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Autonomous Vehicle Guidance Systems

Class Slides Jongrae Kim

Department of Aerospace Engineering University of Glasgow

Course Outline
Class website: moodle website Assessment Term project (20%) Final exam (80%) Text books
[1] Bryson. A. E. Jr. and Ho, Y.-C., Applied optimal control: Optimization, Estimation, and Control, John Wiley & Sons (Chapter 1 & 2) [2] Bertsekas, D., Dynamic programming and optimal control, Vol. 1, Athena Scientific, (Chapter 1 & 2) [3] Several journal papers (available in the moodle)

Course Outline
Introduction Autonomous vehicle path planning Potential function for obstacle avoidance (Ref. 3) Continuous path planning Parameter optimisation (Ref.1, Chapter 1) Optimisation for dynamic systems (Ref.1, Chapter 2) Discrete path planning Discretise the problem space Dynamic programming algorithm (Ref.2, Chapter 1) Deterministic shortest path problem (Ref.2, Chapter 2) Optimal search: Particle swarm optimisation (Ref.3)

Autonomous Vehicle Path Planning
Starting Location

Final Location

Generate a path for a vehicle to follow Guidance Law

The control law for the vehicle to follow the path: Low level controller (LQR/LQG, H, etc)

This is the topic for Aerospace Control I/II

Potential function method for obstacle avoidance
Classical approach Very simple Hard to consider some tight constraints

No sensor noise No threat Perfect information about the environment

Clear some ambiguities in the optimisation problem

Are the initial and the final location given? Is the length of the time fixed? Are there any constraints on the velocity and the path?
Is the velocity varying or a constant? Can be the path having sharp corners? etc.

Path planning for a mobile robot:

Potential Function
Concept from Fluid Mechanics Flow around the obstacles or falling object by gravitational force
[Ref] Oussama Kathib, Real-Time Obstacle Avoidance for Manipulators and Mobile Robots, The International Journal of Robotics Research, Vol. 5, No. 1, Spring 1986, pp. 90-98 Similarity!

Potential Function
Consider a case for one obstacle

Attractive potential Repulsive potential


Newton's 2nd Law of Motion with Conservative Force
Conservative force Newton's 2nd Law of Motion

Attractive force

Repulsive force
Q. Derive it!

Ordinary differential equations (ODE)


Solving ODE using MATLAB function ode45

function dxdt = msd_ode(time,state, k, c)

% main m-script file x0 = [1 0]; % initial condition k = 0.5; c = 0.1; ode_option = odeset('RelTol',1e-6,'AbsTol', 1e-9); [time,xout]=ode45(@msd_ode,... [0 10],x0,ode_option,k,c);

x = state(1); vx = state(2); dxdt(1) = vx; dxdt(2) = -k*x-c*vx; dxdt = dxdt(:);

>> msd_main >> figure; plot(time,xout(:,1)); >> figure; plot(time,xout(:,2));

Simulation results for two different parameter sets:

Course Outline
Introduction Autonomous vehicle path planning Potential function for obstacle avoidance (Ref. 3) Continuous path planning Parameter Optimisation (Ref.1, Chapter 1) Optimisation for dynamic systems (Ref.1, Chapter 2) Discrete path planning Discretise the problem space Dynamic programming algorithm (Ref.2, Chapter 1) Deterministic shortest path problem (Ref.2, Chapter 2) Optimal search: Particle swarm optimisation (Ref.3)

Continuous Path Planning

Autonomous Vehicle Path Planning
Starting Location

Final Location

Continuous Path Planning: Parameter Optimisation

Problem without constraints

All points that satisfy 1) are called stationary points. In order to satisfy this, all eigenvalues at the point must be positive real. 1) alone is the necessary condition for u* to minimise the cost function. 1) & 2) are the sufficient condition for u* to minimise the cost function.

Continuous Path Planning: Parameter Optimisation

Problem without constraints
A point satisfies 1) but point. We call this a singular

We need more information to decide whether the cost at the singular point is minimum or not. e.g.

Continuous Path Planning: Parameter Optimisation

Problem without constraints


Q. Derive

Continuous Path Planning: Parameter Optimisation

Problem without constraints
The second condition for minimality:

Q. Check whether the following matrices are positive definite or not:

Continuous Path Planning: Parameter Optimisation

Problem with equality constraints

subject to


Continuous Path Planning: Parameter Optimisation

Problem with equality constraints
Stationary Point: Without any constraint,

With the equality constraint,


Continuous Path Planning: Parameter Optimisation

Gradient Direction
Lagrange Multiplier


Continuous Path Planning: Parameter Optimisation

Gradient Direction: 3-dimensional case

Continuous Path Planning: Parameter Optimisation

Gradient Direction: 3-dimensional case

Continuous Path Planning: Parameter Optimisation

Necessary Condition

Continuous Path Planning: Parameter Optimisation

Necessary Condition

Continuous Path Planning: Parameter Optimisation

Problem with equality constraints: Necessary Condition


Define Hamiltonian as follows:

Q. Derive the same necessary condition for the optimality by taking derivative of the Hamiltonian as follows:

Continuous Path Planning: Parameter Optimisation

Calculate the minimum

Also, show that

i.e, Lagrange multiplier points the opposite direction of the cost change with respect to the constraint while keeps .

Continuous Path Planning: Parameter Optimisation

Example: Maximum steady rate of climb for aircraft
Derive the necessary condition to maximise the following, i.e. the steady rate of climb:

subject to the following force balance equations:

Horizontal line
where the thrust is constant,

and k1 and k2 are constant.

Continuous Path Planning: Parameter Optimisation

Problem with Inequality constraints

Continuous Path Planning: Parameter Optimisation

Problem with Inequality constraints

Continuous Path Planning: Parameter Optimisation

Problem with Inequality constraints

Necessary Condition for the Optimality

Continuous Path Planning: Parameter Optimisation

Linear Programming Problems

then, the minimum/maximum occurs at a point where n number of equations of the following is satisfied:

Q. Graphically, explain the reason of the above condition for 2dimensional decision variable y.

Course Outline
Introduction Autonomous vehicle path planning Potential function for obstacle avoidance (Ref. 3) Continuous path planning Parameter Optimisation (ITE, Becerra VM, 2004) Optimisation for dynamic systems (Ref.1, Chapter 2) Discrete path planning Discretise the problem space Dynamic programming algorithm (Ref.2, Chapter 1) Deterministic shortest path problem (Ref.2, Chapter 2) Optimal search: Particle swarm optimisation (Ref.3)

Continuous Path Planning: Parameter Optimisation

Optimisation using nonlinear programming
This is a discrete path planning algorithm but almost continuous. Reference: Becerra, V.M., Solving Optimal Control Problems with State Constraints Using Nonlinear Programming, IEEE Transactions on Education, Vol. 47, No. 3, pp. 377 384 Nonlinear Programming Problem:

subject to

Continuous Path Planning: Parameter Optimisation

Pendulum Example
Equation of motion

State-Space Form


Initial Condition

Continuous Path Planning: Parameter Optimisation

Pendulum Example Objective:

where subject to

Continuous Path Planning: Parameter Optimisation

Pendulum Example: transform the original problem into a parametric optimisation problem


Continuous Path Planning: Parameter Optimisation

Pendulum Example: transform the original problem into a parametric optimisation problem



is a discretisation time interval length.

Continuous Path Planning: Parameter Optimisation

Pendulum Example: compact form where

Continuous Path Planning: Parameter Optimisation

Pendulum Example: Discretise the cost function

Continuous Path Planning: Parameter Optimisation

Pendulum Example: Discretise the cost function


Continuous Path Planning: Parameter Optimisation

Pendulum Example: Discretise the cost function

Continuous Path Planning: Parameter Optimisation

Pendulum Example: Discretise the cost function

Continuous Path Planning: Parameter Optimisation

Pendulum Example: Control input constraint

where is a row vector whose all elements are zero except the kth element, which is 1.

Continuous Path Planning: Parameter Optimisation

Pendulum Example: Final state constraint

Course Outline
Introduction Autonomous vehicle path planning Potential function for obstacle avoidance (Ref. 3) Continuous path planning Parameter Optimisation (Ref.1, Chapter 1) Optimisation for dynamic systems (Ref.1, Chapter 2) Discrete path planning Discretise the problem space Dynamic programming algorithm (Ref.2, Chapter 1) Deterministic shortest path problem (Ref.2, Chapter 2) Optimal search: Particle swarm optimisation (Ref.3)

Continuous Path Planning: Optimisation for Dynamic Systems

Optimisation for dynamic systems

Starting Location

Final Location

Continuous Path Planning: Optimisation for Dynamic Systems

Optimisation for static systems

Necessary Condition

Optimisation for dynamic systems

Necessary Condition

Continuous Path Planning: Optimisation for Dynamic Systems

Optimisation for dynamic systems

1) Initial condition is free 2) The cost function is given by

3) There could be some constraints on the control and the state, e.g. as follows:

Continuous Path Planning: Optimisation for Dynamic Systems

Augmenting the dynamic equation to the cost


1st-order Perturbation: the time interval is fixed

Continuous Path Planning: Optimisation for Dynamic Systems

1st-order Perturbation: the time interval is fixed

Integration by parts the last term in the integral

Continuous Path Planning: Optimisation for Dynamic Systems

1st-order Perturbation: the time interval is fixed

In order to make the 1st-order perturbation equal to zero: Q. Consider initial and final conditions for various cases: e.g. -fixed/free initial state -fixed/free final state Necessary Conditions for Optimality

Continuous Path Planning: Optimisation for Dynamic Systems

Two Point Boundary Value Problem (TPBVP)

Time interval is fixed: Initial condition for the state is given: Final condition for the state is free

2n number of ODE:

2n number of Initial & Final Conditions:

Continuous Path Planning: Optimisation for Dynamic Systems

Two Point Boundary Value Problem (TPBVP)

Time interval is fixed: Initial condition for the state is given: Final condition for the state is free 2n number of ODE: 2n number of Initial & Final Conditions:

The control input is given by

The solution satisfies the initial condition for the state and the final condition for the Lagrange multiplier.

Continuous Path Planning: Optimisation for Dynamic Systems

Two Point Boundary Value Problem (TPBVP)

2n number of ODE: 2n number of Initial & Final Conditions:

The control input is given by

Solve the above differential equations with the estimate initial Lagrange multiplier Check whether the final value of Lagrange multiplier is equal to the final condition Adjust the estimate and repeat the procedure until it is matched.

Continuous Path Planning: Optimisation for Dynamic Systems

Q1. Set up the Two-Point Boundary Value Problem (TPBVP) for the following:

where the initial and the final conditions are given by

Continuous Path Planning: Optimisation for Dynamic Systems

Q2. Obtain the optimal control input,

, for the following:

subject to where

Continuous Path Planning: Optimisation for Dynamic Systems

Q3. Set up the Two-Point Boundary Value Problem (TPBVP) for the following:

where the initial and the final conditions are given by

Continuous Path Planning: Optimisation for Dynamic Systems

Q4. Show that the optimal control input for the following:

where the initial and the final times are fixed, and all initial conditions are equal to zero, is equal to

Course Outline
Introduction Autonomous vehicle path planning Potential function for obstacle avoidance (Ref. 3) Continuous path planning Parameter Optimisation (Ref.1, Chapter 1) Optimisation for dynamic systems (Ref.1, Chapter 2) Discrete path planning Discretise the problem space Dynamic programming algorithm (Ref.2, Chapter 1) Deterministic shortest path problem (Ref.2, Chapter 2) Optimal search: Particle swarm optimisation (Ref.3)

Discrete Path Planning: Dynamic Programming Algorithm

Optimisation on the discretised space

Starting Location

Final Location

Discrete Path Planning: Dynamic Programming Algorithm

Discretising the space

Constructing a graph: nodes & edges


Discrete Path Planning: Dynamic Programming Algorithm

Discretising the space

Constructing a graph: nodes & edges
Voronoi diagram: 1) Sample n number of points over the space as follows:

2) Construct edges such that: For example, for any point inside this cell, the closest point among the n sample points (ri for all i = 1, 2, ..., n) is r3

Discrete Path Planning: Dynamic Programming Algorithm

Discretising the space

Constructing a graph: nodes & edges
Voronoi diagram
MATLAB Command: >>voronoi(x,y);

>> [vx, vy] = voronoi(x,y);

Discrete Path Planning: Dynamic Programming Algorithm

Discretising the space

Constructing a graph: nodes & edges
Voronoi diagram
MATLAB Command:

>> [vx, vy] = voronoi(x,y);

>> plot(vx(:,1),vy(:,1));

Discrete Path Planning: Dynamic Programming Algorithm

Discretising the space

Constructing a graph: nodes & edges
6 nodes and 5 edges more nodes and more edges

Discrete Path Planning: Dynamic Programming Algorithm

Discretising the space

Constructing a cost matrix from the graph
Numbering each node (1) (2) Assume (1) is the starting node and (6) is the end node.

(3) (5)



Discrete Path Planning: Dynamic Programming Algorithm

Discretising the space

Constructing a cost matrix from the graph
Numbering each node (1) (2) Assume (1) is the starting node and (6) is the end node. For purely a demonstrate purpose, we add two more edges in the original graph.

(3) (5)



Discrete Path Planning: Dynamic Programming Algorithm

Discretising the space

Constructing a cost matrix from the graph
Numbering each node (1) 10 (2) 10 2 (4) 8 9 6 (3) (6) Assume (1) is the starting node and (6) is the end node. For purely a demonstrate purpose, we add two more edges in the original graph. Assign a cost value for each edges, e.g., distance between two nodes, danger between two nodes, etc.

(5) 3

Discrete Path Planning: Dynamic Programming Algorithm

Discretising the space

Constructing a cost matrix from the graph
Numbering each node (1) 10 (2) 10 2 (4) 8 9 6 (3) (6) Assume (1) is the starting node and (6) is the end node. For purely a demonstrate purpose, we add two more edges in the original graph. Assign a cost value for each edges, e.g., distance between two nodes, danger between two nodes, etc. Assign a possible travel direction for each edge (no arrow means the edge can be travelled in both direction)

(5) 3

Discrete Path Planning: Dynamic Programming Algorithm

Discretising the space

Constructing a cost matrix from the graph
(1) 10 (2)

Q. Fill the empty terms in the following matrix:

10 2 (4)

6 (6)


(5) 3

Course Outline
Introduction Autonomous vehicle path planning Potential function for obstacle avoidance (Ref. 3) Continuous path planning Parameter Optimisation (Ref.1, Chapter 1) Optimisation for dynamic systems (Ref.1, Chapter 2) Discrete path planning Discretise the problem space Dynamic programming algorithm (Ref.2, Chapter 1) Optimal search: Particle swarm optimisation (Ref.3)

Dynamic Programming Algorithm

Dynamic Programming Problem
Two principal features
Discrete time dynamic system

Control input

Uncertainty/ Random disturbance

Cost function that is additive over time

as there are random disturbances

Dynamic Programming Algorithm

Dynamic Programming Problem
Standard Problem

subject to


Open Loop Control: decide all control input at the initial state Closed Loop Control: decide each k-th control when the current time is k

Dynamic Programming Algorithm

Dynamic Programming Problem
Example: (Inventory Control)

40 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 5

...... ......

Dynamic Programming Algorithm

Dynamic Programming Problem
Example: (Inventory Control)
Probability 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 10 20 30 40

Dynamic Programming Algorithm

Dynamic Programming Problem
Example: (Inventory Control)

Purchase cost

Shortage cost

Excessive storage cost

Dynamic Programming Algorithm

Dynamic Programming Problem
Example: (Inventory Control)

subject to


Dynamic Programming Algorithm

Dynamic Programming Problem
Example: (Inventory Control)

Probability 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 10 20 30 40

Dynamic Programming Algorithm

Dynamic Programming Problem
Example: (Inventory Control)

1) Case I:

Probability 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 10 20 30 40

Q. Calculate the costs for the other purchase amount cases and decide the optimal amount of purchase.

Dynamic Programming Algorithm

Dynamic Programming Problem
Example: (Deterministic Task Scheduling Problem)
Schedule Tasks A, B, C and D B must perform only after A performed D must perform only after C performed 3 5 Initial State 3 3 A 4 2 B 3 D 0 Final State 4

3 0

Dynamic Programming Algorithm

Dynamic Programming Problem
Example: (Deterministic Task Scheduling Problem)
C B A Initial State C D A C A B D B D D D B D B B

Dynamic Programming Algorithm

Dynamic Programming Problem
Example: (Deterministic Task Scheduling Problem)
Assign a cost for each edge 3 2 5 Initial State 3 4 C 6 D 3 A A A 3 C B 4 6 2 4 D B D 3 1 3 2 B D B B C B 6 1 D D

Dynamic Programming Algorithm

Dynamic Programming Problem
Example: (Deterministic Task Scheduling Problem)
Nave way of obtaining the minimum cost path 3 2 5 Initial State 3 4 C 6 D 3 A A A 3 C B 4 6 2 4 D B D 3 1 3 2 C B 6 1 D 16 D 13 B 17 D 10 B 14 B 14

Dynamic Programming Algorithm

Dynamic Programming Problem
Example: (Deterministic Task Scheduling Problem)
Solve one state problem forward (forward DP) 3 2 5 Initial State 10 C 3 3 4 6 A 5 3 B 7 C 8 A 7 D 9 3 4 6 2 4 C 10 B 12 D 14 B 9 D 11 A 12 6 1 3 1 3 2 D 16 D 13 B 17 D 10 B 14 B 14

Dynamic Programming Algorithm

Dynamic Programming Problem
Example: (Deterministic Task Scheduling Problem)
Solve one state problem backward (backward DP) 3 2 5 Initial State 10 C 7 3 4 6 A 8 3 B 9 C 5 A 3 D 5 3 4 6 2 4 C 6 B 1 D 3 B 1 D 3 A 2 3 1 3 2 B D B B 6 1 D D

Dynamic Programming Algorithm

Dynamic Programming Problem
Example: (Deterministic Task Scheduling Problem)
Assign a cost for each edge 3 2 5 Initial State 3 4 C1 6 D2 3 A3 A2 A1 3 C2 B2 4 6 2 4 D31 B32 D32 3 1 3 2 B41 0 D43 B42 B43 0 0 0 C3 B31 6 1 D41 0 D42 0

Final State

Dynamic Programming Algorithm

DP Algorithm

subject to

Additional Topics
Dijkstras Algorithm


Course Outline
Introduction Autonomous vehicle path planning Potential function for obstacle avoidance (Ref. 3) Continuous path planning Parameter Optimisation (Ref.1, Chapter 1) Optimisation for dynamic systems (Ref.1, Chapter 2) Discrete path planning Discretise the problem space Dynamic programming algorithm (Ref.2, Chapter 1) Optimal search: Particle swarm optimisation (Refs. 4 and 5)

Particle Swarm Optimisation

The final solution depends on the initial guess
Good initial guess may give the global minimum. But, we don't know how to pick a good initial guess.
may converge to the local minimum instead of the global.

Local minimum

Global minimum

Particle Swarm Optimisation

Global Optimisation
Try to find the global minimum with various methods Most of them are heuristic approach
Genetic Algorithm Randomisation Algorithm Particle Swarm Optimisation

However, Be careful!
An algorithm that is the best for any problem does not exist.
No Free-lunch Theorem: Always, there are set of problems that the performance of the algorithm is worse than the others.

No algorithm can be better for all problems than the uniform random sampling algorithm.

Understanding the properties of the problem to be solved is the most important. Choosing an appropriate algorithm is the next important factor.

Particle Swarm Optimisation

Particle-Swarm Optimisation (PSO)
1) Spread a number of random points uniformly in the search space and evaluate the function to be minimised at each points

These are the swarm of particles.

Particle Swarm Optimisation

Particle-Swarm Optimisation (PSO)
2) Update the velocity of each particle using the following equation:

This is the communication range for the 1st particle.

Particle Swarm Optimisation

Particle-Swarm Optimisation (PSO)
2) Update the velocity of each particle using the following equation:

where and

are the random number between 0 and 1 are the weighting factors.

3) Update the location of each particle

Particle Swarm Optimisation

Particle-Swarm Optimisation (PSO)
UAV Search Mission Application
Interpret each particle as a UAV Location of particle is the location of UAV The cost function represents the probability of a target that we are searching over the search region. Neighbourhood of each particle is the communication range of each UAV.

How to construct the cost function corresponding to the probability of a target existence at a given location? Formulate the cost function for search mission is beyond the scope of this lecture. If you're interested in, read the following:
[Ref] J. Hespanha and H. Kizilocak., Efficient Computation of Dynamic Probabilistic Maps, In Proc. of the 10th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, July 2002

Particle Swarm Optimisation

Example: Rastrigrin function
Global minimum at (0,0) and its cost value is 0.

Particle Swarm Optimisation

Example: Rastrigrin function
Global minimum at (0,0) and its cost value is 0.

Using the PSO-toolbox (freely downloadable from internet)

>> pso_options = get_psoOptions; >> pso_options.Obj.f2eval='Rastrigrin'; >> pso_options.Vars.Dim=2; >> [fxmin, xmin, Swarm, history]=pso(pso_options);

Term Project
Term Project #1 (5%)
Implement the path planning algorithm using the potential function method for multiple obstacles (at least 5)
Add the following additional force for each direction

Show the simulation results for various parameter sets Discuss about the simulation results in terms of convergence Discuss about the effect of the additional force for the path planning (Hint. It gives a damping effect of the mass-spring-damper system)

Term Project
Term Project #2 (5%) - Solve the following optimisation problem for the pendulum problem using fmincon in MATLAB

Subject to

Term Project
Term Project #3 (5%)
Construct the cost matrix (A) using voronoi diagram for the path planning problem in the Term Project #1 with the number of obstacles equal to five. Obtain the shortest path using graphshortestpath function in MATLAB Bioinformatics toolbox. Draw the optimal path, obstacles, edges and nodes in 2dimensional space. Design Q-learning algorithm and run as many scenarios as possible until the cost table is completed. Solve the shortest path problem based on the obtained cost table.

Term Project
Term Project #4 (5%) Solve the optimisation problem of Term Project #2 using Particle Swarm Optimisation and compare the results with the ones of Term Project #2

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