos and Skala Polichnitou Apr 99 (Brooks 1998, Brooks 1999). Occurs in nearby Turkey but remains an unlikely species to occur and without photographic evidence any record is unliekliy to be accepted. White-backed Woodpecker Dendrocopus leucotos * Unconfirmed records: 1 nr Skalochori Apr 87; 1 nr Tsiknias River May 96 (both Brooks 1998); 1 Napi Valley spr 00 (Brooks 2000). Like Great Spotted Woodpecker, the range of this species is nowhere near the Aegean Sea area and must be treated as an unlikely vagrant. Oriental Turtle Dove Strptopelia orientalis * One rejected record: One Potamia Valley 1 Jan 09 (HRC10). Black Lark Melanocorypha yeltoniensis * Unconfirmed records: 1 after extensive snowfall during the 1986-87 winter (Brooks 1998). Richards Pipit Anthus richardi * Unconfirmed records: 2 Skala Kallonis Sept 94; 1 Kalloni Saltpans Apr 98; 1 Aghia Ioannis and near Makara (believed same bird) Apr 98; Kalloni Saltpans Apr 99; 1 Ipsilou Apr 02; 1 Achladeri May 02 (Brooks 1998, 1999, 2002). Blackstart Cercomela melanura * One rejected record: 1 Meladia Valley May 00 (HRC10). Not on the Greek list. Common Stonechat Saxicola rubicola maura * Three rejected records: Female Vatera 15 Nov 09; male Skala Polihnitou 21 Jan 10; and male Skala Polihnitou 28 Feb 10 (HRC10). Desert Wheatear Oenanthe deserti * Unconfirmed records : 1 nr Anaxos May 98 ; fem Mesa spr 99 (Brooks 1999). Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola * Unconfirmed records: 1 Faneromeni Ford Apr 02 (Brooks 2002). Blyths Reed Warbler Acrocephalus dumetorum * One rejected record: 1 Sigri 9 May 09 (HRC09). Booted Warbler Hippolais caligata *
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Unconfirmed records: 1 Ipsilou monastery May 01 (Brooks 2001). Upchers Warbler Hippolais lanuida * One rejected record: 1 North Coast track 10 May 00 (HRC11). Unconfirmed records: 1 nr Tavari May 96; 1 Ipsilou monastery May 99; 1 nr Efthalou May 01 (Brooks 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001). Mntriess Warbler Sylvia mystacea * Unconfirmed records: 1 Potamia Valley May 04 (Brooks 2004). This species is not on the Greek list. Caucasian Chiffchaff Phylloscopus (collybita) lorenzii * One rejected record: 1 Konditsia Valley 1 May 11 (HRC11). Black-crowned Tchagra Tchagra senegula * Unconfirmed records: 1 between Tsiknias River and Kalloni Saltpans May 98 (Brooks 1998). This species is not on the Greek list. Isabelline Shrike Lanius isabellinus * One rejected record: Juv Petra 23 Aug 10 (HRC10). Unconfirmed records: 1 Faneromeni Apr 95; 1 near Meladia River Ford Apr 98; 1 between Petra and Vafios May 98; fem Upper Tsiknias River Apr 00; 1 Molivos Reservoir May 01; 2 Sigri Fields May 03 (Brooks 1998, 2000, 2001, 2003). Twite Carduelis flavirostris * Unconfirmed records: 2 birds of the Turkish race brevirostris Kalloni Saltpans May 94 (Brooks 1998); 4 between Sigri and Eresos Apr 02 (Brooks 2002). This species is not on the Greek list. Yellow-breasted Bunting Emberiza aureola * One rejected record: Fem Sigri 8 May 08 (HRC08). Rustic Bunting Emberiza rustica * Unconfirmed records: 8 Potamia Valley Mar 02 (Brooks 2002).

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APPENDIX 4 ESCAPES The following species are thought to be of unlikely natural occurrence and therefore deemed likely escapes from captivity. Ruddy Duck Oxyura jamaicensis One Kalloni Saltpans Aug 02 (Brooks 2003). Namaqua Dove Oena capensis One Skala Kallonis Jun 08 (per S P Dudley).

First and last dates of migrant breeders and date ranges of spring and autumn passage migrants. 2011 dates given for comparison. - no records (4) number of records if fewer than 10 Earliest / spring dates 2012 2011 24 Apr 12 May (3) 16 Apr 2 May (8) 28 Mar 18 May 5 Apr 4 May 1 Apr 2 Jun 14 Apr 9 May 29 Mar 26 Mar 16 Mar 1 Jun 3 Apr 14 May 28 Mar 13 May (4) 3 Mar 29 Apr (8) 18 Apr 1 Jun 16 Apr 28 May 22 Apr 1 Jun 16 Apr 25 May 29 Mar 1 Jun 13 Apr 5 Jun 29 Mar 18 May 5 Apr 28 May 5 7 May (2) 15 Apr 5 May (3) 26 Apr 5 May (3) 3 Mar 10 May (6) 29 Apr 9 May (3) 28 Apr 2 May (2) 23 Apr 28 Apr 25 Apr 3 May (3) 1 Apr 12 May 20 Apr 25 Mar 20 Mar 18 May 2 Mar 21 May 16 Apr 6 May 11 Apr 7 May 23 Apr 15 May 16 Apr 20 May 1 19 May 22 Apr 7 May 26 Apr 14 May (8) 21 Apr 11 May (4) 26 28 Apr (2) - 26 Mar 6 Jun (9) 25 Apr 7 May (3) 18 Apr 14 Apr 17 Apr 17 May 15 Apr 13 May 19 Apr 21 Apr 23 Apr 2 Jun 13 Apr 4 Jun - 7 14 May (2) 29 Mar 14 May 11 Apr 11 May 22 Apr 17 May (5) 16 Apr 7 May (3) 23 Apr 19 May (6) 24 Mar 28 Apr (4) 130 Latest / autumn dates 2012 2011 - - 21 Jul 22 Sep 20 Jul 28 Aug 25 Jul 21 Sep - 29 Sep 10 Nov - - 28 Jul 28 Dec 21 Sep 19 Oct (4) 24 Jun 12 Aug 20 24 Sep (2) 18 Sep (1) 1 4 Sep (1) - 22 Sep (1) 15 Sep 14 Aug 13 Sep (4) 23 Aug 22 Sep (3) 4 30 Sep (1) 14 Aug 26 Dec (4) 16 Jul 5 Oct (3) 17 Sep 24 Oct (2) 21 Sep 5 Oct (3) 5 Oct 20 Sep 24 Aug 2 Oct (5) 26 Sep (1) 1 Oct 30 Sep 23 Aug 18 Nov 3 Sep 7 Oct 2 Oct - 28 Jul 19 Sep 29 Aug 6 Oct (4) 27 Jul 19 Sep (5) - - - - - 5 16 Sep (3) - 21 Sep 4 Jul 1 Sep 1 Oct 20 Sep 10 Oct 3 Oct 4 Oct 24 Aug 3 Oct 21 Sep 11 Oct 5 Sep - - - - - - -

Common Quail Garganey Scopolis Shearwater White Stork Glossy Ibis Eurasian Spoonbill Little Bittern Black-crowned Night-heron Squacco Heron Purple Heron Great White Pelican Dalmatian Pelican Western Osprey European Honey-buzzard Black Kite Short-toed Eagle Western Marsh Harrier Pallid Harrier Montagus Harrier Levant Sparrowhawk Lesser Spotted Eagle Golden Eagle Booted Eagle Lesser Kestrel Red-footed Falcon Eleonoras Falcon Eurasian Hobby Lanner Falcon Little Crake Baillons Crake Spotted Crake

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Eurasian Stone-curlew Spur-winged Plover Common Ringed Plover Little Ringed Plover Great Snipe Black-tailed Godwit Bar-tailed Godwit Whimbrel Spotted Redshank Marsh Sandpiper Wood Sandpiper Ruddy Turnstone Sanderling Temmincks Stint Curlew Sandpiper Broad-billed Sandpiper Ruff Collared Pratincole Little Gull Gull-billed Tern Caspian Tern Little Tern Common Tern Whiskered Tern White-winged Tern Black Tern European Turtle Dove Great Spotted Cuckoo Common Cuckoo Eurasian Scops Owl European Nightjar Alpine Swift Common Swift Pallid Swift European Roller European Bee-eater Eurasian Hoopoe Eurasian Wryneck Red-backed Shrike Lesser Grey Shrike Woodchat Shrike Masked Shrike Eurasian Golden Oriole Greater Short-toed Lark Sand Martin Barn Swallow Crag Martin Common House Martin Red-rumped Swallow Willow Warbler Eastern Bonellis Warbler

Earliest / spring dates 2012 2011 19 Apr 3 Apr 2 15 May (2) 13 Apr 19 May (8) 19 Mar 27 May 28 Feb 21 May 11 Mar 1 Mar - 8 9 May (1) 28 Mar 22 Apr (2) 23 Mar 5 May - - - 12 29 Apr (3) 19 Apr 9 May 22 Mar 20 Apr 14 Apr 14 May 21 Mar 3 May 26 Mar 21 May 6 Mar 21 May 27 Apr 16 May 28 Apr 8 May (5) 21 Apr 1 May (5) 18 Apr 15 May (6) 17 Apr 17 May 16 Apr 22 May 20 Apr 22 May 18 Apr 25 May 2 10 May (2) 3 12 May (2) 9 Mar 9 Jun 5 Mar 17 May 22 Apr 4 Jun 15 Apr 24 May 19 Apr 4 May (2) 23 30 Apr (2) 22 Apr 18 May 11 Apr 17 May 2 6 May (2) 11 Apr 22 May (3) 21 Apr 11 Apr 14 Apr 4 Apr 21 Apr 19 May 11 Apr 31 May 21 Apr 19 May 20 Apr 31 May 20 Apr 14 May 18 Apr 27 May 15 Apr 16 Apr 3 13 May (1) 10 Apr 18 May (10) 18 Apr 27 Jun 16 Apr 4 Jun 20 Mar 14 Mar 27 Apr 25 Apr 21 Mar 17 Mar 12 Apr 26 Mar 21 Mar 12 May 16 Apr 15 May 25 Apr 13 May 29 Apr 18 May 21 Apr 12 Apr 13 Mar 27 Mar 20 Apr 16 Apr 1 May (10) 21 Apr 26 Apr 25 Apr 23 Apr 26 Mar 8 Apr 13 Apr 13 Apr 21 Apr 27 May 16 Apr 6 Jun 25 Mar 12 Apr 2 Apr 19 May 11 Apr 3 Jun 20 Mar 13 Mar 21 Apr 11 Apr 19 Mar 25 Feb 12 Apr 3 Apr 10 Mar 13 May 13 Mar 4 May 18 Apr 16 May 18 Apr 9 May 131

Latest / autumn dates 2012 2011 16 Sep 8 Oct - 19 Sep 30 Jul 17 Nov 26 Aug 27 Dec 26 Nov 22 Oct - - 27 Aug 5 Jul 26 Sep - 30 Aug 8 Sep (1) 16 Sep - 17 Sep 4 Nov 10 Aug 7 Oct (3) 11 Aug 11 Oct 24 Aug 12 Oct (5) 7 Jul 4 Oct 11 Jul 22 Oct 5 13 Sep 24 Aug 10 Sep 23 Jul 17 Nov (4) 11 Sep 27 Jul 17 Sep (3) 10 Aug 3 Oct (3) 14 Jun 19 Sep 17 jul 8 Sep 11 27 Aug (4) 29 31 Aug (1) 27 Jul 14 Oct 12 Aug 22 Oct 19 Jun 16 Sep (2) - 4 Sep 3 17 Nov (1) - - - - 6 Sep 7 Sep 14 Sep 10 Sep 21 Aug 4 Sep (4) 12 Oct (1) 4 15 Sep (2) 4 Sep (1) 6 Sep - 22 Sep 1 Oct - - - 5 Oct (1) 28 Oct 2 Jul 19 Sep 5 Aug 18 Sep 29 Aug 15 Sep 17 Aug 23 Jun 6 Jul (2) - 27 Aug 7 Sep (3) 1 Sep 1 Oct (1) 20 Sep 18 Sep 24 Sep 23 Aug 16 Sep (4) 8 21 Sep (2) 30 Oct 7 Nov 18 Sep 2 Oct 20 Sep 19 Sep 14 Sep 2 Sep 28 Aug 21 Sep (3) 27 Aug 4 Sep (2) 17 Sep 6 Jul 19 Aug 20 Sep 11 Sep 4 Oct 17 Oct 12 Oct 18 Sep 1 Oct 22 Sep 8 Sep 3 Oct 9 Sep 6 Aug 27 Oct 7 Aug 23 Oct - -

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Wood Warbler Great Reed Warbler Sedge Warbler Eurasian Reed Warbler Marsh Warbler Eastern Olivaceous Warbler Olive-tree Warbler Icterine Warbler Common Grasshopper Warbler River Warbler Savis Warbler Garden Warbler Barred Warbler Lesser Whitethroat Eastern Orphean Warbler Common Whitethroat Subalpine Warbler Rppells Warbler Rose-coloured Starling Thrush Nightingale Common Nightingale Rufous Bush-robin Common Redstart Whinchat Isabelline Wheatear Northern Wheatear Black-eared Wheatear Common Rock-thrush Spotted Flycatcher European Pied Flycatcher Collared Flycatcher Semicollared Flycatcher Red-breasted Flycatcher Spanish Sparrow Yellow Wagtail Citrine Wagtail Tawny Pipit Tree Pipit Red-throated Pipit Cinereous Bunting Ortolan Bunting Cretzschmars Bunting Black-headed Bunting

Earliest / spring dates 2012 2011 18 Apr 13 May 16 Apr 14 May 21 Apr 19 Jun 15 Apr 22 Apr 14 May 9 Apr 10 May 22 Apr 27 May 11 Apr 13 Jun 3 18 May (6) 27 Apr 21 May (5) 20 Apr 11 Apr 28 Apr 28 May 28 Apr 25 Apr 13 May 20 Apr- 14 May 26 Mar 28 Apr 14 May (5) 24 Apr 10 May (4) 25 Apr 13 May (5) 30 Apr 11 May (6) 22 Apr 17 May 18 Apr 12 Apr 29 Mar 29 Mar 13 26 May 25 Apr 7 May (5) 16 Apr 28 Apr 15 Apr 13 May 10 Apr 21 May 27 Mar 13 Mar 2 Apr - 18 Apr 18 Apr 13 May 18 Apr 4 Jun 23 30 Apr (3) 28 Apr 11 May (4) 20 Apr 11 Mar 13 Apr 13 May 14 Mar 14 May 21 Apr 11 May 23 Apr 15 May 22 Apr 27 Mar 14 May 27 Mar 24 Apr 19 Apr 23 Apr 11 May (5) 16 Apr 1 May 15 Apr 4 May (5) 19 Apr 8 May 11 Apr 8 May 13 Apr 5 Apr 13 Apr 16 Apr 1 Jun 13 29 May 16 21 Apr 11 Apr 21 Apr 26 May 16 Apr 13 May 15 Apr 14 May 14 Apr 19 Feb 23 Mar 15 Apr 6 May (3) 15 Apr 15 Apr 12 May 15 Apr 14 Jun 16 Apr 12 May 22 Apr 14 May (3) 13 Apr 22 Mar 17 Apr 5 May 5 Apr 15 May 15 Apr 9 May 11 Apr 26 May 14 Apr 15 Apr 6 May 13 Apr 23 Apr

Latest / autumn dates 2012 2011 15 Sep - 26 Aug 27 Jun - - 10 22 Jul (2) - - - 22 Sep 20 Sep - 25 Sep 10 Aug 22 Sep (6) - - - - 30 Aug 9 Oct (8) 19 Sep 22 Jul 25 Sep 5 Oct 16 Oct 24 Sep 26 Sep - - - 1 Oct 26 Sep 5 Sep 7 Nov 29 Sep 6 Oct 28 Sep -

18 19 Sep (1) 18 Sep 3 Aug 14 Aug 25 Oct 4 Aug 30 Sep 18 Sep 7 Oct 21 Sep - 5 Oct - - - 19 Sep 25 Sep 26 Sep 10 Jul 23 Aug 22 Sep 16 Sep 20 Nov (6) 4 Sep 15 Aug 25 Aug 9 Sep (2) 9 Sep 16 Aug

- 2 Aug - 20 Sep 8 Oct (2) 20 Aug 28 Oct 25 Sep 22 Oct 19 Sep - 21 Oct - - - - 1 Oct 20 Oct - 19 Aug 17 Sep 11 26 Sep (3) 26 Sep 5 Sep - 4 Sep 4 Sep

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Latest and earliest dates of winter migrants and details of summer and passage migrants found wintering. 2011 dates given for comparison. - no records (4) number of records if fewer than 10 Latest / late winter dates 2012 2011 31 Jan 17 Mar 28 Mar 30 Apr 19 Apr 25 Mar 4 Feb 2 Mar 7 Mar 22 Mar 7 Feb 4 May 9 May 20 May 2 May 7 Apr 2 May 29 Apr 5 May 1 Jan (1) - 3 Jan (from 2010) 20 Apr 8 May 25 Apr 15 Apr 14 May 28 Apr 20 May 9 May 11 May 4 May 13 May 7 Jun 19 May 14 May 19 May 9 May 13 May 7 May 24 May 29 May 14 May 6 May 6 May 11 May 21 Apr 1 May 28 Mar 13 Apr - 16 Apr (1) 13 May 4 May - 7 Mar (1) - 15 Mar (1) 20 Mar 7 May 24 Apr 30 Apr 1 Jan (1) 24 25 Apr (1) 18 Mar 11 Mar Earliest / early winter dates 2012 2011 3 Oct - 20 Jun 18 Aug 20 Sep 22 Aug 18 Aug 15 Aug - - - - 25 Jul 25 Nov 18 Sep 3 Oct - - - - 14 Aug - 16 Nov 5 Nov - 18 Oct - 20 Sep 4 Sep 25 Sep 29 Aug 20 Sep 9 Aug 10 Aug 5 Jun 27 Jun 9 Jun 6 Jul 7 Jul 28 Jun 8 Jul 17 Jul 21 Aug 15 Aug 30 Jun 8 Jun 30 Jul 3 Sep 2 Nov 9 Nov 24 Nov - 2 Sep 7 Oct - - - - 25 Oct 1 Oct 25 Sep 14 Oct - 29 Oct 25 Oct 4 Nov

Eurasian Wigeon Northern Shoveler Northern Pintail Eurasian Teal Red-breasted Merganser Black-throated Diver Great Crested Grebe Black-necked Grebe Eurasian Bittern Pygmy Cormorant Dalmatian Pelican Hen Harrier Merlin Water Rail Grey Plover Common Snipe Eurasian Curlew Common Greenshank Green Sandpiper Common Sandpiper Little Stint Dunlin Black-headed Gull Common Kingfisher Eurasian Skylark Goldcrest Common Chiffchaff Fieldfare Redwing Black Redstart Meadow Pipit Water Pipit Common Reed Bunting

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APPENDIX 7 OTHER NOTABLE WILDLIFE Many of us enjoy much more than birds. Here are some notable non-avian taxa observed on the island. MAMMALS

Wild Boar Sus scrofa 1 nr Agiasos 18 Nov (J Devalez). There is a small, introduced population in the woods near Agiasos (E Kakalis pers. comm.) INVERTEBRATES

Plain Tiger Danius chrysippus A large influx in to Greece, including Lesvos, from mid-September and sightings around Lesvos to at least mid- November (S Wytema, P Thomaidis et al). REPTILES

Moorish Gecko Tarentola mauritanica 1 Molivos Sep 2009 (photo: F & S Wood). This is the first confirmed record of this non-native species for Lesvos (I Strachinis pers. comm.)

Moorish Gecko Tarentola mauritanica, Molivos, September 2009 Frank Wood

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APPENDIX 8 THE LESVOS BIRD LIST The number of species recorded now stands at 323. Below is the full list with status codes. Numbers in square brackets indicate the number of records to 31 December 2012 of vagrants and some rare passage migrants. All vagrants require details to be submitted to the Lesvos Birds Records Committee. Chukar Partridge Common Quail Common Pheasant Greylag Goose Greater White-fronted Goose Red-breasted Goose Mute Swan Bewicks Swan (Tundra Swan) Whooper Swan Common Shelduck Ruddy Shelduck Gadwall Eurasian Wigeon Mallard Northern Shoveler Northern Pintail Garganey Eurasian Teal Common Pochard Ferruginous Duck Tufted Duck Greater Scaup Common Goldeneye Smew Red-breasted Merganser White-headed Duck Black-throated Diver (Loon) Scopolis Shearwater Yelkouan Shearwater Little Grebe Red-necked Grebe Great Crested Grebe Black-necked Grebe Greater Flamingo Black Stork White Stork Glossy Ibis Eurasian Spoonbill Eurasian Bittern Little Bittern Black-crowned Night-heron Squacco Heron Western Cattle Egret Grey Heron Purple Heron Great White Egret (Great Egret) Little Egret Great White Pelican Dalmatian Pelican Pygmy Cormorant
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Alectoris chukar Coturnix coturnix Phasianus colchicus Anser anser Anser albifrons Branta ruficollis Cygnus olor Cygnus columbianus Cygnus cygnus Tadorna tadorna Tadorna ferruginea Anas strepera Anas penelope Anas platyrhynchos Anas clypeata Anas acuta Anas querquedula Anas crecca Aythya ferina Aythya nyroca Aythya fuligula Aythya marila Bucephala clangula Mergellus albellus Mergus serrator Oxyura leucocephala Gavia arctica Calonectris diomedea Puffinus yelkouan Tachybaptus ruficollis Podiceps grisegena Podiceps cristatus Podiceps nigricollis Phoenicopterus ruber Ciconia nigra Ciconia ciconia Plegadis falcinellus Platalea leucorodia Botaurus stellaris Ixobrychus minutus Nycticorax nycticorax Ardeola ralloides Bubulcus ibis Ardea cinerea Ardea purpurea Ardea alba Egretta garzetta Pelecanus onocrotalus Pelecanus crispus Microcarbo pygmeus

sRB sPM, OB? rIB V [1] V [5] V [2] rW V [1] V [4] rRB, sPM rRB, sPM V [11] sW rRB, sW sW sW sSP, rAP sW, sPM V [18] V [18+] V [3] V [1] V [2] V [1] sW V [1] sW sPM, rMB? sRB sRB, sW V [4] cW sW sR, OB, rPM sRB, sPM sMB, sPM sSP, rAP sPM rW, rPM sSM, rAP sPM sSP, rAP V [8+] sW, sPM sPM rR, sPM sPM, rW rPM rPM, rW rW

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European Shag Great Cormorant Western Osprey European Honey-buzzard Red Kite Black Kite White-tailed Eagle Egyptian Vulture Griffon Vulture Short-toed (Snake) Eagle Western Marsh Harrier Hen Harrier Pallid Harrier Montagus Harrier Levant Sparrowhawk Eurasian Sparrowhawk Northern Goshawk Common Buzzard Long-legged Buzzard Lesser Spotted Eagle Greater Spotted Eagle Steppe Eagle Eastern Imperial Eagle Golden Eagle Bonellis Eagle Booted Eagle Lesser Kestrel Common Kestrel Red-footed Falcon Eleonoras Falcon Merlin Eurasian Hobby Lanner Falcon Saker Falcon Peregrine Falcon Water Rail Corncrake (Corn Crake) Little Crake Baillons Crake Spotted Crake Common Moorhen Eurasian Coot Common Crane Eurasian Stone-curlew Eurasian Oystercatcher Black-winged Stilt Pied Avocet Northern Lapwing Spur-winged Plover (Lapwing) Sociable Plover (Lapwing) White-tailed Plover (Lapwing) European Golden Plover Grey Plover Common Ringed Plover Little Ringed Plover Kentish Plover Caspian Plover
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Phalacrocorax aristotelis Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis Pandion haliaetus Pernis apivorus Milvus milvus Milvus migrans Haliaeetus albicilla Neophron percnopterus Gyps fulvus Circaetus gallicus Circus aeruginosus Circus cyaneus Circus macrourus Circus pygargus Accipiter brevipes Accipiter nisus Accipiter gentilis Buteo buteo Buteo rufinus Aquila pomarina Aquila clanga Aquila nipalensis Aquila heliaca Aquila chrysaetos Hieraaetus fasciatus Hieraaetus pennatus Falco naumanni Falco tinnunculus Falco vespertinus Falco eleonorae Falco columbarius Falco subbuteo Falco biarmicus Falco cherrug Falco peregrinus Rallus aquaticus Crex crex Porzana parva Porzana pusilla Porzana porzana Gallinula chloropus Fulica atra Grus grus Burhinus oedicnemus Haematopus ostralegus Himantopus himantopus Recurvirostra avocetta Vanellus vanellus Hoplopterus spinosus Vanellus gregaria Vanellus xxx Pluvialis apricaria Pluvialis squatarola Charadrius hiaticula Charadrius dubius Charadrius alexandrius Charadrius asiaticus

sRB cW rPM rMB, sPM V [2] sPM V [5] V [12] V [15+] sMB, sPM sPM, rW sW, sPM sPM sPM sPM, rMB? rRB, sW, sPM rRB, rPM sRB, sW, sPM sRB, sPM rPM V [6+] V [2] V [13] V [21+] rRB? rPM sMB, sPM sRB sPM sPM, rMB? rW, ePM sPM, rMB? rPM V [2] sRB, sW rRB, sW, rPM V [19] sSP, rAP rPM [28] sSP, rAP sRB, sW rRB, sW V [9+] sMB, sPM rW, rPM sRB, sPM rR, OB, sPM sW sPM V [1] V [1] sW, rPM rW, sPM sPM sMB, sPM rRB, sPM V [1]

Lesvos Birds 2012

Eurasian Dotterel Eurasian Woodcock Jack Snipe Great Snipe Common Snipe Black-tailed Godwit Bar-tailed Godwit Whimbrel Eurasian Curlew Spotted Redshank Common Redshank Marsh Sandpiper Common Greenshank Green Sandpiper Wood Sandpiper Terek Sandpiper Common Sandpiper Ruddy Turnstone Red Knot Sanderling Little Stint Temmincks Stint Pectoral Sandpiper Curlew Sandpiper Dunlin Broad-billed Sandpiper Ruff Red-necked Phalarope Grey Phalarope (Red Phalarope) Collared Pratincole Black-winged Pratincole Black-legged Kittiwake Slender-billed Gull Black-headed Gull Little Gull Audouins Gull Mediterranean Gull Common Gull (Mew Gull) Caspian Gull Yellow-legged Gull Lesser Black-backed Gull Gull-billed Tern Caspian Tern Lesser Crested Tern Sandwich Tern Little Tern Common Tern Arctic Tern Whiskered Tern White-winged (Black) Tern Black Tern Arctic Skua (Parasitic Jeagar) Rock Dove Stock Dove Common Wood Pigeon European Turtle Dove Eurasian Collared Dove
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Charadrius morinellus Scolopax rusticola Limnocryptes minimus Gallinago media Gallinago gallinago Limosa limosa Limosa lapponica Numenius phaeopus Numenius arquata Tringa erythropus Tringa totanus Tringa stagnatilis Tringa nebularia Tringa ochropus Tringa glareola Xenus cinereus Actitis hypoleucos Arenaria interpres Calidris canutus Calidris alba Calidris minuta Calidris temminckii Calidris melanotos Calidris ferruginea Calidris alpina sW, Limicola falcinellus Philomachus pugnax Phalaropus lobatus Phalaropus fulicarius Glareola pratincola Glareola nordmanni Rissa trydactyla Chroicocephalus genei Chroicocephalus ridibundus Hydrocoloeus minutus Ichthyaetus audouinii Ichthyaetus melanocephalus Larus canus Larus cachinnans Larus michahellis Larus fuscus Gelochelidon nilotica Hydroprogne caspia Thalasseus bengalensis Thalasseus sandvicensis Sternula albifrons Sterna hirundo Sterna paradisaea Chlidonias hybrida Chlidonias leucopterus Chlidonias niger Stercorarius parasticus Columba livia Columba oenas Columba palumbus Streptopelia turtur Streptopelia decaocto

V [2] sW sW rPM [15+] sW, sPM sSP V [10] rSP rW, sPM sPM, rW sR, sPM sPM sPM, sW rW, sPM cPM V [9] sPM, rW sPM V [6] sPM cPM, rW sPM V [1] sPM sW, sPM rPM sPM V [12] V [1] sSP V [6] V [1] rW, sPM sW rPM rRB sW, sPM V [6+] V [1] cRB rPM sSP, rAP rPM V [1] sW, sPM sMB sMB, sPM V [1] sPM sPM rPM V [1] rRB V [5] rRB, sW cMB, cPM cRB

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Laughing Dove Great Spotted Cuckoo Common Cuckoo Western Barn Owl Eurasian Scops Owl Eurasian Eagle Owl Tawny Owl Little Owl Long-eared Owl Short-eared Owl European Nightjar Alpine Swift Common Swift Pallid Swift Little Swift European Roller White-throated Kingfisher Common Kingfisher Blue-cheeked Bee-eater European Bee-eater Euraisan Hoopoe Eurasian Wryneck Middle Spotted Woodpecker Red-backed Shrike Lesser Grey Shrike Great Grey Shrike Steppe Grey Shrike Woodchat Shrike Masked Shrike Eurasian Golden Oriole Eurasian Jay Eurasian Magpie Spotted Nutcracker Red-billed Chough Western Jackdaw Rook Hooded Crow Northern Raven Bohemian Waxwing Sombre Tit Coal Tit Great Tit Eurasian Blue Tit Eurasian Penduline Tit Bearded Tit (Bearded Reedling) Calandra Lark Greater Short-toed Lark Lesser Short-toed Lark Crested Lark Woodlark Eurasian Skylark Sand Martin Barn Swallow Eurasian Crag Martin Common House Martin Red-rumped Swallow Cettis Warbler
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Spilopelia senegalensis Clamator glandarius Cuculus canorus Tyto alba Otus scops Bubo bubo Strix aluco Athene noctua Asio otus Asio flammeus Caprimulgus europaeus Tachymarptis melba Apus apus Apus pallidus Apus affinis Coracias garrulus Halcyon smyrnensis Alcedo atthis Merops persicus Merops apiaster Upupa epops Jynx torquilla Dendrocopus medius Lanius collurio Lanius minor Lanius excubitor Lanius pallidirostris Lanius senator Lanius nubicus Oriolus oriolus Garrulus glandularis Pica pica Nucifraga caryocatactes Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax Coloeus mondula Corvus frugilegus Corvus cornix Corvus corax Bombycilla garrulus Poecile lugubris Periparus ater Parus major Cyanistes caeruleus Remiz pendulinus Panurus biarmicus Melanocorypha calandra Calandrella brachydactyla Calandrella rufescens Galerida cristata Lullula arborea Aluada arvensis Riparia riparia Hirundo rustica Ptyonoprogne rupestris Delichon urbicum Cecropis daurica Cettia cetti

V [1] sPM, OB sPM sRB sMB rRB rRB cRB rRB rW sMB, rPM cPM, rMB? cMB, cPM sPM V [1] sPM V [1] sW, OB V [8] sMB, cPM cMB, cPM rPM cRB sMB, cPM sMB, sPM V [11+] V [1] cMB, cPM sMB, rPM cPM cRB V [5] V [1] V [2] sRB V [8] cRB sRB V [1] sRB rRB cRB cRB rMB V [2] V [10] rMB, sPM V [1] cRB sRB sW sPM cMB, cPM sMB, sPM cMB, cPM cMB, cPM cRB

Lesvos Birds 2012

Long-tailed Tit Willow Warbler Common Chiffchaff Eastern Bonellis Warbler Wood Warbler Yellow-browed Warbler Great Reed Warbler Moustached Warbler Sedge Warbler Eurasian Reed Warbler Marsh Warbler Eastern Olivaceous Warbler Olive-tree Warbler Icterine Warbler Common Grasshopper Warbler River Warbler Savis Warbler Zitting Cisticola (Fan-tailed Warbler) Eurasian Blackcap Garden Warbler Barred Warbler Lesser Whitethroat Eastern Orphean Warbler Common Whitethroat Spectacled Warbler Subalpine Warbler Sardinian Warbler Rppells Warbler Common Firecrest Goldcrest Eurasian Wren Eurasian Nuthatch Krpers Nuthatch Western Rock Nuthatch Short-toed Treecreeper Rose-coloured Starling Common Starling Ring Ouzel Common Blackbird Fieldfare Redwing Song Thrush Mistle Thrush European Robin Bluethroat Thrush Nightingale Common Nightingale White-throated Robin Rufous Bush-robin (Rufous-tailed Scrub Robin) Black Redstart Common Redstart Whinchat European Stonechat Isabelline Wheatear Northern Wheatear Pied Wheatear Eastern Black-eared Wheatear
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Aegithalos caudatus Phylloscopus trochilus Phylloscopus collybita Phylloscopus orientalis Phylloscopus sibilatrix Phylloscopus inornatus Acrocephalus arundinaceus Acrocephalus melanopogon Acrocephalus schoenobaenus Acrocephalus scirpaceus Acrocephalus palustris Iduna pallida Hippolais olivetorum Hippolais icterina Locustella naevia Locustella fluviatilis Locustella luscinioides Cisticola juncidis Sylvia atricapilla Sylvia borin Sylvia nisoria Sylvia curruca Sylvia crassirostris Sylvia communis Sylvia xxx Sylvia cantillans Sylvia melanocephala Sylvia rueppelli Regulus ignicapilla Regulus regulus Troglodytes troglodytes Sitta europaea Sitta krueperi Sitta neumayer Certhia brachydactyla Pastor roseus Sturnus vulgaris Turdus torquatus Turdus merula Turdus pilaris Turdus iliacus Turdus philomelos Turdus viscivorus Erithacus rubecula Luscinia svecica Luscinia luscinia Luscinia megarhynchos Irania gutturalis Erythropygia galactotes Phoenicurus ochruros Phoenicurus phoenicurus Saxicola rubetra Saxicola rubicola Oenanthe isabellina Oenanthe oenanthe Oenanthe pleschanka Oenanthe hispanica

sRB sSP, cAP sW, sPM rMB, rPM cPM V [2] sMB, sPM rW cPM rMB, sPM rPM cMB, cPM sMB, rPM sPM rPM sPM sPM rRB cPM, rW sPM sPM cPM sMB, sPM rMB, cPM V [2] cMB, rPM sRB, rPM rMB, rPM V [4+] sW sRB rRB sRB sRB sRB sPM OB, sW V [4] cRB, cW rW rW rRB, sW rRB rRB, cW V [1] sPM cMB, sPM V, OB [9] sMB, rPM sW sPM cPM sRB, sW rMB, rPM rMB, sPM V [10] cMB

Lesvos Birds 2012

Finschs Wheatear Common Rock-thrush Blue Rock-thrush Spotted Flycatcher European Pied Flycatcher Collared Flycatcher Semicollared Flycatcher Red-breasted Flycatcher White-throated Dipper House Sparrow Spanish Sparrow Eurasian Tree Sparrow Rock Sparrow Dunnock Western Yellow Wagtail - Blue-headed Wagtail - Black-headed Wagtail - Ashy-headed Yellow Wagtail - Grey-headed Wagtail - 'Romanian' Yellow Wagtail - 'Russian' Yellow Wagtail - xanthophrys Yellow Wagtail Citrine Wagtail Grey Wagtail White Wagtail Tawny Pipit Meadow Pipit Tree Pipit Red-throated Pipit Water Pipit Common Chaffinch Brambling Hawfinch Eurasian Bullfinch Common Rosefinch European Greenfinch Common Linnet Common Crossbill (Red Crossbill) European Goldfinch Red-fronted Serin European Serin Eurasian Siskin Corn Bunting Yellowhammer Rock Bunting Cinereous Bunting Ortolan Bunting Cretzschmars Bunting Cirl Bunting Little Bunting Black-headed Bunting Common Reed Bunting

Oenanthe finschii Monticola saxatilis Monticola solitarius Muscicapa striata Ficedula hypoleuca Ficedula albicollis Ficedula semitorquata Ficedula parva Cinclus cinclus aquaticus Passer domesticus Passer hispaniolensis Passer montanus Petronia petronia Prunella modularis Motacilla flava M. f. flava M. f. feldegg M. f. cinereocipilla M. f. thunbregi M. f. 'dombrowski' M. f. superciliaris M. f. xanthophrys Motacilla citreola Motacilla cinerea Motacilla alba Anthus campestris Anthus pratensis Anthus trivialis Anthus cervinus Anthus spinoletta Fringilla coelebs Fringilla montifringilla Coccothraustes coccothraustes Pyrrhula pyrrhula Carpodacus erythrinus Chloris chloris Carduelis cannabina Loxia curvirostra Carduelis carduelis Serinus pusillus Serinus serinus Carduelis spinus Emberiza calandra Emberiza citrinella Emberiza cia Emberiza cineracea Emberiza hortulana Emberiza caesia Emberiza cirlus Emberiza pusilla Emberiza melanocephala Emberiza schoeniclus

V [4] rPM, OB [20] sRB rMB, cPM sPM cSP, rAP rPM rPM V [1] cRB sMB, sPM V [6] rRB sW sMB, cPM cMB, cPM sPM sPM rPM rPM V [2] rSP rRB rRB, sW, sPM sPM, rMB? cW sPM sPM rW cRB rW rRB, rW V [2] V [3] cRB sRB V [6] cRB V [1] sRB, rPM rW, rPM cRB V [3] rW sMB sPM cMB cRB V [1] cMB rW

Bird names are available in Greek throughout the species accounts and in Danish, Dutch, German, Norwgeian and Swedish online via the Lesovs Birding website see page 18.
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Taxonomy and nomenclature follows A Field Guide to the Dragonflies of Britain and Europe by Klaas-Douwe Dijkstra & Richard Lewington. Banded Demoiselle Calopteryx splendens mingrelica Beautiful Demoiselle Calopteryx virgo festiva Odalisque Epallage fatime Robust Spreadwing Lestes dryas Migrant Spreadwing Lestes barbarus Small Spreadwing Lestes virens Dark Spreadwing Lestes macrostigma Eastern Willow Spreadwing Lestes parvidens Common Winter Damselfly Sympecma fusca Common Bluetail Ischnura elegans Small Bluetail Ischnura pumilio Common Bluet Enallagma cyathigerum Dainty Bluet Coenagrion scitulum Small Red Damsel Ceriagrion tenellum Small Redeye Erythromma viridulum Blue Redeye Erythromma lindenii Blue Featherlegs Platycnemis pennipes Migrant Hawker Aeshna mixta Blue-eyed Hawker Aeshna affinis Green-eyed Hawker Aeshna isosceles antehumeralis Blue Emperor Anax imperator Lesser Emperor Anax parthenope Vagrant Emperor Anax ephippiger Hairy Hawker Brachytron pratense Eastern Spectre Caliaeschna microstigma Turkish Clubtail Gomphus schneiderii Small Pincertail Onychogomphus forcipatus albistibalis Turkish Goldenring Cordulegaster picta Blue-eyed Goldenring Cordulegaster insignis Yellow-spotted Emerald Somotochlora flavomaculata Broad-bodied Chaser Libellula depressa Blue Chaser Libellula fulva Black-tailed Skimmer Orthetrum cancellatum Southern Skimmer Orthetrum brunneum Epaulet Skimmer Orthetrum chrysostigma Keeled Skimmer Orthetrum coerulescens anceps / O. ramburii Small Skimmer Orthetrum taeniolatum Red-veined Darter Sympetrum fonscolombii Ruddy Darter Sympetrum sanguineum Common Darter Sympetrum striolatum Southern Darter Sympetrum meridionale Broad Scarlet Crocothemis erythraea Violet Dropwing Trithemis annulata Black Pennant Selysiothemis nigra

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Lesvos Birds 2012

APPENDIX 10 A LIST OF LESVOS BUTTERFLIES I've worked with Lazaros Pamperis (author of The Butterflies of Greece) and together we have drawn up the following lit of species for Lesvos - Scarce Swallowtail Iphiclides podalirius Swallowtail Papilio machaon Southern Swallowtail Papilio alexanor Eastern Festoon Allancastria cerisy Falso Apollo Archon apollinus Black-veined White Aporia crataegi Large White Pieris brassicae Small White Pieris rapae Green-veined White Pieris napi Balkan Green-veined White Pieris balcana Krueper's Small White Pieris krueperi Eastern Bath White Pontia edusa Eastern Dappled White Euchloe ausonia Orange Tip Anthocharis cardamines Clouded Yellow Colias crocea Powdered Brimstone Gonepteryx farinosa Cleopatra Gonepteryx cleopatra Wood White Leptidea sinapis Plain Tiger Danaus chrysippus Nettle-tree Butterfly Libythea celtis Purple Hairstreak Neozephyrus quercus Sloe Hairstreak Satyrium acaciae Ilex Hairstreak Satyrium ilicis Blue-spot Hairstreak Satyrium spini Green Hairstreak Callophrys rubi Small Copper Lycaena phlaeas Purple-shot Copper Lycaena alciphron Long-tailed Blue Lampides boeticus Lang's Short-tailed Blue Leptodes pirithous Holly Blue Celastrina argiolus Green-underside Blue Glaucopsyche alexis Eastern Baton Blue Pseudophilotes vicrama Brown Argus Aricia agestis Amanda's Blue Polyommatus amanda Common Blue Polyommatus icarus Two-tailed Pasha Charaxes jasius Southern White Admiral Limenitis reducta Large Tortoiseshell Nymphalis polychloros Camberwell Beauty Nymphalis antiopa Red Admiral Vanessa atalanta Painted Lady Vanessa cardui Comma Polygonia c-album Southern Comma Polygonia egea Cardinal Argynnis pandora Silver-washed Fritillary Argynnis paphia Queen of Spain Fritillary Issoria lathonia Knapweed Fritillary Melitaea phoebe Aegean Fritillary* Melitaea telona Spotted Fritillary Melitaea didyma Lesser Spotted Fritillary Melitaea trivia Balkan Marbled White Melanargia larissa Eastern Rock Grayling Hipparchia syriaca
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Grecian (Southern) Grayling* Aegean Grayling Persian Grayling Freyer's Grayling White-banded Grayling Great Banded Grayling Persian Meadow Brown* Turkish Meadow Brown* Oriental Meadow Brown Gatekeeper Small Heath Speckled Wood Wall Brown Large Wall Brown Lattice Brown Grizzled Skipper Orbed Red-underwing Skipper Mallow Skipper Oriental Marbled Skipper Inky Skipper Lulworth Skipper Small Skipper Levantine Skipper Mediterranean Skipper Millet Skipper

Hipparchia senthes Hipparchia mersina Hipparchia pellucida Hipparchia fatua Pseudochazara anthelea Brintesia circe Maniola telmessia Maniola megala Hyponephele lupina Pyronia tithonus Coenonympha pamphilus Pararge aegeria Lasiommata megera Lasiommata maera Kirinia roxelana Pyrgus malvae Spialia orbifer Carcharodus alceae Carcharodus orientalis Erynnis marloyi Thymelicus acteon Thymelicus sylvestris Thymelicus hyrax Gegenes nostrodamus Pelopidas thrax

* No popular English name so I have given them an English name based on either existing other language name (e.g. Aegean Fritillary taken from the French name) or distribution. The following species have been reported from Lesvos but remain unconfirmed. If you have any image of any of these species please send to Lesvos Birding. Southern Festoon Zerynthia polyxena Southern Small White Pieris mannii Small Bath White Pontia chloridice Berger's Clouded Yellow Colias alfacariensis Brimstone Gonepteryx rhamni Scarce Copper Lycaena virgaureae Grecian Copper Lycaena ottomanus Sooty Copper Lycaena tityrus Lesser Fiery Copper Lycaena thersamon Little Blue Cupido minimus Osirus Blue Cupido osiris Iolas Blue Iolana iolas Ripart's Anomalous Blue Polyommatus ripartii Meleager's Blue Polyommatus daphnis Chapman's Blue Polyommatus thersites Peacock Inachis io Small Tortoiseshell Aglais urticae Niobe Fritillary Argynnis niobe Marbled White Melanargia galathea Woodland Grayling Hipparchia fagi Tree Grayling Hipparchia statilinus Meadow Brown Maniola jurtina Dusky Meadow Brown Hyponephele lycaon Oburther's Grizled Skipper Pyrgus armoricanus Olive Skipper Pyrgus serratulae False Marbled Skipper Carcharodus stauderi Essex Skipper Thymelicus lineola

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APPENDIX 11 A LIST OF LESVOS REPTILES AND AMPHIBIANS Compiled with the help of Ilias Strachinis (http://www.herpetofauna.gr/index.php). Amphibians Eastern Spadefoot Pelobates syriacus Green Toad Bufo viridis Common Tree Frog Hyla arborea Bedriagas (Marsh) Frog Pelophylax bedriagae Reptiles Spur-thighed Tortoise Testudo graeca Balkan Terrapin Mauremys rivulata European Pond Terrapin Emys orbicularis Turkish Gecko Hemidactylus turcicus Moorish Gecko Tarentola mauritanica Introduced species Starred Agama Laudakia stellio Snake-eyed Lizard Ophisops elegans Balkan Green Lizard Lacerta trilineata European Glass Lizard Pseudopus apodus Snake-eyed Skink Ablepharus kitaibelii Worm Snake Typhlops vermicularis Sand Boa Eryx jaculus Eastern Montpielier Snake Malpolon insignitus Large Whip Snake Dolichophis caspius Dahls Whip Snake Platyceps najadum Coin-marked Snake Hemorrhois nummifer Dwarf Snake Eirenis modestus Leopard Snake Zamenis situla Grass Snake Natrix natrix Dice Snake Natrix tessellata European Cat Snake Telescopus fallax Ottoman Viper Montivipera xanthina
Requiring confirmation Kotschys Gecko Mediodactylus kotschyi

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APPENDIX 12 A LIST OF LESVOS ORCHIDS Compiled by Paul Manning (http://wildlifeoflesvos.com/index.shtml). For flowering times see http://www.wildlifeoflesvos.com/downloads/Orchid%20list%20of%20Lesvos.xls. Large White Helleborine Cephalanthera damasonium Sword-leaved Helleborine Cephalanthera longifolia Red Helleborine Cephalanthera rubra Spurred Helleborine Cephalanthera epipactoides Small-leaved Helleborine Epipactis microphylla Turkish Helleborine Epipactis turcica Broad-leaved Helleborine Epipactis helleborine Dense-leaved Helleborine Epipactis densifolia Persian Helleborine Epipactis persica Violet Limodore Limodorum abortivum - abortivum var. rubrum - abortivum var. albiflora Twayblade Listera ovata Autumn Lady's Tresses Spiranthes spiralis Greater Butterfly Orchid Platanthera chlorantha Holmbo's Butterfly Orchid Platanthera holmboei Roman Orchid Dactylorhiza romana - romana var. albifora Small-flowered Serapias Serapias parviflora Politis' Orchid Serapias Serapias politisii Loose flowered plough-share Serapias Serapias bergonii Plough-share Serapias Serapias vomeracea Carican Serapias Serapias carica Single-flowered Carican Serapias Serapias carica var. monantha Heart-flowered Serapias Serapias cordigera Pyramidal Orchid Anacamptis pyramidalis - pyramidalis var. albiflora Bog Orchid Orchis palustris Elegant Orchid Orchis palustris ssp. elegans False Loose-flowered Orchid Orchis palustris ssp. pseudolaxiflora Dinsmore's Orchid Orchis palustris ssp. dinsmorei Loose-flowered Orchid Orchis laxiflora Green-winged Orchid Orchis morio ssp. morio - morio ssp. morio var. albiflora Lesser Green-winged Orchid Orchis morio ssp. picta - morio ssp. picta var. albiflora Albanian Orchid Orchis morio ssp. albanica Syrian Orchid Orchis morio ssp. syriaca Pink Butterfly Orchid Orchis papilionacea ssp. heroica - papilionacea ssp. heroica var. albiflora Fan-lipped Orchid Orchis collina - collina var. albiflora Bug Orchid Orchis coriophora Fragrant Bug Orchid Orchis fragrance Holy Orchid Orchis sancta - sancta var. albiflora Four-spotted Orchid Orchis quadripunctata Sezik's Orchid Orchis sezikiana Anatolian Orchid Orchis anatolica Pine forest Orchid Orchis pinetorum Provence Orchid Orchis provincialis Man Orchid Orchis anthropophora
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Monkey Orchid Naked Man Orchid Milky Orchid Toothed Orchid Changed Toothed Orchid Dense-flowered Orchid Komper's Orchid Giant Orchid Eastern Lizard Orchid Bolle's Lizard Orchid Balkan Lizard Orchid Vera's Lizard Orchid Rainbow Orchid Mesarian Orchid Summer Orchid Athena-Lindia's Orchid Ashy loving Orchid Attavyros' Orchid Paros' Orchid Pelinaio's Orchid Saint Isidora's Orchid Blitopertha Beetle Orchid Persephone's Orchid Phrygana Orchid Sicilian Orchid Sitian Orchid Oriental Mirror Orchid Lion-manned Orchid Hairy Orchid Ceto's Orchid Small Orchid Dodecanese Orchid Masticohoria Orchid Elizabeth's Miniature Orchid Horsefly Orchid Orphanides' Orchid Phrygian Orchid Homer's Orchid Attican Orchid Bull-headed Orchid Carmel Orchid Reinhold's Orchid Lesbos Orchid Horseshoe Orchid Lipped Orchid Mammosa Orchid Spruner's Orchid Aesklepios' Orchid
Requiring confirmation Hybrid species Lady or Purple Orchid Bumblebee Orchid Bee Orchid

Orchis simia Orchis italica - italica var. albiflora Orchis lactea - lactea var. albiflora Orchis tridentata Orchis tridentata var. commutata Orchis intacta Himantoglossum comperiana Himantoglossum robertianum Himantoglossum affine Himantoglossum montis-tauri Himantoglossum caprinum Himantoglossum veraii Ophrys iricolor Ophrys mesaritica Ophrys calocaerina Ophrys lindia Ophrys cinerephila Ophrys attaviria Ophrys parosica Ophrys pelinaea Ophrys sancti-isidorii Ophrys blitopertha Ophrys persephonae Ophrys phryganae Ophrys sicula Ophrys sitiaca Ophrys speculum Ophrys leochroma Ophrys villosa Ophrys ceto Ophrys cornutula Ophrys dodekanensis Ophrys masticorum Ophrys minutula Ophrys oestrifera Ophrys orphanidea Ophrys phrygia Ophrys homeri Ophrys attica Ophrys bucephala Ophrys umbilicata Ophrys reinholdii Ophrys lesbis Ophrys ferrum-equinum Ophrys labiosa Ophrys mammosa Ophrys spruneri Ophrys aesculapii
Anacomptorchis lesbiensis Orchis purpurea Ophrys bombyliflora Ophrys apifera

Steve Dudley | Lesvos Birding 2013


Lesvos Birds 2012

REFERENCES & BIBLIOGRAPHY Brooks, R. 1998. Birding on the Greek Island of Lesvos. Brookside Publishing, Fakenham. Brooks, R. 1999. Lesvos update spring 1999. Brookside Publishing, Fakenham. Brooks, R. 2000. Lesvos update spring-summer 2000. Brookside Publishing, Fakenham. Brooks, R. 2001. Lesvos update spring-summer 2001. Brookside Publishing, Fakenham. Brooks, R. 2002. Lesvos update spring-summer 2002. Brookside Publishing, Fakenham. Brooks, R. 2004. Lesvos update spring-summer 2004. Brookside Publishing, Fakenham. Brooks, R. 2003. Lesvos update Summer 02 summer '03. Brookside Publishing, Fakenham. Brooks, R. 2004. Lesvos update autumn 03 summer 04. Brookside Publishing, Fakenham. Dudley, S.P. 2010. A Birdwatching Guide to Lesvos. Arlequin Press, Shrewsbury. Dudley, S.P. 2010. Lesvos Birds 2009. Lesvos Birding, Peterborough. SEE HTTP://WWW.LESVOSBIRDING.COM SEE HTTP://WWW.LESVOSBIRDING.COM SEE HTTP://WWW.LESVOSBIRDING.COM SEE HTTP://WWW.WORLDBIRDNAMES.ORG/ [ACCESSED 20 FEBRUARY 2013]. Dudley, S.P. 2011. Lesvos Birds 2010. Lesvos Birding, Peterborough. Dudley, S.P. 2012. Lesvos Birds 2011. Lesvos Birding, Peterborough. Gill, F and D Donsker (Eds). 2012. IOC World Bird Names (version 3.3) Harrap, S. & Quinn, D. 1996. Tits, Nuthatches & Treecreepers. Christopher Helm, London. Hellenic Rarities Committee. 2006. 2005 Annual Report. (HRC05 in text) SEE HTTP://FILES.ORNITHOLOGIKI.GR/DOCS/RARITIES/ANNUAL_REPORT_2005_EN.PDF SEE HTTP://FILES.ORNITHOLOGIKI.GR/DOCS/RARITIES/ANNUAL_REPORT_2006_EN.PDF SEE HTTP://FILES.ORNITHOLOGIKI.GR/DOCS/RARITIES/ANNUAL_REPORT_2007_EN.PDF SEE HTTP://FILES.ORNITHOLOGIKI.GR/DOCS/RARITIES/ANNUAL_REPORT_2008_EN.PDF SEE HTTP://FILES.ORNITHOLOGIKI.GR/DOCS/RARITIES/ANNUAL_REPORT_2009_EN.PDF SEE HTTP://FILES.ORNITHOLOGIKI.GR/DOCS/RARITIES/ANNUAL_REPORT_2010_EN.PDF SEE HTTP://FILES.ORNITHOLOGIKI.GR/DOCS/RARITIES/ANNUAL_REPORT_2011_EN.PDF Hellenic Rarities Committee 2007. 2006 Annual Report. (HRC06 in text) Hellenic Rarities Committee. 2008. 2007 Annual Report. (HRC07 in text) Hellenic Rarities Committee. 2009. 2008 Annual Report. (HRC08 in text) Hellenic Rarities Committee. 2010. 2009 Annual Report. (HRC09 in text) Hellenic Rarities Committee. 2011. 2010 Annual Report. (HRC10 in text) Hellenic Rarities Committee. 2011. 2011 Annual Report. (HRC11 in text) Hellenic Rarities Committee. In prep. 2012 Annual Report. (HRC12 in text) Handrinos, G & Akriotis, T. 1997. The Birds of Greece. A&C Black, London. (BoG in text) Kakalis, E. & Akriotis,T. 2007. Nest site characteristics of Krpers uthatch Sitta krueperi on the island of Lesvos, Greece. 2 International Congress of Eurasian Ornithology, Antalya, Turkey, 26-29 Oct 07 (poster presentation). Website: BirdLife Species Factsheet. Cinereous Bunting SEE HTTP://WWW.BIRDLIFE.ORG/DATAZONE/SPECIES/INDEX.HTML?ACTION=SPCHTMDETAILS.ASP&SID=8940&M=0

Steve Dudley | Lesvos Birding 2013


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