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irdjla jYfhka ,shdmx lrk ,' fojk ldKavfha- - -02 jk l,dmh- 2013

Volume 02; Number 02 - 2013

ISSN 1800-377X

wdrlaIl f,al f.daGdNh rdcmlaI ysgmq ckdm;s rKisxy fm%auodi jf.hs - mQcH we,af,a .=KjxY ys

The Story behind the fascinating green topography in East

Ceylon tea stil the best in the world

lvjqKq fmdfrdkajg fmr ;ekqk rdclSh l%uh
zzuf.a fmd;a; yhshhs .eyqjdg fokafka keyeZZ

Food for a rich life

Industrial and tourism zones coming in North
wem fkd;nd f.d Kh fok nexl=j 2013 id.a hk wfma lKavdhfuka fujr je molal ixLHdjla fka wlrK ldhhka nexl=jg ,ndu iq jHdmdlhkag widOdrKhla
Photograph by Sudath Silva

kEu whla we;s wfhl= fu,a, l< yels l%d ud.d




The Australian delegation included the following: -Mr. Scott Morrison, MP Shadow Minister for Productivity and Population Shadow Minister for Immigration and Citizenship-Mr. Michael Keenan, MP Shadow Minister for Justice, Customs and Border Protection-Ms. Robyn Mudie Australias High Commissioner to Sri Lanka-Mr. Murray Hansen Chief-ofStaff for Ms. Julie Bishop. Minister of External Affairs Prof. G.L. Peiris, Deputy Minister of External Affairs Mr. Neomal Perera and the Secretary of External Affairs & Mr. Karunatilaka Amunugama were present for the discussion for Sri Lanka.

Australian delegation meets the president

N-E progress impresses US delegation

T he visiting US delegation was impressed by the infrastructure development and economic progress in the Northern and Eastern Provinces.
have now found better opportunities for employment and their children's education. He told the delegation that tourism development would generate

Czechs to help Sri Lankan tourism

The Czech Republic has offered its full cooperation and assistance to promote Sri Lanka as a tourist destination by generating among Czech citizens an interest in Sri Lanka's scenic beauty, its culture and places of historic importance. Diplomatic relations between the two countries have been growing for a considerable period. Czech Ambassador in India Milloslav Stasek offered this assistance when he met Sri Lanka's Economic Development Minister Basil Rajapaksa recent. The minister Rajapaksa told the ambassador that Sri Lanka's tourism industry has made great progress and foreign tourists could visit any part of the island with no difficulty or obstruction. Today they could fully enjoy the country's scenic beauty and local hospitality.

They said this at a meeting with Economic Development Minister Basil Rajapaksa at his ministry on January 30. The delegation comprised, US Senior Assistant Secretary for South and Central Asian Relations James Moore and Dy. Assistant Secretary for State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor Jane Zimmerman. The US Government has provided Sri Lanka with development aid worth over US dollars 2 billion through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) since 1956. Minister Basil Rajapaksa told the delegation that health, education, sanitary services, access roads and power supply among others public requirements have been improved through infrastructure development in the North and East and steps were being taken to raise the living conditions of the people of the Jaffna District by developing it as a industrial area. The American visitors stressed the need to increase employment and educational opportunities for the people and boost development in the North by encouraging the private sector to invest in these projects. Minister Basil Rajapaksa added that a large number of internally displaced people have gone back to their homes and permanently settled there with government assistance. Accordingly they

more direct and indirect employment. Also people in the Kilinochchi, Mannar, Vavuniya, Mullaitivu and Jaffna districts have found greater benefits by way of employment and welfare facilities through development and investment promotion programs the government has launched. De-mining in war ravaged areas has been expedited and a large extent of land is now free of landmines and antipersonnel mines, according to the minister. He said casualties have been minimized by educating school children and the community on the dangers these mines have posed. Economic Development Minister pointed out that the country has been able to achieve 22 percent economic development in the North alone during 2012. This had made a major contribution to the island's economic progress. A number of programs targeting women in the North have been launched and consequently a large number of them including widows are now selfemployed supplying products and services under Divi Negume on a small scale. Among the envoys present at the meeting was US Ambassador in Sri Lanka Michele J. Sison. Pix's by Chaminda Hittatiya

Ambassador MilloslavStasek said that an increasing number of Czechs were keen to visit the island and were also interested in tasting traditional Sri Lankan food. Sri Lankan chefs will be given the opportunity of popularising their recipes in the Czech Republic. The envoy added that his government was also planning to help in organizing a Sri Lankan cultural festival there to strengthen the ties between the two countries. He assured the Czech Government's assistance to develop Sri Lanka's power plants and to provide know-how for the purpose. Plans are also afoot to launch a waste management and recycling project with Czech assistance. Discussions were also held on the need to commence new airline services between Sri Lanka and Central Europe. Officials of the Sri Lankan and Czech Republic participated in the talks.

,xld f we;=<;''' INSIDE'''

Volume 02 Issue 02 - 2013 Lankaway Publishers
Asian Centre for Mass Communication Studies
No 368, Temple Road, Thalawathugoda. Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka to get over 2Bn US$ Foreign Investments 11 Page

People's knowledge on development initiatives in Sri Lanka

Prof. Ajantha Hapuarachchi

Sri Lanka in 2048

By Dr. Tilak S. Fernando 15 Page

11-13 Page Under Graduate,

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i| ch.ekSu'
i| .ukg;a fpk we;' nq oyug" ls;= oyug" bia,d oyug;a fpk we;' fohka nUqka ms<sn|j muKla fkdj .ia" .,a" fyd,auka" N+;hskago fpk we;' m%;sreoaO m%;sl%shdjla fkdue;s fohla ke;' tjekakla ke;fyd;a t;ek w;d;alh' h:d:hla ke;' tjeks ;ek ;lh Wmhs' wo wms yeufoagu ;l lruq' th o b;d jhs' ;lfhka f;dr h:d:hla o fkd Wmhs' kjish yegkjfha weuldj i|g w; ;enQfha .eUqre h:d:hla iys;jh' tfia fkdjkakg wo i| u;=msg ckdjdi h' i|g hk tk hdkd tug h' weuldjg wjYH jQfha wka wh i|g w; ;eug fmr ;uka i| i;=lr .ekSu h' t l, i|g Wkka jQ whf.a ffOhh ySk lsuh' i|g ksfil= hjd weuldj w;am;alr .;a jeka; nj weuldjg i|la fkdj Yajhla jkafkah' tfiau ;j;a ojil fndfyda g 2019 jk g weuldj i| .ek h<s;a l,amkd lrkq we;' i| weuldf r<h' bka tyd we;af;a i,a id.rh h' ,xldj i| ch.;af;a 2009 uehs 19 jkodh' tys .eUqre h:d:h f;are .ekSu mfil,d" wo fndfyda msia Wkka jkafka wehs i|g hkak tkak ne@ wehs tfya f.j,a yokafk ke;af;@ wehs@''' wehs@''' wehs@'''wehs wyre;a ne o@ t;fldg n%yiam;s;a mqjka fkao@ f ygh' tfyk wehs i| ch.;af;a@ fuf,iska h' bjikak' .eUqre h:d:h f;are .kak' tf;la yeu ;eku mdrla f;dgla .dfka ;l lrk wh;a ;l m%oYk l=Kk wh;a Tng lsh yel' tajd riug muKla ;nd .ksuq' Tng ch'

Respect UN Charter provisions against threats to political independence of member states

Kudankulam Post Graduate Nuclear and Power Plant Research/PhD

26 Page Scholarships 26 Page

Ministry spends Rs. 109 Mn Kilinochchi projects 31 Page

- President

Lankaway caters for an international audience in 36 countries. We welcome articles and features to be published in the magazine. Contact: Editor, Lankaway: E-mail: Overseas Agents: We are looking out for a few overseas agents to circulate Lankaway. Those interested please apply with your details and a photograph by e-mail. LANKAWAY is the official Magazine for Business and Professional Women in Sri Lanka. (BPWSL)
Disclaimer: All views and opinions expressed in LankaWay magazine are solely the views held by the authors and interviewees and not necessarily by the publishers. Publishers of LankaWay nor the individual authors accept any loss or damage however caused to any individual (including through negligene), which one may direct or indirectly cause embarrassment or suffer on information contained in the magazine. In any such rare incidence Lankaway welcomes letters to the editor and/or comments to be published which the publisher undertakes to print. Any material in the magazine may be reproduced without prior permission from the publishers by only giving reference to Lankaway.

President Mahinda Rajapaksa reminded the world of the provisions in the United Nations Charter of calling on all nations to refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state in their international relations. He said that nothing contained in the present Charter shall authroize the UN to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state or shall require the Members to submit such matters to settlement under the present Charter. President Rajapaksa said this while addressing the nation on the 65th Independence anniversary celebrations held at the Eastern post city of Trincomalee. President stressed that Sri Lanka is a country that always respects the Charter of the UN and that all member countries, whether powerful or weak, should respect its Charter. Urging the importance of unity among all people he said that as much as racism, religious differences too can be a cause for the destruction of a country. Those who try to provoke religious rivalry in the country do not serve their religion, but serve the interests of separatism in the country. We cannot leave room for what could not be achieved through terrorism to be gained by this means, he said. President also said not only the government but the opposition too has the responsibility to safeguard the freedom we have won. Protecting the country and building reconciliation is not support extended to the government or the opposition but doing one's duty by the land of one's birth, he said.

Burns' Night reception

Transparency and Fairness Crucial for Investment
British High Commissioner to Sri Lanka, H E John Rankin, hosted a Burns' Night reception at his residence on Thursday, 31 January, 2013, to welcome visiting Foreign Office Minister Alistair Burt and mark the birthday of the Scottish poet, Robert Burns (a day celebrated annually in January all over Scotland). Many members of the local business community attended the gathering, which was also an opportunity to celebrate Scottish whisky. The Minister welcomed everyone present and talked about the strong trade relationship between Sri Lanka and the UK. Over 100 UK companies are active in Sri Lanka particularly in the areas of education, construction and garment manufacturing and there was a 12% increase in Sri Lankan exports to the UK in 2012 so far. The Minister added, Today, more than ever, we need our companies to compete in what the British Prime Minister, David Cameron, has called the global race, where competition is becoming ever more fierce between emerging and emerged economies. He emphasised that it is up to all countries to ensure their economies are transparent, fair and straightforward for potential investors.

Printed at: K.S.U. GRAPHIC (PVT) LTD. Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka.

Lankaway international magazine was presented to Mr Ajith Nivard Cabraal, Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka, at his office in Colombo, by Mr Prabhath Weththamuni.

Lankaway international magazine was presented to Mr V. Anandasangaree, Leader of the Tamil United Liberation Front, at his residence in Colombo, by Mr Dhakshina Bodhinayake.


The Sri Lanka Army helped the government to save millions of Rupees Brig. Ruwan Wanigasuriya
The Army's active contribution to a large number of projects in the health, education, sports and urban beautification sectors last year helped the government's development efforts in a big way, Army Spokesman Brig Ruwan Wanigasuriya said. He said the funds allocated for the SAARC Cultural Centre was Rs.907 million and the savings the Army helped to make by way of contributing labour was about Rs. 110 million. Whereas an allocation of Rs. 1477 billion had been made for the Medical Faculty building complex, the Army's contribution had effected a saving of nearly Rs. 492 million out of these funding. "The Gold Centre Trade Complex project was estimated to cost Rs. 304 million and Army labour helped save of Rs. 101 million on this project", Brig. Wanigasuriya said. The Army had contributed towards more than 20 major building projects in this manner last year Brig. Wanigasuriya added.

Cairn India to begin phase-2 of Sri Lanka oil exploration

Cairn India will start the second phase of its Sri Lankan oil exploration programme this week with the drilling of a fourth well and will decide the commercial viability of the project by 2014, a company official said. Success in the project for the unit of London-listed Vedanta Resources Plc would mark a significant step in Sri Lanka's efforts to reduce its dependence on imported fuel. Sri Lanka nation produces no oil and its oil import bill was $4.6 billion in 2011. Since the end of a three-decade war with Tamil separatists in May 2009, the government has tried to reinvigorate oil and gas exploration. Cairn India has the rights to drill in one of eight blocks in the offshore Mannar basin. China and India have been offered one each, which they have yet to accept, while the remaining five are expected to be tendered later this year. Cairn has already concluded the first phase in Mannar basin, discovering gas and condensate in two out of three well sdrilled, although their commercial viability has yet to be determined. A third well was plugged and abandoned as a dry hole in December 2011. The fourth well, named Wallago, is located 22 km off the Sri Lankan western coastal town of Kalpitiya. "Fourth well drilling will commence around Feb. 1," Sunil Bharati, Cairn India's head of corporate affairs and communication who was in Colombo, told Reuters. "We think it will be completed within 35-40 days, if everything goes well and there is no equipment failure."

Talks on Kachchativu feast

A meeting to discuss arrangements for the annual feast of St. Anthony's Church, Kachchativu was held at Jaffna District Secretariat recently. Minister of Traditional Industries and Small EnterpriseDevelopment KN Douglas Devananda and Governor, Northern Province GA Chandrasiri cochaired the meeting. The feast is held from February 22-24. The meeting focused on transport and other logistics for devotees. They discussed the resumption of the Vadatharakai boat service and fixing new engines for Kumudini boats. The difficulties on constructing a jetty at Delft for Vadatharakai and problems in deepening the jetty were also discussed at the meeting. It was decided to hire three modern boats for the festival and they would be used for public transport to Delft. A discussion in this regard was held with the Secretary, Ministry of Ports and Highways Development. GA Sundaram Arumainayagam, Parliamentarian Sylvesthiri Allentin, Naval officials, Chief Engineer, Road Development Authority and Chairman of the Delft Pradeshiya Sabha were also present at the meeting.

Returning asylum seekers effective

Returning Sri Lankan asylum seekers back home has been effective in reducing the number of boat Australian Minister p e o p l e c o m i n g Chris Bowen from Sri Lanka, Australia's Immigration Minister Chris Bowen has said. Speaking to Australian media, the Minister said the government took the tough decision to return the boat people who were not refugees. "We took the tough decision to return people to Sri Lanka when they're not refugees," Mr. Bowen has said. "We have returned around 700 people involuntarily to Sri Lanka, and we have seen the number of people coming from Sri Lanka fall to a trickle," Mr. Bowen has told Sky News. Australia has returned 942 Sri Lankans home - both voluntarily and involuntarily - since August 13 when the Australian government decided to send asylum seekers arriving in boats to offshore regional processing facilities in Nauru and Manus Island in Papua New Guinea. Following the enforcement of the new law, 213 Sri Lankans have returned home voluntarily. The Department of Immigration and Citizenship said it was further proof that there was no advantage engaging with people smugglers to migrate to Australia. The Australian Minister said that only three Sri Lankans had come to Australia by boat last month. Most of the boat people arrived last month was from Afghanistan and Iran and some from Iraq, Mr. Bowen has said. Courtesy : President Media Unit

Invest Plan Cairn has spent $150 million for the first phase, more than the estimated $112 million, Bharati said, adding investment in the second phase could be more than that of the first phase. Seismic work done earlier by Norway's TGS Nopec Geophysical Co ASA showed some potential in the northern Cauvery Basin, which on the Indian side has producing wells, and in a basin off the island's southern coast. Sri Lanka's government has said the seismic data shows the potential for more than 1 billion barrels of oil under the sea in a 30,000 sq km area of the Cauvery basin. Russia's natural gas monopoly Gazprom and Malaysian state oil company Petronas have held talks with Sri Lanka on potential exploration, and Vietnam and Sri Lanka signed a deal on oil and gas cooperation in October, 2011.

* Commercial viability to be decided by 2014 * Cairn found gas, condensate in 2 wells drilled in phase-1 * Sri Lanka has 8 blocks in Mannar; India, China offered 1 each

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mQcH we,af,a .=KjxY ys


1977 f'wd' chjOk uy;d n,hg meKshdu wms yqla mSvdjg m;a jqKd' t;=ud n,hg m;ajQ .iu fou< isxy, flda<y,hla wdjd' wdKavqj kmq .uka f fld<y,h wdrN jQ ksid f'wd' chjOk uy;d fldiula m;a l<d' ta ysgmq w.%ksYhldr t'iS' ikafidakS uy;df.a m%Odk;ajfhka' fuys wruqK 1977 wf.daia;=-iema;en udij, ,xldf isxy, fou< flda<y,h we;sug fya;= yd th ke;s lrkak l=ula l< hq;=o hkak fiu i|ydhs' fou< cd;sh fjkqfjka fou< kS;s{hka 57 la fmkS ishd' isxy, me;af;ka udi .Kkla hk;=re ljqre;a keye' uu f .ek lmd jqKd' ug kS;s{hka keye' Tjqkaj .kak i,a,s;a keye' uu z ojiZ mqj;amf;a l;_D frdayK .uf.a uy;dg tl:kfhka l:dlr,d lsjd Wojla jYfhka W;=re kef.kysr f fld<yd, ksid wkd: jQ isxy, whg ud .djg tkak lsh,d m%jD;a;shla oud fokak lsh,d' m%jD;a;sfhka miq W;=re kef.kysr m%foaYj,ska isxy,hka nyq;rhla ud fidhdf.k wdjd' ta whj uf.a mkaif,a kj;ajd .;a;d' lf;da,sl" l%sia;shdks lh;a f.dvla yshd' ikafidaks fldiug idlaIs bm;a lrkak uu ie,iq ilia l<d' wks;S{ v,s'mS' .=K;s,l" mis lreKdr;ak hk lsysm fofkl= ;rhs uf.a lSug wdf' isxy, cd;shg jQ wjdish yd widOdrKh .ek fldiu bfha .ska .gu idCIs bm;a l<d' ta fj,df fou< wka;jd fldgia n,dfmdfrd;a;= jqKd ixfidaks fldifuka wmg tfrysj fpdaokdjla ke.=Kfyd;a" tlS jd;dj imQKfhka cd;Hka;r f,i wrka hkak' fldi jd;dj wmg mlaI jqKd' .=jka ,s ixia:dj wi, ;snQ uf.a mkai, f'wd' chjOk uy;d uf.;a tlal ;sfhk ;ryg rchg .;a;d' ta ld,fha th fyd| uOHia:dkhla' ] uq rgu tla Ochla hg;g .kska jir ;syl hqoaOh ksudjqKs' bka wk;=rej we;sjQ ;;a;ajh olskafka fldfyduo@ ;%ia;jdohg tfrys hqoaOh lshkjdg jvd ksjerhs udkqIsh fufyhqula l<d lsfjd;a' th ch.%yKh l<dhs lshd wmg i;=gq h yelshs' tfy;a wmg cd;Hka;r wdl" foaYmd,k"

isxy, ;reK ixOdkh msysgqjdf.k 1970 isudfjda nKavdrkdhl ue;sKshg Wo lf<a wmshs' uu l=vd ys kula jqj;a Yd, jYfhka jHdmdrhla f.kspd t;=h ch.%yKh lrjkag' ta wkqj ;uhs ,l=Kq m%;slrKh wms ,nd.;af;a' ta ojiaj, isxy, ia;%slalj, wOHdmk myiqlj, wvqjla ;snqKd' hdmkfha ta ldf,a Wiiafm< oHd Ih iys; mdi,a 25 la ;snqKd' fudKrd., .;fyd;a tllaj;a ;snqfKa keye' idudkH fm< mka;s we;s mdi,a 72 la hdmkfha ;snd' wfma iuyr ia;%slalj, fudllaj;a keye' tal iulrkak ;uhs ,l=Kq m%;slrK yef' tal ke;s lf<a f' wd' chjOk we;a' ue;sKshf.a ch.%yKfhka wk;=rej Bg Wrka wh wr,sh .y ukarhg le|jd O ;k;=re ,nd fooa uu tod b,af f.daks ixia:djla wfma rgg ,nd fokak lsh,d' t;fldg msgfldgqf ;sn f,dl=u iakia tl jQfha f.daks fj<|duhs' ta ld,fha yeu nvqjlau .sfha f.daksj,' tod bkahka ldrfhdahs ta jHdmdrh lf<a' tal ,shk .Kkl jHdmdrhla' tal kak ug k jqKd' miqj uf.ka ;jrg;a woyiaf.k ue;sKsh rl:kfhka l:d lr,d lsjd fmd yduqrejkaf.a jef y" yenehs f.daks ixia:dj f,i fkfjhs yK ixia:dj f,ihs tkafka lsh,d' tfyu ;uhs yK ixia:dj msysfgf' g wu;rj uu uq,afj,d cd;shg ,nd .;a fndfyda foa ;sfnkjd' mQcH we,af,a .=KjxY ys fuu woyia m< lf<a ,xldf irdj iu mej;s fYaI idlPdjlh' tys Wkajykafia lajQ woyia tmu fuu ,smsfha m<f'''
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fmd cd;sl kdhl;ajhla ;ju wmg keye' t,af,kak je,a ke;s foaYmd,{fhda n,kafka ljqre y ,jd fmd,af,ka .iaijd f. lvd .kakhs'


] rf w;sYh ;SrKd;aul foaYmd,k fmr<s msgqmi Yd, ldh Ndrhla is l<d hehs lsjfyd;a@ wmg ;snqK uQ,sl m%Yakh ;%ia;jdoh mrdch lsuhs' hqoaOh ch.%yKh i|yd uyskao rdcmCI ckdm;s;=ud foaYmd,k kdhl;ajhla kakd' tfia fkdjkak fuu hqoaOh ch.ka k neye' wdrCIl f,a l f.daGdNh rdcmCI uy;d;a fuys fyd| N+ldjla l<d' ljqre yuqodm;sjqj;a wjYH wOdr" w wdhqO" foaYmd,k miqula ke;ak hqoaOh ksh fkdyelshs' th uyskao rdcmCI ckm;s l<d' ldgj;a th keyehs lshkak neye' th lrkak lsh,d wms thdg n, l<d' wms Tyq msgqmi ysh ksid thdg fy,af,kak nejqKd' ckm;sg tfjf,a wms fy,af,kak bvfokafk;a keye'

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pkasld nKavdrkdhl ue;sKshg;a wef.a md,kfha wjidk ld,fha Wojq l<d' WmdhYS,s yd Wml%uYS,s foaYmd,hla wms lf<a' ta yeu fohla lf<a ujqu frd .ekSughs' tlai;a cd;sl mCIfha rks,a l%uisxy uy;d rg md,kh lroa m%Ndlrka iu. .siqu .eiqjd' t;fldg uu t'cd'm' lvd lhla pkasld ckdm;skshg fya;a;= l<d' fuhg wjYH ie,iq lf<a uf.a mkaif,ahs' ir;a wuqKq.u" kkao ue;s" fmd, fukaia" pQ, nKavdr" yikaj uuhs f.kdf' fuh lf<a ckm;sksh .ek w;s fYaI Yajdihlska fkdj ld,h f.u i|ydhs' wfma fmd ldf,a wu,d lsf f rg IaKq fohkag Ndrhs lsh,d' ud l=vd ld,fha isgu mska fokafka gq .euqKq rc;=ukag' wo Wfo;a mska kakd' thd ;uhs uf.a fofhda' uu f,d bkafka f ksihs' oi j;djla fj ;snd' mqjka ;r jy kakd' wjqre iailska is mylska mska j<okafka keye' fjd ;uhs wmg ;sfhk l=uka;%K' ] wfma rg bhg hEug we;s ndOl fudkjo@ uE;l we;sjQ wlrK m%Yakh n,uq' fl ryila' fuh we;sjk gu lsish ksiqrejka msila udj uqK.eiqKd' uu Tjqkaf.ka weyqjd' wms fndfydau la |mq msila' wjqre 32 la la |,d iqiq fy<kafka' ck;djg mSvdjk m%Yak we;slrkafka wehs" rg we;=f<a f m%Yakh iduldj i|d .uq lsh,d' bka wk;=rej Bg uu uey;a jqKd' iuyr lreKq ug lshkak neye' kuq;a id:l lr.kak nejqKd' ug wjYHjQfha fof.d,a,kau tl;= lr,d m%Yakh i|d.kak' rf uuia:dk f,i yuqodj" wlrKh jeks ;eka ;sfhkjd' .fya uqka uq,g .eiqjdu we yef,kjd' fuu uuia:dk j,g .ymqjdu tajd fi,fjkjd' WodyrKhla f,i ysgmq yuqodm;s ir;a f*dkafiald uy;dj wrf.k ka frdvla lr,d od,d ;sfhkjd' uf.a u;h jQfha ir;a f*dkafiald uy;d foaYmd,kh fkdl< hq;=hs lshk tl' Tyq ks;ru wfma mkai,g wdmq wfhla' Tyq wfma .u me;af;a' Tyqj yuqodm;s lrkak lsh,d fhdackd flrefj;a uuhs' wmg foaYmd,k kdhlfhda kE ;r bka k jd' ke;a f ;a cd;s l kdhlfhdahs' wk.dl Oumd,;=udf.ka miq wmg cd;sl kdhlfhla keye'

wehs fmdgfhda jf.afka ysfha' nq nK wdY%fhka ;sfhk ,sms YSIfha ;sfhk foa n,kak' udksj;a; wNslalu ^fkdkej;S bhg huq&' ta lshkafka uqka kj;skjd lshk tlhs'
] fmd cd;sl kdhl;ajhla we;s lr.kafka flfiao@ wmsg tjka cd;sl kdhl;ajhla ;ju keye' uu ys;kafka ir;a f*dkafiald uy;d foa Y md,kh fkdlr is hd k ta n,dfmdfrd;a;=jkakdjQ fmd cd;sl kdhl;ajhg Tyqj .kak ;snqKd' ysgmq w.ksiqre YsrdKs nKavdrkdhl ks, ksjiska msg;ajk g foaYmd,kh Tf ;shdf.k l;d lrk yeSula ug jegyqKd' ck;djg uu Ndrhs lsh,d lshmq ksid' yhg wms fjkqfjka wlrKh jev flrejd jf.a' ug fj ;snd" jy kakd" yeu jHikhlskau kQf,ka f bkak wfhla uu' Th bkak fndfyda fofkla fodv f.hla wrka frday,g .sfha keye' hqoaOh ksid ;=jd, jQ finka n,kak' wo;a uu finka fjkqfjka jev lrkjd' biafi,a,u f rf ksiqka yefokak k' Tjqka y lmhs' wd;aud:ldhs" IaGhs' f ksiaiq ;ju udkisl jy,a' ;ju j;a fjkafka f rf fndaxldrfhla f,i' ienE whs;sldrfhla f,i j;a fkdjk;=re cd;sl kdhl;ajh yokak neye' wfma yeu whl=gu jir 2500l Tmamqjla ;sfhkjd' tfyu jqK;a bkafka fndax ldrfhla f,i' wms wfma Tmamqj fmkajk wh' igka lrk wh' uf.a cd;sh ug W;=' kuq;a Tmamqjla ke;s ksiaiq Tmamqjla ;sfhk f,i Tmamqlrf.k hkjd' wms fjkqfjka igka l< whf.a wdoY mdG n,uq' wk.dl Oumd, ;=ud isxy,hks ta uqka ksodf.k ish ksihs' fn cd;sl uyskao ys weia f. folg fyk .y,o isyfka wehs fmdgfhda jf.afka ysfha' nq nK wdY%fhka ;sfhk ,sms YSIfha ;sfhk foa n,kak' udksj;a; wNslalu ^fkdkej;S bhg huq&' ta lshkafka uqka kj;skjd lshk tlhs' ] n,hg meKs rchka Odldr f,i rg fufyhu rf hqKqjg ndOdjla' fuh olskafka flfiao@ wfma rg md,kh l< foaYmd,k kdhlfhda rgg wjYH m ksis ie,eiaula oud .;af;a keye' tfkod n,h .ekSu i|ydhs l%shdlr ;sfnkafka' hqoaOh bjrjQ .uka cd;sl wdlh Yla;su;a l< hq;= nj wms lsjd' wmsg fyd| fmd<jla ;sfnkjd' ljqre y;=re jqK;a y;=re fkdjk msila bkakjd' ta iq<" br yd y|' br fj,djg k.skjd" f,djg nyskjd' tjeks jdikdjka; ;;a;ajhla ;sh uy fmd<j iu. yems,d wmsg Tj Wiaikak mqjka' talg wdoYhla fokak ;uhs hqoaOhla bjrjQ .uka<la uu mgka.;af;a' tal< wlalr 30l N+hl hqo yuqodf iq wdnd; finka iu< lrkjd' rg hqKq lsug k udiag ma,Eka tlla wjYHuhs' ] ngysr rgj,ska Odldr f,i ka g udkj ysl fpdaokd rgg t,a,fjkjd' fuh olskafka fldfyduo@ tx.,ka;fha fyda Tiaf%,shdf fyda weuldf fyda mr iqoaokag wmg udkj whs;sjdisl W.kajkak whs;shla keye' Tjqkag;a lsh,d h yels" Tjqkag;a jvd fY%aIaG ixialD;shla wmg ;sfnkjd' fmdf<df isk i;=kag ydksf hehs lshd WKqj;=r llaj;a uyfmdf<djg is fkdlrmq cd;shla wms' j;=r fldamamhl l=fhla ishdk ta i;dj wes,af,ka wrka ; odkh kak cd;shla wms' l=Uqrla jemqrefjd;a l=re lE,a, lsh,d fldgila fjka lrkjd' wo lf;da,sl jrhka fmdah ojig;a uqyq hkafka kE' wms i;d ismdjdg mjd wdorh lrmq cd;shla' iqoaod fudkjdo okafka' wo;a .f yeu f.hlu l=re,a,kag fjku f.hla yo,d fokjd' mr iqoaokag neye wmg udkj whs;sjdisl W.kajkak' ] wfma rgg tk cd;Hka;r wdl%uK fudkjdo@ kh;a bkahdj;a w;r wdl hqoaOhla ;sfnkjd' ta wdl n,j;d u i|ydhs' tu ;rfha mkaj njg m;ajkafka wm jeks rgj,a ' fka m d,h" N+ ; dkh" hka u d" nx.,sfoaYh jeks yeu rglu rKavq' ta f wdl hqoaOh ksihs' ;j wjqre myf<djla hkak fmr f,dalfha c, yshla tkjd' yenehs wmsg ;rhs j;=r ;sfnkafka' t;fldg wmj O ye, yemamSj,g ,lalr,d wfma j;=r l w,a,kak tkjd' ;x.,af,a isg .uqj olajd jQ uqyq iSudfjka 25] la w,a,df.k foaYslhka bv wrka' wfma lE.eiSf m%;sM,hla f,i tfia bv .ekS j<lajdf.k bkakjd' wfma rf bv iqoaoka .kakjdg wms reoaOhs'

tx.,ka;fha fyda Tiaf%,shdf fyda weuldf fyda mr iqoaokag wmg udkj whs;sjdisl W.kajkak whs;shla keye' Tjqkag;a lsh,d h yels" Tjqkag;a jvd fY%aIaG ixialD;shla wmg ;sfnkjd' fmdf<df isk i;=kag ydksf hehs lshd WKqj;=r llaj;a uyfmdf<djg is fkdlrmq cd;shla wms'
foaYmd,{hskag rg Ndr,d w; msiodf.k wms bkafk keye' idmQj, wlalr 5000l bvula bkahdjg fokak ie,iqula ;snqKd' fuh kau wkak neye' fudlo wms cd;Hka;r jYfhka fndfydau wudrejl bkak fj,djla' bkahdj wmg tfrys wdl%uKfha bkakjd' Tjqka wmg Wo lrkak tkjd fkdfjhs' f rf fndfyda foaYmd,k mCIj,g bkahdj i,a,s fokjd' bkah frda yd wefuldkq iS'whs'ta' hk ryia T;a;= fiajd f jk g rg ;=< l%shd;aul jk nj meye,sj lsj yelshs' yd yryd uqia,s T;a;= fiajd;a we;s' bkahdj yd kh w;r wdl hqoaOfha khg tfrysj wefuldj" bkahdj;a iu bkakjd' wmg l<HdK ;% yg fndfyda g wfmaCIdfjka f;drj Wojq lf<a reishdj jeks rgla muKhs' kh wmg wjxlju Wo lf<a keye' ta wh jdKscuh wdl,am u; hkafka' ol=Kq wdishdj f.orla k tys je uy,a ifydaorhd bkahdj' ta whg hq;=lula ;sfhkjd wmj wdrCIdlrkak' bkahdj wdl%uKhla fkdfjhs l< hq;af;a" mSvkhla fkdfjhs ,nd h hq;af;a' bkahdj wmj wdrCId l< hq;=hs' uu;a bkahdjg .re lrkjd' f rf lkak mqjka w, j. 52 la yefok rgla' wo fudlj;a keye' uq cd;shu f.k,a,d kj;aj,d ;sfhkafka uelafvdk,a yd flat*aiS biairyd' lkafka taflka' fndkafka fldldflda , d' f ks i d l= v d orejka ia:q,Ndjhg m;afj,d' f wdl wdl%uKfha m%;sM,hla' ] uyskao rdcmCI ckm;s rg fufyhjk wdldrh .ek tlo@ iuyrla tajdg tl keye' tk rf wdlh g jvd l<ukdlrKh l< hq;=hs' wms ;=jlal= wrka ysgmq wh' ka th me;a;lg od,d W,a, w;g f.k uyfmd<j iu yemams,d wmg wjYH wdydr wmu ksmojd .; hq;=hs' th fkdlrk;dla wmg ne, fufyjr lrkak fjkjd' wo mdka ms keje;a;=jfyd;a wms bjrhs' cd;sl wdlh Yla;su;a lrkak f wdKavqj g jvd l%shd l< hq;=hs' uu, mgka .;af;a hqoaOh wjika jQ miq wms f.d;ekg hdhq;= nj fmkajkak' udihlg uu me, mylaj;a bkaokjd' wjqre ;sia .Kkla hqoaOfldg kd.;a rgla' uyskao ckm;sg rg .ek lelal=ula ;sfnkjd' kuq;a Tyqg wjYH m fyd| lKavdhula ,enqfKa keye' fuh rf hqKqjg" rg k.d isgqjkak ndOdjla'

] ckm;s;=udf.a ifydaorhka" {d;Ska O lafIa;% ;ukaf.a md,khg k;= lrf.k isk njg fndfyda fokd l:d lrkjd' f .ek hula lsjfyd;a@ jevlrkjdk ljqre l=uk wxYh ;uka hg;g .;a;;a lula keye' yenehs jev lrkak k' uu wdrCIl f,al f.daGdNh rdcmCI uy;dg y leu;shs' ta Tyq jev lrk ksid' f.daGdNh uy;d yhg rKisxy fm%auodi ysgmq ckdm;s jf.hs' hula lrk flfkla' f fj,dj fjkfldg;a uy mdf fudkj y jHdmD;shla mCId lrkjd we;s' gq .euqKq rc;=ud hqoaO lroa ;siai j.d l<d' ta rgg wjYH wdydr fokak' t,af,kak je,a ke;s foaYmd,{fhda n,kafka ljqre y ,jd fmd,af,ka .iaijd f. lvd .kakhs' ] ckdm;s;=uka ykd.; hq;= wNsfhda. fudkjdo@ ckm;s;=uka rg yokak yqla uykaisfjkjd' kuq;a y lKavdhula ,enqfKa ke;s ksid t;=ud yhg la fjkjd' kEu kdhlfhl=g fyd| lKavdhula wjYHhhs' nq yduqrejkag;a fyd| lKavdh yshdfka' fndfyda ixf yeS ;sfhk kdhlfhla j;auka ckm;s' t;=udg lKavdhula bkakjo lshk tl uuj;a okafka keye' ish l=uka;%K

nekmq wh' ta wjia:df ckdm;s;=ud fjkqfjka wms ;uhs fmkS isfha' wlrKh inkaO .egf uu ta .ek fidhoa fjk fjk wh fl wiafia ysgmq yehs lafla' ujqug tfrys f jk ia j dka jyka f ia , d lKa v dhula ys hd" k ks < s f hda lKa v dhula ys hd' udOHfka lKavdhula ishd' Yaj oHd, W.;=ka lshd .kakd lKavdhula yshd' Wka W.;=ka fkfjhs' ujqug tfrys jkakd fdaysfhla' Th jf.a ld,lkakSka yshd' y wudrefjka f.kdj rgla fl' ] uyskao rdcmCI ckdm;s;=udg tfrysj we;s n,f. fudkjdo@ cd;Hka;r n,f. ;sfnkjd' fou< vhia fmdardj cd;Hka;r jYfhka j l%shdlrkjd' wmsg th keyehs lshkak neye' ngysr rgj,a neye lshmq hqoaOhla wms kd .;af;a" f ksid' wfma rg .ek Tjqkag ,ecdjla ;sfnkjd' ta ;uhs f ;ry' yefudau lsf hqoaOh kkak neye m,hka iulg" rg fnomka' fuhg tfrysj wms f,a yejd' l yejd" tfia fldg wfma rg wms kd .;a;d' ta ksid wms talSh rgla f,i bkakjd' talSh rg leu i|yd wo l=uka;%K hkjd' rf m%Odk uuia:dkj, wjq,a we;s lrkafka ta ksihs' rchg rg .ek ys;,d meye,s nr .ukla hkakg fmr fjk m%Yak tjkjd' rf ck;dj" rf wdlh Yla;su;a lrkak lghq;= lrkak k' rf kdhl;ajhg ish,a,u l< fkdyelshs' ck;dj;a m;Hd. l< hq;=hs' uq,ska lsjd jf.a nyq;r ck;dj fndau ldrfhdahs' fojekak Wka fldka;%d;aldrfhdahs' ta lshkafka hqoaOh Ndr kakd yuqodjg" iduh Ndr kakd fkdafg' ksjka olajk tl ix>r;akhg" tfyufka Wka ysfha' mkai,lg hkafka keye" nKla wykafka keye' u,la mQcd lrkafka keye' ljqre y uereK.uka mkia kula b,a,kjd wdodykhg' ;ukaf.a <uhd krla jqj;a th Ndr.kafka keye' th;a msg ldgy Ndr fokjd'


jevlrkjdk ljqre l=uk wxYh ;uka hg;g .;a;;a lula keye' yenehs jev lrkak k' uu wdrCIl f,al f.daGdNh rdcmCI uy;dg y leu;shs' ta Tyq jev lrk ksid' f.daGdNh uy;d yhg rKisxy fm%auodi ysgmq ckdm;s jf.hs' hula lrk flfkla'
mrdch lsu i|yd rf wdlh Yla;su;a h hq;=hs'

wud ;d;a;d fjfyfikafka jg udkisl ma,jhla ck;dj w;r mq;dg wjYH wdNrK foam, ,ndfokakhs' ;ju we;sjQfha keye' tfia lrkakg rgg nyq;r wudjre ;d;a;djre mq;dg jg rgla wdorh lrk cd;sl ;,fha Woh W;aidy l< fokak ys;kafka keye' mpia oyhla fkdf' hq;=hs' ksoyi ,enqK;a" udkisl ma,jhla mjq fofla ud,hla fkdf' uu uf.a orejg jqfKa keye' ta ksihs fldiaf.h rg fldia" rgla fokjd lsh,d ys;kafka keye' fo,a f.h rg fo,a" n,a,d rg n,a,d ;ju;a rg lshk ixl,amh biairyg odf.k hkafka' ka;k ma,jh rgg wjYHhhs' bkahdj th lr .;a;d' fydka fyda krls k a fyda hqoaOh ch.%yKh i|yd ka;kuh ma,jhla l%shd;aul uyskao rdcmCI ckm;s;=ud l< hq;=hs' ;ka l%shd l< hq;=hs' tfia fkdjqkfyd;a ksiaiq wmsj foaYmd,k kdhl;ajhla kakd' tfia fkdjkak mdjvhla f,i md lrkjd' rch mj;ajdf.k hkafka tcdm we;= O fldgia wrf.khs' f ksid ckm;sg ;uka g wjYHu m iuyr wjia:dj, ;SrK .kak neye' tcdmfhka wdKavqj me;a; tl;=jQ je msila ysfha fnjdohg mCIj' ta wh ta ojia j , ckdm;s ; = u ka g m;= r ehka k

fuu hqoaOh ch.kak neye'


nlalshla' fl weoka hkjg;a .dKla h hq ; = h s ' fudkjo ksIamdokh lrkafka' fudkjo ;sfhkafka' nrm;, m%Yakhla jqj fyd;a uyskao ckm;sj wms ;ju;a wdrCId lrkjd' wmsg ;j kd.; hq;= foa ;sfnkjd' ] uyskao ckm;sf.ka ;jrg;a kd.;hq;= foa fudkjdo@ 21000 l is x y,hka j hdmkfhka tf<jd' ta tlaflfklaj;a ;ju mx lr .kak nejqKd' wj;ekajQ isxy,hka fjkqfjka idOdrKhla bgq l< hq;=hs' yeuodu rKavqfjkak neye' ldg;a tl jHjia:djla hgf;a" tl fldhla hgf;a" ,xld ud;djf.a orejka f,i j;au i|yd miqu ielish hq;=hs'

t,a'''B' ys wmrdO ug lshd kak uy;ajre tx.,ka;fh;a bkakjd'

ckm;s;=uka rg yokak yqla uykaisfjkjd' kuq;a y lKavdhula ,enqfKa ke;s ksid t;=ud yhg la fjkjd' kEu kdhlfhl=g fyd| lKavdhula wjYHhhs'
] cd;sl yd wka;cd;sl l%uka;%Kj,g uqyqK fokafka fldfyduo@ wms cd;shla yehg tl;= h hq;=hs' wms ld,dka;rhla ;siafia .gu igka l<d' ka wfmka fuu fldh ljqre y .kak k' B< ;reK mrmqr fuu igk w;g .kak k' uu wjqre y;<syla ;r la |,d bkafka' ug y;shs' wks;a whjf.a fkdfjhs" yhg odfka je<f keye' mdka lE,a,la j<|,d igka lf<a' ] uyskao ckm;s ldf.kao wdrCId h hq;af;a@ Tyq cd;Hka;rfhka wdrCId h hq;=hs' ujqu ms<sn|" cd;sh ms<sn|" wd.u ms<sn|" ixialD;sh ms<sn| wd m%;sm;a;s u; ckm;s uyskao kdhl;ajhg wd wfhla' ta ksid rgg fyda cd;shg fyda fyda ixialD;shg fyda reoaOjk lsis fohla Tyqg lrkak neye' lrkak fokafk;a keye' Tyq yefudagu i,lkjd' yenehs wmg;a wfma whs;sh k lshk u;fha bkafka' W;=frka t<jmq isxy,hkaj kej; mx l< hq;=hs' fou< whg muKla iqfYaIS m%Yak ,xldf keye' Tlafldgu tlu cd;sfha m%Yak ;sfnkafka' Tlafldgu jk hou n,mdkjd' wOHdmdk m%Yak ;sfnkjd' fi!LH m%Yak ;sfnkjd' /ls rCId m%Yak ;sfnkjd' ksjdi m%Yak ;sfnkjd' wms lh tl;=fj,d rg youq' wms tl;=fjkjd k foaYmd,{hka wfma f.da,hka njg m;a lr .; yelshs' wfma ksfhda. u; foaYmd,{hkaj hjkak yokak mqjka' fn bkak;dla wms f yghs bkak fjkafka' isxy, fou< uqia,s ish fokdu tlg tl;= h hq;=hs' uu Bg tl wfhla' ug f rg yokak k' orejkag f rg fokak k' hqoaOh bjr fjkl uu ysfha wuq;= yg' tl wudf.a orejka f,i ys;,d rg hqKq lr.kak k' mdlsia:dkh ue .y,d kaku Wkag is,a .ykjd k" wfma ue tl merkdu yQ lshkjdk" tajd Tgq keye' tal ;uhs ke;s h hq;af;a' f rf ck;dj fldpr lsj;a ckdm;s;=udj wdrCId lrkjd' uu;a Tyqj wdrCId lrkjd' Tyq ke;s jqfKd;a ljqo f rg lrkafka' f rg l=Kq

] uyskao rdcmCI ckm;sg fok mKsjqvh l=ulao@ wms foaYmd,kfhka fyn;a fj,d bkafka' yeuodu Pkao' tlla bjrfjk fldg ;j tlla' l< hq;af;a rf ksiaiqkag yhsh y;a;sh ,d ke.s ka k yo,d fok tl" wdlh f.dvk.k tl' wdlh Yla;su;a fkdlr fudlj;a lrkak neye' wms klrKh h hq;=hs' kuq;a ngysrlrKh fkdh hq;=hs' wms ngysrlrKh u ksihs m%Yak' ka ixpdrl jHdmdrfhka rg jkak yokafka' uu Bg tl keye' ngysr l=uka;%K n,f. j,ska foaYsl ixpdrlhka y;r fofkl=g msys myrj,a wekafkd;a ixpdrl jHdmdrh bjrhs' wms lDIs ldl rgla' wms msgrgg;a yd,a mq cd;shla' lDIs luh fmrgq lr.;a wdlhg hkak k' ] rg fjkqfjka wfma foaY ;dkdm;s ldhd,j,ska" uy flduidia ldhd, j,ska h ldhNdrhla fjkjdo@ wfma foaY ;dkdm;s fiajh kaf ;sfhkafka' tajdfha bkak tll=gj;a rg .ek lelal=ula keye' Wka lrkafka ta .sys,a,d ynlrk tlhs' orejkag W.kajk tlhs' ,xldjg tkfldg f.akak nvq tl;= lrk tlhs' Th foaY m%;sm;a;sh fkdfjhsfka' fudkjo f rg fjkqfjka foaY ;dkdm;s fiajhg .syska lrkafka' tx.,ka;h .;af;d;a yeuodu rKavqfka' ln,a .eyeKq tl;= fjkjd' uy flduidia ldhd,h iu. f.orl mdhla odkjd' tl tl foaY weu;shd tfya .shdu iem ld od,d ;sfhkjd' f jf.a f.dx jev lr,d ;sfhkafka' f yeu fohlau uu okakjd' ] rgg ck;djg fYa I fhka hula lshkjk@ f rgg uu mK jf.a wdorh lrk wfhla' ka jqK;a hula f rf jqjfyd;a ish,a,gu fmr mkskafka uu' wms jhig hkjd' f fldh B< mrmqr .; hq;=hs' f.or yshg ch.%yK ,nkak neye' wms igka l< ksihs f yefudau ksoyfia bkafka' uf.ka m%Yak l<d yduqrejkag whs;so hqoaOh lrjkak lsh,d' uu lsjd T ug whs;shs lsh,d' ug ksjka olskak;a k ke;s nj lsjd' ug rg ke;sfjkjdk ksjka olskak k keye' uu tfyu;a lsjd' ta;rugu uu ujqug wdorh lrkjd' isxy," fou<" uqia,s fnkd we;s' wmj fno,d foaY rgj,a Wkaf.a wNsu;d:h bIag lr.kak yokafka' wms ish fokdu tlg tl;= tl fldhla hgf;a lghq;= lsug ka ld,h Wodfj,d ;sfnkjd' rg f.dv.ka k ish fokdu tlg tl;= tl wudf.a orejka f,i ish hq;=hs'

] W;=re kef.kysr fou< whf.a ujqu lshd .kakd ksid tfia is x y,hka j tf<jd h fkdyelso@ wehs W;=re kef.kysr ;rla ujqu lshkafka' uq rgu ujqu lshkakflda' wms talg reoaO keye' l ;uhs ;sfhk mr.;sh' W! lshkak k uq rgu wfma lsh,d' Wka ;%sl=Kdu, lfhg .sks ;snd' Tmamq Tlafldu mspqjd' wehs fou lshkafka W;=r

fou< whg muKla iqfYaIS m%Yak ,xldf keye' Tlafldgu tlu cd;sfha m%Yak ;sfnkafka' Tlafldgu jk hou n,mdkjd' wOHdmdk m%Yak ;sfnkjd' fi!LH m%Yak ;sfnkjd' /ls rCId m%Yak ;sfnkjd' ksjdi m%Yak ;sfnkjd' wms lh tl;=fj,d rg youq'
wfma lsh,d' wms lshkjdo W;=r wmg keye lsh,d' W;=re kef.kysr taldnoaO lsu ke;s lrkak lsh,d' Wid .sfha uuhs' tal ke;s l<d' ug fou< hyfjda bkakjd Tlafldagu jeh' ta wh lshkjd uq;=ka ;af;da tfya md,kh l<d lsh,d' tfyk f rf uqyq nv m%foaY md,kh l<d ,kais' Wkag whs;shs uqyqnv m<d;a' wfma rgg whs;slrfhda fidhd .kak k' tal ;uhs wfma rf ksiaiq fndax ldrfhda lsh,d lshkafka' isxy," fou< uqia,s wms ljqre;a tl;=fjkak k' wms hqoaO l<d" .y.;a;d we;s' hqoaOhg uu uq,ajQ wfhla nj uq f,dalhu okajd' ug tfrysj iqoafoda yhg fmd;am;a ,sh,d ;sfhkjd' wo;a wms lrorhla lrkjo fou< whg' fruq;a;= lsh,d hdmkfha fn!oaO fou< wfhla yshd' uu ksid thd wdf' ojila thd ug rl:kfhka l:d lr,d lsjd' iajdKS uf.a jf.a mq;dg l%sl welvhg od,d fokak lsh,d uu lsjd y od,d fokak lsh,d' uu tal lr,d kakd'

idlPd lf<a( iuka; u,a,jwdr

PhdrEm( t'' iqukis inkalrKh( m%Nd;a fj;a;uqKs

ive new industrial zones and several tourism zones are to be established in the North shortly. The industrial zones are to be set up in Jaffna, Vavuniya, Kilinochchi, Mannar and Mullaitivu districts. Mandativu, Karativu and Kayts islands have been earmarked to establish the tourism zones. The government believes that the setting up of industrial and tourism zones will support unprecedented employment generation in the formerly war-ravaged north. Authorities expect the new industries will generate at least 50,000 direct and 20,000 indirect employment opportunities. With several mega development projects now in the pipeline for the North, the province will transform as an economic nerve centre of the country before long, Governor Maj. Gen. G.A. Chandrasiri said with optimism. Government's development programs from 2009 until end of 2012, on the resettlement, rehabilitation and livelihood of the large number of displaced people and the programs now under way

for the overall development of the province, he said that the Government is spending a bulk of the funds obtained from the ADB, WB and other international monetary organisations for the development of the North aimed at the socio-economic uplift of the people and their empowerment. For 25 long years the LTTE terrorists and their stooges had instilled a communally-based anti-government sentiment in the minds of the Tamils to keep them in their grip with ulterior motives. With the major development work that the Government is doing in the


Maj. Gen. G.A. Chandrasiri Gradually, their thinking pattern will change and within the next five years they will change completely to work hand in hand with the government, a confident Governor said. Entrepreneurs from many countries are visiting the province to explore its investment potential. One entrepreneur has decided to develop the island sector as a tourist destination under a mega project which will offer direct employment opportunities to 25,000 and indirectly, to many more. He will develop the Kayts, Mandativu and Karativu offshore islands with golf courses, big tourist hotels and facilities for the passenger ships to come direct to the tourist sites. Northern Province will have an international standard harbour and ships will come direct, contributing to the economy of the province. Until the beginning of this year, the government focused mainly on the resettlement, rehabilitation and livelihood programs for the displaced people. Since the resettlement is now completely over, the government is now focusing on major development projects encompassing all areas and all potential. Food processing industries, crab processing for export, asbestos sheet industries and many more have already been started and many more are in the pipeline. In the agricultural sector, cooperative societies of the farmers are working closely with similar societies of the South, mutually marketing agricultural products. In the educational sector too, the Northern Province has done extremely well. According to information, the North has performed much better in A/L exams compared to last year. All schools have been opened other than the schools where there are no children to attend or where de-mining is in progress. Where there are no schools in close proximity for the students to attend, the provincial administration constructs a temporary school premises spending in the tune of Rs. 500,000 to be developed gradually, the Governor said. Pl. see page 10

Industrial and tourism zones coming in North

province, the people are beginning to realise that they have been hoodwinked. and committed towards the development of the terrorism-ravaged Northern Province. If everybody worked with dedication and commitment under President Rajapaksa's directions, seeing the province as an economic nerve centre with major changes everywhere will not be far away, the Governor said. The process of starting vast rice mills, in Mannar and other places, is under way. While being a blessing to the paddy farmers they will also offer employment opportunities to a large number, the Governor said. Under the vision of the newly appointed Sugar Industries Minister Lakshman Seneviratne, sugar factories will be started initially in Vavuniya and Kilinochchi, to be expanded to other districts later on. The provincial administration will fully support and coordinate on the project. Sugarcane will be grown on a 2,000 hectare land (10,000 acres) and at least 20,000 persons will get employment opportunities directly and indirectly. Individuals will also be encouraged to grow sugarcane. All planning for the project will be completed within the next two months. The first phase of the Kankasanthurai harbour development project is already completed and the second phase has started. With the completion of the third phase, the

Birds Sanctuary
The Mandativu offshore island which has one of the best bird sanctuaries in the region will also be developed to form part of the tourist attractions, the Governor said, "It is a mega project to be completed at a gradual pace in 10 years." The Government is already working on partnership projects with the private sector - with local companies and overseas investors. In five years there will be a big change and the province will generate its own funds. The people's economic status and standard of living will improve considerably. There will be five industrial zones, each 25 acres or more in extent. The Achchuvely Industrial Zone is already nearing completion and has many industrial complexes. These will ultimately be entrusted to the people, through their organisations, Governor Chandrasiri said. President Mahinda Rajapaksa and Minister Basil Rajapaksa is in-charge of the Presidential Task Force as far as the Northern Developments, are concerned


Contd. from page 09

Central government
The PC got Rs. 1,200 million last year for development work from the central government and a similar amount this year as well. This amount is spent to the last cent on development work which include construction of buildings, reservoirs, irrigation canals and other important development-related work. The Secretary, Directors and all officials are expected to work according to the government's existing rules and regulations and also the policy of the government. If anyone is found deviating I take immediate action to remove them, he said. The money

jir 27la mqrd .%dh ck;djf.a uQ,H wjYH;d fjkqfjka lemjqKd

rch iska l%shd;aul lrk ixjOk l%shdj,shg odhl fjka iuia; ck.ykfhka 70] muK fjfik .%dh ck;djf.a uQ,H wjYH;djka jir 27 la mqrd iemsre m%uqL;u rcfha ixjOk nexl=j ;uka jk nj m%dfoaYSh ixjOk nexl=f idudkHdld yd m%Odk Odhl ks,Od wd' isjOk uy;d mjihs' ishhg ishhla rchg wh;a nexl=jla f,i ,xldf f;jeks Yd,;u uQ,H wdh;kh m%dfoaYSh ixjOk nexl=j nj mjik wd' isjOk uy;d fufia o i|yka lrhs' wmf.a nexl=j 1985 isg ia;%sla ugkq;a" 1987 isg m<d;a ugkq;a" 2010 isg cd;sl ugfukq;a l%shd;aul fjkjd' ,laI 48 l mdfNda.slhka msila 3000 l fiajl n, weKshla iu. YdLd 262 la rg mqrd l%shd;aulhs' m<d;a ldhd, 7 la iu. ia;%sla ldhd, 15 la o wm i;=hs' wjOdkulg uqyqK fok lDIsldl" jr" l=vd yd uOHu m%udKfha ludka; yd ldka;djka is lrk wdodh bmhSf l%shdldrl j, hqKqj i|yd wm lem lghq;= lrkjd' mam;a .ehka l=vd lKavdh f,i talrdYSfldg Tjqkg wjYH kqu ,ndfoka wdodh bmhSf ud. wdrN lsug bv m%ia:d ,nd fokjd' .%dhj fjfik mam;a ck;dj ys;kjd ;ksfhka Tjqkg hula l< fkdyels nj" Bg fya;=j jHdmdrhla wdrN lsug m%udKj;a m%d.aOkhla fkdue;s njhs' kuq;a Tjqka l=vd lKavdhula f,i talrdYS lsu u.ska Yd, Yla;shla tlg tl;= fjkjd' Tjqka ksudKYS,S ck;djla' h whl= Tjqkg Wojq lrk g ;ukagu wdfKsl jQ wdodh bmhSf ud. wdrN

wd' isjOk

idudkHdld yd m%Odk Odhl ks,Od m%dfoaYSh ixjOk nexl=j

lsug Tjqkg yels fjkjd' wfma ixl,amh fujeks ;eka ykdf.k Tjqkg ke.S iskakg iDcqju Wo lsuhs' rg mqrd uQ,H wdh;k 3970 la ;sfnkjd' tys 1800 la muK wd' isjOk uy;d niakdysr m<d; ;=,hs ;sfnkafka' wl ck.ykh;a" jHdmdl wjldYhka nyq, u ksid;a fuf,i Yd, YdLd m%udKhla niakdysr m<d; ;=< ia:dms; fldg ;sfnkjd' m%dfoaYSh ixjOk nexl=jla f,i iuia; YdLd 262 ka fld<U we;af;a YdLd 4 la muKhs' wfkl=;a ish YdLd wE; m<d;aj, ;sfnkafka' f wkaokq;a wms .%dh ck;djg msysg ug l%shd lrka bkafka' wfma wruqK mam;a .%dh ck;djg ;ukaf.a iajW;aidyfhka is lrk wdodh bmhSf ud. je hqKq lsug uQ,H wdOdr uhs' remsh,a oi ,laI 50 tla wfhl=g fokjg jvd remsh,a ,laIh ne.ska 50 fofkl=g u u.ska je msilg wdOdr lsuhs wmf.a ie,iqu' fuhska .%dh ck;djf.a wdl iudc ;;a;ajh k.d isgqjka th ;jrg;a je hqKq lsu wmf.a wgkhs' .sh jif Kh f,i remsh,a ,shk 58 ;su wmf.a lemu ;jrg;a fmkakq lrkjd'

flowing from the different ministries for development work is unprecedented and huge, he said. The Northern Province is going through the development process on a level unequalled in any other province. The fisheries sector too has been developed on an unprecedented scale. In terms of productivity in the paddy sector, the Northern Province had recorded the highest yield in the country in 2011 and 2012. Agriculture, including fisheries and animal husbandry, which is the mainstay of the economy has shown positive growth after 2009. The growth rate has now reached slight positive phenomena, recording a per capita income of Rs. 200,000 in 2011 as against Rs. 159,000 in 2010. Thus, the agricultural sector contributed 24.2 percentage of GDP composition to the provincial economy in 2011. Huge amounts have been spent on infrastructure development, construction of roads in the new settlement areas. Rs. 1,530Mn has been invested for the rehabilitation of 785.42 km of provincial roads under Government funds for the period 2009 - 2012. Under the Ministry of Economic Development (Northern Roads Connectivity Project) 141 km of provincial roads in Vavuniya and Mannar districts have been reconstructed at a cost of Rs. 2,759Mn. Under the same Ministry's Provincial Roads Project (PRP) 74.26 km of provincial roads in Vavuniya and Mannar districts have been reconstructed at a cost of Rs. 2,310Mn. The same Ministry spent Rs. 4,378Mn under the Conflict Affected Region Emergency Project (CARE) for the reconstruction of 75 km of Municipal and Urban Council roads at a cost of Rs. 4,378Mn.

foam, wemfha fkd;nd f.dkag Kh fok m%dfoaYSh ixjOk nexl=j

f.dka i;= lsis foam,la nexl=j ika;lfha wemhg ;nd fkdf.k f.dka yg Kh fok ,xldf m% O dk;u uQ , H wdh;kh m%dfoaYSh ixjOk nexl=j nj;a tfia ,ndka Kfhka 98] kej;;a lsis .egjlska f;drj wh lr .ekSug yels jQ nj;a m%dfoaYSh ixjOk nexl=f iyldr idudkHdld ^wf,& ir;a iS' m%kdka uy;d ,xldf irdjg mejiSh' ;jrg;a woyia lajQ iyldr iudkHdldjrhd" fndfyda uQ , H iud. Kh ,ndka miq B<g Wkka jkafka tu Kh h<s whlr.ekSu ms<sn|jhs' kuq;a tlS im%odhka blaujd hka wms lghq;= lrkjd' WodyrKhla f,i wmf.a Kh ,nd.;a f.dkag w;sla; ksIamdokhla" ;u ksIamdokhka lsKSug fjf<| fmd<la fyda

ir;a iS' m%kdka

iyldr idudkHdld ^wf,& m%dfoaYSh ixjOk nexl=j

fkd;snQKfyd;a m%Odk fmf<a jHdmdl iud.ula yd idlPdfldg tlS ksIamdok wf, lssu i|yd;a odhl fjkjd' miq.shod wkqrdOmqrfha we;sjQ c, .e,Sj,ska ydks jQ lDIs ludka;h k.d isgqug iDcqju mshjr .;a;d' f.d;ekg remsh,a ,shk 250la o fidahd j.djg remsh,a ,shk 150la o Kh jYfhka ,nd iajNdl jHikfhka ke.S iskakg;a" h<s;a fyd| ;;ajhlg , mj;ajd .ekSug;a Wmld jqKd' ck;dj fidhd f.dia Wojq fldg Tjqka k.d isgqug iDcqju odhlu wfma fYaI;ajhhs' ilia lf<a( ks u,a,jwdr inkalrKh( m%Nd;a fj;a;uqKs

Sri Lanka to get over 2Bn US$ Foreign Investments this year
It has been targeted to get more than 2 Billion U.S Dollar foreign investments to Sri Lanka this year and to remove all obstacles that could hinder foreign investments. This was stated by the Minister of Investment Promotion Lakshman Yapa Abeywardene addressing the media after assuming duties at his new Ministry. The Minister said that more attention would be focused this year to get

The Minister said that at investments in four sectors and outlined that these sectors as tourism, education, present there were several thousand industrial development and the service vacancies in the Free Trade and Industrial Zones and steps would sectors. also be taken to revive and develop The Minister said that since the manufacturing units in the Zones. President Mahinda Rajapaksa became the He said that there were 12 Industrial President of this country infrastructure Zones and 8 Free Trade Zones in the facilities have been developed in all country and another Free Trade Zone sectors, and we have the necessary would be established in Suriyawewa e x p r e ssw a y s a n d h i g h w a y s, t w o in Hambantota. harbours, two air ports and all other He further said that he has facilities required by the foreign investors. rendered his maximum possible service in Minister Yapa explaining further whatever the portfolios handed over to about his future plans said that so far we him in the past and assured that he would have not tapped investment for the dedicate himself to render his maximum education sector and 12,000 students go service in the new Ministry to safeguard out of Sri Lanka annually for education in the trust reposed in him by President overseas countries and this drains over Mahinda Rajapaksa, and also thanked 400 Million U.S Dollars from the country. Minister Basil Rajapaksa for the assistance He said that steps would be taken to and encouragement given to him under his attract foreign investment in the education previous portfolio as the Deputy Minister sector and make the students to pursue of Economic Development. He also their education in foreign Universities and thanked the Secretary to the President Educational Institutions in Sri Lanka itself Lalith Weeratunge and the Chief of the and also curtail the foreign exchange presidential staff Gamini Senarath for outflow. He said that 95% of Pakistani obliging his request and providing M.M.C. students applying for studies in Britain is Ferdinando, who is a very talented and rejected by the British authorities and if we experienced person, as the Secretary of his create the necessary educational Ministry. The Minister also said that he was infrastructure available in the country a also fortunate to have an able President's major portion of these students could be Council Faisar Mustapha as his deputy minister. attracted to the country. By: L. Bivakara


People's knowledge on development initiatives in Sri Lanka

Prof. Ajantha Hapuarachchi
Coordinator, Journalism Unit, The University of Colombo

accordingly. The policy makers of the country can have an overall idea on this research. The awareness of public on the development programs in Sri Lanka is in high standard . Study was designed to carry out as a survey in order to find out the level of awareness and different views of public about major development initiatives. It targeted two types of informants; 1) the ordinary public and 2) divisional or grassroots level government officers. After the political independence in 1948, Sri Lanka has adapted many development efforts, primarily considering paddy farming as the base of rural economy. According to this development policy, import substitution with some export promotion under the state regulations with strong control has been tried out until the open market economy in 1977. Apparently this divides the development efforts into two categories; programs & policies introduced before the open economy and after the economy. Before

open economy, policy frameworks were setup & programmes were launched to achieve self-sufficiency in food, mainly the rice. With the advent of open economy rural sector was more neglected as evident by closure of the primary producers so creating unemployment in the rural sector more than before. Sri Lanka has emerged from decades-long civil war, and is now enjoying an economic revival. And also have started several development projects. Among them Colombo-Katunayake Expressway, Tourist hotels in Eastern province, 556 Gama Naguma development, Fly overs and road development, Jaffna fort development project, Development in Vanni, International airport for Kilinochchci, COB bay fisheries harbor project, Oluvil Port Development project are some of them. The awareness of public on the development programs in Sri Lanka is in high standard . Study was designed to Pl. see page 13

It is believed that the Sri Lanka is still a developing country, but some instances it is not a developing country, is regarded not as a developing country as some indications are better than any developing country. To prove it the Journalism Unit in the University Colombo has done several researches regarding development of the country under several disciplines. The research could can be described

Contd. from page 11 carry out as a survey in order to find out the level of awareness and different views of public about major development initiatives. It targeted two types of informants; 1) the ordinary public and 2) divisional or grassroots level government officers. A Random sample method was used to conduct the survey.


The Lotus Tower to be built soon The Mattala International Airport to be opened on March 18
negative opinion cluster. Public views that present culture of sub-contracting leads to corruption. All age groups admit that present development initiatives are successful and useful. However, by and large, senior citizens' tendency to hold a negative opinion is relatively high. Majority of the public with higher education (GCE AL, Graduates or above) hold either negative or moderate opinion about present development initiatives. A greater portion of uneducated or those who passed grade 8, think development initiatives are successful than that of the other opinion clusters. Females are relatively satisfied about present development initiatives. Even though the percentage of male has exceeded female in terms of positive opinion, males are seen relatively discontented about the same. Representation of those who employed in the private sector, wage laborers and unemployed people is relatively higher in the positive opinion stream than the other two streams. Majority of government servants also hold a negative opinion about present development initiatives. Most of the executives are either dissatisfied or hold a moderate view about development initiatives. Rural people are relatively satisfied about the present development initiatives at the national level as well as local level than those from urban setups and peri-urban areas.

recommendations that could be drawn at the end of this simple survey, but not limited to these. 01. In terms of raising awareness, strategies should be identified to convey development information to public than the present level of superficial awareness creation of basic information. In addition to the common strategies such as media, signboards etc, leaflets, community meetings are some of the channels that can be widely utilized. 02. Public reliance on village headman as a reliable information source is relatively high in rural contexts. Therefore village headmen are potential to be used as opinion leaders to transfer information. Their offices are also suitable places to visualize further information in the form of booklets, broachers etc. 03. Contribution of other government officers active in grassroots level, namely Samurdhi officers and Agriculture Production and Research Assistants, in the process of raising development awareness should be increased 04. I n v o l v e m e n t o f p o l i t i c a l representatives in conveyance of development information should be increased. 05. A greater majority of the public holds constructive opinion about present development initiatives, without positioning themselves in either in the positive or negative group. Therefore in addition to on-way awareness process, a series of constructive dialogues on development could be forged by using both electronic and print media as well as other strategies like community meetings. Starting from some of the observations of this survey, in depth field researches are essential to validate why some are satisfied while others are dissatisfied. Further, some form of media study should be adapted to analyze development messages as well as lessons learnt from time to time. Some of the contradictory relationships identified in the survey should be further investigated.

Representation of districts in the survey District No Response Colombo Anuradhapura Matale Ratnapura Kegalle Kurunegala Puttalam Kalutara Gampaha Matara Galle Hambantota Moneragala Badulla Total Number of Questionnaires 25 44 21 3 74 19 61 5 68 69 17 42 21 11 13 493 % 5.1 8.9 4.3 0.6 15 3.9 12.4 1 13.8 14 3.4 8.5 4.3 2.2 2.6 100

The main development initiatives Development Initiative Gama Neguma Maga Neguma Samurdhi Programme High Ways Development Ports Development Gemidiriya Agricultural Development Electricity Development Uthuru Wasanthaya Other (17 initiatives) Total % 26.2 19.9 10.8 8.5 7.1 5.9 3.2 2.8 2.4 13.2 100

Following objectives were set at the designing phase of this study. l To measure the degree of awareness among ordinary public about major development initiatives being rolled out in Sri Lanka.

l To scale the view of beneficiaries as well as government practitioners on the contemporary development initiatives . l To draw some recommendations that could be useful for practitioners, designers and policy makers in particular . Following are some of the main

As the strongest opinion 41% of the public views that the present development initiatives are successful and useful. 36.4% of the general public hold a negative opinion about present development initiatives. The idea of corruption is one of the dominating factors that underpin this


SAARC Secretariat observes Staff Day

Mr. Ahmed Saleem. Addressing the officials of the Secretariat on the Staff Day, the SecretaryGeneral said, The main purpose of this initiative is to honour the staff for their hard work and dedication and to create a conducive atmosphere in the Secretariat where everyone works harder than before with unwavering commitment and devotion. On the same occasion, in pursuance of the decision of the Forty-second Session of the Programming Committee, the SecretaryGeneral also declared Mr.BalkrishnaPariyar, Messenger, the best performer for the year 2012.To mark the Day, the Secretariat organized a table tennis tournament participated in by the Secretary-General, its Directors and officials. Mr. Kumar Shrestha and Mr.RatanSilwal won the final match against Mr.Tareque Muhammad and Mr.Madhusudan Lamichhane. The Secretariat comprises a SecretaryGeneral, eight Directors and regionally and locally recruited officials from Member States, namely, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

The SAARC Secretariat observed the Staff Day on 16 January 2013 to mark the day of its establishment.

This is the first time that the Secretariat observed the Day upon initiation by the incumbent Secretary-General of SAARC, H. E.

New SAARC Goodwill Ambassadors for HIV/AIDS selected

Pakistan to annihilate polio virus

Meeting of the Selection Committee to select new SAARC Goodwill Ambassadors for HIV/AIDS was held at the SAARC Secretariat. The Committee considered ten nominations received from the Member States based on criteria of regional stature and eminence; appeal to the target audience; relevance in delivery of message; likely commitment of the candidate and innovative ways that could be utilized in promoting advocacy and awareness in combating HIV/AIDS.

The Selection Committee decided to confer the honorary title of SAARC Goodwill Ambassadors to Ms.RunaLalia (Bangladesh), Shri Ajay Devgan (India) and Ms. SharmeenObaid-Chinoy (Pakistan).The Committee appreciated the nomination of highly qualified and competitive candidates forwarded by the Member States. The Committee appreciated the outstanding service of Ms.Shabana Azmi as SAARC Goodwill Ambassador during her term. Immunization counters to be set up at airports' departure lounges. to annihilate polio virus. The Cell has already asked the Sindh Government to improve its polio immunization efforts to stop transmission of the polio virus in the province on an emergency basis. The Prime Minister's Focal Person on Polio Eradication, Shahnaz Wazir Ali has said that importation of polio virus is a reminder of the risks associated with. The Pakistan government has planned to set up polio vaccination counters at airports to ensure children leaving the country are vaccinated against the polio virus. According to official sources, the step is taken as a preemptive measure to reduce the possibility of spread of the polio virus beyond Pakistan's borders. They said Prime Minister's Polio Monitoring and Coordination Cell has advised all provincial governments and federal administration to set up permanent polio vaccination counters inside international active polio virus transmission in the country, and stressed the need to make efforts to stop the transmission on an urgent basis in Pakistan. Pakistan has taken major strides in 2012 with a 71 percentage reduction in the number of polio cases with all but 28 districts free of Polio virus transmission. Polio virus type 3 has not been found in Pakistan since April 2012. ( APP)

"Our immigration system is broken"

- Barak Obama, U.S. President "Right now, there are 11 million people living in a shadow economy. There are Americans waiting in long lines to reunite with their families. There are employers who are exploiting the system by hiring undocumented workers, and that threatens the wages and working conditions of American workers. None of this is good for the economy, and it isn't fair for the middle class." So President Obama is determined to fix this broken system so that everyone plays by the same rules, and we wanted to make sure every me gets the details. Here's what he wants to do: First, continue to improve the security on borders; Second, crack down on the companies that hire undocumented workers; Third, provide undocumented immigrants the chance to earn their citizenship and hold them accountable by requiring that they learn English, pay taxes and a penalty, move to the back of the line, and pass background checks; and Fourth, streamline the legal immigration system for families, workers, and businesses. The good news is that lawmakers from both parties

have agreed with that basic set of principles, and a bipartisan group of Senators was already working on a bill that's consistent with President Obama's proposal. That's big! But the surest way to keep up the momentum is for people to show that they agree as well. A page has been put together to show people the latest information, read more details about President's plan, watch video of his speech about the need to fix. Broken American immigration system and add peoples names to show that they stand with the Precedent Obama.


The Story behind the fascinating green topography in East

Dawn of peace after 30years of long separatists' war in the Eastern part of Sri Lanka has brought new lights to the inhabitants in the area. Smiling faces of industrious farmers endeavouring to catch up with the lost opportunities in the dark era depict hope in their eyes for economic prosperity and social wellbeing in the country. The recent initiatives of Economic Development Ministry under the themes Negenahira Udanaya and Uthuru Wasanthaya and Ministry of Agriculture of their development programs seem community friendly and fruitful. The green farm lands of groundnut cultivation extensively decorating the topography of east is fascinating and surely true evidence of government's efforts that guarantee regional economic boom.

tanks with bloomed lotus, a bunch of wild elephants feasting in the Lahugala tank but also the developments taking place in the fast track. With no prejudice, citizens can place trust on the state head, His Excellency in achieving the status of The miracle of Asia based on what has been achieved to date.

with a smile was a sweet surprise to me and a great delight of the direct benefit of established peace in the country and locality realizing the importance of multi-language ability. Cheerful farmer explained that a Company called David Gram Stores has signed a forward sales contract to purchase peanut at a farm gate price of LKR 125/ per Kg and provide extensive services including financial assistance with very favourable terms and as a result now the farmers in every race in the East are cultivating groundnuts by and large. David Gram Company plays a pivotal role in obtaining cooperation from the Ministry of Economic Development and Agriculture, provides seeds and grants for the farmers. The Company has established a groundnut processing plant in Kanchirankuda where a sizable number of villagers are earning bread and butter by working in that factory Araseelankumar further added. After returning to Colombo I thought my journey was incomplete if I did not meet the management of David Gram Stores to express my appreciation for the excellent project they have launched in East and after a couple of days on appointment paid a visit to the Chairman of David Group of Companies at No: 10, Albion place, Colombo 09. Mr, David Robert, a pleasing personality with a salient dynamic entrepreneurleadership charisma welcomed me warmly and revealed a history of an industry established in 1960 by his late father Mr Gnanapragasam David, a legendary entrepreneur.

With no prejudice, citizens can place trust on the state head, His Excellency in achieving the status of The miracle of Asia based on what has been achieved to date.
My journey from Panama the last agriculture hamlet in the Far East coast belt to Vanni was a beautiful green experience and an endless charming panorama on either side of nicely carpeted highway with newly built bridges and other infrastructure with hardly any marks left from the devastation. Being a patriotic Sri Lankan I enjoyed very much not only in seeing the farm lands, dazzling peacock dances, topped up water


Though, I guess, I may be able to understand facts with body language a kind village farmer named Thurairasa Araseelankumar of Sellvapuram offered help Mahattaya kavada hoyanne? While passing Komari between Pottuvil and Akkaraipattu, I was too keen and inquisitive to have a closer look to understand the secret behind the green topography of East and dropped by an adjacent farm land. Though I guess I may be able to understand facts with body language a kind village farmer named, Thurairasa Araseelankumar of Sellvapuram offered help Mahattaya kavada hoyanne?


My brother, Arthur John and I after our loving father raised to heaven took over the business and vowed to build it up to highest level as a tribute to our farther.
My father, late Chairman ventured into this industry disposing his whole worth that resembled to a wrist watch and a gold ring steered the business with his unprecedented entreprenial skills, commitment and leadership that I treat as my sole academy drew the business up to industry leadership and directed us to strategic moves later sitting in the back seat. Exploring and identifying opportunities constantly is our culture at David Group of Companies. Mr Robert said proudly. My brother, Arthur John and I after our loving father raised to heaven took over the business and vowed to build it up to highest level as a tribute to our farther. According to Mr.Robert the size of the peanut market weighed over 5,000 metric tons and values to a sum exceeding 15 million US$. Aftermath of the prevailed conflicts His Excellency invited all leading importers and business enterprises to help build the country and ensured us extensive support was an encouraging turning point. MyBoard and I thereafter without hesitation engaged a team of experts providing necessary details and requested them to submit a feasibility report and recommendations to commence propagation of cultivation and commercial processing that save substantial amount of foreign exchange and provide employment opportunities in the country. The results and recommendation of the feasibility was very positive and we made significant investments on farmer community development, networking, farmer educational programs, financial and technical assistance, digital reporting systems,

IT infrastructure and machinery. It was a very challenging task in aligning with community as the prevailed war mentality has caused community attitude and self-confidence. However, my team and I were able to clear many challenges and achieve tangibly satisfactory results even though we have not been able to return to profits yet.

This has given us a greater opportunity to win the communities as a community friendly Company and proud to achieve the dignity of a valuable corporate citizen.
Now there are large numbers of farmers working on our project confidently from Panama up to Vishwamadu in the North which were not accessible for a long time and the community now has widely accepted our efforts in the area. We have not only got involved in agriculture and commercial activities our team is actively getting engaged in Corporate Social Responsibilities, sustainable developments, social and cultural aspects as well. This has given us a greater opportunity to win the communities as a community friendly Company and proud to achieve the dignity of a valuable corporate citizen. We are extremely pleased that the Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Agriculture, District Secretariats, Micro-finance division of Central Bank is working closely with our Company extending lot support and cooperation and have placed trust and confidence with us and on our efforts to accomplish an objective of achieving selfsufficiency in groundnut in Sri Lanka. David Gram Stores is the dominant

industry player in Sri Lanka and supplies a number of value added products through their retail network as well as the leading established retail channels. The Brand has been synonymous with peanut in Sri Lanka and maintains strong industry tie-ups across the country. The closer view of the business operation gives an overall impression that the model they operate is an ideal epitome for similar industries that intend commencing business in the East and North. Observing and understanding the secret behind the endless and fascinating green in the East I was convinced that each citizen in the country now has a great opportunity to be a part of the national success that can be collectively achieved. The giant transformation that is on the go no wonder shall lead all the Srilankans to inherit a prosperous tomorrow. I believe David Gram Stores has a unique Lankaway ( Sri Lankan) style in their achieved success and thus make this article materially valuable to publish in the Lankaway Magazine enabling them to explore and reach international markets as an effective media. I am very much enlightened and grateful for the information shared by Mr. David Robert with his generous business insights which no doubt will immensely benefit many readers that desire to enter entrepreneur fraternity.

Gamini Heraliyawala

Management Consultant FCPM,MCIM(UK),DipM(UK),CPM(AMF) DBFA(ICASL),MSLIM,AMBCS(UK) Chartered Marketer(UK)


Rs.7,458 Mn from Japanese Govt.

On the proposals made by H.E. the President, to construct a Water Supply Scheme to provide safe drinking water for the people living in Anuradhapura North area, with loan facilities amounting to Japanese Yen 5,166 million (approximately Rs.7,458 million) to be provided by the Government of Japan, was approved by the Cabinet. It is intended to cover Medawachchiya and Rambewa Divisional Secretariat divisions in the Anuradhapura District in the first instance, and to implement the design stage of the Wahalkada Water Supply Scheme. In Anuradhapura District, 85 percent of the population living in rural areas depend on the sources of unsafe ground water which contains high fluoride and hardness for their drinking and other requirements because of lack of enough water supply facility. It is intend to enter into a Loan agreement with the JICA for the above purpose.

Amendment to the Tertiary and Vocational Education Act

On the proposal made by Hon. Dullas Alahapperuma, Minister of Youth Affairs and Skills Development, to make necessary amendments to the Tertiary and Vocational Education Act were approved by the Cabinet. Many changes have taken place in the field of Tertiary and Vocational Education during the last two decades. TVEC as the regulatory body in the Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sector, these changes and developments have to be incorporated to the existing Tertiary and Vocational Education Act. Accordingly, the approval of the Cabinet of Ministers is sought to submit the Draft bill of Tertiary and Vocational Education Act No: 20 of 1990 to the Legal Draftsman.

Housing project for the Legal Officers

On the proposal made by Hon. Wimal Weerawansa, Minister of Construction, Engineering Services, Housing and Common Amenities, for the National Housing Development Authority to construct a storied building consisting of 55 Housing Units was approved by the Cabinet. Arrangements have been made for financial allocations for this housing project to be made totally by the recommended legal officers of the Association. It has been decided to offer a concession of 50% of the current value of the land in which the houses are proposed to be constructed for the members of the Legal Officers Association of the Attorney General's Department. The total cost is Rs. 1125 million.

Establishment of 25 University Colleges

The proposal made by Hon. Dullas Alahapperuma, Minister of Youth Affairs and Skills Development, to set up 20 University Colleges affiliated to the University of Vocational Technology (UNIVOTEC) by upgrading the existing Training Centres falling under the purview of the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Skills Development, utilizing 1600 million rupees allocated for the purpose in the 2013 Budget, and to establish a further number of 05 University Colleges in collaboration with the private sector, was approved by the Cabinet. The proposed University Colleges will be able to create alternate learning pathways up to the Degree level for school leavers, and thereby provide more employment opportunities.

Four Storied Building for the Buddhasravaka Bhikku University, Anuradhapura

The proposal made by Hon. S.B. Dissanayake, Minister of Higher Education, to construct a Four Storied Building for the Library of the Buddhasravaka Bhiicku University, Anuradhapura, at a total cost of Rs.363 million, to entrust the work after calling for limited quotations from reputed contractors and complete the construction work within 30 months, was approved by the Cabinet.
completed 21 days residential training and obtained National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) level 3 Certificate for "Domestic Housekeeping Assistant". Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Cyprus and other countries Minimum Age 21 years .Should have completed 30 days residential training and obtained National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) level 3 Certificate for "Domestic Housekeeping .

Proposal to Host the International Conference on "Better Air Quality (BAQ) 2014" in Sri Lanka
The above mentioned conference provides a platform for the meeting of a large number of air quality management experts in Asia to discuss on sustainable transport, energy, industry, clean fuels and vehicles, air quality, climate change etc. It is expected to attract more than 500 dignitaries, resource persons, observers and participants for this event. The proposal made by Hon. Anura PriyadarshanaYapa, Minister of Environment, to proceed with the work on finalzation of the above conference, was approved by the Cabinet.

T h e proposal made by Hon. Dilan Perera, Minister of Foreign Employment Promotion and Welfare for the following conditions to be imposed for female domestic workers seeking employment abroad in future, was approved by the Cabinet: Saudi Arabia,Minimum Age - 25 years, should have completed 21 days residential training and obtained National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) level 3 Certificate for "Domestic Housekeeping Assistant". Other 7 Middle East Countries Minimum Age -23years.Should have

Policy on sending Female Domestic Workers for employment abroad.

Roof for the Thiwanka Statue in Polonnaruwa

The proposal made by Hon. (Dr.) JagathBalasooriya, Minister of National Heritage to construct a permanent metal cover (roof) for the Programme to protection of the historical Thiwanka Statue Develop, at Polonnaruwa at a cost of Rs.54 million and secondary - primary to entrust the work to State Engineering schools network Corporation, was approved by the Cabinet.

Construction of Mahindodaya Technical Laboratories, the proposal made by Hon. Bandula Gunawardena, Minister of Education, to award the construction of Mahindodaya Technical Laboratories to 400 schools among the remaining schools where the said laboratories are expected to be constructed under Phase II of the thousand secondary schools programme, was approved by the Cabinet.

Sri Lankas Biggest Consumer Fair in Germany

Ceylon tea still the best in the world

John Rankin British High Commissioner
The British High Commissioner unveiled James Taylor Monument to honour the Father of Ceylon Tea cultivation to Sri Lanka, (Ceylon). In 1875, he sent the first shipment of Ceylon tea to the London Tea Auction. The British High Commissioner John Rankin attended several events during his two-day official visit to Nuwara Eliya from 24-25 January 2013. One of the key events he attended was the unveiling of the James Taylor Monument at St. Clair Tea Castle, Talawakele on the invitation of Mlesna tea company. The 16 feet tall monument was made by sculptor, Dr. Sarath Chandrajeewa. Born in Scotland, James Taylor arrived in Sri Lanka in 1852 and was considered as the person who introduced tea. In his speech, the British High Commissioner said, I am aware that all those engaged in the tea industry today the tea estate companies, small holders and tea estate workers face some challenges. I am optimistic that ways can be found both to address those challenges to allow all those involved to prosper.


The Embassy of Sri Lanka in Germany organized Sri Lanka's participation at the CMT Consumer Fair from 12th to 20th January 2013 in Stuttgart, Germany. Sri Lankan Airlines, ACR Aitken Spence Travels, Lanka Sportreizen and asiantravelgate, a product of Sunline Travels and Tours, joined the Embassy of Sri Lanka to promote Sri Lanka as a unique destination for Tourism. The focus of the three tour operators was Ayuruveda, sports and round trips. Impressive brochures on eight topics published by the Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau were in great demand of all the visitors of the Sri Lanka's stall. (AT )

Special Bana Ceramony

A special Bana ceremony was organized at the Embassy of Sri Lanka in France on 25th January 2013 on the eve of Duruthu Full Moon Poya, observed as the day on which the Buddha first visited Sri Lanka with a mission to restore peace. The special sermon on this occasion was delivered by the Ven. Dr. Bodagama Chandima Nayaka Thero, International Advisor to His Excellency the President of Sri Lanka. Members of the staff of the Embassy and their families participated at this event. (AT )

On 25 January, the High Commissioner attended the 25th anniversary celebration of MENCAFEP, a programme for children and young people with learning disabilities. MENCAFEP was founded by a British national, Chris Stubbs MBE, and his wife Ranji Stubbs. It provides noninstitutionalised care for special

Chef Buddhika Samarasekara becomes the best chefs of global

Sri Lankan Chef Buddhika Samarasekara paved the way for Sri Lanka to advance in the culinary world with his qualification for the grand finale of the much coveted 'Bocuse d'Or,' the international gastronomy competition that brings together the best chefs globally every two years. Sri Lanka was among the 24 countries from around the world that qualified to be in the grand finale, in Lyon, France on 29th and 30th January 2013. Chef Buddhika Samarasekara and his assistant Rashen John were able to reach the finals in Lyon after having being placed third at the Bocuse d'Or Asia in China in 2012. The due served up two exquisite presentations for the fish and meat categories in the 5 and a half hours allocated, before a very lively audience of supporters from the competing countries. The competition also tested the creativity of the chef's as they had to improvise side dishes from ingredients bought just before the event. They were also required to introduce culinary attributes from their native countries in a bid to enhance their dishes. ( AT)

Ceylon tea remains to this day the finest tea in the world, which I am pleased to enjoy every morning. The British High Commissioner also visited the Inter Fashion garment factory in Nuwara Eliya, which provides 1,300 jobs to local people across all ethnic groups. Inter Fashion exports 98% of their production to UK companies. Together with the Managing Director of Courtaulds, Charles Jackson, the High Commissioner planted a tree at the factory premises to mark his visit. He commented that Inter Fashion is a top class example of the commercial links between the UK and Sri Lanka, helping the economies of both countries.

needs/intellectually challenged children and young people, through caring for them in their own communities and for them to stay and live with their families. The British High Commissioner attending the 25th anniversary event commented, I am pleased to salute the work of MENCAFEP in Sri Lanka. You have provided help and support where none was previously available. MENCAFEP is an example of dedicated social work which is making a real difference in the community. I am proud of its work and its links with the UK.

By L. Divakara.


miq.shod ish' ta wkqj m%:u isxy, l:dkdo jD;dka; ;%mghjk lvjqKq fmdfrdkaj 1947 ckjd ui 21 jk k ;s r .;u;a iuu is x y, iskudf wdrNh is jQ nj ie,flhs' lreKq tfia jqjo isxy, iskudf ienE wdrNh is we;af;a fuhg;a fmr wjia:djl njgo f;dr;=re wkdjrKh ;sf' ta wkqj fuhg wjqre wkQjlg muK fmr tk jI 1923 m%:u jrg isxy, ;%mhla ksIamdokh lsu i|yd isxy,hka yd wkH cd;slhska msila W;aidy lr we;s njgo lreKq fy<s ;sf' ta wkqj fuis,l ;=< m%:ufhka isxy, ;%mhla ;ekSu wdrN we;af;a rdclSh l%uh k jQ ;%mg

isxy, iskudjg 66 jirla imsu

ta wkqj Y%S ,xldf m%:u isxy, ;%mgfha m%Odk kjdf.a N+ldj r laug f;drd f.k ;snqfka tjlg uqo,a wud;Hjrfhl= yd jdudxYsl foaYmd,k m%jdyfha fmr<sldr p;hla jQ jx.; wdpdh tka't' fmfrd uy;djh' tu ;%mgfha m%Odk ks<s p;h ksrEmkh lrkq ,enqf ,kais ;reKshl jk i,a *Ss k ;eke;a;shls' fuu ksy~ l:d kdo ;%mh;a iuska ;%mg ;drld jYfhka f uekqfj,a" mis fmfrd" frfkda,a fmfrd" tla rfialr" we,an is,ajd" f.%aIka fmfrd" weka''' we,an is,ajd hk kjdf.a iskud wd.ukh ish' wod, jljdkqfjys ldka;djka rmEf lghq;=j, fkdfhk neka kdgH j,o ia;%S p; rmdkq ,enqf mska isks' tjka iudc miqula ;=< tu ;%mgfha m%Odk

ksIamdol kQndhsg tfrysj bkahdf ;%mg m%oYlhska ke.S isu fuu wis .skakg uQ,sl ;sks' bkahdf is ;j;a ;%mg ksIamdoljre msilao fuu wis .skakg iyfhda.h olajd we;s njla o" miqld,Skj wkdjrKh ;snqKs' rdclSh l%uh ;%mgh Y%S ,dxlslhka fjkqfjka m%oYkh lru i|yd ,xldjg /f.k taug Tkak fukak lshd ;sh fuu .skak yg .ekSuo jvd;a mquhg lreKla nj tl, is iskud pdrlhka mjd mjid ;sf' f yd iu.ska Y%S ,dxlslhskag yd mqrd lshd kerug ksmojk ,o ,xldf miq leurdjg ke.=k isxy, rx.k Ys,amSka iyNd.S jQ uq,au ;%mgh cd;shg wys .sh;a tu ;%mgfha u;l igyka ms<sn| l:d mqj; isxy, iskud jxY l:df uq,skau igyka jkq we;' bka miqj tk 1937 jifo ;j;a isxy, ;%mghla ;ekSu

lvjqKq fmdfrdkajg fmr ;ekqk rdclSh l%uh

hl jevlghq ; = wdrN fuks' ta yd iu.ska m%:u l:dkdo isxy, ;%mghg tk lvjqKq fmdfrdkajg;a fmr tu ksy~ isxy, ;%mghl Wm; is we;s nj meye,sju l .ekSug ,ef' rdclSh l%uh k jQ tu fonia rys; ksy~ ;%mgfha ksIamdoljrhd jYfhka lghq;= lr we;af;a fndard cd;slfhl= jQ 'ta' kQndhsh' tu ;%mgfha rE .; lsu 1923 jif is we;s w;r tys uq,au leurd.; ls isj we;af;ao nn,msfha mdjg hka mej;s nx.,djl nj tjlg m< jQ ghsia T*a isf,daka jdIsl irdjl i|yka h' f wkqj tu ;%mgfha wfkl=;a rE .; ls lghq;= fld<U" fldaf fukau kdj, yd hjkakd Th winv is lr ;sf' tu ;%mgfha ksIamdoljrhd jQ 'ta' kQndhs foaY ;%mg furgg f.kajd iskud Yd,dj, m%oYkh lsf jHdmdl fhl= jYfhka lghq;= l< wfhls' iskudjg inka O jHdmdlfhl= j is neka kQndhsg isxy, ;%mghla ;ekSf woyi u;= we;s w;r tu ;%mfha wOHlaIK lghq;= .=ma;d k jQ bkahdkq cd;slfhl= fj; mjrd ;snqKs' rdclSh l%uh ;%mgfha leurd Ys,amshdo jQ .=ma;d tu ;%mgfha ;dlaIK lghq;= fjkqfjka bhdfjka Ys,amSka fofofkl= f.kajd .;af;a tlaoyia kjish is .Kka j, iskud ;dlaIKsl Ys,amSka furg ;=< r, jQ ksidfjks' ks<shf.a p;h fjkqfjka n. cd;sl ;reKshla jQ is,a *S fhdod .ekSu ;%mg ksIamdok kQndhsf.a yd wOHlaI .=ma;df.a uy;a ymkalula h hq;=h' tfukau tjlg ldka;djkag mej;s iudc ;yx uOHfha jqjo iskudfjka relaukS foah yd kdgH fldfjka rka f odf f;a - fkda k do rx.khg tla fuka b;sydi .; h' rdclSh l%uh ;%mgfha oYk ;, b ls wd lghq;= Ndrj isfha iqm%isoaO is;=j Ys,amsfhl= jQ id,sia udiagh' fuys iyh l,d wOHlaIjrhd jYfhka 'tia' m%kdka lghq;= lr ;snqKs' tfukau fufia ksIamdokh lrk ,o m%:u isxy, ksy~ ;%mgh uq,skau l n,d .ekSf wjia:dj Wod we;af;ao foaYSh fm%alaIlhska msilgh' tfiau1925 jif isx.mamQref yd fndndfhao m% o Ykh lr we;s fuu ;% m gh fndndfha we;s j Q yis .s k a k ls k a uqukskau kdYhg m;auo isxy, iskud b;sydih ;=< is jQ w;sYh wjdikdjka; isuls' th yis .skakla fkdj wis .skakla njg jk f;dr;=re miqj jd;d ;sKs' tl, furg ;%mg m%oYlhl=j is fjkqfjka tl< by< fmf<a jHdmdlhka msila jQ iS'ta' .dk" we' ijuq;a;= iy weia'mS' mfrla hk whjka iska W;aidyhla f.k ;snqKs' ta wkqj m%k f,aLl '' fifkr;akhka iska r; l:djla wdY%fhka ;%mg .; lsug ;e;a l< tu iskudmgh ms<sn| ish n,dfmdfrd;a;= | je .sfha 1944 jir jk g ,xldjgo ;ka n, mE fojk f,dal uyd ix.%duh fya;=fjks' 1940 jif f whqkau l:d kdo isxy, ;%mghla ;ekSug .;a jEhulao ksYaM, .sfha fojk f,dal uyd hqoaOfha n,mEu fya;=fjks' f,dal folla k jQ tu ;%mgh ;ekSug W;aidy lr ;snqfKa Y%S ,xldf jdudxYsl foaYmd,kfha n,lKq jQ fr fmfrd" ,an fmfrd iy '' ,sh hk foaYmd,{hska isks' f wkqj m%:u l:d kdo ;%mgh jYfhka isxy, iskud b;sydih ;=< ie,flk lvjqKq fmdfrdkajg l,ska furg ;=< isxy, ;%mghla ksIamdokh we;s nj yd ;j;a ;%mghla ksmou fjkqfjka W;aidy ord we;s nj lsisfgl;a wu;l l< fkdyel'

l,amkd fikr;a


It is evident that today there is a burning urge for people in this country to abandon Sri Lanka and seek greener pastures elsewhere. Three-four decades ago foreign travel was mainly confined to students for further studies. Despite constant surveillance and intercepting boat loads of people bound for Australia lately, many seem to become innocent victims of illegal human cargo swindlers still. Those who were detected by authorities have ended up as 'prisoners' in illegal immigration camps thus putting an end to their dreams, high expectations and delusions of grandeur. Why do some fall prey to these racketeers constantly after paying substantial amounts of their savings or borrowed money? According to some, it's due to personal, financial, frustrations in working environments, political interference / intimidation and a few for education. But the majority of the 'working class' seems to be misguided by some of their 'friends' who have gone abroad and returned back after short spells or even on holiday (while pending their asylum cases to be heard) and giving a completely false picture and conditions abroad . There is a vast difference between those migrant workers who are sent through official channels and 'illegal emigrants' who are trying to hoodwink foreign authorities. Today the immigration regulations are intensely complex and Border Controls are exceedingly stringent where the word 'illegal immigration' has become the most reviled word in most countries. Why go any further, in our own land we have read in the newspapers to what extent our immigration and emigration authorities have become rigorous. Legal emigrant workers Leaving aside those illegal categories for a moment, if one were to concentrate on the officially sent migrant workers, particularly to the Middle Eastern countries, outcome of certain cases has been alarming. People undertake jobs in other countries, however menial or hard these may seem, with one intention of refining their future. True, to a certain degree it has benefited financially in a majority of cases with unforgettable mental and physical hardships compared to what they experienced at home, but can such financial gains be equated to the damage it does to family fabrics of unfortunate cases where couples have separated and their children allowed to pick up the pieces of psychological jigsaws?

had gone astray. We have seen and read in the news media how many females have returned home after working for years overseas harassed, and without any wages too, the worst being battered and nails stuck into their human flesh. According to United Nations Resolution on human rights there are stringent labour regulations to protect rights of workers in every country but the million dollar question would be to what extent a human heart can be bound to a Rule Book in treating other fellow beings....? The gospel truth is that Sri Lankans in general, who have been brought up to work very languidly, do indeed sweat out every minute abroad in any job to earn every single penny for their living. If the same energy, enthusiasm and dedication had been applied locally,

On a wing and a prayer

A few 'luxury' items they bring after sweating their guts out by working abroad and those holiday makers splashing converted foreign exchange into multi-ratio Sri Lankan rupee figures make credulous people to view living abroad with tinted glasses only by converting foreign earnings into rupees, oblivious to many other vital factors that affect one's life abroad.

By Dr. Tilak S. Fernando

Family destruction Some mothers leave their infants with fervent hopes of bringing smiles and sunshine to the family but on the contrary, in certain cases, their smiles have transformed into frustrations and tears only due to various factors. New environment In general, it is apparent that foreign employers, especially in the Middle Eastern countries, do not leave any room for their domestic assistants to communicate with their families at home but confine them to the walls of their environment; the moment a new immigrant worker enters the country representatives of the master take possession of the passport of the newcomer at the airport itself thus making them helpless at the threshold of their intended land of hope and glory. This fact has lead to unfounded misunderstandings and miseries at home where the wife and/or husband

this country would have been at the zenith industrially and agriculturally and the need or the longing to seek greener pastures would never have arisen! Ironically for those who have lead comfortable lives at home and burnt their boats to leave Sri Lanka at the drop of a hat, it becomes too late when the penny begins to drop. Let's be frank about it, however overtly one praises and boasts about one's new environment outside their homeland, covertly the refracted feelings of subtle depressions and 'emptiness' will always haunt one whatever brave front one attempts to put out by trying to console oneself with the material comforts acquired temporarily. In short, the very feeling of being a second class citizen in a foreign land can never be erased from one's mind however hard one tries to fight such feelings! First experience An airline passenger's maiden experience and the associated fear and grief when leaving Sri Lanka for good, or even as a student for a couple of years, will take over him when the plane is about 36,000 kilometers up in God's land and the only vision becomes confined to a sea of white clouds underneath. This is how I felt as an adolescent, many years ago, when I took off from Ratmalana airport bound for London. Pl. see page 24



Mr. Gamini Senerath to head People's Bank

The newly appointed Chairman of People's Bank, Mr. Gamini Senarath assumed duties at the Head Office of People's Bank.


Lankaway would like to offer their deepest sympathies to the wife and the family of the late Mr. W. Karunajeewa on his inopportune death in January 2013. When Lankaway approached him at the Peoples Bank (Chairman's Office) in Colombo, seeking an advertisement for the magazine prior to its launch, Mr. Karunajeewa immediately responded by calling the officials who dealt with advertising and instructed to reserve the back page of the magazine which was considered as a tremendous boost, encouragement and extending a hand to promote Lankaway Management ambitions. Educated at Bowala MV and Dharmaraja Vidyalaya Kandy and subsequently graduating from the Peradeniya University, Karunajeewa embarked on a teaching career. His enthusiasm from Childhood in Social Service while being an active member of the Sinhala Tharuna Sangamaya he seemingly became affiliated with progressive politics which helped him to obtain membership of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party and end up as Administrative Secretary of the SLFP in 1973, during Mrs. Sirimavo Bandaranaike's premiership. In 1987 Mr. Karunajeewa took oaths as an Attorney at Law. He subsequently joined the Fisheries Corporation as a working director and rose up to the position of Chairman. At latter stages in his life he was made the Chairman of Peoples Bank and Peoples Leasing Ltd, where he rendered a yeoman service especially to make the Peoples Bank come alive and earn the reputation of being 'pulse of the nation'. Mr. Karunajeeva was a simple and a kind man who was dedicated to his official commitments. He had a magnanimous heart no doubt and more so his actions and deeds throughout his life was commensurate with his name Karuna Jeewa, meaning full of Karuna ( kindness) and Jeeva ( life). The Editorial and the Management of Lankaway wish our old friend eternal bliss. May he attain Nibbana. Purananda'

As a well reputed officer in the Sri Lanka Administrative Service, Mr. Senarath currently is the Chief Of Staff to H.E.the President. An old boy of Rahula College, Matara and Richmond College, Galle who graduated from the University of Kelaniya, he also holds a Post Graduate Degree in Computer Science from the University of Colombo. After graduating from the University of Kelaniya, Mr. Gamini Senarath joined the Sri Lanka Administrative Service in the year 1984 as an Assistant Government Agent. Thereafter he served as the Assistant Controller and Deputy Controller of the Department of Immigration & Emigration. He has also functioned in the capacity of Senior Secretary to the Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation and the Commissioner General of Motor
Contd. From Page 23 It was during Air Ceylon time and the airport was an open space where kith and kin could stand back and watch their dear ones being taken up into the sky. The blank feeling one gets while seated at a window seat and looking at 'your people' waving their hands and handkerchiefs to the aircraft while the 'big bird' takes an upward thrust gracefully is heart pounding because it is at that vital moment only the feeling of being 'lost' hits any individual convincingly. Trans World Air Lines (TWA) and BOAC (British Overseas Airways Corporation) were the most popular air lines operated on international routes during Air Ceylon days. Attractive incentives by airlines those days were 'stop-over' facility with hotel accommodation to tempt passengers to break journey in one or two destinations before reaching the final.

Traffic. He was the former Chairman of Sri Lanka Insurance Corporation. He also performs as the Chairman of Litro Gas Lanka Company, Litro Gas Terminals Company and Sinolanka Hotels and Spa Ltd. Having participated in a number of foreign trainings in various fields of Administration, Leadership and Management, Mr. Senarath possesses excellent foreign exposure in the related subjects.

However, in real sense, one could only have a glimpse of a town close to an international airport for a limited number of hours and not for days (free of charge)! Fascinated by this incentive, I decided to break journey in Bombay and Switzerland in the hope of seeing for the first time in my life two cities, Bombay and Zurich; finally on a sunny January morning I bid good bye to my mother with wet eyes to embark on a life abroad. To be continued... next issue.

Lankaway caters for an international audience in 36 countries. We welcome articles and features to be published in the magazine. Contact: Editor, Lankaway: E-mail:

2013 id.a hk wfma lKavdhfuka fujr je molal ixLHdjla fka

l%Svd wud;H uyskaodkkao w;a.uf.a
f wer ;sfnkafka l%Svdf iajKuh wruqKq ish,a, Wvqhl=re ;;a;ajhg m;afjk ld,hls' iEu jirlgu jrla udi 2-3 la lr,sfha rfok f l%shdj,sh yoj;skau l%Svdjg wdorh lrkakjqkaf.a lK.dgqjg;a" ;k;=re-jrm%ido-knqkdu ms<sn| isysk ujk l%Svd fma%kaf.a i;=gg;a fya;= tla lrk ld,mfohla f,i yekau jrola fkdf' 1973 wxl 25 orK l%Svd mk;g wkqj iEu jirlu ud;= 31 jkodg fmr ishu l%Svd ix. ;ukaf.a jdIsl ks,jrK mj;ajd b jirl ld,h i|yd ks,Odka m;a lr.; hq;=h' f ish ixoYkhka t<s o ls k a f ka tu m;a fjkqfjka fmdrlk l%Svdjg ys;j;a" l%Svdj rlskakg mK fofjks fldg ;r. lrk ks,Odka ksidfjks' iqmqre ks,jrK iuh l<t<snis;a wmg wfma merKs m%ia:d msre lsysmhlau u;lhg kef.k wjia:d iq,Nj l.; yels u fYaI;ajhls' iuyr ix. ks,Odka h fjk ljodgj;a jvd wms jir ;=< l%Svdf hqKqj fjkqfjka ie,iq yejd' ie,iq l%shd;aul l<d' uqo,a fjka l<d' fndfyda l%Svdjka fjkqfjka wkq.%dylhka fydh,d kakd' f ish,a, wms lf<a tlu b,lalhla fjkqfjka" ta b,lalh ;uhs 2013 ol=Kq wdishdkq l%Svd Wf<,' wms ol=Kq wdishdf jeu rka molal .Kk kd .;af;a 1991 ' ta rka molal 44 la' kuq;a 2010 nx.a,dfoaYfha wms rka molal 16 la muKhs kqf' ta lshkafka we;a;gu wms bkafka miqnEul' wlaIKh Wfoid l%Svd wud;HdxYfha jeka; ldh Ndrh l%Svd mK;g wkqj" l%Svd m%;sm;a;sj,g wkqj" fmd;a msgq.Kka igyka ;nd we;;a ta ish,a, ksis f,i bgqfjkjdo bgq lrkjdo hkak m%Yakd:hla ;sf'


wu;rj l%Svl l%Sldjka udkislj Yla;su;a lr,Sf wruqK we;sj miqmr l%ufohla fukau udisl ukdjla f.f jev ms<sfj,la o l%shd;aul fjka mj;S' f ms<sn|j wms zz,xldfZZ mdGlhka fjkqfjka l%Svd wud;H uyskaodkkao w;a.uf.a uy;d weu;=fjuq' wud;Hjrhd mejiQ woyia ish,a, le l< g th fufia lah yels h' fjk ljodgj;a jvd wms jir ;=< l%Svdf hqKqj fjkqfjka ie,iq yejd' ie,iq l%shd;aul l<d' uqo,a fjka l<d' fndfyda l%Svdjka fjkqfjka wkq.%dylhka fydh,d kakd' f ish,a, wms lf<a tlu b,lalhla fjkqfjka" ta b,lalh ;uhs 2013 ol=Kq wdishdkq l%Svd Wf<,' wms ol=Kq wdishdf jeu rka molal .Kk kd .;af;a 1991 ' ta rka molal 44 la' kuq;a 2010 nx.a,dfoaYfha wms rka molal 16 la muKhs kqf' ta lshkafka we;a;gu wms bkafka

hka .skaorf.k hka Wka ;=re - hka y;=re p; rmd;s' ;j;a iuyreka fydrdf.a wudf.ka fmak wykakg ;j;a msila fmd<Uj;a" we;euqka kvq;a yduqrejkaf.a nvq;a yduqrejkaf.a ixl,amfhka fhfyka rdcudkj jecfUhs' Th w;f tl nvje, lvdf.k meKs ifydaorhka f,i jir .Kkdjla mmd,k lghq;= isl< iuyreka fome;a;lg fn uv .d .kafka meKs jrld .yg fyk .eyQ l;dj h<s h<s;a isysm;a lrks' wmg f ish,a, isysm;a fjkafka l%Svdj hqKq lrka k g fmdrlk-.yurd.ka k d-uv.y .kakd-IK fy<s lr .kakd fukau wkd.;h .ek w;sYd, ie,iq" woyia bm;a lrkakd jQ msi f kj, ks;r udOHhka rclrk fya;=fjks' l%Svdf hqKqj m;d hehs fmdrlk f msia i;H jYfhkau lei ljkafka l%Svdf hqKqj olskakg k wfka wfmdhs hkak uqka msgu je<elah fkdyelsh' kuq;a m%Yakh we;af;a fujeks msia ;k;=re ,nd .kakg fmdrlk fmdrlEu iy l%Svdf hqKqj fjkqfjka lrk m%ldYhka ish,a, n,h ,nd.;a miq laIKslj iqKq iqKq iq<x /,af,a .idf.k hduh' oYl lsysmhl w;S;h ;=< f is ish,a, lsisod fjkia fkdjQ iod;ksl i;Hhla njg m;a j ;s u ms < s n |j lsisfjl=g;a ;l l< fkdyel' 1967 jIfha fjku wud;HdxYhla f,i l% S v d wud;HdxYh ia:dms; jqKq w;r t;eka mgka f f. hkafka 46 jk jirhs' l%Svdf mQK

f ish ldrKd fuf,i igyka lroa Bg wod<j wms i|yka l< nyqO fpdaokdjka j<lajd,Sf jeka; wNsfhda.hkag uqyqK isk j;auka l%Svd wud;H uyskaodkkao w;a.uf.a uy;dKka f.k hk jev ms<sfj, meiiq lghq;= h' tys uQ,sl mshjrhka f,i fujr meje;afjk l%Svd ks,jrK i|yd O m%;Ska mkjd ;su w.h l< hq;=f' tfukau jir .Kkdjla mqrd wl%Sh ugka mej;s cd;sl l%Svd ix. 5 l ,shdmxh wfydais lsf /l,a ;SrKhla .;a j;auka l%Svd wud;Hjrhd f jif furg ,shdmx cd;sl l%Svd ix. .Kk 47 la nj ks, jYfhka ksfokh lr ;sf' Bg wu;rj 2013 jif wfma rf l%Svdj yuqf we;s m%Odk;u wNsfhda.h jk ol=Kq wdishd;sl l%Svd Wf<, ^id.a& wruqKq lrf.k > ld,Sk jev ms<sfj,la ieliSug f.k we;s odhl;ajh meiish hq;=h' 2013 jir we;=<; bkahdf i;aldrl;ajh we;sj iQodk flfrk ol=Kq wdishd;sl l%Svd Wf<, i|yd l%Svd bi 22 la ksfhdackh lrka 427 fofkl=f.ka iuka; cd;sl ix; .Kkdjla f jk g mj;ajdf.k hka mj;S' jirlg wl ld,hla uq,af,a mj;ajdf.k hk fuu cd;sl mqyqKq ix; fjkqfjka wjYHh mqyqKqj - udf.dam foaYl;ajh - ffjoH myiql - fmdaIK l%ufo - l%Svd WmlrK yd mqyqKq WmlrK we;= ish,a, fkdlvjd ,ndug l%svd wud;Hjrhd mshjr f.k ;sf' fuu uQ,sl wjYH;d fjkqfjka muKla rcfha odhl;aj we;sj remsh,a ,laI 300 lg wl uqo,la fjka lr we;snj l%Svd wud;Hjrhd mjihs' Bg

miqnEul' ug k l%Svdj ta ;;a;ajfhka f.dv .kakhs' fujr ol=Kq wdishdkq l%Svd Wf<f,a kjljdkq iar ke;;a wms w;sYd, uqo,la jeh lrka ixjOk ie,iq h;a lrkafka jeu id.a rka molal n,dfmdfrd;a;=fjka' wms ta fjkqfjka ,laI 300 l uqo,la fjka lr,d ;sfhkjd' cd;sl l%Svd m%;sm;a;sh hgf;a h;, myiql kxjka m%d:l l%Svdx.k klrKhg jir ;=< remsh,a ,shk 369 la jehlr ;sfnkjd' cd;Hka;r ;rj,s .Kkdjlg wfma l%Svl l%sldjka fhduq l<d' f jdf.a Yd, jev fldgila l%Svd wud;HdxYh f,iska wms bgqlr ;sfhkjd' ka ;sfhkafka ta lrmq lem ls ,ndka myiql iy l%shd;aul l< ie,iqj, m%;sM, fmkauhs' cd;sl l%Svd ix.j,g b,a,mq iEu myiqlula u , ;sfhkjd' lsisu flfkl=g wms b,a,mq fohla kafka keye lsh,d lshkak neye' wms n,dfmdfrd;a;= jk b,lalhg hd fkdyels ks,Odkag f mqgqj, bkak tmd lsh,d wNsfhda. lrkak uu ,Eia;shs' ka wmsg k molal iy hqKqf m%;sM, ;rhs'ZZ

l%Svd wud;H uyskaodkkao w;a.uf.a uy;df.a woyia wms w.h lruq' l;dj foda,dfjka .uk mhska ixl,amfhka l;dj .uk foda,dfjka lrkakg fjfyi jk l%Svd weu;s;=ukaf.a n,dfmdfrd;a;= bgqjk f;la wms oEia o,ajd n,d isuq' tu wNsfhda. ch .kakg W;aidy fkdlrk ks,Odka fujr;a Pkao igkg nei we;ak Tjqkaf.a ,s jy.kakg Wo lrkjdo keoao hkak .ek;a l%Svd fma%kaf.a wjOdkh fhduq fjdhs m%d:kd lruq' kqjka Wodr lreKdr;ak


Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant

environment. The principle of 'safety being the overriding priority' encompasses the entire gamut of activities associated with nuclear power plants, ranging from siting, design, construction, commissioning, operation to de-commissioning. Testing to demonstrate the adequacy of each system, and the plant as a whole, by actual performance tests to meet the design intent, is carried out well before commencing operation of the plant. The Atomic Energy Regulatory Board reviews the operational limits and conditions for various system parameters and approves them before operation alising the plant, to ensure safe operation. All nuclear power plant sites in India are capable of managing the radioactive wastes generated at these sites. Each of them has adequate facilities for handling, treatment and disposal of such waste, in line with international standards. The establishment and verification of appropriate emergency response plans is a mandatory prerequisite for all nuclear power plants in India. The preparedness of the agencies involved is verified through periodic exercises. The National Disaster Management Authority has drawn up a holistic and integrated

There have been a series of news reports raising fears of the dangers to Sri Lanka arising from the commissioning of the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant in southern India. It bears repetition that the Government of India assigns utmost attention to nuclear and radiation safety, including the safety of operating personnel, public as well as the

programme for "Management of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies". India is party to the Convention on Nuclear Safety (1994), Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident (1986), and the Convention on Assistance in the case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency and is fully aware of, and complies with, its obligations under these conventions. The Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant is a state-of-the-art plant that is compliant with the highest safety standards available in the nuclear industry today. The safety measures instituted at the plant are of the highest order. India and Sri Lanka have an ongoing dialogue on cooperation in the area of nuclear energy, including in the areas of isotope hydrology, radio-tracer studies and dam safety. A Sri Lankan delegation is scheduled to visit India to discuss these and other areas of potential cooperation, including the area of safety. The relevant issues are being addressed in the spirit of close and friendly relations existing between India and Sri Lanka.

Pakistan regrets
Hina Rabbani Khar
Foreign Minister

Under Graduate, Post Graduate and Research/PhD Scholarships from India

The High Commission of India, in Colombo announced the offer for the following ICCR scholarships: Nehru Memorial Scholarship Scheme: Hundred (100) slots are being offered under this scheme which covers all Undergraduate courses (except Medicine) including Engineering, Science, Business, Economics, Commerce, Humanities and Arts. Maulana Azad Scholarship Scheme: Fifty (50) scholarships for Masters Degrees courses including Engineering, Science, Economics, Commerce, Humanities and Arts. However, preference is given to the fields of Engineering, Science and Agriculture. Medicine subject is not included in this scheme. Rajiv Gandhi Scholarship Scheme: Twenty five (25) slots for Undergraduate courses in the field of Information Technology leading to a B.E or B.Tech Degree. IOR-ARC Scholarship: Two (02) slots for Masters Degree in all disciplines including indigenous medicine. MBBS/Medicine is not included in this scheme. Commonwealth Scholarship Scheme: Five (05) slots for Masters and PhD Degrees in all subjects excluding Medicine. SAARC Scholarship: Two (02) slots for Masters and PhD Degrees in all subjects except Medicine. The Government of India selects meritorious Sri Lankan nationals to award these scholarships. Selection of candidates is done in consultation with the Ministry of Higher Education, Government of Sri Lanka, to pursue undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD Degrees in some of the leading universities in India. All scholarships cover full tuition fees for the entire duration of the course, in addition to a monthly sustenance allowance. The scholarship also covers accommodation allowance and an annual grant for books, stationary. Besides, all ICCR scholars in India are provided full healthcare facilities, air fare to the nearest destination in India and an annual grant for educational tours to various parts of the country, apart from several other auxiliary benefits. The Ministry of Higher Education has invited applications from eligible candidates. The last date for submission of duly filledup application forms for Undergraduate courses is Feb 10, 2013 and for Postgraduate/PhD courses Feb 20, 2012

Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar recently deeply regretted what she called war mongering coming from India following firing incidents in Kashmir, stating Pakistan wants complete normalisation of relations with New Delhi. Speaking to a largely American audience at Asia Society, Hina Khar has been quoted as saying that the Indo-Pakistan dialogue process should remain uninterrupted and uninterruptible. We are deeply committed to peaceful coexistence with India. Both countries cannot afford a conflict. Pakistan had acted with restraint despite inflammatory statements from across the border, the foreign minister has pointed out. She was quoted as saying : What do we see today?, We see three incidents across the LOC (line of control) and we see war mongering which puts the last 60 years actively back into our memories. War mongering coming in from the other side of the border, which I thought was the thing of yester years and the thing that we had put behind us. As I read statements coming in from the highest levels of government, I can just say we are deeply disappointed.

By Palitha Vithange

kEu whla we;s wfhl= fu,a, l< yels l%d ud.d

f mqx rf ckau ,dNh ,en f,dj mqrd j;a jk YS% ,dxlslhka ,CI .Kkla w;rska Tyq iqfYaIS prs;hla jk ksid kl b;d fl ksjdvqjlg ,xldjg meKs fudfydf;a wm uqK .eiqKs' ta i;sia ;sruqKsf.a uy;dhs' b;d,sfha iar mxh ,nd we;s i;sia fuf,i jdIslj ,xldjg mefKkafka ;uka W.;a Ya; igka Ys,amh fkdf,a YS% ,dxlsllhka i;= lsrSf n,dfmdfrd;a;= uq,sl lrf.khs' ;sruqKsf.a uy;d 1986 /lshdjla i|yd b;d,shg msgj i;sia mjik wdldrhg 2000 jir jk ;=reu fuu wd;audrCIl igka l%uh BY%dh,a wdrCIl wxY i|yd muKla iSud ;snqKs' fudid yd Yska fn jeks fYaI wdrCIl nqoa wxY yd BY%dh,fha m%N+ wdrCIl wxYo m%N+ wdrCIdj fukau wd;audrCIdj i|yd o fuu igka l%uh Nd; lrhs' ;;amr lsysmhl kEu whla w;e;s m%;sjdosfhla n, lsrSf Ya; yelshdjka l%dud.d igka l%uh ;=< we;s nj i;sia ;sruqKsf.a uy;d mjihs' tk" i;=rd isys t<jd .eksug m%:u m%ydr t,a, lsrSu" j, ia:dk b,lal lrka m%ydr weru" b;d wju fukau b f,*S,a ir, yd ldhCIu ls%hdldrl u.ska m%;sjdoshd | oeu yd wjg isk msrsig tljr fkdfmfkk fia m%;sjdhdyg myr u wdos l%u fohka /ilska fuh iuka; nj mjik i;sia th m%dfhda.slj Nd;djk wdldrh m%oYkh lf<a ish fokdu u; lrjks' kEu igka l,djla fyd|skau m%.=K lsfuka oejeka; Yrhla we;s mqoa.,hl= jqjo laIKslfhka l%dud.d igka Ys,amsfhl= <`. ok .eiaih yels ;dlaIKhla fuu igka Ys,amfha mj;sk nj;a" jhia fNaohlska f;drj ldka;d msrs ldg;a ;u wdrCIdj Wfoid bf.k .; hq;=u igka l%uh l%dud.d nj mjik i;sia ;sruqKsf.a uy;d fufiao i|yka lrhs' fuu Ys,amh imQKfhka bf.k .ekSu i|yd jirl" udi 06" udi 03 wd f,i mdGud,d yd O wNHdi uu ie,iq lr ;sfnkjd' b;d,sh ;=< l%d ud.d uu W.kajkafka fkdf,ahs' hqfrdamh mqrdu oe b,aula fuhg ;sfnkjd' b;d,s cd;Ska fndfyda fofkla b;d wdidfjka f igka l%uh bf.k .kakjd' ldka;d" msrs fNaohla kE' idudkH is,a mqoa.,hkag wjYH ugug fuu mdGud,d ;=<ska oekqu fnokjd' uu ys;kafka hqfrdmfhau bkak tlu ,dxlsl l%dud.d mqyqKqlre uu fjkak mqjka' tAl ,dxlslfhla oshg ug f,dl= wdvnrhla' Tyq fujr ,xldjg meK we;af;a wfma wdrCIl wxY i|yd fuu wd;audrCIl igka Ys,amh ykajdughs' m%N+ wdrCIdj fukaau i;=rdj wka whg fkdoefkk fia fu,a, lsrSu i|yd fuu igka Ys,am lemS fmfkk fufyhla bgq lrhs' i;sia f jk g


isiqka iu l%shdldrlul ksr; fjka ckdm;s wdrCIl wxYh" w.ue;s wdrCIl wxYh" weu;s wdrCIl wxYh" fmd,sish" hqO" .=jka yd kdl yuqodj fj; fkdf,a fuu Ys,amh ,ndfok w;r Tyqf.a mqyqKqlrejka lKavdhula wdrCIl wxY ;=<ska yslr tAjdg wkqhqla; lr ;su fYaI;ajhla' ;j rg;a woyia olajk i;sia fufiao lshhs' ug ,xldfjhs b;d,sfhhs oa;aj mqrjeisNdjh keye' uu ,xldjg tkafka id wrka' uu b;d,sfha ish;a yoj;ska ,dxlslhs' uf.a ;d;a;d ug;a uf.a rgg h fiajhla lrkak k' i;sia f jk g ;ukaf.a jHdmdrhla lrka orejka iy rs| iu`. jir 30lg wdikak ld,hla b;d,sfha mxj ishs' YS% ,dxlslhkag f,dju u; l< fuu igka l%uh i|yd wjia:dj ,ndoSug Tyq iska KRAV MAGA KAPAP LANKA INSTITUTE wdrN fldg we;' tys m%Odk WmfoaYl f,i i;sia fiajh lrk w;r f,al f,i lghq;= lrkafka fikr;a nKavdr nquq,a, uy;dhs' i;sia ;sruqKsf.a uy;d wmg ienkau wdvnrhls' Tyqg ;j;j;a ,laujg fiajh lsug yelsfjdhs wms b; is;ska m%d:kd lruq'

i;sia ;sruqKsf.a uy;d

.sh wfhls' l=vd l, mgka lrdf;a igka l,djg uy;a fia we l< Tyq hqO yuqod ks,Odrsfhl= jq ;u mshdKkaf.a ksNS;Ndjh yoj; mqrd frdamKh lr.kska mshdf.a wmdf hka rg fjkqfjka hula lsrSug nd,fha mgkau wfmaCIdfjka is wfhla' fydaud.u mkdf.dv oHd,fha wdos isiqfjla f,i wOHdmkh ksud l< Tyq lrdf;a yefuka igka l,djg msish;a wo jkg b;d iqfYaIs igka l,d l%uhla inkaOj fYaI{fhl=j ishs' fuu l%uh ykajkafkaA l%d ud.d (KRAV MAGA) wd;audrCIl igka Ys,amh f,isks' l%d ud.d hkq imj isg igka lsrSu hk w:h ,nd fok wd;audrCIl igka Ys,amhls' 1940 muK BY%dh,h flakao% lrf.k ysjk f wmQre igka Ys,amh fndlaiska" fria,ska" uqfYaldhs" hq fida wdos igka l,d im%odhka /ila wdY%h lrka ysjQjls' b f,*S,a k yxf.arshdkq cd;slhd is k a l% d ud.d (KRAV MAGA) wd;audrCIl igka Ys,amh ksudKh fldg ;sfnk nj b;sydifha oelaf' fuu igka Ys,amh im%odhsl wd;audrCIl igka im%odhka ish,a,gu jvd m%dfhda.slj wd;audrCIdj Wfoid Nd; l< yels u ksid f,djmqrd wd;audrCIl igka Ys,amh .ek Wkka jk ldf.a;a wjOdkh oskd we;'

ldka;djka igka Ys,amhla yeh hq;af;a wehs@

ixjdo igyk

ksYdka; fyajduoau


zzuf.a fmd;a; yhshhs .eyqjdg fokafka keyeZZ

zzm<s= ueKsflaZZ ys iQrfiak fyj;a - Y%shka; fukaia


,efnk kEu p;hlg Bg i,k whqka mK fmug ;r ienE ymkalula Tyq ;=< we;' tf,i ,efnk p; f,dl= jqj o l=vd jqj o Tyqg l ke;' thg Wmufhka Tyq odhl;ajh imhhs' f ksidu wmg isk p;dx. kjka w;r Tyq iqfYaIs p;hla lsjfyd;a ksjerh' Tyq fldj" iskudj yd fg,s kdgH ;=< ish yelshdjka u.ska ,laI ixLHd; ck;djla we| ne| ;nd .;af;ah' ish rx.k ;h foldfjka wNsfIal ,enQ fuu iqfYaIs p;h" tljr ,laI ixLHd; ck;djf.a fk; .efgkafka zzm<s= ueKsflaZZ fg,s kdgHfhks' ta ziQrfiakZ k ixlr jQ" oldr jQ p;hla ksrEmKh lrKs' ta wfkll= fkdj wojk g m%K;ajfha Wmu


udOHhg r jQ mirhla ;snqfka keye' f ;r l,djg we;=ug fodrgq ;snqfka keye' f jdf.a iq m ia g dia , d ys jq f K;a keye' ys lf<;a keye' wfma olaIl Wvu uyd lgla ld,d wdmq .ukla' ta ksid uf.a fmd;a; yhshhs' ta ksiduhs wojk g kEu whl= myrla .eyqj;a fokafka ke;af;a' ;du;a f foldj u; f ;s;a; l=i,dk wuq;h jf.a wms mdkh lrkjd' fldj ;uhs wdorh" ohdj yd fifkyi wmg ykd.kak wjia:dj ,n,d kafka'

weiqre lsfuka mqiald,hlg .shd jeks jdishla ,enqKd' iskudf .uka .; hq;= ud.h .ek t;=ud ug lsh,d kafka tl jdlHhlska' ta id.rhla ueo ;%mfha rE.; ls wjika fldg mefKk g ug lsjd zzfyd|g ysfhd;a r .ukla hkak mqjkaZ

;,hlg meK isk Y%shka; fukaia z,xldfZ irdj yd fuf,i ish woyia lah' uf.a Wm; fldjhs wms ysjkafka fldj iuhs' th b;du;a fidre w;alSula' th fi!kaohd;aul jkafka ye;a;Ej oYlfha fojk ld;=j ksihs' ye;a;Ej oYlh Y%S ,dxflah ishu l,djka j, iajKuh hq.hhs' ;%mg" kdgH" idys;H" lh" .S;h" kjl:dj yd fl l:djka ys b;d fmdaIKSh hq.hla f,i tu ld,h yekah yelsh' ye;a;Ej oYlfha tla;rd hq.hlg miafia Wod jQ ksoyia wdlh" foaYmd,k jHqyh;a iu noaO fuka miq l,dj fjkial j,g Ndckh jQjd' wm ys jQ hq.h fi!kaohd;aul yd i;=gqodhl mirhla ksudKh l<;a wm wd .uk w;sYh Ialr jQjla' r mr udj;l wms wdf' u,a udj;a ;snqfka keye' wo ;r

fldj u; fmlsKsje, lemqKd wfma fmlsKsje, lefmkafka fldj Wv' tksid fldj uu k lrkafka fm%auKSh j m<i lsh,d' fuh u; ;uhs fndfyda foa isoaO fjkafka' wms ldmq lg" ;ju;a th lk ksid foldj fndfydau fyd| f;da;ekakla' uu uq,skau rmEug tla jqfha tla oyia kuish ye;a;E yf;a fkdjen 26 fjks od yji 6'30 g rd.u ;,f.d,a, uyd oHd,hSh rx. Yd,df r la jQ zzb,a,si cd;lfhaZZ fodrgq md,lhdf.a p;h ksrEmkhg odhl fuka' fuu kdgH fm< ,sh,d ;snqfka j;udk ola I kdgH rplhl= yd wOHla I jrfhl= jk fla ' ' fya r ;a l,dlrejdhs' iskudjg meKsfha .dKs f*dka f ia l d uy;df.a zid.rhla ueoZ ;% m fhka ' t;= u ka iu jevls ug wjia:dj ,efuka uu uyd kqula ,nd .;a;d' .dKs f*dkafiald jeks lD;yia; l,dlrejka jeka; mqia;ld, jekshs' Tjqka

lsh,d' tfyu lshkafka uu wdOqkslfhla yehg bkak ld,fhhs' jir iailg miqj yuq jQ f,df t;=ud lsjd tod lsjQ wkdjelsh wo iM, fj,d ;sfnk nj' m<s= ueKsfla uf.a m<uq fg,s kdgHhhs' uu rEmjdyskshg wj;SK jkafka Ou cdf.dv l,dlrejdf.a zm<s= ueKsflaZ fg,s kdgHfhka' th ,xldf f;jeks fg,skdgHhs' tys m%Odk N+ldjla ksrEmKhg wjia:dj ,enqKd' ;%mg myylg yeglg je m%udKhla" kdgH ishh;a tlish mky;a w;r;a" fg,s kdgH foish mkyla muK;a rmd,d we;ehs Yajdi lrkjd'

idlPd lf<a( iuka; u,a,jwdr

PdhdrEm( t' ' iqukis inkalrKh( m%Nd;a fj;a;uqKs

ud wOHlaIKhg odhl jkafka zzmekai fofla yxihdZZ fkd kdgHfhka' ta 1987 ' bka wk;=rej 1990 zziq iy lZZ fyj;a jK" 2000 zzmdov wimqjZZ yd 2011 zz.enr ksidZZ hk kdgH o wOHlaIKh l<d' fg,s kdgHhla f jif wOHlaIKh lrkak woyila ;sfnkjd' f ;sfnk jev lghq;=j,ska ksoyia jqKdu uf.a l=,a wOHlaIKh .ek ys; fhduq lrkak mqjka' tod iskudj wog jvd fmdaIKfhka hqla;hs' fuj, yd wfkal o wvqmdvql ;sh;a fm%alaIld.dr wukaodkkaohg m;a l<d' wojk g fm%alaIld.drj, krUkakka bkakjdo keoao hk m%Yakh ;sfnkjd' wms ksjer udj;lg ie,iq yod .;af;a keye' bkah cd;sl wdodhfuka ishhg 30 la ;%mg ludka;fhka ,efnkjd' wo wmg ;sfnk m%Yakh k wfma cd;sl wdodhfuka ishhg lShla o ;%m lshk tlhs' wms h miqnEulhs bkafka' iskudj i|yd fodrgq jr fldg kjlhkag wjia:dj ,ndh hq;=hs' wvqmdvq ;sn;a iskudj ;ju;a mj;skjd' zzwndZZ ;%mh .;a;du th ;uhs jeu msila krUmq ;%mgh' zuyskaod.ukhZ" ziQh wrKZ jeks ;%mg fm%alaIld.drj, fik tl;= lr.;a ;%mg njg m;a jqKd' ukf fkdjkakg kdgH l,djla kye 1956 fkdjen ui 04 jeks od ;uhs uydpdh tr irpka Y+kaf.a zzukfZZ fld<U ,hk,a fjka ryf,a fld .; jqfKa' fuu.ska kdgH l,djg kj wre;la tl;= jqKd' lnqls" ckkdgH" kdv." l kdv." ;srl=;a;= hk ish wxYj, ixl,khla f,i zzukfZZ ksudKh jqKd' ukf fkdjkakg wmg kdgH ld,djla ;sfhao lshk l=;=y,h ta .ek l,amkd lrk g ud ;=< ;sfnkjd' uydpdh irpkahkag ;=;s u,a msh hq;= hs' ta t;=ud uyd jeka; fodrgqj r lrkakg ka h;=r ms<sn|jhs' m%Yakh jkafka f h;=frka wms fodrgq lShla jr .;a;d o hkakhs' jir 30 l hqoaOh fuhg uyd n,mEula jqKd' ijia fjkfldg ksiqka f.or f.dia ,hs ksjd .kakjd yefrkakg fjk lsis fohla lrkakg ukig ksoyi ;snqfKa keye' ta ksid ridiajdoh yd ri kaokh i|yd jQ fndfyda ldrKd ke;s jqKd' fm%alaIld.dr ysia jqKd' h h iSudjlska tydg kdgH f.k hkakg ,enqfKa keye' fma%laIlfhda tl;= jk ;ek uyd jeka;g msmqre we;sjqKd' f ksid ksiqka kdgHfhka wE;a jqKd' hqoaOh ksuu;a iuu kdgH l,df jOkhla isfjka mj;skjd' tfia jqK;a .=Kd;aul yd kdgH l,df jOkhg fyd| kdgHhla ;sfnkjd o hkak;a m%Yakhla' fg,s jeiafika f;uqKdu uf.a ffjoHjrhd bkafka fldf fldgia 500 la hk fg,s kdgHhl jqj;a iuyr k ks<shka u;l keye' tfy;a fldgia 17 lg muKla tod iSud jQ zzm<s= ueKsflaZZ ys p; fm%alaIlhkaf.a is;aj,g ld jeKd' ta ;=< hlsis fYaI;ajhla ;sh hq;=h' tys fYaIhs" ix.S;h fYaIhs" wOHlaIKh fYaIhs' f fYaI ldrKd tl;= jqKdu fYaI jQ foaj,a wmf.a ukfia /fokjd' fl fg,s jeiaila' wms;a fuhg f;fukjd ke;af;a keye' fl iudc wdl foaYmd,k m%Yakhla' fuu fg,s jeiaig uu f;uqK;a ksfudakshdj yod .kafka keye' fg,s jeiafika fkdf; h h foa lrkak uu mqre jQ wfhla' f fg,s jeiafika f;,d ksfudakshdj ye,d" WK ye,d h hk wh;a bkakjd' fuu fg,s jeiafika f;uqKdu uf.a ffjoHjrhd bkafka fldf' ta ksid ksrka;rfhkau kej; fodldjg tkjd' wfma ksiaiq yjig nqka jkjd jdf.a fg,skdgH n,kjd rEmjdysksh we;=f<a uyd jeka; m%Yak f.dvla wmg ;sfhkjd' iudh" mjq,a" orejkaf.a yd wOHdmksl m%Yak;a" wdf.YS,s yd ,;ajhg nr foaj,a o ;sfnkjd' fYaIfhka nia jyr" iuyr fonia orefjda lka lg f.k hkjd' tajd fld;r rg fyd| o krl o lshk tl .ek fjkuu iudc Yaf,aIKhla" .fIKhla wjYHhhs' f ksid uu ys;kjd fg,s kdgHla yok tl ;r f,dalfha miai h hq;= fjk;a lreKla keyehs lsh,d' wfma ksiaiq yjig nqka jkjd jdf.a fg,skdgH n,kjd' wms rEmjdysksfhka we;a; m%ldY lrkjd k th ksiaiq Wlyd .kakjd' wms bkahdjj;a iamY fkdlr O rgj,g .syska ;uhs kdgHh l,dj f.kdf' .%Sish" b;d,sh" ueo fmr." wefuldjg .syska ;ud th f.kdf' kuq;a ;uka ;=<" ;ukaf.a rf ;sfnk ckuQ, kdgHh l,dj iamY lf<a keye' ud odhl jQ kj;u kdgHh uydpdh wdhr;ak we;=.,hkaf.a zzuy iuhuZZ hs' th mfhaIKd;aul kdgHh l,djg wh;a Tfmrdjla' fYaIfhka Tfmrdjla hkq ix.S;uh kdgHh ,laIK we;s ksudKhla' tys zf.daGhsnrhd f.a Z p;h uu r olajkjd' hq. .Kkdjlg wh;a m%k Ys,amSka /ila Bg odhl jkjd' ta ;%sO yuqod iudl iudldjka o thg inkaOhs' fg,s kdgHh l,djg bfhka jHdmdl m%cdj hkjd 1956 mgka .;a; fld kdgHh;a" 1948 mgka .;a; iskudj;a ye;a;Ej oYlh jkg h ugulg we;a ;snqKd' 1979 mgka .;a; fg,s kdgHh fndfydau <ore wjhl tjlg mej;sfha' tfy;a wojk g iskudj yd fld kdgHhg;a jvd jeys fj,d ;sfhkafka fg,s kdgHh yd rEmjdyskshhs' fg,s kdgHh l,djg bfhka jHdmdl m%cdj hkjd' kdgHh l,dj ;ju;a Yla;su;aj mj;ajd .ekSug wmg wjldY ,e,d ;sfhkjd' ;%mg l,dj ;=< h h wnqo ;sfhkjd' tfy;a Y%S ,dxlslfhda ljodj;a wfma l,djka jefgkakg bv fokafka keye' wfma mrmrdj fyda B< mrmrdj fyda B<g tk mrmrdj fyda wfma l,dj /l .kshs' tal uu ;kau Yajdi lrkjd'

wlrK ldhhka nexl=jg ,ndu iq jHdmdlhkag widOdrKhla

tlai;a ,xld jHdmdl ixOdkh
^iuka; u,a,jwdr isks&


1990 wxl 4 orK nexl= u.ska Kh whlr .ekSf fYaI md,sfka;= Odk mk; u.ska wlrK ldhfha fldgila nexl=jg ,ndu ksid Kh f.jd .ekSug fkdyelsjk iq jHdmdlhskag widOdrKhla jk nj tlai;a ,xld jHdmdl ixOdkh mjihs' tlS mk; m%ldrj nexl= wOHlaI uKav,fha fhdackd iu;fhka foam, fjkafoais lsf whs;sh nexl=j i;=jk nj;a" tu mkf;a 16$1 j.ka;sh hgf;a fjkafoais lrk foam, j,ska Kh lrejka t<jd ug kvq mjrk ksid;a" 1990 wxl 4 orK mk; nexl= u.ska jer f,i md lrk nj mjik tlai;a ,xld jHdmdl ixOdkh fufia o woyia olajhs' fuu mk; hgf;a ,nd.kakd Kh uqo,g nexl=j ljodj;a Wlia Tmamqjla ,nd fokafka keye' tys msgm;la fokafk;a keye' Wlia Tmamqj bx.%Sis NdId fjka ielis,d ;sfhkafka' Kh ,nd.kakd iq jHdmdl m%cdj thg w;aika lrkafka bx.%Sis NdIdjj;a fkdkhs' f ksid Kh Tmamqf fudkjdo ;sfhkafka lshk tlj;a Tjqka okafka keye' nexl=j u.ska Khla ,ndf W.ia Tmamq wh lrk mqoa.,hd okak NdIdfjka ilia l< hq;=hs' tu Tmamqj Khlrejka iska lshjd n,d w;aika l< njg wkqu; lr.; hq;=hs' fuh wfma rf isjkafka keye' Wlia Tmamqf we;=<;a j.ka;s inkaOj h .egjla we;ak jdKsc kS;sh okakd kS;s{hl=f.a iyh ,nd.ekSu w;sYhskau jeo.;a' Kh ,nd .ekSf nexl=j iu. f,aLk w;aika lrk g ;ukaf.a kS;s{hl= nexl=jg /f.k hd hq;=uhs' nexl=j iska foam, fjkafoais lsug tfrysj Wid .sh;a ta id:l;ajh b;d wvqhs' foam< j,ska t<shg odkak muKhs nexl=j Wid f.dia kvq odkafka' Y%du f.dia ;u foam< Wliafldg jHdmdrj, ksr;jk msia 1990 mk; u.ska wirKNdjhg m;afjkjd' jHdmdr lsf we;sjkakdjQ Odldr Ialr;d inkaOfhka Wmfoia yd iykm;d my; ,smskhg lreKq olajk f,i tlai;a ,xld jHdmdl ixOdkh mjihs' inkalrK ldhd,h" fkd( 06" m<uq uy," frdah,a ma,did fjf<| ixlSKh" mkaksmsh mdr' n;a;ruq,a,' rl:k ( 0114 272612" 0114 272621



Food for a rich life

By Nelum Wijesinghe
o become rich is dream for many. However, loads of money in the bank or in a safe at home does not necessarily constitute a contented life without being healthy, as the saying goes, 'Health is wealth'! In this regard Lankaway is committed to come up with a series every month with profound advices to lead a healthy life. It is an accepted fact that healthy person can work hard, think properly, safe guard his money, save time and most of all can lead a stress free life style. So if you are inclined to stay healthy, then start eating healthy food. Healthy eating will not just be a momentary stage for someone. Today many people are thinking about it and effectively doing it. How do you do it? It needs a bit of careful planning with which you can enjoy tasty food which are beneficial for your whole body. This can be practised by the whole family and especially it is vital to train young children to eat healthy food from a very early age. Lankaway magazine is proud to announce its commitment to help our readers to select the ideal food for a healthy living. This series of advice and recipes will guide and direct you to a wider range of food choices when you are eating at home, eating out, even on the run . Our aim will be to assist you to pick and choose food from your store room, cupboard, from the shop, cafes, restaurants or even from a take-away food outlet. A healthy food diet will certainly have a huge impact on your health,

immediately and in the years to come. It can help to avoid the risk of suffering from potential diseases such as coronary heart disease, diabetes, hypertension and various kinds of cancer , the sound of which can make one ill. Healthy eating certainly helps to cut down on fat, stop gaining weight and become obese which is the number one enemy associated with most of the unhealthy situations. A balance diet and non- smoking is said to be one of the most effective ways of

(cod /haddock/malert/thilapia) fillet 300g skinless boneless salmon fillet 200g king prawns cleaned, veined and cooked 350ml semi-skimmed milk 3 bay leaves (flavor) 20g unsaturated margarine (sunflower/olive/palm) 3 baby leeks washed and sliced 100g chestnut mushrooms sliced 25g whole meal plain flour 100g frozen peas 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley Freshly ground black pepper, sea salt to taste Fresh chives or spring onions to garnish. 1. Preheat the oven to 190 C. Grease and ovenproof pie dish and set aside. Drain cooked potatoes and keep hot. 2. Place fish in saucepan with milk and bay leaves. Bring slowly to boil, then poach gently for 10 minutes or until fish is tender and cooked. Add prawns. Remove fish and prawns to a plate using slotted spoon. Flake fish, set aside. Strain cooking liquid into jug discard bay leaves. 3. Melt Margarine in saucepan, add leeks, mushrooms and saut` for 6 minutes. Stir in flour and cook gently for 1 minute. Gradually stir in flavored milk, stirring until sauce is thickened and smooth. Simmer for 2 minutes, stirring.

keeping disease away or under control. In this regard, Lankaway will spotlight certain recipes to cut down on your fat intake, mainly saturated fat, several ways to help reducing salt in your diet and the intake of fruits and vegetables. Try this recipe and be healthy. Fisherman's Healthy Fish Pie. 600g potatoes, washed and chopped, cooked in boiling water. 200g skinless boneless fish

4. Remove pan from heat and stir in flaked fish, peas, chopped parsley, black pepper and salt. Spoon fish mixture into prepared dish. Mash potatoes with a little milk until soft and creamy: season to taste with black pepper. Pile or pipe potatoes on top of fish mixture. 5. Bake in oven for about 30 minutes or until golden brown and piping hot. Garnish with chive sprigs and serve with cooked vegetables such as corrugate, sweet corn, broccoli florets and baby carrots AND ENJOY.


Sri Lanka will become self-sufficient in milk by 2016

Economic Development Minister Basil Rajapaksa said last week that the government is in the process of importing the best breeds of dairy cows which will be distributed among the people at reasonable prices to make Sri Lanka self-sufficient in milk production by 2016 under the Mahinda Chinthana Vision. Already steps have been taken to import Jersey and Friesian cows from Australia for hill country farms. Later 10,000 more cows which can adapt to the low country climate would be imported, according to Minster Basil Rajapaksa. He said so at a ceremony held at the Colombo Port premises in connection with the delivery of 1500 dairy cows imported from Australia under the second stage of this program. Following the import of 500 cows from Australia under the first stage. Their number had today increased to 950, Minister Basil Rajapaksa further said. Addressing those present he emphasized that since 2005 government was gradually reaching the target of making Sri Lanka self-sufficient in all its food requirements as the President had for the country to become self-sufficient in rice with the help of the farming community. In addition, the island was becoming self-sufficient in various food items such as sorghum and undu. The Livestock and Rural Development

By A. Vithanage
For the first time after two decades Sri Lanka imported 500 cows a few months ago. It was a great success, the minister pointed out. Today that number has almost doubled and milk production is on a very high level making it possible to get from these cows twice the quantity of milk than is usually obtained. It is 30 liters or more per day from each of these cows. Cows have been given to the farms of the National Livestock Development Board. Their calves will be distributed among individual farmers, according to Minister Basil Rajapaksa. In the coming months the government is planning to import more cattle which can adapt to the Dry Zone and other areas. Minister Basil Rajapaksa noted that it was a great victory for the people that this program launched jointly by the Economic Development Ministry and the Livestock and Rural Development Ministry would soon make it possible to save large sums spent on importing powdered milk.

Ministry under Minister S. Thondaman is now working on reaching the target of making the country self-sufficient in fresh milk and dairy products as envisaged by the President.

Ministry spends LKR 109 M. on Kilinochchi projects

Development Minister Basil Rajapaksa inaugurated on several new projects completed at a cost of 109 million in the Kilinochchi District. The Minister Rajapaksa also bought the first postal stamp issued to mark the events. The projects comprise the postal Kilinochchi main post office, Dryarukulam tank and b r i d g e a n d t h e Kanagambiyayikulam tank all of which are part of the Economic Development Ministry's accelerated scheme to reconstruct the North under the Uthuru Wasanthaya programme in accordance with the Mahinda Chinthana Vision for economic development. The ministry spent 50 million rupees on reconstructing the Kilinochchi main post office which was completely destroyed during the war. Reconstruction of the post office began on January 11, 2011.


Coming under its supervision are 11 subpost offices and the number of people it serves is 150,000. The main post office employs 77 persons who handle nearly 5,000 letters and parcels per day. The

and bridge which have brought relief to over 2000 members of 325 families. The 270 acre-tank with a 956 meter-long bund can help to cultivate 110 acres of agricultural land. The Dryarukulam Bridge, which serves nearly 150 families, is 100 meters long and five meters wide. The reconstruction cost of the Kanagambiyayikulam tank is 26 million rupees and it now serves nearly 150 families. This 260 acretank with a 1323 meter-long bund can help to cultivate 90 hectares of land.

After inaugurating the completed projects Economic Development Minister Basil Rajapaksa distributed relief assistance (pixs by ThusithaChandakumara) costing over 2 million rupees work includes registration, transporting among 820 families affected by the recent /distributing of letters, parcels, express floods in the Kilinochchi District. The relief letters and money orders. items included bed sheets, towels, drinking The Economic Development water, rice, coconuts, lentils (dhal), canned ministry spent Rs.33 million to fish and school equipment. reconstruct and repair Dryarukulam tank

What will my donation support?

We direct Global Guardian contributions to wherever the need is greatest for children. These hugely important, flexible donations allow UNICEF to react quickly and effectively to changing circumstances. They enable us to respond rapidly to humanitarian crises, give underfunded programmes the vital cash injection to ensure their work for children can continue, and help to launch important innovations to improve childrens lives. Thanks to the generosity of our current Global Guardians, we have built up a fund that gives us the flexibility to direct support to emergencies as they happen, as well as to our long-term programmes for children. Your support as a Global Guardian will enable UNICEF to improve health, nutrition, water, sanitation and education for children in many of the worlds poorest countries.

In 2010, UNICEF delivered:

2.5 billion vaccines to 99 countries, reaching 58 per cent of the worlds children 23 million mosquito nets to protect children from malaria 1.23 billion water purification tablets to provide children globally with safe drinking water 166,000 education kits to 31 countries

But we can and must do more as every year:

> more than 7.5 million children die mainly from preventable causes > 100 million children do not get the chance to go to primary school > tens of millions of children globally live and work on the streets

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