An Integrated Approach To The Design and Implementation of N

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An Integrated Approach to the Design and Implementation of Networkbased Virtual Teaching-Learning Environments

Robert RALLO ( Computer Engineering Department Universitat Rovira i Virgili. TARRAGONA. SPAIN. Merc GISBERT ( Education Faculty. Universitat Rovira i Virgili. TARRAGONA. SPAIN Jordi ADELL ( Education Faculty. Universitat Jaume I. CASTELLO. SPAIN. [Press here for the MS-Word version]

This paper is motivated by the grow and popularity of the Internet use in educative contexts. The development of network-based learning strategies and environments suitable for their implementation is an essential goal for Educative Institutions (Universities, Colleges, ...) as well as for Company Training Departments. The successful deployment of these strategies require an application framework adapted to the specific needs of this kind of teaching-learning approach. Our main objective in this paper is to present the conceptual/ functional design for the main components of such environments, that we will designate as Virtual Teaching Learning Environments (VTLE). A VTLE has to offer to its users -teachers and students - basic support for services like : o A bi-directional asynchronous communication channel between teachers and students. o A shared-workspace aimed to facilitate workgroup and collaborative learning. o A set of tools for course management and student tracking. o Electronic support for the design and utilization of electronic curricular materials (i.e. hypermedia, java-based simulation, ...). o A synchronous audiovisual communication channel at two levels: real-time and on-demand. o Basic support for student assessment. o Tools for Course Design, Creation and Management.

Our proposal for the implementation of all these concepts into a working model will follow two main approaches: o Reusing and Integrating available tools, that we consider adequate for the purposes of a functional module. o Developing new modules (mainly based on Java Language). Finally, as a conclusion, we will present some results achieved during the preliminary testing phase of the VTLE prototype in some real training situations.

Table of Contents
Introduction and Objectives. Pedagogic Design Technologic Design Conclusions References Keywords: Distant learning, collaborative learning, videoconferencing, video ondemand, curricular design.

Introduction and Objectives.

Our country, as many other countries around the world, is getting more and more connected to the Internet. ISP's are growing fast and many people have Internet access from their homes or their offices. This "network explosion" generates an important lack of training in this field. However, this grow, provides the educator with a new set of tools for developing and implementing training materials. Ensuring the proper use of this toolbox, requires the development of new methodological approaches to the design of a new kind of learning materials and even the design of new environments for providing and adequate framework for this novel set of Teaching-Learning Strategies. From our first experience in this field [Gisbert et al., 1996], we have developed didactic materials based on Internet Tools and hypertext [Mayes et al., 1990] for training teachers in the use of these technologies. After the development and test of these materials we have established the main steps for the development of a systematic approach to the design of this kind of materials. Now, we are dealing with the design and construction of an environment adequate to support this approach to teaching-learning

act. Our main goals in the present work should be considered at two levels : Design and specification of the main functional characteristics of this environment from a Pedagogic point-of-view, focusing on the conceptual description of its main components. o Design and implementation strategies from a Technologic point-of-view, focusing on the user interface and the services provided by the back-end Teaching-Learning Engine.

Pedagogic Design.
Our first step in the development of a pedagogical design of these environments will be an overview of the well-known pedagogic strategies for the design of Teaching-Learning Environments and a proposal for its re-engineering in a up-to-date context based on Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) Techniques.

An overview of Teaching-Learning Environments in the context of the Information Society.

A Teaching-Learning Environment (TLE) is defined, in a broad sense, as a set of elements structured for improving the learning process. The main components of these environments are: Learning goals. People participating in the learning process: teachers, students and administrative support staff. Curricular resources and didactic materials used. A set of explicit or implicit teaching-learning theories driving the whole learning process. Spatial and communication relationships between participants. Evaluation strategies.

Figure 1. TLE components and relations.

In the present day many researchers consider the Information Society as a Learning Society. The learning process and the development of knowledge should be understood as a lifelong process which takes place at home, in the workplace, and as well as through education and training [Soete et al., 1996]. Since that this process could take place not only in specialized training or educative centers but also at home or in the usual workplace we will need to use distant learning strategies for its improvement. All these strategies are usually based on material-centered approaches, that means that the most important things in the learning process are: the use of printed and audiovisual materials. Moreover, in this approach, the communication processes between student and teacher, takes place through lectures, work meetings, ordinary mail or phone. On the opposite side from this text -or even hypertext- based points-ofview, a new kind of student-centered TLEs are emerging, mainly based on enhancing student's activities and the collaboration and communication skills between students and teachers. The main goals to achieve using these kind of student-centered classroom models are [Silverman, 1995]: Changing instructors role, conceptually moving from teacher to coach (or facilitator), affording students opportunities for cognitive apprenticeship. Development of life-long learning skills, rather than acquiring just a fixed body or static knowledge. (learning to learn and solving problems using workgroup techniques). Enhancement of student learning through constructivism and collaboration and student motivation by situating cognition in real world tasks.

The use of technology provided by the Information society could help us in achieving the above mentioned goals by: Improving synchronous teacher-to-student and studentto-student communication processes. This will facilitate dynamic Teaching-Learning Processes that could be done in real time: using IRC-like software or audio-video conferencing tools. Changing the concepts of geographic space and time, avoiding isolation feelings on students located in distant places. Building rich hypermedia Curricular Materials based on image and sound integration that will allow students to have "real world references".

So, it is clear that near the beginning of 21st Century, the technology advances will change the education profoundly and in turn will affect

among other aspects, the curriculum as well as the curricular materials and the teaching-learning environments. Communication infrastructure provided by the emerging Information Society will allow education professionals to design and develop a set of new advanced TeachingLearning Environments based on network resources that could be used as a test-bed for educational innovation, mainly for distant teaching and learning. New curricular designs will take benefit of new concepts and new tools, and teachers will be able to use digital curricular materials to support their teaching.

Towards a Virtual Teaching and Learning Environment (VTLE).

If we try to translate the classical concepts related to "learning environments" into a up-to-date conceptual/application framework we will obtain a VTLE. With VTLE we mean a suitable environment to support and reinforce distant and collaborative learning processes using all the available technology resources in a proper and efficient way. The main differences between face-to-face TLE and VTLE are those derived from the communication channels used. The use of VTLE will change among other aspects: Teacher and Student role. Students activities and "homework" Curricular materials and Educative Resources (i.e. hypermedia vs. text, ...)
o o o

Focusing first at student's role, we should note that STUDENTS WILL BECOME ACTIVE KNOWLEDGE AND CURRICULUM BUILDERS. Through the use of collaborative workgroup techniques students will [Watabe, Hamalainen & Whinston, 1995] : take benefit from different points of view on the same subject. o make presentations to the rest of students, this will improve their subject understanding and comprehension.

In fact, the workgroup is a challenge for students. They will try to do things as well as they can, the group provides students with a sentiment of identity that will increase their self-confidence. If we focus at teachers role, we should note that the use of newtechnologies into these environments will also require the addition to the traditional teacher role the following skills [Thach & Murphy, 1995] :

Expert in the use of technology resources: basic technology knowledge, computer hardware, technology access, computer networking, telephony systems, hypermedia software authoring and videoconferencing. o Advisor of students in these subjects o Integrator of these new resources.

The proper usage of these resources will require extensive training courses and support programs for teachers. Government and education professionals must guarantee the adequate design of these training plans.

Conceptual Elements of a VTLE.

Taking into account all the above mentioned facts, we could cluster the main components of a VTLE at two conceptual levels : a. User Interface. That must be common for all kinds of users (teachers, students and managers) and, if possible, hardware/software independent. b. Teaching-Learning Engine. That must implement all the required services for improving the teaching-learning process. Must be modular and extensible and provide facilities for data and information management. In the design and implementation process of distant and collaborative learning environments we must take into account the Internet and all the emerging applications and tools for multimedia information exchange. From the point of view of its usage, we could classify these applications/tools as: Communication/Collaboration Tools (Information Exchange), mainly oriented to facilitate communication and sharing information between individual users (or user groups). Navigation and Search Tools (Information Discovery and Retrieval), oriented to assist users in searching useful information for their specific needs.

If we focus on the first group, communication and collaboration tools -appropriate to be used into VTLE using the support of computer networks-, we could easily distinguish between two sets of tools: Asynchronous Communication Tools, in what the communication process is done off-line. (i.e. e-mail and USENET News). Synchronous Communication Tools, in what the communication process is done on-line (i.e. IRC or live audio/video conferencing).

The User Interface has to be based on a WWW browser, because that will simplify the fulfillment of our primary objectives : simplicity and platform independence. The interaction with the user will be done through HTML forms (using CGI protocol), JavaScript and JAVA. The Teaching-Learning Engine has to integrate the next services : Data Management (i.e. relational or OO databases) o Basic Asynchronous Communication (i.e. e-mail, discussion lists and news services) o Advanced Asynchronous Communication (i.e. media on demand) o Basic Synchronous Communication (i.e. Chat rooms) o Advanced Synchronous Communication (i.e. video-conferencing) o Collaboration Support (i.e. Shared WorkSpaces) o Management of digital Curricular Materials Repositories. o Support for student Tutoring, Tracking and Assessment. o Support for Authoring and integration of existing materials.

Figure 2. VTLE components and relations.

Now the remaining questions are ... How to integrate all these components successfully into the VTLE? What will be the application architecture for a VTLE ?

Technologic Design.

The Architecture and Implementation of a VTLE.

From and architectural point of view we will distinguish between two levels of interaction : VTLE Front-End.Which will be responsible for user interaction with the system. VTLE Back-End.Which will carry out all the tasks related to services provided by the Teaching-Learning Engine.

Figure 3. VTLE Architecture.

The VTLE Front-End.

The design of the VTLE Front-End has been directed by two main requirements : simplicity of use and platform independence integration of all the services provided by the VTLE into one multi-functional workspace.

The VTLE will be based on a standard WWW browser with JAVA support. We have chosen this approach because it meets all of the above requirements. The web navigator will be used as a general purpose container for the user interface. Other specific purpose services will be presented to the user by way of embbeded plug-ins or JAVA Applets (i.e. audio/video on demand, chat applets, e-mail applets ...).

The VTLE Back-End.

Back-ends design relies also on the same concepts of simplicity and hardware/software independence. The core system is based on two main components : the WWW Server and a Data Base Management System (DBMS). The main requirement for the WWW Server is that it must be able to execute Java Scripts on servers side (Servlets). We have chosen this approach because it allows the development of all the service modules using JAVA instead of CGI scripts. This will ensure the complete portability of the whole VTLE. The DBMS is responsible for storing all the data used by the VTLE (student records, curricular materials, ...). The communication between services that need data management support and the DBMS is done through JDBC, so the only requirements for the database will be support for SQL/ODBC.

Figure 4. VTLE Services.

The services provided by the VTLE could be grouped in the following categories : MANAGEMENT SERVICES. Session Management Module. The content offered by the VTLE is created on-the-fly after each user request, so we will need a session control module responsible for authenticating the user and serving the requested documents. This module will also do tasks related to student tracking by sending cookies to users web browsers. Course Management Module. Using this module the author (teacher) will be able to manage all the resources needed for the creation and development of a course (i.e. creating the course support directories on servers filesystem, creating the required tables on the database, integrating curricular materials on the VTLE, ....). Global System Management and Maintenance Module. Using this module, the VTLE manager will do all the tasks related to global system maintenance : database backups, adding/removing users from the system, statistics collection, performance tuning, ...

COMMUNICATION SERVICES Asynchronous Communication Services Module. This module is the responsible for providing the basic asynchronous communications capabilities of the system. Mainly, these capabilities are : e-mail, discussion lists and network news. E-mail transfer has been implemented through a Java Applet that provides the basic SMTP and POP3 management and session control. This will allow the course designer to embbed e-mail based resources/activities to be used during the course. Discussion lists administration has been implement with a Java Servlet that is able to connect with standard list management programs like SmartList or Majordomo. Basic Synchronous Communication Services Module. This is one of the most important modules into the VTLE. Provides basic support for synchronous activities : chat through and specific purpose Java server and audio/video on demand through and specific on-demand media server (i.e. RealMedia, NetShow or native MPEG streams). Videoconferencing Services. This kind of services have been integrated at two levels into the system. First, a high quality videoconference system based on Mbone [Macedonia & Brutzman, 1994] Tools (sdr, vat, vic ,...). Second, a low level videoconferencing system based on desktop videoconferencing applications (for example : CU-SeeMe, VideoPhone, ...) with lower bandwidth requirements than Mbone. Each of these will be used depending on available resources.

AUTHORING SERVICES Course Design Module. With this service the teacher/instructor will be capable of creating their own courses by using a set of pre-defined templates. By filling the template form, the author, will define and create resources for the course : creation of discussion lists, creation of chat rooms, creation of shared workspaces, scheduling of live events, scheduling student assessment during course progress, ... Resource Creation Module. This module -opaque to the author- will be the responsible for resource creation using the data provided through the course design module. The main idea behind its design is to provide a transparent interface between course templates and resources used to provide the basic services. Course Maintenance Module. With this module the author will be able to do basic maintenance task on their own course resources (i.e. adding, modifying and deleting ...)


Shared WorkSpace Management Module. The main purpose of this module is to provide users with basic workgroup and collaboration services : shared document editing and revision, meeting scheduler, personal archive, ... Virtual Laboratory. With this module, the instructor may create simulated equipment and experiments. The core of this module will be based upon a set of Java APIs that can be used as kernel for developing and integrating new experiments and exercises.

TUTORING SERVICES Intelligent Tutoring Module. This module will be the responsible of students progress supervision based on the data collected by the tracking system. The tutoring system will be capable of generating diagnostic messages to the instructor and giving advice to students. Automatic FAQ collection/response Module. This module will collect the "Frequently Asked Questions" on a database and will be able to send automatic responses to questions related to those stored in the FAQ database.

Main Approaches to the Implementation Process.

The implementation of a VTLE with the above mentioned components could be done following two main strategies : Using available resources that fit the requirements of some functional modules. Developing from scratch new modules for each service.

Now, we will present the main guidelines and tools used for an example of implementation of a Basic-VTLE with certain of the above capabilities, following the first strategy. The main advantage of this approach is that doesnt require programming knowledge and is very easy to set-up and manage.

Figure 5. Basic-VTLE Implementation.

Hardware Description : The Basic-VTLE is based on two main servers : PC Pentium 166Mhz./32Mb./2.1Gb. Hosting the HTTP Server, the Collaboration Server, a desktop videoconference reflector and the Database engine. It provides also auxiliary services for instance : e-mail server (SMTP/POP3), discussion list management and FTP access. WorkStation SUN Ultra-1 143Mhz./64Mb./2.1Gb. Hosting the media on-demand server, the multicast router (mrouted) for Mbone session management and the Mbone tools (sdr, wb, vic, vat & nt).

Software Description : Apache WWW Server 1.2.4 ( with Servlet support. Mini SQL 2.0 database system. ( A low-cost and high performance SQL database system developed by Hughes Technologies. BSCW 3.1. (see An excellent environment for supporting collaborative work. Developed by GMD-FIT (Germany) and based on the Phyton language ( [Bentley et al., 1997]. Ewgie Chat Server. ( A chat server developed in the Java Language with many interesting features. Easily customizable. Java Developers Kit ( Java language Development Kit, includes a compiler, the java virtual machine and the core Java API.

CU-SeeMe Reflector & Clients. ( Developed by Cornell University. Is a low-cost and flexible desktop videoconferencing solution. RealMedia Server and Authoring Tools. ( For audio/video delivering. Procmail and SmartList. ( An easy to use discussion list system based on procmail.

We are also finishing the development and testing of our own VTLE prototype implementation. This prototype has been developed completely in Java and is based on SUNs Java Web Server. We expect to present our development in Geneva.

At the moment, we are using our own VTLE development in a training course for a group of 60 university students from the Education Faculty and in two training courses for a Spanish Company and a Local Government Agency. The results achieved using this approach to teaching-learning are right now being evaluated and we expect to present them in the final version of this paper. We will also present a demonstration of the prototype and the results achieved at the Conference in Geneva. By now, we will focus our main conclusions at the following points of view: Pedagogic Aspects: By using a VTLE we will be able to generate a new kind of learning spaces, in what students and teachers doesn't need to meet in a "real" face-to-face session. We need to change our concept of classroom. A classroom in a VTLE doesn't correspond to a physical place into an Educative Institution, in fact and VTLE is a set of tools, techniques and resources (based on network technologies and distributed hypermedia concepts) that propitiate the teaching/learning act. We need to revise, update and extend the classical teachers role, moreover we will need a specific training and skill acquisition process for the proper use of the virtual environment in what the teaching process will be done. Also, teachers will need an extensive knowledge of the tools and resources needed for developing its educative task using this kind of context.

Student role will change as well. Students will become an active part of the learning process. Through their feed-back they will improve the quality and effectiveness of the VTLE. The use of hypermedia will facilitate the design of a kind of dynamic curricular materials very rich in contents. The most difficult aspect concerning materials resides on its design. If we don't follow with care a structured design methodology we could produce "chaotic" materials in which the "lost-in-hyperspace syndrome" [Edwards & Hardman, 1989] will affect the effectiveness and quality of learning. Technologic Aspects: Simplicity, platform independence and flexibility must be the main goals in the design of Internet-based applications, even in the field of education and training. All these goals may be achieved using Java as the programming language for our applications. We must also separate the user interface from the "business logic" of the application, this will improve the flexibility and extensibility of our development. The core of our VTLE will be based on two main components: a HTTP server supporting server-side Java Applications and a Database Management System with SQL/ODBC support. The proper integration of audio/video media files into VTLE will require the use of multicast techniques for bandwidth optimization in the case of live events and RTP for media on-demand distribution.

We give our thanks for providing financial support for this research work to the Comisin Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnologia, CICYT under project TEL96-1383.

Bentley, R. Et al. (1997). "Basic Support for Cooperative Work on the World Wide Web". International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 46 (6): Special issue on Innovative Applications of the World Wide Web, June 1997.

Edwards, D.M. and Hardman, L. (1989). "Lost in Hyperspace: Cognitive mapping and Navigation in a Hypertext Environment", into "Hypertext: Theory into practice", McAleese, R. (Ed.), Ablex Publishing Co., 7, 105-125. Gisbert, M., Adell, J., Rallo, R. (1996). "Training Teachers with Hypertext: Using HTML and Internet Tools as Didactic Resources". Proceedings of INET'96. Montreal, CANADA. Macedonia, M., Brutzman, D. (1994) "MBONE provides Audio and Video across the Internet". IEEE Computer, April 1994, pp. 30-36. Mayes, T. Et al. (1990). "Learning about learning from hypertext, in Designing Hypermedia for Learning. NATO ASI Series. Vol. F67. Springer Verlag. Silverman, B. (1995). "Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL)". Computers and Education, 25(3), 81-91. Soete, L. et al. (1996). "Building the European Information Society for Us All". First Reflections of the High Level Group of Experts. ( Thach, E.C. and Murphy, K.L. (1995). "Competencies for Distance Education Professionals". Educational Technology Research and Development, 43(1), 57-79. Watabe, Hamalainen and Whinston. (1995). "An Internet Based Collaborative Distance Learning System: CODILESS". Computers and Education, 24(3), 141-155.

About the Authors.

The GET Group (, is an multidisciplinary research group aimed to explore the use of telecommunications into educative contexts. The members of this Group belong to two Spanish Universities: Universitat Jaume I ( and the Universitat Rovira i Virgili ( The Group members are: Dr. Angel-Po Gonzlez (, Dr. Bonifacio Jimnez (, Dr. Carme Ponce (, Mrs. Teresa Contijoch (, Mrs. Fatima Llad (, Mr. Antoni Guillen (, Mrs. Maria Guell (

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