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Compatibility Mode
How to Run a Program in Compatibility Mode in Windows 7
Published by Brink

Compatibility Mode
Published by

How to Run a Program in Compatibility Mode in Windows


C om pa tibility m ode a llows a olde r progra m writte n for an e arlie r ve rsions of W indows to po ssibly run in
Windows 7. You can a lso use C om pa tibility m ode to always have a program to R un as an Brink
adm inistra tor. Administrator


If changing the C om pa tibility se ttings doe s not fix the proble m , go to the program m anufacture r's
we bsite to se e if the re is a n upda te for the program .

To se e if your software is com patible with W indows 7, che ck it he re : Windows 7 Compatibility Center Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Texas
Posts: 25,985


Do not use C om patibility m ode on olde r antivirus pro gram s, disk utilitie s, or othe r syste m program s
be ca use it m ight cause da ta loss or cre ate a se curity risk . Tutorial Tools

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Through Properties Page

1. R ight click on the program 's shortcut (LNK file ), .EXE file , BA T file , CMD file , or MSI file .

2. C lick on Properties.

3. C lick on the Compatibility ta b. (se e scre e ns hot be low)

NOTE: If the Compatiblity options are grayed out, then it is a 64 bit program and cannot be changed.

1 de 9 26-04-2011 19:01
Compatibility Mode - Windows 7 Forums

4. To Run a Program in Compatibility Mode

NOTE: Runs the program using settings from a previous version of Windows. Try this setting if you
know the program is designed for (or worked in) a specific previous version of Windows.

A) C he ck the Run this program in compatibility mode for box . (se e scre e nshot
be low)

B) C lick on the drop down m e nu a rrow and se le ct which ve rsion of W indows the
progra m wa s m a de for. (se e scre e nshot be low)
NOTE: Always pick the latest Windows version the program was written for to have a
better chance of it running properly in Windows 7.

MSI file s (right scre e nshot be low) will only have the Previous version of Windows
option a vaila ble fo r it. This option will allow W indows 7 to autom atically use the
pre vious ve rsion com pa tibility m ode it think s is be st for the MSI file to run
prope rly as. You will not be able to do ste ps 5 and 6 be low.

5. To Change the Settings for a Program

A) C he ck or unche ck the se ttings you want for the program . (se e scre e nshot be low)
NOTE: See the table below the screenshot for a description of each setting.

2 de 9 26-04-2011 19:01
Compatibility Mode - Windows 7 Forums

Setting Description
Use s a lim ite d se t of colors in the program . Som e olde r
Run in 256 colors
progra m s are de signe d to use fe we r colors.
R uns the progra m in a sm alle r-size d window. Try this
Run in 640 × 480
se tting if the graphical use r inte rface appe ars jagge d or is
screen resolution
re nde re d im prope rly.
Disable s themes on the program . Try this se tting if you
Disable visual
notice proble m s with the m e nus or buttons on the title bar
of the progra m .
Turns off transpare ncy and othe r advance d display fe a ture s.
Disable desktop
C hoose this se tting if window m ove m e nt appe ars e rratic or
you notice othe r display proble m s.
Disable display Turns off a utom atic re sizing of program s if large -scale font
scaling on high DPI size (DPI) is in use . Try this se tting if large -scale fonts are
settings inte rfe ring with the appe arance of the program .

6. To Change the Privilege Level of a Program

NOTE: Runs the program as an administrator. Some programs require administrator privileges to run
properly. If you are not currently logged on as an administrator, this option is not available.

A) C he ck or unche ck the Run this program as an administrator box to e nable or

disable this option. (se e scre e nshot be low)

7. To Change All of These Settings Above for All Users

NOTE: Lets you choose settings that will apply to all users on this computer.

A) C lick on the Change settings for all users button. (Se e scre e nshot be low)

B) R e pe at ste ps 4, 5, a nd 6 in this window to apply the m to all use rs on the

com pute r. (se e scre e nshot be low)

C ) C lick on OK.

3 de 9 26-04-2011 19:01
Compatibility Mode - Windows 7 Forums

8. C lick on OK to apply the cha nge s. (se e scre e nshot be low ste p 3)


Using "Troubleshoot compatibility" Context Menu Item

NOTE: This option opens the Program Compatibility wizard to let Windows 7 help decide what is best to try and
make the program compatible.

1. R ight click on the progra m 's shortcut (LNK file ), .EXE file , BA T file , CMD file , or MSI file ,
and click on Troubleshoot compatibility. (se e scre e nshot be low)
NOTE: You will not have the Troubleshoot compatibility option available for pinned items in the
Start Menu or on the taskbar. You will only have the Troubleshoot compatibility option available
for 3rd party programs in the Start Menu - All Programs area instead.

2. You will se e this for a m om e nt while W indows 7 is de te cting what the issue s m ay be with
the progra m . (se e scre e nshot be low)

3. The wizard will no w give you a list o f choice s to choose from . Se le ct the option you would
lik e to try, the n follow the re st of the onscre e n instructions until you are through

4 de 9 26-04-2011 19:01
Compatibility Mode - Windows 7 Forums

trouble shooting the com pa tibility issue with the progra m . (se e scre e nsho t be low)


Manually in Registry Editor

1. O pe n the Sta rt Me nu, the n type regedit in the se arch box and pre ss Enter.

2. If prom pte d by UA C, the n click on Yes.

3. In re ge dit, na viga te to the location be low. (se e scre e nshot be low)


HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers

4. To Run a Program in Compatibility Mode

A) In the right pane of Layers, right click on a e m pty are a and click on New, the n
on String Value. (se e scre e nshot be low)

B) Type in the full path of the progra m 's exe file and pre ss Ente r, the n right click
on the full path and click on Modify. (se e scre e nshot be low)

C ) Type in a single or com bination of Data value s (se e table s be low) for how you
want to run the pro gra m a s, a nd click on OK. (se e scre e nshot be low)
NOTE: If you use more than one Settings, then you must add them in the order they are
in the table below.

[Compatibility Mode (only one)] + space + [Settings (one or more with a space
inbetween)] + space + [Privilege Level]

5 de 9 26-04-2011 19:01
Compatibility Mode - Windows 7 Forums


To run a program a s if it was in Windows Vista SP2 (C om patibility Mo de ), and
Run in 256 colors (Se ttings), a nd to run as adm inistra tor you would type :


Sa y you also wa nte d to Run in 640 x 480 screen resolution (2nd Se ttings) with the
above e x am ple , you would type :

VISTA SP2 256Color 640x480 RUNA SA DMIN

Compatibility Mode Data Value

W indows 95 WIN95
W indows 98 / W indows Me WIN98
W indows NT 4.0 (Se rvice Pack 5) NT4SP5
W indows 2000 WIN2000
W indows XP (Se rvice Pack 2) WINXPSP2
W indows XP (Se rvice Pack 3) WINXPSP3
W indows Se rve r 2003 (Se rvice Pa ck 1) WINSRV03SP1
W indows Se rve r 2008 (Se rvice Pa ck 1) WINSRV08SP1
W indows Vista VISTA RTM
W indows Vista (Se rvice Pack 1) VISTA SP1
W indows Vista (Se rvice Pack 2) VISTA SP2
W indows 7 WIN7RTM

Settings Data Value

R un in 256 colors 256Color
R un in 640 x 480 scre e n re solution 640x480
Disable visual the m e s DISA BLETHEMES
Disable de sk top co m position DISA BLEDWM
Disable display sca ling on high DPI se ttings HIGHDPIA WA RE

Privilege Level Data Value

R un this progra m as an Adm inistra to r RUNA SA DMIN

5. To Stop a Program from Running in Compatibility Mode

A) In the right pane of Layers, right click on the full path Name and click on
Delete. (se e scre e nshot be low)

B) C lick on Yes to confirm de le tio n. (se e scre e nshot be low)

6. C lose re ge dit whe n done .

NOTE: Some programs may require you to restart the computer for this to be applied.

6 de 9 26-04-2011 19:01
Compatibility Mode - Windows 7 Forums

That's it,

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08-03-2009 #1

tha nk s, just installe d W indows 7 ye starday and I was having trouble se tting up m y printe r a t work . Follow
windows 7 RC your instructions a nd it work e d pe rfe ct.
(original vista
1 posts

My System Specs

08-03-2009 #2

You're we lcom e Jo tacorre dor, and we lcom e to Se ve n Fo rum s.
Windows 7 Ultimate
x64 SP1
25,985 posts

My System Specs

08-06-2009 #3

I am using W indows 7 ultim ate R C 1. W he n I go to use com patibility m ode to install Photosto ry 3 it doe s
Windows 7 Ultimate not give the sam e dropdown options shown in your tuo rial windows. It only says "pre vious ve rsion of
2 posts windows", and no o the r choice . And the program doe s no t install.

I also trie d the wizard and it says so m e thing lik e "disa ble d ve rsion che ck ". But it still doe sn't install.

I have found num e rous site s and picture s on the we b o f pe ople running photostory 3 on thie r W indows 7
m a chine s a nd installe d it a nd run it using the ste ps abo ve .

How do I m ak e the O S options show up for cam patibility m ode ?

Thank s, -Tim

My System Specs

08-06-2009 #4

He llo Tim , and we lcom e to Se ve n Fo rum s.
Windows 7 Ultimate
x64 SP1 Are you sure that you are doing this to the installation/se tup file ?
25,985 posts
Texas C ould you post a screenshot of this? It m ay he lp de te rm ine what m ay be wrong.


My System Specs

7 de 9 26-04-2011 19:01
Compatibility Mode - Windows 7 Forums

08-06-2009 #5

He re is a pic of what I se e whe n I se le ct the installe r.
Windows 7 Ultimate
2 posts

I wa s e x pe cting to se e the list of past windows O S's lik e in your tutorial. I have a hunch that this is trying to
run in vista m ode , which it won't work in e ithe r. But it runs fine on m y othe r m achine with XP on it.

My System Specs

08-06-2009 #6

Tim ,
Windows 7 Ultimate
x64 SP1 Afte r som e re se arch on this, MSI file s only have this option available . Inste ad of le tting you choose what
25,985 posts pre vios ve rsion of W indows to run the MSI file in com patibily m ode as, it has W indows 7 autom a tica lly
Texas se le ct wha t it think s is be st for it inste ad.

It just doe sn't se e m lik e it is going to be com patible . You m ight se e if the re m ay be an upda te for it that
addre sse s this.

My System Specs

11-04-2009 #7

Just a question

Windows 7 Enterprise I have be e n running W indows 7 Ente rprise for quite som e tim e now and I re cie ve d a call from a frie nd in a
1 posts diffe re nt state . She just got a ne w PC from a local com pute r shop and is trying to ge t som e o f he r old
progra m s to work with W indows 7 Ho m e Pre m ium . W he n I ask e d he r to right click on the pro gra m Icon a nd
go to prope rtie s, the com pa tibility ta b is not the re .

Afte r re a ding up a little m ore on the diffe re nt W indows 7 ope rating syste m s, it look s lik e it should be
availa ble . I am ha ving trouble finding why its not the re .

Any Ide as?

My System Specs

11-04-2009 #8

Quote: Originally Posted by Jimbowayne
Windows 7 Home
Premium x64 - Mac I have been running Windows 7 Enterprise for quite some time now and I recieved a call from a friend in a
OS X 10.6.4 x64 different state. She just got a new PC from a local computer shop and is trying to get some of her old
5,999 posts programs to work with Windows 7 Home Premium. When I asked her to right click on the program Icon and
North Carolina, go to properties, the compatibility tab is not there.
United States of
After reading up a little more on the different Windows 7 operating systems, it looks like it should be
available. I am having trouble finding why its not there.

Any Ideas?

If it is a W indows Insta lle r than that o ption isn't available

My System Specs

8 de 9 26-04-2011 19:01
Compatibility Mode - Windows 7 Forums

11-15-2009 #9

Hi all & thank you for the tutorial Sha wn, If i have a pro gram alre ady insta lle d can i just change the
Windows Seven com pa tibility m ode of the program or do i ne e d to re install it and apply co m patibility m ode to the insta lle r?
Home Premium 32bit
SP1 And if i have an old program (say 2007) should i just use com patibilty m o de whe n i install it be cause it is
450 posts tha t old (work e d fine on Vista SP2) o r try installing it no rm ally?
New Zealand

My System Specs

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