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Competency Mapping

T.Y.B.Com(Banking & Insurance) 1

Competency Mapping

Gokhale Education Societys SHRI BHAUSAHEB VARTAK ARTS, COM. & SC. COLLEGE And SHETH K.V. PAREKH ARTS &COM. Jr. COLLEGE Gokhale Mahavidyalaya Marg, Borivali (west), Mumbai-400091. (NAAC: B & ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED) PROJECT REPORT ON: COMPETENCY MAPPING SUBMITED BY: Ms. Swapnali Divekar Mr.Jayesh Gaonkar Ms. Pooja Ghadi Ms.Dipali Jadhav Mr. Sachin Gupta Roll No. -11 -12 -13 14 -15


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Competency Mapping


It give an immense pleasure to present this project of, Competency Mapping. Firstly, we thank to our Principal Dr. Mrs. S.V. Sant Madam, for giving us an opportunities to present this project. We thank our BBI co-ordinator and Project Guide Mrs. Rakhi Pitkar. We would like to thank them for their valuable support. We appreciate her for the valuable support which encourages us to achieve our best. She accompanied us throughout this project work by not only just acting as our teacher but also a friend, guide and philosopher. willingness to motivate us contributed tremendously to our project. Her

Thank you.

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Competency Mapping

Sr. No.
1 2 3 4 5 Introduction Definition Competency Mapping-Evolution Meaning and Concept Of Competency Mapping Why competency mapping? Why is it important? 6 Use of Competency Mapping 11


06 07 08 09 10

Advantages of Competency Mapping


8 9 10 11 12 13

Functions of Competency Mapping Steps in Competency Mapping Recruitment & Selection Process to assess competencies Training & Development Assessment & Feedback Based on Competency Mapping Tools For Developing Competency

13 14 16 17 18 19



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Competency Mapping


Competency based HR & Competency Based Successful Planning



Summary & Conclusion


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Competency Mapping


Competency mapping is a process through which one assesses and determinesones strengths as an individual worker and in some cases, as part of an organization.It generally examines two areas: emotional intelligence or emotional quotient (EQ),and strengths of the individual in areas like team structure, leadership, and decision-making. Large organizations frequently employ some form of competency mapping tounderstand how to most effectively employ the competencies of strengths of workers.They may also use competency mapping to analyze the combination of strengths indifferent workers to produce the most effective teams and the highest quality work. Competency-based HR is considered the best HR. In India however competency development and mapping still remains an unexplored process in most IT organisations despite the growing level of awareness. After all, Level 3 of PCMM is focused on the competency framework in an organisation. Is the underlying principle of competency mapping just about finding the right people for the right job? The issue is much more complex than it appears, and most HR departments have been struggling to formulate the right framework for their organisation.

Competency mapping is a process of identifying key competencies for a particular position in an organisation, and then using it for job-evaluation, recruitment, training and development, performance management, succession planning, etc. The competency framework serves as the bedrock for all HR applications. As a result of competency mapping, all the HR processes like talent induction, management development, appraisals and training yield much better results, states well-known HR expert Ullhas Pagey.

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Competency Mapping

Definition For Competency Mapping

A competency mapping model is an organizing framework that lists the competencies required for effective performance in a specific job, job family (eg, group of related jobs), organization, function, or process. Individual competencies are organized into competency models to enable people in an organization or profession to understand, discuss, and apply the competencies to workforce performance. Competency Mapping is a process of identifies key competencies for an organization and/or a job and incorporating those competencies throughout the various processes (i.e. job evaluation, training, recruitment) of the organization. Competency Mapping can be defined as a process through which one assesses and determines one's strengths as an individual worker and in some cases, as part of an organisation. The individuals level of competency in each skill is measured against a performance standard established by the organization. It has been a general observation that hard work, sincerity, knowledge, intelligence alone does not make a person a star performer in his/her profession. There are other factors that help an individual excel in his job. Good managers are generally aware about different qualities a person must possess to do a job effectively, and they make use of their knowledge to select and train their subordinates. Organisational psychologists have refined this understanding and converted it into a structural and formal process called Competency Mapping. It has emerged as one of the most powerful tools aiding the improvement for the HR professionals in finding the right employee for a job and development of the employed person in doing the assigned job effectively. Thus, Competency Mapping can be defined as a process through which one assesses and determines one's strengths as an individual worker and in some cases, as part of an organisation.

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Competency Mapping

Competency Mapping-Evolution
Beginning of the twentieth century - work brought complex skills to the job. Business process required specific competencies for the task at hand. World War II (mid century) enforced management centric views where officers gave orders to subordinates who obeyed without questions. The turning point for competency movement Article published in American Psychologist in 1973 by McClelland. Article presented data supporting that traditional achievement and intelligence score may not be able to predict job success. need of the hour was to profile the exact competencies required to perform the given job effectively. Equally noteworthy is the pioneering work by Douglas Brey and his associates at AT&T which gave evidence that the competencies can be accessed through assessment centers and on the job success can be predicted to certain extent. Behaviour Event Interviewing (BEI) was developed by McBer to map the competencies. Increased recognition of the limitations of performance appraisal in predicting future performance shifted focus to potential appraisal and assessment centers in seventies.

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Competency Mapping

Meaning and Concept Of Competency Mapping

It is a process of identification of the competencies required to perform successfully a give job or role or a set tasks at a given point of time. It consists of breaking a given role or job into its constituents task or activities and identifying the competencies (Technical, managerial, Behavioral, conceptual knowledge and Attitude and skills etc) needed to perform the same successfully.

Competency It is the combinations of knowledge, skills, aptitude and job related attitude (behavior). These job related behaviors would bring greater amount of difference in fulfilling the responsibilities, but job related behavior only cannot bring the results. Skills and knowledge along with job related behavior makes the difference. Competency Map A competency map is a list of an individuals competencies th at rep res ent the f acto rs most criti cal to suc cess in giv en job s, d epa rt me nts , org aniz ations , or industries that are part of the individuals current career plan.6 Competency Mapping Competency mapping is a process an individual uses to identify and describe competencies that are the most critical to success in a work situation or work role Competency profiling o It is the process of identifying the knowledge, skills, abilities, attitudes, and judgment required for effective performance in a particular occupation or profession. Competency profiling is business/company specific

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Competency Mapping

Why competency mapping?

Generally speaking, competency mapping examines two areas: emotional intelligence and strengths of the individual in areas like team structure, leadership and decision-making. Large organisations frequently employ some form of competency mapping to understand how to most effectively employ the competencies of strengths of workers. Competency mapping tailored to an organisation is necessary to train, define and retain talent in a company. As a result of competency mapping, all the HR processes like talent induction, appraisals and training yield much better results.

Why is it important?
Ensure business continuity Replace future vacancies and meet future skill and talent needs Have the right people in the right places at the right times to do the right things Address skill shortages ahead of time Maximize competitiveness as an employer and ability to attract and retain talented staff Enhance ability to promote from within Provide a supportive growth environment Focus learning and development efforts

The benefits of Competency Approach:

Increased Productivity Improved work performance. Training that is focused on organizational objectives. Employee know up front what is expected of them. Employees are empowered to become partners in their own performance development
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Competency Mapping

Use of Competency Mapping

Competency based recruitment: Competency based interviews reduce the risk of making a costly hiring mistake and increase the likelihood of identifying and selecting the right person for the right job. Competency based Performance Appraisal: 1. 2. 3. 4. Establishment of clear high performance standards. Collection and proper analysis of factual data against the set standards. Conduct of objective feedback meetings. Direction with regard to specific areas of improvement

Competency based training: 1. Competency based appraisal process leading to effective identification of training needs. 2. Opportunity to identify/ develop specific training programmers - Focused training investment. 3. Focused Training enabling improvement in specific technical and managerial competencies. Competency based Development: 1. Contribute to the understanding of what development really mean, giving the individual the tools to take responsibility for their own development. 2. Give the line managers a tool to empower them to develop people. Competency based succession planning: Assessing employees readiness or potential to take on new challenges. Determining the person job fit can be based on matching the competency profile Of an individual to the set of competencies required for excellence within profession. Individuals would know the competencies required for a particular position and therefore would have an opportunity to decide if they have the potential to pursue that position.

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Competency Mapping

Advantages of Competency Mapping

For the company The advantages of competency mapping for the companies or organizations are as follows: Establishes expectations for performance excellence Improved job satisfaction and better employee retention Increase in the effectiveness of training and professional development programs because of their link to success criteria. Provides a common understanding of scope and requirements of a specific role Provides a common, organization wide standard for career levels that enable employees to move across business boundaries. Help companies raise the bar of performance expectations Help teams and individuals align their behaviors with key organizational strategies For Managers The competency mapping provides following advantages to the managers: Identify performance criteria to improve the accuracy and ease of the selection process Easier communication of performance expectations Provide a clear foundation for dialogue to occur between the managers and employees and performance, development and career-oriented issues For employees The employees in an organization get the following advantages by competency mapping: Identify the behavioral standards of performance excellence Provide a more specific and objective assessment of their strengths and the tools required to enhance their skills Enhances clarity on career related issues Helps each understand how to achieve expectations
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Competency Mapping

Functions of Competency Mapping

Managing the terminal benefits, welfare and creating viable policies in tune with the company Goals. Managing the process of separation of employees and ensuring their terminal benefits are settled and paid to them in time. Ensuring Healthy implementation of all welfare schemes for the benefit of employees. Reviewing the made plans. Recruitment, SC/ST matters. Recruitment at all levels in MMTC. Recruitment at senior levels in NINL. Maintenance of SC/ST/OBC reservations details. Appointment of Consultants. Organizational discipline. Framing of Memorandum, Charge Sheets show Cause Notice. Issuance of Penalty letters and maintaining discipline within the organization with the help of appropriate rules in nullifying the acts of misconduct.

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Competency Mapping

Steps in Competency Mapping

The Steps involved in competency mapping with an end result of job evaluation include the following: Step 1 : Identify departments for competency profiling: Here we have to decide and select the departments within the organization which we would like to include into our study. It is to be noted that departments should be chosen based on their criticality and importance to the organization . there are number departments. For this project four departments have been considered namely being human resource department, personnel department, administration department and estate department. Step 2: Identifying hierarchy within the organization and selection of levels: Study the organization hierarchy across each of the selected departments.For the purpose of the study here we have selected Junior Management (Deputy Manager and Manager) and Middle Management (Sr. Manager and Deputy General Manager.) Step 3: Obtain the job descriptions: For the two levels at every department we obtained each roles job description and in cases where they were not available we conducted a detailed interview to derive a job description. Step 4: Preparation of semi structured interview: As one of the tools for collecting information we prepared a list of questions that would make up a semi structured interview. These questions were put forth employees at the two levels. Step 5: Recording of interview details:

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Competency Mapping

The candidates answers and opinions were recorded in as much detail as possible for further reference during the project. Step 6: Preparation of a list of Skills: As per the interview and the details that were generated from the candidate, were used to generate a list of skills observed for the job. Thereon a list of identified competencies was drawn for each interviewed candidate. Step 7: Indicate proficiency levels: Taking one competency level at a time different proficiency levels were indicated. For the project five levels of proficiency were defined for every competency. Each proficiency level was defined in term of behavioral indicators. Step 8: Validate identified competencies and proficiency levels with immediate superiors and other heads of the concerned department: Competency definitions were confirmed with respective Head Of Departments and the required proficiency levels of each competency that is ideal for each role was obtained from them. Missing competencies were located Step9: Preparation of competency dictionary: A competency dictionary defining competencies and corresponding proficiency levels for each level across all departments was prepared.

Step 10: Mapping of competencies: Mapping of competencies of selected employees against the competency dictionary as per their employee level and department was done. Here an employees actual proficiency level of a particular competency was mapped against the target proficiency level.
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Competency Mapping


Competency-based recruitment is a process of recruitment based on the ability of candidates to produce anecdotes about their professional experience which can be used as evidence that the candidate has a given competency. A competency based approach to recruitment and selection of staff can help an organization, to make it an effective and successful investment of time,money and expertise. Such an approach will help to ensure that:

The organization is clear regarding the competencies and skill sets required by the job; Selection processes encourage a good fit between individuals and their jobs, managers and staff have the required skills and competencies; Individual skills and abilities are matched to the requirements of the job; and Evaluation of work demands and staffing are accurate.

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Competency Mapping

The process that we follow to assess these competencies (competency mapping) is as follows: 1. A job analysis is done by asking individuals about their role and job through one on one interview, behavioral event interviews etc. The primary goal is to gather from incumbents what they feel are the key behaviors necessary to perform their respective jobs. 2. Using the results of the job analysis, competency based job description of the individual is made. A sample of a competency based job description generated is then developed after carefully analyzing the input from the represented group of incumbents and then converted to standard competencies. 3. With a competency based job description we begin the process of mapping the competencies. The competencies of the respective job description become factors for assessment on the performance evaluation. Using competencies will help perform more objective evaluations based on displayed or not displayed behaviors. 4. Alignment of Organization & Individuals through awareness training 5. Alignment of PMS to the Competency Grid through a separate intervention Taking the competency mapping one step further we use the results of evaluation to identify in what competencies individuals need additional development or training.
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Competency Mapping

Competency Based Training focuses on what the participant is expected to be able to do in the workplace as opposed to just having theoretical knowledge. An important characteristic of Competency Based Training is that it is focused not only on the actual jobs that are required in the workplace, but also the ability to transfer and apply skills,knowledge and attitudes to new Situations and environments. The advantages of competency based training(CBT) are:1. Participants will achieve competencies required in the performance oftheir jobs. 2. Participants build confidence as they succeed in mastering specific competencies. 3. Participants receive a transcript or list of the competencies they have achieved.

All businesses are based on some key competencies. The main reason for an organization to create a competency-based development system that focuses on having the right people with Right skills at the right time is that it helps in accomplishing business targets. Competencies are the need of the hour and designing appropriate competency development models is a necessity. Advantages of competency based development:1. Improvement in productivity, performance and profitability 2. Identify employees capabilities for an organizations future needs 3. Analyzing capability gaps

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Competency Mapping

Assessment & Feedback Based on Competency Mapping

A Competency Mapping can address many of the issues related to performance appraisal: This ensures agreement on performance criteria, what is accomplished and what is not accomplished, collecting relevant and sufficient data It also ensures opportunity to supervisors to observe behaviour, specificity and concreteness in discussions about performance deficiencies. Provides a shared understanding of what will be monitored and measuredA Competency Mapping integrated with performance appraisal ensures a balance between what gets done and how it gets done. The skills, knowledge and characteristics that are important to success are clearly described. It provides a roadmap of where to begin the discussion and what areas to focus on.

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Competency Mapping

Tools For Developing Competency

Structured Interviews: In structured interviews, carefully planned questions are asked individually of job incumbents, their managers, or others familiar with the job. Benchmarking interviews with other organizations are especially useful in achieving a broader view of the job or determining which competencies are more universally deemed necessary for a particular job. Literature Review: A preliminary approach for defining job content and identifying required competencies is to conduct a review of the literature to learn about previous studies of the job or similar jobs. Focus Groups: In focus groups, a facilitator works with a small group of job incumbents, their managers, supervisees, clients, or others to define the job content or to identify the competencies they believe are essential for performance. Behavioral Event Interviews: In behavioral event interviews (BEI), top performers are interviewed individually about what they did, thought, said, and felt in challenging or difficult situations. The competencies that were instrumental in their success are extrapolated from their stories. Often, average and low performers are also interviewed to provide a comparison. Surveys: In surveys, job incumbents, their supervisors, and perhaps senior managers complete a questionnaire administered either in print or electronically. The survey content is based on previous data collection. Observations: In this data collection method, the research team visits high-performing incumbents and observes them at work. The more complex the job and the greater the variety in job tasks, the more time is required for an observation.

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Competency Mapping

Competency based HR

Competency-based HR is considered the best HR. In India however competency development and mapping still remains an unexplored process in most IT organizations despite the growing level of awareness. After all, Level 3 of PCMM is focused on the competency framework in an organization. Is the underlying principle of competency mapping just about finding the right people for the right job? The issue is much more complex than it appears, and most HR departments have been struggling to formulate the right framework for their organization.

Competency Based Successful Planning

Through the succession planning process, to try retain superior employees because they appreciate the time, attention, and development that the organization is investing in them. To effectively do succession planning in the organization, one must identify the skills, knowledge and abilities of employees at various levels. After identifying it is mapped by the process called Competency Mapping. In this process the gaps are determined between the existing and required performance of the employees. After identifying the the gaps the superior employees are identified. These are the ones who are further trained for higher job positions.

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Competency Mapping


In the present chapter investigator would like to give a summary and conclusions of the obtained results After a thorough study of the topic following objectives were framed: To develop job descriptions for the various functions (designation wise) To identify the KPAS (Key Performance Areas) of the desired levels In four departments Develop a competency dictionary Establish proficiency levels required for each competency identified for a particular position. To develop a competency model as applicable for the various managerial positions at MMTC To prepare the employees for succession plan by improving their KPAs through proper training. For framing job descriptions and specifications data was obtained from employees with the help of carefully structured forms. After obtaining the data from the sample of employees, the data was carefully analyzed and job descriptions and specifications were framed. After framing the job description and specification a competency framework was developed for each job position under study .There were 10 competencies for each job position. Out of these 10 competencies 5 were the general competencies that was common to all the four departments (Human Resource Development, Estate, Personnel and Administration) and 5 were the functional competencies which was department specific. A five point scale was developed to rate the competencies and determine the levels.

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