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Nowadays the Leadership is one of the most important qualities for a CEO, manager, boss or anyone who can influence in a person's decisions. Therefore is easy to confuse leadership with authority. Being a good leader is never an effortless task. Each of us has some basic abilities to lead but we need to learn and develop is how to use those innate talents. Leader Is a person who influences a group of people towards the achievement of a goal. Functions Give new ideas, new approaches and interpretations Transcendental reality communicates their fellow Give your fundamental solutions conflicting reality Not seek or expect any compensation in any form Promotes emotional and affective growth group Have faith in yourself and in the people It has long-term vision

A leadership style is a leader's style of providing direction, implementing plans, and motivating people. It is the result of the philosophy, personality, and experience of the leader. Rhetoric specialists have also developed models for understanding leadership. Type of Leadership styles 1. Autocratic Leadership Autocratic leadership is an extreme form of transactional leadership, where a leader exerts high levels of power over his or her employees or team members. People within the team are given few opportunities for making suggestions, even if these would be in the team's or organizations interest. For some routine and unskilled jobs, however, this style can remain effective where the advantages of control outweigh the disadvantages. 2. Bureaucratic Leadership This is a very appropriate style for work involving serious safety risks (such as working with machinery, with toxic substances or at heights) or where large sums of money are involved (such as cash-handling) because bureaucratic leaders make that their staff follow procedures exactly. 3. Charismatic Leadership A charismatic leadership style can appear similar to a transformational leadership style, in that the leader injects huge doses of enthusiasm into his or her team, and is very energetic in driving others forward. However, a charismatic leader can tend to believe more in him or her self than in their team. This can create a

risk that a project, or even an entire organization, might collapse if the leader were to leave them. 4. Democratic Leadership or Participative Leadership Although a democratic leader will make the final decision, he or she invites other members of the team to contribute to the decision-making process. He or she makes the Employees and team members feel in control of their own destiny, and so are motivated to work hard by more than just a financial reward. 5. Laissez-Faire Leadership This French phrase means leave it be and is used to describe a leader who leaves his or her colleagues to get on with their work. Most often, laissez-faire leadership works for teams in which the individuals are very experienced and skilled self-starters. 6. Servant Leadership Describes a leader who is often not formally recognized as such. When someone, at any level within an organization, leads simply by virtue of meeting the needs of his or her team, he or she is described as a servant leader. In many ways, servant leadership is a form of democratic leadership, as the whole team tends to be involved in decision-making. 7. Transactional Leadership This style of leadership starts with the premise that team members agree to obey their leader totally when they take a job on: the transaction is (usually) that the organization pays the team members, in return for their effort and compliance. 8. Transformational Leadership A person with this leadership style is a true leader who inspires his or her team with a shared vision of the future. Transformational leaders are highly visible, and spend a lot of time communicating. They dont necessarily lead from the front, as they tend to delegate responsibility amongst their teams. While their enthusiasm is often infectious, they can need to be supported by detail people.

Team A group of people with a full set of complementary skills required to complete a task, job, or project. Characteristics of a Team

There must be an awareness of unity on the part of all its members. There must be interpersonal relationship. Members must have a chance to contribute, and learn from and work with others.

The members must have the ability to act together toward a common goal.

Ten characteristics of well-functioning teams:

Purpose: Members proudly share a sense of why the team exists and are invested in accomplishing its mission and goals. Priorities: Members know what needs to be done next, by whom, and by when to achieve team goals. Roles: Members know their roles in getting tasks done and when to allow a more skillful member to do a certain task. Decisions: Authority and decision-making lines are clearly understood. Conflict: Conflict is dealt with openly and is considered important to decisionmaking and personal growth. Personal traits: members feel their unique personalities are appreciated and well utilized. Norms: Group norms for working together are set and seen as standards for everyone in the groups. Effectiveness: Members find team meetings efficient and productive and look forward to this time together. Success: Members know clearly when the team has met with success and share in this equally and proudly. Training: Opportunities for feedback and updating skills are provided and taken advantage of by team members.

Conclusion We concluded that leadership styles could be called by different situations. In an emergency when there is little time to converge on an agreement and where a designated authority has significantly more experience or expertise than the rest of the team, an autocratic leadership style may be most effective; however, in a highly motivated and aligned team with a homogeneous level of expertise, a more democratic or laissez-faire style may be more effective. The style adopted should be the one that most effectively achieves the objectives of the group while balancing the interests of its individual members.

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