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Minggu Mesra FTSM Bengkel Multimedia Kreatif Task 2 Laporan Bengkel Multimedia creative workshop is one of the program

of project Minggu Mesra FTSM. The workshop start at 2.30pm by the senior manager of Content Development Multimedia Synergy Cooperation Mr Mohd Azrul Mohd Noor. He was invited to give speech about the job related to multimedia, the trend of multimedia, the job of multimedia and the problem faced by student. He has been work in the field of multimedia for 10 years so he has a lot of experience to be share with us. Firstly he talk about the field of job that we can choose after graduate, this may help us to know about what to do in our future so that we can start prepare from now. There are a lot of job related to multimedia such as design, animation, programming, voice over, story board. Recently Mr Mohd Azrul Mohd Noor has been participate in design elearning, so he show us the result of his project. It is a project about the e-learning of biology, it consist of animation, voice and interaction between the program with user. He believe that by combining animation and voice can attract student to learn and the interaction between program and student such as fill in the blank and drag answer to the box given can make the learning more effective. This project consist a lot of job related to multimedia such as design, animation, programming, voice over and many more. Mr Mohd Azrul Mohd helps us understand more about our future job by giving us real example. The main client of Multimedia Synergy Coorperation Sdn Bhd consist of government organisation and non-government organisation such as Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi, Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia, Dawarma Sdn Bhd and MARDI. He also point out the problem faced my multimedia student that is they can`t full fill the requires of industries, many student don`t know what software to use for project. Besides that many student also don`t know their self-advantage and disadvantage. Student should be more creative than other that has been working for few years since their creativity didn`t limit by other thing yet. During internship we may do many work that not related to our course but he advise us to do everything because we are still student and there are always something to learn no matter what we do, just take it as work experience. From the e-learning project that Mr Mohd Azrul Mohd show to us, we can found that the successful of a project needs the contribution of many people from many field such as animation, programming, voice over and many more. Besides, a project also needs a good manager to ensure that every department run smoothly and keep the quality of project. Manager also needs to keep contact with clients, sponsor and all people related to the project to ensure the project achieve the goal. For example in the e-learning project, a manager need to contact with lecturer or teacher to ensure that the learning material is suitable for the user, he also needs to contact with programmer to ensure the function full fill the needs of user.

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