Strongholds Handout PDF

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WHAT IS A STRONG HOLD? Anything that: 1. Hinders your effectiveness for God, 2.

Hinders your effectiveness to your family, or 3. Will shorten your life the time youve been given to serve God. We all have them. Its there, but you must recognize the author (Satan). You can see his fingerprints all over it. It looks so good and even harmless until you look more closely. As you look at all the areas that he has been building these strongholds in your life you start to realize he has every intention of discouraging, hindering, and stopping you from having that sweet relationship with Almighty God that is so important. Jesus said the enemy is come for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: John 10:10 This section is to identify one strong hold. To Face It and take Gods hand to overcome it. If you have someone you trust to help you through this process you may want to share this with them. **It is not meant to be shared except between you, God, and maybe one other person.** Step 1. Bow your head and ask God to show you the area that is Satans stronghold in your life. Big or small, keep it Step 1. short in description, write down what comes to your heart: Simple words. Let God put His finger on it.

Maybe its been there so long that youve already accepted defeat. Maybe you even secretly enjoy it . Sometimes it becomes our friend you dont want to let go. You are proud of it, you use it to control others. Are you really ready to really take this battle seriously, realizing it is a Spiritual Battle, not something that is someone elses fault but something you are asking God to help you remove from your life?

Sometimes a strong hold appears like it was there as a child before you were even able to understand. Its always been there. Sometimes our parents/grandparents pass them on. Perhaps it was theirs too. Anger, critical spirit. Abuse, meanness, unthankful, When did this strong hold show up in your life. Or when did you become aware and start seeing the results of its destruction in your life.

But it is yours. Its SPIRITUAL. Its not of this world, Its from the enemy and he wants to destroy you with it. We all have numerous strong holds and the enemy patiently builds and plans and camouflages and lies and deceives. Before long he has an entire city built that encircles you. You realize it is a huge superstructure that is working in multiple areas of your life to slowly break you down, steal your joy and ultimately destroy your effectiveness in all areas, This strong hold has become a part of you and it is leading to destruction in some area of your life. Maybe even you own health. It doesnt go away overnight. Its a process that is spiritual. We cans just pray before bed tonight and have 30 years of anger or bitterness or unforgiveness disappear by morning. Ready? Lets make this commitment to God asking for His help in pulling down this strong hold! Yes, My Heavenly Father, I am ready with your help, wisdom, strength and guidance to allow you to help me overcome this strong hold in my life. I give you all the thanks and the glory before we even get started. Amen There are steps for properly addressing these strongholds but first we must point out: God is patient and loving. He doesnt expect you to blow up the whole strong hold city in one day. Each one requires your attention and time as you take steps to break loose from THIS strong hold (and countless others) and get freedom from it and then put some space between it and you. You have already identified ONE strong hold. It is already affecting your life in various areas. Ready? This is not a battle between you and Satan !! It is you, asking and enabling God to fight this battle for you. Remember Greater is HE that is in you than he that is in the world.(1 John 4:4) FEAR NOT!

The Greatest WEAPON to use first is

Be completely honest with yourself and with God as we look at these next two sections. Jesus called Satan the father of lies. He hates to be exposed by the truth. His plan is to promise that everything will be fine & no-one will ever know! Step 2. Describe from a human perspective how YOUR stronghold affects you. How is it working against what you should be doing. What do you do, or not do, daily or weekly because of this strong hold in your life.

Please respond to the following questions about how the enemy is using your strong hold to affect you SPIRITUALLY??
1 Cor 6:19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? A. How does it affect your physical self. It is Gods Holy Spirits Temple. Are you shortening the time to serve God on earth because of this strong hold? B. How does it hurt your effectiveness for God. Does it affect your testimony? C. How does it hurt your effectiveness with your family. D. Does it affect your credibility at home and your effectiveness in relationships

Now about that plan.


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