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Siddhi binayak +2 science college Unit test(1st year Science)

Time: 1 Hour 30 min Full Marks:35

The figures in the right hand margin indicates marks. Answer all Groups as directed.
1)Choose the correct answer of the following 1 a) A constant force is applied to a man, it moves with uniform i)Velocity ii)acceleration iii)Angular velocity iv)Momentum b) A man sitting in a boat, which is floating on a pond, if the man drinks some water from the pond the level of water in the pond i) decreases ii)increases iii)remains same iv)none of those c) Unit of surface tension is i)N ii) N iii) iv) d) A ball is thrown up vertically in air ,as it rises there is an increase in its ----------------i)potential energy ii)kinetic energy iii)acceleration iv)none of those e) The weight of a body is 9.8N at a place where g .Its mass is i)zero II)9.8kg iii)10kg iv)1kg 2) Answer each bit as directed 1 a) Why do we make the bottom oh chips heavy? b) Define momentum? c) What is impulsive force? d) What happens to force of surface tension, when soluble impurity is added to a liquid (increases or decreases). e) Which law of motion is on the basis of laws of conservation of momentum? 3) Answer any six 2 a) Differentiate between surface tension and surface energy? b) Define geo-stationary satellite write down its two features? c) What is capillarity? Give two examples? d) How g varies from centre of earth towards surface of earth? e) Show that why it is easier to pull than to push with a neat diagram? f) Earth has an atmosphere where moon has not why? g) State keplers laws of planetary motion ? 4) Answer any two? 3 a) Define satellite and show why an astronaut feels complete weightless inside a satellite. b) Discuss the molecular theory of surface tension with an example? c) The velocity of a body of mass 20kg decreases from 20m/sec to 5m/sec at a distance of 100m.calculate the force on the body? 5) State Newtons laws of motion and define units of force from 2nd law. Also show that in an isolated system the momentum is conserved? [5+2=7] OR Derive an expression for escape velocity? Calculate the escape velocity of earth where radius of earth Is 6400km and g . [5+2=7] Derive an expression for the orbital velocity of a satellite. Also derive an expression for time period , Height of satellite and its total energy? [3+4=7]

(Best of luck from Siddhi Binayak Family)

Siddhi binayak +2 science college Unit test(1st year Science)

Time: 1 Hour 30 min Full Marks:35

The figures in the right hand margin indicates marks. Answer all Groups as directed.

(Best of luck from Siddhi Binayak Family)

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