Researchchartquest 7

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Name: Connor Prusha

Middle Ages Webquest #7 Science and Technology Research Chart

Social Class: Peasant; Blacksmith and Scribe


Answer (Your research):

Source Information: (*more than web address *author, date of access, copyright/update date)
Gans, Paul J. "The Medieval Technology Page."Scholar.chem.nyu.ed u. Ed. Paul J. Gans. Paul J. Gans, 1997-2002. Web. 27 Feb. 2013. < /tekpages/Subjects.html>.

1. What were some technological advances during this time? Look at architecture, warfare, medicine, etc.

Examples of Technology

Some technological advancements during this time were the creation of many agricultural tools such as the scythe, and the pitchfork, compasses, mirrors, paper, horseshoes, soap, etc. Some architectural advancements that were made were to use stone, instead of wood, to build castles, flying buttresses, etc. No, or very little medical advancements were made. Medieval physician stuck to the churchapproved methods for treating the ill. Some wartime advancements were the creation of the battle axe, the creation of the battle hammer, the creation of the mace, etc. One important structural aspect of my castle is the Wall Walk. This is the walkway at the top of one of the walls were soldiers defended the castle. This protect my village because soldiers on top will have the advantage over the hostile soldiers on the ground. Another important structural aspect of my castle are the arrow loops. These are narrow vertical holes in the wall that arrows are fired through. This protects my village because the archers on top of the castle can easily take out enemy soldiers and be protected. Another important structural aspect of my castle are the gate houses. These are the places that control the drawbridge, and all of the other entrances to the castle. These protect my village because they can keep the enemy from getting in to the castle and ransacking it. Another important structural aspect of my castle is the moat. The moat is a deep trench filled with water that surrounds the

2. Explain five structural aspects of the castle and how it protected your village? Castle terms defined

Thomas, Jeffrey L. "Castle Terminology."Castlewhales. com. Ed. Jeffrey L. Thomas. Jeffrey L. Thomas, 2009. Web. 27 Feb. 2013. < /casterms.html>.

castle. It protects my village because it stops invaders from entering the castle. One final important structural aspect of my castle is the turret. The turret is a tall look-out tower. It protect my village because the look-outs in the turret will be able to spot an enemy force advancing towards the village from miles away. This would give people time to get safely into the castle before the invasion.

3. What technological advancements allowed massive buildings, like cathedrals, to be built? Cathedrals Life in a Castle 4. What were examples of medical practices? How effective were they? Medicine

Some technological advancements that allowed massive buildings, like cathedrals, to be built were the flying buttresses, towers, facades, vaulted ceilings, and columns.

Wikipedia. "Architecture of the medieval cathedrals of England." Wikimedia Foundation, 28 Feb. 2013. Web. 28 Feb. 2013. < Architecture_of_the_mediev al_cathedrals_of_England>. Krzywicka, Maggie. "Education." Medieval Medicine. 2000. med/education.php (Dec. 15, 2000).

Most forms of medicines during the Middle Ages were herbal remedies. Surgery would have been very painful because there were practically no anesthetics. Overall, the medical practices were not very effective and were very dangerous. Five new weapons being used during the Middle Ages were the War Hammer, the Battle Axe, the Halberd, the Mace, and the Baton. These are enduring impacts because they began the evolution of weapons which has lead us to creating such advanced things like machine guns, and nuclear weapons. In battle, armies would use swords, War Hammers, Bows and Arrows, Battle Axes, Halberds, Spears, etc. During a typical battle, the enemy would try to invade the castle by using many different techniques. The options were: Siege, Ladders, Battering Rams, Catapults, Mining, Fire Arrows, a Belfry Tower, and Mining. If the castle was and Motte and Bailey Castle, fire arrows would be the best option. If it were a stone keep castle, the best options would be: a catapult, a battering ram if

5. Search for five new weapons being used in the middle ages. How are these weapons enduring impacts? Weapons 6. Describe the weapons you would have used in battle and how a typical battle would have gone. Technology in Attacking Castles, see video below and play this game (make choices to defend

"Middle Ages Weapons.", n.d. Web. 28 Feb. 2013. <>.

History on the Net. "Concentric Castles." m. History on the Net, 20002013. Web. 1 Mar. 2013. <http://www.historyonthenet. com/Lessons/attackdefendc astle/concentric.htm>.

your castle and see how it turns out)

no moat, a belfry tower if no moat, or ladders if no moat. If its a Concentric Castle, the best option would be a siege.

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