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Hi, Im Sebastian Bach.

The truth is, people like you would know me as a part of history, but what would surprise you is that Im also a part of this world. Ive changed not only my name, but also my identity. I am known as Johnny Thor; Im currently a college student of University of Santo Tomas, Conservatory of Music, taking up Composition major, Piano minor. Nagtatagalog ako. Yes, Ive learned not only Tagalog, but also how to live here in the Philippines. Actually, mahirap, especially when Id realized that I cant go back to my realm, to my beloved family. As Ive read your mind filled with curiosity, I would like you to have a little peek of what exactly happened when I got here. During my last performance, my wife gave me a pocket watch serve as a good luck charm as she stated. I felt a strange numb and a tear fell from my wifes eye is what I had last witnessed. Unexpectedly, a flash of light struck my eyes. As the light diminishes, I was standing at the center of a room with at least forty blue chairs, stonelike flooring, and a fancy harpsichord which it seemed painted wrong. After a flabbergasting sight, I fainted. After that incident, Ive decided to keep moving forward. I gradually learn how to be one of the commoners of this place, Manila, Philippines; I suppose Im in a university called Santo Tomas. Ive managed to enroll in the university as an engineering student. Dont ask how. As I went to the Benavides Library, Ive discovered the internet; later, I created an account on the so-called facebook, the internets most used webpage. Ive also found YouTube where a fragment of the world is recorded then put inside of it. Ive managed to watch some pieces I had composed. Aww. That was nice; especially those squinty eyed children who played my three-part inventions flawlessly. This world never ceased to amaze me. While walking through these foul streets of Edsa, a giant moving painting caught my attention. A weird song accompanied the video was featured. A young man with a girls voice caught my attention. It seems Justin Biebers in Manila for the concert My World 2011 Asian Tour. Another video was featured; it seems he was in a bad mood, snubbing fans at NAIA; well, that wasnt nice. How come he wont appreciate his adorers affection for him? And how come they adored such uproar music? As I listen more to this music, I was amazed yet pity todays humanity. What Ive just discovered surprised me. It seems that the world had changed a lot, even music. Well, I supposed everything changes. But, despite the auto-tune and synthesizers advanced technology, I think there is something missing. Where is the independent human talent? Where is the deserved recognition of those squinty-eyed children I had watched on YouTube, of those violinists at the train station whose trills and dynamics were remarkable, of those people whose devotion to music was heartwarming? Maybe, thats the catch; the development of technology initiated convenience to humanity. The ease of what technology had produced affected music; music changed into having a purpose of only entertainment and frenzy. I went back to the university and I noticed a building mostly entered by students who carry violins and flutes; it is called Albertus Magnus. I went inside and used an elevator; good thing the elevator lady didnt notice I have no instrument. Hihi. When Im at the fifth floor, I was stunned. This is where I should be! (So I dont have to experience culture shock) After a little tour for myself, I had decided to shift here, at the Conservatory of Music. The tuition fee was expensive but I didnt care. All this time, my music had been preserved. A tear fell from my eye. Oh Listen! My bestfriends cantata! How wonderful! Well, my hope for humanity was restored. Sorry! Im late for atonal theory class! I have to hurry! Thats all I have to say, I guess. Ta-ta for now.

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