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---------------------------------------------------------------------************************************* * Encom Discover 3D * * Version 6.

0 * * Build 31 * * June 2010 * ************************************* Copyright(c) Pitney Bowes Software Pty Ltd 2010 All Rights Reserved PO Box 6200 North Sydney NSW 2059 Australia Telephone: (+61) 2 9437 6255 Facsimile: (+61) 2 9439 1773 Email: ---------------------------------------------------------------------This Readme.txt file contains technical information summarizing the update history for Encom Discover 3D. It is installed on your hard disk in the same location as the Encom Discover 3D product files. ---------------------------------------------------------------------GENERAL INFORMATION Encom Discover 3D 6.0 is installed with Encom Discover version 12.0. Encom Discover 12.0 requires MapInfo Professional(TM) version 9.0 to later Supported Operating Systems: Windows(R) XP (32 Bit) Windows(R) Vista (32 & 64 Bit) Windows(R) 7 (32 & 64 Bit) DOCUMENTATION For full documentation, please refer to the Discover 3D User Guide located under the Discover 3D Help Topics menu. A Discover 3D Tutorial document is also accessible via the Discover 3D Help Topics menu. REPORTING PROBLEMS Any problems encountered when using Encom Discover 3D 6.0 should be reported to Pitney Bowes Software via: Email: or Fax: (+61) 2 9439 1773 ********************************************************************* UPDATE HISTORY ====================================================================== Encom Discover 3D v6.0 - Release Build 31 August 2010. ====================================================================== Improved Features

1. Added KML output options to Seismic Sections tool and improved specifying the navigational file format Defects 1. Fixed an issue that was preventing grid files from being saved into the output folder when the "Save Permanently" option was enabled in the View Map In 3D function 2. Fixed issue with the right click View in 3D MapInfo menu option failing on selected grid 3. Fixed issue preventing opening of previous version's sessions files containing a layered DXF vector 4. Fixed issue importing certain DXF vector objects into a Feature database 5. Fixed issue importing vector files containing X,Y,Z field names into a Feature database 6. Fixed issue preventing the selection of blank Discover sections in the Georeferenced Image Exporter 7. Fixed issue where saved sessions viewpoint became offset when opened on a Larger monitor ====================================================================== Encom Discover 3D v6.0 - Release Build 30 June 2010. ====================================================================== New Features 1. Single combined installation with Discover 12.0 2. D3D Viewer now available to all Discover 12 users with no need for extra installation 3. New auto-save session functionality at user-specified time interval 4. The cursor plane can now display grid lines, aiding scale/size identification and digitization 5. New Trench and costean support in 3D (XYZ and azimuth/dip surveys) 6. New SEGY Seismic section tool allows the visualization and interpretation of SEGY seismic time & depth profiles. Improved Features 1. Fly-through wizard allows dynamic clipping of voxel models 2. 3D image registration now allows interactive control point picking directly from the image, including internal control points. 3. Voxel models can now be rendered as multiple arbitrary slices 4. Improved chair clipping controls for voxel models 5. Features objects can be exported to separate files based on object type (i.e. points, polylines, polygons & surfaces) 6. Feature export supports colour assignment 7. A group of selected feature point, polyline and/or polygon objects can be automatically converted into a triangulated surface. 8. The Feature and Data spread sheets now support copying of cell selections into the clipboard. 9. Data Spreadsheet now displays HoleID, From, To and X/Y/Z fields first by default. 10. Improved mouse wheel zoom functionality between view modes 11. Drillhole planner resized for lower resolution screens

Defects 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Fixed issues when creating blank grids with the Voxel Utility Fixed pan function not working in certain saved sessions Resolved issue with preferred projections when using View Map in 3D Standardized cursor plan clipping width references Fixed issue with the display of very short drillholes Improved support for the import of closed polylines Workspace Tree 'Delete' menu options renamed as 'Remove' Improved handling of drillhole projection and depth unit differences Floating colour bar now automatically populated by first available dataset. View>Toolbars>Reset Arrangement now resets window arrangement as well as toolbars Fixed issue with scaling of drillhole log displays Fixed dialog focus stealing with View Section in 3D. Improved 'About' box rendering at high DPI settings. Fixed issue with Multi-Section Creator corrupting multiple output EGB files Extrusion wizard will now correctly colour output FDBs Resolved crash when colouring certain voxel model by lithology legend Fixed Floating colour bar not recognizing 3D points, 3D lines and directional vectors. Fixed TKM stamping of voxel models with Voxel Utilities>Import Model.

====================================================================== Encom Discover 3D v5.0 - Release Build 63 December 2009. ====================================================================== Improved Features 1. Added KML read/write support to Transform Vector File, for importing and exporting Google KML files 2. Added a Discover3D Help link within the 2D Discover Help menu 3. Added support for including DXF Attributes when importing to a Feature database (block type) 4. Added binary DXF file read and import support 5. Added support for multiple file output from View Section Boundaries in 3D, based on attributes in section boundary table's fields Defects 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Fixed issue with auto-apply image transparency speed Removed redundant overwrite option on Discover3D menu dialog Import Feature database - corrected progress bar behaviour Disabled selectability for layers when not visible Voxel Model Properties - fixed issue where single slices would always re-enable multiple slices View Objects in 3D - fixed jagged vector being produced when overlaying on a grid Feature Import - improved behaviour when in Grids mode View Objects in 3D - fixed handling of combined/multi-part objects Feature browser - improved selection behaviour when show selected items only is enabled

10. Properties - added check when loading saved settings that they are the correct type of properties 11. Drillholes - Fixed issue where tables with a punctuation mark in the file name would not display in 3D 12. View Sections in 3D - fixed issue where sometimes DDE error would occur 13. View Section Boundaries - fixed issue which would break the 3D connection 14. View Objects in 3D - fixed issue where the selected grid is in a different projection than the map window 15. Cursor Plane - adjusted the envelope total thickness to be twice what a user enters, to standardise with 2D sections 16. Drillholes properties - fixed crash on thickness controls when auto-apply is enabled 17. Data conditioning - fixed issue on string fields where the invalid list was not remembered correctly 18. Toolbars - fixed freezing issue where a slide out box went off-screen 19. View Drillholes in 3D - fixed issue for non-native tables when preferred projection is enabled 20. 3D Options - File locations now default to the current directory 21. Surfaces - fixed crash when selected surface has a range of 0 22. Extrusion wizard - fixed incorrect multi-layer DXF output 23. Voxel toolkit - fixed file extensions on exported grids 24. Legend Editor - fixed issue whereby the 2D legend editor and legends were not updated with changes made via the 3D window 25. Georeferenced Image Export - fixed exported TAB registration on certain cross sections

====================================================================== Encom Discover 3D v5.0 - Version 5.0.43 Released July 2009. ====================================================================== New Features 1. Added the ability to change application look and feel via the View>Appearance menu option 2. Panning and zooming activated in normal selection mode 3. Drillhole Planner - added ability to specify target coordinates and angles of interception, and an extension distance 4. New 2D Interactive Gridding tool, as used in discover, for creating 2D gridded surface from 3D datasets 5. Feature Exporter can now export to a GOCAD TS file 6. 3D Vectors now supports Surpac String STR ASCII files 7. Voxel Model slicing by the cursor plane at any arbitrary angle 8. Added ability to save/load view settings for Drillholes, Points, Lines and Directional Vectors layers 9. View sections in 3D - added support for polyline cross-sections 10. Voxel Models - added Micromine block model support 11. Transform Vector file - added Google KML input support 12. Feature processing - added ability to Aggregate and Disaggregate to create multi-part objects with a single attribute for multiple objects 13. Feature Processing - add ability to Triangulate a polygon or surface to ensure it contains a valid triangular wireframe (TIN) 14. Feature processing - added ability to Draw or Delete edges from a Surface(TIN) 15. Feature Processing - added "append" ability to the end node/vertex of

a polyline 16. Feature Processing - added ability to consolidate or merge multiple objects by re-connecting any overlapping vertices (nodes) 17. Added the ability to modify existing feature set database structures, including add/remove fields and field types. Improved Features 1. All series except for Images are now selectable, including snapping, without having the cursor plane bonded 2. Various Property pages simplifications (removed descriptive text passages) 3. Property page improvement - added icons for colour scale and mapping buttons 4. Statistics explorer dialog now has a expand/collapse button to hide and show the spreadsheet control 5. Fly through wizard - Selecting of fly through events property playback and camera repositioning improved 6. Fly through wizard - Moving to output page sets the view to be at the initial property stage 7. 3D Solid Generator - completely restructured dialog, preview window can be minimised, and report summary is shown in a separate window and can be exported to a text file 8. Cursor Plane properties - added an auto-apply tick box 9. Image properties - added an auto-apply tick box to the transparency control 10. Refresh 3D data from Discover - view settings are now preserved 11. View Drillholes/Lines/Points in 3D - now refreshes data in 3D if dataset is already opened 12. Voxel Model Vulcan importer - added dialog to select a subset of bands to display when a large model is loaded 13. Workspace tree - add ability to rearrange branches (layers) by drag and drop 14. Extrusion Wizard - default output is now DXF, not a Feature database 15. Voxel model - slider controls will not auto apply the slider value until the user releases the mouse on large models 16. View Manager - add ability to save and restore 3D window size or just the position 17. View Manager - added link in the Tools menu 18. Voxel Toolkit - added individual tool links in a new Grids menu 19. Feature Query - added ability to query by object type 20. 3D Solid generator - added support for Surface objects such as TIN meshes 21. Combined view direction buttons in a single combo button 22. Voxel Toolkit - Rearranged Anisotropic/Elliptical search controls 23. Feature processing - added Add and Delete vertex (node) toolbar buttons 24. Feature objects - unclosed edges are now displayed bolded to distinguish them from internally joined edges 25. Snapping - new options to snap to Vertices (nodes), Edges or Faces 26. Statistics Explorer spreadsheet can be minimized 27. Improved performance of loading feature databases 28. Added custom timer animation cursor 29. Improved the speed of Feature Exporting Defects 1. Strings data conditioning dialog correctly shows and populates strings list by default 2. Changed Az to Bearing and Inc to Inclination in status bar text 3. Changed opacity references in Voxel model properties to Transparency 4. Cancelling a Feature import now deletes the new FDB file

5. Prevented the Ruler tool display box from displaying outside the edge of the 3D window 6. Directional Vectors removed band selection buttons 7. Status bar corrected display of Feature ID when hovering over feature object s 8. Panning fixed issue whereby panning while viewing down or up would flip axes 9. Save session fixed saving and loading of drillhole database source files across different folder locations 10. Prompt on exiting such as unsaved feature now come to the front window focus 11. Feature Editing options dialog now correctly shows number of selected featur es 12. Improved error message when opening Drillhole tab files manually 13. Fixed performance issues when Folder Explorer window is opened on slow drive s 14. Fixed Feature exporting of polyline objects 15. Fixed Feature exporting of 3D polyline objects 16. Fixed opening a saved session when a bonded cursor plane is active 17. Fixed Feature Import of Encom TKM files 18. Fixed View Section Boundaries support of plan view sections 19. Fixed bearing values of cursor plane such that they now range form 0-360 20. Added Surpac DTM/STR type to supported 3D Vector file types 21. Georeferenced Image Export removed horizontal plan view form the list as they are not supported 22. Voxel Models - fixed issue opening lithology models 23. Voxel Toolkit fixed issue opening Vulcan multi-band models 24. Voxel Toolkit fixed issue creating discretised grids 25. Voxel Toolkit fixed issue clipping lithology models to a DEM 26. Voxel Toolkit removed string fields from numerical gridding methods 27. Voxel Toolkit fixed crash when changing from a numerical to string gridding methods 28. Voxel Toolkit fixed issues importing non-uniform ASCII files 29. Voxel Toolkit fixed issues merging a lithology and numerical model 30. Feature editing digitizing a non-planar polygon now correctly converts the object to a surface type 31. Voxel Models fixed issue importing ASCII XYZ models from the properties dialog 32. Data browser Customize fields dialog now re-sizes to display long field names 33. Save session to package windows are now centred 34. Fixed issue where the 3D navigation button would sometimes be disabled 35. Save session to package now includes STR for DTM files 36. Layout view fixed issues when toggling from layout to normal view offsetting the centre of view 37. Fixed issue loading saved sessions offsetting the centre of view 38. Cursor Plane - now preserves orientation when re-sized or fitted to view 39. Solid Generator - fixed issue crashing on certain input feature databases with unsuitable objects types 40. Removed legacy iHelp system 41. Extrusion Wizard - grid file open dialogs now default to All grids types 42. Voxel Toolkit - Generic ASCII Import now automatically saves the converted f ile 43. DXF support - fixed support for extruded circle and arc objects, as well as basic ellipse objects 44. Fly Through Wizard - fixed issue where feature layer point objects were missing from AVI output 45. Fly Through Wizard - fixed issue where in some cases the initial property state was not set correctly ======================================================================

Encom Discover 3D v4.1 - Version 4.0.77 Released November 2008. ====================================================================== New Features 1. New Skymap background layer. Improved Features 1. Improved performance and snapping accuracy. 2. Improved support for 3DS files with textured images. 3. Georeferenced Image Wizard now allows images to be registered on vertical sections, maps and inclined planes. 5. Added ability to insert or delete a node in a triangle edge of a wireframe mesh. 4. Selected feature database objects now inherit fill and line visibility settings from the layer settings. 5. Improved performance of the Extrusion Wizard by >70% when extruding objects into a feature database. 6. Improved loading and compression performance for large grid files. Defects 1. Fixed failure of Feature Export to Discover cross-section. 2. Resolved Solid Generator's incorrect handling of node order when nodes were inserted or deleted from feature objects in 3D. 3. Resolved Feature Exporter's incorrect handling of node order when nodes were inserted or deleted from feature objects in 3D. 4. Fixed manual editing of feature object node coordinates. 5. Fixed an issue with View>Actual Size command not setting the view scale correctly for all datasets. 6. Fixed the display of the File>Open side bar shortcut buttons on Windows Vista. 7. Fixed issue with visibility properties of 3D Vector DXF sublayers causing reordering of other layers. 8. Fixed loading issue which was causing 3DS files with textured images could cause Discover 3D application to crash. 9. The Drillhole Planner no longer alters the view after each modification. 10. Re-enabled tube shapes support for both the drillholes and lines series. 11. View Section Boundaries command now ignores deleted rows and rows with no associated object when exporting a cross-section boundary layer to a 3D feature. 12. Improved formatting of Header block in 3D DXF file output to help with application interoperability. 13. Fixed issue where a layer would not be 'browseable' after it is made selectable. 14. Added support for colouring Drillhole traces by a legend containing a single range. 15. Fixed display of layer sub-branches for vectors in the Workspace Tree. 16. Fixed memory leak in feature spreadsheet. 17. Improved the handling of objects output from the results of a 3D Boolean operation so they remain as valid objects in a feature database. 18. Improved the object resize operation for all feature types to minimise the potential for creating invalid objects when excessively resizing them either to small or large. 19. Fixed a problem that could cause MapInfo to hang for 20 second if

all open datasets in Discover 3D were closed and the visibility state of any left over layers was changed before closing Discover 3D. 20. Fixed display of Date, DateTime and Time fields in the feature database spreadsheet. ====================================================================== Encom Discover 3D v4.0 - Version 4.0.56 Released July 2008. ====================================================================== New 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Features New Distance and Bearing tool. New Drillhole Planner tool. New Topology Checker tool. New Directional Vector series. New Georeferenced Image exporter of cursor plane or Drillhole Section to TAB or EGB files. New Orthographic view mode. New Feature Object Editing tools. Anti-aliasing control added to Map properties and numerous layer properties. New set view direction perpendicular to the cursor plane button. Added Support for full colour 3D stereo projection output. Added support for 3D Connexion SpaveNavigator(TM) devices. Added option to display 3D Frame rate on the 3D window. Added Field Data conditioning controls to many field selection dialogs. Added new equalization and scale Field data conditioning options including multiple pre-filter support. Added new Rotation fields for Points series. Added ability to import 2D Surface grids into a Feature Database. Added support for 3D feature object processing, such as Erase, Combine, Cut, Intersect.

Improved Features 1. All utility dialogs start centred in the main application window. 2. Improved 3D View status information display. 3. Buttons and toolbars updated to use Windows XP theme. 4. Renamed 3D Grid Toolkit to Voxel Toolkit. 5. Improved Voxel Toolkit so it now autoloads any Voxel Models open in the 3D Map. 6. Improved layout formatting of Extrusion Wizard report file. 7. Redesigned Lines properties dialog. 8. Redesigned Points properties dialog. 9. Redesigned Drillholes properties dialog. 10. Added selectability of Drillholes series allowing for snap-to and for dynamic database attribute browsing. 11. Added selectability of Points series allowing for snap-to and for dynamic database attribute browsing. 12. Added selectability of Lines series allowing for snap-to and for dynamic database attribute browsing. 13. Drillhole thickness can be modulated by a Legend file. 14. Drillhole thickness properties changed to work in absolute projection units. 15. Fly through wizard now supports modification of all data display properties in the 3D window. 16. Added auto from-to value population control to Legend Editor. 17. Transform Vector now supports Multi-part ESRI Shapefile,

ERMapper vector files, GPS eXchange files. 18. New options on Transform vector tool including check polygons. 19. Vector import to Feature Database now auto-checks the file for erroneous polygons. 20. Floating Colour bar appearance properties dialog reorganised. 21. Improved the positioning of the default view point when adding data to 3D map. 22. EGB files is clipped to the raster image's bounds when exported to 3D. 23. Standardised naming of bearing-Inclination-Tilt across all tools. 24. Export slices of Voxel isosurface as vector files. 25. Improved data conditioning dialog so string values are now sorted alphabetically. Defects 1. Windows Vista 'Aero' interface automatically disabled for compatibility. 2. Redundant pushpin removed from properties dialogs. 3. Utility Windows now loose focus when changing to another window. 4. Removed reference to Encom PA in Modify Dataset properties dialog. 5. Fixed automatic Z scaling of surfaces in latitude-longitude coordinate systems. 6. Fixed drillhole colouring when using custom legend patterns 7. Fixed lighting controls so both global ambient and directional lighting are applied correctly. 8. Reduced the fixed size of the Row ID field in the Feature database information sheet view. 9. Fixed issue with multisampling performance on some graphic cards and drivers. 10. Fixed issue with the Z value shifting when changing projection using Transform Vector tool. 11. Removed redundant properties button from Flythrough Wizard dialog. 12. Fixed cases where changing the surface compression options caused an application crash. 14. Improved accuracy and rounding error in the Extrusion Wizard volume calculation. 15. Fixed issue in Legend Editor which caused all records between the first and last to be deleted when non-contiguous rows were selected. 16. Fixed issue in Lookup Table Editor which caused all records between the first and last to be deleted when non-contiguous rows were selected. ====================================================================== Encom Discover 3D v3.1 Version 3.1.17 Released January 2008 ====================================================================== ====================================================================== Encom Discover 3D v3.0 Version 3.0.10 Released July 2007 ====================================================================== New Features 1. Discover 3D supports Windows Vista.

2. 3D Solid Generator supports tielines input, allowing user-specified vertices and object join order control 3. Feature editing allows snapping to nodes, particularly useful for tieline creation for the Solid Generator 4. Information Sheet is customisable via Tools>Options. This allows the user to choose which tabs are visible, as well as which tab will be active after startup. 5. Extrusion Wizard incorporates Grid compression options. 6. Transform Vector utility now includes options to export vector files as nodes, output compression and conversion to 2D vectors. 7. Transform Vector utility includes Google Earth .KML output. 8. Improved regional settings support. Improved Features 1. Improved the Drillholes Field Data Conditioning dialog when in strings mode. It is now more dynamic and intuitive to use. 2. More efficient import of vectors as Features using block reading. 3. Removed the 'Default Layer' for the 3D vector files. 4. Improved Feature creation, handling, editing and selection 5. Added 'Show selected features only' option to the feature spreadsheet view. 6. Rename "3D Editing" on the View->Toolbars menu to "Cursor Plane". 7. Modified Label compass text size to 6 points. 8. The fields dropdown list boxes in the 'Modify Dataset Properties' dialog now display the fields in alphabetical order. 9. Set the default grid flipper FPS value to 1. 10. Improved GridFlipper controls 11. Polygon features can have Fill turned On/Off (Feature->Appearance property page) 12. The Preview screen (Search Ellipse) of the 3D Gridding>Search dialog now contains a View All button. 13. Grid Group>Contours now have an Edit box on the Contour Label Appearance dialog that the choice of an exact percentage value for the Spatial Density and Distance Density of the labels. 14. 3D Solid Generator can now create separate output vector files when a BodyID field is specified. 15. 3D Solid Generator includes a more informative progress bar. 16. Added a new Hollow fill option override for 2D vector file objects. 17. 3D Grid Toolkit dialog can be minimized. 18. Text changes to 3D Grid Toolkit 19. Improved 3D Solid Generator algorithm allows shape matching to be applied when 2 or more tie-lines are used. 20. 3D Solid Generator includes Compression option for the efficient handling of high node density datasets. 21. Improved support for GoCAD voxet models 22. Added 'map or section' option to the Image Registration Wizard to ensure automatically generated coordinates are suitable for these options. Defects 1. Fixed problems when creating a feature database from a drillhole project that affected the functionality of feature attribute queries/wildcard operations. 2. Fixed problem with features fill not being able to be turned back on once it had been turned off. 3. Fixed a problem in the Load ASCII import for Voxel models, due to a an error in determining what row, col and plane the point was in. 4. When importing vector files to a feature database, Attribute fields that were text were being set with a default length of only 64 characters.

5. The cursor plane was not attaching or bonding to some EGBs correctly. 6. you select a subset of drillholes for display the cursor did not report the correct hole ID when hovering over a trace. 7. An incorrect flag was being used to find the voxel model name in flythrough properties. 8. Some ARC ASCII grids could take a long time to load and to acquire grid format and structure info. 9. Image registration wizard was not assigning disabled fields correctly when not in the "Display all coordinate entry fields" mode. 10. Images rendered to printer devices did not work when a transparent colour was defined in the image. This now works but it will increase the size of PDF files considerably. An alternative work around is to enable the rasterization option when printing. 11. Fixed a problem loading Discover drillhole datasets, where the number of features in the collars tab file did not correspond with feature count stored in the data file for the collar. 12. Loading of multiple subsets of the same drillhole project caused a fatal crash. 13. Feature polygon fill transparency fixed. 14. Drillhole colour modulation and Floating colour bar was broken for histogram equalisation. 15. Floating colour bar were sometimes not displaying when loaded in a session. 16. Text and symbols do not render in a 2D vector file displayed in 3D. 17. Located image TAB files did not render if the image format was ERMapper ECW or ALG. ====================================================================== Encom Discover 3D v2.5 Version 2.5.18 Released February 2007. ====================================================================== New Features 1. New clipping modes (Envelope and Slice) added to the cursor plane. 2. New Feature Database functionality allowing digitization into the 3D environment using the cursor plane as a drawing plane. 3. New 3D Grid Toolkit, incorporating 3D Gridding (block/voxel model creation), Gridding Utilities, Convolution filtering & Grid Calculator. 4. New Floating Colour Bar tool 5. Added ability to load a legend into a voxel model lithology - this is only designed to work with grids generated by IGrid3D via the discretised gridding method. It names the lithology classes after the legend labels and makes it easier to threshold the model. 6. Added the ability to set the line colour, line weight and line pattern for 3D & 2D vector files. 7. Added drag-drop support for GOCAD polyline (*.pl) files. 8. Added support for JPEG 2000 files (.jp2). These files can be loaded as a Located Bitmap Surface in a Grid Group. 9. Added GOCAD *.pl to types of supported 3D Vector files. (These files have the same internal format as GOCAD *.ts files). 10. Added support for Surfer Ascii grids. 11. Added support for 3DS files as 3D Vector Files. 12. Added support for Surpac DTM files for 3D vectors. Drag and drop also implemented for the .dtm file type. 13. Added support for Vulcan Triangulation files for 3D vectors. Drag and drop also implemented for the .00t file type.

14. Added mirror support for Datamine, Surpac and Vulcan files as vector files in EGB series. 15. Added native support for Gemcom block models in the Voxel Model object. 16. Added support for MinEX grids. 17. Added ECW support to Surface TAB Rasters. 18. Added support for MapInfo pen styles to 2D vectors. 19. Added continuous mode and strobe mode to the grid flipper. 20. Add the edit/select/zoom buttons to the workspace tree. 21. Added the ability to lock the azimuth and inclination controls for the cursor plane. 22. Added support for ESRI 3D Shapefiles in 3D vector file object. 23. Transparency modulation is now available for voxel models. 24. New Fullscreen mode 25. New property page called "Fullscreen" in the Tools->Options dialog that allows user to choose what Display settings to use when going into fullscreen mode. 26. New 3D Red/Blue Anaglyph view mode 27. New Colour Mapping dialog allowing graphical viewing/modification of Data Space Mapping or Opacity Mapping. - Voxel Models have both Data Space Mapping and Opacity Mapping available. - Georeferenced Images have Data Space Mapping available. - Surfaces have Data Space Mapping available 28. Added drillhole desurvey options under the File->Modify Dataset Properties menu option. 29. Dip inversion option added for Geosoft Drillhole databases. 30. New Field Data Conditioning dialog for many object properties (e.g. drillhole thickness and colour modulation, Gridding)allowing null value handling, invalid data specification and data querying 31. New Solid Generator (Geo3D) incorporating powerful new algorithm, utilises Feature Objects 32. New Transform Vector dialog (replaces Transform DXF) incorporates vector Reprojection and format conversion 33. Extrusion Wizard added to 3D interface for feature object support 34. Grid Flipper has two new modes: Continuous and Strobe 35. Added the Object Manager, allowing the population of the 3D environment with multiple images from a MapInfo vector file, such as trees 36. Add the ability to lock the cursor plane in it's current position. 37. Add the ability to choose a transparent colour and range for located bitmap surfaces of a grid group object. Improved Features 1. Improved and simplified Label and Symbol dialogs and improved functionality (in drillholes, points & lines property dialogs) 2. Moved the clip controls into plane section of the property page for the cursor plane properties. 3. Geo3D now has the single instance logic enabled. 4. Cursor Plane properties now has two tips property pages. One detailing the keyboard shortcuts and the other detailing the left mouse + keyboard (Click) actions. 5. Multi-section Creator now incorporates a Group option, as well as supporting multi-image format input 6. Layout of the About box has been modified. 7. The multiple band selectors for Lines and Points have been disabled 8. Improved drillhole property dialogs and functionality 9. Multi-line text now works in 3D. 10. Built-in vector symbol support removed

11. EGB rendering performance is improved by more efficient statistical calculations. 12. Band selection buttons on drillhole property pages removed 13. Pinned property dialogs now remember their last location correctly. 14. Pinned property dialogs will be repositioned into view if dragged too far off the virtual desktop. 15. EGB transparency rendering has been upgraded to improve visual appearance. 16. Voxel models can now use legends as a colour source. 17. EGB's now render face modulated colour with vertex modulated normals. 18. Changes to the tube shape file are detected and reloaded as required. 19. Default colour stretch for voxel models is now histogram. 20. Dragging the Select/Navigate cursor across a drillhole reports the hole name and depth hit on the status bar. 21. Workspace tree streamlined and menu items reordered. 22. The 'size' axis concept has been removed for increased simplicity. 23. Improved support for Geosoft *.tbl lookup files to handle files with red green and blue values. 24. Point size modulation now completely controlled from the point style dialog. 25. Cursor plane is now a green colour when there is a feature set in edit mode. If there is no feature set in edit mode then it is the standard blue colour. 26. Added extra controls for the cursor property page that allow choice of the cursor planes edit colour. 27. Removed the "Define Dataset Properties" dialog when loading Discover Drillhole datatsets. 28. Standardised the OK and Cancel button locations on every dialog 29. Added tooltips to all controls on the cursor property page. 30. When the cursor plane is in fixed mode, if the user aligns or attaches the cursor plane to an egb the plane will enlarge to encapsulate the entire egb if need be. 31. The last clip style for the cursor plane is now remembered when toggling the clipping button on/off. 32. Default session name to Discover3D.egs 33. Upgraded to the ERMapper SDK v3.3 34. Reviewed the data interface to make the interface faster, simpler and more memory efficient. This has yielded significant memory savings and performance improvements when loading some kinds of datasets - in particular Discover drillhole TAB files and Geosoft Wholeplot databases. 35. Added code to show layers when viewing GOCAD 3D vector files. 36. New Surface & Transparency tabs added to the 3D vector properties 37. Improved support for Datamine string/perimeter files. 38. Removed colour axis concept and automatic colour annotations. 39. Changed the Drag Drop query dialog for geosoft databases. It now uses a less confusing dialog with a simple question dependent on how many gdb files have been dropped. If 1 file dopped then it queries whether the file is a normal geosoft database or Geosoft downhole before OASIS V4.2. If multiple files are dropped then it queries whether the file are all normal geosoft databases or Geosoft downhole after OASIS V4.2 dataset. 40. Two additional methods of bitmap capture in the fly through wizard AVI creation process: 'Normal' capture mode is the original mode. This mode is safe but has the key disadvantages that it is slow, uses memory and does not render tiled EGB surfaces correctly. 'Advanced' capture mode resizes the view to suit the output

41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46.

resolution of the AVI and by doing so can directly capture the graphics buffer to create each image. This overcomes all the disadvantages of the 'Normal' mode but requires the view to be in maximised and in 'fast mode'. 'Expert' mode is significantly faster than the other two modes but because it directly captures the bitmap from the screen. If any window is overlapping the source window then it will be captured in the AVI. Your AVI output size is limited to the size of the screen or less. EGB series now supports ERMapper .ecw and .alg files, including Drag and Drop support. DXF output now supported with AutoCAD 2006 (Solid Generator, Extrusion Wizard, Feature Export, Transform Vector File, Combine DXFs) Statistics Explorer now requests confirmation from the user before plotting graphs containing more than 250000 points. Improved About information boxes for all Plug_In tools. Removed Surface Compression Options from Options dialog. Added support to Legend Editor for Feature Databases.

Defects 1. Only the standard pop-up menu is displayed in the 3D View. 2. Removed symbol size units control from lines and points series. 3. Text depth alignment now works in 3D. 4. Text size blocking and clamping now works in 3D. 5. The pinned dialog would constantly reposition itself on multiple monitor systems. 6. Changing dataset source in drillholes caused a crash. 7. Changing some drillhole properties reset the colour stretch. 8. Changing the font in drillholes was resetting the text angle. 9. Symbol fill and line colour was not supported for vector symbols in drillholes. 10. Changing the drillhole dataset did not reset the field lists in all property pages. 11. Changing drillhole thicknesses caused the graphics to display incorrectly. 12. Fixed the Apply button dismissing the pinned dialog for drillholes. 13. Drillholes in workspace tree showed source data string. 14. Symbol size selector often reported the wrong size. 15. Removed references to size axis floating colour scales. 16. Discover3D now switches to fast view and forces focus to be on the 3D plot. 17. Drillhole label manual rotation was not working. 18. Built-in vector symbols were not rendered using a display list in many cases. 19. Lat/long DTM grid surfaces rendered using variable compression could show height gaps. 20. Select mode is enabled correctly when closing the cursor plane. This was sometimes making it so the view would not rotate even though it appeared to be select\navigate mode. When a property page is open do not update the property pages connected object when clicking on a view. This stops the problem of the property pages going to the 3D map object when click on the view to rotate. 21. When closing down the application if there was unsaved data and the "Save session" message box appeared, the user could cancel the close by clicking "Cancel" on the message box. A side effect of this was that the workspace tree view was already deleted and therefore appeared blank. It could not get restored unless a close all was issued.

22. When editing a workspace tree item, if the delete key was pressed then the complete item would be deleted from the tree. 23. Fixed problem with the "Save To Package" command not copying some files in a complex document. 24. Fixed crash when trying to load 16 bit goetiffs. 25. When multiple databases were loaded random crashes could occur. 26. Fixed a problem with the view scaling if the user turned off a series that covered a large area of the view via the workspace tree. 27. If you added a drillhole object with no data loaded, when the property pages were opened the application would crash. 28. Loading a session that containing a 3D vector file that had been hidden when saving, on reloading the session the name of the object in the workspace tree would be missing. 29. Fixed a problem when trying to load tab rasters that referenced a large jpg file. 30. When repathing the temp files for a D3D session, attempting to copy the file if the source and destination files are in the same directory produced a system error message box. 31. Added 'Local' lighting mode to EGB surfaces properties. 32. Added one sided and two sided lighting control to EGB files. 33. Added local and infinite viewpoint lighting controls to EGB files. 34. Added mesh scope lighting override to EGB files. 35. Fixed some interaction/rendering Defects between lighting and smooth shading modes in EGB rendering. 36. Vector files will now generally render wih smooth shading by default. 37. Lighting and shading mode could 'bleed' from one mesh to others as it was not being restored to the group default. 38. Cleared the undo/redo buffer after the creation of the intial document. 39. Fixed a memory leak with ECW surfaces in a Grid Group. 40. ECW images were mislocated if they required an offset in the view. 41. If trying to delete a 2D vector from the workspace via the 'delete' key then D3D would crash. Also when trying to select this node in the tree it would jump to the root node most of the time. 42. With 2 or more datasets open, the size modulation controls for 3D symbols on the properties pages didn't seem to adjust to the correct dataset chosen by the user. 43. EGB series could leak a large amount of memory when deleted or reloaded because of a failure to clean up allocated texture memory. 44. After deleting a the last object in a 3D view the view would seem to freeze and still display the last object. 45. If trying to delete a 3D axis or 3D vector file from the workspace via the 'delete' key then D3D would crash. 46. Status bar messages were missing for the following menu items: - File->Close Datasets - File->Save View As - File->Save To Package - View->Toolbars->Save Arrangement - View->Toolbars->Restore Arrangement - View->Toolbars->Reset Arrangement - Insert->2D Vector 47. 'Render Text' option for 2D vector files was not being saved in the session files. 48. Transparent isosurfaces with 'no self see through' turned OFF will now render correctly (using back sorting). Rendering performance is reduced. 'No self see through' is now turned OFF by default. 49. Contour dropout was working unreliably. 50. Isosurface colour modulation could crash in some circumstances.

51. Voxel models always rebuilt their complete display lists when leaving the property pages, or was dragging a slice through the model with auto apply turned on. This bug meant that when certain DXF files were loaded nothing could be seen until a "zoom to extents" command was issued, and even then the 3D axis was not shown at the same location as the DXF data. 52. When objects are added to the workspace tree, they now get added to the branch immediately after the last item in the tree of its same type. If there are no items of the same type in the tree then gets added after any existing annotations as before. 53. Colour mapping in EGB series was failing when series were scaled/ translated in some circumstances. 54. If a session was closed down that had previously had a fly through playing/avi saving, reopening the session and stepping through the Fly Through Wizard, then moving from the "Path" page to the "Output"page would result in the wizard issuing a message box saying "Server threw exception". This has now been fixed. 55. When creating AVI's for a fly through or sometimes just playing a fly through, sometimes objects would not render the change of state when properties of the fly through were turned on or off. 56. Properties also reset correctly now when a fly through is finished or the user presses the "stop" button on the flight control slider. 57. Scaling a 3D vector file by a negative value then the 3D vector file would disappear from the view and any visible 3D axes would go haywire. 58. Displaying fast symbols with labels and disabling the rendering of some symbols using transparency defined from a legend, the labels were still displayed at the symbol position. 59. When surfaces are displayed with tiled textures the tile boundaries used to be seen as thin light grey lines. On graphics cards that support texture edge clamping this has now been eliminated. 60. When displaying a ECW, zooming into data close enough with transparency set to 100% would result in all data in the view disappearing. 61. Reading 64 bit (double precision) binary Surfer grids was offsetting by one cell (8 bytes) and introducing an invalid cell at the origin. 62. Using the export wizard for voxel models could cause a crash. 63. Drag and dropping .gdb file would crash. 64. If a drillhole began at something other than zero depth, image curtains could be mislocated downhole. 65. Fixed EGB hit testing to include scaling factors. 66. Fixed EGB hit testing to improve the granularity of the spatial search structure. 67. Fixed EGB hit testing where an incorrect hit could result from inappropriate testing termination. 68. Image Registration Wizard would not allow the user to enter values that contained a decimal place. As soon as the decimal point was typed the cursor would move to the front of the number and no decimal point would appear. 69. Data panning was not working properly in smooth pan mode. 70. Data zoom in/out on a single click was too large. 71. Point size control was incorrectly disabled. 72. Removed Frame Properties dialog. 73. Deleting an object from the workspace tree using the delete key was not updating the view correctly and therefore giving an incorrect data range for the remaining objects. 74. Stopped an extra application button appearing in the taskbar after going into full screen mode. 75. If the application was moved to a different monitor and "Use

current display settings" was selected for the fullscreen options, then the display resolution may be invalid for that monitor.

====================================================================== Encom Discover 3D v2.1 Version 2.1.2 Released February 2006. (=PA 6.0.49) ====================================================================== New Features 1. Upgraded the located image (EGB) series so that it encompasses the display of both detailed draped 3D surfaces and/or large numbers of objects. 2. 3D View Manager allows users to save and restore viewpoints. 3. Fly_Through Wizard now allows control over object properties throughout a fly-through. 4. Added a Transform tab to the Vectors Properties dialog, incorporating Scaling and Translation controls. 5. New File>Open functionality allows opening of any supported format. 6. Added support for ESRI TIN's as 3D vector files. 7. Added support for MapInfo grids (mig files). 8. Added support for Arc binary grids with integer coverages (previously only float coverages were supported). 9. Added TAB Raster and GeoTIFF Located Bitmap Surface support for surfaces. 10. Added ASCII XYZ format to Voxel loading options. This is for symmetry with the ASCII XYZ format already available via the Voxel Export Wizard. 11. Added Gocad voxet support. 12. Added 3 new options to the View->Toolbars menu: - Reset Arrangement: Resets the arrangement of the toolbars back to their default state. - Save Arrangement: Saves the arrangement of the toolbars. - Restore Arrangement: Restores the arrangement of the toolbars back to the last saved arrangement. 13. Added new voxel export option which creates a grid with two bands. The first band contains either the minimum or maximum value for each row/column in the model. The second band contains the depth at which this value occurs. 14. True type symbol fonts can be used as symbols. They are accessed by disabling the Fast Symbol option in the Points Properties>Symbols dialog and then by clicking on the symbol. 15. Added support for DATAMINE wireframe and string files as 3D vector files. 16. Added support fot Vertical Mapper classified GRC grids. Improved Features 1. 3D Navigation set as default navigation mode 2. Insert>Surface, Add Surface and Add Data>Surface options all add a a new Surface branch to the Workspace Tree, rather than to the existing Grid Group. 3. Top and Bottom view buttons replaced by Look Up and Look Down buttons 4. Insert menu incorporates 2D and 3D Vector options. 5. 3D Axis renamed Axis in both the Insert menu and Workspace Tree. 6. Improved Axis Properties dialog. 7. The Fit Focus Box button will now centre the Focus box on the 3D

rotation point in Cursor Plane mode. 8. Improved Solid Generator algorithm. 9. A Flight Control bar is displayed when using the Display Fly-Through command from the right-click sub-menu, allowing Fly-Through control. 10. Solid Generator allows dxf creation with or without RGB colour index. 11. The Add 3D View to MapInfo button no longer incorporates borders when capturing an image from Normal view. 12. Improved efficiency of View Objects in 3D. 13. Improved desurvey calculations for View Drillhole Selection. 14. Default surface compression mode set to Constant decimation (previously Variable) to ensure safe rendering of all grids. 15. Added new option to the Tools->Options->View property that allows the user to turn on or off the creation of the Explorer View. 16. The voxel model property isosurface now uses an improved algorithm to convert the 3D surfaces into renderable primitives. The new algorithm uses less memory and executes faster but more significantly results in improved 3D rendering performance. 17. The display of individual separate surfaces in voxel model isosurfaces can now be turned on/off from the isosurface property page. This can be used to eliminate unwanted minor detail and is incorporated in the DXF export. 18. Surfaces have been optimised to use a display list per surface. 19. If the user modifies a datasets X, Y or Z field from the File->Modify Dataset XYZ... option, then the dataset will now be reloaded using the new fields. 20. Modified the Georeferenced Image File Creation Wizard so that the user only has to enter the bottom left and top right coordinates to define the coordinate space of the EGB. A control has been added so that user can specify if they want to specifically add the top left and bottom right coordinates as well. 21. The rotation speed of the 3D view can now be controlled by the numeric keys (just like the zoom in/out) in 3D Navigation mode. 22. Improved the auto tick spacing on the 3D axis using an improved ratio of X to Y values. 23. Improved the slider control precision for offset on the Surface Properties page for a grid. 24. Removed the Accepted and Rejected transparency sliders from the VoxelModel->Threshold property page and replaced them with a single slider a dropdown list indicating which mode the user is in. The modes are: Normal: Transparency applied to the accepted voxel range. Cloud: Transparency applied to the cloud defined by the rejected threshold property values; the accepted voxel range is displayed as opaque. 25. Added option to drill hole image rendering to force the azimuth of the images to be uniform for all holes. 26. 2D vectors files now have a option in the property pages that allows the user to set a Z scale factor. 27. Added Auto Apply to the 2D Vectors Properties dialog. 28. Added Auto Apply to the 3D Vectors Properties dialog. 29. Improved defaults for drillhole labels (collar, depth, bottom). 30. Added an Overwrite Existing Objects option to the View Logs dialog allowing an existing Discover DH Logs.EGB to be overwritten, rather than new logs just added to it. 31. Added coordinate system chooser dialog when exporting surface contours to MIF or TAB files. 32. Added drag-drop support for Arc ASCII grids. 33. New message warns when a session cannot load a database that is currently in use and provides user with options to resolve the

problem. 34. TAB drillhole databases can now specify a NULL value.

Defects 1. Fixed naming issue with Points and Lines branches. 2. Fixed reversed selection of images with Align/Attach cursor in Cursor plane mode. 3. Fixed Apply button in Image Properties dialog behaving as an OK button. 4. Fixed problem with window frame handle selectability in page layout view and therefore ability to resize window frames. 5. Fixed problem with data extents not being reset after dataset removal. This allows Reset 3D View button to function correctly. 6. Activation of the Select/Navigate button and the Select Image are now mutually exclusive. 7. Scale values manually entered into the Scale textbox of the Surface Properties dialog are now applied correctly. 8. Fixed incorrect naming of 3D Cursor Toolbar. 9. Fixed descriptions in Commands tab of Customize dialog. 10. Opening a 3D Workspace with a missing EGB file now allows browsing for the missing file or the option to ignore it. 11. Fixed issues with border display in Page Layout view. 12. Using Create 3D Points or Lines, the Discover 3D window is now moved to the front rather than hanging the MapInfo session. 13. Fixed occassional issue with volume calculations not being performed by the Solid Generator. 14. Fixed View Section Boundaries dxf's not being saved permanently when "Remove temporary files on exit" option enabled in 3D Options>System tab. 15. Fixed Permanent View Drillhole Selection dxf's not being saved permanently when "Remove temporary files on exit" option enabled in 3D Options>System tab. 16. Added an error message if an invalid/nonexistent 3D temporary directory is specified. 17. Overwrite Existing Objects option fixed 18. Re-added missing CEMI voxel model support. 19. Fixed bug with line thickness when viewing DXF files. 20. Fixed a bug displaying multi-band grids in 2D and 3D. 21. Fixed Voxel model slices not being when re-generated if the "Apply Threshold" item was set and then the threshold was modified. 22. Voxel model source property page has been improved so that large filenames can be viewed in the list box via horizontally scrolling them. 23. Fixed a bug in the Surpac block model support. The Surpac and Datamine formats have now been more thoroughly tested for correctness. 24. Fixed: The status bar text message displaying information when dragging the cursor around in 2D window would disappear when the user stopped dragging even though the mouse button would still be depressed. 25. Fixed problem associated with drillhole databases where the 'from' and 'to' fields had the same field index resolved. 26. Fixed incorrect application of Offset in the Surfaces Properties dialog. 27. Slowed 3D cursor plane movement if the model space has an extremely small range. 28. Added missing tooltips to Surfaces>Contours properties dialog.

29. 30. 31. 32. 33.

34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66.

Fixed the export of contours to MIF files. Fixed the export of contours to DXF. Offsets applied to voxel models were not applied to isosurfaces. Grid selector for the 2D vector file was unreliable. Fixed: If a DTM offset was applied as a voxel model offset, then on reloading the session if saved the offset would be visible in the property page but actually not applied to the rendering of the voxel model. Fixed the occasional change in Axis tick spacing while the view was rotating. Fixed apparent positioning errors from the use of multiple axes. Fixed the Modify Datasets XYZ dialog not resetting the fields in the drop down lists correctly when changing datasets. Fixed: Isosorfaces generated from voxel models were being rendered at the boundary between data and NULL values when the NULL value was, in general, less than the minimum data value. Fixed a crash associated with drag and drop when 3D cursor plane is active. Improved the effciency of grid loading. Fixed: 2D vector file text size was wrong by a factor of 100. 3D vector file text rotation was incorrect. 3D vector text size is now supported. Crash associated with voxel property pages and 3D vector file resolved. Fixed: Voxel models were incorrectly using a reduced resolution histogram for colour stretches, resulting in poor colour stretches. Voxel model and vector file DEM offsets were not retained between sessions. Some compressed geosoft grids were not loading correctly. Fixed incorrect surface normals (lighting) when a voxel model was rotated or offset by a DEM. Fixed: If the user created a Located Image surface in the Surface Properties dialog, then sometimes 24-bit Geotiff files would crash when loading. Fixed the incorrect display of an extremely scaled grid surface. Removed volume calculation using the Solid Generator when no end capping style selected, which was generating an error message. Fixed a bug with Options>Match 2D and 3D Map Projections when no projection selected. Fixed error message if a colour look-up table fails to load. Surface lighting of located image surfaces was incorrect in some circumstances. Drillhole labels disappeared after restoration of a session. The order of workspace tree items was not always correct. Crash associated with voxel property pages and 3D vector file resolved. Grid memory use was found to peak at higher than necessary. Resolved display problem with latest ECW rendering DLL's. It was not possible to disengage colour look-up table data mapping use once engaged. Crash converting the layer type of the grid group located image surface. Crash associated with the grid flipper. Drag-drop for ALG and ECW files was broken. Crash associated with empty voxel models. Crash associated with drillhole databases and memory corruption. Improved tick labels on axes to prevent small number round-off problems. Crash associated with successive loading of sessions containing

grids. 67. Fixing the Z axis range caused drillholes to disappear. 68. Crash associated with deleting a 2D vector file when the property page was open. 69. Look-up tables exported with logarithmic mapping were output in the wrong coordinates. 70. Voxel model colour was lost when a session was restored. 71. Resolved incorrect unit suffix application to drillhole depths 72. Resolved error when entering negative parameters as Z value offsets 73. Added a metadata check when importing Drillhole TAB files. 74. Corrected Save Session As reading incorrect temporary directory. ====================================================================== Encom Discover 3D v2.00 Version 2.0.14 Released July 2005. ====================================================================== New Features 1. Added advanced COM support for voxel model property controls. TAB dataset import now treats multi-vertex features as new lines (if a line field has been identified). 2. Added a new feature that allows you to select the shape of a 3D tube. Accessed via the '3D Line Style' property page. 3. Auto Apply added to all Drill hole and Curve property pages. 4. When in 3D navigate mode the position of 3D origin axis will be displayed on the status when the 3D origin is shown. 5. A new feature batch hardcopy wizard has been added to allow users to export plots to either image files or the printer when using the feature batch print method. 6. Scrolling the Mouse Wheel will now zoom a 3D view in and out. 7. All unused datasets are closed now whenever a session is saved. Previously all open datasets were referenced in the session. 8. All property pages that contain drop down list boxes for Lookup Tables and Legends will now distinguish where the table resides (i.e. in the project folder or the system folder). 9. Added new file search ability to EGB grid file references. These are exported with a relative path so if the EGB is moved the path may become invalid. PA assumes that if it is moved it is likely to be to a deeper directory. Therefore it looks back up the directory tree for the grid file in a shallower path. It fails to find the file the find lost file mechanism will then activate to locate the file. 10. Added support for Arc Ascii grid format. 11. Added Packager support to the File menu. The packager allows the user to centrally store all external files used by a session. 12. Added the file loading report dialog that pops up at the end of loading a session if any files could not be located or were auto replaced by the find lost file facility. Showing of this report can be turned on or off via the Tools->Options->File property page. It can also be turned off from the report dialog itself. GeoTiff and raster TAB 13. Added native support for located images files via the located image series. This provides an efficient mechanism to display these images. 14. GEMCOM 3D vector file support added. 15. Noddy voxel model support added. 16. Voxel model information report added.

17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

Automatic modified file updating added. Voxel model export in UBC format added. BIL raster format support added. Geosoft compressed raster support added. A new fly through creation wizard enables you to record a fly through to an AVI video file or to generate a script that, when dropped into a 3D view, will execute a fly through interactively. Any video codec installed on the system can be used to create the AVI file, although MPEG4 is highly recommended. Synthetic speech or WAV audio files can be incorporated into the fly through script to provide audio cues throughout the fly through (not available in the AVI). The fly through flight path can be generated interactively in Discover3D or by drawing from various data sources including Mapinfo TAB files or any dataset loaded in Discover3D. The final flight path can be exported as a 3D DXF for display in the 3D view. 2D vector formats are now supported in 3D graphs and maps. Added ECW support for Surfaces. Added sensitivity control when flying around the 3D view. Use the number keys to change the sensitivity : a. 0 = default speed b. 1 to 9 (Slowest to default) Added an Explorer View Window to the Information Sheet. The Number Format Dialog now contains the ability to allow the user to select a Locale to use to define the 1000's separator character and the decimal point character when formatting a number for a label.

22. 23. 24.

25. 26.

Improved Features 1. 3D Performance improved by preventing series regeneration when adding or deleting 3D annotations, and when deleting all series not derived from curves. 2. 3D vector file optimisations when turning on/off separate blocks 3. 3D vector file smoothing performance improved. 4. Added ability to drag and drop ERMapper ALG files. 5. Added better handling of dialog and property page edit boxes that use floating point values. You can now enter a '.' and not receive message boxes requesting you to enter a number. 6. Added default colour selector to 3D Map properties that allows the user to set the default font colours for both light and dark backgrounds. These values are used as the default colours when a new series created. They are also used if the user changes the background colour. These colours are accessed via the "Advanced" button on the 3D Map->Appearance properties page. 7. Added support for Arc Binary grids. 8. Added support for data mapped colour look up tables in the voxel model series. If you load a data mapped LUT then the data map will be used automatically. Data mapped LUT's can be identified in the drop down list by a unique icon. 9. Added support for optional TFW files when loading GeoTIFF files. 10. Added XY offset variables to voxel models. 11. Auto Apply added to all Drill hole property pages. 12. Automatic updating now checks for colour LUT and legend file changes. 13. Decimation has been added as a 3D grid compression option. 14. Disabled pointless warning messages which are displayed when loading TIFF images and grids.

15. EGB files now clip the geometry to the image extents. 16. EGB images displayed in 3D now load the bitmaps on demand and unload them as soon as they have been converted to textures. This will keep memory use minimised. Also a possible texture memory leak has been closed. Also, when an image is turned off from the tree (or a drill hole is switched off) the image and texture memory is unloaded. 17. EGB surfaces that use grids now unload/load this data on demand. 18. ERMapper raster file support improved. 19. If a LUT file is unlocated then the system will only report the error once on loading the session. 20. If a raster grid has been decimated during import the original size of the grid is shown in brackets in the grid information dialog. Information is also given about the NULL value and number of NULL grid cells. 21. If an EGB file is unlocated or an image file referenced by the EGB is lost the system will only report an error once. 22. Improved drill hole EGB curtain widths and scaling. The width can now be defined in the EGB file and scaling control is more powerful. 23. Improved grid compression controls and options. 24. Improved integration with the LUT and Legend editors. 25. Improved numeric accuracy of output ERMapper grid file header. 26. Increased maximum line length in DXF files. 27. Look-at point now remains a constant size as you zoom in and out. 28. Made some savings in memory consumption for EGB files that use grids. 29. Modified drill hole EGB coordinate calculation so that the curtain is always perpendicular to the hole locally. Note that this can cause some overlap of the image. 30. Moved label anchor position from 3D symbols as they didn't work. 31. Optimised 3D rendering code in navigate mode. 32. Removed coordinates from EGB serialisation which can reduce the size of sessions/templates/components and also clipboard data. 33. Removed some data duplication in EGB files to minimise memory use. This particularly improves the memory use of EGB files that refer to external grids as the surface geometry source. 34. Restricted the compression slider in EGB files from 30 - 100% so that users cannot set compression at less than 30% via the GUI. This is to ensure a reasonable level of compression is always achieved and to prevent memory and CPU blowouts. 35. Restricted the compression slider in Image (Surface) files from 30 - 100% so that users cannot set compression at less than 30% via the GUI. This is to ensure a reasonable level of compression is always achieved and to prevent memory and CPU blowouts. 36. Standardised the way in which lost files are relayed to the user. The full path and name of the file will be shown in the title of the File Selector dialog which can be resized to view the entire name if need be. It will also be shown in the status bar whilst the dialog is open. 37. Streamlined the settings for axis arrangement in floating axes. 38. Support for surfaces in EGB files improved. 39. The auto reset of the view transform now has a larger range before it gets triggered. 40. The directory a session is loaded from will now be guaranteed to be the first path searched when looking for lost files. 41. The Located Image->Offset page now has some new transform options. You can scale the Z value, offset the X,Y and Z values, or use a DTM to specify the values. 42. The shadow scaling in the grid image pseudocolour intensity layer

43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49.

50. 51.


and the RGB intensity layer is now computed using a more robust technique. All existing sessions, templates and components will lose their user shadow scaling factors when reloaded. It will be reset to default. Thereafter, it can be modified and resaved. This fixes problems we have seems with latitude/longitude grids and with grids that have very low or extremely high dynamic ranges. The voxel model information report now takes into account any clipping of the model when computing the volume of the model and of thresholds and lithology thresholds. Tool tips are now created for any dynamically created toolbars specified in the .etm files. Upgraded 3D surface compression to support decimation and no compression. Supported various decimation options. Users can now control the size of critical 3D textures. Voxel model optimisations when modifying certain objects such as Slices, Isosurfaces, and thresholds. When in 3D navigate mode the position of 3D origin axis will be displayed on the status when the 3D origin is shown. When loading an EGB, the path to the EGB is now added to the find lost file mechanism so any fully qualified sub files of the EGB will be located if they are dropped into the same directory as the EGB. When you turn on slices for a voxel model, only one slice will initially appear. Surface Property page improvements: * Added the ability to see the name of the selected surface in the tree view of the imager properties pages. * Added companion edit boxes to go with the Scale and Offset sliders in the Surface Layer Property Page for Imager objects. * Grids list can now been seen on the Surface page as well as the layer page. The graphical drill hole selection dialog has been improved in a number of ways. * New control layout * Added status bar to show world coordinates that the mouse pointer is at when moving around the graphical view. * Added a new view control that can switch the way drill holes are selected, that is you can now select holes using the XP Plane (Top view), XZ Plane (front view) and the YZ Plane (side view). * View mode saved between instances.

Defects * 3D compass was not displaying properly when a 2D vector file was displayed in a 3D view. * 3D text size is now related to screen percentage. 1pt = 0.4% screen. * After saving a view to file, copying to the clipboard or generating an AVI, EGB files would be corrupted. * Any view with a textured surface in it would render slowly. * Auto updating now detects changes to legend files. * Axis scale property pages reported the wrong information is some instances. * Colour Lookup Table Editor and Legend Editor were displaying and error message if the user tried to "edit" a file that has a space in its path name. * Colour LUT files of the same name from different search paths were being rejected. Now retained with a modified name. * Colour LUT files were not being properly searched for on disk after deserialisation. * Colour modulation switch and adding/deleting bands from the

workspace tree is more tightly integrated. * Colour tables were not read properly in certain circumstances when interpolation was set to HSL. * Computation of the view data space range was including series which had been switched off. The view transform was not being reset as required. * Contours were not regenerating when loaded in a session. * Corrected location where ERS files are rendered. * Crash occurred if the LUT editor was closed after closing the property page that invoked it. * Crash occurred if the system template file did not exist or was not a valid template. * Display a drill hole, then all holes, and then switch on colour modulation. Would crash. * Displaying drill hole data had a number of Defects that affected the display such as appropriate colour/legend modulation etc. These were only seen in certain circumstances. * Drag and drop improved with expanded file type support, targeting a single document when multiple files are dropped and targeting a single grid image series when multiple files are dropped. * Drill hole datasets that contained a single station could cause Disc3D to throw an exception when loading. Also, the desurveying for holes with only one station was failing. * Drill holes were not rendering cleanly due to floating point round-off errors. * EGB files were not performing properly when saving a bitmap on the screen or when rendered in an AVI. Performance of AVI generation was also being compromised by EGB files. * EGB files with grids were broken. * Fast symbol sizes are now closer to normal symbol sizes. * Filled symbols were not rendering properly in 3D. * Fixed a problem where the workspace tree would unexpectedly expand some nodes after modifying some property page. * Fixed a problem which caused grids to be loaded when not needed in Voxel and EGB series. * Fixed a problem with filenames in the startup.etm files containing hyphens in the directory names. On some machines the tool would not be added. * Fixed colour space and crashing problems associated with some PNG files. * Fixed coordinate round-off problem in blocks of DXF files. * Fixed minor bug in Vertical Mapper grid support. * Fixed problem with Datamine voxel model cell sizes. * Fixed problems with miss-location of EGB curtains on drill holes. Implemented support for texture coordinates in these EGB files. * Fixed the problem with the SHARE.exe message box popping up. * Fixed TIFF read/write support. * Fixed up block handling for 2D and 3D DXF files so that any number of blocks can now be handled. (Previously there was a limit of about 2000 blocks due to the use of temp files for blocks. File offsets within the original DXF file are now used instead). * Geosoft wholeplot (later version) survey database group name was being set to the file name but some parts of the code assume it is called "Survey". Now we always set the Collar group name to Collar and Survey group name to Survey. Also, the survey file was not being recognised if the filename was not "Survey". We still require the survey file to have "Survey" in the filename. * Graph initial colour table property page was inactive. * Grid name in image series tree was not set correctly when a grid was loaded via a plug-in.

* Grid rendering performance was compromised by texture mapping and grid normals were incorrectly calculated. * HSL colour interpolation was not working. * If "Auto Apply" was turned on for a Lines->Symbol property page then when turning on modulate colour it would automatically turn itself back off. * If a multi-element EGB series had some elements turned off those settings were not preserved in serialisation or when copying that object. * If a voxel model was using a legend or colour lookup table and the colour table got modified, the voxel model was not auto updating with the new colour scale. * If an offset was applied to an EGB file that used bitmap origin/extremity coordinates the bitmap was not offset with the geometry. * If displaying two or more objects in 3D view and you then deleted one of the objects, the view extents appeared to be taking into consideration the deleted object until a property in any of the remaining objects was modified and then the view would appear to jump to the correct extents. * If no EGB file name is specified at the end of the wizard it automatically opens the File Save As... Dialog to obtain one. * If you changed the band in the surface properties then its attributes were not being passed to the children layers. * If you try to display depth labels on a drill hole that does not come from a drill hole database it would crash or behave poorly. * iHelp jumped to a new page when changing tabs via a ShowMe call. * iHelp jumped to unexpected page if property page had no iHelp page. * Image processing engine was sometimes rendering grids as vertically striped images. Also, it was incorrectly using interpolation in some cases when it was not required, impacting on rendering performance. * Improved code which renders DXF files containing polyface Mesh polylines. Previously the wrong bounded box was being computed which meant nothing was displayed. * Legend files failed to load entries where the data type was text and the text item was an empty string. * Legends were drawn upside down in some colour property pages. * Lighting on EGB surfaces was not correctly initialised when first switched on. * Loaded sessions were having their saved Eye and Lookat positions reset and therefore the view was different to what the user saved it as. * Loading datasets across a network drive that was not mapped was failing. * Logarithmic contour scales were not being correctly generated. * Memory leaks fixed in the feature database. * Mouse middle button navigation in 3D was not terminating when you release the mouse button. * Multi-banded voxel models were not rendering correctly and were only displaying the set of valid cells rather than the valid cells for each band. * Objects can no longer be inverted by dragging back on themselves. * On the Image->Advanced property page the "Clip recursively" and "Clip on edge only" controls were not being set correctly after clicking on "ok" or "apply" for the property page. * Polygons from 2D DXF vector files rendered as 2D in 3D views were not closed properly and would not render in all cases. * Problems displaying RGB images. * Problems scaling series. * Redrawing efficiency was improved for complicated documents when

using selections. * Removed label anchor position from 3D symbols as they didn't work. * Rendering of bendy tubes was failing when there were equal points on the tube. This was caused by a fix for a bug for NULL point rendering made a few weeks ago. * Sections were not displaying on demand in 3D. It would often require changing something else to make the section appear. * Sessions that saved views in fast mode were not restoring back into fast mode. * Some of the voxel model formats were not closing their input file(s) after loading the files. This prevented any other application or process from using the file(s). * Surface textures were not rendered in layout mode if the surface was constructed in fast view. * Symbol size units are not used in 3D and have been removed. Other changes to the property page to remove invalid options in different states have been made. * Symbols were being stretched when axes were scaled anisotropically. * Text offset factors have been fixed - 1 unit = 0.1% of the screen. * The 3D compass was being drawn when printing. * The accuracy of the information reported in the data tab of the iHelp window has been improved. * The Colour Scale dialog that could be accessed via the voxel model property pages was not handling last loaded legends correctly. * The DTM Z offset for 2D vector files in 3D maps was not working there were user interface issues as well as its failure to apply the grid offset. * The Grid directory was not being remembered when loading Algorithms or ECW's via the Surface Wizard button. * The properties displayed in the document were not being saved into sessions and templates. * The XY pixel size of EGB files for export was not being honoured. * There was a problem with the auto update of a surface. If the surface was using different grids for different layers then during an auto update if one of the grids was modified then all layers were set to the same grid. In some instances linked cursors were not operating from profiles to maps. This was because the first and/or last stations in the line had NULL X or Y values. * There was no warning or find lost file routine if a grid which was referenced from inside an EGB could not be found. * There were a number of obscure and generally unseen Defects in the record set construction code for drill holes. There was also a rendering bug in the drill hole tube rendering algorithm that inserted gaps into the hole (interpreted as nulls). Rendering across nulls in this situation may have misrepresented the data in some cases. * TIFF import/export fixed. * Transparency slider on surfaces was not updating correctly. * Transparent colour ranges were not being set correctly when coming through the COM interface. * Transparent object rendering Defects addressed. * UBC voxel import failed to read files with cell sizes split over multiple lines. * Voxel isosurface transparency slider was not functioning. * Voxel model report was confusing length and height. Report formatting was improved. * Voxel model was returning mixed up Y and Z coordinate ranges when offsets were applied. This led to problems with the 3D annotations and view transforms. * Voxel models that do not store the NULL value locally in the file

were not deserialising correctly. * We discovered that geosoft wholeplot databases have changed format at some stage in the past. Whilst the desurveyed XYZ coordinates for each sample used to be computed and stored as the top of the sample it now seems they are the centre of the sample. We now desurvey all geosoft wholeplot data and recompute the XYZ coordinates. This information is not written back into the database - it is computed each time the database is opened. * When a new colour table selection was made the appropriate table was not reflected in the property page and the change was sometimes lost. * When axes are switched off/on, the auto arrangement algorithm moved them to suit the new arrangement of displayed axes. This was undesirable and not the intention of the user. * When loading drill hole databases insufficient attention was paid to NULL or EMPTY fields in the collar and survey fields. In some cases this could lead to holes failing to display because - for example the survey data was not recorded in the database. ====================================================================== Encom Discover 3D v1.00 ====================================================================== Version 1.0.67 Released April 2004.

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