Hibernation and Hypothermia Perspectives and Challenges - Book Review

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Riedeseler M. L. I974 Book Review. Hibernati-on alrd Hypo,th-egmia: Perspectiyes and Challengeq, F.. E. South, J.P. Hannon, J.S.

Willis, E. Pen,gelley, and N.R. Alpert, eds . , 1972 , NY: Elsevj-er. 743 pp. American Scientist 62: LO4.


Hibernation and Ilypothermia: perspectives and Chailenges. F. E. South et al., eds. 743 pp. American
Elsevier, 19?2" $24.50.

temperatures. Research actir,'ities Irom 'a variety' of disciplines are represented in this publication, rvhich inciudes 965 reierences to research papers. While the table of contents appears to be a shotgl;n approach, a more derailed examination reveals that the rooics considered are those in which nrerked rcsearch advances have been made in recent years. Review papers cn specific topics are followed by' perceptive and challenging short ci-ranters written by a

Both the ecologist interestecl in tnlto environmental extremes and the physician interested in cessation of circulation to vital tissues can enrich his thinking on rhe ph-vsiolog_v cf whole anirnals and tissues at neir lreezrng

contractile mr:cromolecules.

ing over widc temperature fanges provides an excellent research lool for examinins the ph;,sical chemistry of muscle contrat--tion.'lhe force-veiocitv (urves of grc,und squirrel paprllar!. rnuscle operlting at variotrs temppra. tures provided models which show anatomicai and energy characteristics of

In the CNS and


lemperalure regulation are well thought out and provide insighl into comparative ph1'siology" An intuitive
reader may be led to the conceprs tl:at

hibernation and hypothermia. Th;r chapters concerned r+.ith models of

section there is an e.rcelient review of the literature regardine ECG activitv in various portions of the brain cluring

behavioral responses and di{furent centers or physiological forms of tmperatr-rre regulat.ion are operabrle niitors on diticrent occasions.

committee-making a combinaiion
cles alone. lVlost present points of view whjch are agreeci upon b;,' the committee rnembers and help the reader iden_ tifu pertinent concepts and ideas. The extremell, low metabolic rate



much more valuable than review arti-

Timing and synchrony of the environment is a particr.rlarl;- thought-proclence ol the extent to which important. endogenous rhvthms may be iniluenced b.. intelrati()rr oI the various aspects ot lhe environment. I agree with the eiji-

vcking section. 'fhe ieacler is given evi-

represents a real barrier to examination of intermediar,v metabolism. The cause most studies are conducted on material removed lrom the hrvpothermic or hibernating animals anci-examined at 3?'C. The presentation on the physical chemistry ol waler helps the

during hibernalion and

interpretaiion of

dita is difficult


M. L. Riedeset, BiaLag_v, Liniuersitii

i\it:w Metica

tors that the necessity to take equipment and knowledge gainc.d in the laboratorv to field situations is an excellent theme on which to close a discussion oi hlrporhermia and hibernation.-



There is little doubt in the readeris mind that t.here are differences in the mechanisrns by which diiferent species change electrolyte metabolism in re-

problems invoiveC in maintenance ol. electrol-v-te balance during cooling.

tabolism at low temperatures. The seciion on membranes and elec. trolJtes clearly sets fbrth the various

reader understand the nature of me-

exciting is the evidence rhat within a given spccies diflirent rissues mav re. spond to cooling hr.. release. by remaining the same, or

to cooling.

Perhaps even more

hypothermia or bcut of hibernation" Recent major advances have treen made in the area ol moleeular aspects of nruscle conrraction, and thesc justil.v the cardiac nruscie -cection. 'fhe muscll of the rnamntalian hibernator iunction_

electrolyte. I)isruption ol eleciroivte balance may determine rhe extcnr of

uprake of a specific

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