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Curso Tcnico Subsequente em Biocombustveis

Data: ____/____/____ Professora: Jacyara N Disciplina: Ingls Instrumental Aluno(a): ___________________

Exercise (Past Simple)

1. As sentenas abaixo foram retiradas da 2 parte do artigo Nestle blames biofuels for skyrocketing food inflation. Identifique os verbos que esto no passado (Past Simple), circulando os verbos regulares e sublinhando os irregulares. a) For instance, he maintains that politicians don't understand that the food and oil markets are the same in that they are both "calorific markets," the BBC reported. b) The Nestle chief said lawmakers and others unfamiliar with the process did not anticipate that to replace 20 percent of fossil-fuel use with biofuels, as they wanted, would require increasing crop production three-fold . c) Prior to the global financial crisis that began with the near-collapse of the U.S. banking systems and housing market in 2007-2008, hundreds of millions of people were being lifted out of poverty in the preceding decade. That phenomenon led to dramatically increased food demands as diets improved and more meat and poultry was consumed. 2. Complete the sentences. Use one of these verbs in the past simple: Clean die enjoy finish happen open rain start stay - want a) I ______________ my teeth three times yesterday. b) It was hot in the room, so I _________________ the window. c) The concert _________________ at 7:30 and __________________ at 10 oclock. d) When I was a child, I ________________ to be a doctor. e) The accident __________________last Sunday afternoon. f) Its a nice day today but yesterday it __________________ all day. g) We _________________ our holiday last year. We _________________ at a very nice place. h) Anns grandfather ____________________ when he was 90 years old. 3. Write the past simple of these verbs. get _____________ pay ______________ see _____________ visit _____________ play ____________ buy _____________

go ______________ think ____________ copy ____________

know ____________ put ______________ speak ____________

4. Write sentences about the past. a) Jim always goes to work by car. Yesterday he _____________________________________ b) Rachel often loses her keys. She _________________________________yesterday morning. c) Kate meets her friends every evening. She ________________________________last week. d) I usually buy two newspapers every day. Yesterday I _______________________________ e) We usually go to the cinema on Sundays. Last Sunday we ___________________________ f) Tom always has a shower in the morning. This morning he ___________________________ g) Our friends come to see us every Friday. They ___________________________ last Friday. Vocabulary: Lawmaker = legislador Three-fold = trs vezes Poultry = aves domsticas

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