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VOL. XXV NO. 067



PDEA re-intensifies drive against intl drug couriers
news page 2

Proceeds of land sale to finance sanitary landfill project

news page 3

LPJ showcases dancing inmates

news page 8

DILG: 5 towns failed to submit documents needed in bottom-up planning, budgeting

news page 9

Ma happy with her triplets

news page 10

The workers are connected with local firm ORMOC CITY -- Five men died while six others remain unaccounted for when J.E. Arradaza Construca landslide induced by two weeks of intermittent rains poured earth on a group of tion & Supply which is laborers working on a riprap project at Leyte Geothermal Production Field (LGPF) building a riprap on a mountainside near well in Kananga town yesterday morning. Pad 403 at the Mahiao sector in Tongonan, Kananga town. Energy Development Corp. (EDC) had a protective walling built specifically to protect a steam line passing on that section from landslide. There were 43 workers on the site, residents of Ormoc and neighboring Kananga town, when the disaster struck around 10:00 a.m. The landslide incident could have been due to the continuous rains experienced in Kananga which could have resulted to the loosening of the soil. The Emergency Response Team of the Visiting US Ambassador Harry Thomas,Jr. recieves the symbolic key of Tacloban City from Mayor Alfred Romualdez and to page 2 wife,Councilor Cristina G. Romualdez, yesterday during his courtesy call to the city mayor.(LITO A. BAGUNAS)

Tongonan landslide kills 5


Ambassador Thomas visits Tacloban, Leyte town

ALANGALANG, Leyte-Ambassador Harry Thomas, Jr. of the United States made a visit to a remote village of this town yesterday afternoon and joined in the ceremonial laying out of hollow blocks to an on-going construction of a day care center. The US ambassador paid a courtesy call to Tacloban City Mayor Alfred Romualdez yesterday morning at the latters office. Romualdez gave the symbolic key of the city to the visiting US ambassador. The construction of the day care center in Barangay Aslum is largely funded by the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), a US funding agency. The US government provided more than P614, 000 financial assistance to the project which has a total cost of to page 12

Natl govt allots P1.86 B for poverty reduction projects in EV

TACLOBAN CITY The national government has committed to allocate P1.86 billion fund for poverty reduction projects in 2014 covering 115 cities and municipalities in Eastern Visayas with high magnitude of poor families. The number of covered local government units is more than double than the 55 cities and municipalities listed in 2013 with only P661 million funding under the bottom-up to page 10

Scattered thunderstorms in the morning. Partly cloudy skies late. High 86F. Winds E at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 40%.




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CAMP KANGLEON, Palo, Leyte One of Samars most wanted person was shot to death by the police in a coastal barangay of Calbayog City early Monday morning. Ambrocio De la Cruz, who eluded authorities for years, died after he was hit in the chest and legs as he shoot it out with lawmen while trying to escape. Police Chief Superintendent Elmer Ragadio Soria of the Police Regional Office 8 (PRO8) said De la Cruz was charged with a crime of murder for the hacking-to-death of one Ervin Velarde on Christmas Day in 2010 due to a personal grudge. De la Cruz was ranked

Christmas Day killer slain in shoot-out with cops

number 6 in the list of most wanted person of Matuguinao town in Samar and is considered armed and dangerous, Soria added. On Sunday, police received information of the suspects whereabouts in Brgy. Cagmanipis Norte, Tinambacan District in Calbayog City. A composite team composed of elements of Special Operations Task Group (SOTGSamar), 8th Regional Public Safety Battalion (8th RPSB), Samar Provincial Public Safety Company, Calbayog City Police Station and Matuguinao Municipal Police Station proceeded to the area at around 4:00 o clock early Monday morning after confirming the veracity of the report purposely to arrest the suspect. The police team was clothed with an arrest warrant for murder issued by Regional Trial Court (RTC) Branch 41 Judge Feliciano Aguilar in Criminal Case No. 11-0519 against De la Cruz. Upon arriving at the area, the policemen immediately cordoned his safehouse and demanded the suspect to surrender but he opted to shoot it out with the police team and tried to escape by jumping through the window. The team fired back ending with De la Cruz bloodied on the ground with gunshot wounds in the chest and legs.

Leyte Samar Daily Express


Saturday, 02 March 2013

The suspect was immediately brought to the Calbayog City District Hospital for medical treatment but was declared dead on arrival by the attending physician. Police recovered from the scene the suspects caliber .38 Armscor revolver bearing serial number 31425 loaded with 4 live bullets and one spent shell of .38 caliber. We are sending a strong message to criminals and wanted men that PRO8 is serious in our campaign against all forms of criminalities and accounting of wanted persons, Soria added. (INSP ROMUEL NACAR)

from page 1

PDEA re-intensifies drive against intl drug couriers

With the number of arrested Filipino drug couriers worldwide climbing to 701 as of December 31, 2012, the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency has intensified its information dissemination on the thrust of the Task Force Drug Couriers (TFDC) in order to deter, prevent and protect Filipinos from being victimized by international drug syndicates. Undersecretary Arturo G Cacdac, Jr., the PDEA Director General recently called for the re-intensified campaign against international drug couriers in the light of the arrest on Tuesday of three suspected members of a West African drug syndicate (WAD) operating in the country. PDEA hopes to increase the peoples level of awareness of the drug trafficking problem with the terminal objective of curbing the situation and preventing more people from being victimized, the PDEA chief said, in compliance to the operational directive of the President for the agency to continue to make significant dents against the operation of international drug syndicates. In the Eastern Visayas, PDEAs liaison officers have caused the widespread dissemination of the posters and flyers in most municipalities of the different provinces of the region. This contributes to the intensified efforts of the Public Information Officer and the Preventive Education and Community Involvement Section of PDEA RO VII as emphasized in its advocacy and drug awareness programs and strategies. (PR)

Leyte Samar Daily Express

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EDC rescued 32 of them who mostly sustained minor injuries. Five dead bodies were recovered and six are still missing. EDC has not yet released the names of the dead and the missing. As of 3:00 pm yesterday, 11 rescued workers were admitted in two major hospitals here, mostly at Clinica Gatchalian. The worst injuries are Romeo Binondo who sustained a fracture in the cervical area and Jobert Auman, 20 who fractured his right hip and hurt his right leg. The rest were treated at EDCs clinic. J.E. Arradaza Construction & Supply is subcontracted by First Balfour for the project. EDC and
First Balfour are both Lopez-owned companies. Meantime Dave Devilles, spokesperson of the EDC said that they have first to

inform their families or next of kins. This is a tragic incident which we dont want to happen. But landslide is something which we cannot control, he said. Devilles said that they are doing everything they could to find the missing persons saying that the company has mobilized its safe and rescue group with the help of the local people and the police and the Army. He also said that the company will provided the necessary assistance to the victims. Meantime, Director Rey Gozon of the Office of Civil Defense went to the area to personally assess the situation.

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Saturday, 02 March 2013


Leyte Samar Daily Express

Proceeds of land sale to finance sanitary landfill project

TACLOBAN CITY - Mayor Alfred Romualdez said that part of the partial payment made by the Robinsons Land Corporation (RLC) to the city government would be used to finance the long delayed construction of a sanitary landfill. The RLC bought 2.4 hectares of land at the New Bus Terminal which it would use to construct another shopping mall. The area was bought by the RLC in the amount of P316 million. The RLC had made a partial payment of P158.4 million to the city government. A part of the payment made by the RLC would then use to finance the construction of a sanitary landfill, Romualdez said. The City Environment and Natural Resources Office (CENRO) headed by Jonathan Hijada has placed the construction of said facility at P75 million. The proposed sanitary facility of Tacloban is located at Barangay Santo Nio, more than 13 kilometers away from the city proper, with an area of 1.5 has. At present, the wastes and refuse of Tacloban are being dumped in an open dump site near the proposed sanitary landfill. The city has a daily waste of 110 tons. Construction of a sanitary landfill is mandatory under Republic Act 9003, otherwise known as the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act. While Romualdez said that he is seriously pushing for the construction of a sanitary for Tacloban, he could not say just yet when the actual construction would commence. Part of the payment made by the Robinsons will be used to finance the construction of a sanitary landfill. We will make it this year, Romualdez said. Among the major cities of Eastern Visayas, Tacloban is the only remaining cities which do not have its

own sanitary landfill. The cities of Calbayog in Samar and Ormoc in Leyte have operational sanitary landfill. Calbayog constructed its sanitary landfill July of last year at a cost of P80 million covering 4.9 has. Ormoc, in turn, opened its own landfill December of last year and constructed at a cost of P55 million with an area of 1.8 has. (JOEY

Leyte Samar Daily Express


Saturday, 02 March 2013


Doing a Benedict is not that bad

t takes a lot of courage and honesty to acknowledge ones limitations and frailties. This is what Pope Benedict XVI has shown to the world. He resigned from his post as leader of more than one billion Catholics all over the world and also as ruler of the City State of Vatican due to lack of strength of mind and body. No world leader would do it, nor any other mortal being as it is impossible for most people who have been used to power to abdicate their thrones. If ever there are some people who are pushed to vacating their post, they would probably need a counselor or a psychologist in order for them to come to terms with the withdrawal syndromes as if they are having trouble withdrawing from alcoholism or drugs. It takes too much humility and sacrifice to do so. Leaders all over would even create some scenario to make it appear they are making a supreme sacrifice

by staying. How many dictators have been judged by history because they chose to stay on in power even if they were no longer attuned to the people? Dictators who have been severely castigated by generations later for their oppression and tyranny have suffered much to the extent that their families have been made to suffer with them. Future tyrants who are contemplating of staying in power even if they are no longer appreciated or admired must learn from the lessons on the resignation of the pope. Doing a Benedict would do people good. It will spare them from being despised and hated to the end. The mere act of resigning from an important post and sacrificing the continued enjoyment of perks and special titles is hard to let go. Man is insatiable. He would do things
to page 5
a sketch on where to buy the imported slimming tea in Binondo, there was Jovie who ordered Athena milk for women and Atud Pedring who requested for a photograph of Bro. Armin Luistro, possibly autographed he said. And he remember his old grandmother who is a decade shy of a century in age, she yearns for Ensure Milk and a duster preferably at bought at Baclaran. He wipe his tears even if it was occasionally drenched by the big droplets of rain. He thought of the school rock band which he supports and the request from its drummer for fresh drumsticks. As the rain slowly ebbeddown , slowly he instinctively stand and walked. In his hand, the gun that Inspector Marino Piscos had given him was a bit slippery and wet, but from the feel of it the 9 MM Beretta is obviously a

Time Walkers
(Fiction: Conclusion)
finish him off. His body was a bit shaking and yes, it begins to hurt, not the coldness of the drops but the thought and the feel of imminent death. The rain changed gear and it was louder, heavier and Guido hid himself at the back of big trash bins , as he tremble from cold, he remember the way it was. These could be the worst of days and this should have been the last days of his life, he thought. He shiverred , he remember the simple life as a school administrator , the beautiful and understanding wife , the only daughter who cant help but let out a chortle of a laugh as he carry her with both hands high above his head. He also remembered his teachers at Arteche National High School, there was Mana Aning , who specifically made

Guido was running frantically on the cold, hard concrete that stung his barefoot feet . The wind was unforgiving in its coldness and no soul was in sight. The strange eerie feel was complimented by the hunger and thirst that he was feeling. He was in that dank and ill-fated cell for hours. In his wobbly and wretched self, Guido was tearful as he was terrified . Run , he said to himself.

He was about to turn around the corner near an abandoned car when big droplets of rain feel on his head, he was forced to take shelter in the empty sidewalk. The rain was on its hurried and rapid staccato and he crumpledup and hug himself. Guido thought that if the bullets of the assassin will spare or miss him the rain and coldness creeping inside him would eventually

to page 7

Saturday, 02 March 2013

from page 4

Leyte Samar Daily Express

acknowledge his own frailties and limitations? It takes so much effort to have an accepting attitude; acceptance of ones humanity and limits. Pope Benedict XVI is an intellectual, yet he used his wisdom more than he used his intelligence which is more world-bound. He did not play god, he listened to God. Leaders around the world

Thanks, Pope Benedict XVI

some of those who are already in the pedestals of power and influence find stepping down from the high seat hardest to take on, resigning at the height of the exercise of such power is unthinkable. This is particularly true among politicians, feigned under the vice called political dynasty. Pope Benedict XVI may have served comparatively a time shorter than his immediate predecessors, but for the modern Filipinos his years of service as the Holy Shepherd left a memory that could be difficult to expunge. Who will not forget that it was during his leadership that another saint from the Philippine shores was canonized? St. Pedro Calungsod is the second saint from this land of the rising sun. This makes the Filipino race much closer to God with two saints effectively interceding for them, the other being San Lorenzo Ruiz.

Effective March 1, according to a priest during his First Friday Mass homily, the name of Pope Benedict XVI shall not anymore be heard mentioned during Holy Masses. Until a new pope shall be elected and installed, no name of any pope shall be uttered, while the universal Roman Catholic Church waits for a new Holy Shepherd to be installed. In the meantime, as the presbyter exhorted, the faithful are enjoined to offer fervent prayers that the College of Cardinals will be able to elect sooner than expected a new Holy Shepherd that will lead the Church which is

now facing great challenges. Like other priests view, some members of the Catholic Church are in unison in their sincere impression that the Popes resignation was not an act of cowardice but a gesture of humility, something which is superbly admirable. He disregarded the effect of his resignation upon his person for the sake of the entire Church. He would rather leave his office and give way to one who could better perform such function of the pope than keep himself in it but fail due to causes, such as his declining health. Especially in these days where people or

just to hold on to power. This is why, we have dynasties, and families cannot afford to lose their influence, clout and authority. Fathers insist on setting up their children to carry on and perpetuate their control. Dynasties can only be cracked if leaders will contemplate on the values of humility, simplicity and meekness. How could one be humble if he fails to
On a personal note, this writer is very grateful to Pope Benedict XVI for appointing and installing two new Archbishops in the country, two priests who have significantly touched her spirit, Manila Archbishop Luis Antonio Chito Tagle, now a Cardinal, and Cebu Archbishop Jose Palma (then of Palo). Like Pope Paul II, who permanently etched an indelible imprint in the spiritual aspect of her being when she had the chance to see him in person at the Papal Nunciature in Manila in 1981, His Eminence Cardinal Tagle and Archbishop Palma are for her Gods real and true instruments that helped in her transformation. Through the Jesuit Communications The Word Exposed Program that Archbishop Tagle is hosting and which she has been watching since year 2008, she was deterred from leaving the Roman Catholic Church. She was at the lowest moment of her spirituality then. Archbishop Palma who could be as humble as the Cardinal and who priests describe does not even want to be noticed, has done for her a great favor which she will never forget even at her last of breath. As she is thankful to God, she thanks Pope Benedict XVI for these prelates for effectively pulling her back to the Roman Catholic faith.

must be able to do the same. They must learn from his utmost sacrifice - for the people and for the betterment of the world, not just his own. Could our political candidates do such sacrifice? If they do, maybe our communities, country and the world would become a better place to live in, more peaceful and safer.

The Sower
March 2, 2013 Saturday of the 2nd Week of Lent Mi 7:14-15, 18-20; Ps 103; Lk 15:1-3, 11-32


Jesus said, A man had two sons, and the younger son said to his father, Father, give me the share of your estate that should come to me. So the father divided the property between them. After a few days, the younger son collected all his belongings and set off to a distant country where he squandered his inheritance on a life of dissipation. When he had freely spent everything, a severe famine struck that country, and he found himself in dire need. Coming to his senses he thought, How many of my fathers hired workers have more than enough food to eat, but here am I, dying from hunger. I shall get up and go to my father and I shall say to him, Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I no longer deserve to be called your son; treat me as you would treat one of your hired workers. So he got up and went back to his father. While he was still a long way off, his father caught sight of him, and was filled with compassion. He ran to his son, embraced him and kissed him. His son said to him, Father, I have sinned against you; I no longer deserve to be called your son. But his father ordered his servants, Quickly bring the finest robe and put it on him; put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Take the fattened calf and slaughter it. Then let us celebrate with a feast, because this son of mine was dead, and has come life again; he was lost, and has been found. Then the celebration began. Now the older son became angry, and when he refused to enter the house, his father came out and pleaded with him. He said to his father in reply, Look, all these years I served you and not once did I disobey your orders; yet you never gave me even a young goat to feast on with my friends. But when your son returns who swallowed up your property with prostitutes, for him you slaughter the fattened calf. He said to him, My son, you are here with me always; everything I have is yours. But now we must celebrate and rejoice, because your brother was dead and has come to life again; he was lost and has been found.

Honda cars in Tacloban

quality product and prompt service to Honda buyers. The time table for the opening of the Honda Cars Tacloban is August 2013. It will serve car buyers from Leyte, Samar area as there in a great market for Honda cars because of its quality products and it is only Honda Cars that does not allow its products to be used as public utility vehicles or taxis. It is expected that Honda can easily compete with popular car dealers like Toyota, Mitsubishi and Ford. It will not only sell Honda Cars but also car maintenance, service and auto parts and accessories. With the track record of the Mercado Group of Companies, our car buyers are rest assured of quality products and excellent service, plus availability of genuine parts. Congratulations to Mr. Jose Mercado, the President and CEO of the Mercado Group of Companies. He is the brain of this project. A man of vision, a man whose dreams never fail to come true. He put his vision into reality for the good of all leytenos.

This man welcomes sinners and eats with them. It is important for us to remember that Jesus is the father of the two sons in the parable. The prodigals words make Jesus identity clear. I have sinned against heaven and against you. Heaven is the Jewish reverential way of speaking of God. And yet, of course, Jesus is not distinguishing his conduct from that of his Father in heaven. He knows (in Pauls words) that God(namely the Father) is in him (Jesus) reconciling the world to himself. The elder brother represents the Pharisees and the scribes with their disdain for the tax-collectors and sinners that Jesus is welcoming. The contrast with the father is glaring. And yet the father does not condemn them. Jesus assures them that they too are the objects of his love. But he reminds them their family bond with the prodigal: Your brother here was dead, and has come to life. With which attitude towards sinners do we identify? Prayer-lines: LORD JESUS, MAY OUR LENTEN READINGS OF SCRIPTURE SEND US SPEEDILY BACK TO YOU TO FIND FORGIVENESS. (Feed from the Tree of Life by Columba Breen, OSB, published by Paulines. Visit us at www.paulines .ph or at Paulines Media Center, Real St., Tacloban City, Tel. 321-3195) Sowers thought: The prime condition for success is to trust God. Blessed James Alberione, founder of the Pauline Family

Honda Cars is now in Tacloban. Last February 26, the Mercado Group of Companies together with Honda Cars Philippines Inc. made a ground breaking ceremony to mark the official entry of Honda Cars as a new dealer of cars in Tacloban City. The Governor of Leyte, Mimiet Bagulaya and the mayor of Tacloban, Alfred Romualdez were the principal guest of honor together with the President of Honda Cars Philippines, Tatsuya Natsume. The Honda ground breaking was attended by the different government officials, civic organizations like the Rotary Club, Lions Club, the Filipino Chinese Chamber of Com-

merce, the Bank Managers and the media people. Mayor Romualdez expressed his thanks to the Mercado family for investing on Honda Cars. He said that it was a timely investment as many cars dealers have sprouted in the City like Toyota, Nissan, Ford, Isuzu, Hyundai, Chevrolet and Foton. He mentioned that many people are clamoring that Honda should open a car dealer in this part of the region. This only means that there is investor confidence in the city of Tacloban. Mrs. Kathleen Joy Mercado, the General Manager of Honda Cars Tacloban emphasized that their company would provide excellent service to its client with emphasis on

Leyte Samar Daily Express

a week for two consecutive weeks in an accredited newspaper in general circulation in the Province of Leyte and Samar. Likewise send a copy of the summons and petition together with its annexes to the above name respondent in the last known address given in the petition. SO ORDERED. IN CHAMBERS this 5th day of February 2013 at Halls of Justice, Calubian, Leyte, Philippines

tration, respondent has been and still is psychologically incapacitated to comply with the essential marital obligations which will be narrated hereunder; 7. That petitioner, even on the early stage of their marriage, have observed-the true personal disposition of the herein respondent, that is, her immature conduct, utter lack of concern and irresponsibleness; however, considering that their relationship was still young, petitioner has to understand respondents immaturity; her constant nightly escapade with friends and male co-employees has been the constant source of arguments and quarrels as she always came home late; when confronted, it usually ended up respondents suggestion to leave her and a constant challenged for legal separation; 8. That respondent also has violent mood swings and would always get extremely jealous even to women who are her own relatives; several times, respondent would cause a scandal by quarreling with their female friends and visitors during special occasions such as fiestas and birthdays; thereafter, respondent would not open the bedroom door forcing petitioner to sleep several nights in their sala; petitioners focus and concentration would always be rudely disrupted with unnecessary quarrels wherein respondent would throw to him anything she could get her hands on; 9. That a week after giving birth to their first child, respondent resigned from her job at Caloocan Sales Center, being the sole breadwinner of the family and in search of a greener Pasteur to provide the basic fundamental needs of his family, petitioner was constrained to pursue another career and applied with the National Bureau of Investigation, which thus prompted him to be assigned in far flung areas in Leyte and Samar after his training in Baguio City; however, prior to said out-oftown assignments and due to respondents insistence, he was prevailed upon to transfer from the small apartment they rented in Caloocan City to an apartment in Lawin Street, Riverside, Fairview, Quezon City near to the house of her father, as respondent insisted that she cannot live without her family and relatives near her; that move proved to be the stormy start for the couples fledgling marital life as from then on, days would hardly pass without the respondents going into nightly escapades with friends and other male companions leaving their children under the care of her relatives, prompting the latter to informed the petitioner about said situation; 10. That with his great love for the respondent, petitioner just kept mum and instead he applied for loan and gave capital to respondent for about three (3) times so that she could start a small sarisari store business where she can spend most of her time together with their children so as to avoid her friends of their nightly escapade. However, the same proved futile, as respondent just squandered the same; as a consequence, petitioner lost substantial amounts of hard-earned money from his years of working as a NBI Special Investigator and was tied up of personal loans from his employment; 11. That despite the birth of their second child in the year 2004 on the second year of their marriage, petitioner has not seen any change of respondents intolerable and unbearable attitude contrary to his expectations; 12. That petitioners friends and even the immediate families and relatives of the respondent would usually informed her that the latter would spend most of her days and time chatting and drinking with her friends and barkadas than to submit herself and work things out for their children; 13. That the straw that broke the camels back was when petitioner was informed that respondent was having an illicit affair with one of her childhood friend who happens to be the nephew of respondents step-mother and their neighbor in Quezon City; however, because of too much love he had for the respondent, petitioner just admonished her to avoid such a thing as it would only ruin their relationship; several times petitioner discovered this illicit relationship of the respondent when on some occasions he went home to their residence and got hold of respondents mobile phones containing sweet and intimate messages from her paramour; this despite the confirmation of their common friends as well as respondents very own father, the latter persistently denied such and when confronted, respondent would become angry, blamed other people and threatens to commit suicide; 14. That said suspicion was even confirmed when petitioner learned from their neighbors that one Armando Ramos, childhood sweetheart of the respondent and a nephew of respondents step-mother would usually went inside their house at wee hours in the evening while he was on out of town assignments in Leyte and Samar; 15. That she only admitted said relationship when petitioner confronted her and the pieces of evidence he had gathered; however, as fate and love has it, petitioner still hoping for a better marriage relationship, decided to bring the respondent and their children with him to a small apartment he have rented in Beriso Heights I, Caibaan, Tacloban City, Leyte, in the year 2006; 16. The hard knock, so to speak, of their turbulent married life happened when on November, 2006, respondent abandoned him and their children in Tacloban City, when she left for Manila. Petitioner followed her to Manila to beg the respondent to return, if only for the sake of their children, however, she adamantly refused as she no longer had to love for him and want to start a new life of her own; there and then the respondent told him to set her free and move on with his own life; worse is, at that juncture, respondent informed him that she was already pregnant and that the father of the child is Armando Ramos her paramour in Quezon City; devastated and shocked, petitioner return to their home in Leyte; from then on, petitioner never heard the whereabouts of respondent and chances has it is, when he visited respondents family in Fairview Quezon City and asked for her whereabouts, he was informed that the last time they heard about the respondent was that, she left together with her paramour Armando Ramos without leaving any forwarding address, after being berated by his father because of her having been impregnated; From then on no news or information was heard about her; 17. That these negative attributes of respondent which borders on gross irresponsibility, violence, pathological jealousy and sexual perversions were present before and during the celebration of their marriage although it was only when they were living together that it became a certainty that respondent cannot carry on a relationship of mutual love, trust and support necessary in every marriage; 18. That when they were still sweethearts, respondent had the tendency to ignore birthdays and anniversaries; petitioner likewise recall that they would sometimes quarrel because respondent preferred being with her friends than to be with him; 19. That above premises considered, respondent is psychologically incapacitated to assume and perform the essential obligations of marital life; under the New Family Code, their marriage is practically null and void; 20. That the cause of this incapacity of the respondent is rooted on a personality disorder which is deeply rooted from her childhood and has been persistent until her adulthood such as a cure of the same becomes vain; this mental or psychological condition will be medically or clinically certified by proven experts as grave and incurable; 21. That having been actually separated from the respondent for quite a long time, petitioner no longer has the love and affection for her; earnest efforts towards a reconciliation has been but the same has failed; hence, for society to compel petitioner to live together with his spouse is tantamount to forcing him to once again suffer the insufferable, endure the unendurable and to bear the unbearable; 22. That the parties hereto did not acquire substantial assets during their brief union; WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, it is most respectfully prayed, of this Honorable Court that a decree be issued declaring the parties marriage void ab initio on the ground of psychological incapacity on the part of the respondent, with all the legal consequences thereof, and, granting such other reliefs as may be just and equitable under the premises. At Catbalogan City, Samar for Calubian, Leyte this 24th day of October, 2012.

Saturday, 02 March 2013

Attorneys Roll No. 51824 PTR No. 0806764; 01/04/12-Samar IBP No. 876708; 01/03/12 - Leyte TIN 910-153-970 MCLE Comp. No. III-0006183 November 18, 2009
stood the contents thereof; 2. That all the allegations therein are of my own and are true and correct to the best of my own and personal knowledge; 3. That I have not commenced any other action involving the same issue in the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeals or in any other court, board, tribunal or agency; that to the best of my own knowledge and information, no such other action or proceedings involving the same issue is pending in the foregoing courts, board, tribunal or agency; 4. That if I should hereinafter learn that other similar action or proceedings have been filed or is pending in the foregoing courts, tribunal, board or agency, I will promptly inform the fact and state the status thereof to the Honorable Court and the other court, board, tribunal or agency concerned within five (5) days therefrom. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 25th day of October, 2012 at Catbalogan City, Samar, Philippines.

TO: NARCISA B. MENDOZA Block 9, Lot 3 & 4, Beriso Heights I Subd., Caibaan, Tacloban City, Leyte G R E E T I N G S: You are hereby required, within fifteen (15) days after service of this Summons upon you, to file with this Court and serve on the plaintiff your answer to the complaint, copy of which is hereto attached, together with the annexes. You are reminded of the provision in the IBP-OCA Memorandum on Policy Guidelines dated March 12, 2002 to observe restraint in filing a motion to dismiss and instead allege the grounds thereof as defenses in the Answer. WITNESS my hand under the seal of the Court, this 7th day of February, 2013.

Republic of the Philippines REGIONAL TRIAL COURT 8th Judicial Region Branch 11 CALUBIAN, Leyte GIL B. MENDOZA, Petitioner, -versusNARCISA B. MENDOZA, Respondent CIVIL CASE NO. CN-161 FOR: DECLARATION OF NULLITY OF MARRIAGE x- - - - - - - -x ALIAS SUMMONS

(Sgd.) CRESCENTE F. MARAYA, JR. Executive Judge

x- - - - - - - - -x


x- - - - - - - - - - -x

Before this Court is a Motion for Leave to Allow Service of Summons by Publication filed by counsel for the petitioner, Atty. Randolph S. Uy. Considering that the respondent, Narcisa S. Mendoza, is no longer residing at her last known address at Block 9, Lot 3 & 4, Beriso Heights Subd., Caibaan, Tacloban City, the summons therefore intended for service to the respondent is hereby authorize to be effected by publication. Let this Order together with the summons and the petition be published once

Republic of the Philippines Eighth Judicial Region IN THE REGIONAL TRIAL COURT BRANCH 11 Calubian, Leyte GIL B. MENDOZA, Petitioner -versusNARCISA B. MENDOZA Respondent Civil Case No. CN-161 For: DECLARATION OF NULLITY OF MARRIAGE x- - - - - - - - - - - - x Republic of the Philippines SUPREME COURT REGIONAL TRIAL COURT Eighth Judicial Region Branch 11 Calubian, Leyte GIL B. MENDOZA Petitioner -versusNARCISA B. MENDOZA Respondent CIVIL CASE NO. CN-161 For: DECLARATION OF NULLITY OF MARRIAGE x- - - - - - - - - - -x ORDER

PETITIONER, by the undersigned Counsel, unto the Honorable Court, most respectfully alleges: 1. That petitioner is 43 years old, Filipino, married to herein respondent, with capacity to sue and be sued and a resident of Rubia Apartment, Brgy. Cabalquinto, Calubian, Leyte, where he may be served with the notices and processes of this Honorable Court; that the respondent is 31 years old, married to herein petitioner, with capacity to sue and be sued and though presently her whereabouts is unknown her last known address was at Block 9, Lot 3 & 4, Beriso Heights I Subd., Caibaan, Tacloban City, Leyte, where she may be served with the summons and processes of this Honorable Court; 2. That herein petitioner and respondent entered into a contract of marriage on July 09, 2003, a copy of their Certificate of Marriage is hereto attached as Annex A; 3. That from their brief union, two children were born to wit: Andrea Alexis B. Mendoza at a General Hospital and Medical Center in Blumentritt St., Sta. Cruz, Manila on July 22, 2003 or just a few days after their marriage and Vince Theo B. Mendoza at the small room they were renting at 1557 Unit 5, Brgy. Commonwealth, Quezon City; machine copies of their Birth Certificates hereinto appended as Annex B and C respectively and made an integral parts hereof; 4. That the actual cohabitation of petitioner and respondent lasted from 2002 to 2006 or for a period of more than four (4) years only; this was because from its very inception, their marital union was unstable and beset with numerous problems arising from the respondents inability to perform her marital obligations as a spouse and a family woman; that petitioner and respondents marriage were just prevailed upon by the latters parents when petitioner accidentally impregnated respondent while they were still sweethearts though already cohabiting without the benefit of marriage; morally dominated and in quandary as to the sudden turn of events, he consented to the proposed marriage lest their daughter be born illegitimate; 5. That petitioner came to know the respondent when she met her at her workplace in Caloocan City in the year 2002; That their relationship was a whirlwind romance which ended up into marriage, because a few days after they met, respondent started visiting the petitioner at his rented pad and subsequently she started living with the herein petitioner without the benefit of marriage and for which reason she got impregnated, hence, petitioner was forced to marry the respondent in a haste, lest his would be child will be born illegitimate; 6. That during their marriage, petitioner expected respondent to observe mutual love, respect, fidelity, trust, mutual help and support and happy companionship but, to petitioners dismay and frus-


Copy furnished Office of the Solicitor General 134 Amorsolo St., Legazpi Village Makati City Calubian Postal Station: Registry Receipt No.___ Date:____ On December____, 2012, I caused a copy of the foregoing PETITION to be sent to the Office of the Solicitor General at its official address indicated above. This was done by depositing such copy at the Post Office of Calubian, Leyte evidenced by the Registry Receipt hereto attached with instructions to the postmaster to return the mail in 10 days if undelivered. Said copy cannot be sent personally for constraints of time and distance/due to lack of messengerial service.


(Sgd.) RANDOLF S. UY x- - - - - - - - - - - -x Republic of the Philippines) City of Catbalogan) S.S. Province of Samar ) VERIFICATION AND AFFIDAVIT OF NONFORUM SHOPPING

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this Oct. 25, 2012 at Catbalogan City, Samar, Philippines.

(Sgd.) GIL B. MENDOZA Affiant

(Sgd.) ATTY. RANDOLPH S. UY Counsel for the Petitioner Rizal Avenue, Catbalogan City, Samar

I, GIL B. MENDOZA, of legal age, married and a resident of Brgy. Cabalquinto, Calubian, Leyte, after having been duly sworn to in accordance with law, hereby deposes and says: 1. That I am the petitioner in the above-entitled case; that I caused the preparation of the foregoing PETITION and have fully read and under-

Until December 2013 Rizal Ave., Catbalogan City, Samar Notarial Commission No. 0712-11; Catbalogan Roll No. 51824-2005 PTR No. 0806764-01/04/12; Samar IBP No. 376708-01/03/12; Leyte Doc. No. 061; Page No. 013; Book No.III ; Series of 2012 LSDE: March 2, 9 & 16, 2013

(Sgd.) ATTY. RANDOLF S. UY Notary Public

Republic of the Philippines Department of Transportation & Communications Land Transportation Franchising & Regulatory Board Regional Office No. 8 Tacloban City Application for Extension of Validity of a CPC to operate a MINI-BUS service with Prayer to Adopt Trade Name. VERBO TAGBAK Applicant/s/Petitioner x.............................x LTFRB CASE NO. VIII-2003-1138

NOTICE OF HEARING APPLICANT IS A GRANTEE OF A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE TO OPERATE A MINI-BUS SERVICE FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT ALONG THE LINE: HILONGOS-MAASIN CITY-SAN FRANCISCO CITY & VICE VERSA WITH THE USE OF ONE (1) UNIT WHICH CERTIFICATE WILL EXPIRE ON AUGUST 10, 2013. IN THE PRESENT APPLICATION, APPLICANT REQUEST AUTHORITY TO EXTEND THE VALIDITY OF ACERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE USING THE SAME NO. OF UNIT AND ROUTE WITH PRAYER TO ADOPT TRADE NAME AS MAX LINER. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THIS APPLICATION WILL BE HEARD BY THIS BOARD ON MARCH 13, 2013 AT 9:00 AM AT ITS OFFICE AT THE ABOVE MENTIONED ADDRESS. At least TEN (10) days prior to the date, applicant/s shall publish this Notice once in one (1) Daily newspaper of general circulation in Eastern Visayas. Parties opposed to the approval of the application must file verified written opposition supported by documentary evidences on or before the above date furnishing a copy of the same to the applicant, and may if they so desire, appear on said date and time. This application shall be acted upon by the Board on the basis of its records and the documentary evidences submitted by parties under the board deems it necessary to receive additional documentary or testimonial evidences. WITNESS THE HONORABLE REGIONAL DIRECTOR, ARTHUR L. SAIPUDIN, this 27th day of February 2013. (Sgd.) Atty. MANUEL R. P. MARTILLO Attorney IV

NOTICE is hereby given that Paciencia A. Tado heir of the late Rebecca A. Tado executed an affidavit of Adjudication over a bank deposit with Bank of Philippine Islands, Tacloban Branch, Tacloban City, under Savings Account No. 001126-0982-62, in the amount of P792,302.18; per Doc. No. 244, Page No. 049, Book No. XLVII, Series of 2013 of Notary Public Atty. Wilfredo T. Pascua. LSDE: February 23 & March 2 & 9, 2013 NOTICE is hereby given that Jessica V. Longjas heir of late Cesar Longjas executed a Deed of Donation in favor of Joy B. Vinegas married to Grace Vinegas as Donee for motor vehicle described as: Make Type: Kawasaki; Plate No.: HV8155; Engine No.: G7E 108247; Chassis No.: KG 816300; per Doc. No. 376, Page No. 77, Book No. X, Series of 2013 of Notary Public Atty. Asterio A. Villero LSDE: February 23 & March 2 & 9, 2013


NOTICE is hereby given that heir of late Petronilo Gertos extrajudicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a parcel of land, situated at Brgy. Tabunok, Bato, Leyte under Tax Dec. no. 06003000178 with Cad. Lot No. 1307, containing an area of 10,711 square meters, covered by Katibayan ng Orihinal na Titulo Blg. P-57492; per Doc. No. 631, Page No. 127, Book No. 27, Series of 2012 of Notary Public Atty. Rico E. Aureo. LSDE: February 23 & March 2 & 9, 2013


Saturday, 02 March 2013

from page 4

human. The voice said. Guido demanded Who are you? As the voice show its face Guido gasped the man is him. Every inch like him and he understood. The voice continued another company called TIMEWALKERS is here to eliminate all of us, the remains of the experiment . The personnel from the Dr. Ahmed Narazi, the Research Director, even the vendors outside the Blue Building are all dead. We must do something Bro! . I am Rafael Fuentes, I am your real brother, youre not even related to the people of Arteche, we dont know what becomes of our parents , but we must help each other , we must survive! I got these information from that film, our ill-fated brother who died in the hotel sent to me , two hours before he was assassinated. Rafael whispered. Guido realized that they have became pawns for a competition of two businesses who would like to control the cloning market. His brother Rafael and their deceasedclone were the last survivors of a purge. They need to be cautious , they need to be armed and they need to move. These words Guido was the central theme of their subsequent conversation but most of all they know they have to be in motion. As they were speaking in hushed-tone, Guido saw a flash of light seen through the glass pane. And bullets fly through the room ripping through the furniture , as they dropped to the floor. The bullets were muted by the silencers but the force were indisputably strong . This is not a movie, Guido thought. They crawled into the bed and underneath was an opening that descends into the ceiling of the lower floor. The bullets continued its pumping and firing.They were already in the lower floor when they heard big steps running to the room , they know that the pack were all mercenaries , paid to eliminate them. They scampered to safety through the maze of fire exits and staircases that lead them to the streets. They run again, as the rain was on its climb again. Suddenly, a Blue Montero Sport blocked their way, they turned back and as they head back they saw four hooded-men with long firearms pointed at them. Rafael, pushed Guido into the corner and shouted

Leyte Samar Daily Express

Brother one of us must live to tell the tale! Rafael run and push the opened door of the Montero and Guido saw that Rafael was pinned-down but heard him nonetheless. Tell the world about us brother ,you must! Guido heave a sigh and swallowed hard. He is now in front of the countrys leading media practitioners, the Press Secretary and the Presidential Spokesman were talking answering questions. Guido thought its but proper to clear his name. Its fitting to tell the tale of murder due to envy, the life of Inspector Piscos, his brothers Rafael and the other one whose name he may never know, the people who were put to shame by his terrorist mark. Members of the media, we have Malacanang Press Corps is proud to have a visi-

good shot. He was near the end of the pedestrian lane when he heard it, PRAK, PRAK, PRAK Guido dropped to the ground and stood and run again. He was running fast towards the corner but he was firing the 9mm , towards the shooters . While doing the firing he continuously run and never bother to turn and see who or what is the target. Flat on his belly, he pointed his gun to the incoming assassins. He saw hooded men carrying M16 Baby Armalite and cautiously walking towards him. He fired a volley of shoots Bang, bang. One of the two feel with a cry of pain. Guido run again. He was frantically running when a hand pull him to the corner and the other hand dug a hard punch unto his belly, then a blow to the head. Guido felt helpless and fainted. Unconvinced on the truth of the event, he realized he just had a good sleep.And then he heard Norah Jones familiar crooning, the music was poignant shut your eyes, shut the shades, you dont have to worry, cause

Im your baby tonight Guido rose from the black sofa. Its pitch dark and except for the television blue screen at two arms length on his left, everything is kind of shadowy. Suddenly a familiar voice talked. Eat and drink a lot Bro, we will talk later. Guido did not even bother to look at the man. The sight of two big sliced roasted variant from Mang Inasal Chicken and the soup with Pechay was enticing and taste even delicious. He dug his hand to the food and eat with gusto , he was so hungry that he dropped his guard. After all he feel no fear. After three glasses of water was downed, he instinctively sat on the table and recline. He was in this position when the white curtains in front of him become a screen and a short film came to life. Bro, we were three, we were part of the experiment , AMADZ INDUSTRIES created three decade us for a reason, we will be a showcase of human cloning efforts and we will be presented to the world as the very evidence of how feasible the technology is. Intelligent and successful men three of the best products of science ,cloned yet affectionate and fully functioning

tor , who for a couple of days ago , we branded him as deranged terrorist aimed at killing hundred of educators and leaders in the field. We were dead wrong, here is Dr. Guido Arambulo. As Secretary Valte finished, Gudo stood and walked close to the podium. We can be judgmental and condemning at times As the flashes of digital cameras blinded Guido and the clapping of hands from the media floats. He felt a sting of pain on his chest. And Guido saw blood oozing from his shirt. Guido feel hard to the floor near the podium. And he heard that song again shut your eyes, shut the shades, you dont have to worry, cause Im your baby tonight.// Comments welcome clemellem2@yahoo. com

All unredeemed pledges left during the month of October 2012 of the ff CEBUANA LHUILLIER PAWNSHOP branches will be sold at Public Auction on March 8, 2013 at San Nicolas St. Guiuan E. Samar (7:00 am) o San Nicolas St. Guiuan E. Samar o Brgy. 6, San Jose St., Guiuan, Eastern Samar at Acevedo St. Cavite East, Palo Leyte (8:00 am) o Acevedo St. Cavite East, Palo Leyte o Real St. San Roque Tanauan Leyte at Real St., Carigara, Leyte (7:30 am) o Real St., Carigara, Leyte o Real St. Alang Alang Leyte o 576 Real St., Brgy Baybay, Carigara, Leyte at M. H. Del Pilar St. Tacloban City ( 8:00 am) o M. H. Del Pilar St. Tacloban City o Gomez St. Tacloban City o #39 P. Zamora St. Tacloban City o National Highway, Brgy. 77, Marasbaras Tac. City o Rovic Bldg., Zamora & Del Pilar Sts. Tacloban City o Real St., Sagcahan 1, Brgy 56, Tacloban City at San Lorenzo St. Brgy 5, Balangiga Eastern Samar (7:00 am) o San Lorenzo St. Brgy 5, Balangiga Eastern Samar at Capt. Buncara St., San Juan, SO. Leyte ( 7:30 am) o Capt. Buncara St., San Juan, SO. Leyte o Pob. Hinunanagan, Southern Leyte o Natl Highway Poblacion, Hinunangan So. Leyte at San Roque St. Burauen Leyte (8:00 am) o San Roque St. Burauen Leyte o Cor. Capt. Cidad St. & Kempis St., Dulag Leyte o 37 Real St., Nalibunan, Abuyog Leyte o 1234 Real St., La Paz Leyte o 18C Real St., Nalibunan, Abuyog Leyte at Vicentillo St., SMO. Rosario, Naval Biliran (8:30 am) o Vicentillo St., SMO. Rosario, Naval Biliran o Stall#3 Inocentes St., Naval Biliran at Brgy. D-2 Abenis St. Borongan Eastern Samar (7:00 am) o Real St. Borongan Eastern Samar o Brgy. Limbauan St. Borongan Eastern Samar o Brgy. D-2 Abenis St. Borongan Eastern Samar o Cor. Osmea and Loste Sts., Brgy #5 Llorente Eastern Samar at Real St. Taft, Eastern Samar (7:00 am) o Brgy. Tigub Oras, Eastern Samar o #443 543rd ECB St. Dolores Eastern Samar o Real St. Taft, Eastern Samar at Brgy. 5 Poblacion Calbiga Samar (7:00 am) o Del Rosario St. Catbalogan Samar o Allen Avenue, Catbalogan Samar o San Bartolome St. Catbalogan Samar o Brgy. 5 Poblacion Calbiga Samar at Navarro St. Calbayog City (7:00 am) o Cinemar 2 Bldg Phase Magsaysay, Calbayog City o J.D Avelino St. Calbayog City o Navarro St. Calbayog City o Brgy Burabod 2, San Roque St. Gandara Western Samar at Maharlika Highway, Brgy Alegria, San Isidro Northern Samar (7:00 am) o Maharlika Highway, Brgy Alegria, San Isidro Northern Samar o Kinabranan 1 Rizal Allen, Northern Samar o Brgy. West San Jose, Northern Samar o #211 Salvacion St., Adriatico Complex, Brgy Cataogan, Lavezares, Northern Samar at Emilio Jacinto St. Catarman Northern Samar (7:00 am) o Veterans St. Catarman Northern Samar o Emilio Jacinto St. Catarman Northern Samar o H. Dulay St. Baybay Laoang, Northern Samar

DEED OF EXTRAJUDICIAL PARTITIONED NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late Vicente Caratay extrajudicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a parcel of land, situated in Brgy. Rosal, Sta. Rita, Samar covered by OCT No. 5853, Lot No. 1206, Pls 415-D, containing an area of 122,096 square meters, more or less; per Doc. No. 90, Page No. 18, Book No. 01, Series of 2013 of Notary Public Atty. Marichu A. Advincula-Samson. LSDE: March 2, 9 & 16, 2013
NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late Bartolome Beltran and Gorgonia Beltran extrajudicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a parcel of land, Lot No. 2685, Cad. 566-D, situated at Brgy. Proteccion, Hilongos, Leyte, covered by OCT No. P-35559 and covered by Tax Dec. No. 14031-00409 R13, covering an area of 11,024.26 square meters. A Deed of Sale was executed in favor of Sps. Antonio L. Cubio and Alma Carillo-Cubio as vendee for the abovedescribed property; per Doc. No. 76, Page No. 16, Book No. XII, Series of 2012 of Notary Public Atty. Exzon B. Mendoza. LSDE: February 16, 23 & Republic of the Philippines March 2, 2013
Department of Transportation & Communications Land Transportation Franchising & Regulatory Board Regional Office No. 8 Tacloban City Republic of the Philippines Department of Transportation & Communications Land Transportation Franchising & Regulatory Board Regional Office No. 8 Tacloban City LTFRB CASE NO. VIII-2013-0140 Application for Issuance of a CPC to operate a PUJ service with Prayer to Adopt Trade Name. (COLORUM LEGALIZATION) REBECCA MULLERA Applicant/s/Petitioner x.............................x NOTICE OF HEARING APPLICANT REQUEST AUTHORITY FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE TO OPERATE A PUJ SERVICE FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT ALONG THE LINE: TACLOBAN CITYDULAG-MAYORGA & VICE VERSA WITH THE USE OF ONE (1) UNIT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THIS APPLICATION WILL BE HEARD BY THIS BOARD ON MARCH 14, 2013 AT 9:00 AM AT ITS OFFICE AT THE ABOVE MENTIONED ADDRESS. At least TEN (10) days prior to the date, applicant/s shall publish this Notice once in one (1) Daily newspaper of general circulation in Eastern Visayas. Parties opposed to the approval of the application must file verified written opposition supported by documentary evidences on or before the above date furnishing a copy of the same to the applicant, and may if they so desire, appear on said date and time. This application shall be acted upon by the Board on the basis of its records and the documentary evidences submitted by parties under the board deems it necessary to receive additional documentary or testimonial evidences. WITNESS THE HONORABLE REGIONAL DIRECTOR, ARTHUR L. SAIPUDIN, this 28th day of February 2013. (Sgd.) Atty. MANUEL R. P. MARTILLO Attorney IV

AFFIDAVIT OF SELF-ADJUDICATION WITH CONFIRMATION OF SALE NOTICE is hereby given that Teodora Sabandeja-Oblino heir of late Prudencio Sabandeja extrajudicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a parcel of land, situated at Sitio Lunang, Brgy. Carolina, Can-avid, E. Samar under O.C.T. No. 993, under ARP No. 11-050019-00150, PIN 087-05-0019-00150, PIN 087-05-0019005-35, containing an area of 6,824 square meters and heirs hereby confirmed that 1/2 of the parcel of land was sold infavor of 3,412 square meters in favor of Mehdea O. Regaspi married to Rommel Regaspi as vendee; per Doc. No. 59, Page No. 289, Book No. IX, Series of 2012 of Notary Public Atty. Pablito M. Go. LSDE: March 2, 9 & 16, 2013 DEED OF SELF-ADJUDICATION WITH ABSOLUTE SALE NOTICE is hereby given that Lucito Pico, Sr. heir of late Roberto Pico executed an affidavit of Adjudication over a parcel of agricultural land, located at Brgy. Guindag-an, Tanauan, Leyte, Lot No. 5588, Case No. 18, Cad. 505, covered under OCT No. P-56242, containing an area of 2,296 square meters, more or less. A Deed of Sale was executed in favor of Vince Ivan Malquisto Yucamco as vendee for the above-described property; per Doc. No. 005, Page No. 02, Book No. X, Series of 2013 of Notary Public Atty. Asterio A. Villero. LSDE: February 23 & March 2 & 9, 2013
Republic of the Philippines Department of Transportation & Communications Land Transportation Franchising & Regulatory Board Regional Office No. 8 Tacloban City LTFRB CASE NO. VIII-2007-0221 Application for Extension of Validity of a CPC to operate a UVE service with Prayer to Adopt Trade Name. SONIA BOLANDA Applicant/s/Petitioner x.............................x NOTICE OF HEARING APPLICANT IS A GRANTEE OF A CPC TO OPERATE A UVE SERVICE FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT ALONG THE LINE: TACLOBANCARIGARA & VICE VERSA WITH THE USE OF ONE (1) UNIT WHICH CERTIFICATE WILL EXPIRE ON MARCH 13, 2013. IN THE PRESENT APPLICATION, APPLICANT REQUEST AUTHORITY TO EXTEND THE VALIDITY OF ACERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE USING THE SAME NO. OF UNIT AND ROUTE WITH PRAYER TO ADOPT TRADE NAME AS LEYSAM TRANSPORT SERVICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THIS APPLICATION WILL BE HEARD BY THIS BOARD ON MARCH 13, 2013 AT 9:00 AM AT ITS OFFICE AT THE ABOVE MENTIONED ADDRESS. At least TEN (10) days prior to the date, applicant/s shall publish this Notice once in one (1) Daily newspaper of general circulation in Eastern Visayas. Parties opposed to the approval of the application must file verified written opposition supported by documentary evidences on or before the above date furnishing a copy of the same to the applicant, and may if they so desire, appear on said date and time. This application shall be acted upon by the Board on the basis of its records and the documentary evidences submitted by parties under the board deems it necessary to receive additional documentary or testimonial evidences. WITNESS THE HONORABLE REGIONAL DIRECTOR, ARTHUR L. SAIPUDIN, this 27th day of February 2013. (Sgd.) Atty. MANUEL R. P. MARTILLO Attorney IV Republic of the Philippines Department of Transportation & Communications Land Transportation Franchising & Regulatory Board Regional Office No. 8 Tacloban City LTFRB CASE NO. VIII-2003-0648 Application for Extension of Validity of a CPC to operate a PUB service with Prayer to Adopt Trade Name. EMMA REGIS Applicant/s/Petitioner x.............................x NOTICE OF HEARING APPLICANT IS A GRANTEE OF A CPC TO OPERATE A PUB SERVICE FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT ALONG THE LINE: SILAGO-SOGOD-MAASIN CITY-LILOANBAYBAY-MAHAPLAG-ORMOC CITY & VICE VERSA WITH THE USE OF ONE (1) UNIT WHICH CERTIFICATE WILL EXPIRE ON MARCH 4, 2013. IN THE PRESENT APPLICATION, APPLICANT REQUEST AUTHORITY TO EXTEND THE VALIDITY OF ACERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE USING THE SAME NO. OF UNIT AND ROUTE WITH PRAYER TO ADOPT TRADE NAME AS Q.J.J. BUS LINE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THIS APPLICATION WILL BE HEARD BY THIS BOARD ON MARCH 14, 2013 AT 9:00 AM AT ITS OFFICE AT THE ABOVE MENTIONED ADDRESS. At least TEN (10) days prior to the date, applicant/s shall publish this Notice once in one (1) Daily newspaper of general circulation in Eastern Visayas. Parties opposed to the approval of the application must file verified written opposition supported by documentary evidences on or before the above date furnishing a copy of the same to the applicant, and may if they so desire, appear on said date and time. This application shall be acted upon by the Board on the basis of its records and the documentary evidences submitted by parties under the board deems it necessary to receive additional documentary or testimonial evidences. WITNESS THE HONORABLE REGIONAL DIRECTOR, ARTHUR L. SAIPUDIN, this 28th day of February 2013. (Sgd.) Atty. MANUEL R. P. MARTILLO Attorney IV


LTFRB CASE NO. VIII-2013-0143 Application for Issuance of a CPC to operate a FILCAB service with Prayer to Adopt Trade/ Business Name. DENNIS L. YMAS Applicant/s/Petitioner x.............................x NOTICE OF HEARING APPLICANT REQUEST AUTHORITY FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE TO OPERATE A FILCAB SERVICE FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT ALONG THE LINE: ORMOC CITY-BALUGO & VICE VERSA WITH THE USE OF ONE (1) UNIT WITH PRAYER TO ADOPT TRADE NAME, JAMEARLDAN TRANSPORT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THIS APPLICATION WILL BE HEARD BY THIS BOARD ON MARCH 12, 2013 AT 9:00 AM AT ITS OFFICE AT THE ABOVE MENTIONED ADDRESS. At least TEN (10) days prior to the date, applicant/s shall publish this Notice once in one (1) Daily newspaper of general circulation in Eastern Visayas. Parties opposed to the approval of the application must file verified written opposition supported by documentary evidences on or before the above date furnishing a copy of the same to the applicant, and may if they so desire, appear on said date and time. This application shall be acted upon by the Board on the basis of its records and the documentary evidences submitted by parties under the board deems it necessary to receive additional documentary or testimonial evidences. WITNESS THE HONORABLE REGIONAL DIRECTOR, ARTHUR L. SAIPUDIN, this 28th day of February 2013. (Sgd.) Atty. MANUEL R. P. MARTILLO Attorney IV

Leyte Samar Daily Express

mate of the said jail, is the choreographer of the festival dance. According to Demillo, it is not easy to choreograph people like them because most of them lack educational background. The purpose of the activity was to give leisure and joy to the inmates. The activity also proves that even though they are in jail, respect, discipline and unity are still in them, said inmate leader Mario Marmita. (AIZA MORAA,

Saturday, 02 March 2013

PALO, Leyte -Dressed in tangerine t-shirts, the more than 150 inmates of the Leyte Provincial Jail (LPJ) here performed a festival dance which, according to a jail official, has boosted their morale. LPJ Jail Warden Jose Repulda Jr. said dancing inmates is fast becoming a unique tourist attraction in the world. The dancing inmates showed how the Filipinos value rehabilitation more than punish-

LPJ showcases dancing inmates

ment, he said. According to Repulda, the dancing activity was a big help to the inmates for it makes them busy and not to be bored inside the jail. There are a total of 625 inmates in LPJ, with six of them females, 29 belong to the sick ward, 58 are trustees who assist, cook, guard and help in some office works in the jail. Most of the inmates have cases like crime against person and illegal drugs, Repulda added. Joel Demillo, an in-

EVSU Intern)

The dancing inmates of Leyte Provincial Jail perform a festival dance.

TACLOBAN CITY The Bureau of Fire Protection(BFP) is preparing for the upcoming Fire Prevention Month this March. One of the agenda include the three days composite intensified fire safety inspection to establishment within Tacloban City, to com-

BFP intensifies fire safety inspection

mercial area in the first day, to dormitories and boarding houses in the second day, and public assembly on March 1820. SF04 Fernando Mandia, BFP Region 8, said that Fire Prevention Month is mark in March because it is during this time summer begins. Mandia added that it is better to always check our houses or establishment for the security to stop the source of overheating and short circuits than to wait until the house or establishment burns into ashes. (SAMPAGUITA M. MARQUEZ, EVSU INTERN)

DepEd-8 to host National Festival of Talents, National School Press Conference 2013
PALO, Leyte The Department of Education regional office (DepEd-8) would be hosting the National Festival of Talents and National Press Conference on April 7-12, 2013 in Ormoc City. Alejandrito Yman, curriculum and learning management division chief, said that the National Festival of Talents, which is now on its 2nd year, would be hosted here in the region together with the National School Press Conference (NSPC). The first National Festival of Talents was hosted in Dumaguete City. The opening ceremony for the Festival of Talents would be on April 7, 2013 in Ormoc City. This will be participated by all 17 regions of the country, who would be competing in the TechnOlympics, which is related to technological skills. There would also be joining other contests such as on population development sponsored by Commission on Population, and other competitions like foreign languages, tagisan ng talino, and sining Pambansa, which promotes OPM music and many more. The NSPC, on the other hand, is an annual affair that culminates the activities of campus journalism of different schools in the country. This conference is the final lap for the school press conferences which started from the division level, where campus journalists were evaluated and the first seven winners qualifies for the regional school press conference. The first 3 winners from the regional level will be competing for the national level, Yman said. The individual writing contests in two mediums, English and Filipino, are newswriting, editorial writing, copy reading and headline writing, photojournalism, editorial cartooning, radio broadcasting and script writing, collaborative writing and feature writing. The opening ceremonies of NSPC would be on April 8, 2013, he added. Guests are expected to arrive on April 6, 2013 in Tacloban City, Yman said. (JANINE P. MARTEJA

City PopCom conducts tree planting

PALO, Leyte - The City Population Office together with youth organizations in Tacloban City conducted a series of tree planting activities in the northern barangays of the city. City POPCOM office OIC-Jennifer Guy said that last Saturday, February 17, they were able to plant 250 mahogany seedlings in Barangay Basper. The City Environment and Natural Resources Office provided the seedlings as part of their reforestation program, she said. Last Saturday, February 23, another tree planting activity was held in Barangay Bagacay, which was participated in by the Youth for Human and Ecological Security (YHES), barangay officials and the Manobot tribe, Guy said. (ARIANNE S. CARIAGA, EVSU INTERN)

Fight vs dengue continues

TACLOBAN CITY The V & G subdivision has the highest number of dengue cases in Tacloban City since 2010, according to the City Health Office. Despite the efforts to control the disease, the subdivision still has many dengue cases. As of February 12, 2013, there were 83 persons at V & G subdivision who were aicted with dengue. Other areas also badly affected by dengue were San Jose, Sagkahan and Kassel Homes. The City Health Office and the barangay officials of these areas had been making steps to secure the cleanliness of the surroundings to be free of dengue-causing mosquitoes. Radolfo Padillo, barangay chairman of Barangay 109 in V&G subdivision said they hold a clean-up operation every month to prevent mosquitoes from breeding in their place. Padillo added that the V&G Health Center is open for free check-up to the possible dengue victims. (SAMPAGUITA MAR-

QUEZ, intern EVSU)

TACLOBAN CITY This March is Womens Month celebration and the city government will be celebrating its 3rd anniversary with the theme of Kababaihan: Gabay sa Pagtahak sa Tuwid na Daan. Proclamation No. 224 declares every first week of March as Wom-

City govt to celebrate Womens Month

ens Week and Womens Rights and International Peace Day, which was signed by Pres. Corazon Aquino on March 1, 1988. Part of the activities is the Womans Walk on Friday, March 8, 2013, at 5 a.m. with the the city governemnt, TOMECO, DILG, TCPO and the Government Association of Tacloban Employees leading. March 15, 2013, Friday, is the celebration by the city government of Women Employees Day and Womans Fair at the CEO Gym, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. All City Government officials and employees includ-


ing Councilor Cristina G. Romualdez, barangay officials and others will participate in the said event. On March 19, 2013, there will be a press conference as the Womens Shelter would be celebrating its 3rd anniversary, a project of Councilor Christina G. Romualdez. On March 22, 2013, there will be an orientation about Violence Against Women and Children (VAWC) in barangays by the city government, DILG and the Womans Congress which will be held at DepEd conference room, this city. (CINDERELLA C.

Saturday, 02 March 2013

DILG: 5 towns failed to submit documents needed in bottom-up planning, budgeting

TACLOBAN CITY Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) Regional Director Pedro Noval Jr. revealed that there were five municipalities in the region who failed to submit their documents needed for the approval of the 2014 budget, as far as the bottom-up planning and budgeting program is concerned, which the deadline has already elapsed last February 15, 2013. Noval identified three municipalities in Leyte who failed to submit the documents while there are two municipalities in Northern Samar. These municipalities who failed to submit the documents are Abuyog, Hilongos, McArthur in Leyte, while there are two in Northern Samar which are Catubig and Pambujan, Noval added. Local Government Units (LGUs) who failed to submit documents will not be able to receive the budget allocated by the national government for 2014, which is to be prepared this April and will eventually be approved at the congress on October 16. The national government will allocate P15 million per municipality to the target LGUs in the region. In the absence of this, the municipalities will not receive funds allocated by the national fund for the LGU for the implementation of bottom- up planning and budgeting program that our office is implementing, Noval disclosed. It was learned that municipalities in Abuyog and McArthur failed to submit the documents because they were not able to conduct regular sessions. However, Noval said that municipalities dont need to wait for a regular session in order to prepare for the documents. They dont need to wait for the regular session because we are observing timeline enumerated by the DILG Usec. Francisco Fernandez he said. Further lawmakers can call for a session anytime so that they could immediately pass a resolution approving the plan of the aircraft of the unprepared by the committee in charge for the purpose, Noval added. On the other hand, municipalities have to submit their Local Poverty Reduction Action Plan (LPRAP) and sangguniang resolution, approved and submitted by the committee in charged for the purpose including the committee membership of the CSOs and NGOs operating in the locality, in order to avail the said program. The papers must be signed by the NGOs and CSO operating in the municipality and mayors will look to participate on this, Noval said. The documents must also possess signatures because without these, the SB will not pass a resolution approving the plan, a cover letter signed by the mayor if they are going to submit it to DILG-8. The director likewise cleared that municipalities will not be sanctioned for their failure.However, they will sign a document for their shortcomings. Meanwhile, Noval firmly believes that the lawmakers will be blamed by the people why they were not able to receive the assistance from the government under the national fund. He also believes that this will become a very big issue against lawmakers during the election because for Noval this can be considered as their part of rejection of duty for failure to conduct special sessions. They will be blamed by the people why the municipality will not be able to receive the said assistance from the government under the national fund, he disclosed. Thus, this will also affect to the people, he added. (ROBERT FRANCISCO)


Leyte Samar Daily Express

Army in N. Samar intensifies drive vs NPAs PTC, PTW

CATARMAN, Northern Samar - The Army operating in Northern Samar is intensifying their campaign to convince the candidates not to yield to the demands of the New Peoples Army (NPA) for the permit-to-campaign (PTC) and permit-to-win (PTW) fees, a military report said. Colonel Rolando Malinao, 803rd brigade commander based here, told reporters in an interview that the government troopers in this province is increasing their efforts and doing more activities on the information campaign to convince the candidates to decline the PTC and PTW fees of the rebels for them to be able to campaign in the rural areas or possibly win in the hinterlands. Col. Malinao disclosed that this advocacy of his brigade is constantly disseminated through the media, fora, symposia or any gatherings to drum up that the candidates should not give in to the demands of the rebels. He added that this advocacy is also performed or implemented by his men in the field, mostly information dissemination in the localities. We continuously remind the candidates not to yield to the NPA demands. Malinao also disclosed that government troops also visits candidate and monitor the NPAs na lumalapit sa mga kandidato. He said that for now we have not yet received reports or complaints from the candidates regarding the PTC and the PTW demands of the NPAs. He said that the troopers in the battalions are continuously operating the countryside for troops visibility and run after the rebels in the countrysides. He added that for the fast weeks there were already three NPA camps that were overrun by the government troops. (RESTITUTO A, CAYUBIT) /


Leyte Samar Daily Express


Saturday, 02 March 2013

P19M farm implements for ARB organizations in EV

TACLOBAN CITY More than P19 million worth of farm implements now at the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) Regional Office here will soon be turned over to about 60 agrarian reform beneficiary organizations (ARBOs) throughout Eastern Visayas. These multi-million pesos worth of modern farm equipment include 37 hand tractors, 30 threshers, 10 cultivators, 8 water pumps, 6 flatbed driers, 2 reapers, 2 mechanical transplanters, and 2 combine harvesters. With these equipment provided to the ARBOs, DAR Regional Director Eliasem Castillo expects a higher yield from their awarded lots in the succeeding agricultural years and eventually an increased income resulting to a better quality life thereby contributing to poverty reduction and employment generation in the rural areas under President Benigno Aquinos 2011-2016 Philippine Development Plan. Castillo explained that these are the results of the need assessment conducted last year by the three State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) commissioned by the Department to determine the factors that would turn these ARBOs into viable agri-enterprise farmer organizations under the Agrarian Rement, Department of Tourism, Technical Education and Skills Development Authority, and National Electrification Administration. In Biliran, these areas are Cabucgayan, Caibiran, Kawayan, Naval, Arteche in Biliran with an allocation of P90 million. Eastern Samar will get a budget of P257 million for Balangiga, Borongan City, Can-avid, Dolores, General Macarthur, Giporlos, Guiuan, Lawaan, Llorente, Maydolong, Oras, Quinapondan, Salcedo, San Julian, San Policarpo, Sulat, and Taft. Leyte has the most number of covered areas - Abuyog, Alangalang, Albuera, Babatngon, Barugo, Bato, Baybay City, Burauen, Calubian, Capocan, Carigara, Dagami, Dulag, Hilongos, Hindang, Inopacan, Isabel, Jaro, Javier, Kananga, La Paz, Leyte, Macarthur, Mahaplag, Matag-ob, Matalom, Mayorga, Merida, Ormoc City, Palo, Palompon, Pastrana, San Isidro, San Miguel, Santa Fe, Tabango, Tacloban City, Tanauan, and Villaba with a funding support of P633 million. In Northern Samar, with a budget of P331 million, listed areas are Allen, Biri, Bobon, Capul, Catarman, Catubig, form Communities Connectivity and Economic Support Services (ARCCESS). ARCCESS, according to Castillo, is DARs new strategy conceptualized by Agrarian Reform Secretary Virgilio de los Reyes to enhance the delivery of support services to agrarian reform beneficiaries under the Program Beneficiaries Development (PBD) component of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP). Under this strategy, DAR assists the ARBOs become viable agri-entrepreneurs by providing the latter with the necessary farm equipment and with the help of professional service providers. Gamay, Laoang, Lapinig, Las Navas, Lavezares, Lope de vega, Mapanas, Mondragon, Palapag, Pambujan, San Isidro, San Jose, San Roque, Silvino Lobos, and Victoria. Some P400 million will be set aside for Basey, Calbayog City, Calbiga, Catbalogan City, Daram, Gandara, Hinabangan, Jiabong, Marabut, Matuguinao, Motiong, Paranas, Pinabacdao, San Jorge, San Jose de Buan, Santa Margarita, Sta. Rita, Sto. Nino, Tagapulan, Tarangnan, Villareal, and Zumarraga in Samar. The towns Bontoc, Hinunangan, Libagon, Liloan, Maasin City, Macrohon, Malitbog, Saint Bernard, Sogod, and Tomas Oppus will receive projects worth P153 million in 2014. Laceras said bottomup budgeting is an approach to preparing the budget proposals of agencies taking into consideration the development needs of poor local government units as identified in their respective local poverty reduction action plans. These plans are being formulated with strong participation of basic sector organizations and other civil society groups. (SARWELL Q.

Caption page 10: Visiting US Ambassador Harry Thomas, Jr., exchange pleasantries with Tacloban City Councilor Cristina G. Romualdez during his courtesy call to Mayor Alfred Romualdez yesterday morning.(LITO A. BAGUNAS)

from page 1

budgeting approach. The national government had raised the minimum budget support from P8 million in this year to P15 million in 2014 because need for more intervention to poor families is there, said Department of Budget and Management Regional Director Imelda Laceras. Included in the 2014 bottom up budgeting are focused LGUs in 2013, areas with poverty incidence of 20% based on 2009 Small Area Estimates and 2010 census data, magnitude of poor population living in disaster prone areas, and high economic potential areas with high poor population as identified by the National AntiPoverty Commission. Funding support will be channeled through the budget of Department of Agrarian Reform, Department of Agriculture, Department of Education, Department of Energy, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Department of Health, Department of Interior and Local Government, Department of Labor and Employment, Department of Social Welfare and Develop-


Early in 2012 DAR entered into an agreement with the University of Eastern Philippines (UEP) in Catarman, Northern Samar; the Visayas State University (VSU) in Baybay City, Leyte; and the Southern Leyte State University (SLSU) in Sogod, Southern Leyte to validate the capabilities of the identified ARBOs in the region to venture such kind of activity and determine the factors that would help improve agricultural production and increase income. Further, the SUCs were required to present plausible and feasible plans which will become the basis for DAR in the provision of the necessary common service facilities that would make a viable agri-enterprise ARB organization. Initially, Castillo disclosed, DAR has identified one project proposal for every congressional district involving 60 ARBOs throughout the region that were approved for funding under ARCCESS. These project proposals include rice, organic vegetable, sugarcane and cassava productions and marketing. Turn over of these equipment to the identified ARBOs, Castillo added, will be done after the condition and specifications of all the 97 assorted machineries delivered last week by the contracted suppliers are checked by an inspectorate team from DAR Central Office. (JOSE AL-

Ma happy with her triplets

TACLOBAN CITYThey never thought that their dream to have another baby boy on their family would come true and how! They have only asked for another baby boy but God gave them three new babies and all boys at that. Thus said Rowena Compra, who delivered her triplets through caesarian operations at the Eastern Visayas Regional Medical Center (EVRMC), this city, last February 22 at 6 a.m. With the coming of their triplets, the Compra couple has now nine children in all, with her last delivery in 2008, during which she delivered her first baby boy. Prior to her delivery of her first baby boy, all their children were all girls the eldest now 13 years old. The three boys were named as Romil who weighs 1,095 grams; Roniel who weighs 1,530 grams and Reniel who weighs 1,750 grams. The three babies are still at the intensive care unit of the EVRMC and under observation as they have yet to reach their ideal weight of 2,000 grams. Compra said that there is no history on her side as well as that of the family of her husband, Romeo, of multiple births. Thats why, we were shocked and surprised at the same time that I delivered three boys, she said My husband wants another baby boy. But we never thought that we will have three boys right away, the 35-year old mother from an island village of Salvacion, Basey in Samar, said. The fishing village is about two hours by pump boat from the town proper. Her husband, Romeo, 46, works as a fisherman whose daily income is less than P200. He was fishing at the sea when his wife delivered baby boys, making his wish came true three times over. We are happy to have new members of our family but at the same time, we are worried were well get our daily needs. The income of my husband barely makes us survive on a daily living, Compra said. Doctor Alberto de Leon, chief of hospital of the EVRMC, said that delivering of triplets is quite rare. In fact, the last time that we have it here at the EVRMC was in 2009, he said. He gave his wishes to the Compra family and hope that they could raise the new babies together with their other children.

Saturday, 02 March 2013

PCA-8 supports plan to hike biodiesel blend

T A C L O B A N CITYThe Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA) here in the region is supportive of the Department of Energys (DOE) plan to increase the required biodiesel blend to offset the softening market price of copra. PCA-8 Regional Manager Edilberto Nierva said increasing the mandatory blend for biodiesel will redound to more benefits for coconut farmers and increase the demand for coconut. PCA actually had plans of adjusting the blend from current 2% to 5%. Even with that percentage, it could already help our more than 400,000 coconut farmers in the region, as this will surely increase demand for copra, Nierva said. What we need is more coco diesel plants to suffice supply demand. That is why we have been inviting investors to put up plants in the region, Nierva added. During his recent visit to Leyte, DoE Secretary Carlos Jericho Petilla said the department is studying an increase from the current biodiesel blend of 2% or B2 to 5% or B5. Were actually reviewing just to make sure there is no impact towards the consumers, Petilla said, referring to any negative effects such an increase would have on the supply of coconut for food as well as on fuel prices. Under the Biofuel Act of 2006, oil firms are required to mix locally-made biofuel with their petroleum products to reduce imports and greenhouse gas emissions. In the case of diesel, coco-methyl ester (CME), which is derived from coconuts, is used to attain the mandated mix. Petilla said the Department of Agriculture (DA) already endorsed a shift to B5. According to government estimates, increasing from B2 to B5 will not have any impact on fuel prices but will help raise farmers incomes. It will also probably accelerate the move to actually increase the indigenous portion of our fuel so were thinking about increasing it, Petilla said. According to a study made by Asian Institute of Petroleum Studies Inc. implementing B5 would result in an increase of P0.15 per liter in diesel prices. Biodiesel retails for P5 per liter more than diesel, thus a five percent blend is equivalent to a P0.25 per liter increase in prices. The additional amount of P0.15 per liter to effect a B5 is minimal because unlike imported diesel, which has price adjustment monthly increasing by an average of P0.50 per liter, the adjustment in CME blend is not a monthly event nor even yearly, the study said. The next adjustment to B7 under the biofuels program will not happen in 2020. The onset of B5 increases demand for coconuts at 350 million liters per year of coconut oil valued at P12.6 billion. (REYAN L. ARINTO) BETHANY HOSPITAL
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CLGOO supports plan to increase Lupon Tagapayapas honorarium

TACLOBAN CITYThe City Local Government Operations Office (CLGOO) will support every step and decision of the sangguniang barangay with regards to the increase of honorarium of the Lupong Tagapamayapa. CLGOO Officer Atty. Darwin Bibar said that the increase of honorarium of the Lupong Tagpamayapa depends upon the fund of the barangay and approval of the barangay chairman. If a certain barangay have a sufficient fund and the barangay chairman will approve for the increase of honorarium of the lupong tagapamayapa thru a resolution for sure they can avail such increase as long as it will not affect the operations of the sangguniang barangay, Bibar said. He also said that the lupong tgapamayapa in order for them to avail the increase of honorarium they must first check if the sangguniang barangay has a fund which is sufficient for the increase of their honorarium. If they want to have an increase of their honorarium, they better try to talk with the Sangguniang Barangay Officials because they are the only person who can give answer for their request, Bibar said. Once the brangay chairman approved the increase of their honorarium by way of resolution it is clear enough that the sangguniang barangay has a sufficient fund to cover the increase of Lupong Tagapmayapa honorarium, Bibar added. The lupong tagapamayapa is an administrative body created by law to operationalize the barangay justice system composed of the punong barangay as lupon chairman and 10 to 20 members who are resident of the barangay in good standing appointed by the lupon chairman. Thebarangay secretary shall concurrently serve as lupon secretary. (RYAN GABRIEL

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Leyte Samar Daily Express


Saturday, 02 March 2013

House Assistant Minority Leader and Leyte (1st Dist) Rep. Ferdinand Martin FM Romualdez (right) exchange token of appreciation with United States Ambassador Harry Thomas after a luncheon meeting in Tacloban City.Amb. Thomas is in Leyte for his new program AMERICA 3 D .A roadshow in diplomacy,development and defense held at Robinsons Place from March 1,2&3 ,2013.Some interested matters are USAID working together to end trafcking, studying in the United States and US visa process. PHOTO BY VER S. NOVENO

in Aslum which could help produce persons of from page 1 good standing in the soP723, 021. Thomas said that he is ciety in the future. He said that he hope glad that his government has helped in the construc- that with the facility, tion of the day care center children in the barangay


would learn the basic education of writing and reading. One of them may be a barangay official; one of them may be a mayor; a governor and President of

the Republic of the Philippines, Thomas said amid applause from the local people and provincial and town officials led by Leyte Governor Mimiette Bagulaya and Mayor Loreto Yu. The day care center, catering 32 children, is expected to be finished within 60 days. It was

started last first week of February. Barangay chair Michael Posadas said that he is happy that his barangay of more than 700 people has now a new day care center. The present day care center is so small compare to the one now under construction. It has also some

amenities like comfort rooms, Posadas said. Mayor Yu, for his part, said that he is grateful to the US government for initiating the project in his town which he said would benefit the people of Aslum but even the neighboring villages.

Tacloban City hosts America in 3D 2013

the American Governments diplomacy, development and defense efforts. Travelling from US Ambassador Harry Thomas gives an insight of America in 3D A road show Baguio, Laoag, Iloilo, in diplomacy, development and defense during its launching at the MacArthur Cebu, and now Tacloban, Landing Memorial Park, Palo, Leyte, March 1. (VINO R. CUAYZON) the event is a celebration of Filipino-American friendships, and a showcase of American culture, US Business and US Embassy services in the Philippines. In this weekend event, Tacloban city got to play a part in exhibiting Filipino-American relations, while the booming city has been a key player in the partnership throughout history. Immortalized in the Leyte landing monument is a testament of Filipino-American partnership surviving through the most difficult of times. Tacloban is the site of the historic Leyte landing, where Gen. Douglas McArthur US Ambassador Harry Thomas (5th from left) poses with Tacloban City ofcials led by councilor returning in the tail-end Cristina Romualdez and Leyte provincial ofcials led by vice-governor Florante Cayunda at the Ma- of the second world war. cArthur Landing Memorial Park, Palo, Leyte, March 1. (VINO R. CUAYZON) Tacloban City Mayor The US Embassys AMERICA IN 3D kicked-off in Tacloban City March 2. Launched by US Ambassador Harry Thomas Jr. in early 2011, the road show highlights Alfred Romualdez is especially elated about the event for the possibilities it will open for Taclobanon entrepreneurs and workers. He says that the locals are ready and gearing for progress. With the vast improvements the city has been seeing from shifting to a Highly Urbanized City, to the increase of businesses being registered and launched locally, the America in 3D coming to Tacloban seems like a foreshadowing of greater things yet to come. It is high time the rest of the Philippines sees the promise that Tacloban holds; not only as a tourist spot, but as a serious business and investment location. We are especially glad that our friends from the US Embassy are showing us what they can offer the Taclobanons, and we, in return, can offer as a city, said Romualdez. (DAVID STA. MARIA)

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