Personal Devotion

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INTRODUCTION Personal devotion or Quiet Time is the heart of personal walk with God and discipleship. A functional devotional time is the bedrock of a devout Christian. It ensures a victorious Christian living, healthy spiritual growth and rich personal experience with God. However, spiritual decay and a shallow Christian life are the results of the neglect of personal devotion. In this discussion, we shall look into the Scripture to learn the principles and the practice of personal devotion. DEFINITIONS AND CONCEPT Enter into thy closet (Mat. 6:6). It is time spent in the personal closet. What is a closet? (Mark 1:35). And Jacob was left alone (Gen. 32:24). It is being alone with God. What does this mean and what are the practical implications? In His presence (Psalm 16:11). A successful time of devotion must take a man into the Spirit. John 4:23-24. FOUNDATIONS FOR PERSONAL DEVOTION Psalm 63 Relationship with God. You are my God Daily, early rising Deep love and thirst for God. BENEFITS Psalm 23, Psalm 84, Psalm 91 From Psalm 23, we can learn some benefits of personal devotion: Opens you to Gods Shepherding roles in your life. Removes physical and spiritual lack and poverty A platform for restoration, refreshing and revival. For divine leading and guidance. For spiritual warfare and victory over the enemy For exhortation, comfort and assurance in times of stress or troubles. For overflowing anointing and power for service. TYPES AND PHASES OF PERSONAL DEVOTION From a study of Psalm 63, discuss the following types of Quiet Time:

Occasional Quiet time Determined Quiet time Study Quiet time Dry or desert Quiet time Devotional Quiet time Discuss each of the above in terms of the following attributes or characteristics: Scripture reading Prayer time Emotional satisfaction Frequency Benefits Disadvantages Most of us have experienced each of these types of Quiet Time at one time or the other. What have been your own experiences? HOW TO MAKE PERSONAL ALTARS How do you develop your Quiet Time? Please read Exodus 20:22-26. You will notice there that altars have to be made. They dont just happen. It takes time to build a strong relationship with God and a solid personal devotion. Discuss the meaning and implications of: Altar of earth Altar of stones. Going up by steps unto mine altar. FAMILY ALTAR Closely related to Personal Devotion is the issue of Family Altar. However, both are different and are no substitutes for each other. Why? Examine some family altars in the scriptures and discuss. Jobs home (Job 1:5) - It was a daily affair. Directed at the children. Elkanah & Hannahs home (1 Sam. 1: 9-18) An annual affair. Most family altars fall in between these types. How is your own? CONCLUSION How is your personal devotion? Is it effective? What are the problems and challenges you have faced and how have you overcome them? This is the bedrock of effective Christian living. You must take it seriously.

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