Biocontrol Efficiency of Some Aquatic Insects Against Aquatic Forms of The Dengue Vector Aedes

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Ramanathapuram Sundaram Mohanraj et al.

, IJSID, 2012, 2 (6), 539-550



International Journal of Science Innovations and Discoveries

Research Article

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BIOCONTROL EFFICIENCY OF SOME AQUATIC INSECTS AGAINST AQUATIC FORMS OF THE DENGUE VECTOR AEDES Ramanathapuram Sundaram Mohanraj,*1Palanisamy Vadivel Soumya2 and Balasubramaniam Dhanakkodi2
2Department 1 Department

of Zoology, Kongunadu Arts and Science College (Autonomous), Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India.

of Zoology, Government Arts College (Autonomous), Coimbatore-641018,Tamilnadu, India.

Received: 13-11-2012 Accepted: 05-12-2012

*Corresponding Author

ABSTRACT In vitro test of collections of aquatic insects showed that Gyrinus natator, Nepa cinerea and Cybister tripunctatus were remarkably predaceous over the aquatic forms of the mosquito, basis which indicated their poor tolerance to sewage. activity Aedes aegypti. However, consumption rate varied with different instar stages of the mosquito. The survivability of these predatory insects in sewage was examined in a trial

Address: Name: RS Mohanraj Place: Tamilnadu, India E-mail:

Keywords: Aedes aegypti, Gyrinus natator, Nepa cinerea, Cybister tripunctatus, predatory



International Journal of Science Innovations and Discoveries, Volume 2, Issue 6, November-December 2012


Ramanathapuram Sundaram Mohanraj et al., IJSID, 2012, 2 (6), 539-550 threats to human health. The mobility of modern human populations and the globalisation of commerce have greatly increased nuisance with significant implications for the economy and quality of life. show more dependency on human blood [1] and breed in artificial containers like discarded automobile tires, flower vases, tin out effort to eradicate these deleterious insects at least from human dwellings for the protection of public health. In many parts of the world, diseases transmitted by mosquitoes such as malaria, dengue and yellow fever pose serious INTRODUCTION Among the different species of mosquitoes, individuals of genus Aedes are considered highly dangerous because, they

the probability these diseases could be exported to where they are not currently endemic. Mosquitoes can also be serious

cans, jars, unused water closets, cisterns and the like in and around human habitations [2]. It is therefore necessary to take allsynthetic insecticides are widely used for controlling adult and larval mosquito populations. However, the harmful effects of chemical on non-target populations and current restrictions on pesticide use and habitat management and continuing mosquito control. In recent years, scientists try a variety of botanical derivatives to eradicate many harmful insect pests including For years, mankind has been exploring various methods to combat threats from mosquito-borne diseases. Many

problems with chemical resistance to mosquito have prompted us to explore alternative, simple, sustainable methods of mosquitoes. Some of the plant products tested for their insecticidal properties on the medically and economically important mosquitoes are: cake powders of linseed, mustard, castor, mahuana [3]; steam distilled oils of Tagetes minuta [4]; petroleum [12];aqueous and chloroform extracts of Leucas aspera leaf[13];aqueous leaf and seed extracts of Lantana camara[14]. is remote.

ether extract of karanja seeds and garlic bulbs[5]; leaves and tuber of Curcuma raktakanda [6]; aqueous leaf extracts of

Lepidagathis alopecuroides [7]; leaf extract of Ageratina adenophora [8]; leaf essential oils from Cinnamomum osmophloeum

[9]. Extensive studies on insecticidal activity of neem are available [10,11];acetone extracts of Momordica tuberose leaves be toxic to larval and adult forms of insects are still inconspicuous in most of the cases. Marketable feasibility of such products programs. Recent techniques to modify genes of mosquitoes are believed to be an appropriate international remedy against malaria and dengue fever. The main purpose is to produce a genetically modified strain of mosquito in the laboratory which problems with this approach, and it is taking some time to turn the prospects of this technology into practical tools [15]. that can adapt to mosquito breeding habitats are found naturally, and pose no danger to people [16]. does not serve as a carrier of disease and which is competitively superior in the natural habitat such that wild mosquitoes will The potential for the use of genetics against mosquito-larva infection has recently been considered in vector control

However, studies on most of the plants are incomplete. Methods of extraction of key substances which could actually

eventually be replaced after the release of genetically altered mosquitoes in nature. However, there are several ethical

promising. Various organisms, known as natural biological control agents, can be utilized to control mosquito populations, Pathogenic disease and parasitic worms may weaken or destroy the aquatic stages of the mosquitoes. Nematodes

thus avoiding the use of chemicals and harm to the environment in the process. It is desirable to use biological control agents

Therefore, the exploration of more effective and eco-friendly techniques to control mosquitoes seems to be very

belonging to Romanomermis culicivorax species [17], endopathogenic bacteria of type Bacillus thuringenesis and Bacillus sphaericus [18,19,20,21] and protozoans like Parathelohania anopheles [22] and Amblyospora sp. [23] have been tested to International Journal of Science Innovations and Discoveries, Volume 2, Issue 6, November-December 2012


control mosquito. However, it has been reported that mosquitoes can develop resistance to these pathogens [24,25] which might reduce the possibilities of their use on a large scale. predators may affect all stages of mosquitoes. In nature, ants may take eggs, fish and aquatic insect predators feed on larvae and pupae and spider and birds capture and destroy adults. Use of larvivorous fish is one of the best known bio-methods of Cnesterodom decemmaculatus and Jenynsia multidentata [29]; Poecillia reticulate [30], Mollienesia sphenops and Kuhlia demonstrated a strong predation for mosquito larvae in cisterns, water tanks, wells garden, pools, marshes, drainage ditches, such as minnows and catfish which makes culture and supply difficult [34] and their inability to adapt themselves to polluted documented [35]. irrigated pastures, swimming pools and fish ponds in different parts of the world. Despite mosquito fish is the most commonly Predatory organisms are therefore preferable and studies related to their predatory efficiency are welcome. Various

Ramanathapuram Sundaram Mohanraj et al., IJSID, 2012, 2 (6), 539-550

controlling mosquitoes. Mosquito eating fish Gambusia affinis [26,27]; Pseudomugil signifier and Gambusia holbrooki [28]; taeniurus [31] and Misgurnus nizolepis [32]; Anabas testudineus, Clarias batrachus and Heteropneustes fossilis [33] the fish are cannibalistic and feed upon their offspring, in the fish farms, they compete for food and space with desirable fish Attempts to control vector mosquitoes using many adult and larvae of aquatic insects have been made all over the

used biological control agent for mosquitoes, its use is coupled with several specific problems. Some of the disadvantages are:

waters [31]. Adverse opinions on the introduction of Gambusia affinis for the control of larval mosquitoes have been world. Larval and adults of different species of insects Toxorhynchites have been used for the control of mosquitoes [36,37,38]. Sphaerodema annulatum, an aquatic Hemipteran has been recorded to be predaceous on larvae of dipterans [39] and its

possible utilization in the control of mosquito larva has been suggested [40]. The predatory efficacy of the water bug, S. annulatum have estimated against larvae of mosquitoes C. quinquefaciatus and A. aegypti [41]. The predatory activity of predatory activity of D. indicus was affected in the presence of Trebon [42]. A rise in the level of prey consumption with increase in prey density has also been noticed. The predation of Notonecta undulata established on larvae of the yellow fever aquatic hemipteran Diplonychus indicus has studied on different age groups of the prey Culex quinquefasciatus and found that mosquito and Anopheles quadrimaculatus [43,44]. The control efficacy of predatory copepods, Mesocyclops thermocyclopoides, Macrocyclops albidus [45,46,47] against mosquito larvae has been evaluated. The dragon fly, Erythermis simplicicallis which inhabits mosquito-infested areas and feeds naturally on mosquito larva [48]; diving beetles Colymbetes paykulli and Ilybius Toxorhynchites splendens has studied on IV instar larvae of Culex quinquefasciatus [50] ; predation potential of the larvae of nymphs studied against larvae of the Anopheles subpictus [52]; the predatory activity of Evarcha culicivora has noticed against shorefly, Ochthera chalybescens has noticed against the malarial vectors [57]. Acilius sulcatus was assessed using the larvae of Culex quinquefasciatus [51]; The biocontrol efficacy of Brachytron pratense Diplonychus annulatus against Culex quinquefasciatus and Culex annulirostris has been studied [55,56]; predatory capacity of encouraged for the suppression of mosquito population. This needs record of predatory capacity of every insect species that are yet to be or already enlisted and their adaptability to diverse environmental conditions. International Journal of Science Innovations and Discoveries, Volume 2, Issue 6, November-December 2012 However, in view of the crying need for the application of insect predators in large scale, studies of this kind may be

ater are used as predatorory for the Culex sp. [49]; The predatory activity of Sphaerodema annulatum, Rhantus sikkimensis and the Anopheles mosquitoes [53]; The bicontrol efficiency of odonate nymphs has estimated against larvae of Culex

quinquefasciatus [54]; Predatory activity of the aquatic heteropteran bugs, Anisops bouvieri, Diplonychus rusticus and


predaceous over aquatic forms of mosquitoes and to find out the predatory potential of each of the predators found and their survivability in the medium of domestic sewage. Predators MATERIALS AND METHODS Gyrinus natator (Plate 1), Nepa cinerea (Plate 2) and Cybister tripunctatus (Plate 3) were the predators, whose A variety of aquatic insects found in shallow waters at ponds and river edges in and around Coimbatore viz. Each type of insects were placed in separate experimental containers with tap water as 3 each. They were provided

The present study is therefore aimed at a thorough search for possible number of aquatic insects which are

Ramanathapuram Sundaram Mohanraj et al., IJSID, 2012, 2 (6), 539-550

predatory potential against mosquito larvae was estimated. Collection and selection of predators

Singanallur lake, Ukkadam pond, Kuruchi lake and Kallar river were collected by hand or by using small dip net 5 10 litres of pond water with all debris and small vegetation was also collected in plastic cans. The insects were kept in the laboratory in plastic containers with enough native water till the commencement of experiment. with mosquito larvae of various stages to see that whether they habitually feed upon them or not. The type of insects, which found consuming mosquito larvae were kept in separate containers for further study. They were supplied with mosquito activity over mosquito larvae. Prey captured and tested, 3 types of aquatic insects, Gyrinus natator, Nepa cinerea and Cybister tripunctatus showed predatory study. Eggs of Aedes mosquitoes were collected from this college campus. They were hatched and reared in the laboratory. The adults were identified and maintained in cages. The larvae obtained from this stock were used for different experiments. Maintenance of prey Different larval stages of the yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti were used as experimental animals in the present The adult mosquitoes were maintained in a cage of size, 1 cu. Feet. The cage was made up of steel frame wrapped with

larvae ad libitum. Those insects which do not respond to mosquito larvae were discarded. Among the different types of insects

tightly stitched mosquito netting. The cage had a provision (a whole) for handling of materials present inside. The hole was was replaced by new set of mosquitoes every 15 days. For proper replacement, sexed pupae were placed in to cage. The females were fed with partially defeathered chick every alternate day. inside wall of the cup was lined with filter paper. moist with the solution. A egg collection cup (ovipot) containing sugar solution was always placed at a corner of the cage. The closed with muslin cloth, for preventing contamination through foreign mosquitoes.

guarded by a cloth sleeve with the help of which it could be suddenly closed after being used. A total number of 20 mosquitoes with a sex ratio of 1 : 1 as suggested by [58] were regularly maintained in the cage for continuous supply of eggs. The stock Both female and males were provided with 10% glucose solution on cotton wicks [59]. The cotton was always kept The larvae were reared in plastic cups, they were daily provided commercial fish food ad libitum. Water was changed

alternate days. The breeding medium was regularly checked and dead larvae were removed at sight. The cultures were kept

International Journal of Science Innovations and Discoveries, Volume 2, Issue 6, November-December 2012


Ramanathapuram Sundaram Mohanraj et al., IJSID, 2012, 2 (6), 539-550 Estimation of predatory potential as described by [60,61]. It has been defined as the sum of the number of prey killed and the number of remaining alive, substracted from the number of prey remaining alive in the control container. Predatory potential of the aquatic insects, selected in the present study on the larvae of Aedes mosquito was estimated

diameter filled with 750 ml tap water and offered 100 mosquito larvae of I or II or III or IV instar stage or pupae. Number of mosquito larvae remained alive at the end of 24 hours was counted. The experiment was repeated 5 times for each type of predator. The control containers were identical in every respect except for the absence of predators. Survivability of the predator in sewage insect predators to the sewage. The sewage collected on any day at 9 am was considered 100% and diluted to 75%, 50% and number of mosquito larvae remain alive was not taken into account. were statistically analysed using students t test. Sewage collected at the outlet of the college hostel was used in the present study to understand the tolerance of the

In order to find out the predatory potential of the insects, 3 predators of each type in one litre plastic cup of 15 cm

25% with tap water. Five predators of each type were introduced into each concentration of sewage and offered mosquitoe larvae at fourth instar ad libitum. The medium was renewed every 24 hours and the mortality of predators was recorded. The The data were compared with that of the control, which contained similar experimental organisms in tap water and RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Consumption rate per predator in 24 hours of G. natator against mosquito larvae was considerably higher compared

Predatory potential of Gyrinus natator against larvae of Aedes aegypti natator against II, III and

to that of any other insect predator. Mean number of I instar larvae consumed in 24 hours is 28.13. Predatory potential of G. consumed by this predator was 14.33, which was less than that of the larvae of lower age groups (Table 1) Survivability of Gyrinus natator in sewage medium of sewage. Beetle of this type survived to a maximum extent of only 48 hours in undiluted sewage. At the medium of 75% and These insects seemed to feed upon mosquito larvae by piercing the body of larvae and sucking the juice. The rate of IV instar larvae of mosquito was 26.84, 23.46 and 20.85, respectively. Average number of pupae

50% sewage they could be alive for 96 hours. G. natator were found to tolerate relatively a longer period of 14 days in 25% Predatory potential of Nepa cinerea against larvae of Aedes aegypti consumption was ranging from 16.26 to 27.73 for I to IV instar larvae per predator per 24 hours. Relatively larvae at III and IV larvae consumed by a predator in 24 hours was 27.73 whereas those at I and II instar stages were less preferred. As a general rule, number of pupae consumed by the predator was significantly lower than that of III and IV instars (Table 2). Survivability of Nepa cinerea in sewage introduction and the remaining one could not tolerate the next 24 hours. In 75% medium of sewage, the life of the predator extended upto 72 hours but maximum death occurred within 24 hours. The N. cinerea was found to tolerate upto hours in 50% and 25% of the sewage but none survived more than 96 hours. International Journal of Science Innovations and Discoveries, Volume 2, Issue 6, November-December 2012 Among the five N. cinerea introduced into the medium of undiluted sewage, 4 died within 24 hours from the time of 96

instar stages were highly preferred by the predator rather than the other stages. For instance, the average number of IV instar


Ramanathapuram Sundaram Mohanraj et al., IJSID, 2012, 2 (6), 539-550 Predatory potential of Cybister tripunctatus against larvae of Aedes aegypti Predation against I instar larvae was considerably greater than that of other instars. Average number of I instar larvae relatively less number of IV instar larvae 18.73 and pupae 15.66 were consumed by this predator (Table 3). Survivability of Cybister tripunctatus in sewage C. tripunctatus was morphologically bigger than any other insect predators encountered during this study period.

consumed per predator / 24 hours was 28.53 whereas that of II and III instar were 25.59 and 22.26, respectively. However,

insects did not die when kept in tap water under laboratory conditions for a long time i.e., for more than 2 months as observed in the present study. However, period of their survival was reduced when kept in different concentrations of sewage. The predators survived a maximum of 22 days in 25% sewage medium. Period of survival was less with increase in concentration of sewage. Mode of predation

C. tripunctatus occurs among rooted vegetation in running water which seems uncontaminated and glassy. These

Aedes aegypti, Nepa cinerea and Cybister tripunctatus were observed to pierce the body of the mosquito larvae, suck the juice type simply swallowed the mosquito larvae.

or partially digested tissues and throw away undigestable tissues and skeleton of the prey. Plates 4 and 5 clearly show the Aedes aegypti [46]. A study on feeding behavior of larvae of the predaceous mosquito, Culex tigripes observed that the predator preferred prey larvae of an earlier stage. Selection of young larvae may be attributed to large size and escape behavior of other Based on the observation in the present study it could be remarked that prey selection by predators may be attributed to their mode of feeding. For instance, Nepa cinerea posseses piercing and sucking type mouthparts and pierce large bodied instars, feed upon older larvae and thus take significantly higher number of larvae at first and second instar stages,. However, this remnants of harder portions of preys body in the medium of these predators stood as an evidence for their feeding behavior. piercing and sucking type of feeding, they consumed more number of I and II instar larvae of the mosquito. Presence of kept in the medium of 50% and 25% sewage. Reduction in predatory activity of certain aquatic hemipterans on mosquito larvae in the presence of certain chemicals including pesticides has been reported [42]. This seems discouraging the purpose natural habitats. Each of the predators selected for the present study were observed for their survival efficiency in sewage. All the instar stages [62]. Observation of [41] on predation efficacy of the water bug, S. annulatum against mosquito larvae showed

prey caught at the rostrum of N.cinerea and remnants of prey thrown away by the predator, respectively. Insects of G.natator A predatory copepod,Macrocyclops albidus showed higher predatory activity on the the larvae of Aedes albopictus and

Among the three types of predatory insects evaluated for their predatory potential against the larvae and pupae of

that either sex of the predator killed more number of II instar than III instar of Culex quinquefasciatus. The distance between whereas Gyrinus natator were found to possess biting and chewing or swallowing type feeding, which makes them difficult to explanation does not justify the predatory activity of Cybister tripunctatus, since even though the insect of this type possess

the mandibles of the predator in relation to the size of the larvae affect the predatory activity of larval Dytiscus marginalis.[63].

insects under study survived considerably relatively shorter period in the medium of undiluted sewage compared to those of this trial that whether these insects may be used as bio-control agents by keeping them in house hold sewage outlets. However, it could be understood that these predatory insects are playing main role in the control of mosquitoes in their International Journal of Science Innovations and Discoveries, Volume 2, Issue 6, November-December 2012


Table 1. Predatory potential* of Gyrinus natator against different instar stages of Aedes aegypti Number of larvae consumed / predator / 24 hours Number of trials I II III IV Pupae 1 29 27.66 23.33 21.6 13.33 2 28.33 26.33 23.66 20.66 15.33 3 27 26 23 21 14.33 4 27.66 27.33 24 19.66 13.66 5 28.66 27 23.33 21.33 15 Mean 28.13 26.84 23.46 20.85 14.33 SD 0.7177 0.6165 0.3396 0.6734 0.7612 * Mean number of prey consumed by a predator in 24 hours. Significantly different (P<0.05) from that of first instar Table 2. Predatory potential* of Nepa cinerea against different instar stages of Aedes aegypti Number of larvae consumed / Predator / 24 hours Number of trials I II III IV Pupae 1 15 18 28.33 28.33 16.66 2 17.66 17 22 27.33 18 3 17 17.66 22.66 27.66 17 4 15.33 18 22 28 17 5 16.33 17.33 23 27.33 17.33 Mean 16.26 17.60 22.60 27.73 17.20 SD 0.9964 0.3889 0.5322 0.3892 0.4535 * Mean number of prey consumed by a predator in 24 hrs. Significantly different (p<0.05) from that of I instar

Ramanathapuram Sundaram Mohanraj et al., IJSID, 2012, 2 (6), 539-550

Table 3. Predatory potential* of Cybister tripunctatus against different instar stages of Aedes aegypti Number of larvae consumed / predator / 24 hours. Number of trials I II III IV Pupae 1 28.33 25 23.33 19.33 16 2 29.33 26 21.66 18.33 15 3 28 25.33 22.66 19 15.66 4 28.33 25.66 21.66 18.33 15.33 5 28.66 26 22 18.66 16.33 Mean 28.53 25.59 22.26 18.73 15.66 SD 0.451 0.3889 0.6469 0.3893 0.4709 * mean number of prey consumed by a predator in 24 hours. Significantly different (p<0.05) from that of I Instar.

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Ramanathapuram Sundaram Mohanraj et al., IJSID, 2012, 2 (6), 539-550

Plate 4. Exhibits the view of the mosquito larva got pierced at the rostrum of the predator, Nepa cinerea

Plate 5. shows the remnants of body tissues and skeleton of mosquito larvae thrown away by the predator International Journal of Science Innovations and Discoveries, Volume 2, Issue 6, November-December 2012


Ramanathapuram Sundaram Mohanraj et al., IJSID, 2012, 2 (6), 539-550 biological control agents, can be utilized to control mosquito populations, thus avoiding the use of chemicals and harm to the environment in the process. It is desirable to use biological control agents that can adapt to mosquito breeding habitats are found naturally, and pose no danger to people. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. REFERENCES Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) collected in rural Thai village. J. Med. Ent. 30: 922 927. Entomol. 21: 117-127. Sitophilus oryzae Linnaeus. Ind. J. Ent. 46: i196 200. The Cyrinus natator, Nepa cinerea and Cybister tripunctatus were remarkably predaceous Aedes aegypti. These. natural CONCLUSION

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